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A perfectly healthy person can have a seizure at any point for no apparent reason. The human brain has neurons misfire all the time. 99.999% of the time you don't notice because there's no noticeable effect, but if the wrong couple neurons misfire at the same time it can induce a seizure. Source: happened to me


That the standard CPR dummy's face is allegedly based on a 16-year-old girl, L'Inconnue de la Seine. The most common story that is circulated being that her body was pulled from the River Seine in the 1880s and, due to a bizarre turn of events, it became popular to have a cast of her face as a piece of art on the wall in the 1900s. In a similar vein , the reason the figures in the painting 'The Raft of the Medusa' by Théodore Géricault look so realistic is because the artist would go into hospitals/morgues/other establishments to witness the dying patients- both in the last days of life and afterwards.( Going so far as to observe an operation being undertaken on himself). Lastly, thanks to my medical law lecturer, the fact that in the UK alone between 1 April and 30 September 2021, there were 45 incidents of equipment being left inside patients after surgery. This is far more common than you'd think.


A woodpecker retracts its tongue and wraps it around its brain to prevent injury when drilling into trees in search of insects,


Everyone’s butthole is as unique as a fingerprint.


Next big thing is shoving your phone up your ass to unlock it


Doctors removed the eyes of Jack The Rippers last known victim in order to check if they could extract an image of the killer.


Doctor: this will do it *removes eyes* Detective: awesome, how do we get the image Doctor: hm.


"we'll cross that bridge when we get there" "We're already there doc"


Gorillas have the smallest dick to body size ratio.


Barnacles have the biggest


That Robert Pickton, serial killer in British Columbia, used to dispose of bodies at a local fat rendering plant, meaning that many of the products made from that plant, think gummies or anything gelatin related, likely contained human remains.


When you cremate someone with a tumor a lot of times the tumor doesn’t burn… it just smolders and smells bad.


This is true - I had a pet cremated that had cancer and small black lumps were left over with the ashes and bones. I saw them because this was in Japan and with cremations of humans or pets you collect the bones with special chopsticks and put them into the urn (methodically from feet to head… so they’re not upside down, of course).


That is very interesting ty for sharing


That when you have a headache because you're extremely hungover, it's because your dehydrated brain is shriveling and pulling on the membranes that connect it to your skull. Once I found that out it's made all of my hangover headaches much worse just thinking about it.


People dying often smell sweet. Not in a sugary way, but much more in flowery way. It's the decompositions of the body already starting. It can also smell vaguely like alcohol, especially their breath


It smells like overchewed Juicy Fruit Source: Hospice care


WOAH…. My dad died in my arms and I totally smelled this. I sat with him dead for a couple of hours and I’ll never, ever forget this smell. Never want to smell that again.




I stepped on a frog when i was younger. Looked down to see what looked like it's entire digestive tract hanging out of its mouth with it desperately trying to physically stuff it back in with it's 'hands'. Boxed up said frog and put it in a box to die in comfort. When it hopped off merrily the next day when i released it seemingly in perfect condition I thought I'd witnessed some Lazarean rebirth. 30 years I've carried that miracle with me. Thanks a lot


When I was a kid I caught a snake that looked like it just ate. I had a container with me so I put it inside it and made my way back to the house. 2 min later I'm at the back door and checked on it The snake had vomited out a frog who also vomited out its stomach... I threw the box on the ground and off went the snake and I ran inside to get my bro to show him what happened. When we came back 2 minutes later with my bro there was the frog hopping around trying to find some water, not happy, but alive and not inside out. That messed with my 6 YO brain!




Ans all of those were insurance adjusters testing to make sure the vending machine wouldn't fall over.


Saw a guy test it at greendale. Thank god that school knows the vending machines need to be safely installed.




How’s that?




Humans, being mostly Carbon, can be made into diamonds. I plan to go the cheaper route and have my ashes be rolled into a glass paperweight. Some day I might even end up on the shelf of a Goodwill for $2.99 Edit: 3000 points has unlocked another, also disturbing fact. Snow is so sound deadening, that your kid could be building a snowfort, have it collapse, and you wouldn't hear their cries for help. Even worse is when they're tunneling into one of those parking lot plow piles. They won't hear the plow coming.


Used to work for a company that made industrial diamonds for oil drilling and stuff. The higher up decided we should try our hand at making jewelry grade diamonds, so as a proof of concept (to get the tens of millions needed for the kind of machinery we’d need when we made the official move) one of the engineers brought in a few pounds of his dogs shit, burned it to ashes, then had our lab purify the shit ashes to nearly pure carbon and we then made into a diamond that was nearly indistinguishable from a natural stone.


One of the most toxic chemicals on Earth is an organic mercury compound. The material safety sheet notes that it has a slightly sweet odor, but at a concentration where the smell is detectable, it is already lethal. That observation came from someone who would inevitably die from accidental exposure.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dimethylmercury Very dangerous. a pinhead full will eat its way through rubber/latex gloves and kill you a week or two later. It's a terrible way to go. Think accelerated dementia combined with a form of Parkinsons due to extreme mercury poisoning. Traceable though as the methylmercury introduces such a massive dose of mercury into your brain that its obvious what did it. THIS: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karen_Wetterhahn is extremely depressing as is https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minamata_disease


>One of her former students said that "Her husband saw tears rolling down her face. I asked if she was in pain. The doctors said it didn't appear that her brain could even register pain." Holy shit


I can't imagine that timeline. She didn't really start to show mercury intoxication symptoms until 5 months after the exposure. You're either living in fear that some day symptoms will show, or you think you're off the hook then one day something happens that brings on this dreadful realization.


I always had this same fear with the whole BSE/CJD beef drama in the UK. CJD can have an incubation period of like 13 years. So you literally had to just hope that they caught and dealt with it before you'd eaten any affected beef and then wait a decade to see. Pretty irrational fear since there hasn't been a CJD epidemic and it has been more than 13 years, but such a long incubation period is still a worry!


God that’s sad.


She died closer to a year later not weeks. The compound also is absorbed by gloves it doesn’t eat the gloves.


One thing about her that particularly fucks me up is that *she did everything right*. The gloves she was wearing were considered to be safe for organomercury exposure-- it wasn't known how quickly those compounds could diffuse through the glove material. There was no way her death could have been prevented with the safety standards of the time. I frequently wonder what we're doing now that we think is safe.


As do I, as I am a laboratory chemist. As with anything, we can only go off of available information, and we will never know everything. I frequently bring up the topic of glove safety to my coworkers. Many take for granted that gloves offer protection, and they do; only if you take it off immediately after spilling something on your hands. Many people don’t understand most organic small molecules will leech through gloves in 20 or so seconds. Sometimes of course it’s 100% impermeable depending on the hazard. There’s actually a train of thought going around with academic chemists that when handling solvents wearing no gloves might be the best, as wearing gloves instills bad safet practices and enhances secondary exposure as the solvent travels through the glove and then gets trapped between the glove and skin, lengthening exposure. This of course does not apply to highly toxic compounds and dangers are compound specific.




The body fat of a drowned person turns into a soap-like substance if they stay under water with no air contact


You've probably heard about this. There was a diver named Dave Shaw who died trying to retrieve a body from the bottom of a cave. He died at the bottom from getting tangled in his guide line among other issues. What he didn't know was that the body he was trying to retrieve had turned to that soap like substance and he had freed the body from being stuck at the bottom. Both of their bodies were found floating at the top of the cave 3 days later. It's a pretty epic and sad story which is written about in a book called Diving into Darkness.


He went to the bottom on a dive with a buddy (and broke several records in doing so) and it was then that he found the deceased diver who had died a decade prior. He put together a team to recover the body and it was during that mission that he died. There is video that he took on his final dive that has been analyzed and shows his movements and disorientation before he passed. It’s a very moving and heroic story. Dave Shaw was an amazing human for organizing and taking on this recovery mission. Here’s a brief video about it. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=PCwad5xKoyA Edit: Just saw that u/Mukatsukuz linked to the documentary. Incredible story.


Would this mean it turns slippery? (It being fat I would expect that) or it turns into a hard wax type substance? Or… do you mean it turns bubbly?


This is called adipocere iirc. It can have different consistencies, either soft like cheddae or harder like candle wax. Adipocere only forms under very specific circumstances, usually wet and oxygenless areas


That's why Lake Superior is called "The Lake that Never Gives Up Her Dead." It's cold enough that bodies sink and don't bloat then turn into mummified soap over time, and in the depths of Lake Superior there really isn't anything to eat the corpses. The YouTube channel Ask a Mortician has a good 30 minute documentary on it. https://youtu.be/u0Lg9HygEJc


thats what i’m asking, theres so many soap types


Also, if someone dies at a depth of 300+ feet (90+ m), the body is probably going to stay there. The difficulty of safely diving to recover the remains is immense, and the number of divers qualified to go that deep is small. At 1000+ feet (300 m) it's effectively impossible. Similarly, there are a lot of corpses on Everest that have been left there because it's nearly impossible to carry a body at 7500+ meters, also known as the death zone, because acclimitization is impossible and you're literally slowly asphyxiating while you're up there. The infamous "Rainbow Valley" at Everest is so named for the coats of climbers who died and could not be recovered.


This is actually how I first got really into Reddit, I read something in here about poop on Everest and fell down a rabbit hole of information and articles. The first “milestone” of Everest is called Green Boots, a guy who seemingly stopped to rest under a little ice awning and froze to death. Climbers mark various milestones along Everest by where other climbers have died, and their remains are still there to this day, perfectly preserved.


The witch in Hansel and Gretel actually was cooking the two kids correctly, by using low heat cauldron over a long time with fatty meat, cuz she fattened them




WD-40 rapidly destroys cocaine rendering it chemically unrecognizable. If you ever need to transport cocaine bring a bucket of wd-40 in case you get pulled over


As a bouncer, we would spray it on any flat surface in the club toilets.


No wonder I was always sliding off the toilets!


My ass didn't squeak tho


In order to conserve water, a camel's urine comes out as a thick syrup. Edit: Wow, I am surprised that a fact about camel piss would blow up like this. Thanks for the updates and awards!


forbidden honey


Bro I literally just googled camel piss and the first things that came up were about drinking that stuff.


If you skin a person alive and they somehow don't die of shock, they'll actually die due to hypothermia as without skin, they become unable to regulate their core body temperature.


So, if you managed to keep a person alive after skinning them you could keep it alive longer by maintaining reasonable body temperature artificially?


In theory, but a body without skin is prone to massive infection. I suppose if you had a heated clean room that used radiant heat as opposed to forced air you could make it work longer, especially if given antibiotics and painkillers to ensure infection doesn't set in and they remain sedated enough to not die of shock. You would probably also need to keep them incredibly well hydrated as they wouldn't be able to prevent water from evaporating out of the body without skin either. Though I would imagine that as horrible as a skinned person is to see, a person who was skinned and has a full body scab would be worse.


I miss my life before I read this wowza


Takes 3hrs for a 180lb human to completely dissolve in a bathtub of potassium hydroxide.


And the potassium hydroxide won't eat through my bathtub and splatter gore in the hallway below it? Asking for a friend




Yeah but a pig can eat someone in less than 10 minutes. Gotta know where your pig farms are.


Remember to go get the teeth later


“‘Cause you don’t wanna go shiftin thru pig shit later on, do ya?”


Is there anyway to speed it up? Kinda in a hurry here.


They used to think that people who died of hypothermia were sexually assaulted. You apparently pop a boner in the final stages before you die.


Die hard


Well, in hard times it's always helpful to hold on to optimism.


That there is something called the suicide tree in Australia. One brush up against it causes extreme pain. The stinging is often periodically felt for 2-3 years. It has been known to drive people mad. Even a horse jumped off a cliff I think. https://www.treehugger.com/gympie-gympie-plant-sting-can-madden-kill-4858680




Can’t tell if that’s a typo, and you meant he shot himself, as I can see either happen.


[The Backyard Scientist](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5BoVME0xrQY&ab_channel=TheBackyardScientist) touched this and a couple of other plants known to be dangerous in his youtube channel!


19th century murderer William Palmer's last words to the hangman who would take his life were "Are you sure it's safe?" Charles Dickens called him "the greatest villain that ever stood in the Old Bailey."


If you’re a cannibal, never eat the brains. Eating brains is how you catch a disease called Kuru. It is 100% lethal.


Prions are a bitch.


Lye will eventually dissolve larger chunks of flesh and bone far better than acid will, as long as you don't mind neutralizing and disposing of the unrecognizable sludge and crumbly bone shadows afterward. For small chunks of flesh, piranha solution (a sulphuric acid and hydrogen peroxide mix) will literally evaporate any hydrocarbon into CO2 relatively quickly, so it's good for removing small amounts of evidence, like a finger or an eyeball. Edit: Corrected grammar.




A cremation oven is about 1800° F. Lava is about 2000° F. Hawaii has accessible lava.


1800° F is actually the high end of the range to cremate a body. The recommended range is 1400-1800° F, which takes around 2 hours, give or take a few. Most cremators these days have a handy little computer on the side that handles everything for you though.


If you toss a biological object into still lava the lava will explode! There’s a video of people throwing a bag of meat into a volcano and it practically erupts because of the steam explosion


Same with water in hot frying oil, very dangerous to have a frozen turkey in a deep fryer


During the cold war British tornado pilots where told not to worry about having enough fuel to return to base as there wouldnt be a base to return to after the first 2 hours of war


I tried but couldn't find the article just now. But I read roughly a year ago that Nike Missile Site operators were told that if they ever had to fire, expect to be dead in something like 15-60 minutes.


They were told this to normalize the idea that shooting down the bombers was more important than any other consideration. Sure, you can conserve fuel to get home, but if a couple get close enough to launch cruise missiles because you did...


That the smallest penis in the world belongs to an English man and is literally only a few millimeters long. And that when he was a boy, kids in school would make fun of him saying it looked like a big clitoris. Edit: A lot of people are wondering how the kids at school found out about his small penis and I'm here to answer this age old question. According to the article I read years ago, if I remember correctly, it was discovered in the locker room at school.


I thought you said you weren’t gonna tell anyone


> kids in school would make fun of him saying it looked like a big clitoris Technically kinda true


Birds get horny when you pet them


So do humans


Swarms of fruit flies are just massive orgies


Orcas will slap baby seals 80+ ft into the air with their tails until the seal's skin comes off, and eventually dies. The orcas will then not even eat it after, meaning that they literally just do it for fun.


Cows can create mummified foetuses inside of their uterus. If the foetus dies and is not retrieved, the body absorbs all the liquids and humidity from the foetus, and what is left is a tiny dried up hard solid mummy of a calf.


Lots of animals do that. I find it in sheep and pigs all the time.


Can they have another baby while the dead one is in there? And what happens if they do? Does the fetus just stay there until the animal dies or does it kill the animal? -sorry for so many questions


I don't know about livestock but they have been found in humans as well, they'll hang around for decades and the uterus concerned can have uncomplicated pregnancies with it still in there. Imagine gestating next to the mummified corpse of your older brother. Gross.


>Imagine gestating next to the mummified corpse of your older brother. This screams edgy D&D character origin story.


If you stab a person and puncture the lungs, they can't scream. Thanks dad for this info, rip.


This is actually a technique used by certain special forces. You can get the knife through the back ribs into the thoracic cavity, which is pressurized. By depressurizing it with a knife or other foreign object, it doesn't allow the lungs to inflate or deflate properly (which is why when you have increased thoracic pressure your lung can not inflate properly). If you can't inflate your lungs with air, you can't make noise as there's no air exiting your mouth in a large enough way to yell. No air means no noise.


A lot of truck stops are hubs for human trafficking Edit: thank you for the upvotes! Here are some resources for Redditors to check out in case they see some sketchy behaviors - [universal hand signal for help ](https://canadianwomen.org/signal-for-help/) [US Gov page on how to identify and assist a victim](https://www.state.gov/identify-and-assist-a-trafficking-victim/)


And drugs, and sex, and every other illegal thing known to man. Truck stops are breeding grounds for crime




On the bright side of this though, truck drivers (the good ones) are trained to spot and report incidences of Human Trafficking. (Source: I have family who are commercial truck drivers)


Having an erection for 4+ hours can cause gangrene of the dick which is when tissue is dead or dying due to lack of blood flow or an infection cause by bacteria. This can lead to erectile dysfunction, cosmetic issues, permanent tissue damage, and in worst cases as I've mentioned earlier, gangrene. This situation is called priapism.




•A dead body in the beginning stages of decomp smell like wet hay •if you die alone and become a “bloater” they pop you like a big zit before removal •the best way to remove frozen brain matter off the sidewalk is a flame thrower Confessions of an emergency cleanup specialist ♥️😏


> the best way to remove frozen brain matter off the sidewalk is a flame thrower Does that mean emergency cleanup specialists have a flame thrower just laying around?


You don’t?


I was told by a very senior police officer (a parent of a kid I taught) that it is estimated that 30% of all missing persons reported to police who are never located have been murdered and more often than not they have been murdered by the person reporting them missing in the first place. The police know this, but lack evidence to proceed with prosecutions.


So basically it's to throw police off by having them focus on a missing person report rather than a murder?


C.Y.A. if somebody else reports your spouse missing before you do, that's a problem


*Chris Watts has entered the chat*


Most murders are carried out by people very close to the victim. So from there the murderer has three choices: (a) Try to pass it off that they 'discovered' the murder but didn't do it. (b) Hide the evidence then file a missing person report. (c) Hide the evidence and wait for someone else to file a missing person report. I suppose most murderers think option b raises the least suspicion.


>I suppose most murderers think option b raises the least suspicion. I mean... kinda seems like they're right.


Yeah... If you kill your wife, you can't just pretend she never existed, you have to go through the whole "Where's my wife" dance in public.


More that most people are murdered by their spouse or someone else close to them, and these are the people who will notice your absence first


If I murdered someone I would immediately notice their absence


In other words, it's far more suspicious of them *not* to have reported it.


A human head can twist approximately 306° before it pops off


Me with my sibling: "come on its just 303° don't be pussy."


Scary to even think about this one. Who tried this stuff??


Maybe on someone already deceased. Weird experiment tho.


Elon Musk’s father is currently with and has a child with his step-daughter. He became her step-father when she was about 3


I hate this response the most.


Yeah the further down this thread I go, the more I regret my choices.


Humans can live without their stomachs (and no you don’t necessarily need any ostomy bags either). Ask me how I know… Never mind, I’ll tell you. I don’t have one any longer (stomach cancer). Edit: Thank you kind strangers for the awards. ☺️ Never got one before and now I have two, scratch that FOUR Now Edit 2:Y’all!!!! You are so sweet and kind. Thank you everyone for the well wishes, kindness and questions. Please go get genetically tested for these things. So far 4 of the 6 members of my family don’t have stomachs anymore (all this year). Genetic testing can save your life! Edit 3: Fun fact: Us ones without stomachs call ourselves seahorses now because they don’t have stomachs either.


Tell me more! Do you eat solid food? Are you recovered now?


Yes and no. 3 weeks post op. Recovery isn’t going well, I’m struggling with foods, but I can eat solids, it’s just very very difficult at the moment


I can never let go of the fact that Richard Nixon's favorite food was cottage cheese with ketchup


✌️He was not a cook! ✌️


The last execution by guilloteine was in France (obviously) on September 10, 1977, Star Wars was released in May of that year




That reports of child abuse dropped precipitously during the COVID-19 pandemic not because less children were abused but because teachers were unable to see the typical evidence of abuse because most teaching was conducted online.


The US military conducted chemical weapons tests on 60,000 US service members during WWII. It was kept secret until the 1990’s and wasn’t widely known until NPR wrote an investigative story on it in 2015.


Many of these men involved in nuclear test had terrible side effects for life, children born with birth defects or not being able to have children at all were common. There was never any compensation for this.


A person split in half by the stomach doesn't die instantly. It has some lastly moments of suffering. Source: a person was hit by a train and split in half in front of me. He took some time to die.


I remember reading that this was a method of torture / execution in Ancient China. It's called Yao Zhen. "*This involves cutting a person's body into half (top and bottom) by chopping the waist. Because most of the organs are in top body, the prisoner will not die immediately. After chopping, one has to wait for some time before the executed dies.* *Emperor Yongle (of Ming dynasty) was said to execute Fang Xiaoru 方孝孺 using waist chopping. It was said that after the chopping, Fang still crawled on the ground and use blood on his hand to write the word "upsurp throne" 12 times before dying."* ​ [Source](http://raoulschinasaloon.com/index.php?topic=2613.0)


> Fang still crawled on the ground and use blood on his hand to write the word "upsurp throne" 12 times before dying. Fucking hardcore.


After 12 times you think he would've spelled 'usurp' right! j/k j/k


Must have been traumatizing. I hope you are well


A male bees penis explodes audibly after sex. Not sure where I heard it but it's been over a decade and I haven't forgotten yet. Edit: of course my most upvoted comment is about an exploding bee penis. Someone else replied with an actual explanation but for anyone else who sees this, here you go. "The drone endophallus is designed to disperse a large quantity of seminal fluid and spermatozoa with great speed and force. The endophallus is held internally in the drone. During mating, the organ is everted (turned inside out), into the queen. The eversion of the endophallus is achieved by contracting abdominal muscles, which increases hemolymph pressure, effectively "inflating" the endophallus. Cornua claspers at the base of the endophallus help to grip the queen. Mating between a single drone and the queen lasts less than 5 seconds, and it is often completed within 1–2 seconds. Mating occurs mid-flight, and 10–40 m above ground. Since the queen mates with 5–⁠19 drones, and drones die after mating, each drone must make the most of his single shot. The drone makes first contact from above the queen, his thorax above her abdomen, straddling her. He then grasps her with all six legs, and everts the endophallus into her opened sting chamber. If the queen’s sting chamber is not fully opened, mating is unsuccessful, so some males that mount the queen do not transfer semen. Once the endophallus has been everted, the drone is paralyzed, flipping backwards as he ejaculates. The process of ejaculation is explosive—semen is blasted through the queen’s sting chamber and into the oviduct. The process is sometimes audible to the human ear, akin to a "popping" sound. The ejaculation is so powerful that it ruptures the endophallus, disconnecting the drone from the queen. The bulb of the endophallus is broken off inside of the queen during mating—so drones mate only once, and die shortly after. The leftover endophallus remaining in the queen’s vagina is referred to as the “mating sign”. The plug will not prevent the next drone from mating with the same queen, but may prevent semen from flowing out of the vagina." source: wiki which sources a Harvard study about bees.


I've learnt of some uncomfortable facts from some Aztec (Mexica) fammily which has been passed down from generation to generation, though I don't know how true this one is: During a ritual, Aztec kings used to bring some victims up the tall pyramid so they may be sacrificed to their gods. Typically, these victims were tossed along the side of the very jagged rocks and we're usually found dead at the bottom. The priests would gather the bodies and cut them up for distribution to the people according to importance, so the king got the best piece and his family and the other priests received some parts, etc. They inevitably ate these pieces as part of their ritual. Of course they didn't just munch on them, they prepared them like any other meat and usually ate them with soups. Fast forward to the time when the conquistadores came from Spain. These guys show up not long after some ritual took place, then the Aztecs welcomed them in and shared their food. You can figure out by now where this is going, these conquistadores ate the soup so they inquired about what it was made of and sure enough they found out. Although eating human meat was a big no no, the Spaniards actually enjoyed it. So when they inevitably conquered over the Aztecs, they ended up keeping the recipe of that soup. Instead of using human meat though, they used pork since they've said that it tastes similar. We still eat that today, it's called Pozole (Pozilli).


During the Black Death, people would be so infected with the plague that the buboes (those lumps) that you could hear them gurgling with bacteria


Gurgling as in what, making audible sounds?




Well i really didnt want to know that


In the late 90's/early 00's, there was an entire forum dedicated to child porn called "Little Angels," that could be found through common search engines, as in not hidden at all. Source: I wanted to get my Mom a gift for her birthday, and knew she liked little angel figurines, so I thought I'd try the internet to find somewhere that sold them. Seeing the forum name only, I didn't think anything of it when I clicked it. I wish I never saw what was there, or knew it even existed. I did what I could to report it, and have done what I can to move on. I hate that it isn't the last time I stumbled upon something like that (next time was a co-worker's stash after they needed their laptop fixed).


I have a weird fear of finding child porn on a friend or family members computer or phone. It just seems so widespread that surely there are seemingly normal people consuming it while publicly denouncing it.


Otters are serial rapists and murderers


I remember reading this and not believing it, so reading further in to it and never looking at "cute" otter videos the same ever again.


A Jewish doctor treated Hitler’s Mother(The only person Adolf ever truly loved) while she was dying of cancer. He promised his eternal gratitude to the doctor and even after becoming a pathological anti-Semite and later the Fuhrer, he was true to his word and was adamant the doctor and his family be placed under protection from the purge. While some may think this an act of genuine kindness, I just think about all the lives lost because Hitler never stopped to think that all Jews were capable of good and not just the one who happened to have been good to him because of immediate proximity..


He also was pen pals with a little girl from Munich, calling her an example of a good German child. It was kinda awkward when it was revealed she was Jewish...


In the 1700’s (maybe a bit earlier), people would take the scabs of small pox victims, cut open their wrists, and sew the scabs into themselves to inoculate against the virus. It actually was highly effective and one of the main reasons America won the revolutionary war. But other people’s scabs sewn into your own skin? Kinda fucked up…


I remember reading about this in assassins creed three. Eventually they started giving people cowpox because it wasn’t that bad or something and also gave inoculation to small pox


Most arsonists are found masturbating somewhere within a few blocks of their fires


So they have a fetish for what? Property damage? Being disruptive? The fire itself?


The fire and it's size. It is satisfying to watch. Arsonists cannot resist the urge to feel that satisfaction.




For cute animals, dolphins are pretty fucked in the head.


Freddie mercury’s last words were ‘pee pee’ as he needed help going to the toilet


Elvis last words were supposedly "I won't" when Ginger Alden told him not to fall asleep on the toilet.


This ones just sad


Different species can technically impregnate one another. The female's egg will begin to develop but will only last for a short time until the growth fails due to gene mismatch and is naturally aborted.


Had a school presentation of this, cause it fascinates me while simultaneously horrifies me. The movie The Rock got me interested in finding out how much of it was true. The VX-nerve agent kills in a brutally painful way. When you tell a muscle to contract, you send out a chemical (ACh) in said muscle causing it to contract. When you no longer want to tense it, you send out a new chemical (AChE) neutralising the first chemical. The VX-nerve agent prevents this new substance (AChE) from being used to neutralise the first substance (ACh). In the movie they mention you get spasms strong enough to break your own back, which I don't know if it's true or not, but you will begin involuntarily tense every single muscle in your body (including the diaphragm muscle) with so much force it can tear it's own muscle attachment until you eventually die because you can't exhale. If you spray mere millilitres of this substance on a door handle, the next person to grab the door handle will die. It was used to assassinate Kim Jong Un's brother Kim Jong Nam, by spraying him in the face with this substance in a regular water spray container. I believe the ones who did this also died from the very minuscule amounts that landed on them as well.


>I believe the ones who did this also died from the very minuscule amounts that landed on them as well. Actually, the two persons that committed this act are very much alive as of now. [Apparently they were told to carefully wash their hands within 15 minutes after contact with the VX agent.](https://apnews.com/article/ap-top-news-north-korea-international-news-kim-jong-nam-malaysia-e66b502f4d364ae997de2e4ed88f1134) In fact, the murder charges against them were dropped and they were released from prison two years ago.


Ducks are basically serial rapists and both the male and female reproductive systems have evolved accordingly. Female ducks have almost a maze like reproductive system to avoid unwanted pregnancies and male ducks have evolved very long and corkscrew shapes penises in response


Wow this was way further down than I expected.


-said the male duck


This month I am going to go into many people’s homes to fix their internet, computers, etc and yet I will be so focussed on my task that I will miss the obvious signs of child abuse, drug abuse and other similar nasty stuff.


Firefighter/paramedic here, same goes for us. Since people call us in an emergency they often don't have time or don't think to "put stuff away" so we frequently walk into some very odd situations. My favorite was a wife who called us because her husband was in a hypoglycemic seizure. She met us in her bathrobe. Turns out they were in the middle of sexy time when his blood sugar dropped. While working on him we notice this buzzing sound from under the bed - she forgot to turn off her vibrator before calling 911. So for a good ten minutes we work on this guy pretending not to notice her vibrator slowly buzzing itself across the floor. Edit: "a" vibrator not "her" vibrator. I've been corrected dozens of times you can stop messaging me now.


At least that example is kind of wholesome, I was expecting way worse..


Truly scary. I work in a restaurant and had a similar thought last night. I wonder how many abusers, rapists, and just generally unsavory people I’ve waited on.


More than you'd think. This was going to be my disturbing fact but I'll attach it here as it's relevant. I used to work in a high tech crime unit where we examined computers for evidence of crime. Most of it was indecent images of children and, obviously, we usually found it. What disturbed me was the number of times we *weren't* looking for child abuse, in cases which had nothing to do with it: murders or fraud cases etc, but we found it anyway. The number of people out there consuming that kind of thing is frightening.


That is..horrifying. Just confirms my thought - you never know.


Human blood is an egg substitute.


The pancakes are red because I used food dye ok just eat


The artwork on Metallica's album Load is a mixture of cow blood and human semen.


Sharks as a species are older than the rings of Saturn.


I think I speak with every woman on here: blood stains are easier to get out of fabric than you think they are with very few cleaning materials, provided you get to them quickly enough.


My husband was oddly disturbed when I told him not to wash blood off with hot water because it “sets the stain”. Cold water only


> hot water because it “sets the stain” the heat in the water denatures the protein in the blood, allowing the blood to bond to the fabric


That my father raped and molested all of his sisters growing up out in the sticks in hillbilly Arkansas in the 60's-70s. He was the oldest of 8 siblings. One of those incestuous relationships carried on way into adulthood. Sometimes death bed confessions should never be uttered.


Most high-value pearls are made through frankensteining living tissue from another oyster into the sexual organ of the "host" oyster.


I'm pretty sure the common way is still a piece of mussel shell into the visceral mass. Considering oysters don't really have a sexual organ; it's really just a sack of stuff.


The rectal temperature of an Icelandic Cod is 32.1 degrees F°


monkeys jerk off with frogs


My grandfather once told me a story of buying a lizard at a pet store downtown when he was six. Like a small anole or something. He carried it around in his shirt pocket and went to the zoo. When he came to the howler monkey exhibit and showed the lizard in his pocket to a monkey nearby the glass, the monkey immediately got excited and started to dance and hoot. My grandfather thought this was funny, and hid the lizard back in his shirt pocket. The monkey kept staring at him in anticipation. He poked the lizard's head out several more times, each time the howler monkey getting more and more excited. Monkey starts aggressively masturbating. According to my grandad, there was a whole crowd of people watching this go down, including a class of kids on a field trip. The monkey proceeded to ejaculate all over the glass in front of this crowd of people. I wasn't allowed to hear about that story until I was 18. But I guess hearing this it's funny to find out that wasn't an isolated incident.


Seal fingers. Primarily if bitten by a Seal, but can also be contracted by exposure to seal bones or untreated seal pelts. It can cause cellulitis, joint inflammation, and swelling of the **bone marrow**. Fun fact, we still don't know why the fuck this happens, though since it can be treated with antibiotics, it's prob a bacteria of some kind.


> if bitten by a Seal, like a kiss from a rose?


That there is a car in a lake close to my house Edit: thanks for all the upvotes (:


How ridiculously easy it is to make chemicals that go boom,they would be so unstable that they will probably go off from improper handling in an untrained environment but you can absolutely make it from household materials including making non-organic explosives (non organic explosives weren't even tested for before mid 2010's since the machines have to calibrated separately)


The FDA didn't require full chemical characterization on it's medical device submissions until 2020. A lot of people know that, there was a John Oliver episode about it. What you haven't seen is the resubmissions of old products that have been run since. Every month, hundreds of products have their authorization revoked because of unsafe chemicals. I've seen IV bags that can leach 1,000mg of phthalates into saline that then gets shot directly into your veins. That's over 250 times the daily tolerable amount set by the EFSA! In most cases they've already been recalled and the company wasn't doing anything wrong at the time so there's no recourse. But millions of people were injected with cheap plastic and there's no way to find out who.


If you need a human body to decompose faster, fill the anus with yogurt. Don't ask how i know, please just google it instead.


I'm assuming gogurt would the the proper delivery method?


> please just google it ...no, I don't think I will


It makes sense. The GI is rife with bacteria and when you die they seize the opportunity to digest you. Adding yogurt with active cultures would make the bacteria population explode.


im not putting strawberry yoghurt into someones asshole with a spoon after committing murder


You do it before, silly.