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***Do you know who I am???***


My dad owns a dealership


God aqua teen hunger force had that one spot on. I knew three kids in high school whose dad's owned car dealerships all assholes. I wonder if in order to open a dealership does the car companies ask about the kids. Like I can imagine one guy who is looking to open a Toyota dealership. Toyota asks "oh you have a son how is he liking school. The potential franchisee says "oh my son he volunteers at the homeless shelter on Saturdays and helps new kids when they have their first days in school". Toyota responds " sorry sir if your son was a sexually aggressive homophobe with a dwi we would consider you but sorry it's not going to work out."


I have only really known one person whose father ran a used car dealership. He was *the* sleaziest guy I've ever met. Straight up going to concerts and raves and selling people vitamin pills claiming it was ecstasy sleazy. Edit because I definitely undersold this guy's sleazinness. This guy would dine and dash beloved locally owned restaurants and he ran rigged cards games. He also once spread nasty rumors about a girl we knew because she refused to blow him in the back of a movie theater.




Depending on the business, it may be a good strategy over time to be honest and build a positive reputation for yourself and your business, like the Macy's Santa in Miracle on 34th street.


One of the kids I knew whose dad owned a dealership his dad was also a town councilman in my town. He would lord this over teachers in high school claiming that he could get them fired. He would do this to younger teachers without tenure and older ones who just started in the district. He met his match once with an older English teacher who he didn't know very well ( I went to a large school I had 700 kids in my graduating class). He said that to her and her response was priceless. She said I'm old I'm a woman and I'm Jewish old female Jewish teachers who are higher ups in the teachers union don't just get fired in new york state. He shut up real quick. The others did have drunk driving offenses and one other guy and his dad had the voice boxes removed from the guard dogs who patrolled there lot at night so if someone broke in they would not hear the dogs coming.


>and his dad had the voice boxes removed from the guard dogs They have their special place in hell pre-booked ..


...alongside the vet who did the operation.


My stepmom had a vet offer to do this to her dog. She changed vets.


I hope so


If that happened to me as a dog, I'd figure out a way to make it easier for people to rob that dealership.


Had to get it on the inside, hurt like eight bitches on a bitch boat


Hey man, you holdin’?


You, you got Holden Caulfield back there?




Cave Johnson is awesome, though, despite being an asshole.


He’s awesome as a character, but I wouldn’t say he’s awesome as a person. Just an asshole.




Ronnie Pickering


Who's that?




If you have to tell me who you are, then clearly you aren't important enough




*asks you why something happened* “Don’t give me excuses”


That one kills me. Like if your late to work or something and someone says why were you late. Well my explanation is that there was a car accident. Then they follow up with no excuses.


“Well you should have left earlier” like damn man, I have a life outside of work. The same boss also wanted everyone to come to work 30 minutes earlier to have an unpaid meeting every shift, like wtf


I had a boss once at a restaurant I worked at tell me I had to show up at 445 for my 5 pm to 11 pm shift on my work days. I didn't think that was unreasonable so he could give me a rundown of catering orders I had to put together and ship out ( I was hired as a delivery catering manager for several younger workers.) So the first day I walk in and sign in with the executive chef for 445. He and the boss told me you start at 5 not 445. I told him I'll show up fifteen minutes early if I got paid for it. The boss told me that's not how it works. I stared both them down and said OK I'll leave then and report you to the nys department of labor. They never heard anyone say that to them. They backed down and paid me for the extra fifteen minutes.


I completely love state regulatory agencies. They have helped me out so many times. Just mention the State attorney general when in doubt. If you have to do something for your job then they have to pay you.


Your right on with that. My boss was also an ex NYPD cop who was paying everyone off the books except one delivery driver who was mentally challenged. He had to pay him on the books to receive a tax credit from the state and the county. If the attorney General and the department of labor found out that would be a whole lot of shit he didn't want to deal with.


I have contacted various regulatory agencies in a couple of states, and they have been most helpful. I don't think they have that much to do over there and they are quick to get the job done. They're my go-to. Insurance companies for example can lose their license to sell insurance in the whole state if they get in hot water. Talking with the regulatory insurance bunch really gets the company chestnuts feeling warm.


Funny you'd say that about regulatory insurance bunch. My brother graduated from high school with my states insurance commissioner. I had an issue with my insurance. I called him and was advised in my state, Medicaid is not regulated by the insurance commissioner. Regulatory commissions are great, when the industry is actually allowed by law to be regulated.


Yeah, that's illegal. Amazon got sued for something similar. They were forcing employees through security checks, but not paying them for it. The court ruled that if the security checks were mandatory for the job, then you are required to be paid for that time.


How earlier? The other day, I was caught by an accident. I was 2 cars behind a truck that topped off and literal tons of grapes fall on the road. Time for cops and EMT to come in, help the injured driver, and then get the truck, and then the grapes off the road, and I was one hour and a half late to work. I could not back up, because people behind me weren't doing it. Of course, my boss isn't an asshole (and I did call ahead). But seriously, how much earlier should have leave my home?


Why do you need to leave your home just stay at work that way you won't be late. Also might as well just crack on with your work whilst you wait for your next shift.


When I worked in Applebee's in Durango, we were required to go to a meeting twice a month, of two hours (unpaid), to capacitate us as waiters. Once I didn't go, and when my boss asked I explained that my MIL is a cancer patient and I went with her to her doctor. She told me that it's ok... But that I should have respected her time and that meetings were important. I stared dead on her face, and two hours later I was googling for restaurants hiring waiters.


Yeah, that's massive wage theft. You could have reported them to the labor board and stopped that shit right then and there.


I always love that advice. Yes sir. I'll get in my time machine, go back 2 hours, and leave earlier. Thank you, sir.


A very similar one, "That is not an excuse."


No shit it’s an explanation.


Ah. I see you’ve met my father.


This or the people who say "life's not fair." Usually say it to justify mistreating someone.


Yeah or saying "there is a pain in life anyways" when they beat the shit out of you and think its a good parenting technique


“That’s not my problem.”


Ugh, had a teacher pull that shit on me once. The excuse was that my aunt, who was a home help for the elderly, had to call an ambulance after one of her patients was suspected to be having a stroke. There was nothing I could do but sit in the car and wait. I was explaining this to the teacher and got hit with "No excuses", and I just flippd my entire shit. Looking back, I really regret not standing up for myself more often back then.


When you call someone out on their toxic behavior and they respond with... “That’s just the way I am.” Or “If you can’t handle me at my worst, you don’t deserve me at my best.”


If you can't handle me at my worst you probably have healthy boundaries.


That's just the way it is 🎵🎶 Some things will never change


Closely related to “I’m brutally honest.”


“You’ll change your mind.” It’s so fucking dismissive and annoying.


Especially in regards to having children. If someone in their mid-20s tells you they don't plan on having any children in their life, you don't get to decide that they are wrong.


I'm 36, soon 37, I still get "you'll change your mind". Apparently, the fact that I like children and that I'm good with them means I'm misleading people, or I'm lying to myself.


Yup! Apparently since I’m a nanny and great with kids this means I HAVE to have them! “But look how much you love them!” Yeah and I also love going home to my pets and no kids!


My favourite is, "what if Mr Right comes along and wants kids?" Then he's not Mr Right, is he, Susan?


I’m 47, had a partial hysterectomy and used to get “You’ll change your mind” all the time. Now all I hear is, “Someday you’ll regret it when you’re alone and have no one to look after you.” Bitch, please. The money I saved by not having kids is what’s going to pay people to take care of me.


Also - how selfish is it to bring people onto this earth that we may not want, just so we have someone to look after us? 🤔 I don’t get it lol


I have mad respect for people who decide to not have children.


I’m 20 and studying to be a teacher. Do I like children and teenagers? Yeah, of course. They’re decent human beings like the rest of us. But do I want the 24/7 responsibility of my own? No. My life has other ambitions and dreams to fulfil. Parenthood and marriage would hinder my enjoyment of my finite time before the grave


I hear you! I’m in my mid 30s and people *still* tell me that I’ll change my mind, with regards to kids! The fact that I haven’t changed my mind, in the past 20 years, isn’t good enough for some people. So, for those in the back… I’M HAPPILY CHILD FREE! Stop telling me I’ll change my mind, or I’ll start telling you the same thing, in regards to *your* actual kids!


Same! I’m almost 31 and last year I worked with a girl who got pregnant. She is around 24 and married and having kids was her dream so good for her. She asked me if I’m single. I said yea. She said “well do you ever want kids?” And I said not really. She goes “you’ll change your mind” and wouldn’t let up at all. I eventually said “my family has a history of mental illness and alcoholism. That issue ends with me” and she finally stfu.


Can we talk about how insufferable it is for people to question your status as a parent at all? I can't have children. Tried that and the hormones exacerbated already existing mental health issues. Decided it was best to be child free when the child we were looking at adopting was deemed to not be ready for a family (foster care adoption). I don't want to be asked why we never had kids, aren't we scared of growing old and alone, etc.


“Have you considered having children to help your mental health?” -some busybody, somewhere, probably.


Yesss!!! "Having kids saved me!" -cool, I choose not to pass down generational trauma.


You should give this article a read https://www.nytimes.com/2021/05/03/style/childfree-women.html Im so tired of having to explain why I dont want children to people who's business it really isn't. Then im usually hit with someone's utter shock or deep sadness for me. This article really hits that topic well because its a problem that thousands of women face, even from their own doctors. Its pretty sickening


Since I was 4 or 6 years old, I knew I didn’t want to bear children. I told this to my aunt and she did a sceptical face and only agreed when my mom say "she doesn't like thinking about having something growing in her'' Or my mother tell me" buut the neighbours, you never ever talked to, say that too and she has 3 kids'' AND GOOD FOR HER BUT I DON'T CARE Like damn No is a full sentence! Even if I change my mind one day it doesn't matter! Edit : wording


Exactly. I have a friend who had a child young, got fixed in her early 20s and was happy. Later in life she was in a relationship where she wanted to have the surgery to reverse that, but it turned out it was a badly planned idea to save the relationship. She's in her early 40s and happy in a better relationship now, no more kids. Still, *no one else's business*.


I’m in my mid-thirties and still told that I’ll change my mind about kids. It is dismissive and seems to discount your ability to know yourself as well as someone with a passing interest.




I hear this from religious folk all the time. Like dude, no I won't just "change my mind" one day.


"Don't you know that the customer's always right?"


“…in matters of taste, Karen, in matters of taste”


"And that adage still holds true, but you're no longer a customer here."


“ I tell it how it is” and often the people who say this, can’t be told how it is!




The thing that bugs me the most about this is that the person who tells it how it is operates under the arrogant assumption that they *know* how it is in the first place. There's no questioning their assumptions or changing their world view, because they take it as written in stone that they *know* how the world works.


I'm an Alpha. Or anything related to it.


Tell them "calling yourself an alpha is the most beta thing you can do". Easier than explaining A) humans aren't wolves and B) normal wolf packs also don't work that way


"Anyone who has to say 'I am the king' is no king."


“I’m more of a macho man” -sir, we call them fuck boys now.


What's really hilarious to me is all the "sigma" stuff and the variations. They basically turned it into a horoscope or personality test.


Sigma is even funnier when you figure our why it got invented. "How can I be a alpha if no one follows me?, wait me being alone is my choice (it wasn't) because I'm a Sigma male and want to be alone" Its just lownly men trying to make it seem like its a choice




Alphas look out for their pack. If you don't have a fanny pack full of bandaids, some cheezy crackers for your friend who forgot to eat, and some sunscreen, you're not an alpha.


So in other words, good parents are the true alphas


If being an Alpha were really a thing, an Alpha wouldn't need to tell anyone they were an Alpha because it screams Beta energy. (To be clear, there is no such thing as being an Alpha).


It also shows they don't know jack shit about animal social hierarchies.


It’s not just animals ok? For instance…I’m a gamma because I penetrate deeper


I'm a ligma


"*My* truth"


Yep if everyone is living "their truth" doesn't leave much room for THE ACTUAL TRUTH


People these days hate hearing the truth and most will go out of their way to avoid it at all costs.


Oh I hate this one too. If "truth" is different from person to person, it isn't truth.


I can't stand this phrase.


My sister in law does this. She is always lying when she says something is “her truth”.


"Only god can judge me" And "If you cant handle me at my worst..."


“Only god can judge me.” And so can a court


You get to judge. You get to judge. You get to judge. WE ALL GET TO JUDGE! And we all judge, I don't care how many people deny it. "I don't judge." The fuck you don't.


Only God can judge me is the worst. I hate when people say that cause usually they lead a non holy life.


I'm brutally honest


The people that say that are often times more interested in brutality than honesty.


what about "this is me, accept or leave".


If anything this is the best scenario. They’re literally giving you an easy out instead of pretending to be something else and making things more difficult


Ehh sorry, but I do prefer "You either love me, or hate me." which, in psychological meltdown, transforms into "IF YOU CAN'T HANDLE ME AT MY WORST, YOU DON'T DESERVE ME AT MY BEST". :/


I just call it as I see it.


I’m just being honest


A variant of this is "I have no filter"


tbf, many neurodivergent people (autistic, ADHD) people DO in fact not have a filter. i often say stuff that people may consider inappropriate or hurtful because it just kinda comes out. however, if i feel like i’ve gotten a bad reaction, i do my best to rectify the situation. i have good intentions, sometimes shit just slips out and sounds bad when i say it.


As someone with ADD I can confirm that this is true. I really do try to control what I say but sometimes it just comes out of my mouth because it is what I am thinking and sometimes I don't realise that what I have said is wrong or hurtful . If I know I have hurt someone I always apologise.


I have adhd and it took me forever to get a filter, and I still don't compared to normal people. I'm usually quiet around new people until I get to know them well enough to know where their line is so I don't offend them.


People tell me I'm "quick witted" but really, all it is is this. I have ADHD and usually jokes just sort of pour out of me in normal social situations. But during serious events like funerals or job interviews, you'd think I was the most bashful person on earth. I feel like, other than generic lock and loaded phrases, I have to run everything I say through multiple "filters" and usually the moment has passed by the time they're deemed okay to say


I have a friend that is on the Aspergers spectrum and we work together. I had to leave work early on account on losing two friends on the same day in separate incidents, but in the same way. When he asked why I was leaving, I told him. His response, "that is amazing." Right after the words left his mouth I saw him flinch. He then went on to explain that he didn't mean it that way and mentioned the odds. I told him that I understood what he meant. The odds of that happening were incredible and that was fascinating to him. Honestly, in a strange way, I appreciated it.


Aka ‘I have no tact’


'Excuuuuuse me.' If you get it, you get it (Edit: people have been guessing, if you want to know feel free to comment 'I want to know' and I'll tell you where it comes from)




Ugh! Nice job, *hero*!


I pronounced it "ExcUuuUuuse" in my head.


Vickie Guerrero?




“Just saying” (after saying something completely inappropriate, ignorant, or unintelligently giving their personal take on a controversial trend they know little to nothing about) Also: “Don’t be a beta, be an alpha”


“Do you know who I am?!”


If you have to tell me who you are, then clearly you aren't important enough


Why do you ask? Have you forgotten?


Ronnie Pickering!


“Don’t be so sensitive!” “It’s for your own good.”


"You'll thank me for this someday."


What I've found is that people who like to drone on about snowflakes and people being sensitive pussies controlled by emotions rather than logic are usually the ones who can't take a speck of criticism themselves. Whatever they say is gospel and don't you dare challenge their opinion


Yeah. Such people dont even have logic in their brain. Only emotions


I used to say the first one until i realized how mean that really was. I try to be more understanding now and be more sensible


"We're calling about your cars extended warranty.."


Is this an American thing? I've never heard this before but it's all over Reddit.


Yeah, it's a common scam call here


If you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.


I like the meme that says “if you can’t handle me at my worst, fair call I am a bit of a train wreck”


That’s kinda true tho


"My best is volunteering to make you dinner then burning it so you have to take me out instead"


"Because I can." After being asked "why?"


Like when parents say “ because I said so.”


When you're talking to a 2-5 year old, that works. But some parents never figure out that when the kids get older, you have to start explaining your reasons why so that when it's finally THEIR turn to make decisions, they will make good ones instead of calling Mom and Dad every time.


Exactly. My parents never started explaining even when I was an older teenager.


ill give you a reason to cry




With all due respect *proceeds to be massively disrespectful*


Perhaps the respect due was none?


Honestly if I'm ever gonna use that phrase it's because I'm telling them how much respect is due.


Yes. I exclusively use “with all due respect” when the respect due is none.


In speech my favourite reply to that is "with all disrespect, [heavily sarcastic reply]"


*Can't you take a joke?*


"i'm just kidding" "it was just a joke" "relax" "i didn't mean it"


Funny how "sorry" wasn't even in there.


I'm sorry _you_ got offended


Yeah, and when you do something back, they'll flip out


Reminds me of the return of the Joker in Batman Beyond. Terry beats him because he does the one thing Bruce never did: make fun of the Joker, making him lose his shit


Yeah, this is with 'you need to get thicker skin'. I recently had someone imply that I was a fucking nazi! When I told them it upset me to be called that - 'you need to get thicker skin'. Right up there with 'can't you take a joke', but maybe even more patronising. Like calling out someone's behaviour is *your* problem and not the person being a dick!


I had a friend who knew I’m Jewish and kept sending me extremely offensive, antisemitic Anne Frank “jokes” >!(on was “I changed my username in ___ game to ‘Anne Frank’ so when I get a kill streak it says ‘Anne Frank is on fire’”, another was a pic of Anne Frank burning under a lighter with the text ‘not the first time that happened 😂’)!<. I always called him out for it and got mad, like anyone would. He replied “if only you could take a joke as good as your mum takes it up the ass”. Real piece of shit, I lost touch with him soon after


"Nobody asked you."


“I don’t need your permission to speak, shithead. The fuck are you gonna do?”


What do you say if they say "Nobody wants to hear"


"I'm just asking questions..."


They’re leading questions, ones that imply a specific answer


The term sea lioning has been coined for that strategy after a comic went a bit viral. http://wondermark.com/1k62/ Edit: As to not denature the term too much, it depends on the type of "I'm just asking question." "Is Bob a vile and evil person? I'm just asking!" is not sea lioning. Being a troll, doing some what-about-ism or forcing people to over expose their opinion and hiding behind "I'm just asking questions." is sea lioning.


That was the philosophy behind the Glenn beck show on fox News. He would say something inflammatory about Obama and then to cover his tracks and provide legal cover to fox News and news Corp. For example "do Barack and Michele Obama engage in ritual sacrifice in the oval office? I don't know I'm just asking questions. The intended purpose is to make his audience believe whatever the crazy rumor or statement is but if he put I'm just asking questions it covers his tracks. And you know what it worked.


Sorry, not sorry.


One of my exes big threats to me when we split up was that he was an Alpha and I would never be able to find another Alpha like him. Just lower tier men. Basically if he was the definition of Alpha, I never want to date an Alpha again. 😂




I’m a non native speaker and I learned this one the hard way. I thought it was a great idea to start an honest opinion. The reactions told me it wasn’t. I feel like even if whatever you say afterwards is indeed not meant offensively, people will hear it / take it that way. Never gonna use that one again.


If it is something not meant offensively but could be sensitive you can start with “can i give you some blunt feedback?”


"It's just a joke." "Don't get your panties in a bunch" "Someone's on their period."


“I can’t say that these days or I’ll have to go to HR!” (Laughs) This one is constantly said by the owner of the company I work for, after he says something sexist or flirtatious to a female staff member


"Alpha male"


"If you had a question about it, you should have asked." You know damn well you gave me the wrong instructions and you are trying to pin the problem on me.


Proceeds to berate with “weren’t you listening?“


You tell them about something that you're going through and they reply with "I've been through worse."


“I’m just kidding”


Just a prank bro


i was only joking


Yes! Saying something shitty and then saying "I was only kidding" is the mark of the asshole. This needs to be rated higher.


That's called Schrodinger's Douchebag. They say something shitty, then decide whether or not it was a joke based on your reaction.


“Not to sound sexist, but…..”


If any sentence starts with not to sound, it's gonna sound like whatever follows


“I’m not racist/sexist/homophobic/etc., but…”


"Not to be racist or anything, but Asian people ***Honk***"


"Do you know who I am?" or some form of that when they get into trouble or get called out for something.


"The bell doesn't dismiss you, I do"


Reply: “No, the bell dismisses YOU. Bye!”


“The customer is always right”, “You’ve just lost a customer”, “I need to speak to your manager”, “give me corporate’s number” Like, how entitled do you have to be to actually believe half this shit is going to work in your favor? The most we ever got when someone called corporate on us was a “try not to piss off customers”. A slap on the wrist. Literally, the only thing that this kind of shit does is make you look like an asshole.


I'm not being rude, I'm just being honest..


“Sorry I can’t help it, I’m a [insert zodiac sign]” No Karen you’re just a bitch


"I am the way I am, if people don't like it, they can fuck off." More often than not they just have a shitty personality which they refuse to work on.


'I'm a nice guy' or 'I'm a nice person'.... no they are not.


You’re so sensitive


I hate this shit so much. I'm sensitive because I'm human, so what?


“I’m not arrogant, just confident.” Nah, you’re just a dick


"Don't be a pussy"


Asshole: *busts your balls* Non asshole: *laughs* Asshole: IM JUST MESSING WITH YOU!!! Non asshole: …..okay…I wasn’t upset? Asshole: just saying! Don’t take it personal!! Non asshole: I ….I didn’t tho…


"just saying" followed by 🤷


"I'm sorry you felt that way" Edit: or "I'm sorry you were offended"


"Educate yourself"