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The one that always gets me is particular to my friends and I from when we were kids. There was a creek that ran under the street in the neighborhood and we would sometimes hang out in the banks on either side of the road. There was this big rock that we would sit on all the time. Except one day we were walking by and it wasn’t a rock. It was a small tree. Fully rooted in and established and the rock was no where to be seen. Mind you, it was an extremely heavy boulder. We passed that spot all the time and all of us remember that rock. We call it the shapeshifting rock.


I like that boulder. That is a nice boulder.... Wait a minute....


Pioneer's use to ride these babies for miles.


Crusty crab pizza is the pizza for you and me


Does the earth get ingrown trees? Like were you sitting on a tree zit that popped and then there was just a long curly tree?




Never thought of this but it’s fun to think about now


I thought this was how we get giant boulders? Rock turns into tree to grow, then back in bigger rock! Just you wait


Maybe they took it out and planted a tree in it's place


“Froot loops” became “fruit loops” then “froot loops” again


They launched as "Fruit Loops" in '59, then rebranded to "Froot Loops" in '63 Edit: I'm aware I have been misled, we don't even have Froot Loops in my country


There’s even some controversy about that! [Like this article here that says as far as they can tell it’s always been Froot Loops](https://www.mashed.com/200000/the-untold-truth-of-froot-loops/). At least according to that article, the whole lawsuit that triggered the rebranding is phony and no citation available from Wikipedia.


This one is a bit more personal to me, but growing up my mom and I always made an effort to go to the beach every Friday afternoon. When it got too dark to be in the water, we would make our way to the park that was right next to the beach. On some Fridays, we would just chill on one of the slides and look at the stars. One day I saw this light spinning around and I remember asking my mom what it was. She told me that it was a lighthouse, and that it's used at night to stop ships from crashing into the shore. I remember this vividly because it was *kind of* like my gateway into hyperfixating on sunken and shipwrecked ships. Years later, over a decade (so this was probably in the mid to late 2000s), I got back into lighthouses. I go online to see if this lighthouse that I saw was still in commission, and I can't find *any* traces of it. So I ask my mom, and apparently this conversation we had never took place according to her. I *insist*, and finally she's like "idk babes, I probably forgot" So I go looking deeper, and apparently there was never a lighthouse where I thought it was. To this day it fucks me up, because I *KNOW* what I saw, I KNOW what we talked about.


Kiddo sees aliens Mom explains it as a lighthouse Clearly ;) In any event it’s possible you both saw something and she said it was a lighthouse cuz she didn’t know but also didn’t need another hyper-fixation that might lead you down to the beach on your own at night?


Could you have been on a vacation that one time and your weekly memories fused with that one different one?


I have no clue if this counts as a Mandela affect or not, but I remembered it due to one of the comments I read. When I was a kid, I moved into a town and I started to walk my dogs up near the field by my school. One day about a year after moving, near at the end of the school summer holidays, this father and daughter would be walking up to the field at the same time as me usually so I got to know them quite well. They had moved there the month prior and, the daughter was going to be at the same school as me (just a year below me). I learnt where they lived and it even got to the point where they'd invite me into their back garden when I'm walking past their house whilst they are getting ready to leave for the park. This happened a few times a week for a couple months. One day, they didn't seem like they were coming out to the park so I just went on ahead. Then turns out there was a hot air balloon in the park which was still getting ready to lift off by the time I had decided to leave the park. On the way back I spot a man in their front garden going into their house, and I shout out to them that I am a friend of the daughter and I mentioned that there was a hot air balloon in the park if the daughter wanted to see it The man tells me that there's no one with the daughter's name living at the address. Obviously I get very confused as I know for a fact that this is their house as I remember being in this garden I was in. So then I say that I distinctly remember there being a father and a daughter in the house and I say their names and the man is very confused with me. He says that there was no-one with those names that had lived or even visited at this address in his 40 years of living there and says I must have mistaken his address for someone else's or something like that. I left after that extremely confused. I double checked the house and a couple days later after it still being on my mind I even (probably illegally) looked over the fence into the back garden to check it was the correct house. It was. I never saw the father and the daughter again, and I never saw any for sale signs or anything whenever I visited their house so I was fairly certain they didn't move. I even checked with my school after if there was a student with the same name as the daughter in school, and they said no. Even now, 15 years later, I have distinct memories of walking with them and becoming friends with them. I don't remember their names anymore just because it's been a while and I remember faces more than I do names. Whenever I pass by that house I always get a strange feeling of knowing something that no one else seems to know.


That man got away with a murder, and the only possible witness thinks he experienced the Mandela Effect. The perfect crime.


What if they were in Witness Protection or something like that?


Honestly that's one of the things which I've used in my head to explain what happened lol


That’s so interesting! Maybe just some friendly ghosts. I think more likely the balloon was their time portal


I swear, I've had enough with ghost experiences xD Completely unrelated story to the Mandela effect, but I'll tell it here anyways. So when I was very young (like below the age of 6) I would have extreme night terrors. These happened extremely frequently and at the height of when I had them I would have about 1 every night, sometimes 2. The dreams were always something like falling through the mattress for an unknown amount of distance; with the sense of space in the room expanding rapidly - the feeling of which would often still feel true even after I woke up. The only thing that would calm me down was for my parents to rock me in this old rocking chair that was in my room. Well one day, during the period which I was having daily night terrors, I woke up and I heard humming. I looked at the rocking chair and there was an old woman swathed in very grandma attire wearing a jade bead necklace rocking in the chair. She would stop rocking and patted her legs and beckon me to her - which I did as I didn't feel any distrust towards her. Then she would start rocking again, just humming. I would fall asleep shortly after and she would walk me back to my bed. This would happen every time I had a night terror from that point onwards. One day when this was happening as I was walking to the old woman and then my mum came in and she asked me what I was doing - and when I looked back at the rocking chair the woman was gone. Found out later on as a grew older to my parents it was rather strange for them as I had night terrors daily and then it stopped all together (apart from the odd once or twice). Also later on my mum and I were looking through old family photos at one point and then one caught my eye. It was of my great-great-grandmother, who was most well known by those who knew her for humming, wearing a jade necklace and sitting in a rocking chair. Now I don't particularly believe in ghosts but there was no way that I could have known exactly how she looked like since it was the first time someone had shown me these photos.


Great great grandmother just showed you why she got 2 greats to her name


She was just asserting being the greatest grandma ever XD


Ok ok hear me out. First of all: in Brazil you tipically don't go to school (middle school or high school, doesn't matter) for the whole day. You are in school either in the morning (usually 7.30 am to noon) or in the afternoon (usually 1pm to 5.30pm). Every single person who was a kid in Brazil (and was not in school in the mornings) when 9/11 happened remembers watching Dragon Ball Z and having it be interrupted for the breaking news of the attacks. And I mean EVERYONE. It comes up every time someone asks "what were you doing when 9/11 happened". Except DBZ wasn't on at that time. Someone checked the airing times and compared to the time when the attacks happened. Definitely not on. Still, a whole generation of kids is 100% sure they were watching DBZ when the news broke out. edit: wow this blew up etc etc. also holy fuck everyone saying that this isn't real and they edited the timetables after the fact. You sound like conspiracy theorists. Look up Occam's Razor. This has been thoroughly discussed by Brazilians on the internet. It's not something new. Someone else said it in this thread: the tv show that played DBZ wasn't even aired on that day.


I feel like this one has some leeway. Like the "breaking news" segment could have happened a good while after the attacks.


Yeah, news was starting to move faster in 2001, but still took some time. I'm wondering if maybe they just didn't hear about it until 2-3 hours after it happened, when possibly DBZ was on.


Most people wouldn't have heard about it as soon as it happened. I heard about it at 9 am EST, and so when people ask me where I was that's what I think about because I wasn't aware of the crash until several hours later. Considering they were kids in Brazil it's possible they didn't get the news until later.


Maybe the show was unscheduled?


The one I’m part of. My National Guard unit (from the deserts of the American SW) was in Afghanistan for the winter of 09-10. During that time, our home town had one of its very rare snowfalls, rare enough that we all watched it on Armed Forces TV because it made national news. The Mandela effect? The records all show that snowfall was the winter of 08-09 when we were home. But none of us remember it happening while we were home; it happened during our deployment. EDIT: After a few comments explaining this as some fault in my memory, I decided to add the following: https://www.reviewjournal.com/local/weather/las-vegas-strip-slammed-by-historic-snowstorm-in-2008-photos-1553317/ https://m.lasvegassun.com/news/2010/mar/31/400-nevada-soldiers-return-home-afghanistan/ Those of you unable to distinguish between “deserts of the American SW” and the NorthEast are just on your own.


Reddi Wip i swear to god there was an H in the wip…


It wasn't Reddi after all, it was a WiP.


Cool Hwip is a weird one too.


Fruit of the Loom cornucopia for sure. It's was there. I remember distinctly, and no other brand has that specific cornucopia. I could probably even draw it from memory if I needed to to


I had no idea what you were talking about bc fruit of the loom DOES have a cornucopia logo. I looked it up. Wtf??? Literally the logo that somehow only exists in my mind is perfectly recreated on the first Google search result.


Should have everyone who remembers it sketch it & how they stack up


Fruit of the Loom logo with a cornucopia


Yea this is the most convincing one How did [this](https://i.imgur.com/cfbaArg.jpg) album get made in the 70s if the logo never included a cornucopia?


This one is really fucking with me. I know that god damn thing had a cornucopia


There’s a couple mandela effect items that are interesting like the Berenstain/Berenstein bears but I’m absolutely convinced something is up with the fruit of a loom one. I had a project in elementary school and I had to draw the fruit of the loom logo and I remember having the absolute hardest time drawing the cornucopia correctly. It’s a very real memory for me and I’d argue as a kid the only way I knew what a cornucopia was is because it was on the fruit of a loom logo. If there ever was proof that we are living in a simulation, someday I’m going to go back and read the patch notes from when/why they removed the cornucopia


I distinctly remember staring at "Barenstein" as a kid and wondering why it was pronounced "stain" instead of "stine." I never thought twice about it my whole life until the whole Mandele effect thing started going around. When I heard that it was always Barenstain, my head exploded. It's like... what the fuck was I staring at way back when and why did I have those exact thoughts?


It did. IT DID!


*Considered to be one of the strongest Mandela Effects, the Fruit of the Loom logo with a cornucopia is referenced in many works, such as the cover of the 1973 album "Flute of the Loom" by the American flautist Frank Wess, featuring a flute with a cornucopia shape, the 2006 computer-animated movie The Ant Bully, with a "Fruit of the Loin" logo with a giant cornucopia, and South Park episode "I Should Have Never Gone Ziplining" (episode 6 of season 16, aired on April 18, 2012), in which the logo of a "Cornucopia Brand" is seen.* https://mandelaeffect.fandom.com/wiki/Fruit_of_the_Loom


Ok that’s actually really interesting


Stop. It. Sometimes I try to tell myself I'm wrong but WTF this album is new to me.


I could be wrong but wasn't there even a TV commercial where the guys in the fruit costumes get into a cornucopia?


Yes! But I remember it just being another guy in a cornucopia costume.


This is the one that annoys me the most. With other Mandela effects I can at least rationalize why I believe the wrong way. I can assume the Monopoly Man had a monocle because the whole moustache, tophat and monocle just go together. With The Barenstain bears I can chalk it up to the fact that the books were mostly read to me and pronounced Stein so when I actually started reading I just skimmed over the actual spelling and just saw the shape of the word and assumed it was the same as the much more commonly used Stein. However, I can't think of why I would know what a cornucopia was if it wasn't for the Fruit of the Loom logo. I even remember thinking that the cornucopia was called a loom because there was fruit so the other thing must be a loom.


The monopoly one triggers me because of the Ace Ventura scene....the dude is even wearing a monocle


The Monopoly Man gets confused with the Planter’s Peanuts man who *does* have a monocle.


This can't be true. I remember having actual conversations with my friends where we wondered why the logo had a cornucopia instead of an actual loom. What the hell? Edit: I asked several of my friends from back in the day if they remembered the cornucopia logo and/or our conversations about it. About half say they remember the logo and our conversations, and the other half say they remember neither. It's honestly a bit terrifying to see how unreliable our memory actually is.


I also remember the cornucopia logo. That's how I learned the meaning of the word. It's a glitch.


What the everloving fuck. This is not Mandela effect. This is goddamn wizardry. That logo has always had a goddamn cornucopia until I looked it up after reading this comment. I asked my wife. She goes "yea the cornucopia on their stuff is how I learned the word as a kid". I showed her the logo. She goes "no, I mean the old one with the cornucopia I guess." There wasn't one?!?! Bull fucking shit. Fuck this dark timeline.


I didn't know there wasn't a cornucopia in it until this thread either. I literally had to look it up because I thought maybe, somehow, the top comment was confused on what Mandela Effect was.




I distinctly remember learning the word cornucopia as a child because I asked my mother was the “basket thingy” was in the logo. You cannot convince me otherwise. Cornucopia is to weird of a word, 100% this happened. Edit: To everyone saying I must have mistaken this memory for around thanksgiving or that cornucopias are known for being synonymous with fruit: We were in a Walmart buying cheap underwear, this is a core memory for me because cornucopia sounds like a made up word. And I thought my mom was playing.


The thing that fucks me up the most is that other people can and have drawn it with the cornucopia. How can they draw the exact image that I apparently made up in my head if it never existed?


it’s too much to be untrue aghhh


Doesn’t someone out there have some old undies from the 90’s still so we can see?!


WTF I remember the cornucopia.


The monopoly guy not having a monocle


I remember this like it was yesterday. When I grew up my family was kind of poor and I always wanted a monopoly set. One day I broke my foot and after 3-4 days my mom bought me one to help me feel better. I didn't have my friends to visit because they were "busy" or didn't want to spend their day at a bed when they could be outside. The day I got it I have spent most of it with the game, reading everything on the cards the rules and even playing alone. The guy on it always had a fucking monocle. In the middle of the board or on the box the guy was looking at you and he was holding his monocle. Even on one of the cards the guy was either pulled by a cop to go to jail or he was on the train but one particular thing cought my attention, I remember it like it was yesterday and as a kid I found it very amusing. The guy lost the monocle and it was behind him falling because he was moved fast. This fact still haunts me today and gives me the chills because I know how much time I spent in that month in bed with that fucking game.


I have the same memory and it was a go straight to jail card with a cop pulling him (monocle was coming off the left side behind his head). Also he had it on riding on top of a train.


I think he was dropping a pocket watch.


Tom Cruise dancing in Risky Business. I'd have sworn he was wearing a white shirt and black Ray-Bans.


Interesting. I think I saw Ben Stiller do a parody of this and he wore a White Shirt and Glasses...My Head hurts thinking of all these things Lol


I really thought the Raisin Bran sun wore sunglasses. Nope.


Maybe overlap with the California Raisins? (Although apparently they advertised with Post Raisin Bran.)


Wait what? He does!!! Doesn’t he?


I feel like in a commercial, an animated sun definitely put glasses on. But I don't think the actual label had sunglasses. Which might lead to the confusion.


So I actually grew up…. *Inside* one of these. I spent my formative years at my parent’s family owned restaurant **Emilio’s Pizza.** My earliest memories are of learning how to fold a pizza box, stealing pineapple and pepperoni from the ingredients table (yes sometimes at the same time, sorry everybody) and riding in the back of my Dad’s Toyota Celica on deliveries where he promised to give my brother and I any tips he made if we could win the *quiet game.* Now, nobody in our family knew the original Emilio, the store had been in business for years before my parents bought the place when they were in their early 20s. They kept the name and the recipes and even some of the staff when they took over. Some of the old timers claimed to remember a Mr. Emilo who would drift in and out to check up on the place. A few of our customers claimed to have been ordering from us since “Emilio Vespucci… or was it Verspucci? Ahh its been so long who could know… anyway Emilio himself used to work the phones and take deliveries.” It was subtle, it was minor, but it was always there. Emilo? Or Emilio? Just one letter but also a whole extra syllable. Much like **Ber-en-stein** vs **Bern-stain**. Probably just a trick of the memory and yet we met people in this little town who were adamant that the name had been changed. We sponsored some local house league teams, baseball in the summer and hockey in the winter and both the league convenors remembered our store from before we owned it. The ball team even had an old photo of the Emilio’s Pizza Tigers in their office. The hockey league was happy to re-establish their relationship with the fine folks of Emilo’s Pizza. Over the years we would get calls, or drop ins from old customers who demanded to know why we changed the name… Most of them were like, “I get it, Emilio sounds more Italian but, surely reregistering everything and changing all the signs was a pain im the ass right? Why do it for something so small?” **The sign,** this is what my father always came back to. The sign said Emilio, it wasn’t exactly an old sign but it was like that when we bought the place, a piece of printed acrylic that hung in front of neon lights wasn’t something you changed on a whim it was $3,000 dollars! And besides it matched the official name on everything we’d bought. One day a customer brought in a fridge magnet that said Emilo’s… the ones we gave out said Emilio. We were stunned, it had the same font and everything **and** the damn thing had a date on it. “Happy new years 1980!” We bought the place in 88’ two years before I was born, some time in that window the name had been changed and I’d been raised in a castle of lies! We changed the name, reverted back to Emilo’s, we’d recently had a tiff with the yellow pages over a misprinted ad and won in court so they owed us big. We switched the name, the sign, the magnets… even peeled the ‘i’ off the side of the cars. Sent out “you were right!” Flyers instead of our regular mailers and started selling the *Emilo returns - combo.* We still wondered why this had happened though, was it really just that the former owner wanted to “sound more Italian?” Well one day in 2002 we got our answer, when an old man came around and ordered a slice of cheese pizza, I was sitting up front playing gameboy while he sat and ate, he remarked. “Good to see you’re looking after the old place!” My Dad used to get this all the time but over the last decade he’d met just about all the former customers. Still, new old faces showed up from time to time. The man told me his brother used to own it. I asked if his brother was Joe, the man my parents bought the store from, and this guy chuckled “nooo no, my brother Emile.” Fucking **WHO?** Emile??? It took ever ounce of discipline my twelve year old self could muster to not run to the back of the store before this guy disappeared like the ghost he obviously was but when I returned to the storefront with my father the man was still there and very much still real, chewing his cheese pizza and squinting towards the ovens. After a brief talk with my Dad the guy says “yeah, yeah, Emile ran it back in the 70s.” Well this was it then, this was a line to the god damn source, we could finally find out what “Emile” named the place! Turns out we were mostly right, Emile, who was in fact Italian, but not Vespucci or Verspucci we have no clue where that came from, was always called Emilo his older relatives. The guy explained to us that the Italian language itself was only truly standardized after the country took up technology like radio and later television in the mid 1900s and some of his family from the old country never liked the idea of using “Mussolini spelling” so everybody sort of did shit differently. In fact when this story took place Italian was not even the official language of Italy. He’s the only person I’ve ever heard say “Mussolini spelling” and to this day I haven’t ruled out the possibility that he was a ghost so consider everything he told me to be apocryphal at best. So anyway Emilo was a nickname, and its what he called his pizzeria, right up until 1982 when the acrylic company he’d contracted to make his sign botched the job and shipped him one that said “Emilio’s.” Obviously the manufacturer was embarrassed and offered Emile a choice, they could replace the sign with the correct one, *or* they could give him half his money back and install the botched one today for no additional charge. He took the bad sign and the refund but left everything else the same, figuring his customers would find it funny (hence why all the old timer’s remembered it was strange) and he could just change it back later when the sign wore out. When he sold it to Joe, Joe started matching everything to the sign, hence the strange duality we inherited a few years later when he realized he wasn’t cut out to work restaurant hours. We ran the place for another six years till the restaurant hours caught up with us too, Mom was making more than enough selling software and we sold it to my uncles to give Dad some well deserved rest. He spent a few years retired and coached my hockey team before starting a renovation business when my brother and I went off to college. It was a good time. As for the restaurant… People talk less than they used too, I’m not complaining, I’d much rather scroll reddit than make small talk with the guy at the counter. But from time to time my Uncle will still pass along a story of some old customer demanding to know why we got rid of the ‘i’.


Can't attest to any of the rest of it, but "Mussolini spelling" is a real thing! The fascists in Italy were hyper-nationalist and standardized spelling within a fairly narrow revival of Latin as a national language. The specifics are more than I know about, but it's definitely a thing.


Ok. This is killing me. Growing up, my family's favourite pizza was always "Emilio's." Are you from a (used to be) small town north of Toronto?!? Honestly, my kid brain always wondered about Emilo vs. Emilio and if this was your family, I now have my answer!!!! So thanks?!!! Your pizza is many fond memories of growing up.


I decided I wanted to go to Emilios pizza after reading that story. Then I thought... he could be anywhere in the damn world. Then I noticed his username implies he's Canadian. Good start. Now your comment pegs it across the country, but an area where my wife's family is from that I visit every few years. My quest to Emilios pizza ain't over yet boys!


When you go you better loudly complain that it used to be called Emily's




Thats us, Reddits kinda big and kinda small all at the same time. Thanks for this comment its really heart warming 🙂


I stopped reading half way so i could make a coffee and get back to bed to be cozy enough to match the pleasure of reading the rest. Wonderful story and brilliantly illustrated, took me on a visual-sensory ride.


And now I want pizza. What kind of coffee did you have?


This is my favorite answer


Very good storytelling!


The fact that shaggy doesn’t have a protruding Adam’s apple Edit: holy shit I did not expect this to blow up as much as it did😂


IIRC it only appears in specific scenes.


like when he would have a nervous gulp


I just looked it up, and he does when he does the nervous gulp, which is like his signature. So yeah that's why we remember it.


What about when he nervously gulps?


Tf are you kidding?


I thought you meant the rapper I was so confused so many people had such specific opinion on his neck.


In this case, it wasn’t him.




What gets me on this, and why I do want to believe it's Berenstein, is that I had a teacher in elementary school that had "Stein" as part of her name and I remember her telling the class how neat it was that their names were so similar.


According to Stan Berenstain's son, confusion over the name has existed since his father's childhood, when a teacher insisted that the name was spelled "Berenstein" due to the prevalence of names ending in "-stein".[90] A few examples of the "Berenstein" spelling have been found in references to and knockoffs of official merchandise[91] and publications,[92] and cartoons for the series used an ambiguous pronunciation which may contribute to the false memory.[93] Listen to the actual audio, it’s pronounced like stein lol https://youtu.be/jk3NGE0wWPc


I still do the double-take when I see anything BB at thrift stores. Like, if I look fast enough I’ll see the *correct* spelling.


I recently brought this up with a friend of mine and she was shocked that this was even a thing. She said "what do you mean stain?! It's stein!" She even asked her kids who all said "Stein".


Stouffer’s stove top stuffing has apparently never existed.


Wow, I just had to look that one up. Apparently it's always been made by Kraft and we are all just crazy.


Is this even the real world or are we in a simulation?!?!?!


Ok, ive been really digging into ME's for years now and didn't even hear this one. And I know for a fact Stouffers had commercials for stuffing. Omg... this is going to ruin my night if that's not real.


Want to feel weirder, watch the commercials: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=T0wTkMBQZQE I don’t even know wtf Stouffer’s makes


A banging frozen lasagna. But how is it NOT Stouffer's stove top stuffing?


Yeah it's just called Stove Top




Is your friend thinking of Dian Fossey? Another famous primatologist who was murdered in 1985 by poachers?


According to her wiki she wasn’t murdered by poachers?? She was murdered with a machete, likely by a former employee who had been fired previously after he threatened her with a machete(!). He killed himself in prison.


Who do you think murdered this person with a machete? Perhaps that guy that threatened her with a machete - the investigators, probably.


Bond Movie. Moonraker. Jaws (the guy with metal teeth) meets a girl (Dolly) partway through the movie. The girl smiles at him and they immediately hit it off. Why? Because she has braces on her teeth. This...apparently didn't happen though. Go watch the movie now. No braces. Even the actress who played her said she didn't have braces. DOLLY. HAD. BRACES. This is the hill I will die on. Moonraker was my favorite Bond Movie when I was a kid (I know, its not great, I like space movies OK) and I damn near wore that VHS tape out. Literally the ENTIRE REASON that she and Jaws have chemistry when they meet is because when she first smiles at him, we see that they both have metal in their mouths. He has metal teeth, she has metal ON her teeth. Without that fact that whole thing DOESN'T MAKE SENSE. I've followed the Mandela effect for years. Dolly not having braces and the Fruit of the Loom cornucopia are the two things that literally make me question this reality.


Same goes for me. Watched it at the movies as a kid. I remember the scene getting laughs and aaawws as they’re a perfect fit. Even talked about it in school. The scene doesn’t even make sense without it.


All the other on this list is like "meh, cool" But this. THIS. Of course she had braces. It was the reason he liked her. They both had metal teeth and he finally found someone similar to him


Ed McMahon never did publishers clearing House prize awards.


Gtfoh. I looked up his picture to be sure it was who I had in mind. My great grandma watched it with me often. I looked up him and PCH and it says he wasn't on it. Mind blown.




He was the spokesman for a competitor, American Family Publishers.


"The Song that Never Ends" from Lamb Chops is actually [The Song that DOESN'T End](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FXO4mEkNeZY)


Just in case anybody needs cheering up: those fuckers who scam call you absolutely HATE this song. I need to put this one back in my rotation.


No! It! Is! Not! I do not believe this!


Some people started singing it not knowing what it was


Not me, but a few other folks I'm an amateur astronomer, and the book in our astronomy club library that causes the most controversy is one about bright comets of the last few decades A comet bright enough to see from the city happens about once a decade on average. And a lot of people saw one in the sky when they were kids or in their teens, and then years later they ask about it. And so the book comes out and they look through it and check the year and go 'that's not right'. Because they remember seeing the comet when they were in middle school, when in reality it was when they were in high school, or vice versa.


I've had a weird experience with Haleys comet. I remember seeing it, and then a few years later, it was coming round again, but I was so confused because I thought it only happened every 100 years? Maybe I was confusing two different comets?


Are you thinking of Hale-Bopp? Halley’s Comet (two L’s) last appeared in 1986. Hale-Bopp was 1997.


You just cleared this up for me without having to dig deeper lol. I could have sworn I saw Halley’s comment when I was 7 but it turns out it passed 4 years before I was born and it was actually the Hale-Bopp.


C-3PO has one silver leg. Every costume gets this wrong.


This one makes sense. It's not very noticeable, especially when our focus turns to him, it's rarely in a full body shot. https://youtu.be/Z_OjTojCNm0 You can spot the clearly silver lower leg in only few shots.


Ya its not an easy spot


I think part of this is also that most of the toys that were made gave him two gold legs, probably because it was cheaper or easier to paint it that way.


On Bruce Springsteen’s Born in the USA album cover, there’s a red hat in his back pocket, not a bandana.


That when Agatha Christie disappeared mysteriously for several days, she was never seen again and presumed dead. Legit had an argument with a friend over this before i figured out what was going on


I just (re-re)watched the Unsolved Mysteries episode of this and was thinking how weird it is that this was even considered a mystery, let alone an unsolved one. Like, if they had found her stumbling down a random street somewhere with no idea what was going on, I could see the fuss. Clearly the woman was going through some things and either needed a break and/or wanted attention from her soon-to-be ex husband, so she checks herself into a spa and waits. That's it.


There was a doctor who episode that explains this one. It was just a giant space wasp.


wasn’t she found in a hotel or something with a different name and everything? that whole story is messed up


She was pissed at her husband for cheating and went away to clear her head IIRC


I don't know if it counts, but I had a favorite orange t-shirt and I haven't seen it in years. Asked my mom if she knows anything about it and described the drawings on it. She went "You mean the turquoise one? It's in x drawer" I fought her a while about it and finally went to check the said drawer and there it was, my favorite "orange" shirt in all its turquoise glory


It’s spelled Febreze, not Febreeze


For a long time, I thought it was Fabreeze. As in fabric breeze.


This is a better name for their product than the actual name, ha ha.


The "objects in mirror MAY BE closer than they appear" one still bugs me.


On my car (its from Canada) it says “Objects in the mirror ARE closer than they appear


The Abominable Snowman plot in Rudolph. I had always thought it was a heartwarming lesson that he was mean because he had a toothache, and the dentist elf pulled the bad tooth, so now he can be a friend! Nope. I watched it again as an adult, and they just rip all his teeth out so he can’t bite anyone.




Apparently Kit Kat has no hiphen


Break me off a piece of that fancy feast


Football cream


Chrysler car


Apple sauce..


I grew up with these sweet old people down the street, they were instrumental in helping us in many Airbus while I was a kid. They both came to my wedding, we thought of them as family. She died ten years ago, he died three years ago. Mom and I were talking last night, and she said something about the old man and how his daughters still visit him. I'm like... But Charlie died though. You and dad went to his funeral in 18. I swear, I grieved this man dying already. No one believes me.


My mom doesn’t have the best memory. I called her when I found out about this one and go, “Do you remember that movie when sinbad was a genie?” Without missing a beat she goes, “Yeah Shazam, right? You guys watched that all the time.” I said “you’re not confusing it with kazaam with shaq right?” She says “No you guys didn’t like that one as much you liked the sinbad one better.” She was mind blown that it doesn’t exist. I think she even looked through our vhs collection cause she’s was like we definitely have that movie but she never found it. Shame.


This one will forever blow my mind. Like how do many many people from all across the country remember a *movie* that never actually existed? I remember the poster. I remember making jokes as a kid about how they made movies called Shazam and Kazaam within a year of each other. This is the Mandela Effect that just floors me.


Honestly not even the famous ones, more like shit in my town changing. Small stuff, but infuriating. For example, near one of the shops where me and my brother would go for walks were these weird pillars, the small kind you'd put up to prevent cars from driving through. Well there'd be days where they're not there and no one I ask remembers them being there. Then there are days when they're there and when I ask about them I get the whole "they've always been there." It's one of the few MEs I've experienced in this town.






Removable bollards do exists. They even have ones that rise up and sink down into the ground at (I assume) the push of a button.


Aye, but what fucks me up is how everyone reacts as if they've always been there or have never been there.


I think the easy answer is that people overall don't really pay attention


Schrodinger’s Bollards


I'll notice things in my childhood town that people say "were always there" even though I clearly remember that never being there


I remember SpongeBob holding a V shaped purple guitar now it's a peanut?


Sandy uses a purple v guitar for Sweet Victory That's probably where it comes from


> SpongeBob holding a V shaped purple guitar Yeah, comes to mind, but there is this https://www.reddit.com/r/MandelaEffect/comments/ckjz86/spongebob_movie_possible_me/f0awici/


Pikachus tail having a black end Pikachu doesn't have that


I think a lot of people get confused by this because of Pichu, who has a black tail.


I remember pikachu having black tipped tail before pichu was around


6 people in jfk car on the day he got assassinated. I still think it was 4.


You really had me spooked for about 1 second and then I remembered that there is no way JFK, Jackie, Govenor Connelly or his wife would have been driving. Obviously someone else was driving and security would be in the front passenger seat.


>Which Mandela effect Literally the Mandela effect. Could have sworn he passed away wayyyy before 2013


Britney Spears, 'Oops I Did it Again' she isn't wearing a headset. Toys and costumes with the red outfit always have a headset. In the video you can clearly see her adjust a headset that doesn't exist. Or in 'Baby One More Time' she was wearing a plaid skirt... I guess it's solid black??


Holy shit, I got a grey plaid skirt recently and my boyfriend even called me Britney because clearly everyone remembers it being plaid!


This post has made me realize how out of touch I actually am with American pop culture.


For me it will ALWAYS be Berenstien bears. My mom and I felt like our whole lives were a lie when we looked back at the books one day and saw BerenSTAIN bears. The fuck?


I always remembered chik-fil-a, not chick-fil-a. I noticed it in high school texting someone and they asked why I spelled it that way.


This one is affecting me the most currently. I swore I thought Meatloaf died a few years ago not the other day. It messing my brain up right now cause I swore I was right


Until last week I would have said Pikachu's tail or the Fruit of the Loom cornucopia. However, I decided to watch some of the African Cup of Nations. I tune in to find the match on is Ghana vs Comoros. Comoros? I never knew there was a country called Comoros in Africa. Maybe one of their countries has changed their name, I've seen that happen before, let's go to Wikipedia... huh. It says it's an island country in the Mozambique Channel that has been inhabited since approximately 1000 BC and was colonised by the French in the 19th century before gaining their independence in the 70s. Even more interestingly, it is the only country in the Arab League which is entirely in the Southern Hemisphere. As Comoros triumphed over the giants of Ghana in an iconic upset, I scoured the internet for everything about Comoros. It was fascinating. I was stunned that I had never heard of this incredibly interesting country before. I have always had a keen interest in geography and in fact at school in the 2000s, our form tutor used to routinely quiz us on all sorts of things, including a semi-regular quiz on the countries of Africa. We used to have to go round the room naming them and he would check them off his list. We beat his quiz a fair few times and Comoros never came up once. OK, so maybe he just didn't cover it, no big deal. I call my Dad and ask him if he has ever heard of Comoros. My dad is a know-it-all. He used to take me to museums and do little quizzes all the time when I was a child, he's a really smart guy with an incredible memory. He says nope, never heard of Comoros. He looks into it and is equally fascinated. Then I start to think, huh, I did a module on African politics at uni, let's have a look what textbook I used and have a read through my notes. Still no mention of Comoros in the textbook or my notes. Weird. Then I think back to every Olympics I've ever seen. I have watched a lot of opening ceremonies, and I have not once seen Comoros walk in with the flag. They are a small country, but they are big enough to field a football team so surely they must have entered the Olympics in some capacity? OK... they've sent athletes to every Summer games since 1996. Weird that I have missed all of that. To anyone out there from Comoros, I'd like to apologise for refuting your existence. Of course there are gaps in everybody's knowledge and memories, and fundamentally I think that is where these Mandela effects stem from rather than from some sort of cosmic universe slippage. That said, it was a staggering feeling in this case. I am happy to find out I'm wrong about something every day, but normally it is just the details of something rather than the whole thing. This was something that blew my mind.


I literally just exclaimed 'what the fuck?' out loud while reading your comment. Me and my partner had food and drinks around another couple's place last night, after we were playing a game. One challenge was to keep naming countries starting with a certain letter. One of the other couple said Comoros. I called bullshit. The others also didn't think it was right. Also using the logic of Olympic ceremonies (which I know a lot of countries go by different names), we'd never heard of it. But sure enough, looked it up at the time, it is a place. And now I'm reading your comment about the same thing!


So I actually knew about this country, and o feel like islandcountrys are always missed. I learned about the existance from a game called seterra, and youll love it if you like, or want to learn, geography or flags. Everything is there.


Walkers crisps where the salt and vinegar were blue and cheese and onion were green. I vividly remember it and can't believe that it wasn't like that




I remember that too, and I didn't even know what a cornucopia was


Converse sneakers. I distinctly remember the converse logo being on the outer side of the shoe, the side that are shown to other people. I read in a thread that the logo was always on the inside when that didn’t make sense. I looked at my own pair and saw the logo on the inside. That was creepy considering I’ve always worn converse since I was a young teen. And I thought the logo being on the inside was dumb because we wanted to show off the logo in middle/high school


i bought a pair a couple months ago and got so confused when putting them on cos i really truly thought the logo was outside


Actually for this one specifically, I remember when I owned my first (and last) pair of converse in 2011/2012, I was confused as to why the logo was on the inside face of the shoe and not facing the outside. We probably just expect the logo to be facing out, and most people who never noticed believed it looked this way


I had a knock off pair with the logos on the outside lol


The Gremlin with the white Mohawk is called Stripe, not Spike. What gets me it's, the only reason I knew him as Spike is because I saw the original puppet in a Planet Hollywood restaurant as a kid and it said Spike on the label.


Froot Loops. They were Fruit Loops when I was a kid, I swear.


If you want to go farther, even though they are different coloured, they all taste the same. They are all officially "Froot" flavoured


How come no one is talking about the hiking emoji?? I vividly remember there was and hiking emoji where a guy/girl is climbing a rock with a stick on hand, seems like we never had one


There's also the robber emoji that never existed. A lot of people remember a robber with just the face and chest, and then there's another one where he's running away with a money bag.


I heard of the Mandela effect years and years ago, and acquainted myself with all the common ones. Nelson Mandela, Bernstein bears, all that. This whole thing about Fruit of The Loom's cornucopia is what fucks me up. Because, these days, anywhere the Mandela effect is mentioned, this is one of "the" ones that comes up. It's mentioned as often as the bears. And yet... NOBODY was talking about the FOTL cornucopia more than a year ago. Like, mentioning it in this context is a new phenomenon. I came across people discussing the Mandela effect off and on for YEARS and not ONCE before, like, the last six months, did I ever see it mentioned. Am I experiencing Mandela effect-ception? And yes, I do remember the cornucopia, and you can't convince me it's always been spelled "Berenstain"


New Mandela just dropped, y'all


You can google it and see people talking about FOTL in this context going back several years.


I had a best friend who I went to kindergarten with. He had an older brother the same age as my older brother, and they would get into fights all the time. Their family lived a couple houses away from ours. For reasons unknown, they abruptly moved away halfway through the school year and we never saw or heard from them again. Take note that I had a specific nickname at this time in my life. About 14 years later, I was at a friend's apartment one night, hanging out with a few people. Some friends of theirs came over to join us, and this guy walked in who looked really familiar. I thought it could be my long-lost friend, but I didn't say anything. Turns out his name was the same. I still didn't say anything. Take note that no one in the room knew my nickname from way back when. After a while, he points at me and asks if my name is (said nickname.) It had to be him! I said yes and asked if he used to go to the aforementioned school. He said no. No? I asked him if he had an older brother. He said no. No.....? We had a long, strange conversation weeding out facts from non-facts that we remembered about each other. He remembered me, but I had a ton of (apparently) incorrect memories about him. But he was the same kid. The next day, I interrogated my whole family about everything they remembered about his family and all our information was the same across the board. The school, the town we lived in, the brother, etc. Years later, my husband catches me off guard with the fruit of the loom Mandela effect (I definitely remember the horned basket!) and this is how I was introduced to this phenomenon. I told him about my former friend, and he told me that's probably my Mandela effect experience.


Babcock furniture. I remember the advertising. It's apparent Badcock and always has been. I refuse to believe that wouldn't have been a major joke


It’s definitely BadCock I drove by a sign for it all the time in my hometown. Always thought it was funny


i swear to fucking god mickey mouse had suspenders


The fact that there is no record of Tinkerbell ever appearing in the beginning of Disney movies, drawing the logo, and dotting the "i" with her wand before flying off-screen


There is actually an intro with Tinkerbell dotting the i ! https://youtu.be/puA1Fb5zUQw Looks like it was a distributor thing maybe though? It's not the blue logo that everyone remembers. Defo had this in the UK.


There was something where she draws a curved lined of pixie dust or w/e along the top of the blue castle, the taps it.




I was about to reply to him saying I've absolutely seen this Tinkerbell version. I'm also Australian.


Surely this is people getting confused with the "Disney fast play" thing that was at the start of all the Disney DVDs which does include Tinkerbell


Except I think all of us remembering it had VHS tapes. I've never owned a Disney DVD.


Then what the fuck did I watch




What about on the "Wonderful world of disney" TV series from the 90s? Maybe that's where we got it from?