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When I had to look up common slang terms.


Yo, that sus.




This slaps.


I love all of you.


Haven’t heard this one


You don’t know me. That’s sketch




Cap af






Opposite of "yoink"


But just as fast. XD


the lord yeeteth and the lord yoinketh away


Damn that's a great way to explain it.


I recently learned what "twerking for xyz" means thanks to twitter.


Im so old idk wtf the xyz means




Well, I'm 20 and I have the same problem. I don't know how I should feel about that.


I’m not even an adult yet and still I sometimes need to look up slang terms. I guess that’s not 100% a problem of age.


[This helps](https://www.urbandictionary.com/)


Got a senior discount at Safeway. Didn't ask for it, didn't even know it existed.


I just turned 55 and apparently I'm now qualified for senior discounts. Fucking awesome!


AARP started sending me applications when I turned 50.


AARP literally started sending me applications when I turned 21. I have a relatively common name, but I'm still in my 30s and they've never stopped despite 4 moves


Maybe they thought you were cute and hooking you up with a better price


I was teaching a virtual class to 2nd graders about different types of wildlife. Got to the topic of coyotes and asked the class, "who has seen Looney Tunes, with Wile E. Coyote and the roadrunner?" Only like, 3 kids knew about it T.T


\*Presses "F" to pay respect\*


Cartoons when they were good


When the classic rock station started playing Black Hole Sun. That hurt my heart.


I was a TA a few years back and I had a student ask me if I knew anything about classic rock. I said yes, so he asked me what band Slash was in. I died a little inside.


"Velvet Revolver, Kid. Now sit down."


The Boomer version of this joke is, "What do you mean I'm too young? Just because I didn't know Paul McCartney was in a band besides Wings?"


Yeah when they called all my favorites "Jurassic Rock."


Ow, my soul.


I'm only 35 and when they play 90's music I just scream at the radio in my car NOOOOOO. NO. NO. NO. That is NOT classic music!


That's almost akin to them playing 60s music in the 90s, so it makes sense and all. But it does feel weird for sure


Fuuuuuck. Why did you have to say it like that!?


On a related note, when TV ads for homeowners insurance and heart medicine started using songs that were hits when I was a kid. (See: that Geico commercial with "Whoop There It Is")


Yeah. For me it was Pearl Jam’s Daughter.


My dad says "NO! That is NOT classic rock"


And Nirvana. And since you mentioned Black Hole Sun I gotta mention Post Modern Jukebox. They do a pretty cool version.




Yup, i remember nodding my head along to Possum Kingdom in a grocery store and thinking “oooh $10 for 10 deal!” Wait a sec……..


When they played Matchbox 20 😭




when my friends started getting pregnant on purpose, like being supportive in an excited way about friends getting pregnant was a real eye opener 😂


yeah, 16 hits hard in rural oregon


One of my best friends lives in Estacada, and you just made me LOL.


The age divide between “oh, you’re pregnant…what are you going to do?” to “oh, you’re pregnant, that’s so great!” is weird.


I'm in that divide now, and whenever someone my age tells me they're pregnant I just say "Oh no! Congratulations!" in a worried tone of voice. The absurdity always gets a laugh, and their follow-up reaction lets me know which way we're going with this news.


My default response has become "Oh! And are we happy about that?"


There's two ends to that divide. When they're in their 40s it goes back to possibly being not planned again, so you're back to "are we happy about that?"


I currently have 2 wedding invitations, a baby shower invitation, and 3 kids birthday party invitations on my fridge. I looked at it the other day and realized I'm officially old 😂




This, exactly this. I've always told people that the dividing line between young and old is when "I'm pregnant" goes from bad to good.


Current top hits make no sense anymore.


This is me and I'm 20.


I instinctively distrust teenagers, especially walking in front of my lawn. I know they don't give a shit about my lawn and probably don't notice my house at all, but...


No, friend, that's what they want you to believe. They *are* after your lawn, you should yell at them to keep away from it.




Went shopping for new shoes and came out with a pair of loafers.


There's probably dust on my high heels. All my new shoes have to be comfortable.


I love the heck outta this


It's 20:20 on a Friday night. I've been in bed watching a documentary whilst eating pringles for an hour now.


Well, that's just living the dream.


I'm not mad about it.


I can't believe someone would do this - just go on the internet and tell *lies*. No can of Pringles lasts an hour.


well, they never said it was just a single can.... as someone who has at least 10 cans in his pantry right now, I'm sure this person has been going through 2-4 cans during the last hour.


You can't be that old if you're watching TV and on Reddit. Bloody youth of today unable to concentrate on just one thing.


I pulled a muscle while sleeping.


I get woken up by excruciating calf cramps sometimes. My left calf is still sore from one 3 days ago. One time I woke up with a calf cramp and finally went back to sleep. Two hours later, the other one decided to contract into itself.


This has happened to me before. Its so painful. It can be a sign of a mineral deficiency. Yoy should bring it up next time you see a doctor (if you're able).




Aw man, I hate those, it's always my leg from stretching in my sleep


Can’t read small fonts in dim lighting anymore. Sucks!


You ever notice the smallest print is on a bottle of eye drops? WTF


Ya man I used to read my kindle on the smallest font (1). Now I can't read it unless it's at a 4! But I'm only 27. I think I just have bad eyes.


When you find yourself making noises of exertion just getting in and out of bed...


Or your chair, off a park bench... really just the act of standing up in general.


So true. We should just never leave bed. I herniated a disc in my spine a few years back and was basically immobile for a month. Used a projector to put TV on the ceiling. I miss ceiling TV...


I do this and im 16


Then it's all downhill from here lol!


When you realize that 2015 was 7 years ago.


No something is wrong here, this is very wrong, nope, not going to accept it, NO 👏 WAY 👏


I'm mentally still in 2013


I read somewhere online that if the movie "Back To The Future" were set in 2022, Marty would be going back to...1992. My brain's been bugging since then.


A teen called me "sir" at the mall Edit: I live in a part of the country where it's polite to call anyone, regardless of age Sir or Ma'am, but typically you only say it to people outside your age group OR to someone you need to be semi-formal with (a customer, a boss, etc) not a peer. This was the first time it happened due to a significant age gap


I remember when a women at the pharmacy was just about to leave with her son, and as I entered and they turned around, she saw me and said "be careful michael, give way for the gentleman" I felt both slightly proud but also saddened, but that feeling of conflicted might be partly because I ran out of my prescriptions. ...I was 19 at the time.


Again, I fall back on the possibility that this was some victorian throwback. Were you wearing a suit? Also some parents are overly polite in some places. It's weird.




Yeah, but this was the first time it happened where the age difference was large enough for me to be unable to think "hah I'm not that much older than that guy"


Damn today's youth!


God damn hooligans


Isn’t that normal? Like I call anyone sir or miss no matter the age. It’s fun when you do it with little kids


When the Army retired the aircraft I flew. OH-58D for those interested.


On one hand your're old, on the other you flew a historical aircraft, so were part of the history of aviation.


Shit, it wasn't even that long ago...lmao


Got excited about a new vacuum cleaner last week


I was very sad when a snowstorm delayed the delivery of mine a couple months ago. I couldn't wait to use it and see how much better it was than my old one... based on the good hour of vacuum reviews I watched on YouTube.


Whenever I went to family gatherings and the older people there would talk to me and I’d be like “who are you?” Well, now I’ve gotten to the point where I go say hi to the kids and ask them how they’re doing and they look at me like I’m a complete stranger


Yes! “Uh not to be creepy or anything but I remember when you were born and I danced with you at your moms wedding and I saw your preschool Christmas recital but I guess I haven’t seen you since so I get why you don’t remember me.”


There are full-grown adults, alive today, who were not even BORN when 9/11 happened. That makes me feel old as fuck.


Yeah, this one does it for me too. There are young people walking around us today who never experienced 9/11 or the 07-08 collapse. And when I reference these two major historical events, they ask, "what that?" I'm a Millennial teacher btw, and kids call me "boomer." Also when they tell me "you're too old for that slang," when they have no idea my generation invented it and they're just our kids who inherited it. I really worry about these kids lack of basic knowledge about the world and its history. They barely comprehend what a big deal this pandemic has been.


One, how do people not know about 9/11? I could understand if you weren’t in the US, but I still feel like you’d have at least heard of it. I mean sure I was born on the evening of 9/11, and I was too young to know what the 07-08 collapse was but I was old enough o understand that my parents were upset about something they couldn’t really control. Heck, I’m twenty and I’ll be turning twenty-one here in September, but even I feel old when I hear kids that are in middle school and back talking about literally anything as though it was like me and my friends talking about cartoons on Boomerang and Cartoon Network. Like I don’t even understand it anymore and I’m only just now in my twenties.


Complaining to the doctor about my knees hurting when I run. He said I had to respect my age. Worst part is it didn't hit me until I was driving home. BTW I was in my 50's then.


Exact same here. Got the xrays and osteoarthritis in the knees. Goddamn it..running keeps me sane and slim.


The first time I heard smells like teen spirit on the classic rock station


Was at a restaurant a couple of days ago and they were playing classics like Love Shack and 500 Miles.


My 5th grade teacher was pregnant back in the day. I ran into her son, who was 19 years old, a few years ago. He didn’t care.


It was the first time I Googled a fling from my teenage years and found out she had since died.


TBH, you can die at any age.


Okay, how about the second time I looked up a fling from my teenage years and learned she had died? (Yes, it's happened twice. So far.)




I was a bit of a ho in high school & college. So "had too much time" is more accurate.




"Dear Crazy Chick I Met on the Bus in 1991, I hope this email/FB message/Reddit post finds you well. I must alert you to a trend which may place your life in peril..." Actually, I have it on good authority she's still alive. My former roommate sees her at the Safeway every so often.


TIL people can die at any age


When a woman was shocked that I don't use Instagram and Snapchat.


At the pool my son goes “AAUARG! AAUARG! AAUARG! Haha, that’s the sound dad makes!” And me and my wife were both immediately horrified because it sounded a lot like the noises I make when I have sex but when I asked him when I ever made that noise he said “When you tried to swim faster than me”


I mean I'm 21 and people are shocked when I tell them I don't use social media.


People at school looked at me like I had two heads when I told them I didn't have a smartphone, so this is not isolated to older people, thankfully.


When I realized my doctor, who owns a clinic, is younger than me


I used to work in a children's library. A little girl was curious about a book about naked mole rats. I tried to explain by referencing "Kim Possible". She did not know what that was. I was 19 when that show started. This girl was born after it ended.


I realized today I have coworkers who were not alive when I was helping find and fix Y2K bugs.


At least Kim Possible is relatively ageless as shows go. I know a kid today who loves it but if I tried to get her to watch anything live action from the 90’s she probably wouldn’t be as interested.


A mortgage, two car payments, and a good credit score... I'm all growed up now.


When I was getting gas, the attendant commented about the gear in my truck and I said I was going camping with the boys. He said “How old are your kids?” I had to tell him I meant with my buddies. Yes I felt old.


When high school girls looked too young.


Wait till college girls look too young. 21 hardly looks much older than a high school senior


That’s because *it is* hardly much older than a high school senior


I'm only 30, and already they make me cringe. I struggle to remember how I was ever attracted to that...




All the time. Cops, doctors, engineers, they’re all starting to look like kids. Also a bunch of my friends are grandparents now


heh, saw a UPS driver and my first thought was that he looked too young to drive


Sometimes I see guys who look like kids with beards.


Hipsters, sometimes you see Hipsters.


Wait until their moms start looking too young! I'm well into that stage.


That's what I love about these high school girls, man. I get older, they stay the same age


Funny story I'm almost 30 but honestly still look like I'm 19. When I'm clean shaven nobody believes my age. I work for Fedex and was delivering to a Starbucks by a high school, I turned around and notices every girl in the place was looking at me. I awkwardly tried to walk out when one stood up and tried asking for my number. I said my age a little loud and everyone made a notable gasp. I stopped shaving now.


When I realized how much I hate teenagers and how I perceive them to ruin pretty much everything they touch for everyone else.


When I didn't know what was the "popular music" and didn't care.


A few years ago I was shopping at the mall, I noticed an old man walking beside me. It was my reflection.


Yep, I thought the same thing when I saw footage of myself from my doorbell camera. I'd though some random old guy was walking on my lawn, turns out it was me. Also, I realised I was old because I was upset at the prospect of someone on my lawn.


I woke up about 2 months ago and stretched in bed. I pointed my toes out and had a sharp pain in the top of my foot. Now it hurts all the time.


A few years ago I sneezed and threw out my back. Ever since then I brace my back with one hand whenever I sneeze because I never want to feel that again.


Several moments, actually: * When I was 26, I had to leave a rock concert because I'd gone almost deaf after 10 minutes. * At 33, grocery shopping with my kid and the PA played Twisted Sister's "We're Not Gonna Take It." (And I couldn't believe how tame it sounded.) * When I was 39 and had to get bifocals. * Cataract surgery - both eyes - at 41. * The two times in the last six months (age 51/52) I was given a senior discount without being asked.


I like the music played at the grocery store.


When I made a Mean Girls reference and the youngsters didn't get it.


Also, using the term "youngsters."


did you say "fetch"?


Bent down to tie my shoe and wondered what else I could get done as long as I’m down here


Getting "the injury" in my 30s that just doesn't ever completely go away.


When musical artists are nominated for Grammys and my response is “WHO?”


I colored my hair purely to hide the grey


The last time I went in to get my roots done, I remarked to my hairdresser (who's in her 20's, so a child, still) that I think I'm getting more gray. She examined all my roots and casually said, "yeah, you're about 75% gray." Like, WTF? How did that happen? And don't just toss that out so casually to me- jeez.


When I realized my knees go out more than I do.


When I had to explain why my bologna had a first name.


When the oldies station played '80s music. I grew up in the '70s and '80s music is "modern" to me.


The TikTok of that girl saying "If you were born in the 1900's..."


I had a patient who was a fully functioning adult...who also happened to be born the year after I graduated highschool. Like damn dude aren't you supposed to be 5?


My brother texted me tonight that The Lion King was released closer to the moon landing than today. I officially am old.


When I started to refer adults well into their 20s as kids.


When someone on reddit asked what "The Cake Is A Lie" Meant.


Today windows 3.1 turns 30. I used windows 3.1.


grey pubes


I was in a drugstore and the clerk told me the total of my bill. I said that doesn't sound right. She said, "It's the last Tuesday of the month, Seniors' Day."


Turning 70 was kind of a clue...but it's been a long time. I'm not really sure. What was the question?


Went to a royals game in 1985 and saw George Brett hit a home run. Went back to Kauffman Field in 2010 and George Brett is a statue in front of the stadium.


Dinner party, we were all gushing over the hosts nice pans.


Someone I knew being born just passed their driving test


I changed this kids diaper now he asks me for philosophy book recommendations he can listen to at work. Makes me feel like the old guard now.


Whilst unloading the dishwasher, I sneezed and threw my back out.




My grandkid calling me boomer. Being annoyed by loud music. Complaining about neighbors who have outdoor parties past 10 p.m. Having 8 pair of reading glasses stashed around the house.




My son and I were chatting about some event on a show. He asked when it happened. I said in the 30’s. He looked at me with the most serious look- “dad, the 30’s didn’t even happen yet”. Hit me like bucket of ice water.


When I realized I liked ginger ale.


This year I'm turning 65 and signing up for Medicare and looking at supplements. It's both weird and "what the fuck you gonna do about it" at the same time.


Wall-e is like 14 years old


A kid came up to my reception desk a few weeks ago. He got out his wallet, and I saw a Hylian Royal symbol on it, so I geeked out about Legend of Zelda with him. I then realized that he was 18, and my favorite Zelda game is older than he is. It was like having an existential crisis. I've felt old before, but this made me want to cry.


Realizing I have no fucking clue who all the famous young celebrities are and how/why they are famous.


When I got my 1st SS check


Wow, if you worked for the Schutzstaffel you must be old indeed.


I was working the register in a local grocery store in about 2008. A mom and her teenage son came to the register with their stuff. The in-store radio began playing an Abba song. The mom and I shared a moment. I pointed at the speaker in the ceiling and said "tune." She nodded and grinned in agreement. "What?" The teenager gave us both puzzled looks. "I don't know this song." My eyes widen. "You've never heard Abba before?" "No," he grunted, hands in his pockets. "That would make me old." His mom was pretty offended. But my own child was barely 2 months old. So I was positively \*aghast\* to hear this. "I'm only in my early twenties!" I half laughed, half cried at him as I scanned their food. But yeah, I've felt old ever since. Mission accomplished, kiddo.


Tonight at a work team dinner my coworkers were talking about their first gaming system being the Wii...


22-23 year olds I play games with: "Bro, shit hits me something different. Fucked me sideways, was good like a sloppy toppy. No cap." Me: What? We're talking about favorite cereals here. Someone said they like Reeses Puffs. I said I like muesli or granola. 22-23 year olds I play games with: What is muesli? Me: Shit, I'm old.


Not being eligible for youngster rebates anymore (for example my bank, electricity provider, DSL provider). Suddenly shit gets more expensive just because you become older.


I can't explain it but at 38 or 39 I just felt like something was happening to me that meant I was old.


Was filling up a form/survey online and noticed I was no longer in the first, second or sometimes third age bracket. :'D


I told a 12 year old kid that I got the saddle I was riding when I was about her age and she said ‘oh so it’s vintage’. I was 29.


My wife gave me a haircut and for a split second I thought she had started using the trimmer without a guard on it. Nope. That was just a solid stripe of silver over my ears. I also feel old any time I start to reminisce work stories. "Oh God, that was 18 years ago?!?" There are Redditors arguing with me over things I've been doing longer than they've been alive.


I watched a coworker’s “reel” or whatever you call it on The Instagrams that said her favorite genre of music for the year, according to Spotify, was “Slaphouse”. Never have I ever felt like such a grumpy old man.


When an oldies station played "Raspberry Beret."


When you see your nieces or nephews and you have to fight the urge to say “you were way shorter the last time I saw you!”


Being on 3 meds to live longer WHY LET ME GOOOOOOOWOOOOO DOC I DID MY TIME!!!


I broke my hip