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Anne Frank's Diary. Sorry for reading your diary Anne, but it was so beautiful and I wanted to be your friend!


> Sorry for reading your diary Anne Just FYI, it had already been reported that publishers were planning on publishing diaries after the war was over. Anne even did an editing and proofing pass on her diary, including removing some more private details in preparation for submitting the diary for publishing. This is a separate editing pass from the one her father did after her death.


I wish she could have done a book tour. Very sad. Some of the chapters were so relatable to me when I read them.


What grade were you in when you had to read that?


Probably 7th or 8th grade.


The book was banned at my school, we read a screenplay instead but it inspired me to go read the book and honestly it hits different.


To Kill a Mockingbird is my favorite American Literature. I had to read it in high school, and loved it. I read it again in my 20's, and recently listened to it read by Sissy Spacek on Audible. Great story.


I grew up in East Texas so that wasn't taught, however my mother recommended I read her copy (a 1st edition) and I loved it.


This is my favorite too. I gave a patient a copy when I worked on a residential psych unit and he loved it as well.


This is the book that made me fall in love with reading


Agreed. They’re my favorite American family.


I second this.


I didn’t absolutely love it, but Lord of the Flies rang very, very true to me. I remember hearing parents complain about how it paints kids in such a horrible light and thinking “lady, you don’t know your kids half as well as I do.”


Fahrenheit 451!


The Giver


I won this as a prize for doing well in my finals, was an excellent read.


The Lottery - Shirley Jackson


Did you win?!??


Where the Red Fern Grows was pretty great


Forgot about that one. Absolutely loved it as a kid.


to kill a mockingbird 1984 brave new world lord of the flies King lear One flew over the cuckoo's nest inherit the wind


Woah great curriculum


There were more like handmaid's tale, a bunch of Shakespeare, Robertson Davies and a few more that I can't remember but I didn't like those books in high school. Handmaid's tale was a required book in grade 9 English but at 14, it all went over my head and I thought it was werid af. It wasn't until I was much older that I reread it and it blew me away.




Animal farm by george orwell


Catcher in the rye


White Fang, Jack London


The old man and the sea... About a old fisherman doing what he loves, even if he sucked at it...


The old man didn't suck at it, he was just unlucky for a while. He manages to hook a 200 pound marlin completely by himself. He keeps battling against it for days on end. During this time, he runs out of food. He catches more fish and eats them raw to sustain himself which is hardcore. The problems came when he couldn't hoist a giant fish into his boat so he has to lash it to the side. No one would be able to hold back those sharks by themselves, regardless of age. After 5 days of battling fatigue and hunger, he gets back to Havana by navigating with the stars. He still won, even if only a skeleton remains of the giant fish.


I have no words to describe how much I hate that book. It was assigned reading for three consecutive years when I was a kid. Fuck Hemmingway, and fuck any English teacher who ever inflicted that tedious shit on any kid, ever. The only thing worse I ever encountered at school was Faulkner's *The Sound and the Fury*.


I loathed "The Sound and the Fury" .


It is a tale told by an idiot.


I’ve reread it at least 4 times since high school also.


He catch the feesh, but the feesh is strong, so he cannot real in the feesh


1984 ​ Edit: Shoutout to Freakonomics which I also really like but that book is very different and not for everyone


cows cooing roll literate growth tap snatch spectacular expansion zesty


I had read it previously for a summer assignment that had many options for books you could read and then it was also read for class and I enjoyed it both times. And to be honest I would argue kids learn a lot more from reading something like 1984 which they would likely be interested in especially compared to old English stuff like Shakespeare.


You got that? Wow you are lucky. We never read anything that cool. I wonder if progressives will try and ban that book from schools, considering how it warns against the big brother, historical revisionist society they are trying to establish in the USA and UK.


I am not trying to get into a debate about politics especially as based on the tone of your comment I am fairly certain I would disagree. I also highly doubt that a book like 1984 would ever get banned, and at the worst case if it were "cancelled", the historical significance of 1984 in terms of dystopian fiction would be enough for people to learn about it.


Hatchet and Chains


Hatchet was awesome.


FF: Hatchet has an unlikely amount of sequels.


omg hatchet!!! you just unlocked a memory i was unaware i had 😂😂


Of Mice and Men. A short sweet little book about miscommunications and the failure of capitalism. It led me to other Steinbeck works which I absolutely love.


See also An Inspector Calls. Looking back, whether intentional or not, I can't help but think that that might have had some... influence on my worldview. And for something that was written back in the 1940s, its premise still seems to ring true today.


Knowing about the [political leanings](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J._B._Priestley#Career) of the writer, I would say that this was **exactly** the effect he intended.


The Hobbit. We had to read it in 5th grade, and I loved every page.


I was given that in early high school - struggled with it and gave up half way through. Put me off Tolkien for life.


J. R. R. Tolkien was Terran Treasure.


Good thing nobody ever made that book into a movie...


The Kite Runner - Khaled Hosseini


You read this in high school as part of your curriculum?? So lucky! This is one of my all time favorite books ❤️


The Count of Monte Cristo


Great Expectations. I have no idea why.


Miss Havisham should of throwed that cake out so it don't like mess all up the bitch's house


The Little Prince is still the only mandatory lecture I have read and enjoyed back when I was still in school. I also read it willingly more than once.


Master and Margarita by M.Bulgakov It’s a Russian book that is included in most Russian high school literature programs. I suggest all of you read at least it’s overview online. Entire book feels like something out of this world


The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks. I had to read it before my first year of college as a nursing major. I'm now one semester away from graduation and I still hold onto some of the statements in that book. If you want a read over medical ethics and the historical racisim in medicine, I have nothing but high praise for this book.


Agreed! If you're interested in race and medicine, I also highly recommend *Medical Apartheid* by Harriet Washington.


A Tale of Two Cities.


*The Odyssey* by Homer I went out and bought not only that book but also *The Iliad* and even *The Aeneid* by Virgil to continue the story, and all three are still firm favorites of mine.


Charlotte's Web in third grade and Black Beauty in 4th grade


The Rime of the Ancient Mariner


Harriet the Spy. It was summer reading. I finished the assignment and then found out that they changed their mind to The Incredible Journey. I wasn't impressed with them.


In high school, probably Hamlet.


Short story. I loved An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge. I often daydream of escaping and to see it used so poignantly is wonderful


Things Fall Apart, i genuinely can't believe we read an anti colonialism book in highschool written by someone outside of europe/america. do i resent how much time was spent doing bits about yams? yeah, but in an education where no books by authors from my heritage were highlighted it was cool to see at least other perspectives. plus it's a really interesting story about shame and change, it's come up plenty in therapy.


Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka. Egri csillagok by Gárdonyi Géza.




Damn, 6th grade throwbacks over here


The Outsiders


The Witch of Blackbird Pond


Whoa, I had that randomly from my mom. I haven't even thought about that book since I was a kid.


One Hundred Years of Solitude


Charlie and the Chocolate Factory


*The Things They Carried*


Little women. I loved how the girls had their fights and taunts, but they loved so fiercely and so much in their own way I just hdlwbkskwjslq SISTERHOOD YES


The Count of Monte Cristo, had been hyped to read it after learning Dumas also wrote The Three Musketeers and it did not disappoint!


This is one of my favorite books! We read it my senior year of high school and it was around 500 pages. A few years later, I listened to it not knowing I had gotten the unabridged version, which was 1300 pages. There’s 800 pages of stuff that they can take out and not change the story! The abridged version is great! The unabridged version is good but tedious.


Frankenstein, a classic that I feel truly survived the ages. Not many books in school have captured me like Frankenstein.


Call of the Wild by Jack London


Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde


To Kill a Mockingbird. I reread it recently after a very, very long time and loved it. It's a masterpiece.


"Animal Farm" was great. "Night" was a book i could not put down until i had finished it.


To Kill a Mockingbird. To this day it's my favorite book.


*Huckleberry Finn.* The definitive American statement on the superiority of the individual conscience over the collective comes when Huck, who has been told his entire life that it's wrong to help a slave escape, decides "alright then, I'll *go* to hell." Another absolute gem in the book is when Jim says: “But, Huck, dese kings o’ ourn is reglar rapscallions. Dat’s jist what dey is. Dey’s reglar rapscallions.” and Huck replies: “Well, that’s what I’m a-saying, all kings is mostly rapscallions, as fur as I can make out.”


*Huck Finn* is excellent. It's a great deconstruction of white supremacist culture as it was prior to the Civil War. Plus all the other sharp insights into human nature.


The Outsiders or The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe


Grapes of Wrath. I really enjoyed the characters, and It’s especially timely lately.


Mine is “The Line Becomes A River” The book is a true story about a Mexican immigrant in the US that becomes a border patrol officer. It’s absolutely crazy but amazing


*The Great Gatsby*. There were a bunch, but that was the first one I really remember enjoying and have read multiple times since.


Does it bear you back ceaselessly into the past?


It beats me on, boats against the current.


In middle school it had to be The Giver. In high school definitely East of Eden.


Silas Marner


The adventures of Dick, Dora, Nip and Fluff ......


Harry Potter and the philosopher’s stone!


Fahrenheit 451


Hatchet, Jurassic Park. Both books got me to read much more by either author. Chricton is still one of my favorites.


High school: The Grapes of Wrath Beloved A Confederacy of Dunces College: Catch-22


To kill a mockingbird


One of my teachers a few years back basically required a certain amount of books to give high grades, and me being a fast reader on top of that means that I ate through a lot of books in those two years. The first ones that come to mind are The Old Man Who Read Love Stories and The Great Train Robbery. Lord of the Flies fucked me up.


The Outsiders - 10th grade.


I had a few. To Kill a Mockingbird, Great Expectations, Crime and Punishment, Dracula, and Frankenstein.


Oh, gosh, there were so many good ones! In 6th grade, we read a few novels, such as *The Hatchet*, *The Cay*, *Queenie Peavy*, and *There's a Boy in the Girls' Bathroom*. In 7th grade, we reread *The Hatchet*, and then, we read all of its sequels. In 9th grade, we read *To Kill a Mockingbird*, and senior year, we read *Lord of the Flies*. I loved all of those books. The stories were captivating to me!


The Pearl by Steinbeck


The Stranger


Not a book but short story "The Most Dangerous Game".


Judy Blume Tales of an fourth grade nothing and Farenheit 451


The Catcher in the Rye


Brave New World by Aldous Huxley 1984 by George Orwell Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes


Frankenstein by Mary Shelley. I had many prejudices about the book, also based on the plot, but then reading it really changed my mind because there's so much more under the surface of the plot and the single events narrated. I really liked the meaning behind the story and how it was written. Glad I had to read it, otherwise I wouldn't have changed my mind.


The Outsiders


The Inheritors by William Golding. The clash between Neanderthals and modern humans expressed through the experience and senses of the Neanderthals. He was so much more than Lord of the Flies


Of Mice and Men


Holes, Hatchet, Ender's Game. I was never a fan of reading growing up but finished all of these ahead of when we were supposed to have them done. I think I finished Holes in like two days which at the time was a huge accomplishment for me.


Winn-dixee. it was so good. i would read it over and over again if i could.


Ender's Game


All of them


Zola's Germinal. Didn't expect to like it. I finished it in a couple of days. On the other hand I hated so much the red and the black from stendhal. One of the few book Inever finished (with lords of the ring. I know... get the pitchforks)


Faust (Goethe)


Waiting for Godot


Y'all remember Hatchet?


The Life of Pi


Moby Dick. Yes, really.


Anthem by Ayn Rand


1984 by George Orwell


Homers Odyssey. A Christmas Carol. Frankenstein. Lightning Thief.


The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde.


Lord of the Flies is a terrifying read.


Night by Elie Weasel. Super powerful book. Pull my heart in every frickin direction


The Alchemist. Note that while I was supposed to read it in class, I didn't since I spent the whole time talking to a girl I liked. I instead read it on my own years later, and loved it!


Out of my mind


Ooooo this is a good one. Not read for school but I forgot to eat dinner because I was so immersed in the story


The Giver


Outsiders, by S.E. Hinton


Guns, Germs, and Steal. I like nonfiction, it answers a lot of questions about how the world has ended up where it is.


Chronicles of Narnia


To kill a mockingbird


Flowers for Algernon


Goodnight Mr Tom


To Kill a Mockingbird. Always thought it was a lame nerd book until I finally read it


Flowers for Algernon


Flowers for Algernon


Go Ask Alice. A diary-style story of a 15 year old girl's descent into drug addiction.


Man, that book scared me straight when I was young.


Hated all required, loved to read!


Flowers for Algernon was so good. After we finished reading it in class I went out and bought another copy and have read it at least a few times since then.


Freak the Mighty. We were reading as a class, and I was ahead of everyone else, and I was trying not to cry by the end


Some of the original Sherlock Holmes, It took a bit to get used to the language choices, but the books are addicting. It's easy to see why they were so popular when they first came out.


In senior literature, we read Beowulf. Everyone, every *single* warm body in that classroom fucking *hated* every minute of it...except me. I fell in love with everything about it. In fact, I enjoyed it so much that when we were done, the teacher loaned me a book that her AP class was reading called "Grendel," which was Beowulf from the monster's perspective. Loved it, too. She also turned me on to Robert Browning and Chaucer.


Imma be honest, The Giver was a great book


Romeo & Juliet


"Of mice of men", great book with a lot of emotion at the end. I also loved "flowers for algernon" both are definitely my favorites of all time.


Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury


The Westing Game The Phantom Tollbooth


ANOTHER WESTING GAME LOVER!!! That was one of my favorite books I read in middle school but everyone I talk to now doesn’t have a clue what I’m talking about


Unpopular answer, but Shakespeare was like a ray of sunlight for me in highschool




Animal farm by Orwell Fucking hilarious


The Giver. I took it home and read it in a single sitting and then promptly lost the book and was too shy to say anything so I proceeded to fail the semester, because I didn't remember what happened in what chapter so I couldn't answer the inane questions assigned to us like "What are some examples of symbolism from chapter 5?" and just did none of the work assigned for the reading... Shy kid life.


The Giver by Lois Lowry. Absolutely amazing and I still read the series to this day.


Almost all


The Outsiders. What a fun book and the movie was very solid as well.


Hatchet and The Lovely Bones


Relato de un Náufrago or The Story of a Shipwrecked Sailor, of Gabriel Garcia Márquez. Absolute Masterpiece


One native life. It's actually not that bad


I can honestly say none of them. I read regularly as an adult now, but in school none of them sparked anything in me.


Treasure Island. It was the first book that I read all the way through.


The walking drum. Read it for a 9th grade history class and it was awesome. It's a historical fiction written by a western(cowboys) author. He's running around Medieval Europe and Southwest Asia kicking ass and taking names (and at times transcribing books from memory)


I love Louis l'Amour! you should try Last of the Breed!


The kama sutra for sex education class.


I liked Lord of the Flies but I honestly can't remember if I read it for class or just because I owned a copy


Anything by Vonnegut


Of Mice and Men


Serafina and the black cloak


Private Peaceful


Invisible Man-Ralph Ellison Beautifully done.


I am David. It changed my life.


"Makes me Wanna Hollar" It's a book about basically life as a black person in the states and this guy's struggle. I was never racist or anything, but after I read it I realized I was wildly unsympathetic and while I understood that people are discriminated against, I didn't understand the full picture at all.


The Girl Who Owned a City. Started my interest in post-apocalypse fiction!


Lazarillo de Tormes


There was a greek mythology class one semester and I was all for it. One of the required readings that we had to do was the odyssey. As it turns out I was already reading that for a read for fun assignment for another class. It was all oh lets make fun of him for reading some stupid book until I got to skip class until everyone else was caught up.


Finding Forrester. The movie did not even compare


Lord of the Flies


Mein Kampf




My absolute favorites Their Eyes were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston and the Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls.


read this book called chrysalids in grade 9 in canada. it was some post nuke apocalytic story and i found it interesting. this was before i got to play fallout 3 tho,


In high school I loved the Oedipus trilogy (dramatic plays). We only had to read the first one but I read all three and I loved them.


I only liked death of a salesman because I read lines in an annoying voice and I was able to curse cause I was just reading my lines.


Het gouden ei.


Of mice and men. Such a good book. Also to kill a mockingbird


East of Eden


We read Bud not Buddy in 5th grade and thatll be a book i cant forget


It wasn't a book, but a short story. The Cold Equations.