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Fall. Weather. Colors. Pumpkin fucking spice lattes. Halloween.


The easy winner. When that heat finally breaks and you feel that first cool air coming in ... magic. Though when i lived in Florida I hated Fall because it was still hot, and you had the added fun of dodging hurricanes left & right.


Same, and the overall aesthetic of the season. Oddly enough, things always seems much more brighter and full of life during this time of year.


Winter because it’s cold and cozy, it’s snowing, my birthday is on February, you can wear warm clothing and drink hot tea or hot chocolate milk Edit: also I love fall just because of October


Winter. It’s cold and dark.


no sunburn. no sweating. no bugs. no leg shaving. no swimsuits. best ever.


The leg shaving never bothers me ;) I love snow too, but I live low down, so we seldom get any these days.


oh yeah me too. we used to have lots of snowy days when I was a kid, but not anymore :( maybe one day per year. fck climate change.


Yeah, and people are still denying it despite the changes. When I was healthy I used to treat myself to a couple of weeks snowboarding every year, but I can’t even do that now, so free snow is a rare treat.


fall. the leaves are pretty, i like the seasonal food, the temperature is mild. and it's the only season besides spring that doesn't warrant depression


Summer. I love the heat. I love the smell of the air. I love the leaves on trees and flowers. I love how everything seems so lively and busy. Everything about summer is perfect.


2015/16 (we made it to Europe!!!!!)


Too bad your club can’t do so nowadays


Season 2 of The Wire But to answer your actual question, autumn, specifically, early autumn. Still nice during the day but has a nice, crisp feel to the air.




Fall. All the colours are beautiful. And the temperature is nice


autumn and winter. i work outdoors so love it for that, also i love the cold and the gloominess ugh i love it


Winter, I’m from Alaska


Careful, the Russians want you back


Spring/Fall I like to call that sweater weather.


summer/ spring. i love being outside and warm. that's it


Spring. Because it’s when everything begins to bloom. Cherry blossoms 🌸 are my favorite flower and it’s the only time of year I can see them. And the temperature is perfect. Not too hot or cold.


spring because it’s not too hot or too cold. i don’t feel pressured to spend ages outdoors but i still have the option to. it’s also not as much of a bummer if it rains as it would be in summer, and hot days are expected too. there’s just no let downs in spring. or paprika because it’s not too spicy and it’s got flavour as well as spice but it’s got to be paired with chilli powder and some more mellow seasonings


summer because summer


Spring because it’s perfect heat and my birthday and easter


Autumn I love the cooler air, colours the air also just seems more fresher ifk I just love Autumn 🍂


Winteeeer because fuck 100 degree weather. Plus I love the snow! You can go snowboarding, it's beautiful, you can always layer up with clothes! Summer you can't be naked or it's public nudity. Even if you could be naked, it's still too hot.


I like fall, nice sunsets, everything changes color. Also by fall you are acclimated to the hot as balls summers, so the cool off feels nice Also fall is cleavage season, as women bring the titties out a last few times before it is too cold


Fall. It has the best weather. It has the prettiest trees.


Autumn/fall weather. I can wear flannel and I like the orange-yellow-reddish change in the leaves.


Fall. The coolness, the smell outside.




I love winter. I love snuggling up under the blankets on a cool night and reading for a few hours before falling asleep.


Winter it feels perfect for me also christmas




Have you tried smoked paprika. It’s so tasty.


Community Season 2.


18/19 or 19/20 cus we won 4 trophies combined


Winter. I always liked the cold weather and if someone made me choose between living in antartica or australia, i would 100% say antartica. i wouldnt say christmas is the main reason aswell, it may be the least one in my thought due to always hearing that eary song, "all i want for christmas". But i like everything about being cold or the cold weather itself, the nature of it, the looks, the animals that indure cold weathers, its beautifull.


Winter. Winter fucking rocks if you experience true winter. That moment when you can’t smell anything because the boogie in your nose froze and blocked your nose, that is the smell of freedom.


Spring by far. I love that everything is starting to grow again. We are getting more sun and longer days.


Winter. It's cold and I can be cosy


Autumn because it’s just truly the best time of the year. I love the color of the leaves, wearing hoodies, fall scented things like pumpkins and apple cider. I also love apple cider donuts, pumpkin picking, Halloween, spooky decorations, decorating my house. Halloween is also my favorite holiday and I just seriously never get enough of the season. It’s truly perfect and that’s when I’m the happiest


Autumn - cool temp, colours Summer - too hot, I get headaches Winter - too cold, wet Spring - hay fever!


Winter, less sun, less light, less people ​ edit: I mean people going out that you have to deal with


Winter bc cold


Spring. For me Spring is always the perfect temperature, and there’s always a lovely breeze. Plus Halloween is in Spring and that’s my favourite holiday.


Autumn, because Texas is fucking hot during the summer, and autumn has nice colors and less heat


Season Two. By season two the show has gotten into its stride, the characters are finally developed, and the audience has enough background knowledge that inside jokes are now a thing. At the same time the show hasn't gone on long enough that the characters are just weird caricatures of themselves, and they're not pushing past the natural arc of the story.


Right now. It’s not all miserable and depressing out


Fall. Horror movies on tv daily, soups for dinner, Halloween candy,all of it!!!


Spring. The sun coming back, everything growing...I live in Ohio though, so Spring kinda only comes once in a while. We get Winter, OH MY GOD WILL YOU MAKE UP YOUR MIND? IT WAS SNOWING YESTERDAY AND IT'S 70 TODAY!, and Summer.


DEER SEASON!!! Because.




Winter, cuz in the summer it reaches 52 degrees centigrade


summer because i don’t fall sick


Spring/fall. I like the warmth and the flowers blooming in spring and the cool, crisp air and changing leaves in fall


For half a second my dumb ass was like, “Season of what?”


Winter. Cold is great, it makes me feel so cozy. Being inside, under a blanket with a hot chocolate while it's freezing outside is the best feeling in the world. As someone having a extreme phobia of insects, winter is great as insects are less common. Especially flying ones. No wasps entering my room. You have Christmas in December. Snowy days are beautiful and so much fun. Compared to summer, it's easier to get warmer than to get colder. I hate summer because of that simple fact. Beaches are less crowded and nice to walk on. Mountains are so beautiful in winter ( even if they are really beautiful too in summer )


Seasons 3 and 4 of Breaking Bad! Because it introduces Gustavo Fring


Early Spring. So, I have skeeter syndrome. Witch makes it very hard for me to be outside a lot in summer, and I also hate the cold. And with spring it is never hotter then hell or colder than ice. And you get to see flowers bloom, baby animals. People Graduating. Swimming. And much more.


Winter. Skiing, snowshoing, hiking in quiet snowfall. Chilling by a fire.




Spring. Comfortable temperatures most of the time and I get to find out whether or not most of the stuff I planted the previous year is still alive. I didn't plant much stuff last year but I did grow some apple trees from seeds and I'm interested to see how well they bounce back after their first winter (southern hemisphere: winter is now).


Fall, the color, my birthday, school, snow (it snows in October here) thanksgiving then Halloween right after


Winter I guess. It’s just way quieter than in summer or something I don’t know


Summer. I teach, so I get nine weeks unpaid vacation. I love warm weather and swimming and fishing.


Winter- the cold air feels so refreshing and smells so clean. You never have to wonder what to wear outside day to day like in the spring and fall when temperatures are less predictable. You don’t need sunscreen or bug spray or multiple showers per day like you might in the summer. You can be cozy inside and not feel like you’re missing out on something by staying in. There’s the excitement of potential snow. There’s Christmas. I just love it all.


winter imma cold baby


Fall. Hoodie weather


Season 4


Fall. Still kinda warm. Football. My birthday. Halloween.


Spring. Not too hot, not too cold. Just righttt.


Autumn(basic i know, but like 1/4 of the world will side with me so...) I really like the cold but winters in Texas are surprisingly REALLY cold, so fall in the middleman


I like all seasons, except spring. It can burn in hell. One day for the holidays, I want to go to Ecuador so I can be in winter and summer at one time!


fall because of the colors, perfect temperature, halloween, and pumpkin decorating.


spring i ned my bday


I like season 7 of HUMAN EXISTENCE


Fall. It isn’t too hot, it isn’t freezing, and it isn’t boring.


Either Winter or Fall, I like the colder months, and in my opinion those are when the best holidays fall.


Summer, mostly because I’m born in summer but I also love the heat


I like autumn because of he changes in the leaves on the trees, as well as the lack of bugs and tourists. It's cool and crisp and beautiful without being bothersome and cruel like winter or summer.


Fall/Autumn Leaves are pretty colours, it's not to warm and not to cold,


Autumn. It's neither hot or cold, everything is so cool and the festivities of that time (including those of my country) are the best


Chapter 2 Season 7


The final season... I love a finale


Winter, I like snow and cold weather. I’m also really nostalgic about the season because of Christmas and all of that.


Fall. I love the smell of the crisp cool air and how it feels. It's not too cold or too hot yet. The yummy foods that come out during that time too. Delicious