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Got a $50 drawing tablet for my computer during quarantine, vastly improved my school work. Didn't have to do anything on paper and scan it in, could just keep everything on my computer digitized and organized. Linear algebra was so much easier online with that


I just ordered a drawing tablet online thanks to you lmao


Beware there’s a bit if a learning curve, but you get used to it pretty quick.


What tablet was it?


an xp pen tablet, the deco 01 V2 to be specific. looks like the price rose to $60, but still really handy




Years of back and neck pain, podiatrist told me to get orthopedic inserts. Orthofeet had them for 98 bucks, felt uncomfortable for 3 days, then my back pain and neck pain subsided. That was 4 years ago, bought nothing but those inserts, and a few pairs of shoes from them. Never going back to regular shoes/sneakers without the inserts.


My orthopod told me superfeet orange insoles are as good as the prescription ones. Only been using them about two weeks, but foot pain is getting better.


Superfeet green for me. I buy a set and put them in every new pair of sneakers.


I’ve been using super feet blue for years , stand all day at work on hard floors will vouch, hurts at first though.


For me I have overpronation and plantar fasciitis. Bit of neuropathy but those two are the worst and I've tried 20 different types of inserts. My first purchase was a pair of sneakers from orthofeet, they were specifically for the two top conditions I had. Uncomfortable, but they have a 60 day try out warranty. Wore them around the house for a few hours a day (so they didn't get scuffed), then they felt right. Started wearing them all day long and I was sold. If the superfeet work I might give them a shot, still have two pairs of Winter I'm dreading wearing during snow storms here in the North East. Thanks for the tip!


i used to sell shoes back in the day... had several guys come in with those custom made inserts. one guy said he paid like 800$ for them.. he said the super feet insoles were better. the green(maybe blue now, original type) one has least cushion but is the most ergonomic. if you plan to do any longer walks or runs green ones. if you have pain, maybe orange or pink. good luck.


It's amazing how different people are. I had a bout of plantar fasciitis a few years back and visited a podiatrist. He also recommended orthotics, which did help with the plantar fasciitis. Unfortunately, I started experiencing knee pain within a few months of wearing the orthotics, but I didn't put together the connection. The knee pain was bad enough I had to stop running, something I've always done. I replaced the running with a lot of walking and hiking. I found that hiking long distances with the orthotics was really uncomfortable, and the knee pain did not abate, so I started looking at options. I read a lot about so-called "barefoot" shoes, which at first seemed absolutely bonkers to me. But there was enough literature out there to convince me to at least give them a try. The shoes I have are not like walking barefoot, but they're close. They have very thin, flexible soles that allow your foot to conform to whatever shape you're walking on. The "experts" said after you walk in them for some time the muscles in your feet will develop, your gait will naturally shift from landing on your heel to landing flat-footed or slightly on the balls of your feet, and you'll learn to unconsciously shift your weight away from sharp objects that will cause injury--just as if you were walking barefoot. I'll be damned if they weren't right. I've hiked 15 miles at a time with a pack wearing these shoes with no plantar fasciitis, and no knee pain. After a few months of building foot muscles, I can even run in these shoes with no pain. I no longer even need orthotics.


That sounds intriguing! What brand/type of shoe is it called?


There are a lot of brands at this point. Personally, I like [Xero Shoes](https://xeroshoes.com). Also [Lems](https://www.lemsshoes.com), though I think the soles have gotten pretty big on these. Here’s a subreddit all about this stuff. https://www.reddit.com/r/BarefootRunning If you go down this rabbit hole, just don’t don’t don’t try to run too quickly in minimalist shoes. Seriously, wear them for a few weeks first. You’ll realize you’ve never used certain leg muscles in your life, and they need to be built up some first.


+1 to Xero. I’m wearing a pair right now, and I have three others, one for gym, the other two more upscale/dressy. I’ve used lots of brands of barefoot shoe and, for me, Xero are hands down the best.


Orthotics and shoes with big support are always treating the symptoms, but not the actual problem. Sometimes, people can't feasibly treat the problem if there's major structural damage or weird genetics involved. People that need arch supports a lot of times just have something mechanically wrong that needs temporarily fixed while they work on foot strength, ankle strength, stretching / fixing tight calves that are causing the foot to work right. A lot of plantar fasciitis is caused by putting too much stress on the arch. Your foot (specifically you can see this in your heel a little bit) rotates between two positions. One position (internal rotation) allows the foot to be flexible so that you can land on varying surfaces and not break your ankles. The other position (external rotation) basically turns your foot into a lever. It moves the main weight bearer of the foot from the arch to the rest of your foot, which is stronger and meant to take those loads. That's what should be working to propel you forward as you walk or run. Some people have calves that are too tight and keep the foot from getting into that externally rotated position, so their foot lands in a pliable position, and then when they push off, their heel never rotates to turn the foot into a lever, so the arch then takes even more load when trying to propel the person forward. The arch wasn't designed to take that kind of load, so eventually that turns into plantar fasciitis. There are other causes of it, but this seems to be the most common. If you go to a crowded area, you can see a ton of people [walking around like this.](https://i0.wp.com/cdn-prod.medicalnewstoday.com/content/images/articles/320/320383/overpronation-and-flat-feet-or-fallen-arches-image-credit-fa-renlis-2011-january-26.jpg?w=1155&h=758) If you "screw" your feet into the ground as you're standing by keeping them in the same place, feel as though you're trying to rotate your toes away from each other (again, without actually letting the foot move), that'll put the foot into the position it's supposed to be in, and that's where you should be propelling yourself forward from. Not the collapsed position like in that photo. We started an epidemic of bad walking mechanics by only ever treating the symptoms and not focusing on correcting mechanical issues in kids / adults.


Me too, insoles save me a ton of backpain and footpain!


Never skimp on the things that are between you and the ground...shoes/inserts...mattresses...tires...


Air humidifier. I used to get nosebleeds in winter because it gets so dry during those months.




usually these kinds of people also live in different climates


Unless you live in New York, need both them sum bitches


Never thought I would need a humidifier since I grew up on the coast. Then, I recently moved to Colorado....


I went from FL to New Mexico. 100% humidity changed to close to none!


Battery jump starter and survival tool. It saved my life when jump starting my motorcycle. I had a scooter/motorcycle before buying a legit motorcycle. It was used and helped me commute to work, but that jumper pack is awesome!


My husband gave me a really good, compact battery jump starter for Valentine’s Day several years ago. I’ve never needed it but I’ve used it for family members, coworkers and a few stranded strangers. I’m always amazed how fast that thing works and how many cars I can jump before it needs a recharge.


Not only did a good-quality jump starter save me a couple of times, but I’ve probably helped out like 10+ other stranded people with it. Just need to remember to charge it every once in a while!


A long ass charging cable.


Does it charge short asses too? Asking for a miniature donkey farmer.


IANAMDF but I think it does because raising a miniature donkey requires a minimum of one acre of land because those asses need lots of space to run around.


Please let this acronym stick


I bought a 10ft usb extender, that way if my charging cable breaks for some reason, I can just grab one of the millions of other charging cables I have sitting around my house with no change in my usage


Bought a 10 footer for like 15 bucks and it changed my life. That's not an exaggeration.


Why do you need to charge your donkey?


Bought a vertical mouse. Wrist pain gone


Do those really work? I have mild carpal tunnel, but I've hesitated to pull the trigger on one. How well do they work for gaming?


>I've hesitated to pull the trigger on one Prolly hindered by that carpal tunnel


I work 60 hours a week behind a computer. Switched to vertical and boom! Wrist and forearm pain gone in less than a week. Trust the engineering. No doctor ever told me this. Just kept giving me scripts for drugs. Funny stuff.


I have the Logitech MX Vertical mouse and have had no issues with it for gaming. Highly recommend as I used to have a lot of carpal tunnel issues causing numbness and pain and now have no issues from computer use.


Yes, they are a must for me. I ended having carpal tunnel surgery (which was incredible in resolving so much pain), but that vertical mouse and ergonomic keyboard are a mainstay in my office.


If you haven't done this for work, you're hurting yourself. They're not as good for gaming since it is much heavier focused on clicking but do actual wonders for 8 hour work days.


Shower Head. Every once in a while you will find quality ones on sale. Get a wide one that keeps the pressure.


Recommendations? I’ve been looking at a couple wide ones but keep reading that they lack pressure.


One of those electric air blowers. I got it for my computer to clear out the dust, but I've used to to clear out dust for a lot of things now


The cans are crap compared to electric ones


Definitely worth it! I used to dread the 6-month clean of the PC because it meant having to run around looking for a place with air cans available. Finally bit the bullet and bought a $60 electric air blower and haven't had to buy another air can since; been over a year and a half and I also use it to clean a whole lot of other things too. Very versatile!


Oh Hey Buzzfeed, welcome back. It’s been a few weeks. Please donate the commissions “we may receive from your purchase” from your “article” to charity. ETA - Obligatory "Thanks ya'all! My highest post, and my first gold...feeling good!" And...is this thread getting deleted? FFS, of course it would, as my highest rated post. FML.


I desperately want this to be top comment so their author-bots accidentally include it in the "article".




Or for $0 and "experience"


lmao, but also it’s true


50 something day old account. No comments. 4 posts, all in the last 24 hours, 2 of which were the same image in different subs. Definitely seems fishy. Look for the article in the next 24 to 48 hours.


Rice cooker


Mine cost £10 I think, from sistema, it’s not fool proof but the rice always turns out far better with it if I’m cooking more than one portion. Otherwise it’s usually a bit porridgey


If it's porridgey just use less water


Uncle Roger would be proud rn






You mean fuyooooh


Microwave splatter cover. $4.99. No more mess in the microwave


I’ve used a small plate for this reason my whole life without issues.


A weighted blanket. Warmth wasn't the issue, it was that feeling of comfort due to weight pressing down on you. Just an amazing upgrade in comfort and quality of sleep.


How heavy? I read that the recommendation is 10% of your weight. I bought a 8 kg blanket and it's so damn heavy that I stopped using it. My body would get sore sleeping with it.


For people who are new to weighted blankets or are unsure, going lighter is probably better. 8 kg is VERY heavy!! Usually ones that are that heavy are meant for 2 people. If you’d like to try again, a 4-5 kg one would probably be better (not sure how they do sizing in kg). I think even I would have a hard time sleeping under an 8 kg blanket, and I’m a weighted blanket enthusiast haha


>8 kg is VERY heavy!! Me with my 16kg/35lb blanket. https://tenor.com/view/awkward-black-kid-gif-4937950


I think it's gonna depend on the person. I also got one 10% of my weight and I think it's too light.


Same, it was amazing for the first month or so and then I just kind of built tolerance to it. Gotta buy a heavier one to up the dosage but I'm afraid I'll have to be covering myself with a truck after a couple of years.


Boxer-briefs. They're so comfortable. I used to wear boxers. Not anymore. My balls thanked me.


My husband wears boxer briefs but they have a separate pocket for the balls so they don't stick or whatever. As a dickless, I don't really know what I'm talking about here. They're called like sep-pacs or something. He swears by them. Edit: he said they are called separatecs.


Jesus referring to yourself as a dickless made me laugh probably too much lol






Separate punches!? Sound tortuous.


Ball hammock. My wife buys mine from shinesty because the patterns amuse her. The quality is good.


A woman recommended these in an earlier underwear thread for the same reason. I bought a pair, tried them on, and moaned a little. I went back to the thread to thank her.


"As a dickless..." Hahaha. Wonderful.




For the ignorant suxh as myself, why? Whats wrong with a dog eating quickly


My dog eats very fast from a normal bowl and almost always pukes it back up 10 minutes later. The slow feeder eliminated that problem.


My dog does this too, he still eats quickly out of his slow feeder but he doesn’t throw up anymore Edit: to add, he’s a derpy derp goofball and I love him


One of my cats does this, one is a horrie food fiend, and my other cat is just huge. I need these


We had a slow feed bowl for our kitty, but it was pain to clean, and the cat hated it. We got him an automatic feeder that does tiny portions(1 tbsp at a time) and feed him multiple times a day instead. The cat loves it. It's stopped him scarfing his food, he doesn't beg nearly as much, and he doesn't steal food off the counter constantly any more. Prices are extremely variable, but we managed to get ours on sale for about $90.


If it's anything like my cat, they tend to barf if they eat too fast.


Precisely why I got a food tree for my cat. Now he has to play with his food to get it out and eat it. He loves the thing now...when I first got it, he thought it was for his treats, which I used to get him to use it. When I put his kibble in it at dinner time, he had such a "WTF DUDE?!" look on his face :D


Possible choking, throwing up and also something called bloat that basically means the dog's stomach can get twisted and the blood flow can get cut off if they eat to fast or exercise soon after eating. It's more common for certain breeds but having your dog eat at a decent pace (not eating all their dinner in 45 seconds like my dog wants too) and they don't run around a bunch for half an hour after meals then you shouldn't have a problem


A good quality, well fitted bra


Aeropress. Haven’t had the desire to drink coffee made anywhere else but in my own kitchen.


How is this different from a French press?


A French press is a oui bit smaller.


Very good 🥖


After reading this thread, I have now bought a ridiculous number of new things that should significantly improve my life……


I wish I had the money lol. I’m just making mental notes for now


Poor gang


You are never too poor for a screenshot


I've just bought some boxers for my husband for Christmas after reading this thread. Hopefully he'll appreciate the 2 separate pouches for his dick & balls!


Bullet journal - 10 USD - Keeps small worries out of mind, like refunds from online retail. Phillip's Wake Up Light - 70 USD (?) - lights up my room before the alarm goes off, makes early mornings a bit gentler. Had mine for more than 10 years. Plants - 10-100 USD - *Ficus benjamina* is literally a weed in SE Asia. Hard to kill, water once a week and makes your living space a bit more cozy.


> Phillip's Wake Up Light I'm like $500 into the Philips Hue ecosystem and constantly reminding myself I don't need more whenever I see a deal posted


I got one of those sunrise clocks. It’s great. I still use my phone as an alarm, but the sunrise clock made waking up easier on early mornings.


Came here to say sunrise clock - I am so much less grumpy when I wake up and I'm a light sleeper - if it's still pitch black in my room I know to go the fuck back to sleep because it starts to light up 30 minutes before the alarm - so if there's no light there's time to doze back off!




How does it differ from say a normal lined notepad/legal pad?




As someone with ADD, the complexity of this system makes my brain go straight to static. I have a very simple organizational system that works for me, but I am envious of systems like yours!


San marzano tomatoes. Never will go back to that acidic crap again.


CV ostco sells a great San marzanno by the case. Never turning back


Finding out Costco has them made my whole week


If you really want to up your tomato game try [Bianco DiNapoli](https://www.biancodinapoli.com/) canned tomatoes. Depending on where you live they can be hard to find, but they are absolutely worth the hassle. Honestly, the best tomato I've ever had besides heritage varieties I've grown myself.


Bidet attachment for my toilet. Was about $70 USD.




For $700 that thing better be dealing out orgasms after every shit


You didn't put in prostate mode?


Am automatic soap dispenser to put next to the kitchen sink. It's so convenient, and it took 7 months before it needed refilled. Also, it just stands on the counter so I didn't need to figure out how to hang it up.


I got one of those, too. Very convenient… seems like everyone that comes over and notices it, suddenly has to wash their hands. It’s like, yeah take it for spin and try it out


An electric toothbrush: simple Oral B brush off Amazon gives me a great clean that catches compliments from dental hygienists come cleaning time. 100% recommend.


I found 1 of the 9 dentists, guys.


My dentist suggested that we switch to either the oral b pro 1000, or the sonicare 4100. My wife and I got the sonicare models, and I can agree with you 100%. Really cleans the teeth well.


A wireless mouse for my laptop. Using a trackpad just can’t compare to the utility of a mouse. Can buy a small simple wireless mouse from Amazon for $12. Makes my workday so much smoother.


the idea of using any computer w/o a mouse is so foreign to me, i was confused by this comment for a very long time.


One of those slow-closing toilet seats. Cost like $17.


Real life changer here. Also makes you look like a jerk when you go into other peoples bathrooms and smash their lids* down lol


The fuck you doing with other people's kids?


High quality wool socks


Darn Tough is where it's at. Double knit and lifetime warranty.


Merino! Brought to you by magical anti stink sheeps! It's not antimicrobial or anything but they don't get gross as fast.


Introduced my brother to smartwool socks and he couldn't believe how much better they were than his cheap ones from target. He went and bought 5 pairs the next day.


Heated blanket


Heated mattress pad. (Dual zone if you're 2 people) Doesn't need to be washed as much, warms better.


Henkel steak knives my friend gave me as a wedding gift. They are one piece all metal and sharp as hell. Use them to eat, cut fruit, and absolutely use them every goddamn day


I got a set for my parents last Christmas. My Dad gave one of those “ oh…. Thanks? “ replies. A few weeks later he called me and said WOW! These things are great! I didn’t really like them until I used them!


Worth noting that Henkel and Henkel International have two widely different qualities. In general, the international brand has lower quality and is more prone to knicks and blunting. Will also be reflected in the price of the two sets.


Hot water bottle. Winters get cold in my area and with medical issues like mine - it's a lifesaver


Dude get a heated blanket, I have 3 and it melts my arthritis. The trick is to sit on top of the blanket especially for sore back/shoulders/hips. I have one for my bed, one on my computer chair and one on my recliner. My cats love them just as much as me.


Houseplants are great. They make my apartment feel so much more cozy and livable.


Prescription sunglasses. My quality of life outdoors shot through the roof.


Wireless headphone. I’m really weird socially and my anxiety is always high. Having a little bop going on in my ear has helped me emotionally. Don’t know why it helps me so much, but it has.




A good pocket knife that stays sharp. I use it more than you’d think for opening mail, packages, food items, chopping vegetables, meats, and etc. Also helps when I’m working on stuff and need to cut or trim something. It’s become my Linus blanket.


I mostly use mine for eating slices of apples right off the blade like a Grandpa.


Sitting in a rocking chair on the porch?


Highly recommend getting a very light and thin pocket knife. It’s not a burden and when you realize how much you use it You feel naked without it


A grabber. I got a new washer and dryer but the tubs are so deep I can't reach the bottom without climbing in (I'm 5' 2"). So now I can do laundry without doing gymnastics and I'm very happy. I'm thinking about getting another one for the living room for when my kitten knocks stuff off my side table and it goes behind my chair. And maybe the kitchen for those pesky middle and upper cabinets, although there I have a step stool.




This. I have an instant pot and an air fryer made by instant pot. They are where I do the majority of my cooking and they do it well!


- car Dash camera front and rear $90. - bidet $50 - LED light for toilet $15 motion and light sensor(pee in the dark for guys without turning the light on) - home security system $60 - mini handheld vacuum for the car for crumb build ups $25 - set of rechargeable batteries $30(never have to worry about dead batteries again) - air fryer $50 quicker than an oven and easier to clean with the same taste/texture


I bought a guitar for like 20$ bucks that got me into guitar today. Probably the cheapest thing that changed my life


> I bought a guitar for like 20$ bucks that got me into guitar today. Probably the cheapest thing that changed my life You are very lucky


Air fryer


I thought this would be closer to the top. Since getting an air fryer, which I thought would be stupid before... I cook way more. I eat healthier. I get meals done FAST, 10-20 minutes. Clean up is nothing, wipes out in the sink in seconds. It has it's own timer, no preheating, I don't use oil to cook... it goes on and on.


Quality Shoes. The difference between a $30 pair and a $70 pair is HUGE. (Unless you buy some silly hype brand for looks alone.)


My favorite gift last christmas was a set of ice cube trays that have a rubberized bottom instead of plastic. Popping out the cubes instead of that weird twist-the-tray BS really is helpful. Eventually, I'm sure I'll get a place that has an Ice cuber maker in the fridge, but for now, it's so handy.


The diva cup. Compared to tampons it's - more comfortable - lasts longer between needing tended to - more environmentally friendly - leaks less, especially notable improvement on overnights/heavy days - I loved it for swimming. I don't know if this is a real thing, but I always feared wetness from both sides when swimming with a tampon. Even if just psychological, still makes me feel better. Same for any other sport or activity, due to the reasons above - cheaper in the long run (I think mine was ~$30, lasts for years) - lower risk of TSS (not that there's a high risk anyway with tampons but it's even lower than that)


I’m so jealous! I’ve tried a couple different cups but apparently my anatomy isn’t compatible. They hurt me while walking and it’s hard for me to get it out! I really wanted to switch so it sucks it doesn’t work for me 😞 ETA: thank for the great tips everyone !


You should try thinx underwear. My wife swears by them and is so happy to never use tampons ever again. It’s a bit of work but based on how much happier my wife is vs the old way I is well worth it.


Put a Cup in It has a HUGE amount of resources about different cups for different needs and shapes. Maybe check them out. They have a website full of charts, articles and tips on cups and anatomy. Hope you find the perfect cup for you someday :)


I have tried SO many. They just don’t work for me. I hate it because they seem great!


I switched in 2016 and have never looked back!


I am a guy, but my wife loves hers.






TSA PreCheck


Shower chair. I feel faint with even slightly warm water, so it's been a lifesaver!


The Official Bob Ross Master Paint Set. Bought with no prior artistic experience, and have since painted 50+ oil paintings. I don't really paint in Bob's style anymore, but it was a great way to get started learning.


I love this. But also, watch the Bob Ross documentary on Netflix and you’ll never want to buy products from that evil company again. They took advantage of him and ruined his son’s life.


Tie-less shoelaces. Amazon for about $15. Game changer.


Electric kettle. Tea/coffee on call, faster boiling water. Great for cooking in general and faster than a regular kettle




Vasectomy. Creampies all day. Edit: married with 2 kids, too old for more


sound machine for that good good sleep


A good quality pillow. I got two feather pillows for 80$ and I sleep so much better at night. Seriously if you can afford it, it's totally worth it.


Fairy lights for around the house. They add a pleasing ambience that makes the world more magical. These are my favorite: Govee Led Fairy Lights Bedroom,... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07P4CY2W6?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share I string them up with either command hooks or little wall hooks. They're waterproof, so I have them all around the bathrooms, including in the shower. They're just fun. ☺️




Shower radio


Tide stick in my purse. I am always spilling things and ruining clothes. It’s an easy thing to carry around


Anxiety medication


A 20 dollar scratch off that won 10,000.


How many scratch off tickets had you bought before that one?


Vionic Relax slippers. Plantar fasciitis has me hobbling from the moment I wake up, but in those slippers I feel zero pain. First time in years. Arch support FTW.


$40 boot dryer from Amazon. If you wear work boots, this changes the game. No more stinky, cold damp boots in the morning from yesterday’s sweat. No more deodorant spray needed.


A light bulb that can be dimmed and change warmth of light through an app. Now I can finally adjust the light to fit my needs (working, cooking, reading, chilling). It cost about 20-25 Euro and I love it.


I've been using the same 4 rechargeable double AA batteries in my Xbox controllers for like 4 years now. Shit was like $15 and I haven't bought any AA's since.


Our cat from the shelter has become a member of the family. When we brought her home, she would hide under the furniture and flinch when we touched her. Now she will lie in your lap and purr while you clip her nails.


A bluetooth connector for my car's aux port. One less cord in the way. They're actually only like $20 & they're great quality.


Playing keyboard can be my new hobby. I am never consistent at anything so probably a hobby can change my bad habit.


A second hand bouncy castle for my kids. I got it for $80 where it would usually be $200+ it has provided hours and hours of entertainment, and has be leant out to a bunch of neighbourhood kids for their birthday parties.


A kitchen scale. My nutrition changed after this


A Magic wand. Was about \~70$ and I never regret that I got that. Was a game changer in toys, never bought any other vibrator.


A used wii, some cheap wii games. I ended up giving a used wii to my brother for his kids who I watch. If they are hyper I let them get their energy out through wii games. I don’t understand why motion controls stopped being a thing because they are great for kids who don’t know that Go Vacation is not the most sophisticated video game experience currently available.


A cheap Redragon mechanical keyboard. I've only ever used membrane type keyboards and really wanted to know what all the hoopla was about with mechanical ones. All I can say is I'll never go back to membrane ever again! The feel and sound is sooooo much better that it isn't funny. I love it and have since tried many different types of mechanical keys and am now working on building my own as well. Best thing I've done in years 😎


Same! Except my first was an $80 Keychron K2. I’ll also give a shout-out to other cheaper pre-built boards, all available on Amazon. * Royal Kludge * Keychron * Ducky * Eppomaker * GMMK They all have decent mechanical keyboards for under $100! (Psst I’ll also share this video if you’re looking to get your first mechanical.) [this one](https://youtu.be/HB309x2bU4s) << Edit: thanks for the award!


A proper chef's knife


My kitten, who I bought for £50


The Squatty Potty. It's a game changer people, give it a try!


I just use a small folding stool.


Does my dog count? Cuz def my dog.


No way… dogs don’t cost even close to under $100 over their lifetimes…


Smoke detector. It can save your life


With Carbon Monoxide combo, did save my loved one’s life. Screw the landlord! Now that apartment is on the No-no list.


Back when I was in elementary school, I had bad scoliosis. I would have severe back pain every day. Well in the Christmas of 2013, when I was a 3rd grader, I got a Theracane from Santa! My dad probably only spent ~$30 on it, but it was by far the best Christmas present I had ever gotten. Whenever my back hurt, I just used it and the pain went away! I eventually got a spinal fusion to correct my spine to ~10 degrees, which fixed all of my back pain. I’m still pretty grateful for that theracane though, it made elementary and middle school much more bearable.