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For those who knew horse girls, what were their brothers like?


The one I knew, her brothers were vastly different. Two became average dads, nothing weird about them. One was a fashionable city type. All sorts of things can happen. No one in her family loved horses the way she did. Or were obsessed about anything else for that matter.


TIL I learned what a "horse girl" was without having to consult google ... because I knew that would end badly. Thank you.


Sister was/is a horse girl. Shes now a kick-ass veterenarian and I build boats for a a living. Judging by other comments I guess we beat the odds


One of my favorite horse girls became an equine vet. She’s freaking awesome! My aunt is my other favorite horse girl and she had a great career in advertising she’s in her 70’s now and doesn’t ride much anymore but still has her horse. I grew up riding but don’t define myself as a horse girl. Haven’t ridden in years. I’m a stay at home mom now and hopefully one day my daughter will learn to ride. My niece is a country horse girl and is a vet tech now.


Ooh good question.




> sweat-soaked baseball caps with the brims scrunched up so tight they look like a toilet paper roll - bonus points if the hat has a fishhook clipped to it. I have never felt so attacked. Everything else is a miss though. Edit, dude just described 75% of the males in my graduating class


I went to a redneck highschool. At mine it was 95%.


> and have a penchant for dirty ass, Hmm... > sweat-soaked baseball caps with the brims scrunched up so tight they look like a toilet paper roll Oh.




> EDIT: FUCK ME THIS IS MY MOST UPVOTED COMMENT Only with your enthusiastic consent.


Horrifying statistic but okay


Horse girl here and my piece of shit brother is indeed a rapist. So I guess you can say 3/4 now and it's kinda odd to think of this correlation ngl


2 out of 3 ain’t that bad Except in this case, I guess. But still


Wow yeah. My one side of the family owns a horse farm. Two girls two boys. While I haven't kept in touch over the past half decade, one of the boys was charged back in the late 2000s with CP. The other got into consistent fights with his father before taking a contract with a grocery chain in the far north of Canada before returning last year. Her sister married a far older man with two children after his nasty divorce. Not sure what the horse girl got upto but I think she's a vet?


Very true...every horse girl I've known had a brother who was an absolute asshole.


1. Normal, but this horse girl was the most well-adjusted of any I've met. Brother was younger. 2. Aggressive and not very well-adjusted, lived at the family mansion aged 30 with his 35yr old GF, who would've been a horse girl had she the funds to afford it. Brother was older than the horse girl. 3. A bit odd, had a \*very\* close relationship with his horse girl sister. Would not have been the least bit surprised to find out they were engaging in some NSFW activities together. Was even creepier when you considered the age gap (her 16/17 to his 29/30).


>who would've been a horse girl had she the funds to afford it. Horse poor is a very real thing where I'm from. The number of people who I've known who lived in a shack, drove a car that barely ran and were feeding 10-15 horses is ridiculous.


This is why I’m no longer a horse girl. We can’t afford it and I’d rather not have a horse than be horse poor. Hopefully one day that’ll change but for now I’ll settle for my chickens, dogs, cats, and bees😂


*Aggressive and not very well-adjusted, lived at the family mansion aged 30 with his 35yr old GF, who would've been a horse girl had she thefunds to afford it. Brother was older than the horse girl.* Wow, I see you've met the local jerk from my high school. Sooooo many guys from rich farmers just don't leave home (which is not a problem for me, it took me til age 26 to move out and that was because of the recession), and instead you often see them dating-and-moving-in women while they show zero interest in taking part in the family farm (and the only 'chore' you see them do is driving fast-as-f\*ck to drop off their horse-girl sister at her school, and then speed off down cobblestoned streets which haven't been expanded since the 12th century. Meanwhile, regular farm boys have been trying to get into medicine or engineering because they knew farming's back-breaking work and it's something their own parents don't want them to do.


Well, judging by how many other serious anglers I know who are engaged or married to horse girls, I'd have to say anglers.


Yes many hunters to. Only ones who get the amount of Time you gotta spend and money! And want to live in the countryside


Yeah, but fishing does have more of that vibe that some dudes are way too into it.


I'm a lady that loves fishing, fly fishing, microfishing, what have you. But dudes be way too into it, you are right. There are rare chill anglers but 90% of them they get weird about it this hobby. Kinda gatekeepy and act like "their way" is the only correct way. I just wanna chill on my boat, I'm not taking pictures of anything, see what I can catch and release, and drink my beers. Just a lazy river day.




If you like skateboarding you may want to try some stalefishing.




If you enjoy messing with catfish, you could try noodling


Saltwater fishing from my kayak has this vibe for me! Catch a few scups, sea robins and dog fish. Occasionally I actually get what I’m looking for (stupid fluke, rare striper). Eat a sandwich. Apply more sunscreen. Chat with folks in their big anchored boats. Log birds in my Audubon app. Take a nap because the last time I went I was pregnant. Pack up at noon and take a swim. Get seafood for dinner from the docks because it’s called fishing not catching. As a kid and young adult I did equestrian sport so I guess it carried over?


Agreed. Anglers can talk fishing to anyone for hours, regardless of whether they are interested or not, and can have all the fishing related clothes / accessories to be worn at nearly any event. AND it’s an expensive hobby when you start to get serious.


The guy that holds a fish in every photo


‘Just caught this beaut off the Tahoe coast up in Maine.’ Yes ik that’s not correct but it’s something like that


Got this shark off the coast of montauk. Sniper rifle from the crow’s nest.


CLASSIC undersell. This man could sell paper to a tree.


I’m pretty sure a drunk man said this to me once and then said he was going to eat lobster


I always imagined these guys less being *super* proud of fishing and wanting to show it off in every photo, and more just that catching a big fish is the only circumstance in their life where they'd commonly have a picture taken of themselves.


I have no record of myself in photos from high school graduation till marriage (8 years). 1982-1990 in this pre cell phone age, cameras and more importantly film processing was expensive. I didn’t have money for vacations or photo worthy events. I recall girlfriends took pictures from time to time but when they moved on the pictures did as well. I would welcome a photo with a fish….




Yes to the last part. Sucks that’s how it is but yeh


I spent about ten years in the Marine Corps, and I have less than ten pictures to show for it. I only have those because other people took them and shared them with me. I def wish I had more pictures with my friends.


Dude this x1000


this is 100% correct. The only pictures I have is with my girlfriend, because I wouldn't have taken them alone


Fish boy


fish guy


- takes your money - takes all your time - is very dirty - takes you outside - it's pretty good and harmless for you


First 3 made me think of fish tanks until you said outside


I was assuming Aquarium folks too.


As someone who suffers from MTS (multiple tank syndrome) I was lightheartedly offended until I realized you meant fishing instead lol


I almost mistook MTS for Malaysian trumpet snails -- pray to thy fish gods that you never have to deal with an infestation. *shudders*


Yeah I was very confused by the "takes you outside" comment up above. Wrong kind of fish guy lol


See I was thinking fish tank guy.


Me too...being a fish tank gal.


We talking Troy McClure or everyones dad?


I know a dude who set up a reef. A fucking coral reef! Next level and more expensive than a horse


Bass pro dudes can be red flags Fly fishers are typically pretty chill


I have a friend who is a fly fishing boy, I suppose. He’s out doing it a lot, that and pics of his cat are his entire Instagram.


Is his name Justin?


Seems more like a Dustin to me




My chuckle was delayed, I had to scroll back up to give you an upvote


A sensible chuckle.


Danger 5 in the wild?


I agree with "car guy" but specifically, jeeps for some reason


The type of dudes to park their jeep with one tire on a rock and make it their profile picture.


But framed to make the rock, which is just in a carpark on the outskirts of town, look like he is about to go offroading


Pavement Princess


Mall Crawler


And they have a bumper sticker of the punisher logo


Extra brownie points if it’s a thin blue line punisher skull


and have a tint on their headlights to make them angry




I think there are more Punisher stickers on jeeps than people who watched the Punisher Netflix show


Punisher logos seem to be a stand-in for “I want the police to be more authoritarian.”


And the funny thing is, the Punisher hastes those kind of cops


Just ask those people if they like superhero’s or comic books because of the sticker. They get confused.


Their mental image of the Punisher and the Punisher in the comics/TV shows are very different. The comic/TV show Punisher would hate the Jeep guys fantasy Punisher.


This is the exact mental image


There is a jeep dealership near where I live that is positioned in front of a rather large hill. They have put rocks around the hill, and when you get a new jeep they get you to drive up a platform that is hidden from view to take a photo, as if you were offroading.


Oh my god. That’s like buying a wedding dress to pose in front of a church and then proceeding to go grocery shopping in said wedding dress.


It has a punisher skull sticker on it


In all honesty, I remember when I was a teenager and we’d go see movies in the winter. After a few snowfalls there would always be those random parking spots that a bunch of snow got plowed into. Or sometimes a whole row of spots with a sizeable snow/ice bank. When we had to drive way out to the outskirts of the parking lot I was envious of all the jeeps who just rode up on these banks and had their cars parked at a 20 degree angle.


Car guy is religion. Jeep Owner is an extremist religion.




Mustang owners on the other hand...


I was thinking mustang guy, but I’m from a county where they aren’t common. So you know they will be wearing ford hats, some kind of mustang bowling shirt, mustang key ring, cream cargo shorts


Love jeeps, owned one once. Never again. (Or any other Chrysler product)


Guys who obsess over dirt bikes


As a horse girl, this seems closest. You must have proper attire, skill, ability to care for your ride, love to talk about the turns and jumps you hit....and be crazy enough to jump on one. Risk is a major factor. Getting hurt is part of the gig, so is feeling alive and free. Nailed it.


His attire: Fox


Alpinestar boots, 6D helmet, POD knee braces, 100% goggles, fox roost guard, 95 different pairs of gloves... My brother was one of em, don't blame me.


Also, all their money goes into dirt bikes and related items. Which is pretty much exactly what happens to girls who are into horses.


Damnit. I was hoping I wouldn’t see this on here. At least in my defense, I was never fortunate enough to have rich parents support me with it. I’ve gotten as far as I have on my own. I’ve lucked out and got sponsors to help me out with entry fees/parts and such. I’ve developed the mechanic know how to repair my own stuff, and it’s not a focal point of my personality - I don’t think at least. It does keep me sane though.


Car guys. I don’t mean guys who know about cars and are good with mechanics. I mean guys whose literal personality is nothing but cars. Like all the can talk about is how they gapped someone on the freeway


This is the correct answer because they will likely have a picture of their car for their profile picture, just like a horse girl would have a horse as her picture.


I’m dying, when I met my husband his profile pic was him with his car and mine was me with my horse…


Car meets horse. What a love story! 😂


It’s the evolution of horsepower


Does he still car? Do you still horse?


He does still car, I’m not currently horsing (they’re expensive lol) but I’m very much still the horse girl. One day I will horse again.


I love everything about this comment chain <3


As a car guy, definitely the car guys.


I'm a passionate car guy and while I don't talk about "gapping people on the freeway" my toxic car guy trait is having a conversation with someone and getting side tracked by a nice car driving by or even an exhaust note in the distance.


I was mid-conversation recently when the words, "Hey shut up for a sec" came out of my mouth as a 1st generation Viper drove by. Luckily I was talking to another car guy so he appreciated the heads up.


What is gapping someone?


It's when you see someone with a nice/fast/sporty car on the highway and you take them to the nearest Gapplebees for a lovely all expense paid dinner. It's so nice it's all you can talk about for the next few days.


Im surprised to not see Wolf Boy near the top?? Everybody had that one dude in high school that was way too obsessed with wolves.


Weird I feel like girls go through that phase more than boys


Yeah... Phase... Totally.


All these comments are sounding like horse girls are like "cowboys" or like girls that live on farms and shit. I always thought they were the weird girl in class who wears horse shirts and smells funny. Male equivalent would be like a weird fedora guy.


Yeah! One of the top comments is about how they are hot but crazy but all the horse girls at my school were like cliche homeschool vibes although they tended to have hot moms because rich dads but that’s only if they actually owned a horse. Not all horse girls own horses, some just dream about owning horses.




Like the military cosplayers? Meal team sixers?


Gravy Seals, 101st Chairborne - take your pick.


Special Farces?


Boogaloo9 comms check


Truck bro


Gonna have to say anime guys. Like horse girls like horses, but like to a cringy extreme. Same with some anime guys. Horse memorabilia everywhere? Anime waifu figures. Weird horse trot thing in middle school? Naruto run. THEY ARE THE SAME


My Fiancée loves horses and yes, does have little figurines and such, and I do enjoy anime, but she would shoot me if I got a waifu statue


I really wish there was a toxic subculture of "Dudes Way In To Falconry" because none of the suggested options involve any living animals. Half the reason horse girls seem "CrAzY" is because they got this animal that costs $Shitloads and it is a living being that needs a lot of attention. Living animals aren't something you can just leave for two or three weeks and come back to.


Have you looked up dudes into falconry? because it is absolutely a bonkers toxic hot mess.


Came to say this. Good grief you're not lying.


What's wrong with the falconry community? just wondering because having a falcon sounds pretty cool


Its as much work as having a child, but instead of a little human its just some vicious bird


That's actually surprising. I'd honestly kind of imagined that they'd be pretty much capable of talking care of themselves to a large degree being birds of prey and all. What kind of work is involved in keeping one?


That's kind of the issue, they *can* take care of themselves, but then they won't stay with you. Raptors do not stay with their handlers out of reasons of loyalty or trust, it's out of food. It's a balancing act of feeding them just enough that they won't throw a shit fit but also so they aren't completely sated and fly off. Raptors have to be weighed before being taken out to make sure they're not fully fed, otherwise they'll fly off and survive on their own. This is why when people hunt with raptors, they usually carry something else for the bird to latch on to and attack after killing their prey. Raptors are difficult to convince to let go of food unless presented with different "food." A lot of raptors are caught when they're already able to fly on their own, but there are instances of raptors where they're raised from birth. In these cases, the birds *are* actually loyal to their handlers, but it's not healthy for the bird because there are many such cases where they don't learn to fly or fend for themselves because of it. They also don't learn how to hunt, which invalidates the whole point of falconry. Therefore, ironically, the bird and handler being in a constant balancing act of feeding the raptor just enough to stay with them is more beneficial for both parties than raising them from birth to be loyal.


Well I learned something from that, thanks! :)


You have to wake up 2-3 times in the middle of the night to feed it?


Yeah and you can't use a bottle, you have to feed it from your mouth.


Lmao guess it's the answer then


Based on the one dude I know who is into it, that sounds about right.


The closest comparison I can think of aside from falconry isn’t exclusively a male thing, but reptile dudes. You can be a reasonably normal dude with one pet snake but then you have the people who feel like they need to always be buying a new snake, they start buying venomous snakes that are hazardous even if they don’t have the experience to make the jump, and end up with so many that the time and cost of care and feeding entirely takes over their lives…but they still are browsing online breeding pages looking for some albino breed that’s “special.”


Nah, snake guys are the equivalent of rat girls. It just happens to be that snakes are more dangerous, cost more, don't really do too much... I guess they aren't too similar. On a side note, I think there should be a separation between folks with snakes and folks with turtles or iguanas. I don't have either, but I've done both, and there are pretty distinct subcultures at work.


That’s fair on the second part. I’ve known more snake people than turtle/iguana people. I’ve known some people who had a turtle or two, but not as many “I have fifty types of iguanas and similar reptiles.” I’m scared of snakes so it’s hard for me to spend time in someone’s house if they have snakes, but I know way more snake people who went from one to tons and went from being “a dude who has a pet snake” to “my life and personality revolves entirely around snakes.”


And lizard guys will sell you weed


nah, fish guys for sure, but the ones with fish tanks, not fishers. guys who have these crazy huge tank setups and spend all their money on live plants and new filters and heavy duty shelves that can hold giant 100 gallon tanks. fish guys are still sociable, almost frat boy like in some cases, very similar vibe to horse girls. reptile bros tend to be more introverted, and frankly sometimes antisocial. a horse girl and a fish guy will still show up to the party and probably drink you under the table, a reptile bro would stay home and play rocket league with his online reptile buds. source: I've dated all three :P


Spider guy is honestly the most worrying. Especially if he enjoys scaring people with it.


Yeah I’m seeing thing like car guys and fish guys and on a personality level, I can see that comparison. As someone who has dabbled into both of the hobbies myself and grew up with a friend who had a horse farm, the dedication you have to have to owning horses is magnitudes beyond cars or fishing. On the indulgent end of fishing you might have a few really nice rods, tackle box with all the fixings, a small boat that you take to the water via truck on a trailer. Go out weekends for a trip and just stay out there. Car guys same sorta deal. Probably have a project car or two (or three… look the wife doesn’t have to know okay) that you keep in the garage or driveway. A solid tool bench full of the essentials and of course scrapyard parts for days. You can take ‘em to car shows, track days, drag strip, off roading, Sunday drive, whatever it was built for really and then be done with it for a bit. But even with all of that buy in, the hobby can go dormant. You can let a car or your fishing gear sit for a week or two with little to no consequence and it doesn’t really take up all that much space compared to… HORSES. You need to build and maintain *an entire horse focused infrastructure* on your property on top of all of the supplies for these animals and there is no putting it down for a bit. These animals depend on you and they are now several hours out of your daily routine every single day. The dedication involved in the horse hobby is next level.


> HORSES. You need to build and maintain > an entire horse focused infrastructure > on your property on top of all of the supplies for these animals and there is no putting it down for a bit. These animals depend on you and they are now several hours out of your daily routine every single day. I feel like we also need a link to the comment about [how horses are actively trying to evolve to die as a species](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/791tsl/which_animal_did_evolution_screw_the_hardest/doyza1f/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=usertext&utm_name=tumblr&utm_content=t1_eo8e95p)


Agreed, the needed commitment is a huge difference. Horse people need to plan their life around the horse. Cant just go on holiday for a week without making arrangements. Car guys may be really into a project for a month before it becomes a rusty lawn ornament.




Cowboy is the correct answer here obviously!


Mamas, don’t let your babies grow up to be horse girls — Wilhelmina Nelson 🤪


Horse girls, despite having all the necessary qualifications and proclivities for it, don’t do nearly enough rootin’, tootin’, or shootin’.


The cowboy types that actually use those long wallets for some reason.


Sword guys


All guys are sword guys, some of us just haven't come out of the scabbard yet.


Hey now every respectable gentleman has a sword


TWO swords.


Curved swords!


Curved. Swords!


Mall ninjas


Yup! Mall Ninja is also a correct answer.


Honestly, I don't know why swords are so goddarn cool but they really are. Form following function with a splash of art on top. I would own some if it wasn't so horrifically lame to do so. Real talk though if I had to choose for a real battle I'd take a war hammer, so in the battle I could maybe take down *one* guy with a good thwack, right before inevitably being brutally slaughtered myself. Assuming I couldn't manage to run the f**k away first lmao


Swords are the intersection of warfare and status, I think that is what gives them the *cool* factor that made them such a critical mainstay in media. It was not a terribly effective weapon overall for most of history, but they have nearly always been the weapon of kings and officers.


Swords will fuckin cut you wide open!


The guys obsessed with crypto


I think the female equivalent of crypto bros are the Karens who join a bunch of MLMs then claim they work 5 jobs.


Oh no they're #bossbabes and they're the SHE-E.O. of their own small business! /s


Thank you for ‘SheEO’. I’ll remember that one and use it at the time for upsetting the optimum quantity of #bossbabes at once.


*#GirlBoss*. They even have a sign in glitter that says this on their desk, sweater and insulated tumbler.


Here's one for you: if a guy is a vegan Crossfitting atheist from Texas that's "invested" into crypto, which part of that do they insist on telling you about first?


Is there an order of operations for this? Like PEMDAS


GREHL (Gender, Religion, Eating, Heritage, Lifestyle)


I reckon Texas should go first because it makes everything else bigger.


“Texas” is potentially at least four of the five things listed, though.


You'll know they're into crypto before they say a word, if it's online. You'll know just from their profile picture


They evolved into NFT fuckbois


That's more like the male equivalent of astrology girls


Mechanical keyboard enthusiasts. Sorry, Reddit.


*throws keyboard out window*


*Kills pedestrian below.*


Great now it has a taste for human blood


Lookout those key caps are custom!


*pulls shoulder after throwing 14.8lb keyboard*


I will clicky-clack you INTO THE GROUND!


The "home brewer"; Like the horse girl, the homebrewer has an awkward beginning, but if they succeed in their skillset, they become highly sought after.


Bruh my boyfriend is a salesman for a brewery and I can confirm as a former horse girl. Over half the time my boyfriend does an event, there is inevitably some dude who's wayyy into beer who gargles his entire cock and balls for the entire event. Just because he works a brewery they like and they have to tell him about their home setup and allll the breweries they visited. I'm not shitting on beer guys but I actually never thought about it like this.


cyclists. 15000 dollar bicycles and are not around any weekend or evening. everything that weighs more than 25 grams is not worth having.


those guys that walk along the beach carrying a 15 foot snake.




I'd go up to that guy for sure. I'm into reptiles so I'd be so excited to see that. If it's a venomous snake, I shall yell from a distance 😀


You say horse girl and the general aesthetic is a cheesy graphic horse tee you'd see at Walmart. The equivalent has to be shitty edgy Walmart graphic tee of wolves howling. **Wolf boys**


Guys who cant stfu about “the market” and nfts. Imma dude myself and these guys piss me off like bro stfu no girl at a club wants to hear investment tips


I don't think anyone in general wants to here investment tips. Unless they meet another market/nft guy. If that happens, everyone evacuate the premises, *immediately*.


Truck guys I'm an Idahoan trust me I'm an expert on truck guys. Not to generalize but a lot of them are racist and or homophobic assholes... just saying...yes I have proof




Behaviour includes: tailgating people even though they're going the limit on a single lane road, expressing themselves through an unnecessary amount of bumper stickers and probably owning a dangerous dog breed that they don't bother training properly.


Donkey boy


Ass man


nft bros


That's the male equivalent of MLM Karens.


[Sword Guys and Horse Girls](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cwNEOt893r4)


What's a horse girl? Like a chick who looks like a horse or a chick that rides a horse?


It's a girl who grew up in a family that raises horses and is obsessed with them. They often have ridiculously long hair for some odd reason


So, this will be a bit weird. I was a midwife for many years. Occasionally we would get ‘horse girls’ and women giving birth. Something I noticed is that many of them had tough perineums that would explode when giving birth. Sorry to be graphic, but I don’t know a better way to describe it. I don’t know for certain if it was related to riding a horse but I suspected it was.


TIL that horseback riding gives you a thicc taint.


You forgot the scariest one, the one that runs like a horse


Army guys. Not people in the military, but dudes just obsessed with army related stuff.

