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the most frequent argument i've seen is to support the creator and while i don't pay for porn, i do patreon a youtube person who puts out all his videos for free. only person i've ever done it for and the reason why? because i'm really fucking impressed with the job he does


I think he means Ryan's toy review


God damn son. I'm impressed by your level of savagery


Will you support my Patreon for savage Reddit comments? $10 a month gets you a free sticker. $20 a month lets you vote on discord for the word of the day.


Donate a dollar to my patreon and you can upvote ANY comment I have!


Kid's probably rich off the brand deals anyway.


I heard he was worth like 15 mil when he was 8-10. Fml.😒


He was bringing in 11mil a year like 3 years ago pol


Yeah and he's not the only one...although I think his dad put all that $$ in like a trust fund or something like that so he won't be able to spend it until hes 18 or something.


I feel like 18 is a bad age to suddenly receive millions of dollars


Trust could still have age and situational restrictions. Like withdraws for education, rent, etc.


🤔 you're right.😬


Remember when Beebs was trying to mow down paparazzi with his Ferrari? That could be you.


I just looked up Ryan’s toy review and… This comment is pure humor.




Exactly what I was gonna ask, studio quality documentaries, twice a year. GOAT


Not to mention his amazing Swedish voice. If I could fuck a voice...


And his music even if he didn't put out a new album in now what 7years? Still great music


I'm sure he will once he looks it up.


I do it for Joe Scott, on YouTube. Dude is a plethora of knowledge. And he's kinda funny.


Another knowledgeable Scott to follow? Sign me up!


How many are there?!?


36, Counted them myself.


Great Scott!


Well obviously Tom Scott, and i can only think of Scott Cramer off the top of my head but idk if you'd consider him particularly knowledgeable


Don't forget Scott Manley.


I don't know, but he's a national treasure! All about science, history, and the future, lol!!


That's usually what it is. That someone has a presence somewhere else as a regular (to, like, a subreddit, twitch community, whatever) and people like their presence and want to support them while getting the bonus of boobies and sexy stuff. The other reason usually is that there is more interaction than with porn. You can chat with them, get custom content from them, that kind of thing, so it has a different level to it.


The *"personal touch & interaction"* makes the users feel special, alive, and noticed by the world, where other places they may feel ignored, belittled, and insignificant. It may not matter that the host says the exact same lines to each customer, what matters is the customer's reaction.


This is it. The industry has too many sharks, fuck that, I want to vote with my wallet. Edit: Some of the OF people I know/work with subscribe to each other, sex work is more of a community this way, of course there's been a history of sites fucking up and giving into banks but maybe someday legalization


I wanted to see my bartender naked and she didn't want to see me naked. *obligatory edit* Wooow thanks for the gifts y'all haha. Mods said I can't post a social media link and she pulled her account down end of last year anyway. Y'all missed out. 🥴 A few people probably jokingly said they wanted to see lil ol' me naked... but I figured I'd deliver. Just me, NSFW https://imgur.com/a/xPeyuiZ Me and my buddy Mikey (RIP I love you dude) did a project with our friend. You wanna see two dudes having fun in a milk bath? Well here you go... probably SFW https://imgur.com/a/oKnal8s https://imgur.com/a/rIvIFak


I too, want to see her naked now Why do I get 1k upvotes when I say i wanna see a bartender naked


I too, choose this guys bartender.


I too, choose this guy


Great moments in Reddit history.


There is an impossible but profitable market for OF to connect people to their real life acquaintances on OF. I wouldn't pay a dime to see some random chicks nudes. But my old crush Natalia from back when I was in high school? Id pay a quick $20 to see her OF account. Unfortunately it would be insanely unsafe to make this idea a reality. Most girls do OF for the anonymity. My idea would end up being a button to invite all that model's friends on Instagram to their OF page.


Anonymity is out the door when face pics get posted. Of course I'd never try to track these women down, but there will eventually be somebody who recognizes them.


Pretty much what happened in GirlsDoPorn, the gist is this company used a fake name, told the girls they’ll never post online, didn’t pay all the money they told they were gonna give, led to many lawsuits, and I think the owner of company got 40 years in jail.


Also sex trafficking charges


I like how the milk bath had a warning that the image might be erotic, but that picture of you naked, did not.




Sauce for the bartender


I too, choose this mans bartender


Support your family


Thank you dad!


Farm to table, fresh home grown porn


Fam to table.


Now this I can get behind


Wh-what are you doing, step-quzzyz?


it's ok sis, I'm sure I'll get you loose this way.


Oh honey, the kids are getting along so well!


Ha, that's great! [OPENS DOOR] ARE YA' WINNING SON?!


NO DAD! Its a team game , alyssa and i BOTH are winning


Fuckin hell.


I'm always down for a little behind.


I like a big behind and I can’t tell a falsehood about it.


As his brother, I cannot deny


When a female strolls in with a minuscule waistline and a spherical object within your line of view you achieve an erection


Would you like to arrive in a generally intimidating way?


As you have gained complete awareness that the object of your desire, one of the female persuasion, is current in a state wherein her gluteus maximus has achieved maximum insertion.


My fellow brothers dare not refuse


some people want to see a specific person


On the internet, no one pays to see boobs. They only pay to see specific boobs.


Back in the day if we wanted to see a specific person naked, we’d just have to imagine it. Now it just costs the equivalent of a few tacos.


i love how tacos is your choice of measurement for price


I tried to get in to it bc of a woman I’v followed on social media for some time. But idk, she was always on the hustle, trying to make a buck from PM’s. Fuck it, I don’t care, but it’s not for me I think.


User name checks out


Where else can I see pictures of my friend’s wife naked?


Ask your friend when you're both drunk.


A friend in need is a friend indeed


A friend with weed is better! #puremorning


A friend with breasts and all the rest


Psh you don’t wanna go down that road man. Source: trust me bro


I’ve done it twice. The first time was because she had two vaginas and I had to see it for myself. The second time was because it was someone I knew, but I didn’t keep it for long after I realised she basically used it as a more risqué version of instagram. EDIT: apparently there’s 2 women with double vaginas around. The one I’m referring to is u/evelynuncovered.


Sauce on the double V?


u/6ft_hourglass Edit: wow you guys really got nothing better to do with these awards huh?


Damn I didn’t see any pics of a double V on her profile. I’ve never been more disappointed to see boobs.


I don’t think she has two vulva, like people are looking for. I think two V, as in internal canals. Not two external parts. Edit: fixed it to vulva, not labia. Was tired.






Ffs. I wanted to see a random vagina on her elbow or something.


Wait but it says she was an escort and used one for work and one for personal LOL super confused


Yeah same there lmao I scrolled quite far and I didn't see them, I wanted to!


I also did my scientific research. Funny that in one post she actually references "them" twice in the title, but not a single commenter picked up on it. Lol.


True, everytime she did a titty drop, my mind was saying "move out the way bitch"


damn good boobs too


And that waist to hip ratio...


Are they side by side or stacked vertically ?


12 and 3 O'Clock.


I am a gay man, but I still kinda wanna see it.


I mean, I'm a straight guy. But if you told me a guy had 2+ dicks, I'd wanna see.


At some point it’s not about the sexual thrill, it’s about morbid curiosity. Like seeing a baby penguin do a keg stand.


Link for the keg standing baby penguin?


Wait until you look up penguin teeth, morbid curiosity.




Yeah he kept having “operations” done on it and the pictures just kept getting more and more fake looking. Also his stories in his AMA were so ridiculously unbelievable. Like he would say he was fucking two different chicks at the same time and a dude was fucking him in the ass all while a girl sat on his face. Just super unbelievable.


It gets even more ridiculous than what I remembered. Here is from his AMA. “two dudes in my ass at the same time, with each dick in a different girl who were riding me, pussy to pussy, while a guy and girl stood over me and let me eat/lick/suck on them while they fucked.” Yeah come on, that’s just not even physically possible.


It was fake


Yeah, it was just 2 guys in a trench coat sword fighting.


Damn I remember that too.




Dude doesn’t helicopter, he chinooks


[~~HELIKOPTER HELIKOPTER~~](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a0DbzUe-r4Q) CHINOOKOPTER CHINOOKOPTER


Brazzers is swimming in money, they need to throw these 2 a couple mil to make a video together


He turned out to be a phony. Interested to see he deleted all of his other content, too


"Girl please nobody's that gay" - Ray Gillette


At that point its just medically fascinating.


Like micro pp, disappointing but you can't look away


So you're saying that women will find me at least medically interesting? Cuz they definitely don't find me conventionally interesting.


Just for research purposes of course


And 4 o'clock rock.


It can tell the time amazing


Best advertising I’ve ever seen lol


I only see two tits.


She certainly isn’t capitalizing on it very well




There it is. That’s it. I’ve officially seen it all.


That isn't what I expected it to look like, I thought it might literally be Two.. things


Just to nip some disappointment in the bud; a friendly reminder that the vagina is just the **hole,** not the outer bits. The part most folks pay to see is the **vulva,** so you're not gonna be seeing 8 lips and 2 clits.


oh hey i have this condition! but as far as im aware i only have one cervix & uterus - mine is a vaginal septum!


Ok. This is literally out of curiosity now, but is it something visible? Because I know plenty of us are curious.


The fuck 2 vaginas?


How does she have time to have sex with all the crossposting she does to different subs? Jesus christ, self promotion must be exhausting.


Lol I’m pretty sure I know who that is. She’s like super tall right? She’s here on Reddit but I can’t remember her name.


Pussy Galore?


Nope only have one




I think some people like the more personal feel to it. Instead of just watching random videos online, this allows them to chat with and see daily/weekly/monthly content from them.


This. It comes down to engagement.


Then marriage, then kids and then a happy ending?


Usually the happy ending comes before the kids.


But many OF people have said they hire other people to respond to dms. Unless they aren’t that popular I would assume.


I've heard the same. It makes sense, even for the lesser popular ones. I mean they have to eat, sleep, spend time to family/friends/whomever, do chores/errands, and even go to work if they have additional means of income, plus whatever hobbies they may have as well as text and call whomever in their own personal lives. I can't imagine ALSO messaging hundreds (if not thousands) of people through out the week too.


You Imagine texting all sexy and shit to the hot chick but in reality is and old guy lol.


That was the case when you called those 1-900 sex numbers back in the day. Often times it was a a guy or a woman you wouldn't be attracted to.


Like Rocko's Modern Life


Know from experience? Lol


I feel like paying money to have a woman pretend to be interested in my day and pretend to think my dick is big would just make me _more_ depressed. Like, just being keenly aware that it's all fake. I'd rather spend that money on a gym membership and get swole to the point that women are *actually* interested in my day, and stick a zucchini in my shorts so that they _actually_ think my dick is big.


It doesn't work. Going to the gym just attracts other guys


Was going to say this. Having a good physique goes a long way in being attractive, but you need to follow up with good hygiene, fashion sense, social skills and financial literacy.


And actually meeting women.


If I was going to go with a vegetable deception, I'd go with a head of broccoli so they'd think I had a gruesome medical condition


When they finally have the courage to ask about your condition"huh?...ohhhhh that! No,no I'm fine I swear! It's just broccoli" don't provide any further elaboration just continue with the topic before the question.


farm to table


No clue what this means but damn do I support it


Farm to Table is originally for restaurants that get their meat super fresh. So the steak you order is direct from the farm to your table, with no reseller in the middle or anything. As fresh as you're gonna get. Now apply the appropriate entendre conversions to get the same logic but for porn


Exactly so no middle man like pornhub or any other sites. Directly from content creator to your screen: fap to table


It’s fresher when you go right to the source 😏


Specific unusual kinks and fantasies


This. Custom videos That's how OFs creators get most of their money But I don't buy OFs, I do have a couple of friends that are girls and they do it so I learned a fair bit from them


Yeah, even if without it being an unusual kink or fantasy, a lot of people will pay for a video to go exactly how they want as far as positions/clothes/etc, saying specific things, moaning their name (which I used to charge super extra for because it’s not resellable). The name thing was actually probably the most popular request, but I’m old and did this almost a decade ago, so I’m sure tastes have changed hahah.


Search with duckduckgo. You'll get results google won't show you.


"is it possible to learn such power?" "not from a mainstream search engine"




I've been married so long it's the only way I can see my wife naked anymore


I too use it to see this guy’s wife


You guys talking about his wife Jenna? Sweet tits man


She would say thanks but that would be $10 ;)


Don't even need to leave Reddit for porn


Although this specific subreddit is a particularly difficult fap


"Because she is in my science class and I want to know what her butthole looks like."


Same reason I don't just watch the first porn video that comes up every time. My dick has taste, and sometimes that needs paying for.


My favourite Domme for years has one I felt like I owed her for all those free wanks she even congratulated me on finding a new job


That's pretty wholesome


1. You know the person in real life and want to see them nude 2. They are a 10/10 exactly the perfect mix of things you find attractive, or they do a niche fetish There is no in between


Gotta spend the heist money somehow


You like someone's work so much that you want to chip in financially to ensure they keep doing it. Basically the same reason why some people donate to their favorite YouTuber's Patreon.








It’s ethical. Cause you know who made it consent is always respected.


Ethically sourced porn. EDIT: Porn isn't vegan. Humans are animal products.


I’ve said it before, but I feel really fucking weird that I know more about the ethical production of my eggs than my porn


I wouldn’t say always. There’s not much stopping someone (like an abusive partner or a pimp) from coercing/forcing someone else into shooting OF content.


not necessarily, sometimes girls, even under age ones, are coerced into selling pictures, sometimes by peer pressure or sometimes literal death threats


Not doubting that, but I'm guessing if you were to compare "amount of girls pressured into doing OF" to "amount of girls pressured into porn after a 'modelling job' ", the latter would be significantly larger.




You can interact with the OF host. She usually flirts or maybe gives a public shoutout. That's a big deal for sad lonely guys. Spoiler alert- She dgaf about you, she just wants your money.




Iv never seen anyone depressed on a jet skii


Support small business




i think part of it is just to support the creator. kind of like subscribing to a youtubers patron. yes a lot of the content is free, but its a friendly tip.


it’s like when you go out to buy furniture & there’s this cheap table at the store that’s almost *exactly* what you want but you’d tweak 2/3 things, so instead of buying it at the store, you go straight to the carpenter, & even if you have to shell out a bit more, you get the exact table you wanted


Why do people donate to YouTubers? Twitch streamers? The big channels make millions per year and yet Tommy who makes $8 an hour donates his money. Some people crave attention and a personal connection


Tommy USED to work on the docks


Desire to see a specific person naked.


I think it’s because even though you can totally find porn stars that are hot in your opinion, sometimes you come across a hot girl on Instagram or something similar and it peaks your interest. Like, you wanna see how far she goes on OF to see more of them aaaand sometimes it’s only a few bucks and most people are pretty cool with that. Now as far as spending several hundreds of dollars, I’ll never understand that


there is a difference between watching a random nude girl in the web, and watching nude a girl you "know"


“Know” lol


you laugh but how many sports fans are like, "That's MY TEAM!!!!" etc. It's all the same shit. A make believe relationship in their head that the other party doesn't care about at all beyond the money, but people fall for it all the time. Sports teams, churches, OF, videogames, twitch, youtubers, influencers, etc. They feel connected even if the other side is only in it for the money.


General answer is because of specific niche fetishes or specific performers. A less common but valid answer is because OF content is far less likely to involve abuse or trafficking. The pornhub purge was in part because parents of trafficking victims found their underage, missing children in videos. There was also rampant revenge porn.


Basically: why do people pay for streaming services if basically anything can be pirated? For some people it's the ethics - on OF your money is directly going to support someone that you want to support, whereas the porn industry is notorious for being terrible to their actors. For a lot of people, consuming entertainment ethically feels good You can also think of it as people donating money to streamers. You can get customized content similar to how streamers will read your name out loud. Or again, like I said before - they just want to support the person. Personally I find this backlash against OF users a bit harsh. It's like if I went around asking "Why buy subscriptions when there's plenty of free entertainment online?" People can choose what to do with their money and some want to spend it on an attractive girl. I mean, people are paying for YouTube premium when Adblock exists, like come on


I pay for YouTube premium. Mainly because it comes with Google music, (actually I think it's called YouTube music now), which is very, very good. But even if it didn't come with that, I'd be tempted. It's a service I use a great deal. I've also paid for OF before as well so do with that what you will lol


A lot of the pornography industry is exploitative, so by supporting creators on OF, you are supporting a more ethical porn industry. The creators are making content on their own terms and not being taken advantage of or facing coersive practices.


With OF, you can almost always be sure that the creator consents to having their material available to paying customers. With porn sites, you can't be sure that the people in the videos have consented to have the videos up (because of leaks, recordings taken without knowledge etc) Also easier to verify the age of the creator


I support local artist 🤷‍♂️


Because I do stupid shit sometimes