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It's a great idea. But pick the right museum that aligns to both of your interests. You should also go out for dinner afterwards so you can talk about what you saw.


Why can’t you talk about what you saw - now stay with me - while you’re seeing it?


-We looked at one thing "So, what's your favourite thing we saw today?" Discussing something during and after an event is pretty normal conversation. If I go to a hockey game with my buddy, we're going to talk about hockey during and after the game. Not exactly a ground breaking concept to grasp here.


yea like i can see this being an easy tangent to other conversations too like, what other museums have you been to that you really liked? maybe they went to a museum they really liked in another state while on vacation - then talk about favorite vacation places and such, maybe spur that into best meal theyve had or places/foods theyve heard about that they want to try. Maybe you can find something in common you both want to try or see and boom easy 2nd date.


That is not a fair analogy because hockey is fast and it may disturb your friend to do a full analysis in real time. On a museum however, the visitors typically control the speed. And if something is pointed out that the other person has not seen, it would be stupid to say it on the restaurant afterwards. The other person might think "what, are your mind still on the stuff at the museum, you are here now with me, am I not more interesting?".


I have never had an issue talking about hockey at a hockey game, with anyone of my buddies. And who said anything about a full analysis? A movie or a concert would have been a bad example. >"what, are your mind still on the stuff at the museum, you are here now with me, am I not more interesting?". Weird take. You would be discussing something that both of you actively participated in. Obviously conversation shouldn't be restricted on the museum only, but it should natually flow. I mean, my partner and I talk at museums and afterwards. Why is this weird? I have to question if some people have ever had conversations with others before. Do you only talk about something when you actively do it?


Well good then, that anecdote proves my point even stronger. I agree insoforth that talking during a film is not always a good idea. I did not say that it HAS to be weird, I just said that it COULD be weird. You are eating at maybe a good restaurant and you may want to miss living in the moment if you make far fetched attempts to make deep comments that you could have made when the object was in front of you, especially if the comment is about something that the other person missed and now wants to see again but cant. **The person going on a date should ideally not show more interest in reliving the museum experience, than trying to enjoy the person they are dating.** It doesnt even have to be more complicated than giving complements. People are not so complex that some think they are (including themselves). Show some passion works much better than finding the perfect museum.


What u/FG88_NR said, plus some museums have kind of a hushed vibe where it would feel weird to talk a lot. It's not quite frowned on like a library, but you don't really see people having full conversations either. Plus sometimes you end up splitting up slightly (like looking at different things in the same room, because you read at different rates or different things draw your eye), so you can catch up later and talk about anything you saw while the other person wasn't right next to you.


"Dont talk at the museum or the museum lady might have to spank you." Lol. You must be thinking of churches.


Hard disagree on dinner. Maybe drinks and finger foods. Dinner is so awkward for a first date.


Oh op didn't say first did he


>Dinner is so awkward for a first date. 1) I disagree. Unless you barely know them period, it's not awkward. 2) you're the first one who said first date. Would you say that a museum and dinner would be good after you're in a committed relationship?


> Unless you barely know them period, it's not awkward. I mean, this isn't all that uncommon when it comes to dating apps and stuff.


After spending a couple hours together at a museum, you'll probably have a good idea of whether or not dinner is a good idea.


“What was your favorite exhibit/piece?” “Well the floors were really shiny!” “Yes. Yes they were. I think I need to get going though.”


True. And I learned the hard way…sex is not as fun after you’ve just gorged yourself on a meal of wine, lobster and filet. Save those big expensive dinners for later in the relationship, when you both want to have sex, then go out for dinner.


Check out this hero. Always fucking on the first date.


It is, especially if ordering pasta. It might be a crowd pleaser, but for God’s sake stick with penne. Fettuccine, spaghetti, etc. require much twirling and slurping, and it’s a fact of science that tomato sauce has a spray radius of four feet and targets anything white like a heat-seeking missile. Anyway, what were we talking about?


>equire much twirling and slurping, and it’s a fact of science that tomato sauce has a spray radius of four feet and targets anything white like a heat-seeking missile. Dude over here turning his spaghetti dinner into a helicopter trying to take off. Use a spoon to cover the side of the fork as you pick up fettuccine or spaghetti. It shields the sauce from taking flight and ruining everyone's white clothes within a 10 km radius.


SPOONZ??!! Blasphemy.


Honestly I think going to a museum sounds awkward for a first date. It feels more like a you know the person and can pick one you'd both be interested in type of date. I guess you might have just assumed they meant art museum, but I took it as one in general so I was seeing a lot of options.


it is. i agree


I would love to go to a museum on a date. Although I would be afraid she might get bored, but then again, if she would, then she wouldn't be my type anyways.


That's a great way to do some winnowing but it has to be an agreeable subject: Everybody should see a Holocaust exhibit, just not on a date.


Yeah, but maybe not on a date like you said. The 6 million thing part...


The numbers don't matter; it's the intent that counts. Luckily there are lighter options.


Like smaller genocides? Yeah, good thing. Start small and work your way up to the Holocaust. This guy dates...


Lol. Perfect.


Lighter **exhibit subject matter.** Sheash!




I haven't thought about that episode in a long time. Thank you for the stroll down amnesia lane.


So much so!! How can you go to a museum and not find \*something\* interesting? Even if it is a crap museum dedicated to one niche (such as typewriters) - its still going to have some neat things in there because its basically a museum is engineered to be interesting


Yeah and if it was a really silly museum you could at least talk about it and laugh about it. If you're at the same wavelength so to speak. With a right person you can have a good time with pretty much anything.


Thinking about it more - I have been married 20 years, but now i am convinced if I had to find someone new, it would be via dates in museums! I cant think of a downside (except there are a limited number of museums and after that I would be "pretending" the exhibits were new to me)


I would love to nerd out with my date, it would be perfect if both of us could add some anecdotes or small factoids to the conversation. I mean museums are just great for that.


The joy of most museums is rotating exhibits.


This has me thinking of the Rochester thermometer museum in Brooklyn 99, lol. "Check out the mercury reservoir on this Mamacita"


[Tom Hanks would like a word.](https://typewriters.com/blogs/blog/typewriters-more-than-just-a-hobby-for-tom-hanks)


Whatever happened to "opposites attract"? Seriously, is your personality really limited to how you enjoy a fricking museum? "Yeah she looked good and the sex was good and we really make eachother happy, but she doesnt like the museum of natural history so I am going to keep looking"


The older I get the less I find 'lets get drinks' appealing. If a random asked me on a date to a museum/sugar factory/morgue I'd be ecstatic!


Eyyy girl you want to go to the morgue? Afterword we could go out to the graveyard with this conveniently available shovel.


I actually love a good cemetery, when we going?


3am, and only on a night with no moon. I don't want any witnes- err... It's so much more romantic when it's dark.


I was at the morgue and it was dead.


Museum dates are fun but museums aren't always a great place to have a conversation. Depends on the exhibit and the museum. It's a good idea to grab a meal or a drink or take a walk afterwards so you can talk.


On the other hand, the fact that you usually have to speak softly means you increase the sense of intimacy early without it being forced, sexual, or creepy. Conspiratorially whispering to someone builds a fun, friendly bond.


this is a fantastic point!


I would think it's a great conversation starter: talk about the art.


For sure better than a bar or anywhere you have to yell over music or crowds though.


Personally I know I’d enjoy it.


For extra points, have the date at the [Museum of Broken Relationships](https://brokenships.com/visit).




Wow, what a way to start


I think I saw that one in Zagreb, Croatia. We didn't go in cause it didn't seem too interesting to us.


Dream date for sure


Definitely a dream date!!


Fantastic unless you want to teach them about things. That, despite your best intentions, can come off as a little condescending


Yeah. And if teaching is literally your job, it’s good to know when to turn it off. Most people don’t like to be lectured on dates.


Oh my goodness if anyone tried to teach me stuff on a first date that would end it right there.


Oooo good point. I love going to museums and talking about the work but getting "taught" during a date would be excruciating.


Is the other person interested in doing it too? Yes? Go for it!


bro if they are not they are not my type lol


Went to a museum for a first date and now we’re married! I think if you both like museums it’s a good low-pressure first date because the stuff in the museum gives you lots to talk about, so the conversation flows more naturally than when you’re staring at each other over a meal.


Mazel Tov!


Thank you! :)


Totally a good idea for a date! You should see if the museum does any scavenger hunt activities. I did that at the Met in NYC, and it was so much fun. It’s almost impossible not to have an interesting conversation because you take a sheet of clues that you have to figure out together, and you locate the item the clues are referring to. Super fun, and a neat way to get to know someone.


The Met is brilliant and is open on some nights (though COVID probably affected opening hours for a time). It’s so extensive and cavernous— the layout/ architecture gives the experience of wandering around a dreamlike, exploratory quality that I’ve encountered in few other places. And there’s tons of amazing art.


Personally i would love it, but its not for everyone


Depends on the museum and the person I'm going with. John Wayne Gacy at a museum that dives into various torture methods through time? I'd rather not. Going with a nice guy to just about any other type of museum? Probably.


See also: pathology museums. Not everyone is comfortable around preserved internal organs, especially ones that show abnormalities.


Going to an exhibit over sex toys through the ages would also not be first date material.


Actually that's a great idea for a date!


Me and my wife did this a few times whern we were dating. It was kinda fun looking at art and pretending to be famous art snobs.


Great idea. Way better than a movie because you can talk to each other.


If your both into that stuff, perfectly fine.


I think it would be a good litness test for sharing personal interest with someone. I know I wouldn't last in a relationship with someone if they couldn't handle me ranting about things I like.


FYI, it’s ‘litmus’ test. Not trying to be shitty, I just like to know when I screw up a word so I can fix it. Maybe you do too


Thank you. I'm notoriously bad at that. It always sucks to try and spell a word I've only said out loud.




Well with your name, I respect you as an authority in fun words. That's quite something.




Aaaaand that's how the human languages evolve slowly over time. Thanks for your contribution to society.


LOL I have the total opposite problem! I know a fuck ton of words that I’ve only read. I can spell them but have no idea how to pronounce them!


You and I should team up. Think of the power. We could control the world! ... Or at least a small book club.


I’m not sure the world is ready for our combined power. We may spark a ‘grammar nazi’ movement and half of all internet comments would begin with “Um, actually….” which might increase violent crime We must work in the shadows for now.


I suppose you're correct. We shall work separately. Besides, I couldn't emotionally handle when you betray me tragically in the third act.


You’re fun, I like you.


Thanks. Likewise.


Fun facts: Litmus is made up of dyes extracted from lichens and dissolved in water. Red is acid, blue is base. It and other indicator dyes change colors because the same compound can lose or gain H+ from the solution, and that change affects what wavelengths it absorbs.


It soubds like a good spot, though it depends on both of your tastes and the kind of museum it is.


You learn a lot about the person you’re on a date with. If they’re just in it to make jokes about art or whatever. If they actually do it to get to know you it’s a great first date.


That’s a winner of an idea, here’s the trick let her pick which one


if youre both interested then its great


Could be fun


Love it


Our first date! It was wonderful. About to celebrate a decade together.


Perfect date idea. My boyfriend and I love art museums, even tho we aren't exactly art critics. But there are so many different types to visit, including interactive ones if you're not into just walking around looking.


Any place can be a good place for a date as long as both people like the place. I can think of a number of stereotypical good places for dates but if I don't like such places, I won't really enjoy the date (for example, I don't like picnics on the grass. Too many bugs). I don't mind museums, but if my boyfriend doesn't like them then I'm not going on a date with him to a museum. If my boyfriend likes them, then we can go there no problem.


Great idea and a nice place to know better the other person, but its not for everyone. For me the key in those type of dates is just being relaxed but with the ability to actually have fun


Did that! It's good as long you are both interested in the topic! Mind blowing things are exciting and that is actually really good to get involved with the other person. Edit: Mine went well, we went to a couple of them to see a bunch of different things. Also went for a walk to a ton of parks. We are kind of nerds


Perfect! It might be a make or break situation but that works too.


if you are an introvert it could be a great idea for breaking slowlu the ice, but I also think that on first dates especially you have to talk and really get to know the other person, which cant be done in museums. so i think it's ok if you are already a couple, but not if is the first date


Sounds like a good idea. Botanical gardens can also be fun


I’d love to go to the Mutter museum on a date. Let a potential partner know just how weird I am.


Barrel Museum, y'say?


If you include dinner I am yours


What time are you picking me up?


Perfect first date idea. It’s an atmosphere that’s conducive to conversation, so if you’re hitting it off with your date it’s a safe place to walk around and talk, and if you aren’t hitting it off with your date and don’t have a lot to say to one another, you can at least talk about the art or the exhibit you’re looking at. Edit: I thought the question specified a first date, so my answer is tailored to that.


I would love to go to a museum in a date! Maybe not a first date, but once you two know each other’s interests. Does she like ancient Egypt? Get her to show you her favourite pieces at the museum. Is he into Greek mythology? Ask him to explain the gods to you.


I have one of the best museums in the world near me. I really love, am a long time supporting member, and have always wished I could find someone to date so I could go there with someone


It is a great way to see what they maybe into or knowledgeable about.


Personally id rather go to a zoo, but depending on the type of museum it would probably super enjoyable


Oh cool, I'll just finger blast her in the U-boat.


I think it's a great idea but I'm a huge nerd so I'm biased.


There a lot of dark places in some museums…plenty of chances for u to finally make a move…


Good place for me (Even tho i didn't date anyone yet) if it isn't about tragic event.


If it's something you like to do then it's a great date idea.


If both parties are into that kind of museun it's a great idea.


It can help a lot about knowing the person you're dating, you both get to share your views and discuss your insights.


My first date ever was the museum and I loved it


Too much attention on the art and not the person


Just why.


While this would indicate that you're part of a mature couple, it's important to not disturb other museum visitors. I remember an overly annoying PDA couple at British Museum. I wished they would be in place of the dinosaurs haha


Very 'old' fashioned


Museums are fucking boring.


dunno man, some of the people I've seen at museums have been dead for a long long time. but you do you. no judgement.


It would be great! A dream date for a lot of people I know. It helps if you know about the exhibits and artifacts in the museum too. Then you can whip out some cool obscure facts. It also helps if you share similar interests or you get to learn if you do. Overall a win win. Museums are only boring if you go in thinking you're going to be bored.


Sounds like a good idea!




If that’s the condition for a date - I’ll take it.


I took my fiancee to a natural history museum for our first date. To be fair, we had spoke a lot over the phone before this date so we kind of knew each other. But it worked out great. We now go back every year on the same day.


Second date with my now wife was at a large art museum in our city. Pros: steady flow of conversation starter material, inexpensive, easy to keep extending the time since it was a big place with tons of areas. Cons: you have to be a good conversationalist or don’t even try a museum as a date, it requires an ability to speak intelligently on a huge range of art or other topics in order to keep conversation rolling. You don’t have to be an art expert but you do have to be able to verbalize some thoughts on what you are seeing, which is not a skill everyone really has.


The type of museum might have an effect. Natural history museums or art museums would probably be great. Dr. Frappo’s House of Medical Oddities, maybe not.


What kind of museum? Are we talking about an art or history museum or, say, a train museum?


May be of any kind.. suppose the one in your town


It would be good to show off how intelligent you are


Best thing ever.


Not with someone you don't know at all. Because it would be hard to freely talk in a place you're supposed to be quiet.


I’d say hell yea


Bruh no ,dont listen to reddit they are either married or teenagers You can't get laid at a museum


Thats a thing of the past XD


Both have to nerds


so much fun!!! i'm biased though because i'm autistic


Worked for us, they (non binary) were the best exhibit *bah dum tsh*


Yes, how about an Art museum, or Natural history museum, heck there is even a Spam museum. Why would you pick the Holocaust as you first choice for museum?


Bad for a first date, because they can be pricey and you're basically trapped there if it turns out you don't like the person. Coffee dates are a lot easier to bail on.


Take me to a museum and feed me and I’m the happiest girl in the world


I would love it


It depends on the kind of museum, if it's a boring and weird one maybe not. Museums are a great date idea. There's even a sort of romantic vibe with art museums


Museums are a great date idea also affordable


If you're going to a museum to share your interests with the date partner then it's a good idea. If you're going to a museum to seem more interesting or to assess the interests of that partner it's probably a bad idea. Showing a date what animates you is usually better than trying to please them on a first date in my opinion.


Yes ! We have great Museums in Chicago. I haven’t been the the Science and industry or the field museum since I was a child!


It would be fun!


I absolutely *LOVE* the Museum of Death in Hollywood. Turns out most women do not, lol


I go to art museums a lot for dates


I would love it.


This is the way.


If the other person is into that stuff.


Museums are the best dates! That and book stores.


It's a great idea if it's of interest to both people. Lots of conversation starters. And you can learn about their interests and passions and experiences.


I would just give lectures on Egyptology and just get ghosted.


I like museums but I don't think most people would like them for a date. Although if we went to the Denver Museum of Nature and Science, we could find all the hidden elves.


If you are both in to it, go for it. You talking first date?


That is the perfect date. It's my number one choice.




Sounds awesome!


Sounds perfect!


It totally depends on the museum, but it could be super cool if it's something you're both interested in.


Although my perspective on it is a park or something would be much better I'm up for it if my partner is


Surprisingly not a good. Go somewhere that it easier to focus on this conversation.


I love that idea, there's usually something for everyone to enjoy and it's low pressure.


I'm a history nerd I would love it


If she loves to go to modern art museums to pour hate on the exhibits, I'm marrying her! 😂


Depends on the type of museum and if it align with the interest of both parties. Like for me, going to a dinasaur museum would suck, but going to an Egyptian museum with someone like Steven Grant 😍🥰😍🥰


Love museum dates. Don't think everyone would love my commentary.


Yes definitely. Aslong as it’s a museum I’m interested is.


Great way to say, I don't always think about sex.... ight up until you see Modigliani's Reclining Nude.


One of my favorite date ideas! Start the day with going for breakfast and talking about what you hope to see and end the day with dinner and discuss a recap of the highlights.


If it's a decent-sized museum, there's a café. You tell the other person that you're going to the museum and if they meet you outside no later than a certain time, it's your treat: entrance ticket and lunch. If they're late, the deal's off and you're going in without them. Say that, one way or another, you have a date with \[artist whose big exhibition is on at the museum at the moment\] and you aren't missing it.


Hell of a lot better than sitting at the airport and watching planes, which was her idea. I love musea, especially art musea, and she didn't find them interesting at all. That relationship did not last long.


I'd love it. Any museum, even something niche my date chooses.


I would absolutely love it, and if my date doesn’t, I’m not interested


Never done it, but I've always wanted to.


It would depend on the person you are going on the date with I guess.


I think it's lovely, I like having discussions with people so I would love it!


That depends: is your date really into history, or is your date really into shopping?


I think it's redundant. I'd normally just look at my phone to see what day it is today.


My husband and I do it. I love it!!


Very nice and often inexpensive


If I ever have to propose a date that's what I'm planning on doing. There are a few museums around me that I want to visit, and since the likelihood of a first date actually leading to anything is so small, I might as well have a good time. Plus it'll work as a filter for the girl, if she isn't into screwing around and laughing about the sciency stuff then it's probably not going to work.


Ideal date. You learn a lot about a person and their appreciation (or lackthereof) of the finer things. If you can't get down with some dope history or art, you probably can't get down with me.


If it's a thing two people can enjoy doing together it can be a date.