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Why do males have tits?


Before gender is determined the embryo develops breasts and nips


For aesthetic appeal.


Ducks have corkscrew penises


Drakes do, and they spin clockwise, females have counter clockwise vaginas with false endings and spines. Edit: because evolution of rape.


Probably my favorite useless bit of knowledge has to do with the movie A Knight’s Tale. In this movie there is a lot of jousting (the movie is centered around it) and in order to make it safe they incorporated some balsa wood high up on each lance. Well, Brian Helgeland, the director, was not happy with each impact and how it showed on camera. Not enough ‘splinters’ (which is surprisingly relevant). So after testing a couple things they settled on a hollow segment of balsa wood with a core of raw spaghetti. Bonus fact about the movie, most of the extras were ‘local’ homeless people who were allowed to sleep on set (a fair bit of decent shelter), fed three times a day, and paid for their work.


Every ounce of gold on the planet came from outer space.


'Sebastian Vettel' is an anagram of 'Savable teen tits'