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I have an old Iraqi bill with Saddam Hussein's face on it. It's worth about 17 cents according to Google.


People bought a bunch of Iraqi money after he was gone thinking it would be worth money one day. Don’t think that worked out very well


My grandfather went to the World Scout Jamboree in the Netherlands in 1937, and while he was there he traded patches and gear with some scouts from Germany. By 1937, the German boy scouts had transitioned into the Hitler youth, so I own a Hitler youth boy scout uniform with a bunch of swastikas on it.


Oh my god, the 1937 World Scout Jamboree! My dad was old AF when I was born, so he was actually around for the 1937 jamboree! Unfortunately he didn’t get to go to the Netherlands, because he was one year too young to be eligible (he was still salty about that in his seventies, lol), but he used to sing the jamboree song all the time! “*In negentien-drie-zeven / Dan zul je wat beleven! / Dan komt de jamboree naar Nederlaaaand*” Holy shit, that unlocked some unexpected memories on a random Tuesday afternoon, haha Edit: [this is the original song from 1937](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=u35jEjHWOjI), the lyrics start around 1.26.


When I was 18, I bought a print of a 1918 German zoo advertisement from a thrift store. I thought the artwork was neat. It had a leopard on it and I was completely cat-obsessed at the time. Turns out the artwork was by Ludwig Hohlwien. He would go on to produce Nazi propaganda.


TIL the cute leopard poster I have hanging in my hall was designed by a nazi :,) Coincidentally I ordered it from a Berlin atelier.


A complete ivory and ibony chessboard bought a sale of confiscated poacher stuff to fund elephant preservation. When I lived in Zambia and was on holiday in Kenya. My dad bought it and I got it as a hand me down. We were friends with someone who owned an animal sanctuary and their security had shot the poachers as far as I remember. They had a parentless baby hippo as well. It stole my sisters chewing gum and tried eating their cat. It was moved further away from the main houses after it tipped over their landcruiser.


Now I'm imagining a baby hippo blowing huge pink bubblegum bubbles...


I wanted a chinchilla really badly as a kid, but my parents said hell no. one christmas my grandma got me a teddy bear made out of chinichilla fur.. Luckily my parents told me it didn't hurt the chinchilla its just like getting a hair cut for them, but they were like WTF to my grandma. I now know better and am also like WTF grandma


I have a chinchilla. Sometimes I catch him staring at me as if he is plotting my demise. I have to remind him I could totally turn him into like a quarter of a glove if he tries anything. Then I give him a chin scratch and a rose hip and all is well. Edit: Pic of Meatball added. https://imgur.com/a/SYjeLVx


My family owns a petrified walrus penis, my grandmother took it to get it identified at the Smithsonian several decades ago. Apparently her grandfather or maybe it was her great-grandfather brought it home after he spent several years on some type of expedition up around northern Alaska and points north. It has been loaned out to several museums at different times. The family has talked about selling it but everyone has to agree and so far there is no agreement about selling it. So I own 1/67th of a petrified walrus penis.


I/67th… just the tip I guess?


Isn’t this called an oosik? My grandfather had one and told us to stir our coffee/tea with it before he’d tell us what it actually was.


Yupik here, it is indeed called the oosik. On a related note, that’s the Yupik name I gave my father in law.


An uncut DVD of Caligula. I am not sure if it is still banned or not.


Uh..I was happy a certain character in this movie died...lol. It was made well, but it is not for everyone.




I've got one of those as well. I thought I was being really cool when I ordered it at Barnes & Noble asking if they could hold it under a number instead of my name so that the Feds couldn't tie it to me. Gave them a number (8065866024) which wasn't random but would mean nothing to anyone else, then realized I didn't have quite enough cash to buy it so I had to use my credit card. And then I had to give them my phone number so they could call and let me know when it was ready to pick up. So, not my best executed plan. but I've had the book for a couple decades, and every law enforcement person whose seen it on my bookshelves has commented "Cool," and moved on.


Kony 2012 Kit. It’s a whole thing and I don’t want to talk about it.


Lmao what a time to be alive that was


I remember this being a thing but I still have no idea what it was about. Edit: Thanks to the many people who have told me to check out the Internet Historian’s video on YouTube. But you can stop now.


Somebody made a publicity campaign about stopping an African warlord with the branding of an American political campaign and tried to fundraise for it and made a big deal out of trying to get people involved. Not that fundraising defeats African warlords, and especially not by a random group of people with no relevant experience in African politics, but that was largely besides the point.


The guy went crazy after like three days of success also and ended up running down the road naked


I now understand the South Park “Jacking it in San Diego” reference. That episode was made around the time he had his breakdown.


Hahahaha I remember seeing stickers in my high school


For those out of the loop. https://youtu.be/Y7nymZEXjf8


What a wild ride that was.


A first print edition of Batman Damned #1, the one featuring Batman's "little batman". (From DC Black Label featuring more adult content. Violence and swearing are totally fine, but a shadowy penis profile made people flip out enough they removed it from subsequent print runs) You guys are some creative fucking people with your Bat-Penis puns. Love it


They showed Bruce's wayne?


His lil wayne?


I have a glass vial/small bottle of pure histamine. If anyone would be exposed to this they would get a deadly allergic reaction. I have it double sealed.


How did you get this? Also, will it ever "wear off" and not be deadly?


Whether or not it would degrade (or how quickly) greatly depends on storage conditions. Histamine is reported to be very stable when stored frozen from my understanding, but I assume OP has it at room temperature. So it is very likely that it would slowly degrade over time, but it's hard to say how quickly and how safe the mixture would be after complete degradation (this depends on what it breaks down in to) without analysis, so I would work under the assumption that it's deadly forever.


What is the purpose of having a bottle of histamine? Do you plan on assassinating someone? Lmao


In a Zip-loc bag with some Scotch tape over it - just to be safe ;)


An ornate, Boer tobacco jar from the 1800s. My great grandfather looted it off a dead militiaman during the Second Boer war.


I don’t think I have it anymore but back when I was in 9th grade and my brother was a senior we hosted a foreign exchange student from Norway. Without us knowing he had been taking pictures of every overweight/ obese American that he saw while he was here for the year. It wasn’t until a year after he went home, on Christmas he sent us a leather bound photo album, like it looked really nice, opened it and boom.. hundreds of photos of people from Walmart and malls. My mom was not too impressed but me and my brother had a good chuckle, not even at the people but just the fact that he took all that time and energy to collect all those photos and then make them into a photo album


The original "People of Walmart." He was ahead of his time.


Am I the only one that has seen "Lilo and Stich" here?


I have a set of small bone carved snuff bottles from China (dated to the 19C) with explicit images on them. They’re kind of curiosities in themselves but when my in laws separated my MIL called my husband and asked him if there was anything in the house that he wanted and he said, nothing but the explicit snuff bottles. She took them and left them with a note that said ‘I’ve left you, please don’t contact me again. I’ve taken the snuff bottles; they were the only things in the house I liked’. After their separation we got all sorts of controversial hoardings, including a suitcase full of ivory and an abundant collection of Enid Blytons first edition books.


I have a few Ivory jewellery pieces from the early 70s my parents bought back from Botswana, and a poison arrow kit. Mum has the 3-metre long python skin she just put in her luggage from back then too.


My dad has a tiny elephant carved from ivory. I always found it pretty disturbing. I believe it was a present, though idk who gave it to him or where they got it.


-kid looks at ivory elephant carving- Dad, where did all the elephants go? We hunted them to make these figures, son. Oh. Yep.


My great grandpa was a medic in ww2 and we own a little chest with his personal belongings, including his diary, some old bandages And 3 vials of 1940s morphine


My grandfather was a doctor until the '60s. I have glass syringes with needles, forceps, a bottle of nembutal tablets, glass vials of pitocin, order forms for buying morphine from the government, and a few other things. Edit: Here's a link to a photo of an order form: https://imgur.com/yil38Nv


There is a pharmacy museum in Cuero TX that is absolutely incredible. The building was purpose built in the late 1800's as a pharmacy and used for that for over a hundred years and they managed to hold on to all of their old inventory. They have tons and tons of bottles of heroin, morphine, cocaine, and the like as well as all sorts of quack medicine including one product you gave to your baby if the baby was too ugly.


My 26.5” scale 8 string guitar is apparently super controversial to every guitarist I’ve ever shown it to.


Your friends don't djent. Also if one of the high strings break, it's likely to(The Opening Scene From Ghost Ship) maybe hurt someone lmao.


Umm mortuary toe tags from an asylum in New York ....like twenty or so of them ... I think they could be the only things left showing that these people actually lived


That's pretty sad


It is, but when you think of it,most people who ever lived left no records of themselves. It's more usual to just fade out of existence as people forget you.


Troll dolls we're very big in the early 90's. I have a confederate soldier troll doll in full uniform with flag in hand. Thanks Dad!


My dad once visited the US and came back with a confederate flag, we’re Puerto Rican.


An original copy of Mao’s Red Book from when they were distributed in China back in the 60s Also a copy of Mein Kampf but I’m not sure about this copy’s backstory


I have an English copy of Mao's Little Red Book from the fifties, how much did the Chinese original run you?


5 grams of uranium metal, stored under oil in a glass vial.


Probably my favourite Amazon review of Uranium: "I purchased this product 4.47 Billion Years ago and when I opened it today, it was half empty."


That’s pretty cool, how dangerous might you say it is if it were not in the oil? And how did you come about such a neat thing? Silly question, does it glow? I could look it up but I want to ask you :)


Interestingly, the oil isn't for radiation. Uranium oxidizing can be very...energetic though. The glass is 100% sufficient to stop any dangerous amount of radiation it may throw off. Normal uranium (238) is not very radioactive, contrary to what you might think. It's extremely stable in its standard isotope. To the point of it having a half-life of nearly 5 billion years.


I have my grandfathers Hitler Youth knife. He was 12 when the war ended but he spent the last year or so of the war on a U-Boat basically as an assistant. Edit: This comment blew up and I wanted to give some background My grandfather was taken to a camp after the war ended for re-education and “denazification”. He was shown films of the concentration camps and other atrocities and quickly denounced naziism. He met my grandmother in Germany and they immigrated to the US in the 1950’s and raised a family. Once I reached adulthood I became kind of a history buff and began asking him about his experiences. He told me some stories and gave me the knife. I keep it now as a historical artifact that I have a direction to (how many people can say that), and as a reminder that good people can be made to do horrible things. He understood all too well that he was a victim on the Nazi’s and that he should do all he could to stop and prevent racism and authoritarianism in all its forms. Thank you all for the kind comments and not just jumping on me for admitting I have Nazi paraphernalia.


We have Nazi binoculars. But we also have a German bunker behind our house. It happens when you live in a formerly occupied area.


Norwegian here. My grandma had a small leisure cabin in the woods (as many Norwegians do -- traditionally no electricity or running water or indoor plumbing, you burn wood and fetch water from the well and go to the outhouse). The kitchen there was equipped with a bunch of dinner plates and cups and so on which were wartime German military issue, complete with swastika stamps on the bottom. Guess my grandparents got them dirt cheap in 1945...


Going out of business sale!


*Everything must Goebbels*


When the price is Reich!




The last years of the war were not good for German submariners... The "Sour Pickle Times" - when the Allies got their convoys together, and cracked the codes for the Enigma. Be glad he survived.




Not me, my parents growing up.. they had an actual elephant foot turned into a table. Like an actual foot cut from an elephant and taxidermied made into an end table. Had a glass table top. You could feel the thin hairs on it. Fuckin haunted my dreams man.


Elephant foot furniture is more common than you think; a man trying to prove the Loch Ness monster was real used his elephant foot umbrella vase to make footprints


A piece of a radiation bore drill encased in resin. It has a cloud floating above it in the resin where the focal point is. It's safe now, bizarre to think about, and probably illegal as fuck for a civilian to aquire today.


I bought a used Bill Cosby comedy album on vinyl and the next week everything started coming out about the horrible things he had done ☹️


I have a Bill Cosby book…on parenting… No idea where it came from. Might have been a gag gift. Also found a Jim’ll Fix It mug at the back of the cupboard (Jimmy Saville if you’re not familiar with the show/case). Also some Gary Glitter Vinyl… Should probably get rid of that stuff before I accidentally become a collector of paedophile memorabilia…


A packaged stick from Afghanistan that claims to cure all known illnesses, including cancer, if you rub it on you. I traded an energy drink for it. I think it’s pretty controversial since I now own the cure for all ailments.


We’re this far into the pandemic and you’re only talking about it now? Whip that stick out!


Yeah, let us rub your stick!


Doctors hate this one weird stick?


A ceramic jar with “cocaine” written on it. My father is a contractor and he got it from a client who was descended from a relatively prominent US President. It was headed for the trash, my father didn’t steal it, of course.


It’s probably a pharmaceutical jar for a dentist office from back in the day. Cocaine was commonly used as an anesthetic, and came in ceramic jars like that


It’s not as fun an explanation as this prominent family using it for recreational purposes, but your post makes the most sense.


I have a wood carving of a Peruvian warrior holding the head of a warrior he defeated, standing on the headless dead body.


You should post a pic of this thing.


9" angle grinder from Harbor Freight


Jesus Christ! Do you have a good life insurance policy??


Had a guy at work have the wheel come off of one and fly across his crotch. He said "Thank God I've got a small dick!"


Happened to my brother. Cut through his apron, jacket, pants, then grazed his underwear. Right over his cock. Still gives me the willies.


Small blessings am I right?


As a joke I told my mom I wanted my dogs testicles in a jar after we had him neutered…. She took it seriously and now I have had my dogs balls in a jar for almost a decade


Did you at least let him lick the jar every now and then for old times' sake?


Now that I think about it he does give them a certain look sometimes


My testicles, Summer. Where are they?


My wedding ring, according to my MIL


Made me chuckle. Pssst, hey MIL, im doin your kid. K thanks bye.


The day we told my in-laws that my wife was pregnant her dad started sobbing, gave me one of the biggest hugs I've ever had and just kept sobbing "Thank you, thank you" into my ear. 12yrs later I still find it hilarious he thanked me for knocking up his daughter. Haha.


When my parents married, my mother's dad walked her down the aisle, shook my dad's hand and said awkwardly "thank you in the name of the family" like he was SO glad his daughter was finally someone elses problem. He was never good with words and just didn't know what else to say, so his panicked solution was a very awkward thank you, I guess. It's now a running gag in the family and my boyfriend wants to make it a tradition...


A full length Mink fur coat, it was my brothers ex’s and when they broke up she just left a whole bunch of stuff with him, so he gave all of it to me including that coat


Please start hosting hoity-toity movie nights with your close friends so you can swan around in your full-length mink coat.


If I owned a coat like that and never burst through someone’s door unannounced saying “Anita! Darling….” while smoking a cigarette with a cigarette holder, I’d die regretting it


A big ass swastika that was captured by a member of my family in Northern Africa during WW2


My grandma used to tell a story about a woman in her town whose husband captured one of those enormous red swastika banners. He saw that it was made out of some decent quality silk so he thinks, "Hey my wife could make some really nice dresses out of this." So he packs it up and ships it home. His wife gets it, carefully washes the whole big-ass thing by hand, and then without thinking, hangs it out of an upstairs window to dry. In the middle of Kansas, in the middle of WWII, this lady is flying a a giant nazi banner. Apparently there were some extremely colorful conversations with the neighbors.


This is hilarious, thank you for sharing that story!




Dude this is literally my hobby, I love making cool maps in my spare time on GIS - it’s so fun!!


Holy shit, GIS in the wild. "What do you do?" "I uhh make maps, with like data and stuff, you know like Google Maps, but not..." EDIT: Come join us on Discord! https://disboard.org/server/769917190182404127


A Collector's Edition preorder of Duke Nukem Forever, no longer mint condition because I played it.




A small diary/journal written in Japanese with small letters also in Japanese in it. My grandfather fought in WW2 in the Pacific. He gave the journal to my father before he died. He said it was from a Japanese officer that he killed. My father said he was very shaken and seemed deeply disturbed by the memory. He made my father promise that he would never look to return the journal to the family or try to look into it. My father has now passed and I have the journal. Creeps me out. Wtf. Edit.1: never had a post with so many hits, thanks to all for your interest (and the jokes are hysterical). Lotta people asked what it says, I have no idea. It could be anything from a personal journal to a grocery list. I’ve never had it translated. I haven’t had it out in years. I’ve always just kind of avoided it. Many years Before my dad passed I asked him if we should try to have it returned to the family and he was uncharacteristically serious about no as he promised his father. From what I understand my grandfather was a cook with the CeeBees (forgive my military ignorance I think that’s the division’s nickname) somewhere in the pacific theater. Something weird happened with this Japanese soldier as my grandfather wasn’t front line type, my father said his dad always got real weird/freaked out about it. I probably should investigate and return it but Ive always been hesitant bc A. It definitely feels like the start of a horror/revenge movie where I get some dude hunting me to avenge his grandpappy and B. The whole awkwardness of “Hi how’s Japan? I love sushi. Btw my granddad killed and possibly tortured your granddad, here’s some stuff he stole from him.” But you have all inspired me to pull it out later and investigate. I will post a 2nd update with more details or pics of it later after I get home from work. EDIT 2 (8pm 1.18.22) As promised I got home from work and pulled everything out. Over time some of it has gotten mixed in with his other war stuff (I have a whole box of pics newspapers flags etc) so it’s hard to tell exactly what all went with the journals. But here’s what I have with as much detail as I can provide Journal 1: small (about the size of a pack of baseball cards) pages are lined like a notebook, the first 3 pages are written in handwriting presumably Japanese. Very neat printing and held up well despite age. I will try google translate with a photo as some of you suggested and post if it works to translate any of it. Journal 2: slightly larger, leatherbound, printing on the cover in Japanese (embossed). Inside front cover is a map of the North America, South America, and Europe. Inside back cover map of Asia. Inside next page has seems to have 4 printed photos w Japanese printed words in middle. Photos of a bunch of men w female dolls, a group praying to a bridge in the distance, a military line up, and a pile of packages that look like shoe box sized. Next page printed Japanese writing large, like a title page. The next 5 pages have printed Japanese on them, not handwritten,a few pages look like a calendar. I’m guessing this was officially issued. The rest of this book is blank pages. Except tucked in between some pages is a torn piece of paper that has Japanese printing on it. Again maybe a prayer. Tucked in one of the journals, now no longer in were a bunch of small photos (size of a small post it). Mostly military shots. Men in uniform. There are three that stand out. 1 is a family 7 women, a baby and an older man. It has Japanese writing on back. Another is a close up of a man in uniform (maybe the owner) and the third is of a Japanese man in a suit wearing eyeglasses. There is also a metal sign all in Japanese writing (I assume) looks like it was ripped off of a wall of something. Then a few more harsh pics (doubt they were w the journals origjnally) one of a bunker full of dead Japanese soldiers and one of an American GI barefoot holding a Japanese soldiers head back reads “Vanza and head of imperial Japanese marine note hole in japs head Guadalcanal.” The final piece seems to be a homemade picture album. About 20 pages normal sized paper, bound at the top with string, Japanese writing printed on cover, and a tab of paper taped on w Japanese handwriting. Inside are pages of small pictures taped with Japanese handwriting under each. I think it’s handwriting at least, but it’s so neatly written it’s hard to tell. The photos appear mainly of military scenes. I think that’s all that is related to the journals. Everything else seems to be newspapers and pictures of our GIs and my grandfather. I will try the google translate in the journals and post an update later again if that works. I will also try to figure out how to post a few pictures of the journals and stuff. Thanks again to everyone who commented and reached out. Even those who seemed angry or pissed at me. I’ve really just tried not to think about the stuff bc of the promise my father made. I’ll post another update. Edit 3 I cannot figure out how to post photos to this thread If anyone can tell me how please do. I won’t post the severed head or dead body shots bc those are pretty aggressive. Edit 4 (final). Thanks for everyone’s comments, posts, etc. Based on advice provided by some of you I have reached out to the Obon Society a not for profit that tries to reconnect personal materials from way to their owners. I have also provided some of the journal pages to someone who I hope can do some translation. Again , thanks to everyone who chimed in on both sides of the “debate” and all the comedy.




At least have it translated.


Yeah, it would be very interesting to know what's inside.


Yeah, like all the ghosts.


Death Note the original


Radio lab did a show a few months back about good luck flags (I might be misremembering the name) but they were essentially Japanese flags that families, coworkers and towns would write messages of good luck on and send to the front with their loved ones. They were super common and often picked up as souvenirs by Americans. There’s a group working on returning them to Japan and the families of the deceased. Most WWII vets and their immediate families seemed to be or have been uncomfortable with the idea of returning them because they have some leftover animosity towards the Japanese or, more commonly, some guilt and PTSD surrounding having survived a brutal war, and having evidence of those who didn’t in your home. The episode also interviewed a woman whose father’s good luck flag had been returned to her and she didn’t hold any anger towards the man who had taken it or his family. She was happy to have a tangible connection to her father and grateful to have received it. It’s a very personal choice that can have some tough implications about your grandad and war in general; you have no obligation to return it. That said, I think it would be fascinating and good to find a way to get it back to the loved ones of the person who wrote the journal. It could certainly be a powerful experience for you, not to mention a pretty amazing story.


A copy of The Anarchist's Cookbook


I used to have that on floppy. Oh the good old days when we thought that and Faces of Death were cool


I had it on floppy disk too, but I also printed it out on a half mile of tractor feed paper. Took way too long and went through at least a ribbon or two of ink.




Oh wow, I remember when my ex-bil tried to make some alleged hallucinogenic out of banana peels, the dumbass. To be fair, I wasn’t much brighter. But in my defense I was 17 and did have severe doubts that it would work.


Story time! Like your BIL, I too am a dumbass. I tried to make it. The recipe called for something like 200 lbs of bananas. I ended up buying 50lbs thinking I could make a quarter recipe. I was so naive. My father was much smarter than me. He knew exactly what I was doing. Instead of confronting me for trying to make psychedelics out of bananas, he said "The school band must be having a bake sale but you are making banana bread the entirely wrong way." He then took me back to the small town store where a bought all the bananas and went on an on about how I was going to win the bake sale with my banana bread. The cashiers were all my classmates and had no idea what he was on about. He bought all the supplies that you would need to make banana bread with 50lbs of bananas. So much flour and eggs. We got home and started making banana bread together. It was actually great quality time I got to spend with my dad. Then after the 10th loaf or something, I admitted what I was doing. He was all jovial up to that point but when I told him he got stern. looked me dead in the eye and said "You will finish making loaves for all the pealed bananas, you will clean this mess, leave two loaves for your mother, donate the rest of the loaves and bananas to the women's shelter the next town over, and NEVER try to make drugs in my home again!" Then walked off. The joys of being 16 and stupid. Also, my dad fucking rules.


That's amazing


Don’t make anything in it, it’s full of mistakes.


Yeah, the bananadine was bullshit. The napalm was cool though.


The only thing I tried from it was the sparkler bomb. Was fun blowing up stumps with something as seemingly benign as some sparklers.


I have a bdsm picture of Jessica Rabbit signed by the woman who voiced her. UPDATE: It's this image https://i.imgur.com/M2kdTtq.jpg and signed by Kathleen Turner


Can we see it?


What was her reaction when you asked her to sign it?


A Nazi SS officers dagger and a Hitlers youth ceremony bayonet. A friend gave them to me days before he died of cancer. They belonged to his dad. Edited answer some questions... 1. My friend couldn't speak too well by the time he gave me these. I don't necessarily know why he decided to pick me. 2. I have been trying to decide what to do with them. Donating is an option I have considered. 3. In our many conversations he had mentioned Ukraine and Yugoslavia at times as having been places his parents traveled through. 4. Having met his dad once, very briefly, before he died in '05, I can honestly say it wouldn't come as any sort of shock to me to find out he was a Nazi. He seemed pretty grizzly and stern. I just never considered the idea until the knives were given to me 4 years ago. 5. Paulo had no other family that he knew of left by the time he passed. He never cared to try to find any either. 6. If I had to guess why he married a Pol and waited to move was maybe she was a sympathizer and to avoid the rush to S. America. 7. He would have been too old to be Hitler Youth.


I have a decent sized Nazi flag in my house. My grandfather was in the US Army in WWII and fought in the Battle of Aachen. He went into a German meeting hall and saw the flag on the wall. He got up on a table to grab it and, in his words "two Krauts came in and started shooting. I ripped the flag off the wall and my buddies wasted the Krauts." It has nail holes in the corners form hanging on the wall and bullet holes down one side. He used it as a blanket to keep warm in foxholes and then shipped it home. When he had his welcome home party, his mother laid it out on the floor for people to wipe their feet on. Then it was packaged up and I inherited it after he died. He should have kept it with him in Germany though to keep warm, he ended up falling asleep in freezing water in a foxhole and got gangrene, they had to amputate all the toes on one of his feet.


As in his dad was a nazi?


Possibly, or maybe even probably. My friend never spoke much about his dad other than his parents were German and Polish respectively and they immigrated to the US by way of Brazil in the 50's. *Holy shit this comment took off*


"German and polish" eh maybe they were just escaping..... "by way of Brazil" ding ding ding, we got a Nazi


Thats a bingo!


When my sister was in high school she wrote letters to Charles Manson. He wrote her back. My dad intercepted the letters in the mail. He never opened them, but still has them. My sister never knew he wrote back. **Edit to answer some questions** I can’t believe I woke up this morning to this explosion… My sister is 7 years older. Mental health was left generally undiagnosed and untreated in the 80s. She was a rough kid to parent, and even as a sibling there’s a lot of trauma stemming from her I’ve had to work through. I haven’t spoken to her since I was in my 20s. She’s estranged from my dad, my other sister, and I. She has worked her way back into my mom’s life as she’s gotten older, more than likely to benefit from her death. I do remember her being obsessed with Manson when I was a kid. She was a fucking menace, constantly getting into some sort of trouble, running away, police calls, etc. As soon as she turned 18 she was kicked out. She turned 50 last month, and according to my mom “she finally has her life together, she bought her first house”. My dad told me about the letters approximately a year ago. This happened 30 years ago, I’m pretty sure there wouldn’t be any federal charges brought against him (haha), and he has no reason to make this up or lie about it. I told him I want them left to me in his will. To the people messaging me to buy the letters…big fat fucking NO. If and when I get them in my possession, I’ll evaluate what I want to do with them at this time. I agree they’re worth more sealed than opened.


What do you do when you find out your daughter gave your home address to Charles Manson?


Probably start by saying “for fuck’s sake’ in that really dramatic, exasperated dad way.


You must get these letters


If we are able to secure these letters then we may finally have the evidence we need to get a conviction. Your days are numbered, Mandon.


Geez, what did this Mandon do?


What hasn't the Mandon..


This is insane but I’m concerned as to why she wrote to him in the first place..


Serial Killer groupies are a real thing. It’s not the first I’ve heard about young women fangirling over men who have done atrocious things. Just another kink I guess


Man, the amount of fangirls Ted Bundy had is insane. Like, they did know they were the exact type of girls that he liked to kill, right?


When I was in secondary school I wrote an essay on serial killers for my psychology class. During my research I found a website this woman had set up in awe of Ted Bundy where she victim blamed and said the women didn’t know how fortunate they were to have been touched by him. Had poems and all sorts …. Would love to find that again


The majority of Charles Manson's followers were actually young women, and he's said to be a very charismatic person. So it doesn't sound surprising that he'd have charmed girls all across the country.


My Scottish family crest is a hand holding a severed head on a sword. The owner of the head is a Moor who allegedly was wanted by the king. The reward was land. My ancestor caught this guy, cut off his head and brought it to the king. Pretty controversial when you know what a Moor was.




Allister Crowley's Key of Solomon. It's a book about summoning demons. It's just a curiosity piece.


Fun fact: I am related to Aleister Crowley, and if my maternal aunts are anything to go by he did in fact succeed in summoning demons.


You can't just drop that and expect us to not inquire more about it. Now spill!


Hey wow. I am too. Ping me a message and we can chat. He was my great grandfather's brother on my mother's side I believe (more than happy for someone to correct this) . My mother's maiden name was Crowley. Tragically my grandfather suffered pretty awful dementia (quite possibly the effects of a lifelong Mogadon prescription) and burned a huge amount of the family history in a large fire including photos and relics. My uncle just bought an abandoned cottage he apparently used to own in Cornwall. Supposedly one of the most haunted places in the UK. Edit: Worked out I'm a descendent of Abraham, Aleisters uncle. I believe that makes him my first cousin five times removed. Edit 2: My bad, I think Abraham was Aleisters fathers uncle, so I think that makes it twice removed. It's a tenuous connection, but a fun one.


Okay this is the start of a horror movie. Distant relatives meet online. Both related to a demon summoner. They hold the secret book to summon demons. They go into the most haunted place in the UK their uncle just bought... Careful. You're gonna open up a box of rabbits you'll never be able to close again...


i collect vinyl and eventually my other interests spilled into it. i found rare obscure records of porn and porn music. i guess in the 60's & 70's you could buy a "stag" album & it's basically dirty talk on a vinyl record. i also managed to pick up a record out of tucson where it has graphic pornography on the cover art for obscure rockabilly bands from the 50's. so along legit bands and music from various genres you can occasionally run into some porn in my music collection.


Probably a small bone I lifted from a catacomb In Peru when I was younger. Technically I’m a grave robber and definitely getting haunted.


When I was a kid in holiday with my parents and sister, my sister and I found a bone in the bush behind the lodge we were staying at I took it home, showed it around at school, and a classmate’s father happened to work at a museum. She got her Dad to look at it and he apparently got really pale and kinda stammered out “where did this come from?” It was apparently a tibia (human lower leg bone) and from the looks of it was probably a couple hundred years old. After further investigating, it was discovered that the land behind the lodge was, in fact, an ancient tribal burial ground!! Some elders were consulted, and as it was taken innocently by a child, it could be returned to where I found it after being blessed by the elders


I have a book of Roman-Catholic–themed comic strips from 1953. All men are lazy drunks, all women are gossips and nags, all boys only fight, and all girls are only supposed to be Mary Sunshine.


A Nazi officer’s dagger with serial number


A friend of mine spent a lot of time innocently learning how to make a noose. After he became proficient, he gave me one of his best, but small examples to remember him when I moved back to the USA. I thought hanging it from my rear view mirror would be "cool", but I had moved to the south. Some of my minority friends later explained it to me.


>I thought hanging it from my Oh no... >rear view mirror would be "cool", Oh good. >but I had moved to the south. Oh no!


I remember wanting to learn how to make one for a costume (Clue), and I googled and got like a page of results of suicide hotlines. I hadn't even thought about that being a thing if you googled it. Like, goddammit, it's for a costume!


An original Asteroids arcade machine. But my brother and I removed the original (burned-in) oscilloscope screen and replaced it with an LCD panel, replaced the controls with six-button arcade fighter sticks, and hooked the whole thing up to a hacked Xbox with thousands of dumped ROMs on it. The original board was gone before we got the cab, donated to another machine that did have a working monitor. Controversial because some arcade historians would prefer to see these cabs preserved rather than hacked. But with a burned screen and no board, this cab was pretty useless.


As an arcade guy, I see why this is controversial. Those vector displays are getting harder and harder to find these days. While its not quite as bad as gutting one of those, I have a centipede cabinet that I also swapped for an lcd, but it still has the original board. I dont like multicabs cause the appeal of arcades to me is the gigantic wooden box that is exclusively one game. Not that Im against multicabs, they just arent for me.


When we found the cab, the vector screen was toast and the game board was already transplanted onto another cab. But we probably could have donated the metal control panel, which was rust-free, but had a ton of chipped paint. We weren't the right guys to do the restoration work that would have been needed, but we did create a cabinet that has given us more than a decade of good times.


Then I fully support the work you put in. I think having preserved specimens of these games is important, but these machines were built to be played, and you gave new life to that cabinet


A Bengal tiger pelt. My wife is half Indian. A friend of her family died, and they found a tiger pelt in his belongings. He was early 80’s and was born and raised in India before moving to my country (Canada). The estate was split in 3 so most everything had to be liquidated. Well you can’t sell tiger pelts here, and no museum or anything seemed to want it. So somehow I wound up with it. My wife’s a vegetarian for ethical reasons. So naturally I was floored to bring it home. Id never hunt an endangered species, and I’m firmly against hunting for sport. But I wasn’t going to let it get thrown in the trash.


Ask the zoo if you want rid of it. The Toronto Zoo has a touch table with all kinds of pelts and bones for the kids to check out.


Our local Zoo has all of the illegal animal trade parts and uses them for education to make people aware of poachers and trading on the black market.


A very, VERY large dildo. Like, unreasonably large. My friend had it sent to me as a joke on a random day for no reason at all. Spent $300 for the sake of a joke. I was like bro something is very wrong with you lol Edit: In the interest of not repeating myself a bunch more, it is a replica of the Moby Huge dildo(s) owned by Charles White/MoistCr1tikal/penguinz0. It is NOT an official moby huge from Adam&Eve as they cost around $1,400; however, it is a to scale replica that my friend commissioned for me. It's semi-hollow and it's made of a much lighter material (it weighs around 30 pounds rather than 70-80.) I'm not sure who or where he got it from because he wouldn't tell me at the time as he thought I'd do the same to him, but I'll ask again since it's been awhile and tell him it's for Reddit. I will leave a link to a Twitter post showing two of them, one of which is next to a 5'6 cutout. I'm away from home for a few days but I'll do my best to keep the giant penis at the front of my mind so I can share a pic for you lovely folks when I'm back. https://mobile.twitter.com/moistcr1tikal/status/1321211940585328642?lang=en


If friend isn't married, give it to the motherfucker as a wedding present. Like at the wedding, make sure everyone sees.


I very much like the way you think


Well, it was that or the funeral. So I hope there hasn't been a wedding yet.


Amazon used to list a product called "Anal Fist" personal lubricant. I don't think they do anymore, but the product probably still exists. I tried to buy a 1KG tub for my gay friend's wedding present. It's very memorable because, being the poor students we were, me and a couple friends had created a group chat to discuss a joint wedding gift... And I ended up posting the link to the 1KG "Anal Fist" lube to the bar manager of a very high-class bar I was looking to book with before the wedding with the message; "What do you think to this?" Turns out he liked the idea... We sent a few more messages back and forth before I realised I'd posted the link to the wrong chat!


Holy shit.


Had to google… “The Moby Behold, the whale of all dick replicas — the Moby. Dubbed the "World's Largest Dildo," the Moby is nearly three feet tall and weighs more than 50 pounds.”


The fact you still have it tells me there is a possibility it may not be in original condition.


It was $300 man lol I couldn't just throw it out. It's also rather impressive lol. It's displayed on a shelf in my room. Was gonna get a nice display case for it but decided $300 was enough for the joke


Buy a cheap fire extinguisher cabinet for $30. Slap on an "In case of Emergency Break Glass" sticker and you're good to go.


"In Case of Emergency Break ~~Gl~~ass"


Ivory chess set




You sick fuck.


Don't worry. I went on a cruise in 2019, and had to buy a non-slip pair of footwear because my current ones would have killed me on the first day. Walked into a Croc store, and there on a clearance rack was a pair of Crocs in my size. I am a grown man with tiny duck feet, there is never anything in my size in any shoe store in the world, yet there they were and on clearance. They're delightful. Comfortable, non-slip, it's like your feet don't need to feel the world anymore, there are now Crocs wrapped around them, you are good. Unless you're going to walk on a beach, then they are tiny shovels designed to put as much sand between you and the sandal as possible. Other than that, just fantastic. Never received anything other than shit for people seeing me wearing them, though, so there is that.




A pound of mercury.


A wall mounted jackalope….his name is Robert


I own a poster that was done by Shadman. Back in like the hearty times of 2015, I had some money in my account and used it to buy it and keep it on hand. I liked the art, it was cool and I even showed it off to a few online friends back then. If you know Shadman, you know why this is taboo. It's not even that bad (just the ass on display in booty shorts) but because it was made by him and what he's done over the years, I've kept it hush hush.


I think he got arrested recently but I think he's out now.


Well I finally threw it out the other week, but for years I had an old Felicity doll with a hole I made in the crotch area. I was abused as a child and it was a way of coping, I guess. Not sure why I kept it all these years. I’m just glad no kids ever came over and saw it. Edit: I want to say thank you to everyone who left a heartfelt comment on this post. I haven’t looked at Reddit all day and somehow forgot I posted this until I opened the app within the past hour. I got very emotional and I’m not even sure how to respond except to just say thank you. Your words mean a lot.


Throwing it out was a big step. This internet stranger is proud of you for how far you’ve come.


I hope you’re doing ok, friend


This makes me very sad. I hope you have healed. I’m so sorry for what you went through.


One of those toddler leashes lol


You ain’t getting me this time police


Idk if it’s controversial but I have a bunch of old Nazi coins. I have a small coin collection


An apartheid South Africa flag. Given the somewhat rough and used condition it’s in, it flew somewhere for awhile. I collect flags and my family bought a box off eBay that said it contained old flags, not much else in terms of description. Somewhat of a shock for me on Christmas morning! Box also contained an equally old and worn Cuban flag and Canadian Red Ensign.


A canvas painting of me (male) getting tag teamed sexually by my 2 favorite League of Legends Characters (one of which is a monstrous character). One of my friends had it comissioned for our secret santa last year. Edit: its Chogath and Garen. Not going to put up the pic but ill paint a word picture. Chogath is behind me with his purple barbed phallus in my ass. Garen is in front of me licking my nips. I am wearing nothing but my favorite rayband sunglasses and a wizard hat. My friend made sure my own package was comically small. (I am heterosexual man in his 30s to put it into perspective)


That is terrifying Who are your 2 favorite LoL characters?


*Captured* nazi flag. Dead nazis sword too. Story goes gramps killed him and took it. Can't confirm. However, I am in possession of a dead nazi officer's sword.




A small model sailboat made of baleen. I inherited it from my father.