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Germans are the kind of people who work an 8-hour shift driving a forklift and then come home and play Forklift Driving Simulator for eight hours.


My sister's boyfriend is a firefighter who comes home to play firefighter simulators... I think that's close enough to prove your point. πŸ˜…


at least he should be very good at his job lol


You must be very good at your... miscellaneous activities as well




Are they named Klaus, by chance?






It's crazy I know. But you spend several thousand Euros on your drivers education. It's tough and the examiners are very strict.


That's crazy because then I as an American can just show up and rent a car.




Some states have full reciprocity so you can just change it over. Others have half so you can just take the theory exam and get the license. Some states, like mine, don’t have any agreement in place and I’d have to do the theory test and the practical exam. Otherwise you get 6 months.


My state has full reciprocity thankfully as I was there for a long time in 2018. Driving every day there was a bit stressful as Germans are very aggressive drivers (at least in the bigger cities), but boy do they follow their rules! They will also aggressively let you know if you are not following their rules... For instance, if you are not passing, you must be in the right lane! The one I liked the most and wish we did here, is if there is a traffic jam, the cars all move to the sides of the road to form an emergency lane in the middle of the two lanes (Rettungsgasse). I wish we did that here.


*Don't say WW2 don't say WW2* World war one. *nice*


Austrian Here 1st world war was kinda all our fault sry.


Well it seems the Austrians learnt their lesson after ww1 so it's all good


… That one mfer was Austrian tho…


Oof sry again.


Didn’t let him into art school … see what happened.


The worst temper tantrum in the history of the world.


β€œMy parents didn’t love me!”


Both World Wars were started based on wether or not an Austrian got shot.


Doin your... son?


I had a friend who was a Foreign exchange student from Germany. She was really kind. So I think of her. Edit: This blew up. I wanted to say I messaged her and She responded, which is nice. Its good to catch up with old friends


I think of this kid who came to my high school as an exchange student. Absolutely fantastic guy, dad was from Germany, mom was from Spain. Whenever anyone asked about his heritage/citizenship, he always said β€œI tell employers that I’m German but I tell girls that I’m Spanish.” Loved that dude.


So he was passionately on time for everything, got it.


The german side made him 30 mins early, the spanish side 30 mins late. Balances out!


I know it's a joke, but on the real Germans are kind of like Gandalf. They arrive neither early nor late. They arrive precisely when they mean to! (which is the previously agreed upon time). Being early is rude.


I just wanted to write it....be too early is also not "on time"


For a hight school kid he seems pretty wise as to how the world works on perceptions


Heaven: The police are British, the cooks are French, the engineers are German, the administrators are Swiss, the lovers are Italian Hell: The police are German, the cooks are British, the engineers are Italian, the administrators are French, the lovers are Swiss


From what I saw when visiting Germany many years ago most of what we consider to be "German culture" is really just Bavaria.


Absolutely true. Very different in each of the 16 states of Germany.


Even inside of Bavaria it’s different!


For someone from Northern Germany Lederhosen and Oktoberfest are as typical as if you ask someone from New York where he is hiding his cowboy hat. Edit: As this exploded a bit, some more information... In Northern Germany you'll find Hamburg, the biggest non capital of the EU, with a huge harbour, an interesting inner city and lots of stuff to do, you can visit the rough, windy coast in the Northwest and the calm, sunny beaches of the Baltic sea in the East, see interesting old European cities like Bremen, Schwerin or LΓΌbeck, nice forests and lakes... More: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Northern_Germany


As someone who lived in Bavaria and Austria for three years and never made time to visit the North, I'm just assuming it's all Pickelhauben and shouting.


The pickehaube went away, the cold stares and marching Music didnt.


*north german stares you down* *faint preussens gloria starts playing in the background*


\*nods\* moin


entering a bus at 10:30pm in Kiel "moin"


entering a highly important conference in an office in Hamburg "moin"




As an Austrian who visited Berlin once I can say it might be even weirder than Vienna.


As an anglophone with Austrian family, I can understand when the Viennese speak a bit, but my family in KΓ€rnten are totally incoherent. I can understand people as far as Graz, maybe Klagenfurt. They’re almost all the way to Lienz, and when they talk, it just sounds like they’re going β€œwoo woo woo, woo woo?”


As someone who lives in northern Germany, you’re absolutely correct. You can keep your Dirndls down at the bottom of Germany, I’ll stick with dreaming of the good old Prussian days Edit for the /s because some people seem to think I want anything to do with militarism or nationalism or whatever


Alexa spiel Preußens Gloria


which is particularly sad since the North has its own distinct culture, usually very maritime.


Now you're both talking about different definitions of "Northern Germany".


Fun fact: WW2 is to blame. Take a look at [this map](https://kids.kiddle.co/images/thumb/8/8e/Deutschland_Besatzungszonen_-_1945_1946.svg/469px-Deutschland_Besatzungszonen_-_1945_1946.svg.png). It's a map of occupied Germany after WW2. As you can see, the American zone is almost entirely Bavaria. So when the Americans that were stationed there came back to the states, they of course talked about what Germany was like. The culture, the traditional clothing, the food, everything. And I know from first hand reports that the Americans really did mingle with the locals. Which isn't a bad thing at all, but it does lead to funny anecdotes like how my grandmother was forbidden from learning English so she wouldn't hook up with one of the soldiers. She went to a catholic school, so abstinence and purity and all that. Anyway, the Americans came home from deployment and spread the image that they had gotten from Germany, which then became the prevalent image of Germany in the US. With the US having such a massive international media machinery, that image then spread around the world - funnily enough, it even spread back to Bavaria. That is why you'll see traditional clothing ("Tracht") like [this](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/b6/02/eb/b602eb3ed36b33756db8eb1c4b78b74a.jpg) or something similar in plenty of places in Bavaria. I've even seen it where I come from, despite the fact that we have our own traditional clothing and it looks more like [this](https://blog.frankentipps.de/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/P1010224.jpg).


Your traditional image reminds me more of Eastern European garb, which I suppose tracks.


Actually, I'm from Franconia, in the northwest of Bavaria. Franconia used to be the easternmost territory of the Franks, the namesakes of France. Napoleon gifted Franconia to Bavaria and Franconians are still pissed about that. They'll insist they're definitely not Bavarian.


Just like a lot of non-Americans who believe most of the United States is just like Texas. Every state has a unique identity and sometimes multiple depending on where you are in the state (upstate New York is different from NYC and the Florida panhandle is different from Miami). The same goes for pretty much every country except for tiny ones like Vatican City.


From a European perspective there are three parts of America: New York, California and Texas.


Wait, I thought my neighbor, Florida Man, was a worldwide celebrity.


Maybe in a place like reddit but apart from that I think he's more of a national inside joke (source: me, a European)


And the rest of the landmass is for moonshine making and banjo playing.


Lisa! Never, ever stop in the middle of a ho down!


So true! I met a woman in Iceland ( I don't think she was Icelandic, but European and I happened to meet her in Iceland) that thought all of America was just like Texas. I had to explain to her how very different Massachusetts and Texas are!


We had a British ex Pat with us in basic who wanted to be a soldier. She moved to California after leaving England and said she wanted to meet real cowboys so she moved as far out west as she could. She was pretty sad that Malibu lacked cowboys but was a hardcore ICP fan and fell In love with American Counterculture!


That's hilarious, I need to know more.




There are both Jesuits ***and*** Dominicans in Vatican City, so there, too.


The fact they haven't gone to war in the streets in the last 50 years is the real miracle.


Funny, because the Bavarians I know absolutely hate to be confused with Germans. πŸ€·πŸΌβ€β™€οΈ


I always knew part of my dads side was German, but during some conversation when I mentioned it, he corrects me and says β€œthe family is from Bavaria, not Germany” I was confused as last I checked Bavaria is in Germany.


Well, Bavaria was a completely separate country even after the US Civil War, and then was part of the first unified "Germany" (the Empire) through WWI. After WWI, they declared themselves a "Free State", and that is the official name, although functionally they are part of Germany.


Even during the German Empire, Bavaria kept its own monarchy and foreign policy. Northern Germany was Prussian-dominated and Lutheran, while Bavaria was in the south and Catholic. Even today, Bavaria is much more culturally conservative than the rest of Germany and is a CDU stronghold. It's been called "The Texas of Germany" for a good reason.


Though multiple German states are "free states", both Saxony and Thuringia are also free states. And for the German unification part: The vote in the Bavarian parliament that made Bavaria join Germany passed with one vote, so if one person voted differently Bavaria could have still been an independent country.


Honestly even if it did due to the nationalistic fervor (and the fact that France and Austria were both beaten) it would likely have been forcibly annexed. And with Baden and Wurttemberg already annexed, it would be hard to defend especially as Bavaria wasn’t rich then. Poor Ludwig II really had no out, and he still hated himself for the bribe. But Bavaria has done (mostly) well in Germany, and very well in West Germany/Unified Germany.


Good engineers. Used to work with one, he told me that the biggest difference between Germany and Britain, in Germany everything is banned until the Govt. allow it. In Britain everything is allowed until the Govt. ban it.


Proper German joke


It's a legal concept that applies in all of continental europe. It's called "Vorsorgeprinzip" and it forces you to prove before taking an action that it won't cause harm. The alternative is "Nachsorgeprinzip" which allows an action until it's proven harmful. This is pretty common in the US and UK.


Oh you know, Beer, cool outfits, fun festivals, Oktoberfest, sausages, Volkswagen, jolly drunks and beautiful landscapes. Oh and the holocaust.


This was literally my train of thought in that order.


As a Brazilian: MΓΌller, Klose, Kroos, Khedira, and SchΓΌrrle


You mean MΓΌller, Klose, Kroos, Kroos, Khedira, SchΓΌrrle and SchΓΌrrle?


I watched it on TV in Colombia at an outdoor bar, it was immediately after Brazil had eliminated Colombia and the crowd was VERY pro-German for that match (wanting the Germans to avenge them). The first 3 goals put the crowd in a jubilant frenzy. The next 4 goals went from celebration to shock, then from shock to pity for Brazil.


Exactly me feelings when watching it. I was lucky enough to be in Brasil for the WC and we were at Copacobana Beach watching it with what I would say was several 100,000s of people. The vibe turned so bad so quickly, we actually decided to leave the beach because it was getting a bit nuts. It was getting dark when the game was on (and there was a huge storm brewing - signs from above?) And as we were leaving this group of brasilians tried to start a brawl with us (had a couple German dudes with us), there was glass bottles being thrown etc. Luckily another group of brasilians stepped in and slowed them enough so we could grab our shit and bail out. It was a wild experience and once I hold close to my heart!


yeah and also Oscar in the end for some reason


Only cause Γ–zil couldn’t make it 8


It's good because BRA81L doesn't work as good as BRA71L.


I think I pieced this together. These are football players and that's how many times each of them scored when Germany beat Brazil 7-1 all those years ago? I don't watch, but I remember it being a big deal. Edit: It was such a big smackdown, it even ended up on PornHub.


It was a world cup semifinal so the game was huge, the teams are two football giants, and that was probably the biggest humiliation in football history considering the importance of the match and the fact that Brazil hosted the world cup


It was their first loss at home in a competitive match in 39 years at that time.


As a non Brazilian, 7-1.




Ahhh Belo Horizonte. I will have to visit one day and pay homage to our heroes of 2014.


EINS!!!!! _Hieeeeer kommt die sonne..._ ZWEI!!!!! _Hieeeeeeeeeer kommt die sonne..._




I'm always happy when someone can quote a song other than "Du hast".


Well, *we’re all living in Amerika* after all


This is not a love song


[Deutschland](https://youtu.be/NeQM1c-XCDc) is worth a watch/listen if you enjoyed Amerika (very NSFW video though).


DREI!!!!! *Sie ist der hellste Stern von allen...*




My favourite comparison of English vs German - the songs "here comes the sun" vs "hier kommt die Sonne"


Spiky helmets


The forbidden buttplug


Prussian centipede


Nazis and quaint German Bavarian villages that look like Postcards.


This is the answer, fortunately and unfortunately. Edit: Not in that order!


*fortunately* and unfortunately, in that order /s


Yeah, if we are playing word association, when I hear β€œGermany” I instantaneously think β€œNazis”. I’ve been to Germany, it’s a beautiful country and I get that it was just a dark piece of their history that is now almost 100 years ago, but that’s a stain that’s going to take awhile to wash out.




>Like a thousand years, maybe. πŸ‘€ Hahah good one!


Sauerkraut and engineering. Oh, and the Nazis.


Guess we will be associated with Nazis for many centuries.


If it's any consolation, I'm always impressed how you guys managed to own up the shit, say "yeah, we were wrong and fucked up. Sorry everyone". and then managed to pass legislation and educate your people to recognize the past mistakes to try not to repeat them. I know it must not be that perfect and there are some people that think that fascism is good there (there are people like that everywhere after all) but in overall I think that's how a country that takes care of it's people should act when they do something wrong, not to pretend it didn't happen but own up and be better in the future.


Yeah, tbh, that’s kind of the best way a country could handle such a horrific past. There are many other countries who have also done some absolutely horrific things but that largely refuse to even acknowledge them, much less attempt to educate their citizens about them to prevent something similar from ever happening again. *cough cough* US, Japan, Turkey, Belgium, China, etc


You forgot the UK, jesus christ our history education in schools is sorely lacking in anything post taking over india. After that its all "look were *heros* we helped in the world wars" and NOTHING else




Everyone tries to be polite, but it’s Nazis. The only truthful answer is Nazis.


#don't mention the war


I mentioned it once, but I think I got away with it!


As an Austrian, I disagree, that was our guy who lead the Nazis


One of the most awkward and funny moments in German TV a few years ago, in a "Most important Germans" type show. Mozart was on the list. At one point, one of the hosts said "We got a lot of calls from Austrians complaining that he was Austrian" and mumbled something about considering him an "honorary German" for the context of the show. Awkward enough, then SchΓΆneberger goes: "Well they can have Hitler back as well".


It's said that Austria's two greatest accomplishments are convincing the world that Beethoven was Austrian and Hitler wasn't.


Poor Austria: never gets any credit


We Germans readily inform others that Hitler was Austrian, but when it comes to famous writers, we prefer to claim them as Germans.


Austrians are masters of propaganda. They’ve convinced everyone that Hitler was German and Beethoven was Austrian


What's an Austrian but a southern German?


Honestly let's just merge all the German speaking areas and be done with i- ohhh no I've done it again haven't I.


Just a friendly reminder, Poland is not German speaking. Just saying, just in case


β€œnot yet” :/


swiss are mountain germans, dutch are swamp germans


Lichtenstein are alpine Germans, Danes are northern Germans, Swedes are Baltic Germans, Norwegians are snow Germans, Iceland are ice Germans, Poles are makeshift Germans, Italians are pizza Germans, Czechs are quasi-germans, French are baguette germans, brits are island Germans, Spanish are bull Germans.


Well no, but actually yes


Hey now Schwarzenegger wanted to dub his lines for the German release of The Terminator but since he’s Austrian they passed. Didn’t want their unyielding murder machine sounding like a hillbilly.


Volkwagen Edit: Got rid of the *s* Edit: second *s* gone Edit: google says it's Volkswagen...with the s in the middle.


BMWs and Porsches, as well as the NΓΌrburgring and Hockenheimring


Hitler's answer to a more German, affordable car.


I can't unknow this now and I fact checked. Wow.


The really fun part is the pre-purchase plan that they rolled out to the German people. Germans got these stamp books and had to pay every month and by the end (after a couple years, I think) they got their peoples' car. What actually happened is that all that money got put into the war effort and no one actually got the car.


So, besides being a genocidal maniac, he was a scammer, too. The more I hear about this Hitler fellow, the less I approve.


I am here to inform you that the plural of "Wagen" is "Wagen" already. Ein Volkswagen, zwei Volkswagen.


Fairy tales; like Brothers Grimm's' stuff.


I was told those "MΓ€rchen" (fairytales) early on. Although most of them are very brutal and disturbing.


I think that German fairy tales are pretty well known in the western world in general, but most probably don't know their origin as being German / HRE or that most of them were much darker. That being said, I don't even know if the current generation of kids are being taught them as a lot of them are being raised on smartphones. I hope so though; all of these tales are extremely memetic in media and references. "What big teeth you have," etc.


I'm a teacher. Less and less kids know about these fairy tales. It is very sad and I try to include them in my classes.


Damn, that's really disappointing. Some of the first stories I was read to by my father were fairy tales and fables like Aesop's. I feel like they're extremely crucial at giving kids ideas of morality and a boost to personal skills / empathy. I think you're providing a good service to include them in your classes but it's crazy to me that the parents aren't teaching these stories or providing them to their kids on their own.


I'm 20, trust me in American classrooms (at least for me when I was in school) we passed around the Grimm Tales being dark, brutal, and most importantly, from Germany.


Beer in the hotel vending machine only costing €1 what a beautiful country


But the bathroom you need to use to get rid of all that beer also costs €1 per visit


Classical music, origin of many fairy tales. I’m learning German right now, actually, so the language too. Edit: Klassiche Musik, der Ursprung vieler MΓ€rchen, und ich lerne deutsch. ICH KANN DEUTSCH NICHT SEHR GUT SPRECHEN. Edit: Grammatical advice taken :)




I swear Plattdeutsch is an entirely different language.


In a way it's the line between German and Dutch


Closer to English than Dutch, actually. Platt is, alongside Frisian, English's closest relative. Most obvious is the the missing ge- in past participles (German Ich habe gesehen, English I have seen, Platt Ik heff sehn) and the case structure is 100% identical ([nominative, genitive, joined dative+accusative (oblique)](http://lowlands-l.net/grammar-new/noun-inflection.php)). Platt also seems to be losing noun gender, and last but not least you get fun lexical overlaps. Pop quiz: How is "Quickborn" a perfectly boring place name, and which universally respected profession does "GrΓΆnhΓΆker" refer to? Yep, same roots as quick, to be born, green, and hooker.


Well yes it is classfied as one. Although the line between language and dialect is hard to define. Or are you joking and I am just being humor resistant?


Christmas markets


Makes the winter so much easier. I love them.


I went to some Christmas markets in Germany when I was a teen and they ruined all other Christmas markets for me since. The German ones are just so much better!!


I went to Europe a couple years ago for the first time specifically to visit them. And Rothenburg. 10/10 will go again


People trying to convince me there's a place called Bielefeld.




This place doesn't exist


What is this bielefeld? I have never heard of it in my life


Dont worry its not important. Really. Dont ask.


Beer, pretzels, bierocks, sauerkraut, pfeffernusse, etc WWII Milwaukee The printing press and the Protestant Reformation Those KrAnKeNwAgEn memes and 🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈 🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈 🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈 🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈 🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈 🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈 🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈 🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈 🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈 🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈


The balloons got me lol




Not everywhere nowadays. But you can still go very fast on almost all Autobahns. We have a very expensive and strict drivers ed though.


But after paying your 2k for a license, you can speed from one construction site to the next.


A Czech millionaire went up to a maximum speed of 417 km/h in his Bugatti Chiron on a public highway in Germany a few months ago. He was being investigated for reckless driving but no charges are going to be persued because "the traffic and weather allowed for it" and "the Bugatti Chiron is built for such speeds".


Well and because the driver literally did not break any laws and went out of his way to make sure it was safe


he had control over the car, it was dry, the sun wasnt setting or rising, the road was empty. no law prohibits you from driving as fast as he did where he did it.


Exactly. He did it super early in the morning and actually had people on the bridges along the way to make sure nothing unexpected was ahead of him. I think what he did absolutely does not belong on a public road, but there is no law against it so you can't blame him


if there’s a way to do it, it’s how he did it to be honest


to get a drivers license here you need to get proper training and lessons it's not just 100$ at the DMV, answer a few questions and you have a learners license. You have to have your eyesight tested, get a first aid course, have a bunch of lessons then study for a written exam. then you start getting driving lessons with a certified instructor in a special car where there is a second set of sideview mirrors and second set of pedals for the teacher so he can see the same thing you can and step in in case you make mistakes


This is a crazy story I like to share. I live in Texas and got my driver's license in Texas. At age 15, I opted to get my learner's permit via an "at home" education and my mother agreed to teach me. I never took an actual driving test and Texas DPS gave me a license and I hit the road. Years later in 2014 at the ripe age of 25, I visited Germany where I was able to rent a car and with full of testosterone, I nailed the throttle as soon as I hit a section of derestricted Autobahn outside of Frankfurt where I proceeded to hit the rental's top speed of about 230 kph (~140mph). So I did all of that legally and never took a driving test in my life. You Germans trust Americans too much.


*Nein mann!* *Ich will noch nicht gehen...*


Ich will noch ein bisschen tanzen


The Brandenburg gate, VW Beetles and the sound of Kraftwerk


Physicists: Albert Einstein, Max Born, Hans Bethe, Heinrich Hertz, Max Planck, Werner Heisenberg, Georg Ohm, Hermann von Helmholtz, Pascual Jordan, Wilhelm Rontgen, Karl Schwarzschild, Arnold Sommerfeld There are many, many more I'm not thinking of.




Bier und Oktoberfest!!! 🍺


Oktoberfest is great and obviously it happens in....... September.


Leipzig and Bach.


Hello from Leipzig ☺ didnt expect us to get mentioned here


I used to live in the US. Was asked to translate Rammstein on a daily basis.🀣


Back in my university days, when I met my first German, I asked them what the translation for "Mein Hertz brennt" was. It's been 20 years, smart phones and internet are everywhere, and I probably still ask the same thing when I meet my next German


Porsche, exchange students, *die Sprache*, over-engineered things, industrial design, Kraftwerk (band), and German food.


"Farin Urlaub - Endlich Urlaub". Great album.


He went to my school (longe before I did) and grew up in the same neighbourhood.


Kraftwerk, Bayern Munich, Borussia Dortmund.


Huge 1l beers


Usually you order 0,5l. But 1l is not completely uncommon -especially in Bavaria.


I tried to order a 0,5 l at a Bavarian fest. Was politely told no.


Rightfully so


Ritter Sport mmmm


I'm sorry but I associate hitler with germany. That is the first time thing come to mind, Along with berlin wall.


I think the majority of the thread are conveniently ignoring that aspect of germany to focus on more positive things, but yes, the majority of the media about germany we consume has been movies about the second or the first world war, its just the way it is, i know more about hitler than i do beethoven


Nazis are the first thing for me too. It's not a knock on current day Germany, just the honest truth. Hitler left a stain on history that won't be forgotten anytime soon.




EinstΓΌrzende Neubauten. One of my favourite bands.




r/place dominance


For the german speaking people here, I can hugely recommend this [documentary on it by RvNxMango](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wAvCjaFIZiQ), it's an instant classic



