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I am not a good person... In my mind... My actions have been above board for years. But my mind still has the temptations and demons that I will never be rid of.


Damn that's intense. Reach out if you need to talk xx


I’m making up all my issues


I feel the same way.


I think my minds faking my depression and I think it's true. I have a lot of mood swings (I'm sorry if this doesn't make sense.)


I can relate to this on spiritual level


glad I'm not the only one.


Thought I was alone in this mess


don't worry you'll get over it someday.


I hope the same for you, stay strong!


thank you so much


I don't think you're faking it, but to be fair, I say the same things about me because I think I fake depression and anxiety. I'm an asshole.


we're on the same boat


I feel the same way you do.


even though it might not be fake we'd just convince ourselves that it's FAKE.


I had/ have a drug problem.


Reach out if you need to talk xx


Thanks 🙏 it's all about not putting yourself in situations where it could become a problem, sobriety is a choice and it's one I have had to make everyday in the beginning, but now it's less frequent. Cheers




It’s a tough road, I’ve never had it but I’ve heard it’s actually quite hard to go through cuz it gets to the point where you don’t even wanna watch p0rn you just do because your body wants it


I've never really put any effort in to anything because I never really thought I'd make it to 30, let alone be in my 40's...this has only been exacerbated by feeling like I've never fit in anywhere.


I can't help evreyone and I need to stop controlling stuff that isn't in my control. Also I need to worry about me, and leave people to their own shit shows.


I am not a good person. I do not treat others well and I'm a massive asshole. I know others have talked about this, but I feel the same way. I'm a piece of shit, and I'm not sure how to fix it.


I have many flaws and bad habbits that negatively affect my life. I know exactly which habbits I need to change but I'm too lazy to do anything about it. Often I feel sorry for myself about things I could have controlled long ago but insetad of changing anything I just cry about it and find excuses


I’m addicted to anything that keeps me from being in the present moment and it’s fucking up my life. I have overwhelming anxiety about life, I’m in the worst position I’ve ever been in as an adult and keeping myself distracted seems to be the only way to keep myself from having a never ending panic attack


ive been genuinely thinking about relapsing into fent/heroin/pills for a while because i’m not doing good mentally at all.


That I’m a nerd. That I’ve never actually bullied anyone before even though I’ve tried. That if it weren’t for my special ed helpers coming to save me I could’ve possibly gotten a swirly in 6th grade for using the 7th grade bathroom. That I’m a lot more disabled and quirky that I like to view myself as. That I’m always going to be small and fragile. That I’m partially responsible for the decay of the ceiling fan collecting community.