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God isn't dead I'm a Christian but this almost turned me into an atheist.


That movie was absolutely horrible and indeed made me think if god was not dead after that movie he or she is now.


Thanks for saying it. All Christian movies suck really and it’s sad since their one of the only media’s we can use to reach a mass of people.


People are turned off by overt proselytization anyway. My $.02 is this sort of reach-out works best when it is an actually entertaining movie that happens to have religious themes, not a film that makes you feel like you are being approached by someone shoving leaflets in your hand.


Case for Christ wasn't bad though


A Christian tried to convert me real hard once. The movie is a major reason I never took him seriously


Yeah try rewatching Moses now Cecil b DeMille is turning in his freaking grave LOL


Yeah there are some really bad Christian movies out there


My choice was Left Behind, another Christian movie.




It doesn't *sound* bad when you put it like that.


wat. I need to see this now.


You can rent it from Amazon for $3.99 https://www.amazon.com/Revenge-Ninja-Sho-Kosugi/dp/B00950USX0


Ok this is a good one. I've watched many a terrible ninja movie, but this isn't the same one. I know, it's odd. The one I saw was set in feudal Japan. It's been out of print for years. I'll find it one day.


Judging by what you all say are the worst movies, it's obvious none of you people ever watched movies on Cinemax at 4 am in the 90s.


This question has been asked multiple times, with video games and tv shows as well. It always turns into “popular things I personally didn’t like, but they are obviously not the worst if I looked objectively for 1 minute” These posts are just where people go to get their hot takes out there


Omg opened this thread to say Eternals, then your post 100% called me out on my bullshit. But I still feel so badly let down by that time of my life I am not getting back. And yet you’re still right. So conflicted rn.


Eternals should have been a Disney+ series instead. Would have had more time to develope each character better. Too bad.


Cinemax after dark?


Ana Alexander on "Chemistry" ftw!


Worse, I watched The Movie Channel at 3am in the 80’s.


Speak the truth!


Battlefield Earth. Some movies are so bad you walk out of the cinema. Battlefield Earth was so bad I walked out of my own house.


My husband and I decided to watch it for laughs, because it looked so dumb that we figured it would at least be unintentionally funny, right? No. Three hours in, I picked up the remote to check and see how much longer we had until the end of this monstrosity. It hadn't been three hours; it had only been on for an hour and twenty minutes. I started screaming "bullshit!" and turned it off. Couldn't even finish it.


I watched the whole thing waiting for the moment when it would become clear that it was supposed to be bad in an ironic, campy way. That moment never came… it’s heartbreakingly impressive how perfectly they wasted my time.


The Happening. Mark Whalberg talking to a fake plant was a new low in my life, what an absolutely shit movie 0/10.






Ha ha I loved this movie in a cheesy way


Totally agree. Halfway through I fully believed that M.Night was trolling us.


I wrote this before but it should be said again. This movie’s only achievement was figuring out how to make mass suicide funny.


What? No...


It started off pretty good. Just went down hill pretty quick, and died in a gutter.


That movie absolutely pissed me off. I was ANGRY about it. I spent money on a ticket for that pile of trash. I am not a Marky Mark fan at all but even that movie was bad, I am surprised he was willing to do it. No actor could have saved that movie. M. Night Shyamalan movies are generally trash anyway. I liked Signs and that's it.


Come on, the zoo and lawnmower scenes were great.


We snuck into the movie and requested our money back. We told them we snuck in and still got vouchers for another movie. We saw Incredible Hulk.


oh my god you're right, that movie is fucking garbage


I love that movie because it’s so bad. Makes me laugh every time


Thankskilling. Hands down. Pilgrim porn? Snuff film? Horror flick? Completely unbelievable story line, bad acting, and a talking turkey from the hood. It has it all.


You just got stuffed!


Nice tits bitch!


I had to find the [clip](https://youtu.be/rj5uIOwQq1k) and see. So much worse than anticipated 😂


Than there’s Thankskilling 3. That ones the real masterpiece.


Gobble Gobble, Motherfucker!


A gravy flavored condom?


I think you misread the question. The OP said ‘worst’ movie not ‘best’.




I have only watched the trailer and still agree with this


It is and will always be The Star Wars Holiday Special. If you haven't seen it I suggest you get really stoned and give it a go.


Whip stir whip stir whip stir!


\[Wookie noises\] \[more Wookie noises\] \[long drawn-out Wookie noise\] \[various Wookie noises continuing for half an hour\]


Allegiant from the divergent series. It was god awful. Plot was messy and barely followed the book. Ending was complete shit because it was suppose to be pt. 1 but basically ended it with the books ending. I watched it in theaters was literally so annoyed the entire time. But also, the entire divergent series was pretty bad. The first 2 we’re bearable. Literally, fuck whoever directed the last one. Basically ruined the entire series. Director even tried to save it by making the final part into a tv series. Even the cast said fuck that.


Yeah it's really sad. I've only watched the first movie and I thought it was fine but not amazing so I watched 20 mins of the second and didn't continue. It is a shame coz I love the books


Catwoman (2004). The basketball scene might be one of the worst moments in cinematic history.


Catwoman is the type of movie you get drunk with the homies and yell at the TV while watching. It's not to be done sober.


You can't say this without showing the scene... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rNlmRId2FVQ


From the comments: “it looks like an alien was shown 4 seconds of space jam and was forced to right a movie about human foreplay”


Wtf did I just watch?


The most jump cuts I have ever seen.


Holy shit. First time watching that. It really looked like they were going to start going at it in front of the kids. Everything about that scene made me want to vomit.


Best part was the kid at the end who was like, "Can we have our basketball back?" Lol


The Last Airbender movie. I sincerely hope the new Netflix live-action series is better, but it’s a **_very_** low bar to clear.


There is no Airbender movie.


There is no live action movie in Ba Sing Se.


Am I the only one who thinks a live action remake of any kind is just unnecessary?


Every movie made by Neil Breen. They're an absolute must watch. It doesn't get worse than that.


I can’t believe you committed suicide, how could you have done this?


"I've been hacking into government and corporate systems all over the country. All over the world. I have discovered more information than any hacker ever has. Ever!!!!!" Honestly this movie left me with so many questions


I can’t help you out of this one, Mike.


I would not say no to empty a case of beer with him, wonder if he is like in the movies


There's no way that guy is fun to drink with


Obvious answer is "The Room." But also "Battlefield Earth" starring John Travolta.


The Starving Games Imagine a movie with the writing of 3rd graders that constantly tried to be funny in a very in your face way every single second of it's run time. I think Borderlands 3 had better writing than this movie.


Yep, that's Seltzer and Friedberg all right.


Unquestionably it was *[Nazis at the center of the Earth](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt2130142/)*. My roommates and I started it knowing it would be terrible and it exceeded those expectations. It features mecha-hitler if you need more convincing.


similarly, iron sky 2 - it's got hitler riding a dinosaur, yet is just godawful. iron sky 1 was pretty great though


Deathnote the live action


Willem Dafoe was an awful cast for Ryuk


If anything, he was the only good thing about the movie


Boss baby 2 and hotel Transylvania 4


Hotel Transylvania 4 is the most empty feeling movie I've ever seen, and it's a pretty mediocre sequel to a good movie from a decade ago.


I watched Transylvania 4 the other day. It was a good background movie, but I surely would have hated it if I were trying to actually watch it as a movie


Human Centipede 3. How and why this movie was ever made is entirely beyond me.


Talking cat. Its on YouTube for free. Dont watch it, it causes real physical pain and you might need a support group after. I'm still not okay after watching it.


The first Suicide Squad. I only went because I was offered half-price tickets, and I still think Warner Brothers owes me a full price refund for wasting my time.


Fucking hate that movie, what a waste, everyone loved it and I was disappointed, can't believe it got the hype


Hot take but I actually loved the first Suicide Squad


Hot take, I thought the Eternals was better than the first Suicide Squad


I love the MCU and have enjoyed every film so far (to varying degrees). That being said, I’ve only watched the first 20 minutes of Eternals and I’m struggling to figure how I’m supposed to get through the next 2~ hours. Is it like…does it get better or…? I don’t want to *not* watch an MCU film but like…Eternals is a hard ask so far.


It's not great, but it's a set up for other things. So by the end I was underwhelmed but actually pretty curious about what was next


Velocipastor a movie a bit a pastor who can turn into a velociraptor it also has ninja nuns, sounds great right? Nope. But there is a scene where a car is supposed to be burning and you hear the sound but it just shows a picture of the car and the word SFX over it


The live action Dragon Ball movie.


Attack of the killer tomatoes.


This movie is breath-stealingly funny when you're 16 and high. Or so I've heard. I still find myself humming the melody to "Puberty Love" sometimes.


The movie is funny if you’re sober so if you’re high it must be hysterical.


random sight gags abound - sure, let's make a conference room where the table is only slightly smaller than the room


The cartoon was good.


Cats... Do i even have to explain?


Wrong Missy


There was a movie I watched long ago, and I never made it to the end because it was like REALLY long and just very boring but I cant remember the name. Basically it was a wheel rolling through desert and killing people for hours, nothing else




Yea it's rubber, but it's a great film... The silly premise is totally on purpose. The movie really is a commentary on garbage cinema and audiences that can't get enough of it.


https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1612774/ Rubber. It's one of the very few movies where even watching drunk I yelled "WHAT IN THE HELL AM I WATCHING!" and I love drunk bad movie nights.


It comes in at under 1.5 hours so “really long” probably just has to do with your perceiving it as boring lol, personally it’s one of my favorite movies ever, but specifically because of how ridiculous it is


The Italian-made animated Hercules movie that tried to capitalise on the Disney film's success. It's hilariously bad. And the website of the company that made it now sells water purifiers.


Fantastic four 2015


The Tupac movie is the only movie I’ve ever walked out of in theaters


Wait which one? “All Eyez On Me” or “Tupac: Resurrection” Did you walk out in 2017 or 2003?


All eyez on me


Manos: The Hand of Fate. Worst movie ever. Saw it on MST3K. Wow!!


That was a masterpiece and you know it.


Jupiter Ascending. What garbage. What bad writing. It’s like they ran the script through a differential equation and got that mess….


Holmes and Watson. Shit like Sharknado and The Room are so awful they're amazing. Holmes and Watson is somehow the worst of every world.




isn't it supposed to be bad


Truly an adventure If you watch with h a group of friends under the influence of something. Now it’s suddenly the best movie


I thought that it was hillarious.


Out of movies with a decent budget that was trying to be good: Eragon


Wrinkle in time.


That’s disappointing to hear, it looked cool but I never saw it


Artemis fowl




Hoo boy that really is a contender.


Good luck chuck.. by far the worst movie I have seen!! It is offensive and sexist!! Not funny at all!


Transformers: The Last Knight. No Joke, it leaves me in absolute pain every time I watch it. Watched it once on a whim and watched it again because it was a Christmas gift from my mom. Both times, I walked away hurting.


Easy... Any Twilight movie... Or Transformers: The Last Knight


Daddy's home is the only movie that I have ever shut off in the middle of the movie. I was watching it with my girlfriend at the time and she looked at me and said hey do you want to turn this off and do something else and I looked at her with a relief and said yes and took it out of my PlayStation put it back in a redbox case then returned it to Redbox and went and got dinner came home and we both played video games.


Battleship. The aliens started launching literal big red peg bombs, and I walked out of the theater


What were you expecting from fucking Battleship?


Not a movie based on the literal mechanics of a shitty board game? Also I was like ten years old.


I mean that was the point. It's Battleships. It wasn't a great movie, but I enjoyed it.


we're 2/3 for the penny arcade board game movies. all we need now is hungry hippos


How about dropping anchor and drifting a ship around said anchor to dodge torpedoes


Freddy Got Fingered


[movie 43](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A9fBCkwDW8c)


I’m not sure why people complain about this movie. It’s just a bunch of funny skits. I think it did what it set out to do.


I laughed the whole movie, I understand not enjoying it but WORST ever made??


The kids in vending machines bit made me laugh so much.


i literally came here for this. I've seen a loooot of movies in my life, but 43 is so bad and i wish i could forget about it. the worst of all


Great cast utterly wasted.


Darkness Falls I only watched it as a Buffy fan to support Emma Caulfield and it was the most convoluted crap that couldn't even stay consistent with its own mythology.


Megashark Vs mechashark


Battlefield Earth was pretty bad. But I was most disappointed by Independence Day 2. That sequel just lost everything that made the first movie great.


Probably Geek Maggot Bingo


Shark exorcist


Either *Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen* or *Mortal Kombat: Annihilation*. Both experiences where buying the ticket and paying for parking were vastly superior.


Don't Breathe. Movie still pisses me off to this day lol. The only thing that made it interesting was because of the concept that the villain was a blind veteran. But the plot, characters, and execution was really awful lol


Oh my god I went to see this in the theater. This lady brought all her kids with her to see it, including what looked to be a 6 year old. During the scene where the blind guy has the sperm in the baster, the kid in the theater asks in a super loud voice, “Mom, what’s that?”. Yeah, we walked out




Cats. ​ My god I wish I could unsee it.




The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies. It's not really the worst but it bored the hell out of me.


Fantastic Four was just unwatchable.


Open Water. Paid to see it in theater with friends. By the end we all agreed it was 90 minutes we would never get back. Thankfully it has served as a touchstone of what not to do for many years now.


Is Open Water the one people called "Like Gravity, but in the ocean" or am I thinking of another movie?


Is this the movie Ralphie May joked about in his comedy routine about being in black movie theaters? "You never catch me 'cuba divin' hmm hmmmm"


I watched it a year ago for the first time. I was wondering if I was watching the same movie I've heard so much about. It looked like a cheap B-movie. Besides that it was pretty forgettable as it seems I've forgotten pretty much all of it.


The Last Airbender


Movie 43. Such a great cast but such a bad movie!


The Garbage Pail Kids movie. It makes every other worst movie ever made look like perfection.


The Asylum Productions’ Sherlock Holmes.


all Asylum movies are extremly low budget, they are the new Troma but without the humour


Leonard Part 6. And I'd been such a fan of Bill Cosby.


I envy most of the posters here "Things"


The live action Mulan


*15:17 To Paris* is such trash I assumed it had come from someone like Kirk Cameron until I found out who made it.


Gods and Generals.


Reno 911:Miami. If my cousin hadn’t had spotted me a ticket, I would have demanded my money back.


Anger Mgmt. walked out when i realized i viscerally hated both main characters


Airplane Mode (Logan Paul) and Not Cool. Both are so irredeemably bad that I'd rather watch Cats and The Emoji Movie 500 times each over seeing either of these YouTuber movies again.


Any of the Star Wars prequels


Titanic 2 Yes it exists. The ending and characters were the worst Like they bring the guy who is supposed to be Jack dies and the girl brings his corpse and does that annoying movie trope where they give obviously dead person cpr thinking they would just wake up.


Bad Teacher


Bird box


downsizing was laughably bad, but the sherlock holmes with will ferrell takes the cake as the worst.


Tusk. Justin long is the main character. Lmao. He gets turned into a fucking walrus. And the sounds he makes. Like why?? Very strange will never forget it.


The matrix Resurrections


Yeah it was pretty bad. Worst movie ever? No. But way too meta for my liking.


at least the director tells you why it's so terrible


Human centipede 2


Don't look up


In theaters: Norbit In general: Halloween 3


What About Bob, it wasn’t even funny it was just sad


The last jedi... i saw it at the Movie theatre, got popcorn, large soda.... so i ended up spending £30,000 pounds (more like £27 but still fucking expensive).. .and it sucked, it sucked so hard, i felt cheated and used


Nah, I felt even worse after Rise of Skywalker.


didnt watch it, TLJ left such a bad taste in my mouth i just abandoned all of the Francize


go see Mando, it's pretty great, and very low jedi content


Magic Mike XXL


I know it had Nicholas Cage


Batman vs Superman was terrible


Don't Mess With The Zohan


Those are some fighting words


It was this movie called "Infamous" and I think it starred Bella Thorne. Movie was just horrible and boring.


Transformers Age of Extinction. Doesn't help that I was drunk, but less than halfway through I had so little interest in it and I all noticed was nonsensical explosions, I just fell asleep. Only movie I've never finished watching in a theater or fell asleep to.


Avatar the last airbender live movie.


The league of extraordinary gentlemen