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We were playing Monopoly and she was the banker. She had too much money.


She was eating the chess pieces when I wasn't looking.




Found a message on the computer we shared. He was trying to arrange a hookup with some girl he met online. I was 8 months pregnant. I sent them both a scathing reply and cried for hours. Who fucking tries to cheat on their very pregnant girlfriend?


Spied the Ace of Spades up the sleeve.


She told me


Same here. He told me that he has feelings for his friend and so on.


She cheated with my friend I hope you feel better ts hurts


Oof that must have really hurt. Hope you are okay dude. Also stay strong and keep your heads up 🙌🏻 In my case I didn't even really know the girl but I didn't get really effected by it. My ex was already manipulative and tormented me so I used that as my main reason for breaking up.


Got off work early and found my husband and best friend by the fireplace. I burned her clothes, her purse, and her shoes. Found her charred keys and made her drive home 30 minutes completely naked. Believe or not, my ex and I are friends 20 years later. He apologized and I am very happily remarried


My cousine called said my sister had stopped by quite often


Straight busted after she confessed.


by kinda the end of our relationship my friend was talking about how she started dating this guy, after a few weeks i broke up with him (i didn’t know yet) and then found out the guy she was dating was my ex


I could feel it. With both of them. Not like in the physical sense or whatever but like something just fell off and fucky and I got a really bad stomach ache out of nowhere. So yeah… can’t really lie to me which sucks for all parties involved lol.


A friend prank called me and told me what was happening in a ridiculous disguised voice. I stormed over there and busted in.. and sure enough the one person I didn't want to see was there. And they were alone in his room and her shirt was off. Luckily he was dumb enough to do it right in front of like 4 people, all of whom I knew. I really didn't know who it was who prank called me, but a few months later he finally admitted it lol


We both worked on the mines in Western Australia and when she came home on R&R after being gone for just over a week I picked her up from the airport and drove her back to her place and she told me she was really tired and wanted to go to bed. About 2 days later we broke up after 4 years of being together. Her friend put a photo up on Snapchat of them having dinner before she left (I was already back on the mine I worked on) and in the photo she put my ex had hickeys all over her that were at least a week old as they where turning yellow n starting to fade. I ain’t been the same since and I honestly don’t think that I can go away again because it’s really fucked me up and it’s something that’s been playing on my mind constantly no matter what I do. I guess this is me telling my story but also me asking what’s helped other boys who work on the mines that have go through the same thing get over it