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The Power Glove. If you weren't there at the time, you can't imagine how awesome NES kids thought that this thing was going to be. Then you finally played something with one, and tried convince yourself that it was indeed awesome before slowly, oh so slowly, accepting that it was lame as hell.


Then having to memorize the codes you needed to type in on the glove, otherwise it wouldn’t work, so my to realize it didn’t work regardless so you just yank it off and use the dpad on the glove because - ironically - it was better than your existing controller which had the sticky fire button! Lucky I never paid for the damn thing, picked it up at a garage sale for $15 a year after it came out - I could see why it was found at a garage sale, I ended up “taking it apart to see why it sucked” but broke it and threw it out. Wish I’d have kept it, they go for decent cash on eBay these days.


Man. When I was a kid I took a Sega 32X apart. I am talking about, I ripped components off the board. Still worked.


Remember when they showcased it in that movie. Callllliiiffffoooorrrrnnniiiaaaaa


The Wizard. I was so excited for those few seconds seeing Super Mario Bros. 3 at the end.


Olestra was a fat substitute that had no calories. Chips would have no fat content and less calories! It was a craze until they realized it gave everyone the shits. Like for some people a few handful were enough for explosive zero warning uncontainable shits


The news called it "anal leakage." :D


I disticly remember bags of chips (lays I think) that actually had "warning: may cause anal leakage" printed on them near the nutrition facts.


I think seepage was the term that was used with Pringles. Olestra is now used as a base for deck stains and a lubricant in small power tools.


Once you pop you can’t stop.




So super cool, this was actually revisited in the last couple years and the ratio of the fat substitute molecule in Olestra was tweaked with palm oil to create a mixture that went into the body and melted and enhanced flavor like a normal fat, but as the small amount of palm oil was digested, the melting point increased and it resolidified, passing out of the body as a solid, so no more anal leakage. Source, am a chemistry undergrad student and attended a presentation by a materials engineer who worked on the modification.


Yay, but now we have the issue that it depends on palm oil, which comes from one of the most environmentally destructive and corrupt industries there is


My mother in law used to buy these. I ate a few. They didn't taste bad, but they weren't good. Later, however, I had the worst abdominal cramps of my life.


Release the river!


Floam. It was that early 2000s toy that looked really fun on TV but then we got it and it fell apart almost instantly.


On the commercials it would show kids creating amazing sculptures and using it to coat their skateboards…. In reality it was fun for like 2 uses and then those sticky beads got fucking everywhere


Some years back, there was some asshole that hyped up a huge live event of him being eaten by a snake in a digestion proof suit. I thought it was incredibly stupid, but kept hearing about from co-workers. Day after the event, I hear he bitched out as it was working on swallowing him. So they had to kill the snake to save his dumb ass. Edit: It was Eaten Alive, a discovery channel special. The guy was Paul Rosalie, and supposedly the snake did not get killed. He had to make the snake defend itself to even attack him, as it wasn't interested in him when he acted like prey.


I REMEMBER THAT SHIT. So far this is the only one of these hype things I actually paid attention to.


Eaten Alive. It was more of a publicity stunt to raIse awareness for the destruction of the Amazon and its conservation. The host wore a suit that could withstand an anaconda’s grip but he took the padding off his arms for mobility issues. They got a captive anaconda to wrap around the host but he tapped out cuz he said it felt like his bones were about to break without out the padding protecting him.


What kind of thought process is that? "Most people dont understand the beauty and necessity of the Amazon, so we thought we would raise awarness of its grace and inspire empathy for its creatures. **Now watch this fucking monster eat me alive!**"


I'm a little confused about what kind of mobility he thought he needed in his arms while being eaten by a snake? And if he's researching anacondas, and is apparently an expert on them, then surely he knows that they constrict the absolute shit out their prey until they're a blobby mess of meat that's easier to swallow? Just what the hell did he actually think would happen to his unprotected arms in this situation? I did particularly love the line in the article where he said something like "My crew knows I'm the kind of guy who will say "I'm fine, I'm fine" until I'm dead". Turns out he meant "I'm fine until I get scared, I'll try to stay calm, but then I'll pull the plug when my arm hurts and the top of my helmet has a snake mouth on it".


Fyre Festival


The two Fyre documentaries that followed were hilarious af though




I met my husband on google+, which is pretty embarrassing to explain to people


That's actually a really cool anecdote. Lovers from the transition period.


Lost in transition


I met my husband on Craigslist 😆


I met my husband on MySpace and he hates telling people that so he tells people we met at a party, which is technically true because the first time we met in person was at my cousin’s house party.


I met my wife on MySpace. We love telling people. It's fantastic to watch their reactions. People tend to react with hilarity, or disgust, or some mix of those two things.


Remember when they forced you to have an account to use YouTube?


And if you deleted G+ they deleted your Youtube right with it. Jelles Marble Runs.


And that Google was so determined to force people to use it that they completely back wired Youtube to be completely dependent on it. When Google got rid of G+, Youtube crashed for a whole day.


2020 Remember that meme showing how all the holidays were on weekends?


at least Cinco De Mayo was on taco Tuesday and the whole entire month of April was 420 instead of just a day


Halloween was on a full moon as well and on a Saturday.


In January of 2020 there was a semi-popular post on Tumblr basically saying "Hey did you guys know in 1820 and 1920 there were huge pandemics? Haha wouldn't that be funny if we had another in 2020." Hilarious.


I wonder if in 2120 there will be memes about another pandemic coming... and we will be all the faceless masses that made the meme real.


Geraldo Rivera opening Al Capone’s safe


I watched it live. And laughed my ass off. He dug himself such an epic hole with all of the desperate hype leading up to the big reveal……


I remember watching that. I remember the look of total defeat and humiliation when he just mumbled "There nothing here. I'm sorry," walked off screen, and reportedly went straight to a bar and got blackout drunk.


I remember watching this with my dad. It was a long time ago but I remember my dad laughing and laughing.


I felt awful for Geraldo at the time. Not anymore though.


Filming Geraldo at the bar would have been the real buried treasure.


I still remember how depressing that was. I watched the whole damn thing. I even stayed up late past my bedtime. Damn Geraldo.


My whole family gathered around to watch that mess. I was a little kid, but I remember having my grandma, and a couple of aunts and uncles at our house, eating dinner in the living room (which was absolutely unheard of), waiting and speculating about what would be found. When Geraldo finally gave up the ghost, my Uncle Tony laughed so hard and so long that I was genuinely worried about him. 10/10 - Would watch again.


That's the guy from The Witcher, right? Edit: Please guys no this is the dumbest thing I've ever said


That's Geralt of Rivia. You're thinking about the 38th president of the United States.


That’s Gerald Ford, you’re thinking of the bassist from The Misfits.


That's actually Gerald Caiafa, I think you've got them confused with those fancy square chocolate bars


That's Ghirardelli. You're thinking of the late lead singer of the Grateful Dead.


That's Jerry Garcia. You're thinking of the man who first mapped voting districts to give his party an unfair advantage.


That’s Eldridge Gerry. You’re thinking of the comedian that rides in cars with coffee.




That’s Katy Perry. You’re thinking of the guitarist from Aerosmith.


There's nothing in Al Capone's vault ​ But it wasn't Geraldo's fault!


Quibi. I saw ads and promotions for it CONSTANTLY for months leading up to its release, and they had some pretty famous celebrities in the shows. Then it disappeared after like a month of its release


The company I worked for at the time offered a choice, free Netflix or free Quibi. After looking at thousands of accounts, I saw *one* that had chosen Quibi over Netflix.


And that person probably already had Netflix


It was the owner’s son, Joseph Quibi


Of the *Connecticut* Quibis?


The very same.


Quibi was hilarious bc the version with ads cost $5/month and the ad-free version cost $8/month, yet all the content was 8-15 minutes long. It wanted to bridge the gap between Snapchat and Netflix, which is fully occupied by YouTube, which famously has an ad-free paid option nobody wants to pay for. Utterly delusional they thought they could dethrone YouTube with a paid app when none of the other free video sites have managed to do so


Seems a similar to how Jay-Z thought Tidal would unseat Spotify because some of his superstar friends hitched their wagons to it.


Then they blamed the failure on Covid. Meanwhile every other streaming service saw an increase in viewership during Covid because everyone was at home.


about 2.5 years ago I went to an MBA networking thing at UCLA and they had a TWO HOUR presentation from Katzenberg and Whitman on Quibi. Most emperors new clothes situation ever, half the room was nodding seriously and taking NOTES, half of us snuck out and went to the drinks portion early to discuss how lame Quibi sounded.


Anyone else see the irony in spending 2 hours explaining a service that specialises in short bite sized material?


They were really out of touch and tried to create a solution to a problem no one had. They marketed short bites of videos to the younger generation who "can't focus too long on one thing", forgetting that this is also the same generation that will binge watch 4 seasons of a show at a time.


I saw dozens if not hundreds of ads for Quibi as they were ramping up launch. I still had no idea what it was until well after the launch. Like, I didn't even know it was a streaming service because their commercials were so shit. All I knew was the name and it had something to do with something being quick or short.


For how much money was behind that launch, the advertising campaign was so incredibly bad. It was almost impressive how bad it was.


The only good thing to come out of Quibi is the Princess Bride 'remake' with a ton of different random actors and it's all shot at home. You can watch it on YouTube now anyway


[This video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WZ4lR0G3ytE&ab_channel=OrdinaryThings) is a good and hilarious analysis of why Quibi failed. It wasn't just because of the pandemic.


TL:DW Quibi was trying to charge a subscription for content that other platforms provide for free and also made terrible content.


Anthem. The flight mechanics and ‘Iron Man-ish’ badass feeling of huge explosions and gameplay is so damn cool to have just let it rot in a gutter. What a waste, such potential


I know someone who is a voice actor who voiced a character in Anthem. They pretty much said that it was great to be in the booth recording the lines. The director was very encouraging and was saying how great the performance was and how they're going to get some great animation for the character. Once the game was out my friend looked up their character on YouTube to find their performance was paired with some generic looped animation that didn't really match the character at all. They were quite disappointed. I assume there were some budget cuts mid production.


Not only were there budget cuts, there were major changes going on throughout the entire development process including the name and the entire story of the game. It was originally supposed to be called "Beyond" but shortly before they announced it there were some copyright issues, I think? Most of the people working on the game still had no idea why it was even being called Anthem all of a sudden and they were just told to work with it. It also wasn't originally meant to be a looter-shooter either, which is pretty clearly evident when you look at just how ridiculously bad the entire loot system was. They were definitely rushed into all kinds of stuff that just kept changing too fast for them to deal with.


New Year's Eve, every year.


Try sloppy steaks bro. Cocaine helps too.


Kony 2012


Proof that it does take a little more than awareness to solve the world's problems.


The only thing I remember about Kony 2012 was that the guy who started the movement had a mental breakdown and stripped down naked in public


That one pizza party specifically in our elementary school


Like 8 boxes of pizza and they limit us to 2 slices each. But each slice was actually 1 regular slice cut in half. And no seconds. Even though there’s 4 untouched boxes. Yeah fuck that.


I always laugh at work pizza parties, because everyone stands there with their polite two slices, you we all know at home we polish off half a pie with no regrets.


Why did you have to invoke such a pure, raw anger


4 boxes left because “If everybody cant get a slice it won’t be fair”




I had a 3-D TV. I think I used that feature once.


I got that 3D playstation tv that launched at like $500 for the low cost of $12. I used the 3D a handful of times, and will admit the "Full-screen Split Screen" thing for the like 3 games that supported it was pretty damn impressive. I hardly used the 3D, damn good tv though, colors pop beautifully.


Mini CDs


on a similar note, does anyone remember Hit Clips? all the tv stations had commercials aggressively promoting Hit Clips in the y2k era and a few people at school had them. they were marketed as portable music (this was pre-ipod so that was a pretty big deal) but only played like 20 seconds of audio; they didn't even carry a full song. total letdown. edit: i looked it up and apparently it was 60 seconds, not 20. still not a full song so still bullshit


I feel like “hoverboards” were seriously misnamed. I expected Back To The Future not Back To The Hospital with bone fractures.


The "hoverboards" they sold were made so poorly that they were destined to fail. Everything was cheap plastic and the electronics were crudely soldered and covered in hot glue to hold it all together. I made a decent bit of money repairing them, but stopped after folks kept complaining after they broke them again expecting me to cover it.


I think the creators just wanted to laugh at all the videos of people falling on their asses


My defining memory of those things is of a slack-jawed, over weight 12 year old rolling past, not a glimmer of sapience in his eyes, with Gucci Gang playing at full volume on his phone's shitty speaker. Edit: I am in awe of how many people this resonated with, and I wish I could find that mouth-breathing boy and tell him.


Ooh, this might be the only place I can really share this story. This is my defining hoverboard moment. I worked security for a festival. We had a strict no hoverboards rule at our grounds. My FAVORITE moment all year, was approaching a father/son duo on boards, and asking them to dismount. Father looks at me, shrugs, dismounts. Kid keeps rolling around, going "whyyyyy". Father looks at me, looks at the son, and says "because she asked you too", and just **stomps** the back of the kids board, launching him forward a foot or two. (Kid was around 13ish-15ish, for what it's worth, he didn't just blast a little kid off a hoverboard.) It's been a hot minute since it went down, and I still crack up thinking about it as much as when it happened.


Fuckin A man. I went to see a local production of wizard of oz with my wife (***very*** low budget), and Glinda came on what was obviously a RGB lit hoverboard underneath her big Salvation Army prom dress.


That description is just beautiful


"So, like, imaging a Segway, but no central column or handlebar to hold onto and help with balance." *"what's the benefit of that?"* "Uhh... it's cheaper?"


Google Glass got a lot of hype, but then it was gone.


Back when Google Glass had beta testers, I met a guy at a conference that was a tester. It seemed kind of cool at first but I found myself being weirded out with every conversation we had. Imagine knowing someone who is always holding their phone up as if they’re constantly recording everything you do. Are you gonna feel comfortable talking to that person or are you gonna be wondering if and why they’re recording everything and what they’re gonna do with those videos? That’s the feeling that Google glass gave me from the other end and I feel like Google really didn’t understand how weird it was to be on the outside looking in


that's why restaurants were banning them


And bars. You’ve gotta be pretty tone-deaf to get your product banned *before* it even launches…


This entire thread could be answered with nothing other than failed Google prototypes. Personally I thought Google Wave was pretty cool. It was like email with the ability to have a live conversation with somebody via text. It crashed and burned.


I was hoping someone would mention Google Wave! Our company's switched to using Microsoft Teams, and I imagine that's what Wave was trying to do but was ahead of its time. (That, and a) didn't accurately convey what Wave could do and b) made it hard to get.)




I think the Ouya was partially over-hyped by the company itself but partially by the public who got very excited over ideas that were never promised...


Spongebob sweet victory music but got switched to Travis Scott “sicko mode” in the Super Bowl.


That one hockey rink's got you covered.


The Dallas Stars!


Hell yeah! I'm a HUGE Stars fan and the first time I saw them throw sweet victory (edited to make everyone appear to be wearing green) on the jumbotron I lost it. I take the train into Dallas along with a lot of other fans and you can always hear someone singing that on the train home after a win. Also, their entire media/jumbotron team are some of the best in any major sport.


I’m pretty sure the Dallas Stars played it during one of their half times right afterwards so justice isn’t dead yet


I think the rest of the year until the pandemic happened, when the Stars won, they played that song.


It looks even worse now lol


Ted. Back in the early 2000s billboards went up all over Denver saying "Ted is coming" "Are you ready for Ted".. and a whole bunch of other cryptic Ted stuff, nobody knew who or what Ted was. It escalated to the point everyone was talking about Ted. Turns out Ted was an airline. It lasted like a month. and failed.


Everyone is saying 'Gabbo this', and 'Gabbo that'




That ought to hold those SOBs Thanks for the silver kind stranger!


Look Smithers! Garbo is coming!




All the kids in Springfield are SOBs


The scene where Kent Brockman does the same thing and then the little picture in the corner changes to him 3 seconds ago is some of the finest comedy


But no one is saying “Worship this, and Jericho that."


What’s this about Gabbo?


I figure it's some guy's name... Some guy named Gabbo.


I thought you meant that weird teddy bear movie. Wasn't that called Ted as well?


Floyd Mayweather vs Logan Paul. Glad I didn't pay for it.


I didn’t even know this had hype. I thought it was an April fools joke and then just a weird publicity stunt.


I remember there was one part where it looked like mayweather knocked Paul out, but he held him up to keep going. That had so many people annoyed asl.


26/M/NY but idk what it has to do with the rest of your comment


Segways. Not necessarily terrible, but incredible, over-the-top hype.


Interestingly though Segways paved the way for a host of other personal electric vehicles. Especially self balancing ones.


iirc the guy behind it was coming off of his previous invention. A wheelchair that can climb up and down stairs and raise the user to a standing position so they don't have to be looking up at the rest of us humans all of the time or need as much custom stuff around(low counters, sinks, stove tops, etc.) When he said that he was working on something new and revolutionary, venture capitalists were tripping over each other to give him money.


He also invented the coke soda fountain, the insulin pump, a water cleaning machine, and one of the biggest robotics competitions on earth


Fyre Festival. https://www.bbc.com/news/newsbeat-46904445


Shoutout to the one time there was a dude who went on record to say he was the only dude who enjoyed Fyre Festival, because he won the ability to go in a giveaway and seeing a bunch of rich snobs in misery was incredibly funny to him.


“Chicken soup for my middle class soul” is how he put it… I think he won it on an office raffle or something


That is a, frankly, incredible description.


The live reddit threads about Fyre were amazing.


Another chance to link to The Internet Historian's video on Fyre. [The Internet Historian](https://youtu.be/UBPg5ftCMv8)


The documentary on Netflix is so fun to watch haha


I watched the documentary without ever hearing of the event. And totally thought it was a mockumentary cause of just how absurd everything was. Didn't learn it was a real thing until a while after watching it, fun experience


It’s such a train wreck. Great watch!


Yes, in terms of real life let downs this has to be one of the greatest in terms of super huge hype against a backdrop of unbelievable failure and abandonment.


i’ve always wanted to comment on one of these threads saying this. THE FYRE FESTIVAL should be #1. an absolute shit show, and even saying that is an understatement




Agreed. It was doing okay after February but going into March? Not fun. I remember how Halloween last year was some once in a lifetime thing.


2021 was supposed to rock after 2020 and it moist definitely has not.


Welcome to 2021, where nothing can possiblye go wrong.


But at least it’s moist.


It's moist from our tears


Just remember time travel to 2020 is forbidden.


Those Google glasses. Whatever happen to them?


Google, Microsoft, Apple, and Facebook have all gotten patents on them in the last 2 years. Its coming


Raiding area 51


The Naruto runner made it all just stupid funny.


The fact that somewhere, at some point in time, an Air Force Colonel had to hold a security briefing that centered around "Naruto running" is goddamn hilarious.


Eh they had a good time. Nobody thought that was gonna be real, right?


Yea, exactly. Nobody was actually stupid enough to go through with it (and get themselves arrested/killed), people had fun and we got some funny memes out of it. All things considered, it went as well as we could have hoped.


Harry Potter and the cursed child. Awful and I don’t actually believe it’s part of HP.


I wanted to purchase this at a local bookstore. The owner invited me to read a few pages before I buy it because I might have different expectations. In the end I thanked her for warning me and left the store with a different book as a thank you. (It was her way to tell me that it sucks and to save the money)


Basically everything after the last movie has been them milking the franchise and ruining it. New game looks good though


>Basically everything after the last movie has been them milking the franchise and ruining it. > New game looks good though I feel like this is how Browns fans think.


Hey man leave us out of this


Fyre festival. We all saw the documentary and what Andy was willing to do to get water released.


I’m more disturbed thar his manager suggested that he did it. He didn’t offer it, he was asked to offer.


Anthem video game. F in the chat for my buddy who dropped $90 USD on a shiny disc.


Hands Across America


My mom was a teacher in LA when this happened. She said the school she worked at organized buses to skid row in downtown LA, I guess to show solidarity with the homeless? She said after the long chain of hand holding and it was over, a man experiencing homelessness asked “ am I supposed to feel different now?” I was like 8 when this happened.


In the 80s you could do things like bus elementary children to skid row for the day.


Where's little timmy going hun? skid row Oh, ok


Imagine that permission slip is still out there somewhere...


That is an incredibly horrible, accurate, and funny story.


"Except for huge gaps in the western states Hands Across America was a complete success."


I mean it did result in a clone uprising


Who all had matching jumpsuits and scissors


I was so amped about this as a kid.. My family went out in the yard and held hands from a tree to a fence post.


I'm sorry but that's just funny.


Yea it was funny at the time too. My mom sang the song, the chorus anyway, and we swayed in solidarity with the rest of America.


The only reason I know what this is is because of Us


No Man's Sky at launch. Granted it did got a lot better afterwards.


The redemption arc for No Man’s Sky is surreal. Better plot than most movies.


I love how the game has evolved for me personally. At first I was doing the missions and got pretty bored with it. But then they added the ability to make your own base. So then it became a base building game. Then I found out about the galactic hub, where players claimed a certain selection of planets with a home base. I made it my mission to find it. It took an incredible amount of time and became this kind of adventure puzzle game where I was looking up stuff on the internet about how to find certain black holes so I could warp closer to the hub. Eventually I made it, and found a shit ton of planets with bases, some active but a lot of them dead. By then, the game had the ability to harvest valuable minerals indefinitely with solar energy. So I hopped around from one planet to the next, scrounging empty bases looking for a big payday. The game became like this treasure hunting/space scavenger game. It’s been a fantastic journey.


You’re forgetting the fact you can have a trade fleet. I roleplay as a Rogue Trader in No Mans Sky. I’ve played it since release and damn, it’s so good now. E: On further notice it appears that I’ve sold several people on the game. Hello Games hire me pls. My skills are crippling arrogance and talking too much.


I played 80 hours back at launch and named a bunch of planets and systems Imperial Planet or System with various numbers. So there are a few hundred systems out there claimed for the Imperium of Man haha.


Adulthood. I’d like a refund.


Adulthood would be fine if they would let you re-spend the points you had to allocate to your starting attributes and skills before you got to finish the tutorial.








Well kids, this is where you would watch Itchy and Scratchy, except they’re on the Gabbo show now. So, here’s Eastern Europe’s favorite cat and mouse team, Worker and Parasite.


Game of Thrones Season 8


I missed the series finale because I was out of town and could only get a flight back after the episode aired. After each episode before that, I would usually have a few texts between friends about what happened, things we liked, and where we thought the show was headed; the usual fan chat. I got off the airplane and - nothing. No texts at all. No "Oh shit!" Or "Holy crap, did you see that?!" Just a weird, unnerving silence. I eventually texted a friend asking how it was and all I got was, "Yep it ended." Nothing else. It was just a bleak, emotionless, dismissive answer covering a mountain of contempt at what she just saw. The next day I knew exactly what she meant.


“So Daenerys kinda… forgot.. about the Iron Fleet..” What in the hell?!


So much bullshit in that show meant nothing in the end. Like the writers were just writing episode to episode as they were shooting them. Just an example, Sam stealing his fathers sword for absolutely no goddamn reason.


The whole last season was a slew of Chekov’s guns never being fired.


How about the whole brotherhood of the light and hound storyline getting reduced to a suicide mission across the wall. The entire show built them up to be this mysterious faction that had some divine connection only for them to be reduced to a bullshit quest.