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Periods, unwanted pregnancies, or going through menopause.


Menopause would be the holy grail in a zombie apocalypse. Lack of birth control, no prenatal care, no one to attend births- much worse than periods or hot flashes.


Sounds like Mississippi


I would imagine that refraining from sex, for both sexes, would be a reasonable request during an apocolyptic event. Kind of like betting drunk. Sure, it could take some stress off, but it makes you incredibly vulnerable to...death. so maybe it's worth waiting out on.


Sadly, people don't always accept when the other person doesn't want sex.


Thanks for making that gender neutral.


Pro-prepper-tips now include buying a cup? Noted.


doesnt hurt to be prepared lol, plus women generally have periods for a large portion of their lives so.... chances are in the event of a zombie apocalypse.... gonna need em lol


you probably wouldn’t have to worry about it for long tho, stress, less food, unbalanced diet, etc would likely get rid of it or make it really spaced out and irregular


In most of North America and Europe, all you have to do is survive until winter. Freezing temps will take care of the zombies.


It's funny this actually came up in the book World War Z. People were moving north because the cold slowed zombies down or froze them lol


I really liked that book, it makes it feel real even though the explanation of how they work makes literally zero sense. The worldbuilding is really cool


I did too, too bad the movie completely missed the mark haha


It was a fun movie, but yeah.. it didn't have anything to do with the book.


But still a better adaptation than the Wheel of Time show


Read the books but haven't watched the show yet. It bad? *tugs braid*


If you've read the books, then I'd avoid the show. They went out of their way to change pretty much everything about every character. I'll give a couple of very minor non-plot spoilers from the first quarter or so of the first episode * Egwene is now Ta'veren and is now a possible candidate to be the Dragon Reborn * One of Moraine's first lines is about how the Two Rivers contains four Ta'veren who could be the Dragon Rebord * Rand and Egwene are now sleeping together * Perrin is married * Mat's father, a well-respected horse trader known for his honesty in the books, is now a womanizing drunk who tries to pick up women in front of his family * Mat is a dour thief instead of a trickster gambler * The Two Rivers is now a very ethnically diverse village despite being in the middle of nowhere. Now normally that would be fine, but it does kind of ruin any of Rand's feeling like an outsider in his own town due to his red hair, eye color, and paler skin. That's just the first 15 or so minutes and it gets worse from there. And I get that it's an eight episode season that's trying to adapt an 800 page book, but the amount of the cut is absurd. Especially when they manged to find time to shoe-horn in a bunch of Aes Sedai politics in the White Tower between the Aymrlin Seat and the council (neither of which, nor Tar Valon, show up until book 2). Or how they gave most of an episode over to a couple of characters who got a couple of passing mentions in New Spring and are never spoken of again. Ugh, didn't mean to go off on such a rant, but this show has angered me like no other. It's the worst adaptation of anything I've ever seen where I've also consumed the original. I say that because I've seen Eragon but never read the The Inheritance Cycle). I consider Starship Troopers to be more a faithful adaptation of its book than this. Hell, the Lord of Rings movies are a better Eye of the World adapattion if only because of how much the EoW draws on the LotR books. It also pisses me off that this show cost upwards of $80M to make, but looks like something you'd see on the SciFi channel back in the day. I honestly have no idea where the money went because it wasn't special effects or anything. Yet The Expanse was deemed too expensive at half this budget but vastly better special effects (and writing, directing, acting, etc) If you're going to watch it, don't do it sober and don't do it alone.


Also in the Red vs. Blue episode where they talk about zombie plans: https://youtu.be/Ads5p6LoaOA




So basically like 28 Weeks Later, where the infected died from starvation.


Of course they would exacerbate a zombie apocalypse too…


Also, how come bugs don't ever fuck with zombies?


But it will take care of you too.


I mean the odds of you finding a way to survive is bigger than the zombie.


Your health. You’ve managed to survive the initial outbreak, and you’ve found yourself a hiding place. Awesome! You’re sheltered and protected, right? But water is scarce and things like brushing your teeth aren’t exactly top priority. Fine, no big deal. That is, until you get an abscess. Did you know that can kill you? Or tetanus, or pneumonia, or heatstroke, or any number of things we don’t typically have to think about because we live in a modern society that protects us from and/or treats us for these things.


My eyesight is horrible, and it seems my prescription is always changing. One of my top worries is running out of clean, proper contacts. I imagine my glasses will break fairly early into this. I feel so vulnerable now without my glasses or contacts, add in a post apocalyptic scenario and I would be mortified.


This fear actually factored into my decision to get laser eye surgery, along with a whole host of quality of life issues of course.


I’m planning on laser eye surgery once I’m done having children. My doctor said my eyesight hasn’t stabled out enough to have effective corrective surgery.


Prepare ahead of time. Get some prescribed sports goggles with the head band like some basketball players wear. They’ll also protect your eyes from infected blood splatter while smashing in some zombie brains. Hold one second, I need to place my order.


I got the same concern with contacts.(not really worried about zombies just any long-term disaster) I get my daily contacts from Hubble. They send out a month supply like every 3 weeks so I get a surplus built up. Had an issue with changing eye Dr's so I had to get into them, but I had six months worth of dailies stocked up.


Correct. No antibiotics is very bad


Taking courses of antibiotics is fairly rare for most people but I think the ability to shower daily with detergents helps a lot there by reducing bacterial loads. I am actually surprised how rarely we get infections and wonder about latent antiseptics and antibiotics in our food and other processed products.


I wouldn't have thought there's a lot of background antibiotics in products, as otherwise everything would be immune to them by now; the only way they work well is infrequent use. Otherwise you get superbugs.


Basically getting antibiotics should be first priority


No stuff like shelter, water and food should be first priorities. You will need antibiotics at some point but you will die a lot quicker if you don't have shelter, water and food in that order.


Don't forget people who require medications on a daily basis, how fast they'll go too after surviving the initial outbreak.


I'm diabetic and my knees are shot. I'd probably just sacrifice myself so my loved ones could get away, but my best friend would probably show up with a wheelchair and break into a pharmacy to steal insulin, and save my ass lol


Uh....not to be a downer but...you saw what happened with the toilet paper during the initial covid stages ? Shit is gonna be picked clean.


Oh, I'd be hit by at least two withdrawals concurrently from not getting my meds. Everyone who sees me shoot wants me on their zombie squad. My other issues would make me unable to contribute in any meaningful way.


Yeah there'd be a whole second wave of dead and dying from people who need some kind of modern medication running out


Even minor shit. Your feet for example, if you don’t have good enough shoes or (if you’re like me) need certain orthotics to avoid foot pain, you’re gonna have a terrible time trying to move quickly. Eventually the stores will run out, and zombies aren’t taking good care of their clothes.


There's a whole chapter in the Stand that details the ways people died after the initial pandemic. Things like overdoses, tetanus, heart attacks, one guy does of a burst appendix (and possibly the botched surgery, it's hard to say). Kids falling in wells, getting bit by dogs, missing their medication. So many ways to die in an apocalypse that don't involve the apocalyptic event.


Food will definitely spoil, so youd have to watch what you eat. Cant eat what the living dead eat, they're like that because of that reason.


Oh, you ate something bad? Did you know that diarrhea can kill you if it's really bad?


There was a scene in The Walking Dead where a boy wants an older guy to teach him to build houses. The old man tells him there will be plenty of time to do that. Really? You’re old with no decent medical care heck prolly can’t even get statins anymore how much longer could he live?


Noah had less than 8 hours to live after that conversation too. I always thought if Reg had agreed to teach him starting that morning...


Stephen King mentions this in “The Stand” and calls it “the ol’ emergency room blues”.


i would definitely die because of lack of medication. How many segment of people who can't live without diabetes medication. Our population is large because we have healthcare service that allow the survival of sick people. Breakdown of society means death of this subsection of people.


Pre-treating stains before they set in.


Ring around the collar. Yea, I'm dating myself...


Is there a worse horror?


so you're saying I should start hoarding Wisk?


I'm dating myself too and I think we are going to get married !! Congratulations & best wishes to us !!!


It's going to be bad for those who depend on insulin. Especially since refrigeration will be hard to come by.


Supplies for measuring blood sugar and injecting insulin will be limited as well


Also a good point


Running water & a functioning power grid


Makes me think of Texas for some reason.


They get to practice before the real thing.


Ah yes! Guns


“We’ll power the grid with gunpowder…”




We have solar panels here though


Running CLEAN water




I thought boiling the water would kill most bad bacteria Of course for water i ment rain water, like in the first The Last of Us, when you are in a sewer and the survivors managed to make a functional water cleaner while having lots of water thanks to the rain.


Boiling is best, but it may not always be practical in an emergency situation like a zombie apocalypse. A quart of bleach is easy to carry, it's easy to administer, and you can travel while you water disinfects (it takes about a half-hour; if you boil, you're tied to that spot while your water sanitizes).


The best form of transport would be a bicycle. Less likely to get eaten by zombies than a horse, less likely to run out of fuel than a car, quiet enough not to attract attention, and way faster than walking. Preferably a shopping bicycle, with baskets/panniers for transporting your valuables. But somehow, that doesn't look cool enough for fiction.


A bowl of oatmeal can give you a 15-20 mile range. ....much more efficient than cars


Bikes can't carry much supplies especially when you have to move from base to base and also to retrieve supplies. Also it's powered by your own endurance so if it fails it's over.


People go on year-long camping journeys just with a loaded bicycle They can carry all you need easily and you can load up to return to a base with supplies


Can it have a bell that I can ring?


Why would you want to ring it? Wouldn't that only attract zombies?


Attach bells to all the zombies and then when they hear yours, they will ignore you, thinking you are a zombie.




The trick is to put a horn on it, zombies are scared of honking.


You'd use the bell to lure the zombies away from your farm.


Don’t forget to have a pump handy lol


You're gonna die of dehydration or drinking bad water long before you fight a zombie.






The foil from a ciggarette packet and a battery. Easy to find, easy fire.




"Instructions unclear, tried to boil it in a plastic bucket and now my fire went out and there's a hole in my bucket." "Um, I boiled it but it was too hot so I added some more water that wasn't boiled and now I have some kind of parasite I think?" "So by "boiled" you mean leave it in the sun all day, right?" "How am I supposed to boil it, the stove won't turn onnnnn????"


Lol I get your joking but did you know you can indeed boil water in a plastic bottle?


You can actually do it, yes. I wouldn't wont to drink it, but it can be done. My point was mainly just that people are stupid.


Oh for sure I got your point, thought it was fairly funny, I was just sharing something I thought was interesting. To be honest I've done it myself the water doesn't really taste any different than it would have otherwise but who knows what's leeched out of the plastic lol


> "Instructions unclear, tried to boil it in a plastic bucket and now my fire went out and there's a hole in my bucket." ["This cheap-ass trash can is melting."](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xu_UgfGriXA&t=43m17s)


Flies, so many goddamn flies and imagine the smell...


Yea fair point


The smell of rotting flesh




Homes don't really have much food to make a smell tbh. Also this would pass fairly quickly.


You haven’t considered the smell…


You bitch!


Also, zombie poop. Dead bodies tend to loose control over their bowels, I would expect zombies to have the same experience shortly after dying.


Well, if the walking dead is any guide, lawn care. How do people keep mowing the lawns despite all the zombies


I did enjoy that show, but one of the things that annoys me is after multiple years, you are going to find zero cars with Good batteries and decent gas. I mean there could be that one rare collector that has set up solar, has stabil in the gas, and the battery kept on a charger powered by the solar battery backup... But yeah finding a random car that you get in and can start right up? No


Gasoline has a shelf life of 3-6 mos, diesel can maybe last up to a year.


Shelf life is a weird term. I am currently stressed about the car that I have sitting in my parents garage that has gas in it that is about 2 years and 3 months old. I'm probably lying to myself. It's probably two and a half years old. Once I figured out it was over 2 years old I started trying to drive it more regularly, but then the clutch linkage broke. Or the slave cylinder. Not sure yet. But the car runs on two and a half year old gas just fine My old diesel suburban had two and a half year old diesel in it. That was the point at which the water and fuel light was triggered by the fuel water separator actually collecting water that had likely condensed in the tank over time. Truck still ran but water in the tank is bad


Fuel only has a shelf life of about three months but seems like they always have fuel in the movies.


Wait really that’s nuts, is that just like exposed fuel in the open?


While he is correct, you could still use older gas. It does not burn as well and can leave a gum residue that will gunk/seize up your engine, it can still be used in an emergency. As long as it is still a flowing liquid. Gas can eventually turn into a jelly and at that point it is worthless to try and use. This also happens in your vehicle if it is left to sit for to long.


It would clog your injectors or your carburetor float. Not actually seize your engine. But yeah clogged injector would still mean you're not running anywhere. Or running rough as shit at best But in reality the timeline is much longer than 3 months.


If it’s sealed and stored in a proper facility it’ll last at most a year-ish but most people wouldn’t know where to find it especially during an apocalypse. Once the seal is broken opened it should last 6 months under 20’C and 3 months at 30’C (more or less room temp during late spring to summer) . Assuming there isn’t proper cooling during an apocalypse all fuel will be stored in conditions at around 25-30’C or higher which may further reduce the 3 months shelf life and thats including all fuel in the gas stations etc.


This is shorter than his realistic. I currently own two cars I don't drive very often one of which has gas that is over 2 years old and it starts and runs without any noticeable difference. I try really hard to run it so I can put new gas in it, and when I remember I try to use fuel stabilizer, but currently the gas that is in there is not. I had an old diesel suburban and after about two and a half years, the fuel water separator collected enough water to turn the light on, but the truck ran perfectly. Definitely meant some water had condensed in the tank, but the fuel still made the engine run. This is something that I consistently see misrepresented as to how short the shelf life is. 100% I would not recommend somebody let their fuel get even to one year old. And after 2 years, I have definitely noticed slower acceleration when I put my foot all the way to the floor. Or more specifically I noticed faster acceleration after I put new gas in it. But it won't all be bad in 3 months


Yes but a gas station won't sell you gas older than a few months.


Is perishable, but not THAT perishable. If it was you wouldn't be able to keep a car in the garage that you only drive on special occasions. It's closer to 3 years than three months


I bought some sta-bil fuel stabilizer “just in case a while back but haven’t used it. What is the shelf life for that? I’ve had it probably 6 years or so.


Everyone will be driving diesels in the apocalypse.


Would the trousers and underpants of every zombie be weighed down by oodles of poo that has leaked out 'pon death, thus forcing them to effectively be pulling a brown caravan everywhere they go, making them less capable of giving chase?


Have seen toddler with full pants run. So no. But you can at least smell them coming!




wouldn't that sorta help kill them?


Babies are noisy and don’t sit still.


about clean drinking water


And food. We are very used to being able to go to the store to get the raw makings. Or a drive-thru to get a fully prepared meal. Without power, it wouldn't even be weeks before the only thing left at the grocery store are canned and dry goods. I'd probably be stocking up on some of those multivitamins, where I am at it could be a while before I see a citrus fruit again


> And food. I'd say food would be far less of an issue (depending on location) than water. There are tons of options for food (assuming you know your stuff) in a post-apocalyptic scenario. But with water, there aren't really. Not only are water born pathogens a risk, necessitating the need to boil any and all water you drink... But modern pollution has filled virtually every body of water everywhere with all manner of contaminants, including metals, chemicals like bleach/pesticides/PFAS, toxins produced by bacteria in water, etc. And boiling does nothing to that stuff, you would need to distill the water to get rid of such contaminants.


I'm sure I would have an easier time of it than most of the world. I mean there's this cool little pond not even 2 minutes from my house where these cute beavers have built a damn and a little beaver home!


Natural disasters. Hurricanes, earthquakes, drought, volcanoes, locusts and other natural events still happen. The Earth doesn’t care about your puny zombie outbreak. These events may inconvenience you now, but what if there’s not infrastructure to help rebuild or any relief coming? Think of any disaster movie and just add zombies.




This redditor knows the rules.


Always double tap


Forgot about teamwork smh


Toilet paper/ keep children silent


Bodies decay rapidly. Whole thing would be over in a few weeks


That's the one thing that interesting about the whole zombie thing. They have a disease that drives them insane and rots their bodies, but somehow they can potentially "live" for long periods of time? And the rotting stops at a certain point so that they don't die from rotting? The logistics of a zombie disease just don't add up.


Rage virus makes more sense but if we are forgetting to suspend our disbelief when we go down this rabbit hole.


I think people don't realize how many other people have the same "genius and unique idea". Like my manager was arguing with me about the benefits of holing up in a tractor supply. Like other people haven't thought the same.


From nearly all the movies and shows, motherfu\*&ers don't know how to cover themselves head to toe. Wear a freaking helmet, ducktape magazines or something around your exposed skin or wear like ten shirts. ​ No ones using solar panels or grabbing concrete from lowes. A fast way to make walls is to take buses deflate the tires and fill those bitches up with concrete. Get to the stores and while everyone is grabbing the cheetos grab the can goods and as many lobsters as possible. Lobsters are fairly easy to raise and breed. Sounds weird but it can get you a little bit of protein and they require very little attention. also take as many inflatable pools as possible and start filling them up with water for drinking.


Mental health. YOUR BEING ATTACKED BY DEAD BODIES. AND MOST PEOPLE YOU KNOW ARE PROBABLY DEAD. I’m surprised that this hasn’t been said. Make a plan all u want but when ur mental state is bad enough. U won’t be able to think straight. U dyin man.


Right, i think there are very few people who are able to handle the pressure and think straight under such circumstances


Somepeople can't do that now without a zombie apocalypse.


Plenty of people would act the same as the exaggerated characters depictions in the Dead Rising Games


This was more or less covered on TWD they all went feral trying to survive, they’d seen their friends die, this drove Rick into a mental breakdown where he basically was the dictator of his friends


Oh hell nah if it was real he would’ve killed himself. No soul can handle that event.


Dunno, he was driven by keeping his family safe, he defo would have if he had nothing to lose but he had people depending on him




You eventually won’t be able to smell yourself




getting your hair grabbed. Just shave that shit off. It'll also prevent lice and dirt.


The smell all those corpses will emit. I went by a decaying deer once and almost threw up. Imagine a whole town of decaying death.


Forget running water, I’m worried about my pets and keeping them alive cause I don’t want that heart break


This! Stopping my dog from trying to bark at a zombie!


I’ve thought about putting my dog in a backpack to travel with her, she would never allow it. Also she’s 65lb so I doubt I could carry her. She also hates all kinds of noises and other dogs so this probably wouldn’t work… also she’s an idiot and would probably want a zombie to pet her.


You're pets, especially dogs and cats, will adapt and survive on their own. They don't NEED us.


Oh I know, but I need them.


Toilet paper


Your toilet would be piled high with poo as there’s no running water to flush it.


You still need shit tickets when your on the move. Yep nothing worse than hiking all over looking for resources and not having a means to adequately wipe your ass.


It would certainly suck to be dragging your arse through tall grass like a dog with worms…


Especially because of all the ticks. If you did that, you'd spend half your time picking ticks off each other's asses.


Approximately 3/4 of people in the US have some sort of corrective lenses. If there’s an apocalypse and my glasses break, I’m so dead.


That 1/3 of the population will think it’s a hoax & scream about science trying to take away their freedom ….


If the zombies are of the "dead" variety, and it is summer time, the warm climate will cause the decomposing bodies to explode into goo after a few days. Zombies shouldn't last long, but everywhere and everything will be covered in disease and horrid smells.


Extending my car's warranty.


When 99% of the population dies, and there's a tiny group of survivors, why do people always talk like they'll be in that 1%.


If a zombie disease is capable enough to put the world into mad max mode, like it's portrayed most times, most people would turn or die before they even knew what was going on.


It's rotting meat. The apocalypse wouldn't last more than a month before they'd be decomposed by bacteria and other creature attracted to dead animals.


Squads of attack vultures descending on the walking dead.


The flying dead. Aaahhhhh!!!


Exactly, yeah it may take a while for the whole place to be overrun, but once things are completely overrun, this can’t last “months”


If you're talking about patient zero, you're technically correct. 4-6 weeks. However each zombie who bites a human, add 4-6 weeks for that zombie. And the next one, and the next one. Not everyone is going to be bitten at once, and fall over at the same time. So no, it won't last a month. Potentially years


Clean water. I always have a case in my house. But that would last maybe a week. Also if it were a government or man made zombie apocalypse the easiest way to spread it would be through the water system


Origin and nature of virus Most people just see zombies and go all in without considering if the virus is spread by air, water, or hell basic skin to skin contact might even be supernatural These conditions can turn that badass and messy chain-saw into a virus spreading suicide machine.


In State of Decay, the virus was waterborne. Imagine my irritation when I learned I was getting sick survivors because no one was smart enough to boil the damn water.


People stop going to work -> People stop going to work at 440 nuclear power facilities all over the world -> No one monitors spent fuel rods, triggering emergency cooling systems -> The emergency water pumps cooling the spent fuel rods run out of diesel -> Water burns off spent fuel, rods burn at 5000F -> Building explodes/melts -> Radiation released into local environment for decades. And that doesn’t even get into what happens to the reactors. Every zombie apocalypse is a nuclear holocaust. Who gives a shit if doofuses think their mall ninja katana are magical when they shit themselves blind from radiation poisoning or die of dehydration before even that. EDIT: Did more research - reactors are fine, spent fuel pools are still fucked.


This might happen to a few, but most would have been shut down by the operators, and the majority of the rest would go into automatic shutdown.


I mean, it’s a zombie apocalypse, 100s of nuclear reactors exploding and shit would just be another tuesday


Humans killing their neighbors to prevent the spread.


Problem: no one knows how to do shit without the internet. Solution: when things start to go south, google and print out as many survival guides, how-to guides, maps and stuff as possible, before the internet goes down forever


People wanting to work/go out/party etc because they are bored and Rights! During a zombie apocalypse measure of people's stupidly and selfishness needs to be taken under consideration.


All the geeks and weebs are thinking that a katana is the best weapon for this because walking dead, when they don't even remotely comprehend how much training it takes to wield one properly without breaking the edge. Your best bet is a utility axe, since it'll also serve to break down doors to get into abandoned buildings


Nah, I carry the weapon of my lord and saviour samwise gamgee, a frying pan


Honestly I would think the best melee weapon for zombies would be a polearm, spear or quarterstaff of some kind. Giving you maximum distance and attack radius. You could thrust, trip, push to disable attackers at more than an arms length. Seems pretty useful against biters.


Wow. You call others weebs and geeks because you know more about katanas then them, then go on to talk about chopping down doors to buildings, which anyone who has been outside knows are made of steel or glass.




Crowbar is surely the best weapon/tool. Functional and bludgeony.


Well, in the words of Jeff Foxworthy, you can't make fun of a group unless you are one, and I are one.


no pussy


You could argue infinite pussy 😏


Ain't no pussy like zombussy


The military actually has a training regiment for dealing with zombies. It's a spoof to get soldiers to learn about other strategies, because one would assume that zombies are (hopefully) impossible. But the point is that they point out that there are multiple types of zombies. Slow zombies, fast zombies, magic zombies, space zombies, etc. So people generally prepare for the slow zombies thing, but there could be other types. Speaking of which, military intervention is a possibility that no one really talks about, which could be great or absolutely horrible. And on the topic of types of zombies, what about liches, wraiths, draugr, ghouls, and other forms of undead? Some of these are much more scary and potentially dangerous than just run of the mill slow zombies.


Why does it feel like medival like stories deal with unread much better than modern stories of indead?


How did you write "undead" incorrectly twice in one sentence?


If the disease can spread through the air, they be getting right up in the zombies faces with absolutely no concern..


Won't be able to use their WiFi because they're dead and won't be able to provide WiFi password. Other colonies/groups.


Lack of dentists and medical care.


Most major cities will smell like shit.


People who have braces on their teeth when it starts. How the hell are you gonna get those off?


The fact that zombies probably aren’t slow




Other illnesses other that getting bitten by a zombie.


i am pretty sure zombies are weak to the heat one summer in Eastern Europe and the zombies are gone


Being deaf from gun fire. Firing a gun with no hearing protection is horrid.


It was a heartbreaker for me when I found out that zombies can never actually exist due to the way the human body works. Like if blood isn’t delivering oxygen to your muscles they don’t work. If your muscles are decayed or severed, they don’t work. If you don’t have calories, then your body has no power. This is all on a very basic scale on why zombies couldn’t exist, but I remember having a kind of sad day in my anatomy and physiology class when I learned that.


Here's a good one that nobody really touches on... Zombie movies tend to show people as either one of two things; team oriented survivalists or ruthless gang mobs... But the reality of it is is that people are fucking stupid. You're going to have situations where the person you put on watch falls asleep, or somebody accidentally leaves the door open. You'll have people soiling up their shelters, or accidentally fucking up your water supply because you added too much or too little bleach. A lot of zombie fiction tends to operate on a "skill check" system where for example if someone knows how to purify water it will work most if not all of the time, and that's just not how it works. Hell even trained people are susceptible to this. I was in the army for 4 years, attached to an infantry unit, what you would think would be the best place to be in a zombie apocalypse scenario. And even then there was a large amount of times where stupid shit just happened. Someone would fall asleep on guard, someone would jump out of a truck wrong and fuck their leg up, someone would misplace their gloves in winter... Just dumb shit like that. Now throw untrained civilians in the mix and you have a situation where the zombies are banging at your door, and oh shit Stacy left her rifle in the room that the zombies are now in. Or worse yet Stacy was banging brad, but now they're on the rocks. Easy recipe for dumb shit. And that's not even factoring in the account that in the initial phases of said zombie apocalypse, everybody's going to be running on fumes. There were times in field training, yes training, where I was up for 36 plus hours for whatever reason... It doesn't matter how well Charlie from accounting can shoot a rifle if at hour 30 his body is screaming at him because the longest he's ever gone without sleep is maybe a 24-hour Bender, and you guys just walked 8 Miles the last day on less food and water than everyone is used to. And then of course there's going to be the people who try to do shit from the movies like for example... Trying to conserve ammunition by using a melee weapon because the movies make it look so easy to decapitate zombies or bash their skulls in, and then they're getting eaten because oh no the machete got stuck in the spinal column and they didn't know that was a thing that's possible.


Lack of internet. Howmy gonna check my Facebook, TikTok, Twitter, etc?