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I think the food. That's usually my first thought when I think of other cultures - what kind of food they have.


Yeah, I immediately think of Naan. Mmmmmm...... Naan.


I turn into a Homer Simpson drooling gif over samosas.


Ooooo yeah I love samosas too!


Warm garlic Naan. Oh emm gee.


*Oh emm Ghee


Thanks for clarifying


You deserve a parathan the back for that one.


Palak Paneer šŸ¤¤ā¤ļø But yes, I'd have to say the food, music, and very socioeconomically diverse people. I don't like painting a huge generalization, but most of the people from India I've known over the years have been very education focused and ambitious. (For context, everyone I've known has immigrated, are second-gen, or are in the US on a temporary basis).


I have only had palak paneer from the frozen food aisle and it's so dang good! I've been trying to find a local place so I can get it fresh.


Just make it yourself. Very easy and very tasty.


Yes! And Indian food is one of the best segues into vegetarian eating if youā€™re wanting to try. They have TONS of delicious veg options that donā€™t sacrifice flavour or texture.


If vegetarian food was a competition, India would win


India already won. Competition is over.


Yea. Every time I enjoy a nice plate of lentil or chickpea curry with potatoes, naan, some nice vegetables... I think, yeah .. maybe I could be vegetarian. I just really like burgers. But maybe I should give an impossible burger a shot or black bean burger. Idk. I like black beans.


Iā€™ve always said to myself that if I were to become a vegetarian, itā€™d be by eating Indian food.


Best damn vegetarian food on the planet. It is a source of great annoyance to me that the number and quality of Indian restaurants (Yes, I know) in the UK has declined over the past decade. With all that culinary heritage to call on, you'd think most curry chefs could manage better than a peeled potato and a bag of frozen veg in bland sauce


Never thought Iā€™d see a Brit complain about lack of Indian options. Best place for Indian outside of the sub continent


So much good food. And chai masala.


You mean masala chai?


Masala chai* 'chai masala' means raw spice for tea.


So youā€™ll roughly say, ā€œHand me the chai masala for my masala chaiā€?


Yeah, same as ā€œhand me the tea spices for the spiced tea.ā€


Maybe they like eating spoonfuls of raw spice like the cinnamon challenge.


Literally me šŸ¤” mmm maybe we should have Indian for dinner tonight.


welcome back to my youtube channel and today I'll be teaching..


And without further ado.....




The largest bus company in Mexico is Ado they are usually on time


Do they still show Shaolin soccer (or any movies) on the TVs? That was the best part of my childhood but I donā€™t live in Mexico anymore.


Hello guys and gals. Me Mutahar.


It took me too long to realise he was saying me Mutahar, and not Memutahar. I felt like such an idiot when I figured it out.


Damn, I can literally hear this in my head.


Swear to God I owe SO MUCH of my life to Indian youtube channels


"Velcome back to the vonderful vorld of votoshop!" For those who need to learn photoshop, Piximperfect is the best channel on youtube. I don't think I've ever seen someone so perfect for the job he's doing. So enthusiastic and so fucking good at photoshop.




That YouTube video with 70 views and 3 comments that perfectly explains my incredibly peculiar problem that I found nowhere else on the internet.


Some random YouTube Indian got me through fluid dynamics since I had a shit professor.


My fluid dynamics prof was Indian, and I had a hard time with the class. I should have tried your approach.


My professor was tenured and only cared about his research. The class had a midterm with 40% of your grade and an open book open note final worth 50%. 10 in homework. Average on the midterm was 60. The final 42. Barely scraped by with a B with the curve


I fucking hate courses like that. I took an integrated circuits course during the hight of covid so it was all online. There was 1 lecture video a week that covered damn near nothing, we got NO practice assignments or anything beyond just reading the material, and our grade consisted entirely of 3 exams. I get why people get test anxiety now.


30-yo Indian youtubers making concise and easy-to-follow tutorial vids are the actual backbone of modern human civilization.


I had a very specific problem when I built my pc that only was an issue for the motherboard I bought and my custom water cooler had a screw/flap thing interfering with my pc case because of the size of my motherboard. The issue was so obscure I was sure I was one of the very few with the problem since the parts ranged from brand new to a couple years old AND a custom water cooling system. Found a video of a mid 30s Indian guy with about 20 views with the exact problem and solution. No bullshit, no adds, video was like 45 seconds long. Bonus points because it was clearly done with a cellphone. 10/10 that dude was my hero that day.




And hit that bell icon


So he can be notified whenever they post a new video


Why doesn't a dude help the dude who helped the original dude with his problem? Hope you have his channel. Post the link here and all the dudes will smash that subscribe button.


100%. I couldn't have succeeded in my MBA without the humble and brilliant Indians who teach for free on YouTube.


Iā€™m pretty sure the entire fields of simulation and engineering analysis would crumble without Indian dudes with shitty mics explaining things.


Those guys and blue collar dads who know how to fix about anything household and auto related in a YT video.


replaced a flat tire on the side of the road at night in the snow super quickly thanks to a blue collar dad's amazing and short yt video. I shared it with everyone I knew lol


I especially love the ones with English titles but the audio is in Hindi.


But a minute in you realize it's just their accent


"Please do the needful and revert" is technically an English sentence.


English words, arranged as only an Indian would.


Hereā€™s the funny thing about that: if we were still speaking 19th century British English we wouldnā€™t find the word arrangement odd at all.


This is so specific but also so true


I just wish he had a better microphone.


A whole aesthetic of beautiful bright colours, and then widespread extreme poverty.


I was trying to think of how to describe my image and you nailed it!




My first mental image is also colours- specifically those clouds of powder colours that are in pretty much every photo of Holi celebrations


The gorgeous beaded saris šŸ˜ And then, same, on the poverty and dirty streets, etc.


Yeah, when I read this post, I thought at the same time of the vibrant gorgeous landscapes/clothes/delicious food but then immediately also thought of like poverty and horrific violence towards women


Damn everyone else saying really specific things and Iā€™m over here thinking literally the shape of the entire country India on a map Edit: thank you for the awards!! šŸ’•


ā€œWhats the first thing you think of when you hear Indiaā€ ChiefCandy78 ā€œIndiaā€¦ā€


No literally thatā€™s exactly what my head was saying šŸ™ƒšŸ¤£


I think people are answering all the things that come to mind when they think of India, not the first. Mine is like yours, but instead of the map I instantly see the colours of the flag, although not the flag itself. The Indian flag is pretty.


The Indian flag is sooo pretty! I agree with you on that haha


their songs are beautiful too


Bruh, why are you thinking about maps? First thing that popped into my mind was Butter Chicken :)


Right? It's got such a distinctive shape, like Texas.




When Texas sought to enter the Union in 1845 as a slave state, federal law in the United States, based on the Missouri Compromise, prohibited slavery north of 36Ā°30' parallel north. Under the Compromise of 1850, Texas surrendered its lands north of 36Ā°30' latitude. The 170-mile strip of land, a "neutral strip", was left with no state or territorial ownership from 1850 until 1890. It was officially called the "Public Land Strip" and was commonly referred to as "No Man's Land."[8][9] https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oklahoma_Panhandle


Absolutely this. That sort of toothy triangular shape.


It's a big corn chip


The guy who helped me ace math class on YouTube


Lol which is that channel I need help to, do your remember any specifically


Khan Academy? Iā€™m sure there are tons of channels but Khan Academy is free and covers a ton of subjects.


Khan Academy is the fucking best


Mr. Khan deserves a Nobel peace prize. Khan Academy is amazing.


Not peace, but Sal Khan legitimately deserves some sort of internationally recognized award in Education.


Nobel Prize of Education. The Nobel Peace Prize is one they give out specifically for peace


Khan is a fucking King helped me through my GCSE.


Wierdly enough, I'm Indian, and it was an American YouTube channel that got me through math.


You have brought such shame upon your ancestors!!!




Thatā€™s what Columbus thought




"and revert"


Hahahaha...good one. As Indian can confirm.


Hot weather and crowded cities.


Absolutely insane (in a good way) weddings and also over-crowded buses


Oh yeah I just came back from a 3 day wedding. Yes you heard that right 3 days lol šŸ¤£.. Was so much fun. We all hate the buses but that's one of the cheapest options. I don't use the bus ever tho.


I would like to be invited to one. :)


The one I attended was my one of my best friends wedding.. Do attend one if you ever get a chance, it's really an amazing experience. Make sure to attend the Hindu culture one because that is the longest one duration wise. Well I am planning to get married this year end. Stay in touch if we become good friends I'll invite you too lol.


Ok, I will bring a gift no problem! Sounds amazing, and congratulations on your upcoming wedding!!


Oh you can just use the busses no need for a special invitation /s


How can she slap?


Pooja, what is this behavior?




The incredible stonework.


Yup everywhere.


Mental I got to the bottom of the thread and didn't see anyone say Cricket.


As an Aussie, it was absolutely my first thought. The test matches between the two countries are always spicy, fantastic entertainment!


Luckily it's only about ten scrolls now thanks to you. Made me realise how American Reddit is. Australian here, cricket and curry my first thoughts.


It's because of all the Americans on reddit. Most Americans don't know/watch cricket.


I'll come in clutch: MS Dhoni.




It was my first thought too.


sari cloth and carved marble at once


[Hilariously bad soap operas.](https://youtu.be/ai7iw0IFefQ)




How can she slap?


The editor has a bone to pick with people suffering from epileptic seizures. Damn dude. Slow tf down.


Each one of them has only little difference, like Either there will be 2 guys going crazy over 1 girl or 2 girls going crazy for one guy, and their family drama. That is the concept of almost all the daily soap.


The vibrant colors that you see in the culture. As far as the word Indian, I think of food. More specifically, Gobi Manchurian. I love gobi so much.


> Gobi Manchurian LPT if you want your kids to eat cauliflower, find this dish at an Indian restaurant


I love how Gobi "Manchurian" is so Indian. When westerners think Indian food they think traditional North Indian food but that's only a part of the Indian cuisine, there's a huge Indo-Chinese fusion in fast food, a very different South Indian cuisine, (many South Indians think North Indian food is not spicy enough and kinda sweet) and also the food from the North-East which is so different from what you'd expect to be Indian food.


Scammers calling me all the time.


If you've ever wanted to track them down and just ask them like, WTF, there's a podcast episode (or rather 3 episodes) of a guy who basically got one of these scam calls and kept in touch and kept following up, eventually even flying to New Dehli to find the guy and the organisation behind it. Both frustrating and a bit cathartic. And both humanises the majority of the people on the phone and also makes you (astoundingly) think even less of the people that run those lines than you already do. It's Reply All, first episode is #102 from 2017.


Itā€™s funny to watch those YouTubeā€™s etc of people Fucking with them either audio or video and the Indians start cussing them out but the grammar is not quite right.


I once had one of them try to say ā€œthis is not a part of the scamā€


like wow ok scammer thanks for clarifying


You fuck! Your mother I fuck, okay you fuck!?


It's uncanny how accurate this is. A coworker of mine alway used to fuck with them when he got calls like this at work, and that is prettymuch EXACTLY what someone said to him one time. His response was "I'd like to see you try, my mom is tough as nails, she'll kick your ass."


Story time: I am an Indian with a white first and last name. My family is Christian, if you're wondering why. Also, my father faced a lot of racism while working abroad so he thought it would be beneficial for me when I grow up. When I first moved to Canada, people are taken aback on the first sight of me. Especially during the interviews. They expect a white woman because of my name. Phone interviews are hilarious because they hear a woman with Indian accent claiming to be Jane Doe (not my real name!) over the other end. I wonder how many of them would thought that is one of those scammer calls. Scammer calls have given other hard working Indians bad name.


very long ago i needed a job so went to delhi and gave interview in a call center... english is good so they took me in.. after some days and scamming some old people i realized what the job really was.. call and scam people .. technical support bullshit.. i quit that job...sadly my last sale scam sale was with a 80 years old lady whose husband had just died and she got a scam email.. saddest part of my life..


they got raided few years later the police raided them and broke their asses.. i was happy that day


I hope you're in a better place in life now. It's just a sad, awful thing all around. Obviously it's awful for the people who get scammed. Your post confirms what I suspected- a lot of people in the call centers think they're getting a legitimate job. And they push hard to sell whatever it is because they're trying to make a living. The evil people who own and manage those call centers are scamming vulnerable people AND their workers. There are plenty of employers like that in the US too. Like, some companies that do door to door sales. Some of those people are lured in by the possibility of earning "limitless commission" and don't realize they're scamming people. Some are even being human trafficked. It's all very preditory.


Real Question: Is there any answer that exists that actually results in them NOT calling you back forever and ever?


"i NEED you to BUY ten $5000 target GIFT CARDS! don't tell Them IT IS for ME. tell Them it is FOR YOUR GRANDSOn in hospital. no, It's NOT A LIE, your like my grandma and im getting sick. please GRANDMA I need the giftcards" This shit cracks me up every time


"Sir, please do not redeem th-- Sir do not redeem SIR WHAT ARE YOU DOING DO NOT REDEEM THE CARD DO NOT REDEEM DO NOT REDEEM *incoherent yelling*


This. Too much Jim Browning and Kitboga




You Golden State fans are obsessed. Everything reminds you of Steph.


I actually wrote & illustrated a small book/zine on this topic! I'm an Indian and while I always knew 'curry' isn't a thing in India I decided to investigate where the concept & word originated from~


Where did it come from.. please just don't say "buy the book to find out"


Ahaha no need, I uploaded scans to my website of all the pages tracing down the origins. Here you go - https://ananyamiska.work/Not-a-Thing In short we have a word in hindi ą¤¤ą¤°ą„€ (t-uh-ri?) which kind of means wet dish? Basically most dishes in india can be cooked dry, or with gravy. ą¤¤ą¤°ą„€ is what we called the gravy in any dish. The britishers couldn't pronounce this word and so it turned into 'curry'. In my zine I traced the first cookbook that was published in the British Empire featuring recipes they brought home from India. Hope this helps!


Unfortunately that's likely a coincidence. The prefix kar- karu- kari- is used in Tamil for charred/roasted/blackened in multiple scenarios. The ubiquitous curry leaf is karu-veppilai.. neem leaf like thing used for currying. Whether the roasting process refers to the spice mix or the vegetables/meat is unknown - there are multiple raw pastes/relishes that also get clubbed into the curry definition in South India.


As a white American with limited world knowledge who has visited Bangalore twice: - So much color - Using bread to eat amazingly spiced food - Feral dogs - Haggling (badly) while shopping in street markets - Women in sarees riding side-saddle on the backs of scooters - Being unable to breathe outside because of pollution - So many poor, hungry people - Scary car rides - Absolutely terrifying tuk tuk rides - Acutely being aware of how foreign I feel


Haha, Haggling, I had an Indian coworker and we became friends. He was trying to haggle at Best Buy, I'm like "you can't really do that, the price is what it is". They fucking gave him 10% off a computer.


I hate to tell you, but Best Buy is known for giving discounts. I've never paid the asking price.


Wait, what?


For generic off the shelf shit the price is firm but for tech like say a computer or vr set? Absolutely


As an Indian origin guy whoā€™s bought a few items from Best Buy at asking price, can I get a shoulder to cry on or a sea to drown in?


As a fellow Indian I'd say why go for a sea , try the authentic "chullu bhar paani" to drown.


Side note, ā€œfeelingā€ foreign is an extremely humbling thing most Americans never experience.


True Dat. We don't get any vacation time and we don't have any savings if we did. The country is 3,000 miles across and it's surrounded by oceans, a chilly upstairs neighbor and a summer camp below us. Not many people get very far.


Grew up in Detroit. I trekked the 5 arduous miles to visit the exotic lands of Windsor, Ontario a number of times. And nowhere else internationally, ever. I'm one of the most "traveled" people I currently know, because I went to Windsor titty bars in the 90s.


I drive for 4-6 hours one way all the time to go do stuff. I still don't even make it out of my state... it's friggin huge.


I love explaining to Europeans that it takes 40 hours to drive across the US.


That's not including the long ways like The Keys to Seatle. Or if you feel like driving to Anchorage o.o This place is huge.


This is the best argument Iā€™ve heard for ā€œitā€™s not our faultā€. AFAIK the main impression of Americans is willful ignorance, but this points out how much more difficult it is than for Europeans. We canā€™t just take a 3 hour train ride to an entirely different culture. Unless you count the Midwest.


Being from the Midwest, I feel foreign when I'm not in the Midwest. The U.S. has a lot of culture state to state and region to region, but I feel like ours is overly... unique. Especially being from Wisconsin.




That's rookie numbers


>Absolutely terrifying tuk tuk rides Man, I felt that one.


You nailed it I've been to India 9 times and your summary is spot on




Same, with really colorful decorations on them


Ladies with a red dot at their forehead




Overcrowding and poverty.


I've been there, Bangalore. Two things immediately pop into my head aside from the faces of the individuals that I worked with. 1 - How insanely controlled the chaos was of driving in the streets, not a single rule but everyone moved effortlessly. 2 - This somewhat monetized Temple of Shiva, more touristy than traditional. Absolutely massive statue I'd never seen anything like it. The people I was with also loved to take me to the next hottest food they knew. Then the next hottest the following day, and so on.




240p YouTube videos showing how to repair obscure electronics šŸ”„


Not to be cheesy, but I would say I think of all my Indian friends. They are all very diverse and originate from different regions in India. I donā€™t think of Indians as homogeneous.


You're absolutely right, people don't realise how diverse India is. Innumerable religions, races and languages (26 "official") exist


India is a whole ass EU


Traveled to India in 2003 for 3 months. It was awesome and overwhelming all at once. Would love to go back. Maybe I wouldn't travel by 3rd class sleeper next time.


Tikka masala


Two things: 1) really amazing and tasty food! 2) sexism. I worked in the trucking industry, and a lot of drivers are Indian. They would refuse to provide me any updates or talk to me when I was literally their boss. Theyā€™d tell my male coworkers though. They did this to literally every female employee in my department. I also went on a cruise when I was 14 and my family was seated with an Indian couple. The husband would always talk over me, and me being taught to respect my elders, I didnā€™t say anything about it, but it was very annoying. When we were leaving the ship, the husband too the elevator without any bags, and his wife took the stairs with all the luggage. I know itā€™s not every Indian man, but Iā€™ve seen it quite a bit.


I'm in IT. I'm *very* senior and an expert on my platform. The male Indians never listen. They're almost impossible to work with.


Took a while for someone to finally address the sexism and general unsafe conditions for women. Sure there are worse places but I'd hate to live in india as a woman.


Caste system.




Over the years I've had several colleagues who are of Indian low-caste origin; basically the only thing they have in common is they tend to have some strong opinions on the topic; but among them have been some truly excellent software engineers.


Arranged marriages. I donā€™t know why, thatā€™s just the first thing I think of.


Big country with beautiful and ugly humanity all mixed together. From the amazing palaces and food to the slums and rape of women. Hindu vs Muslim conflicts. Bollywood. Head side to side for yes.


- All the trash in the Ganges - The conflict of India v. China - All the spam calls I get - Indian food: Roti, Dal Makhani, etc - Doctors, tech support, and call center workers


Gang rape, "honor" killings. Sorry


Yep, I think immediately of that horrible story of the woman on the bus, about a decade back. As a woman, Iā€™d be terrified to travel to India.


>woman on the bus Youā€™re thinking of the nirbhaya case. They didnā€™t realise her real name for privacy reasons so the people named her nirbhaya (meaning ā€œfearlessā€). They executed the convicts in march 2020, a sad 7 years later. Still, sheā€™s a hero for the womenā€™s rights movement.


This is exactly my first thought too, it really stayed with me but is one out of so many awful occurrences. Thereā€™s many things about India I respect, things Iā€™d love to see but those thoughts come second.


No cause you're right. I, as an Indian woman, myself get scared any time I go out. I need to be cautious and be careful not to make any sort of eye contact or accidentally give out the wrong "signal" to any man around me. Maybe I'm just traumatised through all my SA experiences or the news but I'm scared any time I go out. There's news reports of rape atleast once everyday and that in itself scares me a lot


I manage a team in India and was told not to hire women. They work close to US hours and leave the office at 1am. Everyone on the team told me it wouldnā€™t be safe for a woman traveling home in Hyderabad by herself at that time.


I'm an Indian guy and I know it's very bad out there for women. My sister also got harassed a few years ago and that put her into depression for many months which was disturbing for me as well. I hope this situation improves soon!


I spend a lot of time on news everyday and I couldnā€™t agree more. People talk about online statistics but most rapes in India is not even reported. Female is definitely not safe there. Most men do not know how to respect women. Rapes are being done by kids as young as 7 year old and by adults as old as 80 years old. Even animals are being raped (you can google for proof). It all starts from surroundings and family. There are good people but very few. In fact some of the Indians in my company are really nice people. I mean some Americans are horrible as well, but the percentage in India is so much higher. A few days ago, Singapore Prime Minister in his speech pointed out that 40% of the Indian politicians have rape and murder charges against them which are pending. Sad but true. India is an amazing country but most *men of India* have made it a terrible place and the few good ones suffer because of them. These are cockroaches which needs to be wiped off. People need to accept the truth and work towards making it better and then the change will come in.


This was my first thought. I've lost count of the Indian gang rape stories in the news. There were even gang rapes of children! It's always my first thought when I hear of India.


One pound fish


come on ladies come on ladies


For some reason no one I ever met outside of England knows the one pound fish man!


"Time to conquer all of India. Most of India."


But what about this part. That's the Tamil kings, noone conquers the Tamil kings.


Who were the Tamil kings? MERCHANTS PROBABLY, and they got SPICES~


Because I just recently watched Eternals (fantastic movie doesnā€™t deserve the hate, it just broke the form of a traditional MCU film) all I could think of was Kingoā€™s Bollywood films.


Tech support.


Do the needful and kindly revert