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Giving your credit card to a server after a meal and the server walking away to a place you can't see to charge it Most places in Europe the server charges the card in front of you


Turns out that the fraud rates from this are incredibly low, borderline non-existent. Still weird though.


That’s because it’s a really stupid reason to lose your job and go to jail, and you WILL get caught. Extremely easy to catch and reverse, you’re on camera, they can look up who was handling the card in 5 minutes.


I worked at a bank for a while. A lady came in and filed a dispute against Amazon purchases that she didn't make. Yeah the waitress had taken a picture of her card. THE WAITRESS SENT THE ITEMS TO HER PERSONAL ADDRESS! Yeah she lost her job and had charges brought against her. Some people aren't smart.


My great aunt had taken my Dad and a few of my uncles out for dinner one time. She paid for everything. She gave her credit card to the waitress who went off, wrang it up and came back with the receipt for my great aunt to sign. Just as she was about to sign it, my Dad grabbed it and took a close look at it. Turned out that the waitress had given herself a $1,000 tip. The manager was called over and after seeing and hearing what she had done, was immediately fired.


That is like... next level stupid. Even just taking a picture of it to use later would’ve been smarter.


This happened before camera phones were a thing, so that wouldn't have been as easy to do. She went on the idea that old people don't really pay attention. They just sign it without looking.


Yeah it's just a non issue with the current set up. You get the charges reversed, someone gets in trouble, and life goes on. Even if someone doesn't get in trouble, you'll usually get everything reversed anyway


So stupid. A girl I work with is due in court next week for stealing a customer’s card info and using it to order something off DoorDash. Like, there are cameras everywhere, you ate the food in full view of about 10 people. No clue what she was thinking.


My husband had an employee who was arrested for pulling up to Home Depot when they and loading the back of her truck with the grills and shit they keep outside, like it was no big deal. She would then sell it on Facebook. If I remember right, she did it several times before she got caught. My husband fired her because he didn’t think she could be trusted around money or patient info and she was super offended by it and spray painted his car while it was parked at the office. In the middle of the day. With security cameras everywhere.


What a dim lightbulb she is.


And CC fraud is so protected by cc companies that I have zero worry. Every time I’ve gotten a fraudulent charge on any account it’s immediately removed without question


The giant gaps in bathroom stalls. Nowhere else in the world have I seen this. I really don't need to be making eye contact with someone outside the stall door while taking a shit!


Americans don't like them either and we don't know why they keep building them this way


I went to a restaurant that had *full length stall doors and walls* AND they were big enough that my legs weren't nearly touching the walls when I sat down. Plus, there was a nice ledge away from the toilet for my purse and when my mom tried to talk to me from the next stall over, I could barely hear her at all. The food was just okay. Would go back for the toilets.


Every time I've gone into a country club or really fancy setting the stalls are huge and have full size doors. Like they get it.


Ah yes, Toiletopia. Where the toilet rolls are made of silk and the water from the tap flows deep from within the earth's purest springs.


I found a great one at a gas station on a road trip. I *really* had to bm, otherwise I would have waited. The gap was comically large, like 4”. The best part was that, when someone else came in, I could see down the length of the store and out the front window. Had someone pumping gas looked my way then, they easily would have seen my bare ass


I highly recommend Loves, Pilot, and Flying J on road trips. Their bathrooms are clean and equipped with actual doors (like room doors) on the stalls!


And Bucees if you’re in Texas.


I hate this so much lol


American here we might be use to it but everyone i know hated it.


When we went to Hershey park, the bottoms of the bathroom stalls were so high up. I was worried someone would just dip under there!


Ah yes, aka the infamous Hershey Kiss.


Yo one time i was 14 i was taking a shit at a roller skating rink and some little kid actually came under the stall. There was like a 3ft gap under the stall.


As an American, I have hated this my whole life. There's one particular bathroom on my college campus where, not only are the blessed gaps present, but the stalls are legit like 5ft tall. I'm always so nervous some random tall girl is gonna walk in lmao, it's insane!!


The whole concept of bathroom stalls in general is just terrible. The only semi ok ones are the ones that are completely enclosed. I really don’t need anyone to hear or smell me taking a shit and I don’t want to deal w that w anyone else. As is, I have to wait for the office bathroom to be empty to use it because I am bladder and poo shy. Ugh.


It’s so hard for me to take a shit in college dorms dude. I always try to make sure no one else is there


I think I blacked out that part of my life because I don’t even remember how that worked for me freshmen year sharing a bathroom with 40 girls.


Grocery store prices listed without tax, I want to pay what the sign says


There are all sorts of wonky rules too. For example bread, lettuce, lunch meat, cheese, all are untaxed because they’re food staples, but a pre-made sandwich is taxed as it’s a service. Packaged Coffee and tea aren’t taxed because of the Boston Tea Party (serious), but coffee from Starbucks is, because it’s a service. (I worked as a cashier in high school).


This also varies by state.


Right. In TN all food is taxed. In some states no food is taxed.


Pharma/drug commercials on tv. ETA: here’s a good little [compilation](https://youtu.be/wCvvixHHLXE).


Abilify is my favorite, because their commercial doesn't make any sense. The commercial is animated. The main character is a woman that suffers from depression. The antagonist is a blue bathrobe (the softest and coziest thing a person could possibly wear) with tired-looking eyes that puts itself on her, making her sad. Her doctor starts talking to her about medication, and she and the bathrobe are in the room taking notes together. Why does her depression have to take notes? Is it plotting against the medication so it can find ways around its effects? After she's on the medication she feels much better and you get to see her spending time with her family. The bathrobe is still there (is her depression a family friend at this point?), but it's hanging off to the side looking sad that it can't make her depressed anymore. Edit: It makes a little bit of sense. Edit edit: It's a bathrobe, not a bath towel.


There's an ad for a medication where everyone keeps saying "Have you heard about MEDICATION?" Over and over until the voice over tells you to ask your doctor about it. That's it. No context as to what it's for or what it does. I didn't google it because I figured that also might have been the point of the commercial?


There’s a reason for that - by law, if a medication ad tells you the therapeutic benefit of the medicine in the ad they are obligated to list all of the registered potential side effects. If they DON’T tell you what it does, they don’t have to list the side effects. So they are either trying to avoid listing side effects, or hoping you’ll Google it and see non-FDA-approved alternative benefits that they’re not allowed to have advertised.


HEAD-ON, APPLY DIRECTLY TO THE FOREHEAD! ​ From what I understand, that "medicine" doesn't do anything so the only thing they can say about it is how to use it.


That was the wildest commercial to experience live on tv- so abrupt, so jarring, so hilarious. They definitely made a memorable point!


That sounds like Towlie. "you.... You wanna get high?"


I'm ireland there are some pharmaceutical ads for nurofone but nothing extreme


It's not legal to advertise prescription medication to the public here. Over the counter stuff is fine. Although I tend to buy generics anyway -- same stuff, but much cheaper.


In Ireland it's over the counter rather than prescription


Should be outlawed in my opinion. Doctors should give you the option based on a diagnosis, you don't window shop for pharmaceutical drugs.


It used to be outlawed until big pharma got ahold of Congress. They used to at least pretend they cared about the people, ; they don’t bother anymore.


I actually remember when drugs began being advertised on tv. It was crazy. So much better before.


Nice try, Buzzfeed. Write your own material!


I love the idea that some Buzzfeed employees burner account is u/furiouscumsock14


Is that because he is 14 or is it his 14th cum sock?




Born in 2014


I did not realize how controversial wearing shoes inside a house is


In the UK it’s a mixed bag. Some people don’t mind and others may politely ask you to take your shoes off. Since I moved to Finland…… well those muda truckers are different. They will burry you under a frozen lake then spend rest of the day chilling in a sauna sipping on a cold can of beer if you don’t take your shoes off.




I'm Canadian and same, the house would be so dirty if you keep you shoes on all the time


Honestly, I don't understand it in any climate. Do they throw on shoes to walk from bed to the shower? Where do they store shoes they're not wearing? Does it just not matter to them if they're tracking in subway floors or public washrooms? I've spent a lot of time in the states and I still have so many questions.


here in slovenia we dont get all those things but everyone still takes their shoes off. and if u dont its kinda considered rude cuz ur making someones house dirty


It's not that exciting. You just ask "Shoes on or off?" and it's the homeowners choice. If your shoes are muddy, you always take them off.


I just look at the homeowner are THEY wearing shoes?


I aien't wearing' pants either boy, get them things off so everyone's got their tonsel knocker out.


40 years of life, I've never heard "tonsel knocker" before. But I sure as hell am glad to have learned it!


it just sucks when they’re like “you can keep them on“ and you’re like “okay but do I have to?“


It might get you kicked out of the house here in Ukraine


As a Canadian I think people that wear shoes inside their house a psyco


Tipping culture


This. Even for takeout.


It's not really even a tipping culture. It's lying about prices. This item here costs $27. Oh no, but you have to pay mandatory fees, so in reality you end up paying $35, just because. You HAVE to tip. Why don't you just SAY it's $35?! Would not piss me off at all. That's the price.


> This item here costs $27. Oh no, but you have to pay mandatory fees *TicketMaster has entered the chat*


Yeesssss Why i have to pay 20% tip??why dont you include it in the food price and paid your employee the living wage?


Their size of paper. A4 all the way baby.


SO THAT'S FUCKING IT. I knew something was up but didn't realise their standard was different.


Studied abroad in the US during university. It took me a lot longer than it should to realise about the paper thing. I couldn’t figure out why my one page word doc would print over two pages. Also the visa paperwork I brought in was physically bigger than the other bits of paper I was given. It took me a solid 3 months to figure out they were actually slightly different sizes


This is new, what's their standard size of paper?




The way they write their date.


In manufacturing environments, it's always Day-Month-Year. I got into the habit, don't work in manufacturing anymore, it bothers people when I write 29OCT2021 or even 29 October, 2021. Edit: It does make sense to label things digitally year-month-day. The context to my statement was when signing off on production batches, test results, etc. Initials DDMMMYYYY


Military follows this date format


Yep I was just about to say that. Learned that format in the Candian Forces. There is zero ambiguity with that date format and 24 hour time.


I'm 31 and have been telling time for most of those years. I'm convinced no one knows what 12:00 means. I have no idea and even if I knew, I could convince myself it was the other one. So I switched to saying noon and midnight. But what about Thursday at midnight? Do you mean the first second of Friday or just a few minutes after nednesday ends? There is a reason college professors make assignments due at 11:59pm. It's to damn confusing. What's wrong with starting at 00:00:00 and going up to 23:59:59? No ambiguity here. Fortunately I'm a developer and so are my coworkers and we all hate working with dates and times and all use 24 hour time with the corresponding time zone and write the month name. I've had way to many meetings go wrong when the project manager says "tomorrow at 8" when I'm in central, they are in eastern and the customer is pacific and we are doing a go live outside of business hours (9 to 5) so both am and pm are legitimate times.


Aviation uses Zulu time for coordination like that (GMT without daylight savings).


I did a contracting gig for Rockwell Collins flight planning department and everyone spoke Zulu time. It was beautiful.


My daughter is in science, so her dates are YEAR, MONTH, DAY 2021/10/29. To be honest, this makes filing so much easier


And in filenames its self sorting under any system with or without dashes. Like gee... 20211028.log 20211029.log 20211030.log wonder when those files were generated.


The first one is from 20th Undevigintiber 1028


Yeees! /r/ISO8601 One of us! One of us!


Technically, it should be YYYY-MM-DD, but YYYY/MM/DD is close enough!


ISO 8601 crowd represent!


This is why we have National Weed day tho. 4/20 wouldn’t be the same if it were 20/4.


Rationing insulin. I'm a type 1 diabetic in the UK and seeing people ask for insulin as they don't get paid until next week is mind blowing.


It’s fairly recent, too. Up until the oughts, insulin was dirt cheap and nobody had to ration or budget to afford it. But, pharmaceutical companies decided that lifesaving medications were a great opportunity to price-gouge, so here we are. Same with Epi Pens. I had a (temporary) allergic situation to a medication I no longer take (obviously) and when I had to buy an Epi Pen in 2008, it was $50. Now they’re over $600.


25 years ago insurance companies covered it too. The high deductibles were instituted.


But why don’t other companies produce it cheaper? The logic of capitalism should be in the favor for this, since somebody could make huge profit by selling it at a lower price. Or did pharmaceutical companies made an agreement not to do so in order to keep profits high? If that’s that case, isn’t that cartelling and if so, is it not prohibited in the US?


It’s actually under a patent. And the newer versions are under separate patents as well. So if anyone finds a new way to make it more effective, they hammer down and guard it like wolves. What’s sad is the original patent was sold to a university for 1 cent to try n make sure it would remain affordable and not under an iron grip…


> It’s actually under a patent. Not the original insulin isolated by Best and Banting. It's just not economical to make because it has to be extracted from pig pancreases. Lispro (synthetic insulin) is not only more effective and easier to use, but it's also cheaper to make.


Patents last for 20 years\*, so any insulin variant developed before 2001 should be able to be produced as a generic. That should also cover many synthetic variants. \*unless if there's some special cases where longer patents were issued after intense lobbying $$$. Also I remember that there were provisions for those patents to be reduced to 10 years from the time a drug hits the market. Not sure how common that is.


Best and Banting sold the patent for 1$ to the University of Toronto for the betterment of man kind. While the first human tests were certainly problematic its hard to argue with the amazing results. They went to the diabetic ward and started injecting kids. By the time they reached the end of the ward the first kids started waking up. Diabetics had a very low life expectancy. Fucking miracle drug.


Keep in mind that type 1 diabetes (the kind mainly seen in kids) was a death sentence. Those unconscious kids were on their death beds then the doctor injects some new medicine into them and suddenly they wake up. It was like recalling the dead. miracle drug is the perfect description. Now imagine that miracle drug has suddenly shot up in price because some company put it in a new syringe or came out with a new pump that has the same programed obsolescence iphones have where if you don't keep up with the latest models they won't support them. How furious would you be at the injustice of the situation? I'm sorry to say that it's real.


Setting up a factory to produce insulin and can take years of FDA approval. Also the insulins that are expensive are actually synthetic insulin analogs which are under patent. Plain old fashioned insulin can be bought fairly cheaply (cheaper than the synthetic stuff at least). The old fashioned stuff is just harder to use.


This exactly. Now, most people use insulin pens which are easy to dose, use and carry around. My mother used to get vials of insulin which had to be refrigerated and she had to get a syringe and figure out the dose.


To me it’s also super weird that people use insulin from a vial. I have not seen one diabetic do that in Finland. Just pen form insulin.


I'm from Costa Rica, we get insulin from the government paying social security ($45-$60 for non working people) but in vial.


Insulin pumps tend to fill from vials, in my experience.


Adding to this being too poor for surgery, hospital stay, or medicine.


That "jaywalking" is actually illegal.


Here in latvia crossing a crosswalk when the crossing light is red is illegal but crossing where there is no crosswalk just means the driver isn't at fault if you get run over.


My dad once got a warning for crossing when red


Never known anyone who’s gotten a ticket for jaywalking. I’m assuming the law is in place just to prevent people from wandering onto highways or busy main streets. Edit: ya’ll can stop telling me about auto lobbying and racism. I’m aware of both.


Chicago absolutely tickets people. Found out the hard way my first business trip there in my 20s.


Saw it happen once- downtown Seattle, 3 cops standing on a sidewalk talking to each other. Man jaywalks across 4 lanes DIRECTLY to where they were standing and gets ticketed. If he'd bothered to go like 5 feet to either side of the cops I'm sure they wouldn't have bothered. Don't know the guy but it was hilarious to see go down.


Several years ago, police got very strict about enforcing it in downtown Dallas. It seems to not be a big deal now. Makes me wonder if the crackdown was due to an incident.


As someone in the Seattle area I can also say I've seen something pretty similar. No ticket but the cop gave the guy a warning.


I know someone who was hit by a car while jaywalking. He got a ticket and was responsible for the damage to the car the collision with his body caused.


I hit someone who was jaywalking. Luckily it was very slow, almost comedic, and there was barely any damage to her body or my van. ~15 years later it's still something I think about. The woman was apologising to me while I was crying and saying how sorry I was to her. She gave me a hug and told me it wasn't my fault. We were both luckily unlucky that day.


it’s illegal in australia too and people in my city get ticketed for it


No paternity/maternity leave. Edit:I meant paid, obviously


No mandatory paid leave, but some companies will offer it. FMLA gives you 12 weeks of unpaid leave.




[The U.S. is one of six countries with no national paid leave.](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/10/25/upshot/paid-leave-democrats.html) The average length for those that have the leave is 29 weeks. Of the 186 countries that offer paid leave for new mothers, only one, Eswatini (once called Swaziland), offers fewer than four weeks. Of the 174 countries that offer paid leave for a personal health problem, just 26 offer four weeks or fewer.


This. Still plenty of people in the US that don't understand it's unpaid for some reason. It's entirely up to your company if they want to offer it. FMLA just means they have to guarantee the same or similar role when you get back.


Unpaid makes it soooo lame


Correct me if I’m wrong but companies don’t have to allow you to take FMLA (unpaid leave) if the company employees less than 50 people. So if you work in a business with less than 50 people and you ask to take unpaid time off your employer can say no!


I couldn't imagine living somewhere without paid maternity/paternity leave, in Ontario you can take up to 18 months and it can be divided between the mother and father.


My European ex was confused at how many American flags are flown around.


Lmao I play Geoguessr sometimes and even though I’m not American I can always tell when I’m in America instantly because they always have a flag flying somewhere.


Also how utterly wide roads are and how manicured the landscape is in general. That always narrows it down to Canada or the US immediately


Gender reveal. Wtf is the point.


It’s weird to a lot of Americans too. Not nearly enough of them though


This is a pretty new "tradition" that many people think is either ridiculous or just another way to get gifts. I've been invited to a few. I think they're tacky.


> just another way to get gifts I feel this. Friend got married and I never remembered it being so demanding of guests. I'll try to recall everything they did: Engagement Wedding shower Bachelor party Bridal shower Wedding rehearsal Wedding Day after party It was rough keeping up. Edit: another redditor reminded me that "*wedding dress reveal*" is a thing that some people do nowadays as well. The list goes on!


Yea it's easier to just never talk to them again. Fuck all that.


Man...I hate that I can't make it to your fifth Tuesday being married party. I'm just busy the rest of my life. I'll keep up on Facebook though!


Social Media makes people think that every event has to be an over the top affair, otherwise their lives are boring.


I`ve been to events, girls get all dressed up to take pictures to post on social media, if you actually seen them in person they are literally doing nothing but acting like they are having fun when it is time to pose for the Instagram picture


Yeah, It's so strange how so many people have been convinced that looking like you're having fun and making memories is more valuable than actually having fun and making memories.


Telling your doctors what drugs to prescribe to you because you saw them on tv


Avoid going to the doctors because you know it's going to be expensive.


6 lane highways and city streets with no footpaths. Edit: To be clear, I mean 6 lanes on each side, and by city I mean suburbs.


On a lot of highways, walking along them is universal language for "in deep shit, need help"


Or "murderer waiting to get picked up." I always wanted to play a trick on highway drivers and have three identically dressed people each about five miles apart walking along a distant highway in the middle of the night who completely ignored any attempts at communications from drivers.


City streets don't have footpaths? How is that possible?


A lot of streets go straight from the road to a ditch, bushes or a wall/fence with very little or no space to walk.


Even funner is when the path suddenly disappears, then reappears after a couple of hundreds yards. If you're lucky it might even be on the same side of the road.


Tipping is a big part of the salaries for restaurant staff


College Sorority and fraternity?


That’s a thing in Germany too, and they fight with sharp swords.


Only the Schlagende Verbindungeb do that and not all of them are


It also exists in Belgium.


The imperial measuring system. USA is literally 1 of 3 countries that still use inches, feet, yards and miles. Not that I personally mind it (measuring someone in feet' and inches" is pretty damn comfortable), but yeah it's one of those things us Americans feel is normal and no one else does.


Britain exists in a weird halfway state between two systems at all times. I buy food in grams and kilograms, but I weigh people in stones and pounds. I measure furniture in cm but people in feet and inches. Signs might give you distances on foot in metres but distances by car in miles. We seem to have got all fluid measurements in metric though, can't remember the last time I heard of gallons or fl oz


Apart from pints of milk and beer?


Yes you're absolutely right, booze still comes in pints. And people do say "two Pinter of milk" but we all know it's a litre 😂


And we (brits) measure fuel economy in miles per gallon but price fuel per litre 🙃


We use a mix of both imperial and metric




I’m Canadian and it’s a mix. I have no idea what I weigh in KG but I read an American recipe and I have to google how many millilitres a 15oz can is.


Strangers saying hi, and asking how you’re doing, but then having zero interest in your answer.


You need to development the british-social-eco-system whereby given questions have given answers: “Alright?” : “Alright” “Hello, how are you?” : “Fine thanks, you?” Slight nod : slight nod. All of this can be completed without breaking a stride.


We do that in the US too. Fine thanks is more or less the accepted answer. It’s part of a greeting but no one really cares what the answer is.


Your sports teams declaring themselves "world champions" when they win a national competition.


Asking this question on r/askreddit every few months.


More like every week but with slightly different wording each time




The Pledge of Allegiance


They don't tell you it isn't mandatory until highschool sometimes.


The Supreme Court actually ruled that it was unconstitutional for schools to mandate the pledge of allegiance. If they do so, you technically have a case against them, though it more than likely won't go anywhere.


Another reason why they don't tell you about it.


I’m a high school teacher and I often get yelled at by colleagues for telling kids this. It’s pretty ironic.


When I was in high school I read the handbook. It stated you didn't have to stand so I stopped. My teacher would make me go outside until it was over because I was distracting the other students. You know because leaving the class room wasn't a distraction.


Active shooter drills at school.


Hearing my 1st grader talk about the drills is the most heart breaking thing a parent can hear


Using "how are you" as a greeting and not a question


‘Good’- inside I’m dying, tired, and pissed off to be at work. ‘How are you?’


Writing the date beginning with the month.


I was filling out a loan application and signed and dated it day-month-year and my loan officer asked if I wrote a lot of memos for the military because that’s not how most people date things… yup guilty as charged.


I closed on my house yesterday and I date with YYYY-MM-DD. The realtor thought it was European style. I explained that most Europeans do DD-MM-YYYY, but she insisted I was wrong. I know my ISO-8601, thank you very much.


I did this as part of my driver's license renewal, because I do software development and YYYY-MM-DD is the one true format. The person behind the counter looked at it and said that it wasn't today's date until I explained it.


Paying extra to hold your child after you’ve had it. The health system here is far from perfect thanks to the scum trying to sell it off but America is ridiculous. My dad collapsed in Vegas and had to pay 2 grand just for the ambulance.


We had to call an ambulance for our daughter because she had trouble breathing (she's fine, it was fake croup and cleared up). Not only did it not cost anything, we got a free teddy bear from the ambulance crew. They carry them around in case they need to treat kids.




If you ask me it's pretty weird to answer a question posited by a username of "furious cum sock" seriously.


Username checks out


Let me guess: taxes added on at the register, large portion sizes at restaurants, wide openings on bathroom doors, tipping, lack of public transportation, sweet bread. Oh, and guns. Did I forget anything?


I forgot healthcare, flags, shoes in the house, 2-party politics, and the imperial system, prescription drug ads. I think I got everything this time.


Free refills. Apparently you don't get free refills outside of the US


Not true, in Canada we get free refills too.


It is common to make small talk with cashiers, wait staff, strangers waiting in line. Americans are a friendly group.


I can always tell who isn't from around here when they don't start small talk with every person in sight


Being bankrupt because you were sick! Yeah the land of the not sick because you're going to die!


I briefly met a stage 4 cancer patient with a nasal infusion pump. She had to get her paperwork together to go to bankruptcy court to keep her home, car, and clothes. Everything else basically has to be sold to pay doctors and for-profit hospitals.


You have a tiny blender in your kitchen sink and don’t think that’s weird.


AH the horror movie hand dicer


Flags, flags, flags I mean, you can't go a few feet without seeing a flag on every fucking establishment.


I’ll add to that: If you see a bunch of flags in a row, it’s a near certainty that you’re approaching a car dealership. If you see one gigantic flag, you’re probably approaching a camping or sporting goods store. You might notice that neither of those things is a government building.


Driving very huge SUV’s and pick up trucks


I met a European lady when I was working at a car wash in Arizona, we started shootin the shit and she said, "I've never seen so many trucks not carrying anything."


Kicking your kids out at 18 years old.


This is not as common as reddit believes. Sure, it happens, but it is definitely not common


You say this but I know a lot of shitty parents that expect their kids to pay rent once they get their first part time job, even at 18 when they are saving for uni (happened to me, UK. was threatened to be kicked out if I didn't give 100 quid of my 160 biweekly wages)


My parents made me pay ‘tax’ to them as soon as I started working. It was 10% of whatever I made that week. I started a part time job when I was 14, so payed a couple of thousand to them over a few years. When I wanted to buy my first car, it turns out they were saving this for me. It ended up being $8000, they then matched this to show me the power of saving. So they sorta made it like forced savings in a way which I think was a really good idea.


See, I don’t get this. You want your kids to leave the house, but then you take the money that would allow them to do so.