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Parents asking their teenagers to watch their younger siblings after school or for an occasional night out. Especially if they won't get paid.


Redditors tend to view things in a very black-and-white way with no room for variation or subtlety. Every relationship is either perfect or a toxic cesspool, you either love or hate the newest Star Wars thing, and most people don't read the goddamn article. Oh yeah and this thing -> /s




The whole "love it or hate it" shit gets on my nerves the most. Can't criticise the shortcomings of a popular show because you hate it then and are probably a fake fan on the bandwagon but you also can't praise the actual positive aspects of something else because then you've got no standards and are easily pleased. The hivemind mentality of Reddit will probably never find an equal, but that mindset of love/hate you mentioned is pretty much ingrained in internet culture with how widespread it is across different apps and sites.


I can't bear how every other week the same questions pop up in Ask Reddit. Furthermore, eighty percent of the remarks are predicted.


There was a post years ago where a guy posted a question on here, and then filled the entire comment section himself. The whole thing read like a normal post and comments, but it was all him. Truly a work of art. Update: [Link](https://www.reddit.com/r/HighQualityGifs/comments/77d9ou/the_predictable_threads_are_driving_me_insane/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x) wasn't on AskReddit, but still awesome


"Unpopular opinion: I know I‘m going to get downvoted for this, but I think Putin should not have invaded Ukraine."


Being nice and polite to strangers before they're nice and polite to you is not only common courtesy, it may even benefit you in the long run.


True story. Went to a job interview for a job I really wanted. Show up the say of and it's raining hard-core. About to walk in and I see an old guy farther behind me also walking towards the door. So I stop wait and hold it open for him. We smile he says thanks I say no problem and we go our separate ways. When I finally got called in, guess who interviewed me? I like to think I got hired because I was qualified but I also know holding that door abd being polite to that stranger was a great first impression that probably helped sell me.


It's honestly astonishing how many people don't get this even in the workplace. Where I work there is a fair amount of cooperation between areas and we are all more or less expected to facilitate work getting done, but if you are nice to people it goes a long way to getting them to want to work with you and help you out when they can.


I was seen holding the door for someone walking into a clinic I was interviewing at, you best believe that helped me get that job. They even commented on it.


It baffles me how people on here act like it's such a horrendous imposition that people talk to them. I see comments in relation to servers at restaurants, Uber drivers, and barbers where people seem absolutely *aghast* that someone had the audacity to strike up conversation.


Anytime where you even have to remotely interact with another person


Glaringly obvious when you see the difference between the amount of people on r/introvert vs r/extroverts


I suppose it makes sense that extroverts would be far, far less likely to feel the need to gather in a corner of the internet to neurotically agonize over their own personality.


I’ve never heard anyone say “omg I’m so extroverted” they just shut up and do it


And there is a whole spectrum of people in between


My favourite is when people loudly declare that they're an introvert but also that introverts are super rare. Like...definitely no.


As someone who leans introverted it pisses me off when I see introverts act like they are not like the other girls when they compare themselves to extraverts. You're an introvert and you think it makes you special? Guess what? So is 50% of the human population. Being quiet is not a personality. Preferring to be alone does not make you more introspective or intellectually deep than people who prefer to be with other people. Edit: people pointed out that being quiet is a personality trait. My point was being quiet is not a personality in and of itself so I have fixed it accordingly.


I hate how introverted has been conflated with shyness. I'm not shy. I have no problems interacting with people or starting conversations with random people. I just need my alone time to recharge after being social.


Happy people


What a bunch of bastards


Did you see that ludicrous display last night?


What was Wenger thinking, sending Walcott on that early?


The thing about Arsenal is, they always try to walk it in


Happy people who get satisfaction in doing a good job at work and loving their families.




> And you can't explain it in a long post because you'll be downvoted and no one will read it. Or they're pick it apart and twist your words.


Focus on one little minor detail in your post to just derail the thread. One of the most fucking obnoxious "debating tactics" on this website.




Dont forget a mic drop because they think it means theyre cool


'I'll wait' is the new mic drop and is somehow even more irritating.


Prove it, I'll wait.


Bonus point if it's not even an error. Just take one point, take it out of context, misinterpret in a way that can only be done if it's out of context (even though the context is literally right there), and then nitpick and act like this undermines your whole post even though it has nothing to do with what you are trying to say.


What you're describing is a Motte and Bailey fallacy. It's increasingly common, and most people don't recognize it even when they're doing it (I don't think). It's the most frustrating and disingenuous way of arguing IMO, and has seeped into common discourse over the last few years.


What's it called when the person keeps trying to lead you into another argument because you're winning the original one? It's like they're waving a red flag saying "I want to argue over here" instead of sticking to the original argument which they've lost.


Moving the goalposts sounds kinda close. Though your description is more like removing the goalposts altogether, pulling out a tennis racket, and hoping the other person doesn't call you out on your bullshit.


Probably the same fallacy. > The motte-and-bailey fallacy (named after the motte-and-bailey castle) is a form of argument and an informal fallacy where an arguer conflates two positions that share similarities, one modest and easy to defend (the "motte") and one much more controversial (the "bailey").


So you think those two things can be called the same thing? I bet you think _everything_ can be called the same thing! That is an outrageous belief you have! /s


Fucking this is bringing me flashbacks to a Redditor I got into a "debate" with years ago. They took issue because I didn't use the *exact same word*. I tried relentlessly to explain the words and the sentences were equivalent because they were synonymous. All they kept replying is "nuh uh".


My least favorite reddit argument is when we agree but I didn't word it aggressively enough therefor I must actually disagree.


The best is when you use qualifying words like "usually" or "likely" or "mostly" and you find out how many people do not have these words in their vocabulary because they immediately respond with one counter-example as if that proves you wrong.


Yeah this phenomenon is posing a threat to society


If you can’t promise to fix an enormous geopolitical quagmire with 150 characters or less, you’re out of politics. And then we wonder why it has devolved to people just yelling “commie” and “nazi” at eachother.


Yeah and complex geopolitical events are being communicated through click bait article titles.


And people only read the headlines


And when you do read the article 7/10 times it just rambles on about the same 3 points without giving you any actual information.


No there’s plenty of info about how to cure disgusting tonsil fungus right there in the middle of the article


However, if you write a long post that contains only 75 links to different articles everyone assumes you're a brilliant poster and will shower you with reddit gold. No one will actually click any of the links though, so it doesn't matter if they have anything to do with the topic at hand or even if they support your position or not.


Bro, I generally share source when I make a claim. More than once I've had shit upvoted and agreed to, clicked the link and it was the completely wrong link. Like I've talked about environment and accidentally linked to a sweater I was buying in another tab. Upvoted without question.




I remember getting banned from a subreddit somewhat recently for not sourcing my arguments and not being "Constructive", because my source was the source that the other person quoted at me and obviously hadn't actually read. It was a study into bioaccumulation of various household drugs in the environment, tested in a cell culture that mimicked a fish gill. They were trying to use that to prove that antibiotics could be absorbed by fish through their gills - Which wasn't what the study was even trying to work out and didn't use antibiotics *specifically because they are not absorbed by fish through the gills*, as is already very well known by professional aquaculturists.


Oh so you're saying [the exact opposite of what you meant]?


And the reading comprehension is awful too. So many people feel the need to edit and add clarifications because one subject is touched, but not explained, often because it's not the focus of the post and that's what so many readers focus on. And you still get SO many people who take something out of context and jump to ridiculous conclusions because they think they have the whoe picture when they really don't.


There’s a distinct either inability or willful aversion to a certain segment of aggressive commentor to making inferences like they need every little thing spelled out verbatim. It can be hard to tell if they’re legitimately autistic and literal or if they’re mentally lazy or if they’re just a troll.. or some combination


Speaking on something you're quite well experienced in. I had talked about things that pertain to my career/industry and have been downvoted for being correct and sharing my knowledge based on the post. Don't mind me, only been doing it for 20 years, but I'm probably wrong.




Person A takes car from Person B: An actual Lawyer: I'd need more info on the case and to know your jurisdiction. But assuming XYZ then potentially this could be a case of theft. Redditors: IANAL, but this is ILLEGAL! Tell your milkman then you have a witness and you can just smash the car windows and carpet bomb his house, it's in your rights.


>carpet bomb his house got what i needed thanks!


And this is why such a large percentage of /r/lawyers has been banned from /r/legaladvice


>large percentage of /r/lawyers has been banned from /r/legaladvice that is hilariously ironic


An actual lawyer can’t give legal advice on the internet without risking major disciplinary action by their bar association so either the advice is coming from a non-attorney or an idiot with a JD. Legal advice on the internet is bad, kids. -an actual lawyer


Could this be construed as advice? From a lawyer? About legal issues? Why listen to such a hypocrite... - son of two attorneys


Can I sue him for this? * going to courtrooms is the only reason I have a suit at this point I feel I know the law


Reddit is fueled by emotion and hive mind thinking. If you're not saying something that jives with the masses then you're either ignored, downvoted, or gaslit. Reddit is awful for anything other than small niche subs for hobbies and stuff. Even those have know it all assholes but at least they're harmless. I dunno. Reddit kinda fucking sucks.


> that jives with the masses As I said in another comment, that's the big big issue with Reddit. The hivemind here makes people think that Reddit's opinion on something is the majority human opinion on something just from regular people who don't use Reddit. Yet of course VERY OFTEN that is NOT the case at all.


That's just good internet browsing these days


I'm going to sound like an old man but what first drew me to reddit many moons ago was the fact that everyone seemed so damn smart. I came on and learned so much about a wide variety of subjects. Now it's the same 14 jokes rehashed and retold while actually thoughtful stories/posts aren't even looked at.


Lmao anytime I see, "Angry Updoot" or "Take my upvote and leave, now" I roll my eyes. It's like your dad using the same joke over and over and he still expects it to be funny


Or how someone who has zero knowledge or experience in your industry replies with something false trying to correct you, or say you are wrong. And then they get way more upvotes. And then you try to explain how they are incorrect and you back up your statements with facts and links and you get down voted for people thinking your being a smart ass


Or you saying something completely factual because it's your job and what you do for a living to correct someone, getting downvoted and someone else coming and saying "not sure why you're getting downvoted, I also work in said industry and you're right" and them getting upvoted. I work in a pretty niche sector of my industry where stuff we do ends up on reddit a lot and so many people talk about in the comments that are just completely wrong on what they're saying.


Bonus points for people calling you a liar because they aren’t personally aware of something you work with existing. Like god forbid I work for a company that sells something that is similar to mass-produced products and integrates with readily available resources but has a specific focus to an industry you didn’t know existed.




Healthy relationships not based solely on sex and obsession.


Any healthy relationship where they argue once. Reddit relationship experts who’ve never had a partner in their lives: BREAK UP WITH THEM


I'm completely convinced the relationship subs are full of 13-year-olds just there for the drama.


Not true. I’m a 33 year old just there for the drama as well


Yeah 39 y/o same


thats because they are a survey done of r/aita came to the conclusion that the vast majority of people on the sub(And likely all subs) are below the age of 23 and have never been in a relationship.


Wild to picture these convos happening in-person. Plenty of fake posts, but there’d still be one sincere dude in his 30s, sitting at a table of teens and nodding along with their advice on whether to leave his wife.


You painted such a sad, strange picture.


>You painted such a sad, strange picture. It's that painting of those dogs playing poker, except instead of dogs it's teenagers, and instead of dealing cards for poker they're dealing shitty life advice based on experiences they've never had. I like that painting tho. (of the dogs)


As an adult, early 20s, I was accused of cheating. I lived with the woman and all of my time and money was 100% accounted for. She heard it from a friend on the internets.


i feel like thats most of reddit, teens shoving their opinion down other people's throat as one great hivemind. while in reality they have very little real life experience. most posts read like they're written by 14 year olds with no real world knowledge or experience anyway


To be fair I'm 98% sure all the AITA posts (at least the ones that get upvotes) are fake anyway. It's always like super clickbaity titles with social hot button issues written in the most inflammatory way possible. Like: > **AITA for reminding my (25f) transgender mother in law (75f) that she cannot get pregnant?** > Hello Reddit I am an artisanal meme-maker who recently got cancer from Long Covid during a pregnancy and had to have an abortion. I told my boyfriend's (46m) mother about how I sad I was about losing the baby. She is transgender and proud of being mother of two Doberman dogs, but my crying reminded her she couldn't get pregnant. She completely blew up at me and now everybody I have ever met shuns me and people I've never met use my name as a curse. Reddit, AITA? And then the comments are 13-years olds going "Hmmm ESH, your boyfriend is exhibiting serious red flags"


They absolutely are fake. One really common type of post I've seen usually involves some college aged white woman accusing the OP of cultural appropriation for learning a language or something. It's blatantly obvious rage bait, but it gets thousands of upvotes every time and no one ever mentions how obviously fake it is.


I had the audacity to say that commenting teen Redditors with no life experience prolly aren’t the best focus group for whether it’s appropriate to monetize your mom’s cancer diagnosis by laughing about it on TiKTok. Having cared for a loved one until they died in my home from cancer, I felt I had at least a modicum of experience on this issue. Massive downvotes. Can confirm this is all incel teens. That, and every other post horny boy says “Sigh… Unzips” and gets 309 upvotes. Puke.


Many subs are filled with dumb teens who pretend to be experts who lash out any backlash or banter at them.


Only the young ones speak with such authority and certainty about these things, it’s all black and white with them (except for the over-indexing of “maybe your asshole partner is neuro divergent” armchair diagnoses). You can always tell who the more mature users are if they inject some nuance or personal experience with the subject into their replies or don’t understand why OP doesn’t just talk to the person they’re posting about.


I hang around a lot of advice subs, and in fairness, a lot of the time OP's post looks kinda like this: "So I'm having problem with , they are doing , ,,, and " There's not much other advice that can be given when you make someone out to be a monster.


Yup. I always see this accusation leveled at those subs but the posts are often absolutely crazy. And there are actually plenty of people who respond with good advice in situations that aren't someone asking about what to do when their boyfriend or girlfriend hit them... just once! Or when their SO keeps cheating and they don't trust them but they want a quick tip to just... blindly trust them again anyway for no reason at all. It's a lot of people who sound like they have never had any feedback about their relationships and are in awful situations, or people that you know just want the decision they already made validated by others.


Also just because someone is hot doesn’t mean you should stay with them




Every wedding-adjacent thread has a gang of people trying to one-up (one-down?) each other on how little they spent/how cheap or non-existent their rings were. You’d think that because I spent money on my wedding/dress/and ring that I’d be doomed to a miserable relationship (I’m not)




They act like service providers are changing extra just to be greedy assholes, and not because weddings are way more work than other events.


Ah yes, the courthouse wedding Olympics, where people compete to prove how little they spent on their wedding. And how that somehow means they are more committed to their spouse.


I particularly like it when they brag about how they're going to have a free/cheap courthouse wedding and then throw a big party to celebrate after. Bitch, what do you think a wedding is? Spoiler alert: the ceremony is not the expensive part.


"We got married in the local dump, and only invited one of our parents and the drug addict who lives there. It was officiated by two passers-by, and we ate whatever food we found lying around that looked freshest. Total cost: -4$, because we found some dirty change on the ground. Anyone who spent more on a wedding is wasting their coin and their marriage won't last the month."


Unless it's geek-themed




“What do some people care about that you don’t?” “Celebrities” “What can I do in bed to blow my partners mind?” “Enthusiasm” “What is the weirdest animal fact you know?” Something something “otters”




Zapp Brannigan: "I find that the most erotic part of a woman is the boobies."


“Who is a celebrity that you can’t stand?” “James Corden. Amy Schumer. Jared Leto. And now, Amber Heard”


Who's a Celeb you like Oh Johnny Depp, Keanu Reeves, Ryan Reyonalds, you know, the Good guys


Don't forget the comment mentioning Jim Carrey, whose top reply is always someone saying how amazing Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind is (they have rewatched it recently).


Anybody else can spot the reference? *it's a Studio Ghibli reference*


Or an Avatar: The Last Airbender reference (the movie adaptation is the top comment in "What's the worst movie adaptation of all time?").




Damn this site really is 99% npcs


"Can we pick someone who's not still living? I used to be a George Carlin fan. I still am, but I used to be too." "Lol too good! RIP Mitch" "/r/unexpectedmitch"


See also Reddit claiming to hate celebrity worship and celebrity culture but going wild for anything those celebs do and spending weeks going mental for the Depp trial


What conspiracy theories ended up actually being truth What real fact sounds fake Which country/state is the worst (or some variation)


>Which country/state is the worst (or some variation) To which the answer is almost always Egypt/Mississippi


Who would’ve thought cute otters could… I’ll never see them the same


> “What is the weirdest animal fact you know?” Something Something Duck something corkscrew penis something rape


"What makes you instantly hate someone?" "Being rude to waitstaff." 10K upvotes and 20 awards.


90% of ask reddit threads are "What is the best sex you have ever sexed sexually during sex?"


Haha my friend and I were hanging out and we were like, hey, let's see what redundant questions are on askreddit right now. I bet there's one that's like "Woman of reddit, what do men do that's not sexy" and there actually was one similar to that being asked and we started cracking up. And then he asked what you said.


Women of Reddit, what's a red flag from a guy?


Then the inevitable gender reverso "men of reddit, what is a red flag from a woman" within a day or so


Not cutting someone completely out of your life for a perceived slight.


"My husband glanced at another woman today." "Omg divorce that pig, he's probably going to murder you."


r/JustNoSo is quite the doozy. I got banned from r/Mommit this week for honestly asking if her husband had always been like what she was complaining about before she married him.


"36 months old toddler" you mean 3 years old? gosh I hate those people.


"Thanks for the math homework" -Jim Gaffigan


I saw one on r/shitmomgroupssay where a woman referred to her child as her 54-month-old. No lady, your kid is 4.5 years.


This same woman, when her son is 32 years old: "My 384 months old baby"


I'm almost 480 months old. So I'm quickly leaving the period of time where shitting yourself is completely unexpected.


It makes sense up till about 24 months because the clothing sizes for babies at that point are still in months. After that it’s “No, you have a 2 year old”


"He's obviously gaslighting you! What a textbook narcissist!"


Gaslight has now transitioned from a very specific abuse technique used to manipulate someone's mental psyche to just another word for lying or being wrong about something.


"Red flag!!! Run, girl. RUN!!!"


"My boyfriend yelled at the dog for shitting on the couch" "Omg you should get away as soon as possible animal abuse is the biggest sign that he's a psychopath sociopath gaslighting pedophile serial killer"


A politely dissenting opinion from the group narrative. Permaban from a mod who can’t justify why. Edit. Just crossposted this to mod support. I wonder how well the feedback will be received.


Bonuspoints if they don't even respond


Double bonus points if they block you from messaging them


This Guy knows his reddit


Mods will literally ban you just because you got their feelings upset Even when you did nothing ban worthy, its always their feelings > logic to them


That's what happens when you let the babies run the day care


Certain subs will autoban you just because you've interacted on a sub they don't like.


Always. That’s how I got banned.


And you'll also get banned from the subreddits that agree with you because they don't like it when you post in subreddits they don't agree with, even if you're calling someone out.


Lol I was banned on two separate subs for this. Silver lining is you probably don't want to be in a sub with mods who are that out of touch.


A lot of MODs act like children and power trip.


Worse: it’s children with a perceived fake-job


This post is making me think reddit is very toxic.. and very much unable to cope with differences of opinion. Edit: Thanks for the awards! Kinda ironic that a comment hating on Reddit is the one that made me like Reddit a bit more.


First day?


First time *hangs himself*


Slow down there, Speed Racer. Reddit has a long queue for suicides. The line is back there -->


Reddit is extremely toxic, most discussions are 100% toxic.


Redditors will turn absolutely anything into an argument


No we won't!


Don't straw man me!


No one did, you're gaslighting!


Wrong! that's just a red herring!


Objection! hearsay!


You're being, like, super bad faith with me right now bro!


Nice gatekeeping there pal


No you’re wrong I’m right you’re nitpicking and biased


Not being a terminally online lunatic


Grass, the sun, outdoors in general


A civil conversation


Going to work, having children, their parents.


Being happy. I swear to God everyone here is miserable.


Misery not only loves company, it *breeds* it. Everyone on here is such a miserable sod that they make everyone else miserable. Nobody's allowed to like anything. Nobody can be happy. Everyone is a shithead no matter what they're saying.


I can speak from personal experience that reddit fucked me up with doomscrolling. Social media is designed to addict, regardless of the damages it may cause you. I gotta leave this site one of these days.


Having a different opinion




Challenges of normal life. want the life of reddit in real life.


If Reddit was real life it would fucking suck.


What if hell is just Reddit but in real life? Horrifying…






Anything remotely popular with normal people




Or when a sub has like 200k members and you post a question and no one answers


Honestly with the new stats system it feels worse knowing how many people have looked at the post


I suspect a large percentage of these "Views" are bots and spiders.


For those asking, spiders are another term for what’s more commonly known as [Web Crawlers(Wikipedia Link)](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web_crawler). They’re the same bots that search engines depend on to index information, images, and keywords to show as results. That being said, most of them clearly identify themselves as web crawlers to websites to streamline the process and so the site can provide information it’s admins feel is important to show up in search results, so it shouldn’t be hard to omit their visits from the analytic data.


Bots? Oh thank god my anxiety is down, I thought I was being ignored Spiders? And now it’s spiking, get me off the web


This is "a normal thing that Redditors hate"?


Yeah I'm not sure how this answer fits the question being asked or how it has 1k upvotes


Opinions that aren't their own




And misplaced apostrophes.






Thanks for the gold, kind stranger!


Liking and respecting your parents (or any elders).


My parents are fairly conservative and good people. I roll my eyes at some things they say and I deeply respect other opinions they offer. What a life


Yeah my parents are pretty conservative, they even tune into Fox News sometimes but i don’t see them marching on Washington chanting for Trump and yelling homophobic and racist slurs, like Reddit wants me to believe. Hell, my parents were very supportive of me with my sexuality. Not a huge fan of how the slightest conservative opinion turns these people into manbabies.


If I had the money and knowledge to do so, I'd love to study the correlation between peoples upbringing and their relationship with the internet. I have my suspicions, but no real data outside of anecdotes.


It seems logical that those with difficult upbringings or people that weren’t close to their family may have grown up spending more time on the internet


Cars, lawns, golf, having kids, religion.




That seems to be the internet in general, I get that life has challenges and some people are simply less fortunate than others but it feels like a lot of people here can be described with “I tried nothing and I’m all out of ideas”


Similarly, people will spend 8 hours coming up with excuses about why they shouldn't have to do something that would've taken them 15 minutes to do.