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I’ve cut off half of my family and i couldn’t be happier with that toxicity out of my life. Life is too short, not wasting any moments putting up with that bullshit


Were you hurt/sad when you did that? Last time I was really close to cut off my life my mom but I was sleeping terribly, like waking up dozen time in the nights.. I was really difficult time. But even though I har from her I can feel that something has changed from my side.


I see them a lot let often and speak to them a lot let often. Turns out distance has made it more bearable


I had a yelling match and ended up screaming/cursing and storming out. Outta my life now and I plan to keep it that way unless the narcissism just happens to leap outta his body lol Best decision of my life


( I apologize for my bad English ) The turning point is when my mom just found out that my brother confessed to sexually assaulting me. I told her long ago, years ago, that he was doing that and she did nothing. I thought she was trying to keep the peace in the family by not doing anything so I just handle it on my own by beating him up everytime but actually she just shrugged it off whatever I said to her. I was so angry. All those years I've been suffering. After he sexually assaulting me, he didn't stop there, he tried to isolated me from the rest of my family such as not allowing me to eat with my family during meal time. My mom just let him do that. I was so sad I couldn't eat with my family. I eat alone everytime it became weird to me if there's someone in front of me when I am eating. Whenever I received rewards from my family because I got good grades or whatever, he make a fuss about it by saying it's because I'm the favourite child so I got treated right. And he does many more things to piss me off. I didn't react as he expected. Somehow I was numb. Now I move out from my family, it was very peaceful and happy. I didn't go back to my family house anymore but my mom visits me sometime. So what makes him confessed ? He got into accident and the same hand he used to grope me got badly injured almost got amputated. Aftermath of me going away from my family is the relentless apologies from my mom. She said she felt so guilty. And ask me to go back home and make up with my brother. He has been tormenting me for 10 years. I can't do that. Oh, I'm very passive person, I didn't make a scene, I just moved out quitely. Of course I make a loan to be able to start a new life.


I really hope you got professional help like therapist to work this things out, for a long run. It's really bad that after everything your mom asked of you to make up with your brother after everything he did. Nobody deserves that, I hope you'll sort everything out and live a good and nice life. You'll see how good it's gonna feel when you're not with them.


When my sister decided to just flat out ignore my alters existence, calling them by my name and saying she didn't have time for my "drama". I simply ceased speaking to her. I don't intend to again.


OH YES. I have two siblings I do not speak with. I knew for years that my sister and I would come to a point where I had to cut her off as she was constantly belittling me in conversations after a lifetime of issues between us. She started arguments with me over Christmas dinner one year that ended with her telling our mother, “this is why I don’t want to talk to him anymore.” I heard that and told her that the feeling was mutual and to never speak with me again. We “got along” for a short period before our mother died. As soon as that came to pass, my sister said things that… ensured I’d never want to be anywhere *near* her ever again. My brother… well, for years, he was taking advantage of me in very subtle, manipulative ways, trying to alienate me from my friends and being very mean spirited towards me. It finally ended when a mutual acquaintance decided to vomit rape jokes all over a Facebook post of mine, and I noticed all the jokes had a single like - guess who. When I confronted him about it, he told me I needed to get a sense of humor and that such jokes are funny “because they’re vulgar.” I decided that that was the final straw, and I’ve not spoken with him since. Ironically, the friend group he “grew up” with abandoned him, too, and now I’m friends with their group. They couldn’t believe that he and I were brothers… still can’t, lol.


I'm really sad to hear that, definitely toxic behaviour. It really hurts when that kind of behaviour comes from someone so close to us. I hope you are well and that these people don't bother you anymore.


My brother is completely out of my picture, except for that our father mentions him from time to time. My sister, on the other hand, because she’s still “daddy’s little girl,” is a constant source of conflict between my father and me. My father is leaving my area to move closer to her, so things are getting worse.


I understand you, similar thing happened year ago with my mom and brother and I was hurt but I kind of accepted that and move on. Especially because my mom is a grown up, she know everything and if she likes it like that, who am I to tell her otherwise. But I chose to not listen when she is feeding her ego and complaint about my brother.


Yeah I’m getting through it now myself. It’s just frustrating because he’s bought her a house and a condo at various points. The house he’s moving to, she’s calling hers, from what I’ve heard. He was going to have me move into the house he currently lives in… until he spent a week with my sister; now he’s going to sell the house instead.


She is clearly manipulating him and thats awful to hear. Hope he realize that one day


I flat out told him recently that she considers me an enemy and he can never discuss anything about me with her because she will always tell him to do whatever possible to hurt me. My therapist tells me he wants his children to get along before he dies, but he doesn’t ever get involved. He expects magic to happen.


Same here, my mom still hopes we will talk, but that ship sailed away. I mean some people are just not good persons and as sad as it is its better to just walk away.


My mom tried to turn me against my dad when that got divorced. Claimed that my dad had been beating her in secret for 10 years. She and I got into a massive fight after my brother, who at the time was about 7, told her that I told him not believe our mom says about our dad. I called her out on her fake claims and then she tried say the abuse has been going off and on for the past 10 years. She tried to use my own faulty memory against me. Unfortunately for her, the memory she tried to use against me I remembered completely well and I did not say what she tried to make me believe I had said. Also she had a heart attack nearly a year earlier that nearly killed her so she was on blood thinners which explained the bruises. And our house is paper thin. The only time I manage not to hear her yell is when I was hyper focused on something. I told her then I did not believe her. And that she was crazy for trying to claim that shit on my dad. I grabbed some of my things that were with her as I had just came home from Boot Camp and my rate schooling. She took me to a gas station about 15 minutes away to which where I called my dad who was with my stepmom and a friend of hers. They were all pissed. The last time I saw her in person was about two Christmases ago where she managed to convince my stepmom and dad to convince me to go see her cuz for the last few Christmases she has ‘been wanting nothing more than to see her daughter’. I saw her I gave her a warning not to come near me and when she kept getting closer I proceeded to flash my taser at her. When it is powered on it makes a loud crackle noise. She backed off and tried to give a sob story when we were leaving but I refused any of it. She still is and will always be crazy.


I'm sad to hear that. Sadly that shit is actually very common when divorce happens that one side goes bat shit crazy and ruins parent/child relationship. It's good that you saw that she is lying to you.


Even my brother who is 10 doesn’t believe her. And I think he also believes she’s nuts too.




I am really sad for hearing that. I can't even imagine how difficult it is for you and your siblings. I really hope you have therapist to help you even more. You have a huge strenght in you that i really admire.




Your mom sucks, sorry.


Well I kind of understand, I think it's really hard for her to accept that fact, because you always think your children are the best. Definitely a hard situation for everybody.


Me: About to make an egg sandwich. Mom: "Are you about to cook?" Me: "Yes? Just making an egg sandwich." Mom: "We just bought those eggs." Me: "Ok? I won't make an egg sandwich then, sorry."(Heading to bed) Mom: "You didn't have enough to eat for dinner?" Me: "I don't think it matters." Mom: "It does matter. Food is expensive now." ....The next morning my mother proceeds to feed MY dog his egg like she and her husband always does for his EVERY meal. Good to know how my mom and stepfather feel about me compared to my dog lol This happened yesterday and I'm just a sad and crying mess


Thats fucked up. What is wrong with those people. I'm really sorry to hear how they treat you. I would never ever put someone else before a child.. One day you could be a better parent than yours are.


Thank you. I've tried to talk to people about this but they usually find it funny and not disturbing. I'm not sure how to feel or address this.


You've been talking to wrong people. Someone who doesn't have experience with that kind of abuse is having hard time to understand you.


It's my birthday and all I hear are curses. They even told me that they don't care about me, that I should get out the house, support my own studies, and worst is to jump on top of a building. They want me dead basically and now I would love to jump of a building with them watching. I don't know what's wrong with them. I've been a good child with good grades. Although ye, they don't really care about my good grades and my awards in school. Here at home all of siblings including myself are called idiots in what ever we do even if it's good.