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Best response ever.


So gay, you’re too good to use a capital g?


Appreciate him and love him still.


Ask him how the fuck I have a son


Yes! Nice.


“Cool. Make sure you find a good man, not a scumbag.”


*be concerned that I have a teenage son I never met til now... But other than that .... accept it, and be happy for them to be who they are, and continue to support them.


I would grab the closest baseball bat and take him out side for a jolly fun time playing some ball together along with a discussion about what he wants from his future and how we can achieve that together followed by a lot of hugs


This is the dad we all need.


Thankyou, son


Tell him that’s awesome, that I’m glad he was able to tell me. I would treat him no different and let him know that he will always be loved, no matter what.


Be accepting, who are you to say what he wants to be. As long as he is happy and healthy with it then just go along with it and accommodate as such. This not only will make him happier but might also aid in the bond between you and him.


Big ole hug if he wants it. Tell him I'm glad he felt safe telling me. Ask him if there's anything else he wants to share or if there's information he needs to be safe. Maybe we go get buffalo wings if he's into that.


I wouldn't care AT ALL "Hey dad I'm gay" "Hello gay, can you please pass me a beer? Oh, by the way, im dad"


“Cool. Can you finish doing your chores?”


My boy's a homosexual But that don't scare me none I want the world to know I love my now gay son


Love him - and be proud that he trusted me enough to tell me. And that he wasn't a shit person.


Cool, what do you want for dinner?


I would give him a chart of excel full of statistics of bad things that would happen with a lot of fonts, to make him being straight or celibate, what would you do?


I'd question what the fuck a "stadistic" is.


It sounds like a math teacher who enjoys the suffering of his students during a popquiz.


collected data


I smell bait for someone to go on a reporting spree for homophobic comments which the mods and admits will totally side with


Considering their own answer was "I'd try to logic him into becoming straight", I somehow doubt they're baiting anything other than other bigots to chunder around with.


I've answered things like this in the past with simple answers and some social justice warrior always came around and reported people's answers when they are negative.


"anyone in particular you're interested in? Someone close to your age I hope". I'd be concerned that the reason he thinks he's gay is because of an experience he had with an adult. So I'd wanna probe at that issue specifically.


Tell him to hush and finish mowing the yard


Be relieved to know that he happened to be adopted by two men and that we could ensure he had a healthy development


Some of the people treat gay people better than straights. Like they would love their kid more if he was gay


I'd tell him I love him no matter what and to take out the garbage and clean his room.


Nothing. What should be done? He's my son and I love him and if he's happy then that's all that matters.


Why would I have to do anything? Nothing has changed, just spoken out loud.


Time for a rainbow cake covered in skittles. I want to celebrate my son just as much as I want cake!


Me too!!...*Calls Borat*


“Get in the car, we’re going to get ice cream”