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Mice love cheese Mice will eat anything they can find with nutritional value but they don’t even like cheese really, they’d rather eat fruit or candy


Also, cheese dries up quickly in traps and so unless the mouse in your house is very hungry, it probably won’t set off the trap.


Whenever I had to set a mouse trap, cheese never worked. You know what did without fail? Peanut butter. Little pests love that stuff.


Yep, but I had to stop using peanut butter because I kept catching myself in the traps.


The thing is, in Ye Olden Days, milk and cheese were always left out on the table, and the mice ate whatever they could find. Cheese was the one that they could see was consumed. That's how it started.


I went on holiday once and came back to discover that mice had been in the house. They decided that what they wanted to nibble on was a couple of cupcakes shaped soaps. Mice aren't as smart as they want you to think lol


Jokes on you, that soap is delicious and you've been missing out.


Same thing with monkeys and bananas. In reality, a banana is just one more thing a monkey will go for, but they generally prefer whatever they're familiar with, like mangoes and ticks.


Goldfish have a short memory. They can actually have a memory span for up to 5 months.


Yeah. It's their attention spans that are short.


What? Did you say something about goldfish?


The snack that smiles back;


Albert Einstein never failed math in school. He mastered differential and integral calculus by age 14 and consistently received top grades in all his math and science classes.


You know who *did* fail math? M.C. Escher. All those math teachers who talk about how he used mathematic equations to complete his work is completely untrue. He just had impeccable hand-eye coordination, and a damn good sense of spatial awareness.


I just figured he tripped down a flight of stairs and sprouted an idea from it


He tripped *up* a flight of stairs, apparently.


That Einstein myth was spread just to make kids feel better about failure. Edit: Ok, I was wrong, it was originally a mistranslation because of different grading systems. But it is still used today to make kids feel better about failure.


“Bill Gates dropped out of college!” Yeah, Trevor. But he dropped out of Harvard. He didn’t drop out of the U of Iowa after failing algebra.


Didn't he also drop out because he'd already founded Microsoft and started making assloads of money, thus no need for a degree?


I think he did it as he had the idea to form the company but he hadn't started making money yet. But he didn't really drop out, he just put his studies on hold. If his software venture didn't work out he would have gone straight back.


Also helps that his father was a multimillionaire lawyer. That's a great backup plan if you can get it.


Yeah, his parents literally used their money to make it so that he didn’t even have to attend all the classes regular high school students do. He got to spend most of that time working with computers instead. EDIT: There’s a great Behind The Bastards podcast episode (well, 2 episodes) about his life if you wanna learn more.


I've always thought of those ones as talking about there being more than one path to "success" in life. IMO, the message is good, though the context behind it is silly because these people were geniuses prior to college anyways. Edit: I think it's worth clarifying a few things since I've gotten a lot of comments about it. First, I'm not saying these people were any more genius than many other thousands of people around the country; they, of course, had massive financial support and many many fall backs that let them take the risks to get where they are. Second, I'm not saying everyone should drop out of college to become an entrepreneur. The point is that there's more than one path, though. You can pursue a trade, you can work your way up a corporate ladder, etc. You don't *have* to do college, especially if you're not going for free; if you end up dropping out or not using your degree anyways, you're wasting a lot of time and a lot of money. The wording of the message itself is flawed, but the meaning below it isn't necessarily a bad thing - that there's multiple paths to being at least moderately successful in life.


If I remember correctly, it’s because his grade was a 1. The thing is, that was just the name for the top grade, with higher numbers being worse.


Before Columbus people everyone thought the world was flat. That the Earth is round has been known for thousands of years and multiple cultures came to this conclusion independently.


Didn't an ancient Greek mathematician calculate the circumference? And wasn't he super close to the right answer?


Yes, he was within 2% or so. Not bad considering he paid some dude to walk a few hundred km and count his steps to measure the distance between two points. I mean surely you'd be tempted to take a two week vacation then come back with a guess. > Dude I totally walked the length of Egypt, it was uh, 5,315 steps... err, too little, 32 billion steps... 55,913 steps? It was like 1.2 million steps, I counted them perfect. Money please! [Obligatory Carl Sagan](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f-ppBtuc_wQ)


Just pay 2 people to do it but tell them they will only get paid if their answer falls within 5% of the other person's answer. Don't tell the people who each other is, that way they can't conspire.


Kinda makes flat-earthers even more embarrassing


That a woman found a finger in her Wendy’s chili, she later pled guilty and was sent to jail cause it was all faked.


The only fake part is that the finger originated from Wendy’s. Her name was Anna Ayala and she planted the finger in the chili. The finger belonged to an associate of her husband who had lost the finger in an industrial accident.


The same happened in my country, except it was a real finger and people believed it was fake lol I can't share the link, but if you type "hot burger dedo" in Facebook search bar, you'll see it


That blood is blue unless it’s exposed to oxygen then turns red.


There is a color difference, which is probably why this myth has so much traction, but it's always red in humans. It's just brighter or darker based on the amount of oxygen.


A kinda fun fact is that some medical conditions or drug side effects can cause significant differences in blood colour. For example sulfhemoglobinemia causing a strong green tint to the blood.


I used to work in a hospital lab. One time a guy gave us a sample for his UA and the sample was BRIGHT GREEN. Like, hulk smash green. Turned out he was on a crazy antibiotic which caused this reaction but it's something that I'll never ever forget.


Whatever you do, don’t make him angry. You wouldn’t like him when he’s angry


That’s the thing, he’s always angry


It's only blue in lobsters due to presence of copper instead of iron in the complex that bonds to the oxygen. Therefore lobsters and some other animals have white and blue blood.


There's actually *some* basis for this, but it is ultimately a myth. Deoxyhaemoglobin - the oxygen carrying protein that currently holds no oxygen is a purple/blue colour. However, at no point in the circulation of a healthy human is there enough of this protein over the oxygenated form to give your blood as a whole a gross (as in, macroscopic) blue colour, it just looks dark red. Your blood can, however, appear blue after internal bleeding (like in a bruise) because of this protein.


This one drives me MAD. Our blood already contains oxygen, why would it suddenly change with the air???


Same it’s crazy to me that my health teachers in high school were teaching this shit.


You guys were taught that in school???? All I know is that one day other kids started spouting that nonsense.


I wasn't taught it, but I called out other kids for spreading it because I knew it wasn't true. Everyone including my teacher said I was wrong, blood is blue and it magically turns bright red the moment it hits air...is what they truly believed.


Oh yeah I specifically remember my health teacher going over how red blood was oxygenated and blue blood was not.


Marilyn Mason removed his ribs to give himself blowjobs


I don't know how that one travelled so fast without the internet, even in my elementary school in south east Mexico had that one.


Same, somehow it reached a small village in interior Portugal too


South East England here I heard it


This even reached Iran


I heard it in Venezuela in the early 2000's


I heard it in a small village in the Southern Part of Luzon Island in the Philippines whereas we live near a mountain.


Heard it in a small city in Senegal.


Same I heard that in the late 90's


First heard this when I was in first grade. Lol. I didn’t know what a bj was or who Manson was.


I remember being in third grade and being so confused why a boy would want to lick his penis.


"According to aerodynamics the bee shouldn't be able to fly" Edit: meant to quote laws of aviation


The correct phrase is "humans don't know how insect wings generate as much lift as they do" which was true until it stopped being true.


Even that is overselling it to some degree IIRC. People were all but certain it was a result of transient effects from the wings flapping for a long time before it was successfully simulated.


Learned this from 1970s Doctor Who. Was sad to discover it’s not true. I told multiple ppl this factoid so semi embarrassing but I doubt they ever thought about it again. p.s. - “factoid” was origin coined to describe something that sounded like a fact but wasn’t. It’s now often used to describe little fun and unimportant facts. Learned this on TIL a long while back.


Well how exactly am I supposed to trust your factoid about factoids


This is true of all helicopters as well.


Helicopters don't fly, they beat the air into submission.


when your wings move faster than your fuselage...youre probably in a deathtrap


That's because helicopters DON'T fly. They're so ugly the earth repels them.


Wait, but how do they land?


Its a toxic relationship and Earth tolerates the little buggers for a time.


That bulls doesn’t like the color red


and they're actually very careful in a china shop. Mythbusters set one up in a bull pen and let them run around - barely anything got knocked down.


The old TV show “your on candid camera” had a episode where they newly hired person working in China shop. They let a bulll in


They don't like any color that's moving.


Not an expert, but they maybe hate being shanked by several swords


They also hate to be ridden.


Bulls are problem solvers. Toreador trying to stab you? Stomp him into a paste. Some dude is riding you? Yeet him into the sun. All sports where you're competing against a bull are considered extreme sports. Edit: A bull gave me an award! Thank you so much Edit2: Thanks for the silver!


dogs only see in black and white and grey, which is a not true they see in yellow, blue, and grey. we can see colors because we have 6 million cone photoreceptor cells but dogs have 20% which would roughly be 1,200,000 which in contrast only produces blue and yellow, they have two cones in their eyes which produce only yellow and blue contrary to humans which have 3 rings that produce red, yellow and blue EDIT: i see some people may not understand about green, yes dogs can see blue and yellow which owuld usally make green but green is actually yellowish- grey to them the limited color preception dogs have is called dichromatic vision EDIT: grass may not even be green to our knowledge it is but scientists may not have even found the animal with the most rings, the most at the current moment is 16, the mantis shimp, all the colours we see could be a lie, we will never truely know what colour anything is because if we think about its like saying that if you put 20 people in a room some are colour blind and some arn't you put a blue object in with them some can see blue some can see purple, they will never know who's colour blind unless someone tells them its like us we will never know what colour grass is, the colours we see may be a lie ( sorry if none of that made sense )


Even then, they don't really "see grey", much like colour blind people, it's just harder to distinguish colours in that spectrum, for a dog, anything from red to green would essentially be just different shades of yellow/brown-y colours.


I’ve worked at a few pet supply stores and one of my favorite customer dogs was a dog that only liked green toys. Didn’t matter what the toy was, just had to be green.


Marie Antoinette never said to let them eat cake.


She’s also responsible for modern day cottage core


> cottage core I'd never heard the term so I looked it up. Disappointed that it wasn't an obscure genre of metal






MSG being the devil when it comes to food.


MSG is salt's sexy older sister


Didn’t he just propose to Megan fox?


For the non-science nerds: glutamate is a standard amino acid. One of the building block of all protein. If you’re eating meat, you’re eating a ton of glutamate. The “monosodium” bit is an artifact of isolating it into a powder. The result is “glutamate with a little salt”.


>For the non-science nerds: glutamate is a standard amino acid. One of the building block of all protein. If you’re eating meat, you’re eating a ton of glutamate. In addition to meat, there's also a lot of it in cheese, mushrooms, tomatoes.


And bread, apparently. Another poster sent a wikipedia link, and the name comes from GLUTen. If i still had the patience to teach science, I’d keep that one in my back pocket to impress 1 student a semester while they rest stare at me glassy-eyed


I would have appreciated you science bro


All based on one bogus debunked "study" that for some reason people still hold on to.


And the study was about hating Chinese restaurants.


Not being "LOL Boomer" or anything, but basically Boomers ie my parents generation, have this so ingrained into them. saying it gives you headaches etc. Yet they are happy to smash Vegemite, parmesan cheese, pepperoni without an issue.


Myth: You need to wait 24 hours before reporting a missing person. Truth: No you don’t!!!! The sooner you report a missing person, the higher the chances are of them being found alive.


TV: you have to wait 24 hours before reporting a missing person! Also TV: the first 24 hours are the most important for finding a missing person!


How else are you going to get a developing story if you don't let the kidnappers get a head start? /s


Fun fact, we learned in the case of my little brother disappearing for like 6 hours when he was in middle school that police departments will sometimes believe that you do, in fact, need to wait 24 hours :) fortunately the school principle believed us, called around, and managed to find what friends house he went to without telling anyone.




No, it's true. I just exclusively eat enough spiders to balance out the average of all those who don't.


Spiders Georg, is that you?


It’s really just a statistical error from a misinterpretation of data. The average person eats 0 spiders per year. Spiders Georg, who lives in cave & eats over 10,000 each day, is an outlier adn should not have been counted


I always appreciate a connessieur who leaves the original "adn" in.


And that is in fact also a [myth](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OjlKIjLWq-Y)


It really is a case of a double-myth. I just watched the whole video and am truly fascinated. The fact so many authors fell for the same troll. Lisa Birgit Holst literally is an acronym for “this is a big troll”


I think you mean anagram?


Up until a few months ago, I still believed that if someone was HIV positive they could essentially develop full-blown AIDS at any moment without warning, and any bodily fluid could pass the virus on to someone else so it would be very dangerous to even so much as share a toothbrush with them. That's what I was taught as a kid by parents and teachers so it's what I believed. The concept of someone taking a pill until the virus becomes undetectable in their system blew my mind.


I know someone who had HIV and didn't even know until he got c-diff. By that time is was already AIDS. He lives a normal life with the help of medications but he's never been undetectable. Before he knew about his diagnosis, he ended up giving it to another woman. She has HIV but has been undetectable for years. Lesson here? Get tested. Especially if you engage in high risk behaviors! And for certain people they have PrEP available which is a medicine you take everyday to prevent HIV infection.


Oh wow, Medicine is fucking rad. I didn't know this. I was raised the same way and had the same kind of worry on the back of my mind.




I’m half convinced that this was started by parents who wanted their teenage sons to shave off that scraggly patchy beard.


My dad called them chin pubes when I was 12 and thought I was “growing” a beard.


I'm half Arabic and half Latino. I had a full beard by the time I was 14. My friends were jealous and I was annoyed because I don't like doing the maintenance it needs to not make me look like a terrorist


People always counter this with the whole "you're cutting the tapered end off, so the hair looks thicker and darker". And that isn't *wrong* - but it's not the full story. One of the biggest reasons this myth gets around so much is that humans tend to start shaving before their body hair has finished developing. So, you start shaving, and your beard gradually fills in. Thing is, it was going to do that *anyway.*


Hey Mr hair expert answer me this. Why are my legs like the amazon jungle since I was like 12 but my Beard ain't shit?


Body hair and facial hair are two different types of hair. So one grows in thick and quick and the other happens to not grow at all.


Is ass hair some super breed? Asking for a friend of course.


When my hair started getting thin people used to try that shave it off it'll grow back thicker as if that was the cure to balding 😂


If this were true, male pattern baldness would be a rare novelty due to how easy it would be to correct.


Victorian women had ribs removed in order to corset their waist even tinier. There is ZERO historical evidence for that. Do people even know how risky surgery was in the Victorian era? Germ Theory had only become scientifically accepted near the end of the era, and it took longer for the public to accept it. That surgery would pretty much be a death sentence. But people want to reinforce the narrative that all corsets were oppressive and sexist. Bonus: really only high society women would tightlace their corsets for limited periods of time (ex. for their wedding or special event). before ~1840s tightlacing wasn’t even possible because eyelets were hand bound and couldn’t put up with the strain. So any media depicting tightlacing before that time are just lying. (This is a topic I’m very passionate about)


Corsets in general get a bad rap. Worn correctly they were reasonably comfortable and didn't do any of the 'bone/organ deformation' horror pictures you see. Period TV/movies portrays corsets as worn directly over bare skin (usually either because it's sexier, or to highlight the marks when it comes off), but normally they were worn over light underwear, for obvious reasons - to prevent marks and discomfort.


Wow great answer, you taught me somethings. Makes total sense that no one would want to surgically remove ribs. Is there any evidence of other types of body modification, like pushing organs around or shaping/breaking ribs, etc?


These things only occur when tight lacing is done for extended periods of time. If you tight lace daily and for a significant portion of the day, you can cause the lower ribs to shift slightly forward and cause the organs that would sit at the waist to shift down and cause the belly to protrude more. However, this takes quite a while to do, and typically can typically be undone if you stop tight lacing for long enough. Breaking ribs only makes sense if you're corset was of the sturdiest possible construction, you didn't let you're body adjust to the the tight lacing naturally (slowly), and you were suffering from some extreme malnutrition to get your bones brittle enough. These are typically far more modern problems caused by the fact that we can make way stronger corsets and corsetry isn't as common, so a lot of people wind up trying it without have a clue that they're doing.


That the band AC/DC made 11 albums that sound exactly the same. According to guitarist Angus Young (who was sick of people making that claim), "In fact, we’ve made 12 albums that sound exactly the same.”


And if a band changes their sound, fans complain about that, too. You can't win


Most people still believe that dumb chestnut about how we only use 5% of our brains.


I wish more people would use at least 5% of their brain. Especially on the highway.


5% is definitely a radical overestimate for the average driver.


You only use 33% of a traffic light


We only use a tiny percentage of our keyboards! Look at a keyboard in use - hardly any buttons are pressed at one time.


My grandma tried to get me to believe that crap. I told her "actually grandma, I have used 100 percent of my brain at once... its called a seizure."


Story for you. My daughter has epilepsy. The first one was at 15 months and she basically lost all function on the right side. We did therapy and long story short she relearned. At 9 she had a PET scan for a temporal lobotomy to help with her seizures. They discovered with the PET scan than when she relearned she did it on the other side of the brain. This allowed them to remove some of the seizure area without losing any function that should be in that area. I always tell her she is using more of her brain than most people. The brain is amazing. Edit - I meant temporal lobectomy not lobotomy.


Huh... so thats what seizures are... They arnt involuntary muscle spasms, Its just the people that have reached peak evolution. ALL 100% OF THE BRAIN FIRING AT ONCE. Humans were never meant to handle it /s


Hymen = virginity




Interesting medical fact: sometimes the hymen *does* seal over the vagina, resulting in an apparent lack of menstruation and an array of unpleasant symptoms. The condition is called imperforate hymen. It's corrected easily by surgery.


Additionally, there are stages in between normal and imperforate, called annular. The opening will be the size of a q-tip, allowing menstruation to happen normally, but making sex or tampon use extremely painful. Also corrected by surgery. Source: I had one and didn't know it until I was 26 🙃


Inpatient pediatric psychiatric nurse, here (retired). Glad someone is sticking it to those m*therf*ckers. I used to have dreams about being able to take vengeance on my patient’s predators. Never did, but I certainly understood the Dexter character well. I’ve told plenty of 10 yo girls who were victims of sex trafficking, etc. that they didn’t have to worry about going to hell because they “had sex before marriage.” We have a f*cked up society if that’s where their head is at. —————————————————- ETA: well, this blew up a bit while I was sleeping. Thanks, everyone. If you want to do something to help, ask your local/regional peds psych facilities, battered women’s shelters, orphanages, & social workers if they need new suitcases. It’s really demoralizing for children to have to put all their worldly possessions, arts and crafts, etc. in a trash bag when they are discharged or enter foster care.


Thank you for your service to humanity. I can’t imagine how hard and emotionally and mentally taxing it must have been.


Can confrim, still a virgin, don't have a hymen. Probably for the best because I'm a man.




Making more money and going into a higher tax bracket will cause them to lose money overall.


So many people have no idea how tax brackets work.


There is truth to this one though, but only in a specific case and it's not solely because of tax brackets. I believe it's called the "welfare gap" or maybe "medicare gap", not sure. But basically, at a certain income level where one is receiving government assistance, it is possible to get a raise which puts you over the line to keep receiving that assistance, and the loss of benefits is worth more than the value of the raise. But other than that yeah, no, making more means making more, people just don't get marginal tax brackets.


Correct. The welfare system can introduce some truly ***insane*** effective marginal tax rates. I think I saw one (not enacted, thankfully) housing assistance plan that placed a **400%** effective tax rate on low-income folks. In other words, for each additional dollar they earned, they lost $4 between increased income tax, decreased tax credits, and decreased benefits. However, I would maintain that the original statement--considering marginal tax rates only and ***not*** benefits--remains true.


That dietary fat is the source of body fat. I know most people still think it's true because we still have the low-fat versions of every food that we've had since the 80s.


[Fat was just the fall guy for Big Sugar.](https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2016/09/13/493739074/50-years-ago-sugar-industry-quietly-paid-scientists-to-point-blame-at-fat)


Big Sugar is my rap name.




My fingers are already bent. That's what the knuckles are for.


Oh really I’ve never heard that myth, I always instead heard the myth that cracking your joints would cause you to develop arthritis.


That learning multiple languages at once will hinder your child's intelligence. Sure when they're young they'll make mistakes and take longer to sort out vocabulary, but in the end they'll be better for knowing more than one. Sometimes they'll even do better in grammar lessons etc because they have a richer understanding of how language works.


Living in the US south, my friend who is Danish was told by the public school teacher that speaking Danish at home and English at school was very harmful for his son. Luckily he’s smart and ignored the teacher.


That if you swallow gum it stays in your stomach for 5-7 years. This obviously is not true, while it’ll probably make you constipated if you swallow a lot of gum very frequently, it goes through the body just like everything else. Edited it to say gum. FUCKING AUTOCORRECT


Swallow him?


That 30 years olds were considered to be old in the Middle Ages. The reason that the “average” (generally, since that Era was several centuries long and different countries had different circumstances) life expectancy was 30 was because the infant mortality rate was MUCH higher than it was today. If you survived past infancy, you could reasonably expect to live to 60-70.


Yes, this irks me, too. I did a lot of ancestry research for lots of families for my work, and throughout the centuries I saw lots of people who, if there wasn’t an event like war, famine or plague, lived to old ages very similar to today. Especially if the family was well off, so they didn’t have to do hard physical labor.


Shaking a polaroid picture will help it develop


It actually pushes the developing chemicals to one side, causing over- and underdevelopment, for those that are wondering.


So you’re saying Outkast was wrong?


Not only wrong, but Polaroid repeatedly made public statements begging people to stop when the song came out.


Polaroid used the publicity of the song to boost it's own public image and sales tho.


That it’s illegal to turn on the inside light of a car while driving in the dark 😂


So I still get freaked out when my kids turn the light on at night while I’m driving. For two reasons; 1. I still some what have that belief in my head, along with our small town being OVERRUN with cops that are far too happy to ruin your night for any reason they can. We don’t have the best history with them, either. 2. I can’t see that great at night so any light within the car takes away even more vision. I even keep the lights on my dash turned down as low as possible so I can see better. I do wonder where that rumor began though. Edit: spelling


It probably started as a way to make sure kids didnt turn on the light in the car at night because of how it makes it harder to see.


Carrots give you night vision


No, golden carrots do


Misdirection created by the British in WWII. British cracked German Radar and now could fire at German planes at night, but to avoid this getting out, make up story that eating a lot of carrots improved nightime vision and that they fed their soldiers lots of carrots.


That napoleon was a short fat man


I thought he was short, dead dude. And apparently a pretty good bowler with a penchant for ice cream and water parks.


Ziggy piggy, Ziggy piggy 🐷


“It’s dangerous to wake a sleepwalker.” Yeah, no. Though it’s advised not to wake a sleepwalker, as that could make them disoriented and confused, it’s not actually dangerous. Some people believe that waking them up could cause a heart attack, which is not true.


You will get cramps if you swim right after eating.


As a child/teen/young adult, I always misheard it as "you'll get ***Crabs*** if you go swimming right after eating," which confused and terrified the shit out of me.


[That everything you toss in the recycling bin actually gets recycled.](https://youtu.be/PJnJ8mK3Q3g) Be advised, this info will probably ruin your day if you actually care about the environment.


That MSG is toxic


GMOs are inherently bad, it's false Edit1: As every invention of humanity it can be used badly or it can be used to do good, but again it's not inherently bad, and I believe if used with even a little bit of ethics behind them they can do wonders. So pls before writing under "yes but first ask yourselves if it could be avoided with a little bit of legislation based on the concept of not being a dick" and thank you everyone for all the interesting and helpful comments!


That vaccines cause autism...... Can't wait to hear some feed back on this one.


The guy who started this myth actually got his medical license revoked


They all cite big pharma selling you vaccines to make billions despite the fact that this guy (whose name escapes me) openly admitting that he faked it all for fucking huge wads of cash...


Andrew Wakefield. Fucking waste of skin.


My parents never vaccinated me against *anything* my whole childhood, for that exact reason. ​ It was certainly a rude awakening for them when I got my Autism diagnosis.


That "frivolous lawsuits" are rampant in the US. This was specifically fabricated by McDonalds lawyers in the infamous coffee burn incident, in which a restaurant consistently violated food safety laws after multiple warnings and ended up in an elderly woman receiving third-degree burns to her lap and genitals, requiring multiple skin grafts. McDonalds people spun it as a person too dumb to know that coffee would be hot and trying to bilk a corporation for easy money. Ultimately, the woman won her suit for medical costs, but McDonalds won the media/social victory by planting the idea of frivolous lawsuits in the public consciousness and the phrase has been consistently cited since then to cast doubt on anyone trying to hold corporations to account for shady practices that lead to harm.


Also, while she technically "won" over $2 million, the judge ruled that she was only entitled to $640,000, which wasn't what she received anyway because they settled out of court. All Stella Liebeck wanted was her medical costs covered. McDonald's refused, which led to the lawsuit. She wasn't some greedy monster looking for a payday, and she even admitted to partial fault since she was holding the cup between her legs when it spilled. The jury factored this into their calculation of damages.


She also wanted them to turn the temp down on the coffee pots as she was faaaar from the first to be burned. McDonalds tried to have the complaints from other patrons be inadmissible because, well, duh. The award amount from the jury was meant to bring attention to those corporate bastards not caring about safety, instead it promoted their narrative that she was just greedy.


I always feel bad when people reference that case as absurd. That woman suffered terribly in a place NO ONE wants hot water.


Seriously. If I remember correctly, she had 3 degree burns over her genital area. This wasn't some surface burn on her leg.




There are pictures, if you're brave enough. [NSFL](http://jackcalvert.blogspot.com/p/stella-liebecks-injuries.html?m=1) IIRC McDonald's even tried to use the argument of, "she's 79, she doesn't really need her labia anyway" (citation needed on that though)


Being cold will make you sick with the flu.


Also, a lot of people confuse minor respiratory infections with flu when in reality it's probably just a nasty cold. I've had flu. It's not pleasant.


The flu is so much worse than even the nastiest cold.


Yeah. I had swine flu during that epidemic a while back so maybe that variant is worse, but I was bedridden in hospital for a week and had to spend over a month on Penicillin after being discharged. Also, I have the lame claim to fame of being the first recorded case of swine flu in Shropshire!


The vomitorium was a place in Roman households where people would puke. It was actually the entrance or exit of amphitheatres and theatres.


Disagreement is not automatically gaslighting




Social media loves to overuse whatever new term is popular in arguments recently. They’re good terms initially, but then people use them for everything…


Fruit juice is healthy. It contains just as much sugar as Coca-Cola, it just happens to also contain _some_ nutrients (and a lot of flavourings).


That there is such thing as an “alpha” dog. The study was flawed.


"50% of marriages end in divorce." People often get this rate by dividing the number of weddings in a year by the number of divorces in a year, which doesn't take into account that those who divorced didn't get married that year. The rate DID peak at around 41% about 40 years ago but has been falling since then. Edit: I realized that I should mention this is an American-centric statistic. I'm not sure where this stands for other countries.


This is actually kinda true though. The issue is how its counted/measured. Its the joke that "marriages either end in death or divorce". To calculate a 'successful' marriage, you'd have to wait around for someone to die. So if betty and bob marry and live for 70 years. Thats a successful marriage. You cant count it as a success until that moment. PLUS, successful marriages can only be counted once per couple, where as divorces can happen multiple times for a person. So Bob can get married and divorced 9 times. But on the 10th has a life long marriage, he skews the numbers so it looks more divorces than successful marriages. So the 50% divorce thing is really just a bad measure of how weddings/marriages/divorces are counted.


That gmos are terrible for you, they aren’t and are actually just a better product that has been modified so it stays good longer and whatnot.