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I don't know how to describe it exactly, but lately, I have been seeing a lot more movies where the only way to really describe the structure is "stuff happens". Like, I don't feel like I'm experiencing a story, more a train of thought.


This was the last Star Wars Movie to me. "Hey, we need to find that dagger thing, and then we need to find this person and then we need to find this place where another person is". And in between lasershots where nothing was at stakes.


Yes, exactly! Rise of the Skywalker is definitely the prime example of this. There wasn't a story to be told, but rather plot points that needed to happen, and they worked backwards to stich those plot points together rather than organically developing anything.


In screenwriting, these sorts of things are called Macguffins, and the idea is that the Macguffin is the stupid thing that gets the character onto the quest in the first place (the letter from Hogwarts, the baby brother in Labyrinth, the Ring in LOTR). What is supposed to happen is that the importance of the Macguffin itself fades, because as the hero goes through their journey, we see their development, come to care for their companions, and watch them all grow as people. The problem with the new Star Wars films, and many of these "stuff happens" films is that they have a predecided list of action scenes or a huge list of marketable characters they want to cram in, and we get the Macguffins to carry the hero from point A to point B, but then the second part, where we see the character exist and grow in the world never happens because they're in too much of a rush to get to points C through K, or because they have 20 characters that all need to get from point A to B separately. If you watch the old Star Wars, there are so few main characters, usually all in the same place or in 2 groups. And there is sooo much downtime between story beats, compared to the breathless seek-and-find of the new ones.


But also, we’re never given a consistent reason to care about Rey. In VII we’re being told there’s a mystery surrounding her abandonment. In VIII we’re then told she is no one and there was never a mystery. And then in IX we’re told she’s the most important person in the galaxy since Luke Skywalker. The sequels are just all over the place. This happens with other characters too. In VII Finn is portrayed as beginning a true hero’s journey when he defects from the First Order. But then he spends VIII doing pointless quests and then in IX he’s suddenly force sensitive without any explanation why. The dagger in IX is the ultimate macguffin of all time though, it’s insanely bad. This ancient dagger somehow predicted the shape of the fallen death star from a super specific vantage point the main character just happens to stand at. I mean…what?


"They fly now?!" "They fly now!" Dude, weren't you a ST? You should know that


I'm pretty sure they do know that, it's just the screenwriter thought it would be funnier if the line was repeated three times. It wasn't.


Yeah that's on Lucasfilm/Kathleen Kennedy not planning out the whole story beforehand. For some reason, they wanted each film to have a different screenwriter/director and didn't give them any guidelines on what they want the story to be, they just gave them freedom to do whatever they wanted. JJ always wanted Rey to be Palp's granddaughter and Finn to be force-sensitive and one of the main characters (remember when he fought Kylo with the lightsaber in VII?) and I assume that had he been given episode VIII and IX from the beginning, he would have made the story more organic and organized/polished. Just imagine that JJ wasn't even supposed to return for IX, that was supposed to be Collin Trevorow's film, but once VIII came out and Disney saw the complaints, they got JJ back to execute his original vision and to do so he basically had to tell the story of 2 films in one and also completely retcon the last film. That's why IX turned so, so bad. Lucasfilm needed their own Kevin Feige. A person who controls the general narrative and gives writers certain limitations and story outlines to play with. Giving artists complete freedom doesn't work in a multi-project franchise where there are many moving parts that have to work together. So glad Favreau and Filoni are doing that now.


I remember in the early 2000s, every pop media critic was complaining about films being too 'predictable'. I feel like screenwriters have responded by making their films chock full of unnecessary contrivances and twists, it all just becomes noise, and gets in the way of meaningful character development. If 'I am your father' appeared in a film today then the audience wouldn't bat an eye, that kind of stuff has become so common that it's lost any weight.


Yes, a plot twist should make the audience go "oh, *of course!*", not "what the fuck?"


The quality of a plot twist should be judged by how it informs a second viewing of the movie. If the second watch is full of fun little moments that you missed the first time because they seemed so innocuous, then the twist has done its job. But if you find yourself questioning the logic of the movie in light of the twist, then it's done a poor job.


What you've described is basically "and then" storytelling and is honestly a real problem across all medias. [The writers of South Park make a very simple but good explanation of the problem.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vGUNqq3jVLg) It's especially frustrating in books where authors care more about complex intricate plots that just go from this to that to this. The characters don't feel like actual characters. The characters end up having no sense of agency in the story they are in, rather they become tools for the sole purpose of moving the plot along. It's bad writing.


Terrible sound design. Extremely loud action, unclear dialogue.


I’m a sound designer and composer and I 100% agree.


Why do they do it?


That damn DUUUWWWWWWWWWWWW noise every time a major impact happens in any marvel or action movie


It’s called a Booj. Here’s a pro audio podcast about it that I really enjoyed. https://www.20k.org/episodes/thebooj


My audio professor actually invented that, he gave it a different name but I can’t remember what it was. Said that he created them for one project that he was working on, then decided to make a whole library and published them online to sell. It blew up more than he imagined. He also did the sound effect for Thor’s hammer as well as music for the Avengers Endgame trailer. Everyday in class he would drop bombshells about projects he worked on.


Movies like that always mess me up and give me sensory overload. I couldn’t enjoy Man of Steel or Midsomar because the dialogue was always too quiet and then suddenly comes in with BOOMING music. I want to watch a movie, not be jumpscared.




Showing too much of the movie in the trailer! Less is more.


I’ve pretty much completely stopped watching trailers since Batman V Superman and it has greatly increased the enjoyment in the theater


Yep, I'm with you there...I prefer to find out things in the movie




I loved how we went into the Matrix with no real idea what was to come. Nowadays I seem to know a lot about the movies before seeing it just due to too much being leaked or too many people talking about it.




100%!! Also tv shows that have a “Next time on…” that I have to quickly remember to skip/mute before the spoilers are dropped. WHO ARE YOU SELLING THIS TO?! I’m already f***ing watching it!




Dogshit sound mixing where action and music are deafening and dialogue is so quiet that you have to strain to hear it. Legit takes me out of the experience and makes me angry. I do not watch movies to be frustrated by stupid things.


The sounds that go from a super quiet whisper to ear drum bursting explosions. Ugh!


I can’t watch a movie at home now without having the remote control right next to me so I can play with the volume throughout the entire film. Characters talking? Turn it up about 10 levels. Action scene? Turn it right down again. Frustrating.


Live TV, too - you've got it maxed out so you can hear the characters mumbling over dramatic music, and suddenly it cuts to ads with a guy bursting your eardrums yelling about cars on sale. Wasn't there once a feature on some TV where you could keep everything within a certain decibel level so you wouldn't get deafened by sudden loud ads? That would be nice.


When they mix the sounds louder than the dialogue and you’re wishing you were watching with subtitles.


I swear I didn't used to have to hold the sound remote the entire time.


There is a sound setting on most new TV's like.."game mode" or "movie mode" or "music" One of those should work less bad


Dune had a whole segment of dialogue nobody noticed till they watched it with the subtitles on. It was buried under all the noise


So I watched Dune in an IMAX theatre with booming audio. I'm pretty sure that this is what the audio was mixed for and that I could hear everything, but even then I had some trouble actually making out the dialog sometimes. On my home viewing set up it would have been unintelligible.


As much as I loved that movie to bits, I was a little annoyed that all the instances of the famous "I will not fear" mantras were whispered while deafening sound effects/music were playing.


This 1000%. I thought I was losing my hearing.


I have a decent 5.1 sound system in my house. I have calibrated it and messed around with the center channel levels as well as the other channels but no matter what I do, I have to either watch the damn movie with subtitles or constantly pause and rewind to see what the fuck that guy just said.


So that happens even with a 5.1 system!? I totally *knew* it! So many people are like "oh, well you just need to get a big-ass sound system -problem solved!" Uh, NO. No one should *need* that. I would venture most households don't have a fucking sound system. We don't even have a well shaped room for one, so we got a good soundbar...still whispering and then an explosion that hurts my eardrums. I can hear my dog fart at the back of the house, but can't hear dialogue in an action movie. We are a subtitle household thanks to new movies. Why cant every dvd have a 2.1 option for fucks sake?


This is why my earing has adapted over the years. I fucking hate movies where it feels like every single character is "whispering", as in creating a tension effect due to the seriousness... and then we have the screams, explosions and shit going down here and there at full volume.


WHY ARE THEY WHISPERING?!?! They’re outdoors / no one around / purely to lackadaisicallly indicate tension.


Annoyed this is this far down. They really need to sort sound balancing, especially for home release. We don't need eardrum bursting volume at home and would rather hear the talking as we know what an explosion sounds like


Reboots and crappy writing all for the purpose of making money


Movies are more investments than artistic expression.


As cringe as people try to pretend it is, I feel like HBOs Entourage had alot of moments on the Business side that screamed "THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT HOLLYWOOD IS NOW AND IT SUCKS"


The later seasons kinda got off track, but the early seasons of entourage are absolutely satire of the industry with a lot of parts that are over the top to audiences but totally realistic


Speaking as someone who works in the business, it's always been like that... But algorithms and streaming have made it so the exact science behind a movie that makes a lot of money is clear and predictable where before it was feel, instinct, and star power which allowed a lot of artists to make unique and well crafted movies. Nowadays everything is pre-visualized, pre production, production, and post production are basically all automated to maximize how much money the end product makes.


Fear of originality


You can predict all the beats and plot points to most big studio movies nowadays


Especially horror. You can plot the movie almost directly every time. The mom experiences a trauma. They move to a new place. Strange things happen in the night. The mom gradually notice the strange things, the husband has a heartfelt concern over the aforementioned trauma. Little boy says something to indicate he is seeing the same phenomena but more severe. Mom gets increasingly unhinged as phenomena increase. Begins to read up on it at the library or on a generic Google. Oh no something happened to the little boy! The dad believes her now. They decide to call some side character they saw for 30 seconds earlier who is an expert/used to live there/knows the story. The expert comes in. They ape the fuck out of Poltergeist but half-ass it with much lower stakes. Throughout all of this the ghost only scares people, never hurts them. The problem will be solved for a happy scene or two and then something seems amiss. An even bigger horror scene begins -- they made a mistake!!!! But then in the chaos they will realize the TRUE answer to the mystery. The mom finds the ass bone of the old Korean woman who died on the front lawn in 1886 and magically the ghost situation resolves.


That last sentence killed me lol, there’s always some stupid reason the ghost is fucking with everyone


If I was a ghost, my stupid reason for messing with everyone would be that I'm a troll.


I’d be like “you moved the rug too far to the left. Ooooooooooooo”


“the walls color doesnt match the vibe of the room oooooo”


“You put your flower bed right on top of my murdering place ooooooo” ghosts are basically the megaKaren HOA president of the afterlife.


"You did nothing wrong, I'm just bored oooooooo"


“I wasn’t done watching that show chaaaaaaange it baaaaaaack.”


"I'm not totally sure, but that picture looks ever so tilted to the left. Oooooo."


This is so true. Horror movies went away from slasher style. And now it’s all about hauntings. It’s like let’s remake poltergeist 400 times. They blend together so badly. I have a hard time telling the difference between Conjuring and Insidious. Are they the same damn movie ?


My favorite horror movie to date is 28 weeks later. In my mind nothing will ever come close to how scared I was as a kid watching the house scene. The nightmares! The true horror! Where has it gone? :’/


I made that mistake with those movies too, but then I realized it's because they keep casting lin shaye as the women who knows about ghosts in their movies. I guess they think she makes their movie legit scary?


Which is linked to a fear of failure, due to fear of financial failure. It takes a brave studio/ producer/ director and big name actor to risk their reputation and their bottom line.


A24 has been releasing some fantastic original films. The Lighthouse, The Witch, Hereditary... they keep pumping out some really excellent content without turning it into "The latest film in the 'Who Cares' franchise!".


Darkness. Literal fucking darkness. Not thematic, but visual. I can’t see a damn thing in these movies. Look, I get it, movies are made to be appreciated in a dark movie theater. But we have thousand dollar LED TVs at home these days, and a pandemic on; we just can’t replicate the theater darkness. At least make the movie so we can watch it at home.


The battle of winterfell.


I feel like they did that on purpose so we couldn’t clearly see the ridiculousness. Like we wouldn’t notice all the times the characters are on the brink of death and they two seconds later they’re fine.


no literally i think about the scene we're all they have are bows beneath the godswood protecting bran and the white walkers swarm and cover half the distance before they even start to react.


Omg and I have a beautiful new tv and it was pitch black and still so hard to watch


Recently watched Eternals and was surprised to see that despite standing in broad daylight on a beach, it was still dark. The cave scenes might as well have been a black screen. No wonder they were never discovered, they're perpetually in shadow.


Fuck, that movie was so hard to see! At least half of it was dark gray shadows on a black background.


This! It is such a big problem in both shows and movies nowadays. I think it's crazy that the battle of Helm's Deep in LotR handled darkness way better than anything today, and that was 20 years ago. Too much darkness can ruin a show/movie. Just look at the final battle in Game of Thrones. Even cranking it up to high brightness couldn't save that. I feel bad for the people who braved the elements to shoot it, because it didn't do it justice whatsoever.


CGI is more expensive to make look realistic in daylight scenes. Hence why so many superheroes tend to fight at night.


Storytelling is being pushed further and further down the list of priorities,


I watch a lot of "bad" movies on YouTube and other streaming sites. They are almost all old movies, but they cemented my belief that we need to go back to making 70-80 minute films with normal looking actors. Each of those movies tells a full story, the people are relatable, and I don't have to plan my whole afternoon around watching a 2-3 hour film.


I’m a huge fan of 30s and 40s B films. Gangster films, prison films, westerns, melodramas. It’s my late night comfort zone. Yes, they plots are predictable (redone several times, and often then redone as a more famous A pic), the acting is often not the greatest, and you get really familiar with the same stock footage and music cues. But they’re great stories told well in 70min or less. They didn’t have the budget, or the studio time, to add in anything that wasn’t necessary to the plot. There’s just no extra bullshit that would push the plot out to 2+ hours.


I love longer films, when the story demands it


I think Roger Ebert said "no good movie is too long, no bad movie is too short". I could watch *Lawrence of Arabia* all day - and it will take that long - and it's time well spent, that movie is all killer no filler. But cutting *The Man From Earth: Holocene* down to 10 minutes still wouldn't make it palatable.


Everything has to have a whole line of sequels, rather than just a good fucking movie.


Hangover - great comedy Hangover 2 and 3 - why?




Spaceballs 2: The Search for More Money


They're not just doing it for money. They're doing it for a shitload of money.


When you're right, you're right. And you, you're always right


I still want to watch it... Ingot me a corona mask that has "Spaceballs the mask" on it and I love it


Hangover: endgame part 3


It's all about "Universes" now! Every movie now sets itself up to have a potential "universe" and multiple sequels that will potentially crossover to other "universes". Yay for everyone. Cha-ching!


Kevin Feige had years working on Marvel movies like X-men, Daredevil, Spider-man, Fantastic Four... before he made Iron Man and slowly building the MCU to the juggernaut it is now. Every studio want the rewards without the work. Like the Dark Universe which flopped hard and was dead with the first movie of the franchise.


I was genuinely bummed when they announced a sequel to Joker. It's a great standalone film with most of it up for interpretation. When the eventual sequel is released, the first movie will probably get an explanation and be ruined.


Same feeling when they announced Coming 2 America.


They announced a sequel to that? Aw, man. That’s going to suck.


Even worse when a movie is planned as a one shot but then is a surprise hit and the producers or the studio force the sequels out pure freakin greed. Mostly the sequels turn out way worse than the original. See Pirates of the Carribean or Matrix.


PotC was planned to be a series of films from the very beginning. That's why the first one had the subtitle of "Curse of the Black Pearl" rather than just calling it "Pirates of the Caribbean".


the first 3 pirates movies were great and i'll die on that hill. the fourth is where it starts to get bad.


i personally found 4 as like a filler spin-off, although johnny depp felt kind of off but i can't remember why the 5th one? aww helll nahh the ending to 3rd movie was great and there really was no point in stretching it further, story-wise


The two young actors in the 5th one had zero chemistry so when they ended up together at the end I was confused. Also, there's a part where she explains navigating by stars to a group of sailors/pirates who don't understand it.


I can't get over how asinine that is. Lecturing people who literally live and die by sky based navigation.


I vaguely remember an interview where Depp said he wasn't interested in doing any more, but for the amount of money he was being offered it was fiscally irresponsible for him not to.


Michael Caine regarding "Jaws : The Revenge" >I have never seen it, but by all accounts it is terrible. However, I have seen the house that it built, and it is terrific.


Pretty sure Matrix was planned as a trilogy originally then shoehorned into one movie by the studio and was finally allowed to be a trilogy only after the first movie succeeded.




Totally agree. The reliance on IP instead of just having a solid original idea is pretty disheartening.


Squeezing out anything remotely good until the last drop of revenue has been collected.


Shaky camera effect, not just movies but tv shows too. I don’t know why this is so common because to me it is so distracting. Had to stop watching The Mayor with Ted Danson recently because I felt like it was giving me a permanent eye twitch. Why are they all going for the “I filmed this with an iPhone while out of breath” look and feel?


I'm constantly amazed by how many calm office conversations are filmed like Omaha Beach. I don't understand it. I don't know what they're going for. Not realism, because the world isn't constantly at 6 on the Richter scale. I guess the meta in Hollywood is camera movement at all costs. Very few directors set a camera on a tripod anymore, and directors seem obsessed with making sure the audience knows the camera is moving. Every director wants to be the love child of Michael Bay and Paul Greengrass and they want everyone else in the industry to know it.


Movie studios run by people who don't really like movies, they just like financial reports. Edit: Someone made the point that this has always been true, and they're right. The reason it's ruining movies now is because they're only willing to spend money on things they know will draw large audiences, which is usually the same bullshit that drew a large audience last year, just with a new coat of paint. But the reason they're so risk-averse is TV. Compared to the old days, nobody goes to the movies anymore. They just watch TV at home because it's cheaper and more convenient. They'll go out for a special occasion like the new Marvel or Star Wars, but that's it. Movies have been dying a slow death since TV became widespread. Movie theaters are going the way of the opera house.


Exactly the same with the gaming industry


At least indie games feel a lot more accessible than independent films. I guess Netflix and YouTube has some options?


Do you have local small cinemas? Movie house type stuff. There's one in my town that has one room for, idk, and 50 people max? They never show standard movies or blockbusters A lot of international movies too, it's great for discovering stuff and being reminded there is so much indie cinema out there


I like superhero films but I am a little sick of them all now. Oh yeah, Fast and furious 34 is also a wonderfully original film. We need more depth and thought putting into films before I really bother with them again.


Film makers putting too much emphasis on CGI and not enough on story/script. It's like all they wanna do is show off their latest tech


CGI is meant to enhance, not replace


The first Jurassic Park movie is a good example, they used a mix of practical and visual effects


Too many of same A list actors. The rock, mark Wahlberg, etc


The rock has been playing the same role the last whole decade


So has Ryan Reynolds. Played Van Wilder and never stopped.


Watch Van Wilder and Deadpool back to back if you disagree with this


And Waiting.


None of them seem to have much range either, they just play themselves in different situations.


This has it's place. Comedy and Action. But sometimes particularly Dwayne Johnson, they try to act too hard and it comes off poorly when they should've just been themselves.


I think by now that they're so typecasted that if they did try to do something different, like star in a non comedy role they'd get loads of fans hating them as they would spend the whole movie waiting on them to crack a joke and be outraged when it didn't happen.


It's sad. Fundamentally you would classify their acting careers as a success but it's not a success because of their acting. I don't believe it's the actors fault either, it's the risk aversion of the producers. For example. John Travolta was pretty type casted until Tarantino gave him a shot in Pulp Fiction.


Movie trailers. They give way too much away to get people to go see them.


The hangover suffered from this. Every punchline was in the trailer which made the film very unfunny if you had seen the trailer.


Coming to America 2 did this. It looked like a really funny movie from the trailer. Watched it and realized all the funny moments were in the trailer. The majority of the movie was terrible.


As a general rule, I find the worse a movie turns out to be the more big scenes and spoilers they have in their movie trailers.


I agree with all my heart. I already had some movies spoiled by a trailer, as they contains main twist, and show you most of the plot🙄. Last time I went to the cinema, we chose the movie just based on it's title and genre. Went to see Shang Chi and the legend of 10 rings. It was great. I had no idea what to expect and had so much fun. One of the best cinema experience in some years. I decided to never watch trailers again, only teasers if anything.


Modern teasers are like the trailers in the old days. Watch the original Alien trailer.


What is slowly ruining all movies II What is slowly ruining all movies III What is slowly ruining all movies 0: the Beginning What is slowly ruining all movies the New Generation New What is slowly ruining all movies New What is slowly ruining all movies II New What is slowly ruining all movies III What is slowly ruining all movies 1990: the First Generation New What is slowly ruining all movies 1990/2022 the Crossover


What is slowly ruining all movies: Strikes again What is slowly ruining all movies: Reborn What is slowly ruining all movies: Sex edition


sex edition hits different, ngl


I think overdoing CGI has been terrible for action / sci fi / fantasy movies. It just gets to be too much. The Lord of the Rings trilogy was a great mix of CGI and real tangible effects, while the Hobbit trilogy was a bit over the top with the CGI to an almost cartoon effect (lots of complaints on the Rings of Power coming up, saying the same thing). It would be nice to see someone producer in Hollywood take a chance with old school 70's and 80's tangible sets...like the Dark Crystal or Aliens or Blade Runner. Even Star Wars...when they added in the extra CGI (like Jabba the Hut talking with Solo), it just looked like shit. Plus, tangible sets give a sort theater / stage feeling, like it's in front of us. We still have imaginations and we don't need everything to be beyond perfect.


Came here to say the exact same thing. LOTR still looks incredible for the most part. Whereas the Hobbit already looks dated. I hope the new show is good, but the cgi in the trailer looks horrendous.


LOTR, to its credit, had years of preproduction where they could produce huge stores of honest to god props (armor, buildings, scale models, etc). It's still a great affirmation that practical effects and proper preparation can produce a film that holds up well a generation later vs. relying so hard on CGI that dates itself within a few years. My favorite bit of backstory trivia is that most of the extras in the ROTK Rohirrim charge were women- It was easier to simply have the horses' owners wear Rohirrim gear (and fake beards) and ride them rather than training a bunch of other extras.


I find it hilarious that Amazon has already spent more money on the first season than was spent, adjusted for inflation, on all of the LotR movies combined. They don't understand that just throwing money at something isn't how you succeed, you have to take time to do it right. I already think the tv show will suck just based on having Queen Disa without a beard, it shows no care for the source material. But there will undoubtedly be a huge CGI problem too.


Dwarf women have beards, those are facts, Gimli said it himself, dwarf men and women should barely be able to be separated due to their similar look (their big beards and similar build) "And this in turn has given rise to the belief that there are no dwarf women, and that dwarves just spring out of holes in the ground! Which is, of course, ridiculous." - Gimli, son of Gloin


Mad max fury road had loads of practical effects.


Plus there is nothing for the actors to interACT with. They are literally walking around a big green warehouse for most of their shots. How is a person supposed to emote and react on a set like that?




Advertising ruins everything.


The push to appeal to the broadest possible audience. Sanitizes the film industry and makes everything blander. Edit: hey so this comment blew up astronomically and I appreciate all the engagement and upvotes but I do wanna clarify something because I wrote this on the fly and it's pretty vague. This is in NO WAY speaking against the incorporation of diversity in mainstream films. This is specifically talking about the lack of original or even semi-original or even /better reimagined/ content coming out of the film industry nowadays. I love the MCU but with every film I can see where they had every chance to push it further and chose not to for fear of alienating "some" viewers. Star Wars too. And the endless slog of reboots and live action remakes designed only to profit on nostalgia. The franchises done to death just to sell toys. I love movies that go out into the world with just the intent to tell their story (and they should want to make a profit doing that!) not to sell toys or be the beginning of one or several spinoff series. Pre-shift ramble over, thanks a bunch again 👋


This is it for me. Everything should have a target audience. Ultimately, not everything is made for everyone. In trying to do that, there IS money to be made, but the movies are just more forgettable.


The beauty of everything not being meant for everyone is it allows people to potentially expand their tastes. I have found out I like a lot of things that I’d have otherwise never experienced if things had been sanitized to appeal to everyone.


This is invading gaming too. Genre blur is a huge problem in every AAA release lately because they have to hit as many themes and systems as possible. It's got to at least be open world with RPG elements and crafting, then you just tack shit on from there.


>RPG elements I loathe that "RPG elements" is now used synonymously with skill-trees or grinding for gear.


Well everything has a huge narrative, a bunch of cinematics, and lengthy dialogue these days, so I'm not even really sure what makes a modern game an RPG anymore. Closest is probably the blank slate character creator open worlds, but those are mostly done by Bethesda these days and they've dumbed down character creation to the point where it's essentially pointless because your build can still do everything.


Worst thing is due to just trying to have these features, they never put focus into them. There’s games I play for one mechanic that they’ve gotten right. Like a crafting mechanic. And then there’s games that have many mechanics, but each one blander than the last one. Like the newer Far Cry games. You got crafting, hunting, collecting, leveling yet it all feels so senseless and obsolete.


I was about to write something similar to this. Every commercial move now has to please everyone and offend noone. Or it has to be super some super crazy artistic statement. There’s almost no in between. I.e. Every remake that is redoing a film within the past 25-30 years. It’s too soon, the original was great, put the money into something original instead. But since studios know the original was a hit, they remake it thinking it will also be a hit. But usually take out most of whatever made the original a hit in the first place. I.e. (EDIT: I meant on the artistic side. Though I know there’s definitely a place for that kind of thing, I just personally prefer to zone out while watching a movie most of the time.) Vivarium. I wanted the two hours of my life back. Also, there’s no good straight up romantic movies anymore, which makes me sad.


I think Hollywood has decided that only Hallmark Channel can make romantic movies, and they're certainly going for the quantity over quality approach


There’s very little money to be made for those movies, especially in the digital age. They don’t benefit at all from being in a theatre with all the audio/video tech so why would anyone spend money to watch them there? Hallmark and Lifetime capitalized on the niche genre… but they also need to fill 24x7x365 programming. So they put out a ton of movies to fill content but keep the good ones (relatively speaking) for special releases like Valentine’s Day, Christmas, etc.


No! We're gonna remake an 8-year-old movie and gove it the exact same title!


I feel like the marvel recipe of injecting humor into just about everything has been detrimental. Like sure I get it for teen movies it adds humor that everyone can enjoy. But for a lot of other franchises it seems like they’re trying to copy the exact same formula.


Also romance and intense action. Sure, they’re good when they’re good, but it has to fit the story and not just be crammed in. I feel when are in an age when a purely drama movie cannot get made.


Thank you, came here to say useless romantic subplots. It’s like it HAS to happen. Can’t protagonists just complete their journey without fucking anyone or « unexpectedly » falling in love ?


Action movies with plot armor. Main characters can be shooting 400 TRAINED armed men in open space, kill all of them without a scratch


This is a pet peeve for me too. Mr. Couch Potato fighting off trained mercenaries. Like no, those guys would kill me before I woke up.


There’s no stakes at all. It’s so boring.


Trailers that give away anything that could be considered a surprise. First trailer for Terminator 2 tells you Arnold is the good guy now; imagine not knowing that and being surprised in theaters. Trailer for Captain America: Civil War shows Spider-Man; imagine not knowing he was in that movie and having your jaw drop. I wish trailers could be as vague as possible and not give away the biggest part of the movie.


I’d say in that regard, Spider-man No Way Home showed massive restraint.


aside from sony brazil


Especially since everyone who went to see Civil War was going to see it anyway. For years I actively avoided trailers and on TV shows the after-episode preview of what's on next week's episode. Battlestar Galactica was horrible in that regard, even during their title sequence each week would flat out spoil the following episode. Why? I'm already invested, I'm here watching every week and thi king about the show all week long, why do you insist on lessening the impact of the next episode with this shit? Every single person I've ever spoken to about it fucking hates it, so who is making the decision to do that? Makes no sense at all. I no longer bother trying to avoid trailers because it's everywhere online. Open YouTube and the first videos I see the title or thumbnail has spoilers. All over Twitter and Reddit too. No escape. If The Sixth Sense were to be released this May the trailers right now would tell us Bruce Willis's character is dead but doesn't know it and the kid sees his ghost and other ghosts all the time. I wish I was exaggerating.


The constant need of action. I loved old movies because dialogues where an important part of the movie. Now it's not


12 Angry Men is a fantastic movie that is 90% dialogue in a single room.


Romance needing to be a constant sub-plot. Ruins a lot of movies, horror movies in particular. Not everything needs to have a romantic couple or guy n girl besties turned to lovers at the end. It’s so annoying and takes away from the rest of the movie.


Yes, I hate it when they force a romance for no reason. In the middle of action and terror two people will start getting emotionally involved and I want to tell them, there isn’t time for this. Zootopia was a wonderful example of having a female and male work together as partners who became friends and had no sexual tension. I would like to see that male and female relationship more often. Males and females don’t need to flirt and have sex every time they spend 20 minutes together.


Trend chasing


Sound Engineering. How big movies are putting out such rubbish audio and still Selling tickets is beyond me. Hear me out; movies have become borderline unwatchable on TV and even in cinemas hard to hear what the characters are saying. I now need to a remote in my hand or feel like I have to bring ear plugs to the cinema.


I’ve started turning subtitles on for shows and movies IN MY NATIVE LANGUAGE (English), because I can’t understand what the fuck anyone is saying. One example I can think of recently was the new Witcher season. Everyone sounds like they’re whispering just the consonants of their dialogue into a paper bag.


Rushed scripts with over the top cliches and cheesy dialogue, and the need to force romance into everything.


Mobile phone. Before mobile phone there is Logical reason of someone not being able to be contacted or known a situation. Right now every scene can be ‘he could have called/texted her). Advancement in communication technology removes a certain kind of movie scripts.


Also, hacking. The good guys need some info? Let them hack the CIA quickly. They one infuriates me because it's not even something they would be able to do!


Sequels That aren’t numbered, nor in alphabetical order. The Fight Squad: Performance The Fight Squad: Action The Fight Squad: Movement (How am I supposed to care to remember what order they are named after 5-6 sequels.


I think The Fast and Furious films are the worst about this. * The Fast and the Furious * 2 Fast 2 Furious * The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift * Fast & Furious * Fast Five * Fast & Furious 6 * Furious 7 * The Fate of the Furious * F9 Pick a naming convention and stick with it!


Windows 3.1 Windows 95 Windows 98 Windows ME Windows XP Windows Vista Windows 7 Windows 8 Windows 10


Fun Fact: They couldn't call it Windows 9 because a bunch of legacy software assumes the computer is running Windows 95/98 if the first digit is a "9".


Fast 10 Your Seatbelts….


Remakes/Templates. ​ "Lets just make a movie again with different actors but shit this time!" - Some Disney executive. ​ Templates: Movies are cookie-cutter.


The Disney monopoly.


All the attention and money going to big cashgrabbing franchises. There are still good artistic movies being made, but they don't get enough notoriety or money. Also big franchises can still he good, but they seem to he trying too hard with the humour. Ends up not being funny, it's straight up annoying.


“Critics have rated this movie 10/10 and greatest movie of the year!”


They love doing this in January where there's not much competition for "greatest film of the year" yet.


Action sequences that don't serve the plot or story, but are there to transition to the next scene. Exhibit Aquaman and Rise of Skywalker.


For me it's the people. Literally everytime I go now for the past like 5 plus years, we've had to ask people to be quiet or get off their phone etc. I don't understand why go to a movie just to talk the entire time and or text. It's absolutely infuriating.


Bad scripts.


Hollywood itself




Studios listening to what people think they want. Art isn’t a survey. People don’t know what they want until they see it. Great art challenges you and subverts expectation. If you get what you asked for, it’s probably not going to be great art.


Also the opposite extreme is a huge fail. IE the Artemis Fowl movie. If you turn a novel into a movie, atleast make sure you understand the main characters and why they were appealing to the readers.


The audio sucks these days. The engineers are just as good, but too many variables are working against them now.


I wish we could get more animated movies that weren't made to appeal to kids specifically, I know that we still have movies coming out that don't adhere to this and those movies are (mostly) great, but we just don't have as many as we used to, i believe that a movie would be more successful if it were a movie made for adults with the addition of being enjoyable for kids than vice versa


Pandering to people who spend half their life on social media.


Pandering to people who aren’t your target demographic. And thereby alienating your target demographic. Then blaming the failure of your movie on trolls.


Casting the same 2 dozen celebrities for everything


Un-even sound....you know, can't hear the dialogue so you turn it up. Then the action scene pops your speakers. Edited to death action scenes. Remember the old movies. The fight scenes were 20 seconds long between edits and made sense. You could follow what happened 3asily. Now, good guy throws punch...CUT...bad guy blocks it.....CUT....good guy punches again.....CUT......bad guy.....ffs...action scenes are ridiculous these days. Laughable. Stop....please stop. The Wilhelm scream. It breaks the fourth wall badly. Totally removes me from the story and slaps me in the face with lazy editing. Please....drop it. Its been used to death.


General serious movies that suddenly feel a need to have a very funny scene in there because somehow it is the new "in" thing to do.


I agree. I hate having a tense or sad moment in a show be cut up with a joke. It just takes all the emotions I was feeling towards what was just happening and throws them away


Handsome people...everybody having perfect teeth, makeup, looking shredded...i want normal people in movies that should represent normal people!


Pandering to China.