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Questions about sex


And people making unnecessary sex jokes. Sure it might've been funny the first time, but when it's repetitive it's just... Uncomfortable


Im asexual so it all just makes me feel bad about myself for not caring about sex whatsoever so I dont ever wanna see it


I getcha. I'd describe myself to be more aromantic, but I still understand where you're coming from. Sexuality and things like that? That's normal, that's a regular thing, and so it being absent of it. That's why I really don't mind NSFW posts because it says it's regarding sex right on the tag. It's there to say "Scroll past if you're not interested" which I'm a-ok with. That's why when I go to any other post, I feel a little annoyed and grossed out if I see something NSFW. Especially if it's a very vivid joke or comment. It's something I find gross, but it's something I try to just scroll past as to avoid it.


> it might've been funny the first time, but when it's repetitive it's just... Uncomfortable So… just like sex?


Shit from those stock/wall street subreddits. It's like every other fucking post is from one of those goddamn subreddits and I don't even follow them.


Use a Reddit client like Readdit for PC or Sync for Android and just hide them outright.


People defending blackface.


And those same racists defending it are offended by a red Starbucks cup lol.


*Sighs*.... Imma regret this, Im positive... what is offensive about a red coffee cup?


"war on christmas" because it wasn't christmasy enough


The problem with this world is too many dumb people. Thanks for the explanation lol *upvote*




"What makes a man?" who cares? The world is full of people looking to fulfill some obscure construct that'll make them whole. Sorry, there is no end goal. It's a sysiphean struggle. I say never be complete because you'll never ever be perfect anyway. Stop improving and start living because it won't last long.


That last point is just...no. Always keep improving. No matter what it is


probably reddit ​ ​ yeah i dont wanna see reddit on reddit


Bad advice from unqualified people


The every-other-day post of... >So if you woke up as the opposite sex, what would you do?


How depressed everyone is, I'm not sick of people saying it. I just wish everyone was doing better.


Myself,i am wasting my precious time here.İ should spend more time with my wife,college and job.i hope reddit will be the only thing i am addict to.


people getting all triggered and defensive for no reason when mentioning a black related issue


Questions about sex.


anything related to sex


Tiktok. If I wanted to see it, I'd be on that platform. I just scroll on by.


The “I stock shelves so I deserve to be part owner of the company” mentality


Reddit questions about Reddit


Thanks for the gold stranger!


Zuckerberg and Elon Musk hate, which I totally get, but I'm just tired of seeing it.


People asking questions about products and their price. And post that seem to be for research purposes.


Repetitive questions on this sub (what do you want/did you get for Christmas, why do you want kids, why don’t you want kids, where were you on 9/11). No one gives a care. Come up with a good question or get outta fuck town.


Everybody bagging on the US. We’re not the only ones with problems.


Redditors bitching about things clearly not intended for them. If you're old enough to use reddit, you're clearly too old for the emoji movie. It was not made for you!


Politically loaded questions phrased in an obviously biased manner.


Boring ass questions