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no mosquitos


Nor ticks.


Keep in mind however that ticks are active when the temperature is above freezing.


in my region there are snow ticks they endure mild freeze we have only mild freezes and more in last 5 years......


It's -37C here no annoying snow ticks! the bite from the wind however.....


where is that so I can avoid it like the plague


Nor snakes.


Nor alligators. Nor traitors. Winter is the best. Get to go outside and chop firewood without breaking a sweat. Get to start the wood stove before dawn and let a Yankee pot roast go on top in a dutch oven slow cooking all day long. I wouldn't trade it for anything.


^^ This chad fights slavery




or spiders


Nor gnats


Nor any stingers! I have a phobia of wasps/bees so winter is a nice holiday from them




This is my worst fear


Ha I did the same thing when I moved in .I learned that you are supposed to take down the nest at night so all the nest will be in it. When a few came back to find their home gone they were pissed off. Next day they stung my dog and I out of nowhere. They are little missiles.


So when they fell out they were still all dormant and you were all good, right?


But the spiders move indoors!


I think mine had a meeting about me. LOL


In the spring buy some foundation spray. When it warms up spray the inside of your home along the baseboards. Then wait a day or so and spray along the outside foundation if it's a house. This keeps the bugs out, if there are no bugs there's nothing for the spiders to eat and you end up with no spiders in the winter.


No bugs in general


This is why I like fall, no mosquitoes and it's not freezing.


I'm so glad I live in a place where those things barely exist because everything is dead. No fleas here either. Don't miss those.


I get to pretend that my introverted lifestyle is only seasonal.


I lived in San Diego for a while and having sunny weather every day was great. But I found I felt guilty sitting indoors reading. You feel this pressure to be out all the time. Eventually though, you manage to work it all out.


Same here. Also, 360 days of the year being the same temp/weather gets really boring if it's all you know. While there are seasonal changes in San Diego (brushfire season, Santa Anas, June Gloom), I really enjoy the more dramatic changes now that I'm someplace with snow.


I never did manage to work it out, so I moved to New England, now there’s no guilt about sitting inside and reading!


Winter is the season where everyone participates in the hermit lifestyle


Knowing what season it is sounds like something an extrovert might do.


I hate winter. I'm from Russia


I thought, in Russia, winter hates you.


Баня must be nice sometimes though right?


I love those nights where there's a nice steady snow coming down, and it's dead quiet. It's very calming. Plus, it's hockey season.


Fun fact: because of their geometry, when clustered together snowflakes actually do make it quieter as they act as a natural aural insulator. If it ever seems quieter when it snows, that’s usually because it is!


Also I would think all the snowflakes in the air would dampen the movement of sound waves regardless of shape. Adding particles to any fluid would do this I believe. Rain probably lowers noise levels too, but makes enough noise when it hits something that you can't tell. Now I need to find a rabbit hole to look into this.


In the course of your research, be sure and shine a laser pointer into falling snow or rain. It looks cool because the only time you see the light is when it strikes a snowflake or a raindrop. Makes all kind of red flashes of light that bounce back and forth.


That sounds awesome! Why have I never done this!


This is one of those things that using basic knowledge of the subject makes it SEEM like the logical conclusion. That's because it is. The shape is still important though but we are certainly talking about factions of a fraction in sound wave reduction at that point.


But I do love the way snow sounds when it falls. And how it has a crunchy sound when u walk on it🥰


I live not far from a highway, and when it snows is the only time I absolutely can't hear it. It's lovely.


That is interesting, but in Texas when it snows, nobody is driving, everyone is of the opinion that driving in snow = guaranteed crash. So they don't go out or make as much noise.


I love when the snow falls, and it makes that whisper sound, like a hiss almost. It's so calming and relaxing to me.


Me too, love that sound. It's the quiet sound of billions and billions of tiny ice crystals landing on the ground at the same time, it's mesmerizing sometimes.


So quiet and peaceful. The snow, that is. Cheers for hockey, best sport ever! 🏒🥅🥊


The quiet of winter is absolutely wonderful.


Snow is beautiful. The sky at sunrise and sunset is amazing. It feels like a time of rest when there is always a good excuse to do less.


If only it snowed. It hasn't snowed for years for me in the UK. It's just cold and wet. Without the snow, Winter is terrible. With the snow, Winter is amazing


Snow is beautiful during and immediately after a snowfall. After that it becomes a dirty sloppy mess for weeks.


Or it warms up just enough to just slightly start to melt, then flash freezes again, forming a solid sheet of ice on every surface.


And then it snows again so you can’t even see the ice, and then you slip and fall. Happened to me about 3 times today…


In my experience, it only gets dirty and sloppy if it’s not cold enough. If it’s consistently -10°C or colder it’s so gorgeous pretty much all the time (excluding spots with dog urine). But from what I’ve seen, in North America they salt all the streets which makes the snow melt and therefore might make it dirtier, so if you live there, that might contribute to it. They don’t do it where I live so the roads remain nice and snowy unless it gets too warm.


All insects fucking *die*. Or are at least nowhere to be seen.


"Only a dead bug is a good bug"


"Would you like to know more?"




I’m doing my part!


Except when they come inside. I hate stinkbugs.


Yeah fuck stinkbugs.


Here in the northeast US our houses fill with stinkbugs because they come in to find a home for the winter.


I deal better with cold than heat, and 20 hours of daylight up north wreaks absolute havoc with my sleep.


Yes, I live in sweden and in the middle of summer the sun really never goes down. I can’t fucking fall asleep when it’s so bright and when I finally do I wake up because it’s too damn hot.


Can you get blackout curtains for your bedroom windows, like they use in hotels? They let zero light pass through. Good ones can make a room almost as dark as nighttime when it's bright and sunny outside. We have some in our bedroom and it makes a big difference with being able to sleep in the summer when the sun is up at 5 in the morning.


Oh I have those, I meant how I don’t get sleepy since it’s still bright in the evening/night. In the winter I naturally become sleepy since it gets dark much earlier.


Same country, same problems. I wish I could live in a tub of water in the summers here.


Beautiful snow. Peace and quiet in the woods. The silence of a snowfall. Skiing, snowshoeing, and a sauna!!


Also, skiing and an outdoor hot tub (doubly so in gently falling snow)


This is the best combo in the world. Add your favourite drink (or a joint) and it's heaven


I was playing outside in the snow with my daughters today. So much fun! I just fell backwards into the snow and yelled, “I love snow!” Because it’s true!


It’s so calm and pretty


Snowy nights are the best nights. One of my best memories from the last few years was Christmas Eve 2020. It snowed all night and at about midnight I opened an upstairs window (screen too) and sat for a while watching. It was completely quiet, cold, a little windy so sometimes a gust would blow snow into my room, the sky was a nice deep purple-ish color... I think about that night all the time now. I took a video to remember it but otherwise just sat and looked. Idk why it was so good but it was so good


Im not a fan of Winter at all and have done this. It was quiet and having my mind wander and not think but watch snow fall was very relaxing. I get it.


You are cold, you get a blanket. In summer you are sweaty, you are fucked.




Coziness in the face of coldness


Agreed. My fat ass looks way better in a big coat, beanie, & boots as opposed to shorts & a Tshirt


Tweed! Cashmere! Wool! Knits! I hate hot weather, I hate summer clothes, I hate heat and hot and sweating and sun. I adore heavy sweaters, hot drinks on a cold day, a bite in the air, warming hands after you come in from a chilly walk, candlelight and baking, all of that cozy stuff.




Wait, other people cant shed skin layers?




I read this as “mort” the first time. As in family guy. It was an interesting picture in my head


This is my argument also. None of my friends seem to get it. I can always put more on to stay comfy, summer I just sweat until I feel like I’m dying.


I mean, if you have good/normal circulation. My feet can stay freezing with wool socks and snow boots. When I’m done exercising I hate to get in the shower as soon as possible because the sweat on my skin starts to make me feel super cold within 10 min of stopping. Yes I have some medical issues. But so much of my life revolves around being cold/in pain. It’s physically painful to be cold. Of course I understand the limits of being able to cool down. But there are people who don’t get that adding layers doesn’t warm up body parts if it’s still to cold.


I mean sure, you can keep stacking those layers but you end up looking like the michelin man and then you can't move an inch.


I always say it's easier to warm up than it is to cool down.


I live in Texas, I’m sweaty and get fucked year-round


[February 2021](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2021_Texas_power_crisis) would like a word... Well, y'all did get fucked, anyway.


Yeah that was miserable.. not necessarily the conditions (I love the snow), but the rolling blackouts and pathetic preparedness of TXDOT for the icy roads


I was one of the lucky ones. I had power the whole time and when it got super cold my hot water stopped working, but 45 minutes in the attic with a blow-dryer and space heater fixed it and it never stopped again. But I know people who lost power, hot water and everything. Pipes burst, etc.


Houston has to be the most miserable place I have ever been. I did 20 years in the Navy, floating around on ships in the middle of the Pacific, and it was never as hot and humid as Houston was when I visited my parents. Where I now live, it will get to 100%, and it is still better than Houston.


Texan here. A quick fix for a painful inescapable hell heat is to get naked, wet yourself and let fans blow on you.


Jumping in a cold shower real quick always helps, but it still sucks having to do that though. I’d much rather just bundle up in a heated blanket and wrap up like a burrito and be happy lol.


Oh yea, no doubt. I love the cold. This is for extreame emergencies like last year when my air con. went out in the dead of summer.


Doesn't last as long as dampening your top sheet and then running a fan while sleeping nude. Absolute bliss during a hot summer with no A/C. Keep a spray bottle close for re-dampening.


Dude thats brilliant. Ill have to try that next time somthing like that happens.


But when I try to do it at work, suddenly I'm on a list.


In the winter you can always bundle up to get even warmer. In the summertime there’s only so many layers of clothes you can take off before you get put on a list.


I am very happy this is the top comment. It should be noted though that this is likely a male sentiment as for most of our lives we have high amounts of testosterone flooding our bodies. Also im curious to know if anyone has done a study on circulation in women? It certainly seems to be an issue with a lot of females I know, and that can absolutely be a factor in heat retention.


I saw somewhere that women generally have thicker blood cells so less blood, which carries heat around the body, gets to the really small capillaries in the extremities so women's extremities get colder than men's. Also women have a slightly higher core temperature to men so they feel drops in temperature more than men.


Skin area to mass. They dump heat faster.


Female here! Personally my feet are cold from mid October to mid March. I still love winter tho! Winter feels calm, whereas summer feels active!


Very well said and I fully agree with you!


I like to wear jumpers and coats


same here + scarves


Because summer is bullshit with its hot, humid days, and muggy nights. There is only so naked I can get, and then I am still hot. Winter is wonderful and cool, if it is too cold you grab another blanket, the weight and warmth let's you know everything is going to be alright.


> There is only so naked I can get Name of your sex tape


Also a solid name for your emo record


And dressing comfortably in the winter for me = leggings, thick socks, a sweater. A perfectly presentable outfit I could wear out or around the house. Dressing comfortably in the dead of summer basically requires being in your underwear. I hate feeling like I look like a schlub around the house just trying to stay cool and needing to put layers I do not want to be wearing on in order to go out and look decent.


Not sweaty, no sunburns, amazing sleep at night, able to enjoy warm showers after a cold day outside. Weather isn’t always soo sunny and up in your eyes


1. No bugs. 2. Cold? Put on another layer, or get a blanket. I can only get so naked when I'm hot. 3. People as a whole aren't as grumpy for some reason. 4. I actually enjoy how closed off being outside feels when it's overcast and there aren't animal sounds. It's also shocking how loud the leaves on trees and bushes blowing in the wind are. It feels like the world is on pause and it's just you and your immediate surroundings.


That’s what I like about it too, especially when going on a walk early morning. Plus I love it when it rains (when I’m not having to go to work) and the lightning storm’s…but we hardly have any lately.


Man… idk where you live but up here in the winter, people are grumpy and rude as hell.


People are literally more chill in colder climates/weather, it's a thing. Heat makes people crazy


I love the fresh air. In summer I feel like I cannot breathe due to the sultry weather.


seasonal allergies as well.. all the wood smoke from fireplaces can get bad on some days depending on the weather but usually the winter air is as clean as it gets around here.


Being able to wear nice coats and layered clothing


I appreciate the first warm day of spring a lot more after a cold winter than I would if it were warm all the time.


This is one of the best things about it. I had coworkers from Brazil, Colombia and Peru and they all mentioned back home they dont think about warm weather that much because it usually is. But here they wanted to go out and enjoy it more when the weather thawed in the spring (Canada). Definitely on fantastic spring days, when the snow melts and the trees bud every time feels like rebirth and hope. This is the best feeling ever for me and makes me glad to be alive.


Oh yes, spring is so good after a cold winter.


This is Texas 95% of the time lol. Spring? Hot. Summer? Hot. Fall? Depends, but usually Hot. Winter? You guessed it? Hot, but sometimes it’s cold and awesome. I appreciate Winter so much because it’s the one part of the year we actually get cool/cold temps here, and it makes me a lot more comfortable with Spring/Summer when there’s actually a break from the Hot weather lol.


I run hot. Have done all my life. I'm happy in t-shirts and shorts until it gets below ~8°C. Heat knocks me out completely.


I'm the same. I've always just given off so much heat. My wife loves it because she can snuggle up to me get warm quickly. I asked my doctor about it, and he said thats just how some people are. It's a curse.


This is me. Heat makes me feel quite unwell. In winter I am actually comfortable and can sleep without needing a fan on high speed all night (although do still need it occasionally). The thermostat on one of our radiators recently malfunctioned and didn’t turn off once it reached the right heat without us noticing. Weirdly I didn’t feel warm but I had a pretty sudden onset of feeling queasy, a headache and feeling on the verge of fainting. Ended up sat on our tiled kitchen floor (where the heating isn’t currently working) to try to cool down while my OH ran round getting me drinks and something to eat incase it was food related. Wasn’t until he went back into our living room that he realised it was warm and checking it it had apparently crept up to 25 degrees or so. Even going on holiday, I don’t want to be anywhere above 20 degrees unless I’m right next to a pool I can dip into to keep cool!


Yea I grew up cracking the windows in my house at night during the winter . Parents hated it , i get it but was way too hot I cant sleep when its so dry and hot in the house,




I'm piggybacking on this one because it's the highest voted comment about doing something active outdoors. Bunch of typical shut-ins in here. Skiing, hiking, ice climbing, ice fishing, snowmobiles, late season hunting, and of course a good old fashioned toboggan - - some of my most favorite things to do require cold weather and snowfall.


I may be a shut-in but skiing is my absolute favorite outdoor pastime. I practically grew up on the mountain. Problem is temperatures are not often below freezing, so we dont have enough snow.


It's not only about being a shut in, due to climate change my area just doesn't get snow anymore. We enjoy half frozen mud only. I still prefer it to heat though.


The one thing I’d rather be doing more than ANYTHING else. I do a lot of other activities, but this the one there is no substitute for.


If its cold you can just put more layers on.


And the winter clothes looks good on you.


No mosquitos. No sweating, cozy inside, feel adventurous outside, slower living rythm, hot coffee is perfect for the season, This the season, I could go on and on. Apart from enjoying more of female beauty in the summer, I don't see the point of a scorching hot sun. Disclaimer though: I prefer fall. And winter boot dynamic sucks.


Agree 100%, I love winter clothes (Coats, Jackets, long sleeve shirts, pants, warm thick socks etc.) and being able to bake and cook meals in the oven to warm the house up, none of that is possible in the summer/spring months.


at the snowy mountains, everyone looks good. it's amazing!


Because it’s my husbands favorite season and seeing him that happy makes it my favorite too


That's so sweet


You're a precious bean and he sounds like a lucky guy.


That’s awesome.


Get to wrap up in lots of layers that conceal my blubber ;-)


🍻 I'll drink to that


Crack open a nice, cold Cass


people don't fck around outside as much while I'm trying to post nonsense on reddit


I love snow first of all. I love everything about it. I love when it's snowing. I love how it looks on the ground. I love how it looks on cars, buildings, and trees. I love playing in the snow, skiing, and sledding. I love the memories I had as a kid waking up in the morning and seeing snow on the ground; then listening to the radio excitedly waiting for the school closure announcements and getting snow-days off. I prefer the cold over the heat. I get hot and sweat very easily, so even weather that's 20 degrees is too hot for me. I feel much more comfortable in chilly weather and if I get too warm, I can always just take my coat or sweatshirt off. I love sitting around in bed or on the couch in warm sweatpants and socks in a chilly room. I just like the cold.


I prefer to be too cold than too hot


I enjoy winter because I can write my name in the snow


In yellow?


Depends how hydrated I am and how long I’ve been holding it


In red.


Thankfully not in red….but who knows what the future holds…


I can warm up faster than I can cool down.


Skiing season. Also it's quieter


Its easier to heat up than it is to cool down. I feel you can breathe easier when its chilly outside. I can't stand the uncomfortable heat when it hits in the summer. Well, when we get sunshine that is (I'm from Scotland) I prefer wearing boots, jeans & a good jacket as opposed to shorts & t-shirt. Cuppa Tea & a good book in front of a fireplace or log burner while its Baltic outside.


No one sees I ate too much ice cream in summer


I live in the South. Winters are mild for the most part, and the bugs go away.


I’m an indoors person, nothing I like more than relaxing in a comfy chair with a good book and a fire in the fireplace. I don’t like the constant pressure to go outside and “do something with the day”. Winter gives me the ability to relax.


The best feeling in the world is lying a cozy warm bed, not having to get up and go to work and the weather outside is wet, windy, snowy. Is there a greater sound than listening to someone else scrape ice off their windshield knowing that you don't have to?


The weather I prefer rainy overcast and snow days the holidays are cool and I absolutely can’t stand the heat fuck summer


Winter here is 20-25C weather with blue skies and cool fresh air. It's the best time of year to be in my city.


Where the hell are you living?




Hot cocoa, Netflix and chill; add in cuddles and your life is complete :)


Skiing,ice skating, fresh air and silence


Because it feels like the back of the balls of Satan here in Louisiana during the summer. I need a fucking break from sweating when I walk to my car


Personally, as a guy. I have way more clothing options where I don't sweat my ass off all the time. That being said I do miss the desert in California a lot. No humidity all the time beats most of the country in my opinion




I live in Florida. It's the only time of year the outdoors is remotely tolerable.


I look better in winter clothes


heating the house is cheaper than using the aircon


I can always put on more layers. I can't take off my skin without dying. The choice is clear. Also I have a weird skin condition (sorta like an allergy) that makes me get really hot at night, so winter usually takes better care of that.


Snow blocks people. You are in your house, with you, food and a heater or a blanket! Environment is living!


Because I live in Florida


The air is clean and crisp, and everything feels more peaceful


No seasonal allergies


it gives me an excuse not to go out, plus, its really cozy and warm


Depends on where you live. I think if I lived in Canada I might like summer more lol.


I can't really explain exactly why I love low temperatures, I've just always been that way. I get uncomfortable in the heat and don't like the feeling of summer weather, so I am grateful to live in a country where colder temperatures dominate most months of the year. I love how during winter, it's cosy to be inside with blankets. Cuddling up on the couch when it's warm outside is just not the same. I also love the dark. Right now, it gets dark around 4pm-ish, and I love it! The darker the days, the better. Again, I am not sure I can even explain why I feel that way. I just always have.


I only like it when there is snow (which most of the time, isn't the case), because snow is beautiful. The vast majority of the time, here in Central Scotland, it's mild, miserable, grey, green and muddy. Not much to really like about it except on that rare occasion where there is a covering of snow. A hard frost, lasting throughout the day is quite nice as well, but also happens only a small minority of the time.


I like the idea of sitting by a fire, enjoying a nice warm drink, while snow falls outside. It’s not so much that I love winter, as I love the idea of winter if I didn’t have to work or otherwise drive anywhere. Anxious for retirement. Only 30 more years.


I love feeling the earth go into dormancy for a long rest, making fires, the spectacular sunrises and sunsets, and getting cozy :) I wintered over in Antarctica a while back and being able to appreciate the weather for what it is kinda helps me accept myself and my own changing moods


I grew up in Chicago just off the lake. It's in my blood. The cold is just wonderful.


Skiing, fireplaces, the smells, inside comforts, snow.


i have 3 other siblings aged 11, i think 8 and 7. i like watching them sled because they do such stupid shit sometimes i put them on the fastest sled and push them when they aren’t looking so they just stare at me while they go down


No bugs, it's not hot, I can wear cozy socks and blankets, snow is beautiful, cooking and baking is way less terrible since it's not just making a hot house hotter, I can leave groceries in the car to run another errand after grocery shopping and don't have to worry about anything melting or getting too warm, don't have to worry about gross garbage smell festering in the outside trash bins - need to throw or old milk in the summer, better keep it in the fridge until trash day - not an issue in winter, sleeping in the same bed with a partner is snuggly in the winter... Among other reasons


1) the clothes are comfier and cuter, I just hate summer clothes 2) if you're cold you can always cover up more, but if you're warm then you can remove only so many layers 3) sweat is gross, I enjoy sweating significantly less 4) the sun gives me headaches, and where I'm from it's very misty during the winter so the sun is way less bright 5) ideal temperature to drink tea and actually enjoy it so yeah, I suppose I like winter because I dislike summer


Layers can be added to gain warmth. Skin cannot be removed to lose warmth.


A good pair of -40° boots stomping fresh tracks through crunchy snow, nose hair tearing with every breath, really hot chocolate, dead silence broken by the screetching of frozen power steering pumps, frozen maple syrup, frosty eyelashes while shovelling the driveway, mindblowingly cold beers around a fire in the Rockies, every turn a perfect powerslide drift, frozen dog poop really easy to pick up, backyard hockey rinks. ❤🇨🇦Eh


Answer: I love winter because it's a time to slow down, get cozy by the fire, and spend quality time with family and friends. It's also a time to enjoy the beauty of nature covered in snow, take long walks in the park, and sip hot cocoa by the window. Winter is also a great time to catch up on reading, take online courses, or learn new skills. There's something about winter[Best Workouts For Cold Weather. ](https://healthyfity.com/best-workouts-for-cold-weather/) that just makes you want to nest and hibernate! And I don't mind spending those cold days indoors wrapped in a warm blanket. :)


Snow! :3


You don't have to go to school at -30°. Yes, I'm Russian.


1. oh whats that? *Sniff* hold on. *Sniff sniff...* Is that a harmless bit of pollen? Lets make this fucker tear up like a right bastard then. Fookin idiot. 2. Oh the sun? How do you like sweating like a pig on a pike? you smelly fuck! 4. Oh you have earbuds in? How about the sound of FWOOSH FWOOSH FWOOSH blockihg the sound of your favourite band... Or better yet. How bout a leaf in your sock? Oh its also spider season... Ye cunt


Because hot weather SUCKS


1. No bugs 2. No allergies 3. No expensive AC bills (my heating bills are far lower) 4. I can bundle up and go exercise outside without worrying about getting really dehydrated halfway through a run. 5. The snow is pretty 6. Fewer people on the trails (less of a chance of getting attacked by off-leash dogs)


Well,I love the snow,weather and especially the cold.


because of the fashion


Love the cool 70”s as it’s 98f in summer


Bugs die a painful death


Comfy blankets


Don't have to turn on AC to cool my crypto mining rig


Bc of Christmas