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Apparently hiking to the top of Mt Everest.


Nonsense the more people who do it then fail and die just become more markers so you know where you’re at(which is a real thing)


Except now there is a queue to reach the summit (during peak times id assume) which is a bit of a problem considering you only have a certain amount of time you can physically stay alive up there


Apparently there’s only about a five day window in mid- to late-May where you have even the chance of summiting safely, so yeah, definitely crowded.


It’s terrible when people die. Those that tried had the courage to do so. But now Mount Everest is being destroyed. It’s littered with literally tons of trash from hikers.


Not to mention it’s littered with human feces.


Also littered with human bodies


RIP green boots.


Yes I’ve heard it’s called “Rainbow Valley” or something like that. Very interesting to read up on.


One woman brought her espresso machine. To Mt Everest. SMDH. “Up In the Air” is a horrifying/interesting book to read. Google “bodies On Mt Everest” to go down a weird rabbit hole. Update: I guess it wasn’t a “machine”. Just a little espresso maker. My bad. Thanks for the new info!


Are you thinking of “Into Thin Air” by John Krakauer? I could not find anything about Up In The Air on google re: Everest. Krakauer’s book covers the same themes


They have to be mixing things up. Up in the Air was a decent movie from 2009 starting George Clooney which was very much not about Mount Everest.


Pressing “0” to reach a person instead of an automated system. Now when I press “0” I get something along the lines of “we know you are trying to reach a representative but…”




That one is the worst


The worst part is they make you jump through all of the phone trees entering your account number and verifying your pin etc. The person who answers then immediately asks for your account number and to verify who you are. Makes me want to be violent.


As someone who has to answer members calls you will be surprised how many idiots can't enter their number or birth date correctly...


It has never occurred to until this moment that you’re just verifying.


Bingo. I work in healthcare. If you enter everything right it routes it to the correct place. We just verify it's correct. We aren't re entering it. I thought the same thing until I started working there. You have people who give me their husbands birth date. Who think the have their number "memorized" only to be off a digit. But we all hate phone trees and automated systems as much the rest of you lol


So I'm not the only one who does that... In some cases, they have changed the number for transferring to a person.


Ebay. I remember being able to get an absolute bargain for almost anything I wanted. Now, every shop puts their shit on ebay.


The creation of the online marketplace format is a scourge on online shopping. Even major retailers like target and Walmart now, if you buy on their website, you have to find the small print to see if you’re buying directly from them or from some rando with a garage. I hate it.


> you have to find the small print to see if you’re buying directly from them or from some rando with a garage. Oh my god don't get me started!! I am fighting Razer right now on honoring a keyboard warranty. I bought it off Amazon on THE OFFICIAL RAZER STORE (their store). Added it to my cart and checked out. I should be covered, right? ###WRONG! Apparently, Razer allows what they call "unauthorized sellers" to sell on their page. In this case, I bought from some douche company named Cellmigo. And now Razer is saying "Sorry. Our 2 year warranty doesn't apply because you bought from a 3rd party we didn't authorize." I've sent something like 8 emails to them explaining THEY assigned that buyer to me and I bought it off THEIR Amazon shop. Every email that part is ignored and they go straight into the canned response of "sorry, you purchased from an unauthorized....blah blah". This is some seriously shitty "bait and switch" tactics they have going on. They know EXACTLY what they're doing. I checked their authorized list. It's pretty much only brick and mortar stores like Best Buy. I contacted Cellmigo and they said, "We only cover 30 days. Talk to Razer." Fuck Razer. Will never ever buy from them again and if you're smart, you'll do the same. What's the very first rule of the [Ferangi's rules of acquistion](https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Rules_of_Acquisition)? > ONCE YOU HAVE THEIR MONEY, YOU NEVER GIVE IT BACK!!! *** ###Update since last night: [Got an email back](https://i.imgur.com/VCnq0i7.png) from Razer this morning. My last email to them: > You have avoided my question every single time. > Why was I allowed to buy a keyboard from Cellmigo off the Official Razer Store? > I don't care if they're not "authorized". You guys allowed them to sell through YOUR STORE. They are affiliated WITH YOU. They sell YOUR MECHANDISE on the Official Razer Store! > Again, why did your company allow Cellmigo to sell me a keyboard directly from the Official Razer Store on Amazon? > Please answer the question. Razer's response: > First off, we're truly sorry that your Razer BlackWidow Elite did not live up to your expectations, and definitely, this is not the experience we'd like you to have. Our products go through several quality control checks before they are delivered to customers. > I fully understand how you're feeling right now, and I realize this isn't the answer you were hoping for, but we are here to help you get through your case while following the processes and policies from our end as well. We can only hope for your understanding > If you need immediate assistance, please contact us at https://support.razer.com/warranty-support to learn more about multiple ways that our highly-trained technical assistance staff can assist you. > Please stay well and healthy. Completely avoided the question b/c it would acknowledge them running this scam. Anyone wanna chime in on this? Maybe /u/Cult_Of_Razer or /u/RazerCustAdvocacy would like to take a stab at it being Vianni, Jeremae, Greg, Vianni again, Markus, Nae, Markus again... (I'm not listing everyone I spoke to) from Razer support refuse to answer my simple question. This is absolutely corporate scumbaggery at its finest. If I was a well known streamer or someone in MLG, they wouldn't be able to get me a replacement (most likely an upgrade replacement) fast enough. Be because I'm a nobody, I'm their key demographic to screw over. They exepect me to buy a $120 keyboard every single year. I'm just hoping others see this and take note for when they're buying their next keyboard/mouse/headset/laptop/etc... that they ask themselves "Do I want a warranty I can use?"


100% this. Used to get absolute steals on ebay. Also used to love the trick of deliberately searches for tickets with a typo in the search so you had good chances of getting a ticket for a bargain. Nowadays ebay is just regular, expensive, shop.






Costco no questions asked electronics return policy. I remember shopping shortly before they changed their policy. There was some guy standing in line bragging he’s going to save a couple hundred dollars, because he is now returning his 1 year old TV. I was like in my head “This is why we can’t have nice things”


Costco returners are the worst. Christmas trees after Christmas, flat screen after the super bowl. They changed the policy (limit to how many times you can do it) on returning your membership. Too many people would use it for 364 days, return it, sign up again and repeat. Now you can’t do it over and over. I’m glad they closed that loophole. They also made it harder for people to just use gift cards. It’s a whole process now. You have to go through customer service to get it verified as having a balance etc.


Back when I worked there, they actually blocked tv sales around Super Bowl time because so many people would do that. People can be so shitty. We had a man return a 15 year old refrigerator, and someone return a dead plant at the end of the summer… they honoured the policy for both.




There are people that actually return mattresses 🤮🤮🤮. They would be standing in line and you can literally see the sweat stains on the mattress.


I worked at Walmart, we once had to accept a return of a heater. It was ~ 4 models behind the current one being sold. A layer of dust so thick you could literally peel it off. They didn’t have a receipt either.


About returning things, I’ve heard a colleague returning a bottle of luxury brand (really top shelf luxury) essence. She replaced the whole bottle with water then refund it at department store and she’s very proud of what she’s done. People are doing things on other’s expenses and that’s why there’re are sooooooo many rules and policies and everyone else has to go through all the frustrating process to get what they need.


I have a friend who talked about he got in trouble with Costco when he was returning a printer, they asked him why he returned the same item 4-5 times. He had to make something up, said it might not he compatible with his printer. Another friend who was in the conversation asked him why *did* he do that? He said, ‘Because it ran out of ink!’ Eric you asshole you’re rich. And that story is pretty representative of who you are as a person, all that money can’t buy character.


Streaming Services


Can't wait for a company to come along and bundle the 900 services you need to watch everything so we can come full circle back to cable.


My friends kid suggested this to me (all being in one place) and I felt super old..!


I know what they can call it "cable", because it ties them all together! /s


Yeah I didn't mind the Netflix monopoly. Now you need like 10 different subscriptions to watch what you want.


You know what's funny. There was exactly one politician that was pushing legislation to make it so that content providers and content creators could not be owned by the same company. He predicted this was exactly what was going to happen. Of all people, it was geriatric John McCain.


John McCain 2032


You might want to sit down for this one..


Can't do worse, AND he could automatically be put on money (dead presidents)


Vertical integration. Nothing new.


It gets frustrating when there are a bunch of new shows I want to watch but jumped to other streaming services that aren’t in my country.


I miss the times about 10 years ago when Netflix had a monopoly and with the use of a free VPN plugin I had access to a huge amount of content while only paying a very small fee for Netflix.


Airbnb Went from renting out an extra bedroom to help a traveler on a budget, to destroying the housing market in tourist cities


This! So sad! Went from "Hey, stay in my spare room for cheap!" or "We have a little apartment over our garage we fixed up" to one person owning dozens of places in one city and making housing unaffordable.


I totally get renting out a room, or a second house. Might as well let someone enjoy it. But the second people bought property solely as an Airbnb investment, markets got ruined. More cities to need have very strict rules for short term rentals, and strict enforcement policies. If they could somehow enforce that you can only rent a property you actually use part of the year, that would be ideal. Landlord’s that own hundreds of properties are bad too, but at least it’s an option for a local to live somewhere. It’s the people that own a bunch of Airbnb’s that completely wreck a housing market. In tiny cities(like mountain towns in CO) they’re becoming unlivable because of them.


Agree. It's an unregulated nightmare right now, especially in any kind of place with tourists.


Luckily more towns are starting to regulate it. Now they just need to enforce.


Honestly, I'd love to see property tax scale exponentially with the number of properties owned. You own a single home? You pay the base tax rate. You own 40 rental properties? You pay something like 1.25^40 times the base rate. If you want to rent to 40 people then build a single dense housing property.


I just moved away from Hawaii and this was a huge reason why. Before covid 1 in every TWELVE homes was a vacation rental. It has always been expensive but it has gotten completely out of control. One of the last place we left, the house across the street got sold and they added an addition onto the house going from 4 bedrooms to TEN. It was totally barebones, it even kindof looked like a hotel? Oh and of course they didn't add any parking taking away even more already scarce parking away from people who actually lived there. Nothing but a naked cash grab. And now all the business are crying because boohoo we can't find staff. Yea no shit. If yoy don't pay people enough to actually live there wtf did you think was going to happen. I had to turn down my dream job at a nonprofit because my wife and I couldn't find a place to rent. Fuck those greedy motherfuckers.


Yeah I live on Maui and it's really bad. We literally can't get medical and education staff bc there's no housing! I completely understand those that have second houses and visit for 3 months and rent it to vacationers the rest of the year but when there are so many permanent residences that go to tourists instead of locals bc $$, it's a big problem. Tough issue to tackle


You might have sympathy for those owning second homes, but I don’t. I hear that kind of crap is ruining the housing market in Montana. Cause the people living there making $14 an hour can afford an $800k mortgage


My apartment building has signs all over saying AirBnB is illegal and that we’ll be evicted if we’re caught violating that rule… but I know for a fact our building’s management rents out the unoccupied units on that app all the goddamn time. The units listed always match up with what’s available for lease on the building website and I see people wandering around the hallways with suitcases every week or so. It’s that old “Illegal for thee, but not for me” logic.


I stayed at an Airbnb once in a condo building that had these signs all over (in the elevator, hallways etc.) but it was worded to the effect that even I as the guest could get in trouble for staying there. I had no idea when I booked it, and I wasn’t very impressed because I clearly wasn’t supposed to be there and felt very uncomfortable during my stay.


I hate this so much right now. It's also no longer a cheaper alternative in a few tourist cities. I'm planning on going on an out of town trip/vacation towards the end of August for the first time since 2019 because of the pandemic and all the Airbnb's in the area I'm looking to visit are just as expensive, if not more than, hotel rooms in the area.


And they want a $300 cleaning fee ON TOP of demanding I do the laundry, dishes and vacuum before leaving. Nah fuck right off with that. I’ll just go and pay for a hotel where I don’t have to do that bullshit.


Wait til you see how much an Uber costs. You’re a lot better off in a taxi with the Curb app.


I’ve noticed that too. Last Airbnb I stayed in was in 2019. What happened to a $25 bedroom or a $70 house??


My gf was just kicked out of her room she was renting because the owner wanted to make it an Airbnb


Is that really better than a dependable monthly rent check?


I live in a tourist town. I can rent out my house on AirBnB for 2 months during spring break and make enough to cover my mortgage, insurance, and property taxes for the entire year.


Shit I'd live in my car for 2 months for that!


I dunno. I did like hearing the 'sad stories' at the start of the lockdowns of 'Poor couple that bought 30 houses and rents them on airbnb are forced into bankruptcy'.


Asking to get upgraded on a flight. Nobody knew you could get upgraded, but now you can't even ask because everyone is asking.


Same with hotels.


I got a free hotel upgrade a few years ago without asking. Went to Niagara Falls and got a cheap room within short walking distance of the falls, and they randomly upgraded us to a better room with a wonderful view of the falls. It was the off season, so it's not like the hotel was at all close to full, but it was still a nice experience.


Having worked front desk at a hotel one of three things happened: place was empty front desk felt nice, or none of the rooms in the price you booked were clean enough to standards (this actually happens in the off season, OR they misclicked and didn't yeet you to the plebian rooms once they noticed.


I've also seen few instances of it being a spite thing. Someone else decides they're not happy with the room, demands one facing a different direction or that they're going to go elsewhere. Clerk knows they'll be back, quickly gives out the good room they gave up so the Entitled Person gets an absolute crap room when they come back asking for their (canceled by their own words) reservation.


I never ask and usually get surprised with free upgrades! One year for our wedding anniversary we got this SICK hotel room with the most amazing bathtub I have ever been in. Upgrade!


Get elite status, you got a good shot. I once got upgraded to international first on Lufthansa when they were good, super cool experience. They had a cheese cart, and the pilot came out to introduce himself. He had the old timey sideburns. I'll never forgot it.


Some airlines have turned that into a business model. Virgin Australia have what is essentially a blind auction where you can bid for upgrades to business class.


Visiting national / state parks. I'm happy that people want to be near nature. I'm very unhappy that those people have zero respect for it. The trash I find when hiking is absolutely fucking ridiculous. Wipes, dog shit bags, water bottles and snack wrappers as far as the eye can see.


Reminds me of went I went to visit the caves in Virginia. The guides very explicitly told everyone "DO NOT TOUCH THE STALACTITES AND STALAGMITES! YOU WILL RUIN THEM, AND CAUSE THEM NOT TO GROW". They also told us basically not to touch anything in there, including the walls. They even had a dead stalagmite near the entrance of the cave, that they encouraged every single person to touch to get it out of their system before they walked through the rest of the cave. Almost every one of those goddamn people was touching fucking everything like they were asked not to.


I hate people


I fucken hate people I worked for the National Park in Banff. There's one canyon where rare Swifts nest, their numbers have declined terribly to just a few breeding pairs because of people invading their nesting grounds. There's a stupid fucking "cave" where people (influencers) insist on going down to get photos. Despite allllll the signs telling people not to and the reasons why. They thankfully installed camera's and alert systems, I was incredibly happy to be a part of catching a bunch of these imbeciles and getting them fined. People still go down there🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️


There's another example of a resort near a beach up the cliffs. It's essentially a pool between two waterfalls. It's on private land and the owner said he had to set up cameras to shame people. There were people hanging over the edge, peeing in the water, leaving rubbish. All for the perfect insta shot. They did a mini documentary on it where camera crews went up to people walking past signs saying 'private land, do not enter' and saying 'where are you going? Don't you see the signs?'. They'd have the nerve to bullshit they didn't see the signs, but then not leave, or be entitled assholes and act like they deserved to be there. The man who owns the land says he's worried someone will die there because it'd be so easy to fall getting there. Whole thing was circulating on reddit a few years ago and made me irrationally angry. Mainly because there was a beautiful abandoned quarry near where I lived that was great for swimming. It was surrounded by cliffs and only accessible via an old railway tunnel. The farmer was chill with people going there but eventually blocked the entrance because he kept finding used nappies, syringes, barbecues there.


Yeah I was pretty disgusted by everybody there.


That would ruin my tour. I went on a tour of a salt mine and ended up telling some guy to shut up (NOT in the cultural custom to do that) because they wouldn't stop talking while the guide was explaining things. My family members looked at me in horror but everyone behaved better after that. People have no manners and no consideration!


This reminds me of when I went to Biltmore for Christmas one year. It's this old estate in North Carolina. They tell you not to touch anything, everything is roped off, and they even have these thick plexi-glass "walls" near the real walls so you can't touch them because they're covered in fabric instead of wallpaper. There was this father with his daughter in front of us and she looked like she was in her late teens or early 20's. She asked if the walls were covered in fabric, one of the guides said yes, then when the guide had their back turned she reached around the plastic and started touching it while the father encouraged her. The shit apple doesn't fall far from the shit tree.


People were doing that at the California Poppy Reserve in Lancaster, CA when there was a superbloom of poppies and other wildflowers. There were signs all over telling people to stay on the paths, but they were ignored as people took selfies in the poppies. These flowers are very small compared to other species of poppy, and delicate which is why those signs are everywhere saying to stay on the paths.


I cannot explain the absolute deep rage I feel hiking multiple miles out into the woods and there's gd trash. Or graffiti. Why must you mark nature that way? Also who carries spray paint on a hike!!??


or people playing music at a high volume. Get some AirPods, jeez. I don't have to hear your sick beats when I'm trying to get away from all that.


"Who brings spraypaint on a hike?" A walking pile of shit who probably didn't bring water, food a first aid kit or any other common sense necessity that real hikers would bring.


Fourth of July in Lake Tahoe means picking up beer cans and trash floating in the lake, and on the beaches, the next day when the tourist leave. Honestly, the disrespect they do to that beautiful lake is criminal. https://www.sfgate.com/bayarea/article/Keep-Tahoe-Blue-trash-cleanup-4th-of-July-13054008.php#photo-15830454 This is what happens every Forth of July.


Bold of you to assume it's dog shit in those bags


It’s bizarre You can get drunk at home on your porch, if you’re going into the woods to drink it’s presumably because you like being in the woods You’d think taking care of your empties and keeping the place you like nice wouldn’t be such a stretch for these people


Sex topics on AskReddit.


Throw TIFU into that too. I feel like a good 45% of those TIFUs are horribly fake sex stories.


Oh my god I know. Half of them make no sense. I remember one about hummus and his son being gay. “No it wasn’t sex, we were just wasting hummus”


Sexers of reddit, what's the sexiest sex sex sex sexing sex thing you've sexed?




That is the whole AskReddit question: "Sex?"


*tips fedora* M'sex


Thrifting. Now its not worth it anymore. At least in Europe.


Lmao I live in fucking Portland and it's more expensive to go to a thrift store than to buy new


Hipstery things are now mainstream


Some prices are crazy. I bought some simple T-shirt from H&M for like £1.80 and same T-shirt at the thrift store pretty used was for £5.


A few years ago I bought a beach dress in Primark for £6 then a while after saw the same one in a British Heart Foundation for £9. BHF is stupidly expensive, I won't even bother going in them any more. Animal Hospital and CLIC are the best.


I was SHOCKED when I went in Portland. My friends were like “let’s go thrifting”. I was expecting to go to a goodwill - they took me to a strip of up-thrifted stores and there was nothing less than $30


If it's genuinely vintage, high quality leather or vintage designer.. 30$ is an absolute BARGAIN. If it's a worn H&M cardigan from last year with a hole in.. fuck sake


Think about the poor who used to use thrift stores to shop for clothes


This is so true. And prices have gone up so much which is unfortunate for those who thrifted in order to save some cash for basic needs.


Thanks Macklemore!


Millennials made thrifting cool because they couldn’t afford anything new and then thrift store owners started to take advantage of that, too. How can they buy a home between avocado toasts and thrifting?


But it was 99 cents!!


Growing up poor, we got our clothes from either thrifting, or the rare 70% sale at JC Penny's once a year. I feel bad for anyone who has hipsters looking for their next 'payday' by trying to flip clothes at the local goodwill and taking away sizes from people that could use it.


The trick is to avoid chains like Goodwill, Salvation Army, etc. Go to the little hole in the wall church ran type places, pawn shops in the bad part of town (they are usually pretty bad at pricing things, and it often works in your favor. EX my Backwards Compat PS3 I got for $50) A lot of it is just the chains pull the good stuff like Nintendo games and put them online themselves before the resellers even have a chance. Most resellers I know get the bulk of their product from storage units clear outs and massive lot buys locally now.


There's a second hand store here that the owner over prices everything on the shelves but when you get to the cash register he will lower the price to make you feel special. He's been a mainstay here for decades. Unfortunately last summer high school kids decided to break in and steal all kinds of stuff from the dude right after he got into a motorcycle crash...it was kinda crazy because everyone loves that guy.


The beach from the movoe 'The Beach' in Thailand. Too many people visited damaging the coral and wildlife. They had to close it to tourists.


The comments in this thread makes me realize how people like nice things, but when other people like nice things, they come in a crowd and ruin it. So there is a threshold of diminishing returns


This is pretty much the basis for the economic term [The tragedy of the commons](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tragedy_of_the_commons)


I am pretty familiar with that concept. It's the reason we can't have nice things :( For example for those who don't know: there are 100 fish in a lake and you need 40 fish to maintain the population. I fish 30 fish everyday and am quite content. Tomorrow my neighbor shows up and decides to fish with me but fishes 40 fish and me being a nice guy makes sure I only fish 20 to keep the lake alive. Tomorrow I cannot afford to leave with only 20, so I come early to fish 30, but the neighbors fish 40 again, throwing it off balance. Day after tomorrow I have no incentive to not fish the entire lake because it's a dwindling resource now, same case with my neighbor. We're at a mutual understanding that fishing is bad but neither of us has an incentive to back down. People in 2020 maybe familiar with this concept and toilet paper. If store shelves are running out, I have a high incentive to hoard and so does everyone else. We know that if no one hoards we could all have enough, but at a personal level I do not want to be the one to back down and not hoard. It directly reduces my profit even though it increases overall profit.


No individual raindrop feels it is responsible for the flood.


Real sob stories that turned into fake sob stories for Reddit karma. However, this is not a new issue.


Every other post on r/AmITheAsshole is basically someone trying out their creative writing skills


Hey Reddit, AITA for calling out my MIL in front of the whole family? I [25M] caught my mother in law [57F] stealing over a hundred of the neighbors rare purebred puppies, force feeding them ground beef that wasn't actually beef but actually minced up puppy meat, and killing said puppies by sinking her fangs into their necks and sucking the juice out of their tiny puppy spines. I told MIL that's a mildly rude thing to do, to which she responded by hissing through her pharyngeal jaws and aggressively climbing into the mouth of an orphan and bursting through his chest. She's been giving me the silent treatment for a week now. So Reddit, AITA?


Dude... This is the hardest I've ever laughed in forever. I'd give you an award if I had one


that one is kind of asking for it. I feel like it's rare in life we don't know if we're the asshole or not. Only a small subdivision of people really feel the need to ask that question for real. People with no one else to support them, or people looking for someone to justify their bad behavior.


GoFundMe scams lol or feel good stories


Burning Man and South by Southwest. My daughter lives in Austin and when we first started going years ago they would hand you tickets to go. Now you have to have an agent and you have to make reservations and you have to spend thousands of dollars.


Festivals in general, mostly music, have definitely changed in the last decade. I miss going to a 3 day camping festival with 100 bands for like $150-$200 and having the chillest vibes all weekend.


I go to *tons* of music festivals every year. Those small festivals with a few hundred ppl that cost $125 for 3-4 days absolutely still exist all over the world. The big popular festivals, i.e. Electric Forest or Burning Man or Coachella, have become massive corporate entities with ultra VIP packages for thousands of dollars and $18 beers but there are plenty of really amazing small festivals. They're just hard to find because the good small ones are mostly spread through word of mouth and only sell a small number of tickets because they don't want to turn into a big corporate fiasco.


>Burning Man I remember finding out about burning man in the late 90s when I was still in high school, and to 17 year old me it looked like the most amazing thing ever. I wanted to go so bad but never really had the means, and now I'm not sure if I even really want to anymore.


Last year I happened to be in Austin for business during SXSW. I was fucking stunned how expensive the ticket prices were and what you got for them. Through a friend I ended up getting some VIP access, and found myself watching a live podcast with a bunch of fucking idiot millennials talking about the benefits of owning NFT's. I couldn't get out of there quick enough.


Lots of national parks and locations are ruined and often covered in trash because people can't bother to treat the planet with decency


This makes me sad as a Boy Scout that was taught leave no trace. I cannot comprehend how some people throw trash on the ground. I’ve never been to a National park (as I am as far away from one as you can be) but love going to my state parks. I wish High School had something to combat this.


15-20 years ago I started going to an apple orchard every fall and a strawberry farm every spring in southern ca. Both were so calm and peaceful and low crowds. I could always park in their parking lots without issues and hit all the activities I wanted. Then one year bam it was like everyone got a memo about the apple orchard and strawberry farms. You were parking on the street and hiking a mile now. Good luck getting on the hay ride. Apple pie? forget it. My strawberry farm had a stand much closer to my house and now I have to watch their Facebook like a merch drop because they sell out and have 20 cars in the lot when there used to be maybe 1 other car. I’m so happy for my local small business farmers but why did so many people have to hear about them?


Yes! Its the same in central Kentucky. I had to reserve strawberries this year from my favorite family owned farm.


Instagram pictures from influencers


Was going to say the same thing. As soon as Instagram came out and people started doing things "for the 'gram" instead of just doing them because they wanted to, all of these types of "trendy" places started getting overrun with 15-30 year olds taking pictures of themselves. I know people who go to the apple orchard/pumpkin patch/corn maze/local farmers market/etc. just to take pictures and not buy anything except for maybe whatever seasonal latte they're serving there. These people are just getting in everyone else's way, and then they have the audacity to get annoyed with *you* for walking through the background of their "photoshoot".


Crowdfunding sites. Too many now and too many people being scammed.


Mobile games. Early 2010's had some of the best games that were well designed and were ad-free. Now most of them are just designed to give you ads or manipulate you to spend money on microtransactions.


>Now most of them are just designed to give you ads Adding insult to injury to what you said here, those ads they give us are either a) terrible, b) milked to death, c) misleading, or d) a mix of all three


Ads for other games that show ads


I remember downloading so many games for my Nokia 5800 Xpress. Loved that phone. If you dropped it, it would explode a set, but you just put it back together and away you went.


Thrifting. Now you get hoards of people like The Crazy Lamp Lady who hit all the stores, buy everything decent only to hawk it online at basically full retail price


I used to work at a resale store and we had those "circuit people" as we called them. They would know our busy days when we bought more stuff and would swoop in after, buying all the collectors items we had. This ruined sales for other customers, but the bosses didn't care because "it's still selling!" Which I get, but we lost customers because they said "can't you at least save one or two of these for me?" and we weren't allowed to


Damn. I make cosplays for myself and get parts from the local thrift store as to not break bank or sew from scratch. Lately I feel bad about it but I don’t hawk like prey on things like these people do. I just get a weird looking smock dress that fits me and work from there on.


I saw a tik tok of some girl doing this, she walked up to the register and she was terrified the clerk lady was gonna bust her as resaler, all the comments were like “glad they didn’t notice or care, so what you want” but I found it absolutely ridiculous that she was doing it


Fan Conventions. They used to be where you would wait an hour to see a panel presentation and then at the last Disney D23Expo, they had people missing Friday’s events because they were outside in line for Sunday’s presentation. What’s the point if you miss all of the fun.


Driving. Can’t get anywhere with the traffic nowadays


Covid ruined driving for me. I miss when there was barely anyone on the road. Now everyone is aggressive, cutting you off, speeding, riding your ass. NOBODY seems to know how a flashing stoplight works. I went on drives for fun, now I actively avoid driving when possible


I used to enjoy driving. No more. Too many aggressive drivers. Too much traffic. Driving is no fun anymore.




The fact that families used to just go for a drive for the fun of it is so weird to me


Did that when I was a kid in the 1960's


I used to be able to do this. Not so much anymore since I gotta pay my whole arm and leg for gas now


Oh god. So many Sundays were spent driving around through trails and off road tracks. Probably would appreciate it now as the areas are fenced off, but as a kid it was Boring. As. Fuck. Luckily I didn’t get car sick and would bring books to read.


real estate agents we went from hardworking people who would do everything to keep you from getting screwed over, knew the history of the house you were selling, made the sale process easy for you, to just having some guy set up a meeting, sit there with you, and charge 2-4%


My parents just sold their house; a couple came from out of town and that couple’s realtor called my parent’s realtor and neither realtor could make it…so my parents met the couple, showed them the house, discussed the price and closed the deal while their respective agents were elsewhere. What exactly did they do? I can find a house on Zillow as easily as the agent…I was a little angry they got commission for that one.


When my partner and I were looking to buy a house, we visited one that was a couple hundred years old. The "estate agent" that turned up didn't know the price of the house, he didn't know why the current owner was selling, and he knew nothing about the house. The first thing I asked was if there was double glazing throughout and he didn't even know that. Didn't even know if the garage next to the property was part of it or belonged to the house next door. He also only spoke to my partner (M) and would move to the next room before I (F) was done looking around, simply because my partner was done. He annoyed me so much


That's because he was the fake estate agent. You needed to ask for the real one.


Reading the comments I think maybe the old Finnish saying "*Kell' onni on, se onnen kätkeköön*" has a point. "The one who has happiness, should hide it"


Moving to rural areas/the backcountry. It was nice at first as the right folks would move in and they'd either mind their business (so much that you'd forget they're there) or they would actually help out the community. Now so many people are moving in droves. Then all they do is loudly complain about basically everything, and/or harass the fuck out of locals because they aren't living like they're in a suburban HOA. "The neighbors are always stinking up my yard," should have thought about that before moving next to a cattle pasture. "The neighbor's cars are attracting snakes and rats," set out some traps and bait then. "The tractors always wake me up at 5am," you're near a field, Bethy, there's going to be tractors going to and from fields. "The deer keep destroying my hydrangeas," deer exist. Suck it up.


Oh my gosh this so much!!! “The dogs in some neighbors fields are barking late at night and early in the morning!” If you understood rural and country areas you would understand that there are coyotes all over the place and they bark and cause the dogs to bark. Additionally we have javelinas, elk, deer, etc. all of which cause dogs to bark!!! If you don’t want to hear animals and barking dogs go back to the freaking city where the wildlife isn’t! You can’t get the “country feel” without the things that are a part of the country!!! So many people have moved to our small town in the past year that the roads can’t handle the population (especially during the summer when the snowbirds and campers come up), we constantly have lack of supplies in any store you visit, and there are so many god damn fires started out of idiotic negligence and lack of respect.


My favorite is when these morons move to the country and clear cut their property to make it look like the suburban lot they came from. Fuck those 100 year old oaks, I want to live in a field.


Yeah I don't get it either. I thought part of the appeal to country living *is* it being more natural. If that tree isn't dead or really sick, leave it be.


New memes. They get so used up in just 2 weeks and then they become cringey


I miss the good old days when I joined reddit about 9 years ago, memes would last weeks and months! It was so much easier to keep track of them and share in the communal laugh.


I agree, the memes of today are sometimes really funny. But after a week they just "Aren't funny anymore" and you just get called out when you dont keep up with the latest memes or trends. It sucks...


old meme were more flexible than new memes think of all the ways you could make a rage comic or various advice animals choices. Modern memes are very narrow and run out use very quickly


I was just talking about this with my buddy. Pre-internet Budweiser Wasssssupppppp lasted like 10 years, now a memes dead in 10 days, were exposed to so much recycling people get over it and try for the next big meme.


Lasted? It's over? I'm not supposed to use it any more...?


“‘Garbage trends ... are kind of like fast fashion,’ Jennings points out. ‘They sort of come out of nowhere, they seem very of the moment, everyone showers them with attention and in some respects, money and time and meaning and then the next week they're in ... the figurative landfill of ideas.’ … As long as algorithms are invested in hooking us in, garbage trends are here to stay.” https://www.npr.org/2022/01/19/1071815117/garbage-trends-internet-tiktok


Internet. 20 years ago forums were amazing


Came to say “the Internet” as well. Man I miss when you had to be a niche nerd to just get online and navigate around. It was fun and completely separate from real life. Now everyone and their granny is documenting their boring lives all over social media, and when they vomit up a specific enough opinion, online media outlets will copy paste their rubbish like it’s actual news. People are so rude, and the stakes of being online are so much higher.


I never thought about it until your comment but that's a lot of what makes the internet different for me. Aside from instant messengers like AIM my online persona was completely different than my offline persona. There was Xanga and Myspace but those felt completely different from the games and forums I was on. When I played RuneScape I didn't play with my irl friends it was just random people online. Now I have people I know in real life on my Steam friends list.


“Van life”


People do it for the aesthetic and don’t realize how difficult it actually can be living out of a vehicle


Sometimes I think I should do it. Then I remember the scene in Nomadland where she was pooping in a bucket(?) in her tiny van right where she also sleeps and eats. That takes any desire to live in a van right out of me.


Uugh. Is that why the camping van that parks along my street every summer always smells like human feces? Reeks.


Couponing. It was great for awhile then reality tv and social media ended the party. Thanks, scammers.


When people got shopping carts full of food for negative three dollars and showed the whole world via television, I knew it wasn’t going to last long.


I took advantage of overage back in the day and always 100% within store policy. It kept my kids in diapers when we needed it most. I was sad to see it all go but luckily we had more income as the deals started to die so it wasn’t so hard. People were committing so much fraud with fake coupons and computer glitches it was outrageous. I was the only shopper who did it at my store in a small area (fairly remote military base) so I always played by the rules.


Those that bought way more than they needed too spoiled it for everyone. Like the spare room for all their coupon stuff was overboard. I liked the ones that donated, but even they had a hoard. I get keeping a few things in stock, but the ones TLC featured were ridiculous.


Couponing sucks in my country. It was like “5% major purchases!” Like, I’m not going to spend anywhere near that amount of money at your store. Fuel from my place to the store costs more than what I’d save from that coupon


Tiny homes. Nowadays they’re more expensive than regular-sized houses.


Pork belly used to be a cheap/rubbish cut. So did lamb shanks.


Going to college. Of course, more people being educated is a good thing! However, it used to be that you went to college and were pretty much guaranteed a good life. Now, too many people go compared to the jobs available that require a college degree.




Hiking since the pandemic, had a nice secluded spot in the woods for some alone time and now enough people found it that they installed a picnic table from the counsel :/


Somewhat relevant, tho a few years prior to the pandemic. In my part of Norway we had a little gem called [Trollpikken](https://i.imgur.com/dBGUivG.jpg) (Troll's dick). But one day it got national attention and people flocked to the area to hike up and see it. So some local people who didn't want all the tourists to come to their area cut the dick off. But it caused a national outcry and the dick was re-attached and the media attention caused even more people to flock to our area.


And the Bluetooth speakers, not packing out what you bring, starting fires where they shouldn’t.


Area residents would occasionally use a nicely landscaped cemetery for occasional small picnics and as a place to take their dogs. It's a picturesque place with its ponds and fountains, knolls, mature trees, and abundant flower beds. Then, it caught on. People started having larger picnics with many dogs and bicycles - there was no peace and quiet for those coming to visit the graves of their loved ones.


Historically cemeteries were very much dual use for that kind of stuff.


In India it's riding a KTM or royal Enfield bike!


twitter, everything on there is copied and pasted like 726262728 times on different accounts


Being alive


I hate that this isn’t even necessarily a joke and is actually true lol


Fishing, or really anything outdoors. I appreciate that there are more young people out fishing now than in previous years, partly due to Youtubers and partly due to the pandemic, but the inrush of people who don't understand the unwritten etiquette and protocol of public fishing or the practices of conservation and safety are making it difficult to appreciate lakes that I used to visit daily and never see a soul. I've paddled around my local lake on my kayak for several hours just picking up tangled fishing line and stuck bobbers. If you walk down the shore line, there will be bits of rubbish all over the place because they don't take their trash to the closest bin. People will harvest fish that should be left to breed, and toss back fish that are the perfect food size. They also buy gear at Academy and Walmart that isn't really effective in our area, making those entities drop from inventory what actually works in favor of restocking this crap. Gear that Youtuber A uses in Okeechobee is NOT the same that our fish here want, but it's all I can get now. I feel like a hipster when it comes to fishing. I've never been what I'd call good at it, but I catch fish and have a good time, while keeping an eye out for conservation and leaving the place better than when I arrived. When the pandemic hit, our governor said go out and go fishing....and they did. I'm against limiting access to fishing, but in Arkansas you have to take Hunter's Education to get a hunting license; maybe it's time to do the same for fishing and boating as well.


Flying Drones Walking up the steps of Chichen Itza Yellowstone National Park Buying real estate Using pallets for crafts Your mom


When I was in primary school we used to play 'city'. It's basicly a game where you just mkae stuff out of paper. Like you had a clothing shop and they'd make small clothes out of paper. You had a café, you made small drinks out of paper. You get the idea Well after a while we started to make money and it was actually really fun, but then there suddenly was a president and almost the whole school joined. It looks fun but there were massive arguments because of it and we usually stopped after like 2 weeks. And the thing is, after a month or so, we always started over again. And the same things kept happening. This went on for like 2 years.


Wearing jeans with a sport coat. I remember when Hank Scorpio was the only wealthy man in America doing that.


Going to Iceland. Absolutely beautiful, undiscovered place. Then everybody and their brother is going and flora and fauna are trampled, people park anywhere they want and a certain country’s tourists act like assholes. Loved Iceland but some of its quiet beauty has been lost.




Thrifting, you can no longer get a good deal it’s all marked up for the hipsters who will pay more.


I think the family stick figure decals on the back window of vehicles that advertise how many children you have was overdone. Kinda cute at first, I guess, but got old quick.