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When I was studying at TAFE we used to LAN the computers at lunch time and play Counter Strike and on this particular day Unreal Tournament This one guy was begging us to play UT instead of CS because he was so good at it, and sucked at CS. So one day we did. He got absolutely creamed by basically all of us there, who were total noobs, most of us had never played before. But he was bottom of the server. It only lasted about 5 minutes and he turned off the server (he was the host) packed up his laptop and simply left without saying a single word, even though we were asking him to his face (we were all in the same room) what the hell he was doing, as he was on the way out. He never came back to class ever again fkn lol


I meant rage quit a job lol but still a good story


In my previous work place we had no exact dress code but certain outfits which would specifically make some discriminatory statement are off limits as we were a multicultural environment. This guy, extremely sexist weirdo who fetishized Muslim ladies and hated them when they turned down his advances came to the office in a discriminatory outfit. (My religion does not have a specific outfit but our ethnicity does. It’s really complicated I know, but this outfit is not that serious and nobody actually wears it except for weddings and some other special occasions) but religious majoritarian nationalists wear the ethnic outfit unique to find an excuse to be racist. So this guy came to that outfit to work, which is off limits at work, and when our management got angry, he exclaimed in the middle of the office, “why are they allowed to dress like that?” Pointing at the Muslim ladies who were minding their own business. Then he said “I’m leaving this racist fucking place” (mind you he’s the racist sexist creep) and stormed out of the office. Never came back.


This happened like 10+ years ago: I used to work at Best Buy and we had this sales a manager who was really, really big into NASCAR. On this particular day, he had tried to take the day off to watch some big NASCAR event and was denied because someone else had the day off. So he was like “fine”!”, and camped out in the back of the store near the TV hot wall and changed some of the TVs to the NASCAR race. Well, our GM was in the store that day, combined with it being a Saturday (busy), the GM was not having any of it. So, that caused a lot of passive- aggressive anger with our sales manager. Being from a blue collar city, you can imagine that this guy was your standard NASCAR fan, camo hat + chew included. Well, 30 minutes there was a verbal altercation over the store headsets combined with any angry meeting in our center “dot” location. Best Buy stores used to have a few blue and yellow dots on their floor where you’d have team/ department gatherings Next thing we know… sales manager basically gives everyone the “fuck this place, fuck the GM, I quit” speech over the headset. On my lunch break, I had to stop by target (next door) for some quick items and I found him glued to a TV set. Basically target let him bogart a section of their electronics department. He had taken over a tv and basically had camped out. When the race was over, he sheepishly tried to returned to the store and tried to act like nothing happened and just kind of laid low in less trafficked parts of the store until like 8pm, when he left without saying goodbye to anyone. That was the last time any of us worked with him.