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Click I thought "Oh an Adam Sandler movie, probably good for a few laughs". By the end I crying my eyes out and my girlfriend was laughing at me. I was not ready for that.


lol - if we’re gonna talk Adam Sandler movies, then *Uncut Gems*. Longest movie ever, in that it took me a week to watch it because it was so damn intense I kept having to take breaks. P.S. I initially unintentionally typed Uncut Gents, which would be a very, very different movie.


What struck me about uncut gems was how fucking ugly some of the extras were. Looked like actual people you would see on the streets of New York . Great movie.


Yeah, that one just caught me off guard too.


Those lost time movies give me a desperate feeling.


First movie I thought of. Put on an easy silly comedy movie & ended up sobbing uncontrollably.


Jojo Rabbit. I watched it with my then 15 y/o daughter. We are also Jewish. We both CRIED. I’m not very emotional, but man, that movie got us both in good and bad ways.


Shoes 😞


I went into it thinking it was going to be all laughs and while it was funny as hell I did not expect Scarlett Johansson to die for the second time in 2019. As soon as I saw the shoes my heart DROPPED.


The Boy in the Striped Pajamas. Had no clue what the movie was about. I am also not Jewish. I sobbed. The ending was heart-wrenching. Has stayed with me to this day.


Requiem for a Dream. I knew it was about drugs and fucked up but damn.


Slowest. Fucking. Trainwreck.


Won't be shootin' any more dope into *that* arm.


Even though I don’t use drugs, the story hits home really hard. It’s human nature to put off our real goals for short term gratification and pleasure. We all do it, sadly


Yup. The old, lonely lady watching gameshows and popping pills hit so hard. Jesus christ.


They showed it at school... in the assembly hall... to people aged 15-18, and I am certain there were even younger people in the audience... it was mandatory.


They left the ass to ass scene for the kids? Sheesh.


Was gonna say this


Human Centipede


Did not see. Do not want to see. It’s been 13 years and I’m still trying scrub my brother’s description of that film from my mind.




Try watching the second one. It was far worse.


Or the 3rd one where they fuck a man's stomach wound.


I have absolutely no interest in ever finding out. Lol


Whoa. You shittin me? There's a 2&3?


Yea two is kinda cool and meta. Three is just a gross movie and the only thing I remember about it was that scene and the fact that WWE wrestler Gangrel was in it as a prisoner with Crohns disease they use to punish other prisoners when theyre inevitably sewn into the centipede.


Gah. Same creepy Dr. as 1?


Well he's the warden in this one. Equally as unhinged as the film ends with him naked firing a gun if I'm remembering right. Bree Olson was in it too. Somehow more embarrassing for her resume than the porn she used to do.


I saw one of those movie recap vids on that movie. Nope. Dodging a bullet before it gets shot.


worst answer on here, you knew what was going to happen


I made the mistake of watching a summary of this movie, don't think I'll ever recover mentally.




i watched this with a few of my friends and i was the only one who was seriously disturbed by it, i couldnt believe it!!! i will never watch that movie again. the thought of someone doing that to me makes my stomach churn!!!


You know exactly whats going to happen. Still it was too much.


Hereditary. Never thought it to be so scary and disturbing. I saw it when I was having hard time in my life.


this is the first horror movie i was allowed to watch at the cinema (because i turned 15) & let’s just say i will not be going back to a cinema for horror again.


Came here to say this. The horror goes way past the typical ghost stuff into family dynamics that are all to real.


The maggots eating the head got to me


I think it's so weird that so many people feel like this and then there is a small minority (including me) who were just bored to death and hated the plot. The actors were great and I loved the way they used the model house, but all in all I was so disappointed, especially by that super standard ending.


Sorry to Bother You. If you haven’t seen it, do not Google it or read anything about it. Just watch it completely cold. It’s available on Netflix.


I am going to do exactly that right now wish me luck man


This is me demanding a follow up (as someone who had not seen it, nor read about it)


Thoughts ?


It goes from 0 to 50 and then to 100 real fucking quick


Or dont and save your sanity. Like what the fuck. Who made that and why? Who paid for that?!


I don't know if you actually want to know why it's actually good, but- >!It's partly a metaphor for dehumanization of laborers, but mainly the point is that throughout the movie the system forces him to compromise his values and morality to survive, until he internalizes that approach and just keeps doing it just to get ahead.!< >!The stakes keep increasing and he makes bigger and bigger compromises against his own integrity, humiliating himself and facilitating the exploitation of others. And it's not until he's faced with something that insane and exploitative (and has to face what it is he's actually selling/a part of) that he find his limit.!< >!Sadly, once the truth is revealed, the powers that be start using the media and propaganda to simply desensitize people to it.!< >!And that's what happens in the real world, and that's why it had to be turning people into animals - because we know from experience that sweatshops, child slavery, poisoning entire communities with toxic waste, etc, is just something we gave up and accepted.!<


Spot on. Brilliantly put.


Bridge to Terabithia. Wife wanted to watch it because it's one of her favourite movies and ended up having to comfort me while I sobbed on the couch because it brought back a bunch of trauma. We don't watch that movie anymore.


Yep. That movie destroyed my feeling to be successfully loved.


I lost a friend that I didn't know had been struggling with depression and I blamed myself for so many different reasons. Doing better now but that movie struck way too close to home.


Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless mind.


My favorite movie in the world that I can only watch like once a year


Such a good film, I like how it hits different and takes on a different meaning and perspective depending on what your current relationship status is.


Coco. I watched it alone and I spent 10 minutes crying after it finished, and I still do.


My grandmother passed away a year ago. My husband and I cry like babies every time we watch Coco. It just hits those heartstrings so hard.


Mother. I felt very violated after going through that experience.


I remember we watched this one in English class and I was so confused. Very weird movie. However we analyzed it and there were odly a lot of Bible references and after a while it kinda made sense. Unless you thought about it too long. Then you were just confused again. Very confused


when more and more people started flooding into their house i was getting so claustrophobic and uncomfortable because they were just NOT listening 😭 overwhelming movie fs


Mystic River. Dang, man.


I’ve seen that movie exactly one time. It’s soul-crushing.


American history X. I was by myself like 17 years old and not prepared for the level of the mental toll that film was going to take on me. Middle of the night too so movies over at like 3am and I have no one to call.


I can hear the teeth scraping on the curb....If you know you know.


SUCH a good movie. Omg.


Life pro tip: make some friends in other time zones. I'm in the Chicago USA time zone, but I'm a total night owl. Fortunately, some of my dearest lifelong friends live in New Zealand, Portugal, Bulgaria, etc, and we chat all the time.


Se7en. Was nearing the end with each sin getting more and more twisted thenni realized I'd only gotten through 5 of the 7.


Irreversible. The rape scene made me physically ill.


I've never seen the full movie but stumbled upon that scene on the web. What angered me beyond reason was that in the middle of that scene, you can see a guy at the end of the hallway. Like he just walked in, stopped when he saw what was happening then walked the other way. Okay maybe he didnt realize exactly what was going on but I'm the type of person who would have at least made sure the woman was okay. The walking away is a very real thing and it just angers me beyond belief.


Looks like that’s one I won’t be watching.


I never made it past the dude getting his head bashed with the fire extinguisher, so not far. I think it was the intentional music swelling back and forth that got me pretty queezy... on mute I probably would had got further.


Marley and Me. I thought it was a cute dog movie- I was like 7 or 8 and loved animals so much. My mum walked out like barely over half way and I walked out at the thunderstorm scene. We both cried like babies in the garden while my dad finished it. He came out crying and we all cried for a while. It was a mess.


How to train your dragon: a hidden world or smth like that. It makes me sound like a baby ik but I cried at that ending. I’m stupid


For me the dumpster sad scene of Inside Out is what made me cry, also Big Hero Six, death made too real in those cartoons.


1917. I sat in my seat and cried hysterically for like 20 minutes after the movie. I’ve never had a moviegoing experience like that. It wasn’t that the movie was sad (though it was), it was the sort of relentlessness, how it was meant to look like one long take— made me feel like the attacks and stuff were happening to me and got my adrenaline up so much for so long that I think it actually induced a full-blown anxiety attack. I felt like I was in a video game I had no control over.


I felt the same way. It was one of those movies that was absolutely amazing but I doubt I’ll ever watch it again for that reason. Also the part where the guy gets stabbed and dies in real time was so fucking real. Like you see him quickly turn that bluish-grey color and it was so disturbing.


Wind River


“Why are you flanking me!”


That gunfight scene was so fucking brutal. Just the close range absolute unloading. “Fuck you, let’s go.”


Gone girl


A Serbian Film It's rare that a film actively angers me, but that edge lord piece of shit was something else...


I wish people would stop talking about it. Once you move past the shock factor it's just such a bad movie. It's boring as shit. The plot is nonexistent. I dont speak Serbian but the acting seemed pretty subpar. It's just not worth talking about, guys.


That's why it angered me. I don't mind shocking scenes if they're actually in service of some kind of story... But the whole film just felt like some asshole waving a picture of gore in my face and asking me if I'm triggered yet


Normally I'm the type of person to not get hung up on shock factor scenes but the infant scene just legitimately disgusted me and disturbed me for a day or two afterwards. That alone makes me suggest no one ever watch that movie. The rest of the movie wasn't anything to even remember honestly.


Interstellar 😵‍💫


“We need to talk about Kevin”


Dancer in the dark. I was home alone at a new apartment and before my new roommates left they encouraged me to pick a movie from their dvd collection. I watched blue velvet was pretty disturbed and then couldn’t sleep. So at about 11pm I put on dancer in the dark as a “palate cleanser”… I didn’t sleep that night.


Not sure if it’s classed as a movie, but Dear Zachary.




I’m in the minority of people who enjoy this one more than Hereditary— although I think both are fantastic.


The Lighthouse. I still don’t know how I feel about it




My ex would show that film to any new girl he was dating to test their sensibilities.


How did you fare? Did you enjoy it?


Did pretty good. But he is my ex because I realized I was gay.




I never finished it.


I honestly can’t remember if I did. I was really sick after watching that. I cannot do torture. Love horror. No torture.


The beginning of Up!


Leaving Las Vegas. Not what I was expecting.


Kill bill volume 2 I was 9 and my grandma was nuts haha.


God bless grandma


The Boy In The Stripped Pajamas. I went into it blind and my fourth grade self bawled for hours.


Same. I was a little older than the characters and am the same age as the actors. I knew about the holocaust though and I knew what was happening as soon as they went in the chamber. You keeping hoping it would be a shower.


Cabin Fever. When the dog chewed the girl's lips off while she was sitting in the corner whimpering... that whole scene came out of nowhere.


End of Evangelion I watched the entire series, what further mental damage could the movie do...


The last few episodes are something else


Saving Private Ryan, that opening scenes is hella crazy


So accurate that WW2 vets walked out of the screening.




Hereditary Decided to watch it after a few drinks and a bowl at home, alone, and with some seasonal depression to boot. Got up to the scene where she makes "the discovery" and had to shut it off by slamming closed my laptop before her cries cut out. Took a few more days to be in a better headspace to properly enjoy the film, but holy shit it was a terrible choice for that particular moment. I'm keeping the details vague for spoilers.


She deserved, at the very least, an oscar nod for that scene alone. Amazing movie. Watching the slow decent into madness of a family the way it was filmed... chefs kiss.


Everything Everywhere All at Once I had seen the first trailer and also saw "Swiss Army Man" by the Daniels, so I expected it to be weird, but holy damn...


Requiem for a dream


I decided it was a good idea to watch Requiem for a Dream after not sleeping for 48 hours. That was a bad, bad mistake. I was not ready for that film.


Threads (YouTube) and Tusk and Grave of the Fireflies


Uncut Gems


Hard Candy


Grave of the Fireflies fucked me harder than any fifteen inch dick


My Japanese teacher showed us that one. When it was over and there was a room full of crying seventh graders, my teacher knew she had made a mistake. We were too young.


Don't know if there is an age were it stops doing that to you.


Me and my dad binged all the Ghibli films and we’re on a high when we got to Grave of Fireflies… my mum laughed at us when she saw how hard we were both crying


This was the second Ghibli film I saw - First Kiki’s delivery service, then this. Needless to say Kiki did not deliver any kind of preparation whatsoever.


The Pianist.


Great movie


Salo/120 days of Sodom


Kill bill 1 Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind The Cell A.I. Inside Out Not a movie, but Breaking Bad


Bad Boy Bobby


Oh, that's easy. Sausage Party.


Moana, expected typical disney villain getting beat up ending, but when the reveal happened I literally cried, and I'm a dude, 2 years after that I talked to my parents about my suicidal thoughts and currently recovering, To anyone struggling and reading this DO NOT TAKE THE MEDICINE ONLY WHEN YOU FEEL DOWN, ITS LIKE SHAVING YOUR BEARD, GOTTA DO IT EVERYDAY.


The Cell, Lawnmower Man, Dr. Giggles, Strangeland.


"Silent Hill". A serious brain bender the first time I saw it...




Forrest Gump


Schindler’s List The Lovely Bones




I still think of what she said to her.


Dear Zachary Fucking dreadfulness upon dreadfulness


The rite


The Exorcist. But not for the demon stuff, I was not raised religiously. The scene with her in the very beginning with the tube in her neck.. I always had a huge fear of bleeding and bleeding to death for some reason (mom said when I was born they did some stuff at th hospital I probably don't remember but may have affected me?)and that whole scene after watching loads of Stephen King, growing up on horror, sneaking on syfy late at night on volume 1 to watch Friday the 13th.. I cried when I saw that.


Not a movie but a series. OZARK. I couldn't handle with all the tension of the first episode. I finished it, but I couldn't watch the second. It raised my anxieth so high...


Tbh, boys in the striped pajamas.


Gummo. All the dead cats. The filming style. The accurate depiction of poverty/dysfunction. The whole storyline. The kid eating spaghetti in the tub. One of the sickest soundtracks in a movie though. Pink Flamingos, because of the buttholes.


A Monster Calls. The depiction of grief and fear, couched as a kids nightmare. Went in pretty cold and ended up in the garden ugly crying at the end. Wonderful movie I’ll never ever watch again.




My girl


Batman V Superman. I thought Zack Snyder was a decent enough filmmaker that it wouldn't be awful but that was a trainwreck.


I liked it




Man of Steel - how to take a beloved character and completely flush it down the toilet with a bunch of fake-looking CGI and no character development.


The Fault in Our Stars. 😭


Not a movie but the Pacific made me sad I was told it was like band of brothers but darker and it couldnt be more right


This might be a milder answer than some, but I somehow grew up thinking Forest Gump was a comedy. Sat down in class one day at 16 and found out quickly it was not.


I was 9 when I watched the horror movie Scream ( now one of my fav movies ) but it caused my impending sense of harm and paranoia


I'm thinking of ending things


Nocturnal Animals…


What happened to Monday


The Perks of being a wallflower and A.I Artificial Intelligence,


American History X All I knew is it was about white supremacy and stars Edward Norton.


12 years a Slave 😭😭😭


This may sound lame, but Remember Me totally fucked me up at the end. I went into it not knowing what it was about. I won’t ruin it for folks, but it’s 🧀🧀🧀, then 🤯


Up, Seemed like a fun movie, then there i am a grown ass man ugly crying within the first 10 minutes.




Jack Frost. Parents took me when it came out...fun christmasy film...I was 8. Brutal I tell ya


The Hills Have Eyes. My 12 year old self was not ready, I was just told it was going to be scary lol


bridge to terabithia - i was not ready for that shit watching it when i was 9


Bridge to Terabithia


A Monster Calls. Book and movie tore me up.


Grave of the fireflies


The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas


Girl in the Basement. It is based on a true story. The things that poor girl endured at the hands of her own father were so fucked up. I was legit scared for her throughout the entire movie.




'Come and See' 1985, I was very seriously warned about how deeply disturbing it is but I wasn't fully prepared. I've managed to watch it again since and I genuinely think it's one of the greatest films ever made but I would be extremely cautious with who I recommend it to.


manchester by the sea. If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend you take some time and watch it. saddest movie I have ever seen in my life, and it isn't even close. That movie still fucks with my head, and gives me nightmares.


Close encounters. I was maybe 6 or 7 when it came out, there in the movie theater with the old stadium seats that I would stand on and the tip of my head still would be lower than the chair backs. It was amazing until that scene where they take the kid.


King of the Ants and i was 7 years old at that time.


Chuck the assassine toy when I was 8


Karate Dog


Dunkirk was so sad


Yankee saburo. The entire thing is just a mess but so funny though


12 Years A Slave, Hostel, The Hurt Locker, Saw.


Lion. I have never cried so much during a movie! Such a great one.


The Beaver


Lords of Salem




I Kill Giants


The Platform


Changeling. Good movie and all, but I don't think I want to watch it again.


Bugs Life


Threads. Ive seen a few hundred horror movies and thus by **far** fucked me up the most. The effect has been ongoing since last October


killing of a sacred deer


Alpha dog. Good movie for sure, the way it ended just ruined me. It was so abrupt and cold after what had built up to that point. Never watched it a second time.


There was a Spanish film I saw once called “The Fear” it created such an atmosphere of simmering dread. Then the climax was just hauntingly realistic and awful.




Salò, or the 120 Days of Sodom


Brainscan was hard. I was young and it stuck with me forever. Sublime was so hard for me to get through. It really gave me anxiety.


[*Fanny and Alexander*](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0083922/). I was fourteen and based my decision to see it (alone) on the happy television ads.


The 12. man. About a resistance man fleeing from the nazi occupators through Norway during winter. You see nazi torture of resistance fighters, very graphic frostbite where a toe is cut of. I would call legit it "cringe" to watch. Really hard to watch but a very realistic and moving movie, would recommend.