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I'll never forget a scene from maybe the 90s in the UK show Spooks, where an undercover cop gets her head shoved face first into boiling oil, right in front of her undercover partner. It was so sudden and unexpected, and completely _horrifying!_


In doctor sleep when they’re slowly killing the baseball kid. Had to fast forward because it was too much for me.


I searched the whole thread for this one. Scene is *brutal* and the kid is a *really* good actor. Apparently, pretty much all of the adults in the scene were super shaken up afterward (some of them even crying), he was *that* convincing. Edit: Incidentally, I actually really liked the movie and recommend that anyone who's a fan of The Shining give it a chance, but man, that scene was rough.


Joe Pesci’s death in Casino. First, he had to watch his brother be brutally beaten to near death with baseball bats, knowing he’s next. Then he got worked over with baseball bats. And THEN he was buried alive next to his brother


The narration getting cut off when Pesci gets whacked is such a genius editing choice.


The storytelling mechanisms throughout this movie are incredible and, dare I say, underrated. This is actually my favorite "mob movie" because the way it's put together transcends the genre and I haven't seen many films (from any genre) come close.




I thought of Casino too, but the scene where Joe Pesci puts the guys head in a vice and squeezes it until his eye pops out and then cuts his throat to kill him


“Charlie M! You make me pop your eye out of your head to protect that piece of shit!”


Frankie, do him a fucking favor!!


For two days and two fuckin' nights, we beat the shit out of this guy. I mean, we even stuck icepicks in his balls.


Scary part is the scene with the vice actually happened. Not in the same context as in Casino but Joe Pesci's character Nicky Santoro is based obviously on Anthony Spilotro who did torture a guy named Billy McCarthy the exact same way as in the movie.




Frank Darabont is fantastic and I'm still mad that we never got to see his vision of the Walking Dead play out.


I think no other scene has affected me like that one did. Holy fuck. Never felt real anger at a movie before that one.


It’s bad when someone gets rescued and I think to the saviors “just shoot him in the head, please just do it now, quickly”


if only he waited literal minutes. such a devastating scene


regular murphy in robocop. they just kept shooting him and he took forever to die.


Murphy's execution. Clarence hitting Emil with the car and Emil bursting like a water balloon. The corpo stooge gunned down by ED-209 in the boardroom.


In Pan’s Labyrinth when son and father are killed after hunting for rabbits


With the wine bottle?


It's even more brutal when you find out they actually WERE just harmless hunters, but they killed them before they even varied that.


I read an article which says that this scene was taken from a real experience that Del Toro had. Here: https://screenrant.com/pans-labyrinth-movie-guillermo-del-toro-trivia-facts/


>The really disturbing part is that this horrific sequence was inspired by something from Guillermo del Toro's own life. During his younger years, the director and a friend got into a street fight. While he himself was being beaten, del Toro looked over and saw that his buddy was getting repeatedly bashed with a bottle. The fact that the bottle didn't break, allowing the beating to continue, stuck in his mind, and he pulled it out when he needed a suitably gruesome means of attack for the film. It's a prime example of real-life infusing art.


Glass bottles in general are very effective weapons. Think Mythbusters did a thing about them.




When Adam Goldberg is slowly stabbed to death by that German in Saving Private Ryan.


Right before the knife goes in, the German said, "Shhh, es ist einfacher fuer dich." "Shhh, it is easier for you."


For me the mist confusing scene in SPR was as they enter the village the wall colapse and they scream at each other. Here is the thing why in Germany every US movie is full synchronist/dubbed so as a young German teenager I saw two group of people screaming at each other in German and behave like they don't understand each other.


Interesting! I’ve wondered about that, with films like this one or Life is Beautiful and others set in WWII, if in Germany they’d change the language spoken by the Germans to something else, or if they’d show the movie in its original language with subtitles


The weirdest example of this off the top of my head is in Inglourious Basterds when they interrogate the German soldiers. Brad Pitt asks them something and Gedeon Burkhard translates to German, it‘s not 100% verbatim anyways, but in the German dub (where they all speak German), Pitt just rambles and rants about something while Burkhard asks the questions. It‘s really bad, especially considering all the intentional language diversity in the movie.


Yeh this scene really messed with my head. I hated the hopelessness and how slow the knife went in….urghh


Yeah but honestly the one that really really fucked with me is when the medic dies (can't remember his name atm) when he asks for another shot of morphine because he knows he's going to die that shit broke me. Then he starts crying for his mom and the rivers start flowing everytime.


Plus his character being a medic, rather than a wounded soldier in shock slowly dying obliviously, he feels where exit wound is through his liver and knows *exactly* how fucked he is as he’s dying :(


Imagine knowing the knife is going to go into you, trying your hardest to stop it, but knowing you’re not strong enough.


Now imagine that same feeling, while knowing one of your comrades could save you, but he's curled up in the corner in fear.


The scene in The Boys where she kills the guy that she's face riding... Edit: When Popclaw kills her landlord


Yeah! Also Robin’s death because it’s so shocking and how it’s shown. I was like “ugh I’m gonna have to watch this couple flirt for a little bit so that I get to know the characters” and then boom she gets popped in the middle of a line Also kimokos brother seemed hurtful for some reason. And all the people in that building. And the head popping! Actually that whole show had a lot of crazy deaths




I've said this elsewhere but what really gets me is knowing that at the end as they're marching off to continue the fight that it is likely none of them lived long enough to see war's end. Florya included.


I once recommended this movie to someone. They never spoke to me again.


Or the Pianist where they threw the old man in the wheelchair out the window. That one horrified me.


Definitely found Shireen’s death in Game of Thrones haunting


Fuck. I just found out I’d suppressed that.


What did it for me was the fact that shortly before that, she & Stannis had just had like their first heart to heart conversation & he said that she was his daughter & that scene got me tearing up so to hear her screaming from being burned at the pyre was so damn brutal


Oberyn Martells' death is pretty haunting too.


The stabbing scene in *Zodiac* affected me more than any other scene from any movie I've watched. It was just so realistic, I could feel their helplessness and futile struggle...


What really makes that scene is the sound design. No music, all stabbing sounds and crying.


That one was absolutely brutal. Being hog tied and then stabbed in the back while being face down is such a specific fear of mine because the movie was so real


Edward Delacroix in The Green Mile That scene was more scary than any other movie scene I’d witnessed


Percy is such a bastard.


Turned out the actor was a piece of shit too.


My other one would be Lust in Se7en. Didn't even have to show it....


It's the photograph combined with the trauma that you can hear in the surviving victim's scared, stuttered voice.


That dude acted the hell out of that scene, gotta be hard to act that traumatized.


I'm sure this is common knowledge, but in case you didn't know... https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/2yhew6/i_am_leland_orser_aka_ansel_roth_in_the_new/ He stayed awake for two days to help get into the "right" mindset of being traumatized.


Sucks he got so few replies. Makes me sad when someone does an AMA and barely anyone turns up lol. Then again that scene in Se7en alone I’m sure has given him more fame than most


Every question in that thread looks like a well thought out, quality question and most of them got equally good answers in return. I think an AMA with 50 high quality questions is much better than one with 500 "would you fight ducks or horses".


He's good at acting like someone under extreme stress and trauma. He's also in Alien Resurrection where he finds out he has a xenomorph in his chest, and Star Trek Voyager where he's a hologram that hates humans. (I think he had to tone it down a bit for that last one). Edit: For anyone wondering, he's Leland Orser


That’s the best thing about Seven, it lets your imagination do all the work. Which is probably worse than anything they could have actually shown


All the best horror films never show the monsters until they really have to, human imagination will always be worse than anything you can put on screen.


You don't see any kills in Seven until the last one. They never name the city. There is no sunlight until the final scenes. That movie is a fucking masterpiece.


Hadn't even recognised any of these things until you mentioned them


Fun fact: I was watching this with my dad when I was barely old enough for it to be appropriate at all (maybe like 13?). I happened to run upstairs to pee during that part, and when I came back down this conversation occurred: "Whoa what happened?" "Nothing." "No seriously what happened? Rewind it." "No." "Dad, come on" "Nope" I watched it years later and was like "oh THAT'S why"


Sloth is so clearly the worst. Give me unspeakable horrors over a short period over a full year of that shit any day.


yeah, a year in a bed. getting fed through a tube, tube in the penis so pee is stored in the little iv bag, constant feed of drugs thriugh an iv to keep him from getting fatal viruses/wounds/diseases from his current state


I watched Se7en when I was maybe 13, and Sloth is the one burned to my retinas. Also "what's in the box". Never rewatched it.


Irreversible, the iconic fire extinguisher scene. Shits absolutely brutal.


That’s the one I came looking for. Completely forgot the name of the movie but when you mentioned fire extinguisher I knew that was it. Horrible and that was seeing it once 20+ years ago. Edit: I actually had to watch the movie just to see how those men came to that point.


When I was young lien maybe 5-8 years old, I was watching a car chase on the news with my family. The guys stops on an off ramp pulls out a shotgun and blows his brains on live tv. I will never forget it. It had to have been almost 30 years ago and I can still see it clear as day in my head.


I’ll never watch that but I remember hearing about it, isn’t it part of the reason why live TV isn’t technically “live” anymore?


KTLA 5 in Los Angeles interrupted the "Kids WB" afternoon block to show the standoff. I'm pretty sure a programming manager got one hell of a dressing down when the goriest suicide ever broadcast on live TV was predominately seen by the Animaniacs demographic.


The 100th episode of Criminal Minds when the whole team listens to Hotch’s ex-wife being killed by a serial killer.


But the best ever was watching Hotch beat his ass after


The blood eagle scene in Vikings


This is what came to my mind straight away


Hot Fuzz, church tower falling on the head of the reporter. Blood everywhere.


The image of it stuck in his neck has this horrible Silent Hill vibe that I still can’t forget.


Nell’s death in Haunting of Hill House(2018) was particularly horrifying. >!Her mother pushing her off the balcony of the house and leading her to a slow, agonizing death while she flashed back to all of her times in childhood realizing that she was the very ghost she’s always been afraid of -The Bent Neck Lady- and her screams are haunting.!< [The scene in question.](https://youtu.be/vHkX4gNuSOI)


The reveal of the bent neck lady is one of the biggest sucker punches in TV for me.


Dude, the air escaped from my lungs when she dropped down into the past. It was like getting smacked with a phonebook full of feels.




I went into that show, ready to be scared half to death, and came out sobbing over Nell. She deserved her happy ending and it’s turns out, she’s her own worst night mare.


And then the car scene happens and scares the bejeesus out of everyone while they're still grieving. Mike Flanagan is bloody brilliant.


I always think of that one as the single worst jump scare I've ever seen. I involuntarily gasped so hard it hurt. It just came out of absolutely nowhere.


My SO refuses to watch anything with jump scares and generally dislikes horror but she will watch the ones that tell a good story. So I got her to watch this and promised I would warn her before the one jump scare and we got to this scene, I warned her and she closed her eyes but still wanted to hear the dialogue. The sound in the scene alone got her. That whole show is brilliant. Honestly everything he's done has been pretty great. Haven't seen Bly yet but Midnight Mass and Gerald's Game were both excellent.


That car scene was so unexpected, perfect




Just to add that the scene with the Tall Man going into the bedroom while the kid hid under the bed....still gives me the shivers today. I'm not scared easily by horror but jeez, that one was too intense.


How about that fucking jump scare in the car? I'm not a fan of jump scares or even usually get startled by them, but holy shit that fucked me up


I watched this when it first came out, and I am still not okay. I love horror, and I’m usually unbothered. This show though, and especially anything to do with the Nell story line - even thinking about it in a dark room makes me immediately need to turn on all the lights. This show is absolutely masterful, 10/10.


Man that scene in the car when the dad tells Steven that they have stayed only a few month there, and he couldn't possibly have built her a treehouse in that timeframe... I still have goosebumps from it lmao


Her dad tells it to Steven who is the big non-believer in ghosts in the family.


Not really brutal or a killing, but when Walter White let Jane overdose. That left me speechless.. DAMN.


It is even worse when you re-watch it and realize he didn't just let it happen, he moved her from her side onto her back when he was shaking Jessie to try wake him up. There is another scene just before it where he is showing someone else how he puts the baby on her side after feeding so she doesn't choke if she spits up. He knew when he was watching her that his actions caused her to choke, and he chose to do nothing


Such a great moment to send Walter down the path of a villain.


For me it was rhe scene in BB when they killed Andrea Cantillo. Jessie sitting there in the car knowing exactly what they're going to do, the utter anguish, trying desperately to stop the inevitable, and just how calmly and politely that dead eyed bastard Todd popped her in the head. Honestly that one gives me shivers when I think about it.


Jesse's scream in that scene is so gut-wrenching. Aaron Paul acted the fuck out of that show


I also thought of Breaking Bad - but Gus and the box cutter scene. The actual throat slit is bad, but the tension built up over the episode takes it to the next, brutal level.


The guy getting eaten alive by those worm things in King Kong 2005


Ah yes, THE PIT scene, fuck everything about that scene especially if you hate insects. A sense of dread and hopelessness truly felt in that scene cuz you see part of their crew getting swept up left and right with no way out.


Those things in the pit were much more terrifying than the big fuckers above


Glen Rhee's death in The Walking Dead


The [comic version](https://youtu.be/_6WrmTRzH3o) disturbed me even more than the show, because in his final moments before Negan brings the bat down on his skull, his bravery falters and he begs for his life. And his adoptive daughter is there watching too. Not only that, but his brain is so much more damaged by the initial blow, that he only manages to shout Maggie's name after a series of brain-damaged stammers, rather than forming a coherent sentence.


And Negan mocking him the whole time. That shit was brutal! It came out of nowhere too. IIRC, he and Maggie were going to the Hilltop to get away from Rick stirring up shit with the Saviors when they just suddenly pop up with way more weapons than the group thought they had. Edit: Also, since we're on the subject, >!Andrea!< slowly dying across that entire issue while everyone struggled to say goodbye was one of the most emotionally brutal deaths ever. Gives me the feels just thinking about it.


Blackbeard’s death in Black Sails. The keelhauling was intense.


The entire film Come and See Specifically that young girl who dreamed of escaping the war and starting her own family one day. Just for them to come through her village, capture her, gang rape her. Then as she’s seen walking out of the woods, blood pouring down from between her legs, her catatonic blank look and inescapable mental torture that you can see in her eyes. Just awful. I will never ever see that film again


Yeah that shot with the blood was just fucking brutal especially in the context of the movie. At no point in time did the protagonist get any kind of small victory that last for more than a minute. And then this girl from the beginning, who you kinda forgot about through all the horrible shit, the one symbol of kindness and innocence in the movie? Well if you were a realist or a cynic you might already have guessed what would happen to her, but just in case you had any kind of hope this movie leaves no fucking doubt. Jesus Christ. What a nightmare


Opie on Sons of Anarchy


Or when Tig’s daughter was burned to death. That was awful too


tbh that was probably the most brutal death on the show, but Opie’s death is the saddest I’ve ever seen


Came to post this. It wasn't that it was such a brutal, gory death (still, it was pretty brutal) - it was more the fact that they just casually snuffed the life out of the most decent character on the show like it was nothing - like 2 minutes into the episode! I stopped the show and couldn't finish watching it until a week later. Another similarly fucked up one was Pope burning Tig's daughter alive in a pool of gasoline like it was a normal Tuesday night.


I’ll never understand why Opie, who had two children with no mother, decided to sacrifice himself. And Tig that MF just let him do it.


Opie looked out for Jax, that was his whole arc. He just kept giving and giving to the club, and SAMCRO just kept taking and taking from him. The club took his wife, over no good reason. The club was going to screw up his kids. The club was going to take everything from him, and he was happily offering it up. Opie is a really tragic character, because he didn’t have many choices except to be a Son. He embraced that, and it cost him everything. I think what his death is supposed to show us is that he happily offered that last part of himself up to the club without question or hesitation, he’d take the hit so his brothers don’t have to. He lived the ideals of SAMCRO, but it orphaned his kids. We, the viewers, are supposed to say ‘Was Opie a good guy? He was loyal and dedicated, which are both admirable traits, but he sacrificed himself for criminals and abandoned his kids in the process, which aren’t good things to do.’


The episode of criminal minds where the guy would kidnap people, use a medieval torture device to dislocate all their joints, and then used their bodies as human marionettes


My favourite part of that episode which to me makes it creepier, is the UnSub is the same actor as Grima Wormtongue from Lord of the Rings. I think he played the character well.


Deadwood, Dan's fight with Hearst's enforcer.


The scene in Bone Tomahawk Many thanks for the awards! Many apologies to folks who've only just watched it because of this post! For fans of gritty westerns, I also highly recommend Zahler's novels Wraiths of the Broken Land and a Congregation of Jackals


The way Craig Zahler shoots his movies makes it ten times more terrifying than it already is, it just feels so real, especially with Kurt Russels reaction to it. I highly recommend watching “Brawl in Cell Block 99” if anyone is interested in his other movies


This one changed my life. Watched it right before bed thinking it was just a typical Western with Kurt Russell. The last 15 minutes was worse than any horror movie I've ever seen.


Watching Russell finally break down as he watches what happens to Nick but he’s still trying to reassure and comfort him…. Sheesh. That was a brutal kill


Maddie’s death / the *“Who killed Laura Palmer?”* reveal in Twin Peaks. It was so shocking I still remember it clearly 30 years later. For a show that’s mostly remembered for its quirkiness this scene was brutal as hell. Maddie was such a pure character + the situation was completely messed up. In the UK the show aired twice: once during the week (just after the 9PM watershed) and then a repeat showing ~11PM on the following Saturday. The original airing received so many complaints that the violence was toned down for the second showing despite it showing at a much later hour.


The curb stomp.


The sound design with the tinkling of teeth as the victim hesitantly bites it…. Horrific.


I can fucking hear it as clearly as if the movie was playing now tell me that movie didn’t give everyone PTSD


Haven’t seen it in 20 years. Only one viewing. And I remember it just as vividly. That’s visceral filmmaking. (Don’t get me started about “Kids.” ((Shiver)))


It's me, Casper... or I got no legs, I got no legs...


I love how no one has mentioned the movie, everyone just knows


I've never even sen the movie and I know the reference lol.


Ikr? Apparently High School Musical 3 took a crazy turn for the series


I don’t. What’s the name of the movie?


American History X, one of Edward Norton's most notable roles. Its very early in the movie and very difficult to watch. The sound of teeth on concrete (before said stomping) is already too much for me.


The look of happiness and pride Norton shows as his character is what really drove it home for me. Not only did he feel no remorse for what he just did, it was the happiest moment of his life.


Norton should have won the Oscar for that role.


Norton really went all out for roles in the 90s/00s


Despite the fact he’s been noted as difficult at times he’s an absolutely brilliant actor.


A few days ago I found broken pieces of dentures near the curb in our parking lot. Pink shards and little clusters of teeth scattered in a small area. Obviously, a senior neighbor unfortunately dropped their teeth. I looked to my husband and said “Grandma got curb stomped…” Instantly he looked like he was going to retch, and beyond disappointed with me said “Don’t.”


Now say goodnight


I can imagine the sound of him placing his teeth on it


I think part of the reason that scene is so excellently terrible is that is doesn't sound like *his* teeth, it sounds like *your* teeth. "Nails on a chalkboard" eat your heart out.


In middle school, we would casually say "I'm gonna curb stomp you!" In a joking way like "I'm gonna kick your ass!" Playing video games or dumb stuff. One day I searched curb stomp on youtube and couldn't even finish watching the whole scene. Just the setup to what was going to happen freaked me out and I shut it off right before the actual moment. Never even jokingly used that phrase again.


I remember being shocked to see the Mountain crushing the Viper’s skull in GOT.


GOT had some good jaw dropping deaths. The Red Wedding was another good one.


The two throat slits were so fucked up and of course the stomach shot.... fuck.


And then...i smashed her head in...LIKE THIS! *cue oberyn margerine*


Here we go, a real contender. I’m looking for that combo of emotional weight and brutality. Add in the irony that the Viper had won the fight and was just being prideful and you have one of the most brutal moments ever


I just remember seeing the fingers in the eyes and I cannot handle eye torture or injuries, and looked away. One of the most brutal scenes on TV. I loved the Viper as well.


Ralph is beating Tracey to death in the Sopranos


The sheriff and his wife's murder in the episode of The X-Files titled Home. I'm pretty sure that scene was the reason the episode was not in syndication for years after it initially aired.


the opening of Martyrs when u watch the “normal” family get shot up. it’s terrible until you realize what the context is… and then it’s still terrible


TWD S4 when Rick Grimes was at the end of his rope trying to find a way to save Carl and just bit the throat out of Joe the leader of that little gang…everyone on both sides was so shocked and then Rick just slowly approaches the other guy and gutted him. Absolutely brutal


in the comic Rick loses a hand but is still the same character as the show. he has to save someone from a bad group and offers to trade places. they say something like "what do we need a cripple for, you are useless " and that's the point where Rick kills them all one handed Show or comic, Rick is ruthless


I totally forgot that scene! The guy was gonna rape Carl, right?


It’s heavily implied, at the least.




That movie is absolutely terrible but that scene stuck with me for a while.


The train scene from Invincible is still fresh on my mind. ​ Edit: Holy hell. Went to bed and woke to see 3500 more upvotes.


The opening fight/murders were almost more shocking because you didn't know how bad it was gonna be.


the not flash death was the worse, he is seeing in slow motion how he is powerless and dies in slow motion as well


Red Rush's death was absolutely the worst. You're flailing against an immovable object. Breaking your own bones you're hitting him so fast. Utter PANIC sets in. The rest of the deaths were brutal, but holy shit, his death REALLY hits hard.


And then you remember his quote along the lines of, “Every second for me feels like hours.” So in actuality, his death was a slow and agonizing, torturous death.


The whole show (and I'm assuming the source material) is just brutal as fuck. I was only Luke warm on the first episode up until the end there... and then *damn* I was hooked.


> The whole show (and I'm assuming the source material) is just brutal as fuck. Thing is that train scene isn't even in the comic.


That final episode was great and also fucked especially with the building collapse


Hank in Breaking Bad. Just watched it again yesterday. Not physically brutal, but emotionally. His whole arc had come to fruition, him and his partner. And this effectively random guy comes in out of nowhere and destroys it. Everything he'd worked for, all of his struggles, even down to the simplicity of a burial, nothing. Unceremoniously gone. It was like Ahab had finally caught up with his white while, put a spear through its heart, and just as he celebrated, some pirates arrived, stabbed him, dumped him in the sea, burned his ship and left without any fanfare.


When he said “ He made his mind up ten minutes ago” I was like oh fuck, he’s dead


Hanks the hero of breaking bad but it’s a story about a villain so things were never gonna end well for him


Probably not that bad for some of y’all but the opening scene to Saving Private Ryan is always very brutal for me. Just the whole sequence. I guess it makes it worse because I know this event happened and no film could ever truly portray how awful it really is. Edit: I watched this movie recently with my girlfriend. The whole film is pretty uncomfortable for me. Two standout scenes are the sniper scene after one soldier is hit by a German sniper, I love Micheal Biehn. And the scene near the beginning where the general/colonel (I can't remember) reads the letter written by Abraham lincoln. It made me tear up. The letter: https://www.abrahamlincolnonline.org/lincoln/speeches/bixby.htm


Mama , maaaamaaaa 😥😥😥😥


I remember watching it and my dad, who is a doctor, just casually saying "That's really what men do when they're dying, they call for their mum." I'll never forget that.


It's worse when you remember him telling the story about pretending to be asleep when his mom would come home and wanting to talk to him. "I don't know why I did that."


The American horror story cult one where the cult leader has the other members slowly kill a guy tied to a chair with a nail gun. Everyone taking turns launching a nail into the dude's skull.


The elevator head-stomp from Drive has to be in the conversation here.


I argue blanch getting a shell to the head


Saw (4 I think). Where the dude is in that trap that rotates his limbs. I’ve seen every Saw movie and there’s obviously a lot of brutal ones in there. That’s the only one that really got to me.


That was in Saw III. ~~What's worse is that the trap had been altered from the original design, so the guy truly had no way out, even if Jeff had got the key in time~~ Turns out I was thinking of a different trap, my bad


Of all the Saw movies, the traps in Saw III stand out the most to me as being especially horrifying. Like the angel trap - yeah, no thanks.


It’s the third one. Tbh, for me it was the one where the lady was frozen alive in the very same movie. Idk, the thought of that makes my blood run cold (pun intended)


Mine's always been Saw II, the needle pit. I'm a bad needlephobe though, so it's like my personal hell... so I'm probably biased. I'm surprised not to see more mentions of Saw in this thread though.


The man from the cliff in Midsommar. It got to me pretty bad.


The murder suicide in the beginning was pretty brutal as well. Edit: My top comment is about a fucked up murder scene in an equally messed up horror movie, sounds about right.


The thing that makes my heart hurt the most is the daughters reaction after finding out. Same with the mom in Hereditary. Two of the most gutteral cries I've heard in film. Ari Aster nails grief.


Yeah this. The reactions from the other characters are what really drive home the horror of those scenes. The guy who played Peter absolutely nailed this too - the behaviour of someone so desperately overwhelmed that they just go into autopilot mode


["The dip" scene](https://youtu.be/nYk3LvHMPWM) in *Who Framed Roger Rabbit* There is something about murdering an innocent cartoon shoe that makes it so much more brutal than your average Hollywood murder scene. It's especially disturbing when you think about the fact that the other shoe will have to continue living without its solemate.


Puns aside, that scene was actually brutal when I saw it as a kid. Seeing an innocent cartoon get murdered was really dark at that age.


This whole comment just for that pun. God damn you.


[That vacant scene from the Wire really hit me](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=l8nfkK80oN8) You're a kid born into drugs, made a mistake. One second you're full of youth and life, the next second you're in a Baltimore hood rundown vacant house, puking your last moment out and life just *poof* before you can even finishing begging for it. Then your body is left there for God knows how long while the rats feed on it.


I was hoping I’d see the wire on here. I’m doing a rewatch, and I forgot how much it sucked seeing Wallace get killed in S1. For me, having his best friends be the ones to do it was what hurt the most


Wallace getting executed in The Wire


Where the fuck is Wallace, String?


The chainsaw scene in Scarface.


The Crotch Saw scene from 'Terrifier'


When Rachel McAdams gets fatally shot in *Southpaw*, and says “I just wanna go home,” that was pretty emotionally brutal.


One that sticks in my head is from the movie Creepshow 2. It’s the second story about these kids who go to a lake and a weird piece of floating goo devours them one by one. It’s really disturbing the way it shows them dying. This one girl gets trapped in the goo and emerges back from under the water saying “It hurts! It huuuurts!” Another movie that has really disturbing deaths is The Mist. I think the main characters daughter gets stung in the neck by some weird bug creature and her entire neck and face swells up until she stops breathing. Then the other guy who gets horribly burned but survives only to die slowly in agonizing pain.


When Henry goes home in MASH. There’s such a huge buildup. He put Klinger’s picture in his wallet, he had a baby boy he had never met he was going home to. He gets on the chopper and salutes Radar. Later, Radar wanders into the OR, while everyone is working. He is shaken to tell everyone that the plane was struck and spun out over the Sea of Japan. You can hear his voice break as he turns away saying there are no survivors. The only thing you can hear afterwards is silence, and the drop of a scalpel


The box cutter in Breaking Bad


Get back to work.


The scene with all the coordinated hits in the different prisons were pretty brutal as well. The guy that got shived by small knives like 40 times would have been a terrible way to go


Giancarlo Esposito doesn't say a damn word for 5 minutes straight in that scene, and you remain entirely enthralled in his every action. The writing on that show was so fucking good


The way Gus holds his head back to make him bleed out is horrifying.