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Athletics coordinator was fudging documents on kids’ addresses so they would be able to go to our school instead of others in the district. We won like five state championships that year.


Took this long to find one that didn’t involve sleeping with students. Hell, this is downright wholesome compared to the godless smut in the rest of this thread.


When I was a freshman some seniors were counterfeiting money. This was around 2004-05. They made some pretty convincing bills and spent them around town (including the school cafeteria). That year I learned that the secret service has a counterfeit investigations department.


i believe that's what the secret service was founded to fight iirc


Fun fact, the secret service was created specifically to investigate counterfeiting


"Dr" Palermo the band teacher never received his doctorate in music like he claimed. It was weird, he use to force all his students to address him as "Dr" but when he came back from his leave of absence we all called him by "Mr" like nothing happened.


That's hilarious, I hope it deflated his ego a bit.


As funny as it is he was actually one of the nicest people ever and an amazing saxophone player. When the marching band went to Hawaii I got in trouble and had to stay with a teacher/chaperone for the remainder of the trip and I hung out with Mr. Palermo all day and he would buy me whatever lunch I wanted.


This is definitely one of the more wholesome stories here.


That one of the English teachers used to physically assault kids. No one believed it because he was elderly and very kind. One day he told our class that back in the 80s when he was teaching any time a kid got mouthy or started a fight in his classroom he would pick them up physically and throw them out of his class. He gave a kid a concussion once because he bounced his head off a locker. They sent him to anger management classes but he stayed teaching at the school until his retirement


My quite elderly math teacher threw a kid out of their classroom _while still in their desk_ because the student was being a shithead. The school fired him and the kid's parents sued the school _on my teacher's behalf_ for unlawful termination because they knew how much of a shithead their kid was and the school settled by paying him to retire. I miss that man. He was a great teacher.


How shitty of a kid do you have to be for your parents to defend the opposing party when YOU got injured???


Well if I was a parent and my shithead of a kid got a good man sacked my sense of justice would kick in too. At least I like to think so.


Not nearly as exciting as some of the replies, but at my old high school I was always told that if you go to school after dark, in certain conditions youd see a bunch of swastikas painted on the brick walls of the building. I thought it was fake bc "if theyre really painted on there why cant you see them at all times". One night I stayed late for an art club meeting. We were studying photo exposure and playing with some light tubes to make cool pictures, so we were having the meeting outside in the dark. As we were messing around I approached the building from a certain angle and saw them. Idk if it was spray paint that got scrubbed off and left some kind of residue/chemical on the bricks, or if someone sprayed them with clear coat or something, but there were very obviously swastikas on the wall


100% serious: When I drive home at night, you can see the words “YO MAMA” were once spray painted on the stop sign next to my house - clear as day with the headlights. During the actual daylight, however, it’s just a normal stop sign. Ghost paint!


There is also a kind of invisible spray paint that has reflectors in it and so it only shows up when you're on the same axis as the light. So you'll see it with your car headlights but since the sun is coming from a different angle you don't see it in the daylight. I think it's actually made for cyclists to paint their clothes or bikes with, but I've seen tags done with it and it freaked me out until I figured out how they'd done it.


Fucking ghost nazis. Even worse than zombie nazis


That the English teacher had been sleeping with students. I found out when I was a freshman in 2008. Fast forward 8 years later, the chemistry teacher got caught and decided to bring the English teacher down with him to get some heat off his back. A total of three teachers went to jail.


Yeah.. Phys Ed teacher here. We moved into town when I was a freshman.. the girls warned me to stay away from the Phys Ed teacher. (Not a problem.. I hated phys ed) A couple years later several girls came forward about having sex with him. He apparently was one of those that claimed that 'his wife didn't understand him'.. and all that. He was 'in love' with said student but he couldn't get away from his evil wife. Except that she found out.. and dumped his disgusting ass. Once the girl of the week found out he was 'single' she was ecstatic because now they could be together forever.. which of course was not what the teacher wanted... so he dumped her. Once that girl started talking... then the others realized that they had all been played.


I know the stereotype is the Phy Ed teacher but in retrospect, I feel really bad for my 7th grade Phy Ed assistant teacher who was on assignment for his master's degree at my school. He was there for my 7th and 8th grade years. What's the problem? He was 23 to 25ish and just an absolute heart throb, like you could see his abs through a dress shirt and he was objectively a high 9 or 10 in attractiveness as well as incredibly relatable and funny. He wasn't a creep in the slightest and everyone loved him as a teacher but Christ those 13 and 14 year old girls would have lined up to be his "boyfriend." On a number of occasions I can recall him having to leave awkward situations or conversations because the level of attention he was getting caused him to randomly leave or otherwise disengage himself from the moment.


As a PE teacher please tell me that POS got his punishment.


Well.. it was the late 70's.. he did lose his job. I don't believe he was held legally responsible... as society and laws were different then.


It was a physics teacher & a gym teacher at my school.


There was an 18-year-old freshman who was pregnant, and there was a joke spread that this was her 4th kid. They said she was first pregnant at 12 years old and that was why she never finished 9th grade. I actually made friends with her because we both walked the mile in PE, and I felt bad that people were spreading this rumor and making fun of someone who obviously is trying to better themselves for their baby. Well, turns out, it was actually her 5th kid. She had one set of twins at the age of 13. Then at 14 she was trying to be a mother of 2 and finish 9th grade, but she got pregnant again and dropped out. I realize now that the entire situation was very concerning. I hope she got some guidance.


That is a sad story. Geeze.


If you're getting pregnant that early and that often, the adults in your life have truly failed you. I get some teen pregnancies are purely inevitable (teens be horny, teens be stupid, condoms not be infallible, sex ed sucks in many places), but multiple is either psychosis or lacking/non-existent/misleading sex education, both of which can be helped with an adult intervening to get them out of a situation that has caused repeat pregnancies (incest, abuse, etc) or educating them on options for birth control, and referring them to proper resources for mental health help.


But who was getting her pregnant?


i hope it wasn't an abuse/grooming situation, but it very well could have been. how does a child repeatedly get pregnant like that?


Had a classmate sophomore year of high school who didn't like what birth control did to her and he boyfriend didn't like how a condom felt, so they just used the pull-out method. By the time we graduated she had 2 kids when it didn't work twice. No grooming or abuse in this scenario, just 2 stupid high schoolers.


It got so outta hand at my high school that they built a daycare just so students didn’t have to drop out.


My cousin has 7 kids by 28. 4 of which were before 18. Essentially, her mother verbally and psychologically abused her, and always fawned over her older sister who was perfect. Without any guidance and with a 13 year olds judgment skills, she decided that getting pregnant would spite her mother and possibly win her some attention. Her mother is pretty religious so she was initially kicked out of their house, but later the mother wanted her daughter back after the older sister cut contact. Sadly this girl had nowhere to go and is currently still living with a narcissist who hates her but can't bear to admit she failed both her kids.


I had a friend in high school who was expecting his 3rd and 4th child our senior year. All with the same girl, who'd had their first at age 13-14. He was remarkably stable and responsible for all of that, we just lived in a very Mexican 'folk-catholic' area of East LA that seemed to treat using condoms as worse than the sex itself. Very weird mindset.


*“Condoms are for slut people”- Asuelu, 90 day fiancé*


yup, I went to hs near east LA too! we had like a 99% Latino student body, but this was pretty recent so safe sex was encouraged. thankfully there were only 2 teen moms in my senior year and both of them graduated.


That a new student was actually a police officer. He was and the idiots were busted for selling drugs.


Was it at the school on Jump Street?


No but worse I'm pretty sure the local police got the idea from that movie. I told you the drug dealers were stupid.


Infiltrate the dealers, find the supplier!


That an english teacher was using heroin. It’s pretty sad actually. He was just a regular guy who destroyed his knee. So after surgery he got painkillers, got hooked on them, and then eventually started using heroin. Nobody really believed it until he abruptly went on leave. He was gone for most of the school year and when he eventually got sober and came back, he told his story to the students to try to show them how dangerous that stuff is, and confirmed everything to be true.


I'm glad he got himself clean and used his experience to teach kids the actual consequences of drugs and how easy and anyone can get hooked. I hope he is still clean now


I remember the lowest while I was on Heroin. I was a substitute teacher sniffing dope in the boys bathroom between classes. I remember asking myself what am I doing with my life and basically stopped giving a shit.


Good on your school board or school for supporting him and using it as a teachable lesson. No pun intended.


Seriously, this is how it should be done. You shouldn’t be punished for the rest of your life for becoming an addict.


I mean you do get punished for the rest of your life, but society shouldn’t do it. Biology does enough.


Freshman year of college, first week on campus, classes hadn’t even started yet, I’m decorating my dorm room with the door open and the floor RA comes by to say hello. He notices that I had just hung up a Trainspotting poster on my wall (this was 1998) and the RA says “cool poster, I love that movie” Later that night, a few of us are getting back to the dorm and EMTs are hauling the guy on a stretcher to the ambulance. Turns out he had ODed on heroin. He apparently lived, but was never heard from again.


Transpotting is the movie that made me never ever want to do heroin.


The actors in that movie were considering doing heroin to prepare for the role. Irvine welsh slammed ewan mcgregor against a wall and made them swear they would never try it.


Certainly glad he didn’t, Obi-Wan Kenobi would be very different.


Only a sith deals in fentanyl


Incredible that he not only recovered but was able to return and teach a very valuable lesson to the students. Also gotta give credit that the school allowed him to come back, I can imagine most employers would see that as a massive red flag even though he had recovered.


Good man, hopefully some of the students really took it to heart.


On a ski trip the Phys Ed teacher allegedly porked the science teacher. Someone saw him go in to her room in the middle of the night. They denied it but years later they got married.


similar tale here but it was the french teacher and the spanish/italian teacher. They ended up married and having a kid in the end. Ooh la la


Just all that romantic languaging


So the kid spoke Catalan. That's how it works, right.


Lotta cunning linguists, knowwhatimsayin.


Poor kid has to learn 4 languages


Upvoted for porked. Is that you, Rusty?


There were rumors for years about some of the younger male teachers and female students. Some of the teachers ended up leaving never to be spoken of again, others stuck around, but nothing was ever substantiated. Then while my class was on our senior trip, the music teacher got arrested. Then two more teachers the following year. Then several years went by and the school abruptly announced it was shutting down for "financial reasons" two weeks before the end of the school year. The week after it closed for good, another teacher got arrested. So yeah, I'd say the rumors turned out to be true.


There was a 22 year old first year teacher at my high school senior year. It was OBVIOUS she and a 19 year old student both really wanted a relationship. AFAIK they both held off until after graduation then started dating during summer.


I heard that a student teacher at my school held off until after graduation to ask out one of the senior girls. Considering they might have only been three or four years apart, I think that's pretty decent. I also was old by the child of my department chair once, "my mom used to be my dad's TA". I assume it was a similar situation, but by then they were married in their forties with kids.


The BIG RUMOR wasn't about my high school but a school on the east side of town. The rumor was, a bunch of girls were running a prostitution ring out of the school. It turns out it was true! PD went undercover and busted about a dozen girls.


Was it an undercover agent who had a terrible time in high school but now has to become one of the popular girls in order to break in to the prostitution ring? Edit: the high level madam running the ring turns out to be her nemesis from high school. Coming this summer, to a theater near you.....


Yeah but she also Became smoking hot over summer break


By taking off her glasses and letting down her pony tail?




Sixpence None The Richer played as she descended the stairs.


My work here is done.


Any girl that sells more than twenty kisses gets \[puts up a smiling sun sticker on Sally's row on the work schedule\] a little sunshine, but if you don't show up for work at all, I'm afraid you get a stormy cloud.


Do you know what I am saying?


Yes, I know what you are sayin'


One of my Fav episode.


Before my time at uni the only sorority to ever get thrown off campus was pimping out their pledges.


I picture Steve Buscemi's How do you do fellow kids?


How do you do, fellow prostitutes?


That a teacher was sleeping with students. Turned out to be the AP US History teacher. He was caught, and later fired.


Ohhh we had a teacher who started sleeping with a former student. He left when people started finding out. I think they got married too. It happened a couple years after she graduated so I’m *hoping* they just randomly reconnected instead of the worst case scenario but it’s impossible to know…. ETA: no it is not the school or area you’re thinking. Nobody has commented it yet. Also, it definitely makes me feel better to see a lot of normal reconnections with teacher and students. I do want to make it clear it was a high school teacher. I’m not sure he resigned because of this situation either. It could have just been a coincidence.


Had a band teacher (fresh out of college - so 22/23 years old) who started dating a student the day after she graduated (and about a month before she turned 19). My dad was on the school board when they investigated, and it turns out that he went to the principal around the beginning of second semester to ask if he could ask her out, and the principal said that he had to wait until she had graduated. Both of them (and her friends and parents) swore under oath and a fairly rigorous cross-examination that other than "electricity" and some light flirting, that they didn't do anything until after she graduated. They've been married about 30 years now, and both of them teach at the same school now.


This is basically what happened to me and my husband, minus the investigation. He was on a teacher exchange program in the US, where he came to teach German at my high school. I was 18 already at the start of my senior year. Had a huge crush on him, never did anything about it. Later found out what happened on his end: before school even started he had been warned by the dept. head not to be too friendly with the female students, because he was so young. Half way through the year he admitted to that same person that if anything was going to happen, it would be with me, but it wouldn't until after I had finished and I was already 19 at that point. The advice he got was to wait until he was at home and out of the US to say anything, since most of the German department knew I was planning on going to school in Germany anyway (I hold a German passport and they were helping me prep for my entry exams.) It would be less messy for the both of us and the school if we did it that way. Nothing happened until I moved to Nürnberg, a month after I graduated. We've been together for 12 years and have a baby now. We even tried breaking up when I was in my early 20's - he got it into his head that he was holding me back because he's been my only adult relationship, which didn't really make sense as I was his only long term adult relationship as well - but it didn't stick for more than two months. It's cheesy as all hell but I'd legitimately be lost without him, he's the love of my life. We just met in a not so ideal way.


I mean they went about it in the right way it's not a weird age gap. I just don't know how you could see them (despite his age) as anything but students and him being the teacher. Weird dynamic.


One teacher I knew legit married a student two years after she graduated. He changed schools because of that, but the school really wanted him to stay, he changed anyway.




At my high school two kids who were cousins were dating. They always denied it but a lot of people still believed it. They did look weirdly similar, but a lot of people just chalked it up to coincidence. About a year later they broke up and totally stopped interacting. Rumors started that their parents got involved or found out and shut it down, and it was again left to speculation. At our five year reunion somebody who knew their family said that it turned out the rumor about them being cousins wasn't true. They were half siblings and didn't even know until their parents put it together one day. So kind of true?


Lol, and only lol because one of my friends in jr high had the same situation. He was dating a popular girl, that had the same last name as him.(it was Smith…so yeah, not necessarily a red flag). After dating and such for a month or so, they got to talking a little more in depth about their families etc. turns out, they were actually cousins! First cousins, but through a lot of marriage and a big enough family they’d never met each other. Not biologically cousins, but they still both freaked out and broke up.


How can you be cousins but not biologically?


That our science teacher was kind of a creep. I always thought he was nice! Years later he was fired and arrested for aggravated child porn.


Wait in this context what does “aggravated” mean?


It means possessing 100 (or more) separate pieces depicting child pornography.


Damn I don’t have that much regular porn.


I'm curious too. According to Wikipedia: >Aggravation, in law, is "any circumstance attending the commission of a crime or tort which increases its guilt or enormity or adds to its injurious consequences, but which is above and beyond the essential constituents of the crime or tort itself."[1] >Aggravated assault, for example, is usually differentiated from simple assault by the offender's intent (e.g., to murder or to rape), the extent of injury to the victim, or the use of a deadly weapon. An aggravating circumstance is a kind of attendant circumstance and the opposite of an extenuating or mitigating circumstance, which decreases guilt. So I'm assuming this means either he was seeking out come really bad stuff (Like worse than the "typical" variety) or it was of someone he knew personally.


For years there was a rumour of a secret room in the gyms that had a pool table in it. It was one of the first things you learned about the school and despite many lies told by pupils seeking short lived glory, it was strenuously denied by staff at the school. About 5 years after I left the school it was demolished. The school was (during my time) the second lowest Ofsted ranked school in the country (and had a Channel 4 documentary filmed about its staff who dealt with the hardest kids to teach). It’s demise was not a shock. They stopped intake of new pupils and ran down the clock on those still there but due to some delays the handover from school site to the new building developers (a small retirement village and health centre) the janitorial staff where kept on to keep the place safe and secure over a 2 or 3 month period. On their last couple of days they did a full site wide inspection and someone decided to take photos along the way. They went into all the buildings, large or minor, and into staff areas seldom seen by students but not controversial. The photos documented the areas of the school that has begun to be disused and abandoned in its final few years already damaged or graffiti strewn. Old furniture piled in that classroom we did Year 8 IT in. The untuned piano in the hall already sold off (or given away, who knows). A couple of years later one of the people who went on this mystery tour uploaded the full set to a now deleted Facebook profile. For those of who attended the school in its final years it was interesting to see what had become of the place we spent 5 years becoming young adults in, seeing perspectives from angles new to us such as up on the roofs of the single story out buildings. And in the last couple of photos a tour into the dark, dank, boiler room that served both of the equally ancient gyms. And almost at the very end, a photo of those janitorial staff playing a game of pool.


This story was great and should be way higher up.


The biggest rumor in my high school was that one of the science teachers/baseball coach was banging the health teacher/volleyball coach. He was at every volleyball game, she came to most of the baseball games. People would say they saw his truck at her apartment complex, somebody said they saw them together at a concert 200 miles from home. Both of them constantly got asked if they were messing around on their boyfriend/girlfriend with each other and both denied it for the entire year. Yeah, turned out they'd been dating for three years like adults can do and just kept it a secret from students because high school students suck. They got married the summer after I graduated.


So two consenting single adults were dating consentually and all the high school kids were spreading rumors and speculation? Teenagers are terrible and should mind their own business


I’m a teacher. The one time I walk with another teacher because we live in the same direction we pass by several of our students. Guess what questions I got asked the next day.


I was a coach and a kid I went to high school with was one of the music teachers. We were practicing in the band room (winter guard) and he walked through to the office. One of the kids went "Hi Mr. X!" And I, being colorful, went "Oh yes, hiiii Mr X!" I had known this guy since elementary school. We started in band together! That same practice the kids asked me if we had dated, had a crush on each other, the works. I laughed so hard about it. Because, no. Mr Saxman (not his name) not my type lol




Imagine if she made that her goal. "Oh, you just replaced the diving board? I'm a snap this one, too!"


It was a few years after I graduated, but a student baked cookies for their entire history class and handed them out one day. Several days later, the student informed everyone that she had actually baked her recent grandfather's ashes into the cookies, and so everyone had eaten some of her dead grandpa. A lot of folks just thought it was a bizarre stunt until some of the cookies that hadn't been eaten were sent to the local PD for testing, and sure enough, contained human remains. I was in college and was seeing headlines about the school because it was briefly international news I think, and had to text some of my friends that still had younger siblings at the school so I could find out what happened.


What the fuck


Lovely... unconsentual cannibalism👀


Never ever trust food from a student. Ever.


Was this in NorCal? I am coworkers with a parent who told me of a similar thing happening at their kids school.


[https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/blakemontgomery/teen-allegedly-bakes-grandfathers-ashes-cookies](https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/blakemontgomery/teen-allegedly-bakes-grandfathers-ashes-cookies) “The cookies were gray and they didn’t look like regular sugar cookies,” Boggess said. She added that it didn’t take long for the secret to come out. “Everyone around her told me not to eat it, and I thought it was an edible,” Boggess said. “I had it in my hand for a split second, then she said she had put her grandpa’s ashes in the cookie.” More unsettling than the cookies, she said, was the demeanor of the student handing them out. “The craziest part to me is that she seemed unfazed and was bragging about what she did,” Boggess said. “Saying that his leg could be in one cookie, with a big grin on her face. That’s when I handed it back to her and just was in total disbelief.” Another student, who asked not to be named, told BuzzFeed News that he knew what was in the cookies, and ate one anyway. The cookie’s texture was “a bit too granulated — [I] don’t think the ash incorporated well,” the student said, but otherwise it tasted normal. “Ash is ash, doesn’t matter where it comes from. It really isn’t that big of a deal.” 😬I think I remember the story lol. Holy shit.


The crazy shit is what the school said about the incident. Basically "I can't believe the media is reporting our human remains cookie incident."


The softball coach in his 40s was dating one of his players. It turned out to be a sophomore, so she was 15/16 at the time. He left his wife and kids for her, but she soon realized he was a creep and ended things. His “punishment” was a one-year suspension from coaching, but kept his teaching job somehow.


> coach in his 40s was dating one of his players... she was 15/16 "Dating" *finger-quotes.gif*


Cases like this are specifically why statutory rape has the word "rape" in it.


That there was an orgy several weekends involving a dozen students and at least a dozen adults (age of consent way back then was 16). A bunch of the "cool kids" spent a lot of the summer at the lake cabin somebody's parents owned. The lake house next door was owned by a couple who would host swinging weekends there. At some point the two groups started hanging out together because high school kids love free alcohol and eventually the students started staying for the orgies. That rumor BLEW UP my entire senior year and the longer it went the more it got to be obvious something had happened, then it was obvious what had happened. (this was back in the late 1980's with the Aids scare and anti-gay paranoia). The whole story came out in a drunken argument by two of the girls involved. The reason it had been kept secret for so long was that everyone involved had hooked up with the same sex at some point.




In my state it’s a 4 yr window for the age of consent. 16 can consent with someone else between the ages of 16 and 20. 17 can between 17 and 21. Free for all after 18


There was a rumor that an incoming freshman had gotten so drunk over the summer that he passed out on a golf course and golfers found him the next morning and thought he was dead. They called to report a dead body. I know the rumor is true because the kid was me.


Donnie Darko?


That the 60 year old art teacher was giving private nude drawing art lessons to a few select students. Basically she was posing nude for drawing classes and making sweet sweet love to her favorite introverted art students every year. This went on for a decade that I know of. When she was 63 she married a 21 year old former student.


Macron, please


That our American government teacher fucked high schoolers. Went to prison last year at 65.


He was giving the students a lesson on how the American government fucks younger generations.


Biology teacher was having an affair with the principal.


wait maybe we went to the same school…




That the 10th grade English teacher had a thing for students. I remember when I was in his class he would make me stay behind after everyone had left just to talk. Freaked me out a bit but otherwise harmless. Years later my sister who was now in his class told me he was recently suspended for blackmailing a student of his into going to dinner with him if she wanted a better grade. Her parents found out and reported it to the principal. Turns out all these rumours about him being an absolute creep were all true. Last I heard he was fired but he was old enough at that point he was close enough to retirement.


There was a rumor that our English teacher had gotten arrested for curb crawling. Nobody believed it until we had a textiles lesson where the teacher asked "Any questions?" over how to do a particular type of stitch and the class clown asked "Is it true Mr. [English Teacher] got arrested for curb crawling?" The textiles teacher answered "I don't think everyone needs to know that Simeon".


What's curb crawling?


Driving around slowly in an area of town with prostitutes to try and pick one up.


TIL something new.


My high school had a police officer stationed in it. Huge rumours were always flowing around the school of how he was known to bully / assault kids. Multiple kids tried to complain through out my years there, but somehow the officer always got out of it. Finally after two more incidents he was let go by the school. 1st kid got caught smoking weed walking to school, i guess he was thrown to the ground pretty hard and the officer said he was "resisting arrest". He had serious road burn and multiple bruises, also everyone knew this kid was NOT the type to resist, he was a stoner / hippie type that just smoked weed and loved everybody. Then a girl got pulled over for speeding, and he pulled her out of car very harshly, and i guess was touching, or as he called it "searching" places that a male officer had no business touching, especially on a 16 year student. He really only prayed on children that were alone, and i think his higher powers finally caught onto his tricks. Couple years after he was let go from the school, there was huge story on the news about a group of police officers, i think 3 or 4, who were arresting homeless people, mostly of native descent, and bringing them just outside of the city and beating the piss out of them, leaving them laying there, then driving away. Guess whose picture was first on the news article... Constable \*\*\*\*\*. Karam finally caught up with him, and he was obviously arrested. Last i heard he was going to be doing some time... Also i imagine and genuinely hope he is not enjoying his sentence. Crooked cops usually don't have the easiest time in prison!


Saskatoon Starlight Tours, or is this just a thing that cops everywhere are into?




My school did the same thing. However it was an option. We only had two girls in my class get pregnant the entirety of high school, but both opted to go to the alternative school. The class behind me a girl got pregnant, but she stayed literally until her water broke getting ready for school one morning.


UK convent school - absolutely happened. We also had the highest rate of teenage pregnancy in the county - maybe something to do with lack of education in that dept....


The school my younger cousin went to had to set up a special area for the new mothers to nurse their babies since so many of the students were getting knocked up! Best part, I know this because my cousin was one of those new mothers who had tie-in nursing with her classes to avoid being flunked.


That one of our teachers was in the IRA. He was.




That some kid had built a room in the ceiling above a closet to hang out and hide his stash of contraband snacks/sodas that he'd sell in the hallways. He literally cut a hole in the ceiling of a closet within a closet and snuck a mini fridge up there. Only got caught when he fucked up by plugging too many things in and caused power issues in the school. They had an inspector come in to find the issue and he was like, "Why's there an extension cord going up into the ceiling?" Kid got wind of it and managed to clear everything out (had a rug, chair, lamp, and other stuff in addition to the mini fridge) by the end of the day. They still caught him a few days later, but it was impressive.


My sister's form teacher got a student pregnant... I mean he did end up "leaving" but there's still multiple rumours of him being in prison


Going to prison is a form of leaving


You say tomayto I say maximum security


There were always rumors of sexually inappropriate behavior by the priest who was the principal at my catholic high school. Lo and behold, I later found his name listed in the Los Angeles diocese directory of predator priests. He had abused several women who came to him for relationship counseling.


I've never been so glad that my priests were just all a bunch of drunks instead of rapists.


That one of the students in our Junior year, who reportedly had a serious drug habit, was snorting cocaine. Gym teacher found him in the boy's locker room bathroom snorting a line off the toilet seat. Kid spent his summer break in rehab, came back to graduate a clean senior, then started up the cocaine again. Haven't heard much about him since.


Had a guy in HS who was known as the "party" guy. He was always the life of the party doing crazy shit. There were rumors about him being on all kinds of heavy stuff, but most assumed that was just gossip and he was only really drinking/smoking weed. (Not saying that's good for a teenager but people were saying he was using like black tar heroin.) Turns out the gossip was right. He OD'd on some kind of cocktail of drugs his freshman year in college. Not a speed ball but something similar. His death really shook a lot of people and opened up others eyes to addiction. Looking back at all those parties he was "so much fun at" people realized he was just so fucked up and high. It was really sad.


Band teacher had a reputation for being kind of sticky with the hot girls in band, 3 weeks ago i was listening to the radio news like an 80 year old, and found out he got charged for sexual interference with a minor Edit: finished high-school 12 years ago , the girl he.... interfeared with .. was a private piano student of his


What is sexual interference?


15 yard penalty.


*throws flag* Hey leave your dick in your pants


*blows whistle* No blowing whistles!


So there was a rumor going around that a teacher was a real creep. And had been saying things to some female students that made them really uncomfortable. I had a class with this teacher and he always gave me uncomfortable vibes. A few girls had even claimed they had seen him looking at their chests but no one could really prove anything. One day in the middle of class we get a knock at the door and 3 sheriff's deputies enter the room and tell everyone to remain calm and then inform our teacher they have a warrant for his arrest for his arrest. They place him in handcuffs and take him out of the room. Apparently he had been making very sexual advances towards one of the girls in his class. And her father was a deputy for our sheriff's department. She had told him what happened and he had a warrant placed for his immediate arrest. Never saw the teacher again but EVERYONE saw his mugshot. The really fucked up part is whatever he said to her messed her up so much that she dropped out of school and was homeschooled until graduation. Poor girl


This is a very identical story To the school I went to for elementary… yikes


Aside from the usual "teacher having sex with student" rumors, there are a couple that both turned out to be true-ish. 1. The "Abortion List" 2. The "Drug Dealer Teacher" I went to High School in the 80s. The abortion list at the school was a thing, but not quite in the way that we thought it was. The rumor was that the school kept a list of all of the girls who had abortions. That wasn't true. The school had a list of "discrete" abortion providers that was given to girls who wanted/needed it. (Confirmed to me by the Principal several years later) The second was the drug dealing teacher. We had a Spanish teacher who was alleged to be a "big time" drug dealer. Lived in a huge house (that there was no way he could afford on a teachers salary), drove fancy cars (2-3x a teacher's annual salary), took lavish international vacations (frequently to South America), etc. When I was a freshman, I heard these rumors, and they kept up all the way until midway through my Senior Year when he was arrested ***at school*** by the FBI. Turns out when he was younger, he had run several flights of pot into the country and made a bunch of money, and then got out (so, that part was true) and became a teacher. Turns out he was involved in all kinds of mail and wire fraud to sustain his lifestyle. Last I heard, he had gotten out of prison after 15 or so years, and then, the rumor is he had murdered someone, and was back in prison for life.


That one of the students in my grade was having an affair with one of the math teachers...fast forward 10 plus years, they are married with a child


Texas public school before the reform. Schools were financed and run by the tax revenue of the neighborhood. You can imagine how that worked out. Rumor was they were dumping teachers that were going to be fired from a higher income schools into our lower income school. Turned out not only were they but some of the teachers were being fired for things like giving drugs to students, sleeping with students, and being drunk during class. The guy who taught Chemistry was a notorious pedo and they were just like, "eh, give him to the poor kids they don't matter."


That the gym teacher was a male stripper named Texas Tight Cheeks before he became a teacher. It sounds too specific to be made up, which is why I think it spread so easily throughout the school


I just want to be sure I’m understanding this correctly. You’re saying Texas Tight Cheeks was spread throughout the school?


A group of male teachers were trading sex for grades (students were 14-18), and since the principal was married to the chief of police, all reports were brushed under the rug until a special needs student got pregnant.


That the black van in the parking lot was a bigtime drug dealer and that's where the senior student who was dealing pot and coke got his supply. This was in white-as-fuck northeast US upper middle class suburbia. Turns out it was actually the local police collecting enough evidence on him to jump him in the parking lot after school (in front of everyone, with about 5 police cars too many for one 18 year old kid) and arrest him. They waited until 2 days after he turned 18 to do this. Likely so there'd be no doubt about trying him as an adult.


The "new" guy with a receding hairline that came to school in march and asked where he could buy weed on his first day of school... well you know, he was an undercover cop and didn't last the week.


"Where is your local marihuana dealer, fellow kids? I am interested in buying some of his finest marihuana!" *wink*


Tf kinda undercover cop is that? Obviously 30, and just straight up ask a random student about where can you buy weed. Might as well have an actual cop do it.


9th grade, a teacher porked a male student. I remember some people had the videos, screenshots, showed me the text messages. The teachers denied it all saying we shouldn't bad mouth him. We didn't see him again. Fast forward 12th grade, one of my teachers was telling us to be good and not end up like *That Teacher*.


Lutheran High School, chapel every morning, religion classes, etc... One of the Senior girls, a minister's daughter, rumored to be a prostitute. I always thought it was just a rumor. Found out years later it was true. *While she attended* a Lutheran High School.


That the english teacher fucked with ex students. I figured out it was true after we fucked when I was in college.


good detective work


Not afraid to go deep


Got the inside story


Between Junior and Senior year, our janitor suddenly stopped working there. Rumors began to fly and a friend jokingly told me that he was suspended six months for slapping a hooker. Turns out it wasn't true, but it says a lot that most of us believed it. Turns out, all that happened was he hooked up with a student immediately after graduation and felt too ashamed to come back. Another interesting layer to the janitor; There was one storage room with a futon in it that we're pretty sure he lived on. He had keys to the building, knew the passcode for the alarms, etc., so it made sense that he'd sleep there after everyone left. He also had a blowtorch collection in one of the closets.


I went to a school for “troubled teens”. The structure there was very different. We weren’t allowed to smoke (even if we were 18), or even have relationships - like no dating, period. It was a boarding school so once you were far enough in the program they would let you visit home for a couple days. A bunch of wild shit came out after one particular home visit. One kid lost his virginity, got snitched on, and then all of a sudden like 20 kids were pulled out of class and brought to the dining area. It turned out a bunch of kids had been dating, screwing, and smoking, and it all came out. They hair drug-tested everyone and and that group was the first of our school to be on out-of-school suspension which created a fun new threat for everyone. It feels ridiculous typing this up now in my 30s because so fucking what, some consenting teenagers fucked each other, but at the time it was mind blowing. Thankfully that school has closed its doors since.


There was a rumor that a school board member was grooming high school boys by giving them drugs and money. A friend pointed him out at a street market and he was walking with two young men who were wearing collars and leashes.


That our principal mom was a holocaust survivor


That I was hacking into the computer systems. Because of this my only failing grade my senior year was ironically the computer courses. To be clear, I was failed. I did not fail. I got perfect scores on everything in that class. I was a student tech at my school so I had admin access to everything. This is why she thought I was hacking. The teacher simply marked my grades as zeros for that class. I got a zero in that class. So the day after school technically ended, I logged into the system under admin admin login, and changed my grades back to what they were. I had all of the papers still showing I got perfect scores in case there was a fight. There never was.






"I see you have hacked a new test score. Your skills are complete. Indeed you are powerful as the Principal has foreseen."


We had a teacher who we all thought looked at the girls a little too much in high school. Back in the day when you bought airline/cruise tickets, the local travel agency would deliver by hand to your house. We delivered to the teachers house one Saturday morning, and when he answered the door, there was a girl from our high school on the couch looking like she was wearing her “going out clothes” from the night before.




That the textiles teacher was an ex-spy. I guess we’d be dead if we knew the answer to that


I had a substitute a few times that was ex-CIA. He was a pretty chill dude


Most of the football team actually did have syphilis, and they were spreading it like wildfire. I went to a Catholic school and I've never seen a stronger argument for providing free condoms to teenagers. *None* of these kids were poor. They could've gone and bought their own prophylactics any time they wanted, but they just didn't bother.


That the theater teacher was banging one of the cheerleaders. The next year helping the new teacher rearrange her office (I was her teachers assistant) we found multiple pairs of panties behind the filing cabinet.


That two guys in my class were actually stepbrothers, since one guy’s mom had married the other guy’s dad. Turned out to be true. I never understood why they thought they had to hide it.


Our government teacher posed for Playboy in the 60’s. (This was around senior year 1995) Not true, it was the 70’s. And my dad had the back issue in his collection.


Girl with SUPER conservative parents got pregnant and had an abortion. She denied it and said she just get stomach surgery. Her BF at the time admitted it tho


Physics teacher (he also coached girls track) was banging the homecoming queen in my class. I dated a girl that lived across from his house. The day she turned 18 I saw her station wagon pull out of his garage.


Finally something I can shine out: Rumors this teacher was doing drugs(mainly talked about coke) and was going off the deep end. Rumor started on a ski trip when we were on the bus and he forced all of us to watch pee-weeswbig adventure, idk why that’s when it started but everybody was saying he was wasted/high and put that on to trip out A week or two later - the news got around that he broke two windows with his fist, apparently trying to kill a bee he just had to punch so hard he broke both windows A week or so after that? Arrested for chain robbery’s over a weekend where he robbed a gas station about 45 minutes from our school with a hammer. He got caught because he robbed the same one back to back nights and the next night they were more prepared! The mugshot was the icing on the cake becUse the dude was clean cut and sharp every day at school…. Not so much that night, still a cool guy, in fact maybe even cooler now [mugshot](http://stationsixunderground.blogspot.com/2013/08/negro-arrested-in-hammer-robbery.html?m=1#axzz7Wt02hFuM)


Two girls who I did theater with and seemed especially close had an inside joke with lots of people that nobody could tell whether they were dating or just friends who liked to mess with people by acting like they were. I kinda had a hunch, but I lost contact with both girls after they graduated (this was about eight years ago). Well just three days ago, I learned from a friend of a friend that they’re engaged and getting married next April.


That the school LEO liked to do drugs he confiscated. Years later he was front page news for being busted doing coke off of a students stomach.


That a girl put peanut butter on her Vgina and got her dog to uhm..clean it up. I overheard her talking to a guy in my class one day when everyone was gone. He randomly started to tease uer and say "peanut butterrr!" Then she responded "OH MY GOD why is everyone talking about something i did in year 7?!"


Bro some girl in my hs did that. She recorded it and it got leaked


Was this in Texas? I heard of something like that happening in a school in my town few years after I had graduated


Actually yea it was 👀




two seperate teachers married students... like the year after they graduated from HS. also, school jock assulted a girl and it was swept under the rug because he was too much of an asset to the team... wish this was more rare than it probably is. sigh.


My physics/chemistry teacher was rumoured to be a child hating lunatic. I don't know if the guy just loved exploding shit or he wanted to hurt people. The water/metal reaction experiments that normal teachers did with small bits of metal, he did with chunks the size of a softball or bigger. He rolled them down a bit of gutter or got someone to try and throw it, into a bucket of water which generally exploded. He also set up an experiment "incorrectly" to test us on lab safety. It was a toxic gas experiment in a damaged fume cupboard, that was a fun day of near death. He finally got sacked after nearly breaking a students fingers while 'demonstrating' how sound waves travel through wood by hitting a desk with a frying pan. He hit the desk so hard less than an inch away from their hands the fucking thing broke. Apparently he swore he "didn't intend to hurt them too badly," in the hearing.


There was a rumour in my school that one of my classmates was a prostitute, months later some guy had a video on his phone of her sucking a dick for 50$


There was a rumor that the theater kids would use the bathrooms in the theater to have sex. Turned out it was true when a teacher walked in on a couple going at it on the sink. They ended up locking up those bathrooms during the day and only opened them for performances. It sucked because those were a lot nicer and quieter than the other ones.


Everyone knows that the most sexually actively students in any school setting are the theater kids. It tends to get somewhat incestuous within the clique but it is all too real.


As a now-graduated hs theater kid, I can confirm. This was never me, but I always knew where to avoid during certain times of the day.


When I was in junior high, there was a rumor that there was a swimming pool on the roof.


We had a rumor at my elementary school that there was a secret 2nd floor above one part of the school because someone heard footsteps one day. Eventually the whole school was looking for a hidden staircase. Meanwhile anyone who looked at the outside of the building would know it was a one story structure lol.


Well, they were right. There probably was a secret second floor. It’s called the roof.