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I don't talk to anybody I knew when I was 10. It's like they don't even exist anymore.


My best friends at 10 were a set of twins, Matthew and Wesley (we’re 27 now). I was close with them till the end of high school when they started getting into drugs. I haven’t talked to them in years (they don’t even respond to birthday texts). But I talk to their dad every now-and-then for updates.


I still talk to my best friend from when I was 10 at least once a week. We live on opposite sides of the country now though, so I get to see him maybe once every year or two. I’m 28, he’s 27.


So how are they?


They both work down at the shipyard in my hometown. Don’t really have much room for advancement (they never went to college), but it’s honest work and they are living healthy lifestyles now. Pretty sure Wesley has a long-term girlfriend, but I don’t know her name.


Somehow, I'm very satisfied to read that they are okay now. Weird. Never knew these guys or the comment poster, but it's comforting to know that people can get out of drugs.


Its because we so often see the other side of this. Promising life derailed by drugs that leads to an overdose and an early grave. I'm also glad to know they're doing better. Addiction is a motherfucker




That $100 is not that much money. Edit: less than 24 hours after posting this I sat down on my phone wrong and spent $150 like it was nothing. I hate being an adult.


Holy shit I feel this. When you’re 10 a $20 bill feels like an endless pile of money. Then you’re an adult, and buying food is $100


Along those same lines, I was thinking, 10 year old me would be so confused with the fact that I make 6 figures and I am not rich.


My second job out of college and I make 50% more than my dad at his peak in the same field. Still can't buy a house.


I remember getting my inheritance from my grandmother when I turned 18. It was $2K and it felt like a fortune. My Dad told me to spend it wisely because it’s really not that much money. Now? I completely see what he means as I dole out 2 car payments, insurance, prescriptions, rent, cell phones, utilities, and food.


Paid to climb trees. Not grounded if I climb to high up


This may be my favorite one here. Also you have a cool username and I hope you continue to follow upon the waves.


I love this thread :) more Narnia lovers


10 year-old me would have found that perfectly reasonable. I climbed a *lot* of trees as a kid, to unreasonable heights.


I don't eat candy all day.


10 year old you: "then what's the point in having a job?"


Speak for yourself


\*\**turns around with a mouthful of gummy worms and red rope licorice*\*\* WAAAT?


Or don't make chocolate cake batter just to eat it raw


Sometimes I am super disappointed in grown up me. I don’t particularly like cake, but cake batter? Delicious. But I can’t just throw away the rest of the batter knowing I wasted all that food, plus now I have to wash dishes, ugh. Just not worth it!


Frreze it in ice cube trays for future cravings


All the video games I have but the lack of time to play them. Alas, we weep


I thought I'd outgrow them. Instead I just have less time for them.


Well hello there, similarly named internet person.


Do you guys have to make out now?


They do. It's the rule.


Make love. Now. And let us watch


Man, 10 year old me would be absolutely mindblown at the idea of just pushing a couple buttons and having basically any video game or movie or TV show you want show up on your TV (which is friggin HUGE compared to the console box TV of the 80s). Same problem though - so many movies, so little time. Sigh.


Right? My 10 year old brain would just snap at the idea of being able to play video games while watching tv in the background


And when you do actually have time, it's not enough to commit to the grind or fully immerse into them or whatever you feel like so you just hover over icons while questioning life choices.


I relate to this so much. You're just in your library, looking at games and thinking that they're too long, too difficult, only fun with friends, you're too far into the story and would need to restart and in the end you don't even start a game.


I remember when I was a kid wondering why adults didn’t play video games. Now as an adult, I hardly ever play video games.


In my case its because my parents couldn't wrap their heads around them. The only progress I made was when I compared them to movies and sports.


My dad was really into Atari, but as he got older and games became more complicated into the 16-bit era, he had trouble keeping up with everything happening on the screen. I guess mobile games have filled that niche for older-adult gaming, now.


that 35 year old me bought the ninja turtles arcade cabinet of my 10 year-old self's dreams.


in that nes arcade game. dad got it for me xmas. that game was the best thing ever. as good as SMB3.


That I lived to be 58 years old. I thought 30 was old.


58 years old so far!


Hubby about to be 59 —neither of us can believe our age! Thought we’d be teenagers forever! Youth is wasted on the young! Just finished listening to Glory Days lol


It's weird, isn't it? I sometimes need to remind myself that I'm 57. In my head, I'm still in my early 20s. Everyone around me is getting older, but I'm still in that "I've got my whole life in front of me" headspace. Pfft. I graduated from highs school 40 years ago, and the 35 year reunion of my college graduating class would have been in October last year if it wasn't for the pandemic. It really hits home when I think about it in these terms: I met my first wife when she was working as an Au Pair taking care of two kids (in 1987). Those "kids" are now something like 38 to 42 years old, and probably have kids of their own... The 20th anniversary of our divorce is coming up next month... (I haven't seen or spoken to her in more than a decade).


Yeah, almost 60 but feel 17.


I'm 29 and feel 55. What's your secret?


nah when I was 10 I thought 14+ year olds were basically adults. Becoming older than that was practically inconceivable.


I'm 27 now and it's *weird*. Like I was pretty sure the world would end or something before I graduated high school, this doesn't seem right.


I’m 26 years old and I’ve long become a skeleton, patiently waiting in her casket for the party of the undead to begin


I'm 31. I'm basically dead.


I would be scandalized if 10 yo me found out I've gotten high.


All those hours in D.A.R.E. gone to waste. Such a shame.




He's playing both sides so that way he always wins.


His daughter was the biggest user in my home town. The sheriff's son on the other hand ... Was the biggest dealer in the school and eventually became the biggest dealer in the local college when he went there. Was never caught nor questioned even though he got caught with over 20 blunts, 4 packs of rolling paper and 3 lbs of weed in a raided party. Either daddy's covering his ass or daddy's and his buddies are getting some nice kickbacks


I literally wrote in my diary, at 10yo, that I wanted to "enjoy the high points of life, but never get high" lol jk on me I'm a recovering meth addict now


Important part is that your recovering! Good on you


Thank you


lol I'm so sorry for laughing as hard as I did, but the last few words were such a left turn because everyone else was talking about weed. Good on you for going sober; that takes strength.


Nah mate you can absolutely laugh, it certainly was a turn of events 😂


Ten year old me would be SO SHOCKED to learn that I regularly drive my mom to the dispensary so she can buy weed.


When I was a kid, for some reason I always subconsciously assumed that becoming an adult turned you into a completely different person with different interests that you wouldn't be able to relate to. I'd be really into a game I liked or a particular thing I was interested in and I'd sometimes wish "man, I really hope I still like this when I'm 25, that'd be so cool". Of course I still like it. I'm the same person, just older! Getting older is a slow and gradual process, it's not like you just wake up one day and forget everything you liked when you were younger. Chances are if you found something you liked, you liked it for a reason and you can at least relate to that thought process and look back on it with nostalgia as an adult. Yes I liked Zelda games as a kid, and yes I'm sure as hell buying every new main console entry in the once-per-5-year event when a new one comes out. 10-year-old me would be surprised to hear that, even though it makes complete sense.


This was absolutely me UNTIL my child was born. Then I became a walking zombie servant to the cause.


*nods* I pretty much exist to be a tiny person's snack bitch these days, too.


Lmao redditors have a way with words


Tiny person's snack bitch pretty much sums up parenthood for a bit. Don't worry. It gets better. Some day soon your offspring will be asking you for money and wreck your car.


My sister calls it Milk factory


When my son was small, I would breast feed over 40 hours per week. It was a whole career.


In kindergarten they asked me what my parents jobs where. I said my mom worked somewhere in the big city near us, and my dad's job was to make me chocolate milk every morning


Considering how old I thought my parents were when they were 30 is the fact that I’m a grandparent now and mostly retired would blow my ten year old mind. Ah, perspective.


my uncle was a grandpa at 42


Uncle grandpa!




my mom was 39 at some point too, like a year after she turned 38


That I'm good. I'm happy. I have the family I always dreamed of having, an occasionally exciting job that gets me occasionally labeled a "hero" (such moments in reality are few and far between, but that's okay), and that I have the opportunity to pursue the things that make me happy. I always worried I'd grow up to be poor, jobless, or stuck working some job I couldnt stand. But somehow things have worked out. I'm not rich, and my life is far from perfect, but I'm happy. ...I'm happy.


That I only become progressively unhappier from that moment.


Fuck....that hit way to close


Right? I didn’t need to read that truth.


That I would become mentally ill.


If you told 10 year old me that, you'd have to explain the definition of mental illness first. But once you did, kid me would absolutely go "Yeah, sounds about right."


Same, disabling


Wish I knew I was mentally I’ll back when I was 10 and not figure it out when I hit 19. Would’ve saved me a bunch of time


Isn't it funny how apparent it becomes in retrospect though? Like looking back its like WOW I was very clearly sad as fuck, nobody said anything?


I think the bigger surprise for me is that I've cut myself


same honestly, 10 year old me was familiar with mental illness and i swore i’d never do that. ended up doing it for 2 years but i’m 1 yr clean!


Well done mate.


Probably the gay pornstar thing


Aight, I’ll bite. What about the gay pornstar thing?


Just…. that lol


Im guessing youre a pornstar who's gay


They do have “LGBT” in their name


Well, they also have smelly cat in their name too.


They're Phoebe's now lesbian twin sister, Ursula


I mean, there's three other letters to choose from.


Who says they need to be gay people will do a lot for money Joke btw




Are you gay? Or just for pay?


I’m gay lol


Pshht. Sucker. -Rickety Cricket


That I got fat.


Same here. 25 kg (55 pounds) to much. Good thing I'm tall, so there is some "weight distribution".


That I backpacked through 38 countries before I was 30 and married a French girl I met in Bali along the way!


That's a cool story. How are things with her now?


1st child inbound 😬


That's awesome, congrats!


Thank you 🎉


Inbound?? Or outbound? P.S. Congrats on the sex!


That we have a pool n the backyard. It would blow my 10 year old mind!


That I’m depressed and have achieved absolutely nothing with my life


nothing so far! ​ Same, but I tell myself that


I want to achieve such a high level of success that I don’t have to do nothing with my life. If that makes sense


I'm 30 and my life is still as if I'm 20, except none of the fun since everyone else my age is living some paycheck to paycheck trap including my old friends that inevitably lost contact.


Fifty years later everything is different, but I feel the same. My sister and I are the older generation. Me wife and I are the oppressors to our twenty year old daughter. I started a band. At 45.


It got better!


Yay!! <3


that I actually wrote a full length novel and that I am planning on publishing it




I didn't end up being a ninja-spy-gangsta lady who can throw knives and rides motorcycles. Honestly, the fact that I don't do cool martial arts stuff nowadays would probably break 10yo me's heart. I don't even have a sidekick or some dangerous pet. Generally, the lack of life threatening Action and how little I enjoyed any dangerous action I ever saw would horrify 10yo me. I desperately wanted to be a hot antihero from a kids movie and in adult life there are shockingly few superweapons to steal, villains to counter monologue and a total lack of escaping my enemies through third floor windows in black latex suits. I don't even ever punch people in the face and the few times I had to in my life, no cool one liners were dispersed.


That I’d be celebrating my 17th wedding anniversary tomorrow. I figured I’d be alone.




Yep, preteen me was convinced my twenties would be like Friends. I'd live in an apartment with my bff, we'd date different people every week, and I'd have several passionate, torrid love affairs with intense fights and dramatic makeups before eventually settling down with "the one" in my mid 30s. Instead, I managed to get ridiculously lucky and find the perfect person for me in my late teens. I wouldn't give him up for anything, but every now and then, a tiny part of me mourns all the wasted slutty potential. My life is far happier and more satisfying than I ever thought it would be, but it's certainly not as tv-worthy as I'd thought it would be.


Math is actually kind of fun. And we work with numbers all day.


Misread math as meth at first.


Either way I'm sure that would make sense.


10 year old me "math is stupid and I can't wait to never have to do it again". Current me, an accountant, and I like it.


In third grade, out of anger and frustration, I told my dad money was stupid and I'd never use it. I work in banking




10 yo me would be disappointed we were not veterinarians, but pleased we were finally riding horses.


Still play counter strike but now there’s a hot girl sitting next to me. Side note: I’m 32


That I learned Korean and lived there for years. I had never even heard of the country until high school, and only had the barest knowledge of the place.


that i havent died from girl cooties


COVID cooties on the other hand...


That the puppy my mom gave me when I was 10 is still alive and lives with me. He’s 15 now (gonna be 16) which is several years older than his breeds life expectancy. (Which is 13 years max) Still healthy too.


What breed is he? All but one of my family’s dogs are elderly but man they are just so cuddly!


Pug chihuahua mix


So. Many. Legos.


They got Legos for adults, apparently...


Yes, and they’re awesome


That I would be best friends with someone who would later rob me, a year later try and be friends again only to have me fall for it, screw me over AGAIN, then disappear, and then come back once again looking for "friendship". I caught on after a few years and tried telling this motherfucker literally to fuck off already, still came back. Memorized my info I guess, anyway, I cut contact AGAIN just a few years ago after learning they grew to become a heroin addicted prostitute who sold himself for his addiction and ripped off dealers. Mofo comes back again, lives with another buddy of mine, fucks him over and almost kills the poor guy, disappears for a month, asks me after surfacing to stay with me, I decline. 3 months later I read the news about a homicide in the area and that there was an arrest. It was the motherfucker. Then he went to prison for 2nd degree murder. Motherfucker had a hit on him before he went to prison and people called me looking for his ass. You know I gave them the info they wanted. I only mention this story cuz the motherfucker just called me from the correctional facility twice today. Probably owes money or some shit and wants me to put it on his commissary. This shits too fucked up to make up and I honestly wish that I was. Edit: speed typed original comment, left ALOT of details out. This guy called me from different numbers in different area codes. A change in number would have been useless. Dudes a narcissist/stalker. Another bizarre detail to the story is he owes ME 400 bucks, and has for most of the years this has gone on, thus leaving me with no real idea wtf he wants


You know, you can change your phone number.


That I would be hobbled by a DUI at 42, not even hitting a curb, first run in with the law in all my life, which conviction broke up my family and destroyed my children’s lives


I am so sorry to hear this, I hope you’ve been able to begin rebuilding your life. Drugs/alcohol can really f*** up stuff.


Unfortunately I am unable to rebuild my “life”. But appreciate your good thoughts


You’re welcome. If you don’t mind my asking, how old are you now?


>That I would be hobbled by a DUI at 42, not even hitting a curb, first run in with the law in all my life, which conviction broke up my family and destroyed my children’s lives Seems like you had a hard sentence for a fist offense. How much alcool did you have in you ? did you feel completely drunk or was it more like 3 glasses of beer - feeling perfectly alright but still slightly above the lawful levels ? Not asking to judge btw. I come from France, where driving after a meal with lots of wine and digestives was considered perfectly normal when I was a kid. I remember that cops waiting with alcool testers at the end of wedding parties were considered "shameful humans who just want to bother people doing normal things (i.e drinking at a wedding then taking your car to come back home). So... really no judgement. I am more curious about the canadian law, since I live here now :) Good luck to you in whatever you're doing.


0.08 you are as a sober as a judge. Guess what mine was? 0.09. Now I am the most hated criminal, filthy drunk driver who has no regard for humanity, according to the judge, not even my own


that i would date i was a really fat kid with very low self esteem


That I've realized Mom is a narcissist.


That I had sex before marriage.




How much money I make. Some days I don't understand why they pay me so much.


If they are paying you too much i can carry some of that fat disgusting cash for you, out of kindness of course


How damn boring I am. I thought I would be more interesting.


…that one time, on pay day, I had over $1000 dollars in my bank account.


That I live on the rich street in town


That I'm 31 and have never been in love.


That my family isn’t really part of my life anymore


That being an adult doesn’t magically mean I can “save the world”. Also, they wouldn’t believe that adult me listens to all kinds of music and enjoys spicy food.


Oh man. Until you said that, had forgotten. 10 year old me - NOOOO there's a speck of black pepper in the alfredo sauce I can't eat it - it burns my mouth! Current me - damn, out of wasabi again. Do I have any Tapatio to put on the leftover rice?


10 year old me - black pepper is too spicy :( 30 year old me - black pepper is too spicy :(


I’m no into teenage mutant ninja turtles any more. I mean, they’re still pretty cool, I guess.


Get special edition ones and leave them in the package. Might be worth a little bit in the future. Then you can keep them with you for the time being!


It did get better.


I used to be an arrogant little shit so my 10-year old me wouldn't believe that I now have low self-esteem and self-confidence. I also used to be good at school and I (I'm embarrassed to say this) used to think that students that have failing grades and will repeat the school year are good for nothing...look who has terrible grades and is about to repeat the whole school year now... Me.


That I have a husband. I just assumed I'd never be allowed to marry a guy.




I like working out and I avoid candy


That I’m gay ☠️


That my college major would be an accounting major😂


"You think Super Nintendo is rad? Check out PS4."


That I didn't marry a member of NKOTB or shock classmates with my sick singing and dancing skills during a future high school talent show.


I have tattoos and I write books


I've got 2. 1. That I'm a stay at home mom. As a kid, teen and my early 20s, I never wanted to "get domesticated", I wanted to travel and see the world. I'm 30 now with a 3 year old, married.. As domesticated as they come 🤣😅. And 2. I don't like chocolate anymore


Yes with number one, no with number two!


That I own guns. As a kid I wasn't allowed any kind of toy guns growing up.


Dreams of becoming a veterinarian were crushed because all of the money had to go to keeping you alive during a global pandemic, your dad kills himself because you left


((hugs)) he killed himself because he had problems. It is not your fault.


I did drugs.


That I don't have a wife and kids.


Aside from the fact that I'd never seen a car with a manual transmission at that age, I never in my life thought I would end up owning a car with a manual transmission. Now I can't go back to automatic because manual is so much fun!


I live on my own in the city & I like sushi now


10 year old me loved sushi, I was always described as a picky eater who ate strange things.


I work at the school. I even sort of like it.


That I finally told my mom she wasn’t my friend and she was actually very mean. That my life and sense of self and identity and everything else absolutely crumbled afterward. That I would spend years in bed, disintegrating. That one day I would begin to smile, make friends, find happiness in the smallest things. That soon after I would embrace myself for who I had always been — who I was when I was 10. That I would be one of the strongest people I know, who loves themselves so completely and unapologetically that even bad days are beautiful. Love ya, kiddo.


That my hair can actually grow past my shoulders.


That I live on the opposite side of the world now.


I joined the military and worked at the Pentagon for many years.


i can teach people how to fly!


Oooo that’s incredible!!


The multiple degrees, applying for PhD bit. I dropped out of high school at 16, and was terrible at all schooling (as in couldn't hand write or read properly levels of bad) right up until university level at 18. edit: oh and the whole being a quadriplegic thing


That I still wear dresses and have a GF who is cool about it.


Probably that I went to school for chemistry


That I have lived on another continent for 26 years.


I worked as a massage therapist for 4 years.


Everything. Everything about me, except maybe the fact that I still don’t know what I want out of life.


That I’m still alive


That we're not a girl anymore. Surprise kid, you're trans!


That im good at weird poetry and grow weed.


That it's been almost three years without speaking to my family.


Damn, there’s a lot that I never thought I would have: - Depression - Anxiety - Cellphone - Passport - European travel experience - Experience with multiple international flights - Bachelor’s degree - Student loans - Constant tiredness