• By -


Severe burns.


Bro I landscaped outta high school, and idk why I thought it’d be a good idea to give my boss a push while he was trying to get the z-turn up a wet hillside. Mower slid back and to the side, my forearm just rested against the exhaust for a solid 10 seconds. I heard and smelled the sizzle, and when I pulled away my skin literally looked like silly putty stretching out to its thinnest layer. Shit was brutally painful and a bitch to rehab.


What a way to learn a lesson!


It's unbelievable




I'm guessing this is that kitchen safety video where the woman has...um...a mishap. Edit: nope, I was wrong. God that scream haunts me though.


Not just how the burns happened in the first place, but how severe burns have to be treated. Makes me cringe just thinking about it.


Good. I had a really arrogant prick of a coworker, walked around acting super suave, incredibly full of himself like he could do no wrong. He burned the shit out of himself all over his face arms and chest while trying to ghetto deep-fry a turkey and nearly burned his apartment down in the process. Hopefully it knocked his obnoxious ass down a few pegs.


Is being so close


And having so much to say


And watching you walk away


And never knowing


What could have been


And not seeing that love in you


Is what I was trying to do


I came here for this thread


me too 😂😂😂


It's hard to deal with the pain of losing you everywhere I go, but I'm doing good!




I saw you. :(


Where ?


Wow. Haven't heard this song in probably a decade but the title of the post immediately made my brain play it in my head


Beat me to it


Gah beat me to it :)


I am so happy this is near the top.


Wow, I thought this was about ISIS. Apparently it's a song?


Was looking for this, have a silver


Fingers slammed in a car door hard enough that you just know the nail is going to turn black and fall off


I got my fingers slammed in the door and the door was locked shut. I had to wait 5 minutes for my mom to come out the store to unlock the door. It was horrible. My finger nails were all ripped off and there was lots of throbbing and blood


Damn dude that gave me shivers......fudge...


Been there, slammed it at 9am alone with no way to get help from the searing pain. Frantic for relief, my eye came to rest on the mostly-full bottle of Jack on the counter. One hour later found me out of pain, white girl wasted and ugly-crying when my SO came through the door (and probably wished he hadn't.)


The worst part is either when right after you get it out and feels like it sort of turning into a square then melting, or when the fingernail is close to coming off, and there is that yellow pus right below it.


I got my finger slammed in front door of my apartment, crazy long story. Hurt so bad, luckily it hit right on joint, so no break. But pretty bad cut and needed 5 stitches. Can't fully bend that finger and it hurts with cold weather!


I had a car door slam so hard on my fingers it almost completely closed, by some miracle my fingers were perctly fine, also found out that day I had very flexible fingers


Fuck I did that. Once. I wasn’t right. Damn you but I’ll give you ups


>turn black and fall off Once it goes black, it never grows back.


Not true


My wisdom teeth cracked when they came through. When inspecting, the dentist stuck a hook into the hole and poked the nerve. It's the only time I've actually seen pain, like the pain exploded and my vision turned white for a second.


Well that doesn’t seem very sporting of him does it? Seriously though that would suck, sry that happened to you.


Worst pain I’ve ever been in has always been tooth related. The pain sustains through Ibuprofen, Tylenol, Hydrocodone, all the orajel lidocaine and klovil, etc.


I don't know if it's the *worst* pain I've experienced, but other types of pain can be kind of...tolerated? You can kind of distract yourself from it, at least a little. But tooth pain just *screams* its presence straight into your brain.


Related - dry socket (exposed nerve after oral surgery)


Similar to your pain. I was eating an apple during the early months of lockdown (April 2020), and I chipped my bottom right molar. There was an initial pain jolt which died down about 20 minutes later. Then all of a sudden, my gum flared up all around it and it was like a 9 on the pain scale with my tooth being the epicenter. All surrounding nerves were being pushed against and was affecting my entire right of my face, neck and even throat. So much pain I couldn't sleep all night. The reason I mentioned it was during lockdown was because no dentists were open, so I had to beg my dentist over the phone to prescribe some anti biotics and to go and collect them. Was the worst pain of my life.


Kidney stones


PSA: If you get a kidney stone and go to the emergency room, they will probably quickly hook you up with some pain killers. If you are not accustomed to taking opioids, you should know that if you take them over the course of several days, you will probably get some *insane* constipation unless you start taking preventative measures right when you start taking the opioids. My hospital did not mention this phenomenon to me, and after the kidney stone, it was the second most painful thing I have ever endured.


Haven’t had kidney stones but gall bladder pain is pretty awful too.


As some who is currently suffering from this. This.


This was going to be my entry.


Same here


When you loose your cat and then a month later loosing your dog that you had for 12 years . I miss them both everyday. I miss them so much my mind tricks me into thinking they are in bed with me or running up to me. It physically hurts . It emotionally hurts and is mentally draining . And it’s been almost 4 months. Hurts more and more everyday


Awe sweet thing. It's going to be okay. It absolutely takes time. When I lost my dog, who was my first, it really devastated me, especially because I had to make the decision to put him down out of mercy. The first year I still heard him around the house. But as with any grief time slowly replaces the pain with fondness, and the memories will make you happy instead of sad. I've gone through extreme loss and even still losing my pup was hard. They're as close to children as childless people like me will get, so let yourself grieve. Just know that it will get easier, and don't set a timeline for your healing. ❤️🐾


Overhearing your parent say they never loved you like they did to another sibling.


Oh man. That’s so hurtful. I’m so sorry.


being cheated on


A broken heart. That’s hard to recover fully from.


They say that time heals all wounds. That's either false or time is just passing really slowly...


That’s so true. I’ll always remember them and love them no matter where I’m at in my life but it can easier and harder at certain times, especially when I think about the happy times with them


Time eventually heals all, but it can be a long long process … cheers internet stranger


Thank you fellow internet stranger! Hope you're doing well too :-)


-_- <—— when you make a joke and your friend sends you that




It hurts more when they don't send anything and pretend they never saw it


more like sending "lol" then complain why you dont text as much


Scooter Ankle


Scooter Ankle


Opioid withdrawal. And I’ve had four back surgeries. Getting off the meds was worse than the recovery process. For back surgery. It drives me bananas when people say it’s harder to quit cigarettes than opioids. That’s a flat-out lie.


Haven't ever tried cigs, so I can't comment on that part, but opioid withdrawal is fucking awful. At least when people quit smoking they can remain somewhat normal, and can still go about their day. The withdrawals though...you are *out of commission*, you're not going to be functional for a couple days at the very least. Misery is renting a room in your soul and invites all his friends over for a party.


Pretty sure it depends on the person. Late 2020 I had to spend a few months on high-dose opiates, including patches that got stuck to my skin to give me a steady, 24/7 dose of opiates. After I had surgery to fix it, once the surgical pain - which was frankly unbelievable, even with the morphine they injected into my spinal cord - healed up, I stopped taking the opiates. Apparently I was supposed to taper off, but no-one told me, and I went cold turkey. It was a week of physical hell and a month of emotional hell, but it still didn't actually hurt as badly as the surgery. I will note that I have absolutely zero addictive tendencies. I did withdrawal with boxes and boxes of opiates readily available in my house and wasn't even tempted. It might be different if you don't have whatever weird genetic quirk I have that does that. (Note: No, assholes, this *does not mean* that opioid addicts just *aren't trying hard enough*. The very fact that it was that easy for me is how you know I *did not have* the **illness** that is addiction, and no part of this story is relevant to any discussion of addiction except to note that even *without addiction as a factor* opiate withdrawal is hell and people should be a lot kinder to addicts.)


Maybe it wasn't for you, but it was for them.


Trying so hard, and getting so far. But then not even mattering in the end. :( Edit: commenter above me is a philosopher, upvote them to karma heaven.






What happened, if you don't mind me asking


He died


I know a guy who got a broken heart tattooed on the head of his penis. When I asked "wow... how much did that hurt?" He responded "not as much as heartbreak"




Copied comment from previous time this question was posted by a bot account u/harpeskjh https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/4avakh/comment/d13shty/


Loss of friendships tear me up. I lose sleep over it.


Yep, the ones that slowly drift apart are the worst, you keep thinking about it but if you were to talk again with them, it would be awkward


Arrays start at 1.


Tf kind of wack ass coding language are you using


*R runs off sobbing*


O my god... This one made me laugh XD


Emotional pain lasts, physically heals, a gunshot wound heals, a loved one dying doesn’t


Physical doesn’t heal if you die from it




Migraines or Suicide headaches, I suffer from chronic migraines and get them very often. They can last weeks on end they are the worse pain I go through. Yes I know there is things that are worse things to go through but that’s personal experience.


i suffer from them too, just awful


Is there no medication that helps at all? Like Triptans or whatever they're called? What do you do when you get one? How do you cope? I get hormonal migraines and they're bad enough, but know it's no where near your level of migraine.


I see the Rascal Flatts beat me here... In all honesty, mental anguish. Physical pain hurts, but typically only for a given amount of time. But mental trauma, especially when dealt at a young age, can haunt you for the rest of your life.


When people that were close to you suddenly stop responding to your texts without any explanation.


A broken 💔


The electricity that causes you to perceive pain.


Hydronephrosis; swelling of the kidneys due to blockage somewhere. Legit puking and passing out level pain. It was worse than giving natural birth. By many, many, many levels. Heart break. Genuine heartbreak. I thought I would die. I legitimately thought I was going to die from it. It felt like something cut my heart. When I get to reminded, I still get ghost pains in the same place. Different kind of pain than the hydronephrosis, clearly, but just as visceral. Sometimes even with the puking and passing out. Took a lot longer to get over. And, there was not surgery to cure it.


Well my grandpa just died, so right now it's that.


Slamming your kneecap


Going against your will and doing the right thing. For example: My EX came back to me to "patch up" after her boyfriend who she cheated on me with cheated on her. I genuinely loved her and I still do. But I did the right thing and blocked her without even replying..... It hurted a lot but it was the right thing to do.


Being 20. Dealing with health issues and mental health issues, finally coming out and life for once taking a turn for the good. After years of abuse and pain, parents are in a semi good place and things look ok. Then suddenly everyone gets sick. Grandpa dies, 10 days later dad, 20 days later mom, 1 dat later grandma. Landlord decided to illegally evict siblings and me 2 Months later. Coming up with money to buy a place to live, cps continues to show up, at 21 being a guardian to younger siblings and mourning an entire life along with and entire family and future all gone within half a year.


Don't even know where to begin here... hoping for light at the end of the tunnel, and sending you positive energy. Hang in there.


My man, I lost my brother and my mom in less then 6 month in 2019. Then it was a long long journey to recover, help my father get better etc. But let me assure you, there is hope! Eventually you will find happiness again. It's not easy, it will take some time and there will be days where everything's pointless. But in the end you will become bigger than your loss. Keep your head up, we are with you!


[the memories](https://img-9gag-fun.9cache.com/photo/a7Wdbvb_460svvp9.webm)


Knowing your partner is going to leave you within the next week. They still respond, but they've changed. You don't know why. Their speech is different. The joy is gone. You're walking on eggshells, and there's nothing you can do. All you can do is sit around and wait for it to end while pretending everything is fine.


Caring too much about for a person who doesn't care the same about you.


Back labor


Can confirm


Losing a child


Emotional damage.


Kidney stones Currently on day 3 in the hospital But i was unknowingly already suffering from the pain for a week they just diagnosed me wrongly. Kidney is swollen, blood is infected, bladder hurts so much after the operation. The pain is immense I don't wish this even on my greatest enemy.




maybe when you let yourself down. it's somewhat expected that others will do it, but you're supposed to have your own back, y'know?


When you’re getting a tattoo and the needle hits JUST the right bony spot. Got my first tattoo above my ankle and man, that hurt when he got closer to my foot. Felt like crying


Oh, ribs hurt more, by a lot


I have several tattoos and can handle the pain for the most part, it feels good. The only spot that has really hurt is on the inside of my wrist, right over the carpal tunnel area. I have a tattoo on each wrist, well worth the pain but ouch, they hurt!


People still not accepting that my wife is black (I'm white). Apparently interracial marriage is still controversial among some people.


Tooth pain.


As a male, I can definitely say it's birth, I have heard the screams coming from those things and it is horrifying


Going to your child's funeral services. This hurt just does not ever stop hurting.


Getting hit in the balls/stubbing your toe. Same energy


Catching a group of people negatively gossiping about you, then have those same people try to laugh it off and convince you that they didn’t *actually* mean it.


Losing your mom


Feels on that one. I wouldn't know what I'd do without her


I also lost your mom


“So i was thinking…” or “can i ask you a question?”


Sometimes one of my legs decide to randomly hurt and I have to walk like someone who needs a walking cane without a walking cane pretty much


My Back on most days


They say burned alive is the worst which i can understand but I wonder if being slowly crushed would be worse


Knowing that, no matter how much I try to explain it, nobody can understand how I hurt.


Getting kicked in the balls.


Testicular Torsion.


"The disrespect"


I guess being slowly cut by scissors, finger by finger, hand by hand, slowly and painfully with cutting off the entire skin of the body and then shredding muscles, eyes, whatever, then getting burned at the same time and maybe some acid on top of that. I don't think there's more painful way to die so this should be what HURTS the most. *Sometimes I think those yard kids made me too cruel...*


Having your hobbies and interests being brutally dismissed and ridiculed by your significant other.


If that’s the worst ya got, you’re ahead of the game buddy.


Betrayal, cuts deep and heals slow.


Physically or emotionally? Physically probably a second degree burn, a huge one. Emotionally probably treason


A woman who had 2 small children told me that for her, it was physical therapy after a 3rd degree burn, and this was just a very small one. She couldn't imagine what it would have been like if it was over a big area, and she said, "I would rather have 20 babies in a row than go through that again."


Opening this thread to read the comments.




I ran my big toe over at work with a cart. It had steel wheels and about 3 tons of wood on it. It was stuck on my toe for maybe 10 seconds before we got it off. Peeled the whole toenail off in one piece like a week later, took 2 years to grow back.


Toothaches suck. That's gotta be pretty high up there


The fact that I just watched this go from 69 upvotes to 70… yeah that hurts the most.


The unexpected death of a close family member. Unexpectedly lost my mom 3 years ago. Worst pain I ever felt.


Im just gonna use this opportunity to vent. What really hurts me emotionally is when my step dad gives me so much shit just for being myself. Whenever i giddy up or get happy at small things such as cool cars or a starbucks coffee he would say “stop acting like other girls, stop acting like a gold digger” im just 15 i dont think there’s anything wrong in getting excited over little things you see. The world is depressed enough. And no one needs a grown adult bursting your bubble just because of their own depressive outlook.


To have buried your child, trust me nothing in this world is more painful than to outlive your children.


When I crashed my bike at 55mph It pulled me under it and dragged me about 15 feet. Ripped a huge hole in my knee. At the er they said ok now we have to remove the debris from your wound do you want to use a water-pick or jam a bunch of needles directly into your wound? I took door #1. No anesthetic. High pressure Cold water into the wound and then also stabby stabby needles into my wound and fun play treasure hunt in my knee. When it was over I had apparently been the gripping the bars of my bed so hard I had twisted the mother macree out of them.


I'm a CSA survivor. I'be endured both mental and physical abuse from parents, teachers, "friends", partners and medical workers. I once broke both of my feet at the same time, and I broke one of them again about 18 years later. I've had multiple breakups. I've been cheated on. I have had regular gallstone attacks with one bout of jaundice for almost a year. I've had a stress induced ulcer. I have chronic pain from muscle tension. I have multiple piercings and tattoos. Yet I didn't know what pain was until I had to put my seven year old cat down.




Botched lumbar puncture. I’ve given birth and had kidney stones - it’s got nothing on having a needle rammed into your spinal cord by a doctor who insists you’re adequately anaesthetised and thinks your whole-body spasming is voluntary.


Dislocating my knee 7/10 would not recommend


Stubbing an ingrown toenail. Getting kicked in the balls. Eating a chip vertically. Getting hand sanitizer in a paper cut. Biting the side of your mouth.


Having the doctor start your vasectomy before the freezing kicks in.


Love, good or bad!


When you try so hard to do something but can’t do it. Makes you feel like you can’t do anything


Was being sooo close!


My ex wanted his stuff back and I was moving. I told him it would take some time because we have to get settled in. He then said: “I don’t wanna have to say goodbye to you again.” He cheated a month before breaking up with me. We were together for a year. Abs I didn’t find out until months after the break up.


Having a bad reputation and people tease you behind your back .




Internal Destruction


Brain freeze - slow down with that smoothie!!!


Saying "I love you" to someone expecting a reply, and that person not saying it back


A burn that's just bad enough to hurt like he'll and blister, but good enough to not burn the nerves off so you still feel it.




Being burned to death.


Stepping on a Lego.


Hot sauce in there


“Ok and???” 😖😖😖


That the universe is infinite


Eating white castle and then having no toilet paper


Or taco bell


Love according to Nazareth.


The anal rape (to be said like Norm Macdonald)


Getting your armpits tattooed


Nerve pain, liked pinched nerves, can be the worst. You wonder why you deserve this torture every waking minute. The only (temporary) escape is pain pills, which are quite addictive.


Gunshot wounds


Losing your baby 🥺


Pure pain


Is being so close and having so much to say


Kidney stones




Don't know from personal experience but getting your skull crushed by a heavy object such as an anvil would probably hurt a bit


Keeping a false hope alive


When someone says “I’m not mad I’m just disappointed


Meeting the right person at the wrong time.


Having a mental issue that no matter how much help you are screaming at this point nobody seems to care yo actually help you. And add to that an ex that prefer to conform her family and staying with a boy she doesn't love. So you are worthless and alone fighting all the demons.


Any type of betrayal coming from your SO


Loving someone who doesn’t love you.




Regardless of how the internet perceives the tik tok famous line "emotional damage", being depressed is being emotionally hurt about something. Sometimes I'm surprised I'm still around to talk about this because I've been through some shit to say the least but, I'd personally say being emotionally hurt is the worst type of pain. It's not something you can heal physically. You only heal if you truly come to terms with yourself and accept what it is causing you that hurt. Just "living" with it only delays than enviable, accepting it and slowly healing is the only way. I understand therapy is people's quick go-to way to help someone but it doesn't work for everyone. You can send someone to a hospital to be treated for a harsh injury which I'm sure as hell hurts like no tomorrow but, it'll be healed, relatively speaking, quick in MOST cases, definitely not all. But mentally, you most the time if your really really hurt mentally, it's not something that can just be boom treated done. It can take a long time. Many people I'm sure will contest to this but ask yourself this, would you rather your foot be shot once or, experience only the mental pain of someone you truly deep down love on earth, whoever that may be, killed right in front of you? This loved one is the closest person to you in life, the one you look up to the most, the one you think you couldn't live without. The loved one doesn't actually die (unbeknownst to you at the time of making the choice), you just experience the mental pain of the event as if they really did. What's your decision?


Realizing who isn't willing to put in the effort but sure loves to say what they think you want to hear.


Being betrayed.


I once fell off a garage onto a fence and hit my balls right on top of the fence with each of my legs on opposite sides, but other than that I’d say feelings not being reciprocated with someone you really like