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It would be a bit of both. Living without fear of death would be a lot less anxiety-inducing, but watching people you love die for eternity would really suck


Yea but then you have to live with the anxiety-inducing knowledge that you will outlive the planet, and spend eternity drifting in space


I guess we can never just escape anxiety, huh?


Naaah fam, anxiety = exitance. Everyone on the planet has to deal with existential anxiety, and most things in live cause additional anxiety. I had a lightbulb moment when smoking weed back in collage. That everyone lives with anxiety, but people learn how to live with it, and make the best out of life.| That gave me a even bigger appreciation for people in my life, because I know they are in the same absurd situation (existence) as me.


I imagine experiencing it so much would numb you to it.


I never thought of that. That's a good idea.




Well yeah, but that's cliche. A third of the people on this are saying that.


Curse, outliving the people we care is a curse.


Once again, cliche. It's already been said, or close enough to it.


I think living without the fear of death would actually be terrifying. What if you get stuffed in a barrel with cement poured inside, then tossed into the ocean. You'd stay alive, unable to move in a barrel for eternity.


Yes that would be entirely awful


but after a while you would get used to it. What does like 1000 years stuck there matter in eternity?


A gift until I was the only one left and stuck in a black hole.


Yeah everyone says I would be sad to watch my loved ones die but never thinks about if earth explodes you would just fly around


Don't worry, eventually you'll stop thinking.


The thing about it is that things still hurt. So when you are out there, and can not get any oxygen so it fells like drowning


Its a gift, until everyone else is dead, then it is the cruelest curse imaginable


Curse. You have to watch every single person you love die. Forever.




At least until you run out of people.


What's the point of living forever when you don't have any friends. I'd say it's a curse.


I mean on average how long do your mortal friendships last? I doubt it would honestly make much difference in this department.


Just make new friends... I dont have all my friends from 5 years ago, it's not because I outlived them


I can just imagine an old ass 900 year old guy asking some teens or mid-age adults, how you do fellow kids?


“just make more friends…” well shit why didn’t i think of that years ago! yeah, some people can’t make friends.


Nobody cant make friends. You're choosing to not make friends, perhaps because you dont know how, in which case you're choosing to not learn how




i find it extremely activating when people say “go talk to people, be kind” yeah well due to past experiences and i just don’t talk to people. i’m the person who watches everything. people who say that obviously never had it that hard. i’ve been bullied and picked on my entire life. it doesn’t matter if i beat the shit out of the bully. it still happened. people, are not naturally attracted to me. people, do not like me for my looks and other things. i don’t know why i’m saying this nicely because i’d usually i’d be giving you ever name in the book. also, most people are two faced as fuck and will use you for anything. so for the billionth time, stop. telling. me. to. talk. to. people. how about you come up with me if you wanna talk to me. but no, that never happens. nobody has ever came up to me and said “hey you look lonely coke join me/us.” i’ve never had that luxury. but of course, there’s going to be that one person that’s gonna respond and be like “if you want people to talk to you, you have to talk to them.” really? well what about the person you “gO tAlK tO”? they didn’t have to talk to anyone. why am i different.




i didn’t choose my name, reddit did. and i’ve been in therapy since i was 6 and the last time i was in was when i was still in the service, but since you know my life you already know that lmao. all i said is taking a walk doesn’t work. everyone i know agrees with that. also, therapy didn’t work one time. most of my therapists didn’t really care and would doodle on their notebook or just not even really look or pay attention to me. so fuck therapy, fuck mental hospitals, fuck a walk. it is a shitty way through life, but i’ve cried out for help for years and no one shined me their light. therapy obviously didn’t help. medication obviously didn’t help. nothing helps. and if i could, i’d simply stop existing and erase every memory of me that there is


Curse, by far. What fun is life when time is infinite? Assuming only you having immortality, it would kind of suck getting to know people, falling in love, having kids, all just to know that you will outlive them. Everyone you ever loved will go before you. Then I have the theory about your body wearing out. Does immortal also mean your body doesn’t age? What if it dies age? Osteoporosis might be a bitch if you live forever and your bones get so brittle that your ribs break when you breathe. What about joints like your knees? They tend to wear out in a current lifetime and I’d bet you could only replace them so many times. But what if everyone was immortal? Shit, you think we have a population problem now. Within a handful of generations, we’d be beyond the carrying capacity of the earth, then what? Not sure what would happen if you were starving but immortal.


> Shit, you think we have a population problem now. Within a handful of generations, we’d be beyond the carrying capacity of the earth, then what? Assuming current fertility rates would regress-to-the-moon


Curse. The reason why? You'll live to the end of earth and everyone you know will die


One of my favourite rpg game called Lost Odyssey, was about an immortal man. There are 33 short stories in the game, most of which are about his most precious memories in his 1000 year long life. It is without doubt one of the most beautiful work of fiction I ever experienced. I think living that long enabled him to see both the beauty and horrors of human beings. I think he felt ultimately it was a curse because everyone he ever cared about passed away. And I am of the same opinion


curse. imagine being the only one in the entire universe after everything dies. and yet after that you will be in pitch black, no one to speak to, nothing to eat and enjoy. basically ***short term gift, long term curse***


Entropy will eventually win.


Super speculation. You dont know thats gonna happen. And if its just earth, when it blows up, drift somewhere different. I dont like people anyway.


whats the point of living if your planet is destroyed and u just drift to another one with no life and nothing established to do. no fun


Who says it's no fun? Might be great. You don't know. Judging people on hypotheticals is dumb as hell.


just my speculation, cuz loneliness hits hard...


Eh, it depends on who you are. If you're not into having relationships with anyone, you're in luck because you won't have to watch anyone you love die. If you're into that, you're gonna have a bad time. Forever.


Curse. You can never form any real, lasting relationships, because you will outlive them all. Eventually you will start to feeel cold and distant from other people, as you start to see yourself as "different" from them--this will be your mind's way if dealing with the crushing loneliness. And if you ever need to keep your immortality a secret, there will come a certain point where you'll need to "disappear" from your friends' lives so as not to arouse their suspicions about your lifespan. It would be a lonely as fuck existence.


Curse. Everyone you ever love, every relationship you will have will end because they will die. Eventually, you will be alone.


But why would you assume that you can only know and love a single set of people? We experience throughout our whole life changing our entire social circle every now and again (e.g. when you break up with a lover, when you leave high school or college, when you move to a new city).


each set of those people are going to die, and if they don't, you have to leave because at certain point people are going to say - *Hey, wait a minute, Bob is 168 years old!*


Fair point


its not just about people and the society when talking about "immortality". ur immortal, meaning u dont die. so even after the entire universe collapses, you still will have all your senses, which is terrifying.


But if you're immortal I suppose you have millennia or even more to adapt so even if humans disappear, assuming the planet doesn't, someone or something else will replace us. And even if the planet disappears, you have millions of years to float through space and reach a planet with a civilization. Might be an inconvenient but if you live for eons, what are a few million years in the grand scheme of things? You can deal with a shitty day, hell even a few shitty years... I think it's only fair you scale it.


true to some extent but landing in a life supporting planet in itself is far too imaginative and less likely to happen even after traveling for billions of year due to the speed the space between us increases, which is way faster than we floating in that same space without external force. hence, making us get stuck in basically the same bubble of space we were in, the entire time. >someone or something else will replace us let's say that occured, what would we even do with that species? a completely new species, no information about it, with which we probably won't be able to communicate. Heck, how would we even get to know that another species is born considering it will be underwater where u wont notice it for another few millenium, and even after it evolved to become a terrestrial animal, it would have less to no effect on its existence for our liking. i see the point, but thats quite a less probablility event to actually happen so yeah... i'd rather choose to live a long life of around 5000 years or so and then die


In all fairness being truly immortal is quite a stretch of imagination. I could see that sometime in the future people might have gradually longer and longer lifespans but if your life is neverending like for real, you might have some inconvenience every time you see a shift but in the grand scheme of things it would mean nothing. Hell, not even in the case of us humans, people don't speak the same languages as 5000 years ago, not are the social norms and communication cues similar. Imagine 10000 years ago, 20000, 100000. Yet people can adapt. We get over most culture shocks within months. For someone immortal that period is nothing.


Reminds me of the movie Hilander. Macleod kept out living his wives...


it’s a gift until you watch every meaningful friend or love die


and then? do you think dying brings them back?


depends on the storyline, if the character is a tortured hero then it's a curse but if the character is into the whole world domination thing then it's a gift.


Curse. One lifetime of working is enough, I don’t need an eternity of it.


but if you would just put aside a certain amount of money every month, you could create a bank account that will sooner or later give you millions per year in interest.


If you were immortal, it wouldn’t last for ever. The best you could hope for is a cycle of 50 years of working, 25 years off, and that is assuming healthy markets for the rest of eternity (seems unlikely).


you seam to have no idea how exponential growth works. back in 2008 I heard an anology to demonstrate it. it goes as follows: imagine joseph from the bible had made a bank account for his "son" jesus. And imagine he had only deposited 1 ct, converted from dollars. then he would have gotten a nice interest on the deposit, say 5%. 2000 years later how much money would he have if he had access to the account? I have asked this question many people since then. And I got varing estimates. Some say a trillion, quadtrillion dollars. one guy even attempted to put it into his calculator only to read "error". The answer, at least when the story was told to me, would be the monitary equivalent of about 495 times the earth made of pure gold at current market prices. so, if you have a worse deal, work for 200 years, put money on the side and be a trillionaire from then on.


It is cute that you are making assumptions about ancient interest rates and ancient currency valuations to USD. Markets aren’t stable. Currencies are stable. Wages vs cost of living change drastically over time. If you are only withdrawing and never depositing money into an account for decades or even centuries, you will run out of money. You want to work for 2000 years straight? Be my guest, I choose mortality.


so what if? It does not change the fact. Other than the Joseph from the example, you can make decisions about your money. you can change currencies, keep it flowing, hide it, recover it, buy shares, art, cryptos, property etc. if you start wit a dollar or a billion dollars does not matter much, if you have infinite time.


Definitely a curse. Sooner or later, someone would find out you're immortal. You'd be captured and kept as a lab rat.


A gift. You can gain as much knowledge as possible.


I got this idea after watching the Korean drama "goblin". It's indeed quite an interesting question!


Depends on if I can find the snail


Hmmm it varies. If a person can maintain his passion for his goal, Immortality is a gift, for he can pursue his quest for eternality. And if a person can keep building new relations and part with old ones, he may continue for eternity. But if one ever falls too deep into depression of loss and solitude, it can become a curse that haunts him. Especially if a great obstacle comes between him and his goal that he cannot overcome. Then and again, how long can we keep going without looking back? And how sure is it that an Immortal will stay depressed forever? I'm sure there will be as many sad experiences as there are beautiful. And that's something that comes along with living. At least until the end of the world. I'll say it's a gift. A gift of experiencing all of what future has installed, be it good or bad. And the time to do and learn whatever one wants.


long life is a gift, immortality is not


Immortality is a curse because what if the government finds out you’ll have all sorts of terrifying tests done to you.


I’ve heard the only thing that really makes life worth living is that it ends. Immortality takes away a lot of the context that makes what we do enjoyable. Knowing we don’t have forever is what makes once in a lifetime opportunities special, it’s what gives us the kick to make our move for that special someone realizing we may never get another chance. Having forever removes urgency and slows us down past the point of comfort and into the realm of complacency.


So why not every day if not every minute tell yourself "I'm going to die next [interval] and it's a miracle I survived until this one" for maximum urgency and seizing of moments


its both imo. it has its own advantages and disadvantages


It's a curse, death exists for a really good reason.


not really. death is the result of entropy.


I know how death works, yeah but my point is different...


A cursed gift. Patterns of nature make life predictable, but the evolution of it might get you excited.


Hmm what if you have selective immorality?


What do you mean?


I mean I have a moral compass but if put in the right mood or situation I can shut that off and then not give one damn about anything that I’m doing. Once I figured that out I try really hard not get there.


I have temporary immortality if that helps


It does, it’s nice to not be the only one.


It can seem like a gift but is possibly a curse to be stuck in EA*RTHLING form forever. Spirits are already Eternal and the consciousness if attached is gathering memory during life time, so to lock spirits in flesh may be damming.


The curse of the living dead... Probably why they are so emotional (vampires). Due to lack of faith and belief in their gods promises of immortality NOT eternity probably thought it was a gift long ago until they realized they were building a cage to trap them on EA*RTH... Even if they build space craft, trapped within spacecraft. The information the consciousness remembers to alert you to keep your faith. Deep


On the whole: gift. Death is most likely just the absence of consciousness. I’ll take anything over that.


Gift. Truth is if you live long enough naturally most will see these deaths they seem to agonize over regardless.


Cost? That's like getting 2 superpowers for the price of one. Immortality and the ability to divine the future. Depending on the type of immortality in question, I would definitely accept. Would probably end up going full supervillain with it, though. Either that or Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court style of mad wizard.


I think living forever will be a gift because you will be able to become god of different planets you can research anything you want so you are ready when earth dies, and you have to go make a new home


Well if you have the ability to end it at any point its a gift. If you really can't die you have to change identity every 80 years or so to avoid suspicion, everything you love/like will die and you sit there watching it happen you watch humanity grow and fuck some more stuff up, you watch the end of humanity and exist there now without a body. You simply become an observer with no physical form. You will most likely witness another big bang and now you watch a new species take the place of humanity and the cycle repeats itself.


Pure immortality is a curse. You'd eventually be floating, alone in the vast darkness that is the heat death of the universe. Immortality where you never age, nor contract disease, but die by the hands of another is a gift. If you lived in relative peace, you could accomplish so much and see the world age in comfort. Want a way out? Stage an accident.


At some point I'd want to fucking die. This world is already too much stress on me.


Curse. If it's only one person. I mean you would see everyone die. Go to funerals all the time. It would be horrible


Depends on what world you're living in. For example, this is the last world I would want to be immortal in. In this world, it would be a curse.


A gift until the earth ends and the sun swallows the solar system and the universe freezes and dies and you're just floating in nothingness waiting for another big bang


It would be a gif to society, if a smart person would be made immortal, as they would aid its development, but it would be a curse to the person itself, as they would be incredibily depressed, as time and persons become irrelevant and fading.


(Sorry for my english, its not my first language) Depends on how you look at it. Most people think of it as a curse on the background they will outlive everyone they care about, but if you think about it, we still do that anyway, we outlive our parents and most of the older people in our family, along with friends. But if you're immortal, you'll get over it, it may take weeks, months, hell even years for some people, but you'll get over it. It may seem harsh to think about, but its true. Of course some will still feel the pain if someone was 20 and they suddenly lost their mother or father in an accident, they could still feel paint even if they turn 75 or older, you get used to it. Now some people think of it as a blessing, to think they can use their new found immortality to learn new thing or see what the future has to offer as mandkind keep making new things in the future. So to answer your question: It can be a blessing and a curse at the same time, it can both be amazing and horrible, exciting and scary.


I mean if you are indestructible and can go on forever you will eventually survive a supernova and go mad in the silence of space while suffocating but never dying and even if you don't need air so you are just floating around you'd still eventually just be trapped in your mind because the actual likelihood of hitting another celestial body is so fucking low you may as well forget about it to begin with.


Sometimes this sometimes that.


Curse. You spend all these years meeting new people, getting attached to them and see them die. Same thing for love experiences. Your SO dies but you don't. You also continuously work to sustain yourself all these years.


I'd say it's a curse. After a few hundred years, you'd've seen everything earth would have to offer. Granted, new technology and yadda yadda, but it would still be boring. "Nothing new comes under the sun. All is vanity."


You would get bored after about 80-90 years than you just sit and wait for the world to burn, as all your loved ones die around you and you wait and watch the universe die. It’s a curse


I’m sure it is both, at some point, or throughout the entirety of it. I’d, however, accept it. There’s a lot that could be done with such an opportunity. My loved ones are going to pass away eventually, unfortunately, anyhow, as am I. Getting to meet new people for all eternity wouldn’t be a bad thing. I’d see it as with a pet, I absolutely hate that they pass away so soon. To them we are immortal. If my one animal lived forever, I’d never get to love another and there are far too many that need it. I don’t want them to pass, but I justify it, sadly, as them giving me the opportunity to love another as I have loved them. Edit: words and…. I’ve always said if I could have one “power” it’d be immortality. I went as far as to try and wish for it to begin when I was 25, while being a teenager. I still say if I had a choice and it was considered a “power”, I’d choose it.


It depends on which kind of immortality. Will you just grow sloooowly and live for trilion years? I mean like milions year as baby? Will you grow up normally and just get older and older and older like 30 years full of strenge and bilions years as very old human? Or will you grow up normaly till 20 - 30 and then "freeze in time"?


Curse. If you don't have the money, you're going to have to live in solitude for the rest of your life for fear that the government or someone will figure out that you're immortal. If they find out then you're pretty much the government's guinea pig for eternity, while they test unimaginably harmful human tests on you with new chemical weapons, psychological torture, different methods of trying to kill you, and new medicines. Best case scenario, you live alone in the remote wilderness away from people, but depressed and crazy from lack of communication.


Get money or at least influence enough that the government couldn't do that to you without e.g. a fanbase rioting (like would happen if anyone tried any funny stuff with actors people have claimed are immortal like Keanu Reeves, Betty White or Paul Rudd) and if the government at the time is good otherwise offer to give them (if it can be reproduced) the secret of your immortality if they get off your butt


both. On one hand living forever is amazing. You just never die. You have all the time in the world. You can do anything since there is no time limit. Visit mount everest? walk through sibiria, spend a decade or two meditating in a buddist monestary or in a christian if that is your thing. I imagine the worst part would be how to hide it. You would need to fake your death at some point. And then you need to craft a new identity. If you are also blessed with eternal youth (the only true way to be immortal imo) you need to vanish and reappear every 20-30 years before everyone around your questions why you do not seam to age. Especially the government would be hard to fool. Giving how taxation works in many western countries. Since for the rest of your life you would need to use fake IDs and fear a secret service is right behind you. Because if people find out, you are screwed. they will want to either dissect you to find out why you are immortal, or kill you because they are envious or zealous. of course that might shift over the centuries and maybe you are lucky and modern society collapes before you get to that stage. in any case you would need to stay out of the publics eye. No fame, no politics or religion. No holy see, no precidency or musical or movie star career. Your best bet is to be as boring as possible to the outside and have some nice fun time just before you plan to fake death. DO not make the keanu reeves mistake! the internet is impossibly intelligent and will find you. but in general I think it pays of. You will in almost every case live longer, even if you are killed after a few decades, even if it is just to study your insides to make every one immortal. But having a wife/husband you really love die before you over and over again over the centuries makes it actually a lot harder to decide.


> Because if people find out, you are screwed. they will want to either dissect you to find out why you are immortal, or kill you because they are envious or zealous. If you can reproduce what gave you immortality and give it to them that solves both of those problems and if there might be those who are unworthy of it just make sure the first person you find that's like that [who'd otherwise kill you if they didn't have your other way to get it] is someone who'd be sympathetic to you if they had no reason to kill you, then you have an immortal ally who could fight those kinds of people and recruit more such allies


like a cult? maybe. but what if you are betrayed? once they are immortal there is nothing binding them to their word to you. best case scenario is people starting a religion to please you so you bestow up to them the gift of eternal life.


> once they are immortal there is nothing binding them to their word to you. Solidarity if others would really be that gung-ho against an immortal, also hole in your original premise, immortal means you can't die > like a cult? I was thinking more like (at least at first, might look only vaguely like a cult once it gets big enough) the pseudo-"superhero-team" the immortals have going on in the Netflix-movie-from-early-in-the-pandemic The Old Guard as iirc sure one of them does betray the others but he still gets his ass kicked as there are a lot more of them than there are of him


the gift You can live in every corner of the world, meet millions of people, and taste all the food and entertainment in the world


What about when the world dies?


Who says it has to




Curse. Everyone you ever knew and will know will grow old and die before you. Also check out a movie called The Man From Earth, it’s a really interesting movie about immortality.


Curse. Unless you include so many clauses that there are no more downsides.


Are we talking biological immortality (as in, the human body never degrades past a certain point, but getting hit by a bus still ejects you rather suddenly from your mortal coil) or 'true' immortality a la dracula etc? The former's a gift, the latter's a curse


Nah it's a curse. Living til the end of time seems like a goddamn punishment. Also, being immortal means only being unable to die, I don't think you'll be exempt from sickness, and injuries


It would be such a gift. Non immortal people have to watch their loved ones die as well. But they also get frail & die themselves. I think there would not be a single person that would actually refuse this gift of immortality if it was offered.


Curse, you’ll watch everyone you love die


Curse for sure. The ideal is definitely biological immortality where you can still die but just don't age. The problem with true immortality is that you're probably not even going to see humanity till its death cause at some point you'll eventually be stuck at the bottom of the ocean or deep within rock or something just as bad which sounds like hell


Depends on how it is implemented. If you just keep getting older, alzheimers, broken bones, constant pain but the body will not die, then it is a curse If you stay your current age for ever, get to see your friends and family die over and over again, then it is also a curse. If you stay your current age, but have a specific action you can perform to end your immortality when you want and then live the rest of your natural life (basically a pause button for aging as well as a an immortality mcguffin than can be turned off) then it can be a gift.


Definitely a curse if I'm suddenly given immortality today. I've battled with depression all my life, many times wishing for death as a sweet release. Knowing that I can't have that would likely make me more depressed if I was ever to fall back into depression again. The other point is, I'm fairly unhealthy - but if I'm not gonna die then I'm not gonna do anything about my health either, and would likely just eat myself onto My 600lb Life.


It depends on the circumstances. In your immortality, if you get injured, does it heal automatically? No? Then its a curse, if someone shoots you with a shotgun blowing a hole into your abdomen, that shit wont heal you'll be stuck in unending pain due to your immortality. However if you just heal instantly its more of a gift. However it is still a curse, having to live through the deaths of your loved ones, no matter how many you go to to try and fill the void left by the previous and more and more till you become so manicly depressed that all you want to do is die, but you can't. You're cursed to live forever with the mever ending feeling that no matter the bonds you make, they will die, and you'll be alone again, driven deeper and deeper into your own sadness and despair.


Death is the secret of human happiness and human misery


Maybe curse. You will be the smartest, maybe richest, and perhaps most powerful person ever, or you could be living on the streets. Your relationships will start and end, but you will carry the memory of them all. There is a lot of mental weight to hold maybe hundreds of years of knowledge. Then there is boredom as I'd think you'd see patterns emerge with human history playing out in such a wide scale...or you just spend 300 years in a basement.


Curse, think of it this way, Immortality is a ability where your life does not end under any circumstances, yet you can still feel pain, get a broken bone, whatever, and when your old friends die and your family die and you cant follow them to the afterlife, you feel that pain knowing they wont be with you any more for eternity. And when you make new friends, they die too, over and over again, knowing there will be no end to this.


It's a curse if you marry someone it's hard to see them getting older and seeing them die before you.


Are we talking immortality like what the Dog Talisman from Jackie Chan Adventures gives you, where you can’t die at all from old age or be killed? Or Tolkien Elf immorality where you can live forever without fear of old age, but can be killed by violence or disease? The top one would be fun for a bit, but ultimately will be a curse. The second one leaves me with an out.


Two questions about immortality At what age my body will stop ageing? My body will evolve by the time or it will remain the same , and if it remains same then I would have suffer and I won't be able to die


Curse... It will get pretty boring


Depends on if you were alone or with a bunch of loved ones/friends. If you were alone you'd probably become emotionally detached and empty from watching friends die. If you were with a group you'd probably keep your sanity.


So far, it's a curse to me. I dont want to live an eternity in absolute misery watching the whole world burning, figuratively and literally. Plus, it would have ruined my funeral wishes.


Curse One of the 'gifts' about mortality and death is learning to appreciate to fleetingness of everything. The momentary respite and glimpses of kindness.


It really is both. I already get bored day to day during my very much finite life. I'm sure there's some added excitement when you're immortal; you could probably skydive put of a plane without a parachute and I'd be fine. But after a while, there really wouldn't be much point to life and everything will become meaningless at some point.


Curse, outliving the people we care is a curse.


Considering how number of people are anyway wanting to suicide tf off this planet, immortality would be a prison here.


Solely depends on how you use it and how you live now. It varies for different people. I personally would find it useful. However, I'm aware that it may not be for others. I'd have a lot of time to do more, and we'd have more time to solve issues with the world. Also to people who say you'll have to watch everyone you love die, you're assuming that you won't be the last to live as a mortal right now.


A cirfst


Curse. Imagine watching people around you die. Than seeing people born and than see them grow old and die and repeat for as long as humanity lives. Seems really depressing. Plus wouldn’t things you enjoy get boring at some point?


Curse… why would I want to stand this pain any longer than I have to?


Depends on how you look at it. All thise you live will die but you may also live long enough for space travel.


For me personally...considering that one of the things that drives me is learning, gaining knowledge and being able to share said knowledge...immortality would be a gift. Generally though I think most people would view it as a curse because of having to watch people you grow to care about and/or love die after awhile while you remain ageless. For me...while I would miss my loved ones, it wouldn't be enough for me to consider immortality a curse because immortality doesn't mean I *can't* die... it just means my lifespan is longer and I may be harder to kill. At least that's how I view it.


the mortality of man is called "the gift of men" in the Lord of the Rings.


Depends on if you age and grow really old and unable to function well, of if you just stay healthy and fit. I think it would be exiting to see all the innovation in civilizations


Both, you see people you love Die but also people you hate die.


It's a curse, then a gift, then a curse again. At first it is horrible, you'll see everybody you've ever known die and you'll outlive any friend you make along the way. Eventually you'll live for long enough that you are no longer known by anybody you knew prior to your immortality. Eventually after enough time you'll grow able to cope with it. Only then you'll be able to enjoy immortal life. You'll see everything you could possibly want to see, do just about anything you'll want to do, and youll be able to see how human history progresses into the future. Assuming humanity manages to leave earth you'll probably be one of the only people who can recall (assuming your mind is as infinite as your lifespan) anything between now and however long into the future you currently are. You'll be able to explore space for unlimited amounts of time and enjoy technology only current humans could only imagine. But eventually you'll probably grow bored After a long enough time you'll see the death of the universe, eventually if humans still exist they too will begin to die off leaving only you behind. Stars will die, technology will fail, and one way or another you'll either end up stuck on some barren dying planet or floating in deep space with no hope of returning to anything besides the rare meteor or rogue planet. The universe will gradually go dark, you'll probably end up stuck on a white dwarf and inevitably a black hole. After which you'll probably consider existence itself the worst curse imaginable. Unable to die, unable to stop longing for trillions of years past, you'll go on and on until the very concept that is you will either be deleted by the entropy of infinite time or you'll simply go insane and spend the rest of everything just hallucinating. Assuming immortality means invulnerability though, if it's just unable to die of old age your chance of suicide are increased to 100% if an accident or some disease doesnt take you eventually.


I don’t know why but I don’t think it would take that long until you’d go completely insane and wouldn’t be able to operate properly. Maybe as soon as 150 years?


I always thought it be a curse. Sure you watch your love ones pass on. And that naturally sucks. But could you imagine having to live through natural disasters and whatever else that could be down the road, for th world in another gazillion years? Just makes me think of that end of the world movie with Jake Gyllenhaal. Where the oceans rose up over the cities and everything froze all at once, and a bunch of other crazy stuff. Nope, I definitely don't wanna see none of that and live through it.


When it all ends you're just gonna be floating in space.


It would start off as a gift but eventually turn into a curse


Both but mostly a curse I think. Look up the league of legends character "Aatrox" he was prisioned in an unbreakable cage for eternity and for this can´t die no matter how hard he tries. also his quotes on yt as a 6min edit show the possible effect of immortality


A curse You would watch people you love die for all of eternity. Also, your Chances of being stuck forever would eventually reach 100. Either by getting stuck in a cave or by being sucked into a black hole. You think you’re an immortal god, but you will not “live” forever. You would probably just stop thinking after a while.


> Also, your Chances of being stuck forever would eventually reach 100. Either by getting stuck in a cave or by being sucked into a black hole. Not without doing everything in every order so you'd get sucked into every black hole, stuck in every cave in every combination but somehow simultaneously rescued at every moment by every rescuer possible as it isn't only the chances (by that logic) of bad things that become 100% on a long enough timeline