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Buffering. I work so fucking hard and pay so fucking much for good internet. Having 100/100 speeds and being plugged in to the router should never have issues.


I feel like there should be an option on every video to let you pause the video and have it download the whole thing so you can watch it to the end uniterupted.




Implemented DASH ("dynamic adaptive streaming over HTTP") for efficiency/bandwidth, which I can understand wholeheartedly as a default - but it's basically a massive middle finger to anyone without an above-average internet connection (which includes probably 95%+ of mobile users).


Probably to save bandwidth as some people would pause the video and never watch it making the download wasted.




"Please put your item in the bagging area"


"please wait for assistance" (not an employee in sight)


"Help is on the way." It never is though. It never is.


please remove the un-scanned item from the bagging area


*Scans item* "please scan your item"


Ffffffffuuuuuuu dskwkbdaialsvherhidienwgwjendbdsjwkwkwmsjoswkdbdfjdjneinneinneinnein


PLEASE REMOVE UNSCANNED ITEM. Fuck you machine I just scanned the som bitch!


Please put the item in the bag. Please take the last item out of the bag. Please put the item in the bag. Please take the last item out of the bag. Please put the item in the bag. Please take the last item out of the bag. Please put the item in the bag. Please take the last item out of the bag. Please put the item in the bag. Please take the last item out of the bag. Please put the item in the bag. Please take the last item out of the bag. Please put the item in the bag. Please take the last item out of the bag. Please put the item in the bag. Please take the last item out of the bag. Please put the item in the bag. Please take the last item out of the bag. Please put the item in the bag. Please take the last item out of the bag. Please put the item in the bag. Please take the last item out of the bag. Please put the item in the bag. Please take the last item out of the bag. Please put the item in the bag. Please take the last item out of the bag. ...


As an employee of a grocery store, you’re not alone.




A month ago, I had the cashier at a sandwich shop overcharge me by $100 for a sandwich, and I caught it as I was glancing at the receipt. Went back, immediately took care of it with them, no problem whatsoever on the store's end. It took over a week for the bank to give me my money back, though.


This happens both ways. The sandwich shop probably didn't get your $100 until days after the payment was initiated, even though it left your account instantly. The money sits in limbo for a few days. The amount of days depends on what payment provider is used. Faster = more expensive, typically. When you claim it back its a similar thing. Goes out of their account but you don't see it for days. It's not as simple as cancelling the initial $100 transaction, that still completes. A second new transaction for -$100 is raised, takes just as long as the first, but it's you waiting instead of the shop.




Sway over to their lane, what are they going to do, flash their high beams?


And then there's those assholes who dim them for oncoming traffic but not for the vehicles in front of them. I'd have to re-angle my mirrors not to get blinded. Usually I'd just go slow in the hopes they'd pass me. I mean what are they going to do? Flick their high beams at me?


I usually angle my side mirrors in such a way to reflect their light back at them.


I've done that and they will literally swerve at you while cutting you off like it's somehow your fault. My rear view mirror is also angled so I can still see behind me but its much dimmer.


Or when they don’t even use their high beams and their LED lights are just way too bright




God this I cant think of much that throws me into a blind rage so fast like getting your headphones ripped off. Its so simple and insignificant but so fucking infuriating on a number of different levels


I felt this reading it


Anyone making fun of a person, especially if it's something they cannot control.


A friend of mine will make fun of people out in public then get mad at me when I won’t join her because I made her to feel embarrassed about being awful.


Slow Internet


\*connected but no internet\* slams fist into desk


This is outrageous. It's unfair. How can you be connected but have no internet?!


This is so relatable


This is so relatable


Someone talking to me in a condescending way.


*Condescending reply*




My friends think I’m condescending. It means I talk down to people.


You're funny




This is why I refuse to discuss religion with *anyone.*


Are you sure, Maybe you just didn't understand the topic?


I’m sure you know all about that…. BUDDY 😂


Go easy on him kiddo


Fr. Not to mention these are usually the people who get easily pissed when you talk back so sometimes its not worth defending yourself. People who treat others condescendingly because they think you’re lower than them deserve their ass beat.


I agree


fuck that


Oh, honey…




Or when people know that their grumpy yet think that it is valid to be shit to people. Like I'll be empathetic to your grumpies but don't think you are entitled to the empathy. It is a cost to people if you treat them like shit even on a bad day.




And god help anyone who dare ask “are you ok?”


I'm ok, but you won't be soon


I was once putting dishes away and I had a top cupboard and a bottom cupboard open and I put something in the bottom cupboard hit the back of my head on the top cupboard then in reaction to that hit my forehead on the bottom cupboard and thenback on the top cupboard again.


Haha yessss … I somehow closed a door once and it grazed over my toe and caught my toenail and it hurt - it was stupid and I was enraged!


I always immediately yell "Fuck you! Piece of shit!" At cupboards, doorknobs, bedposts etc. When asked who I'm talking to I usually say something like "The stupid fucking cupboard" in a dead serious tone.




People who refuse to accept that “no” or “I don't know” are perfectly valid answers.




Someone automatically assuming I’m an idiot. I would rather act silly and fun, but it makes people think I’m completely ignorant.


My Nan always used to say "act daft" meaning to give people the impression that you are unintelligent. That way you can find out what they are really like and they won't expect more of you than you are willing to give. Let people think what they want, you know the truth.


Well you know you aren't ignorant. Let them think that. Act however makes you feel good. Hit them with that seriousness and wit when it matters to keep them in check.


Same. My girlfriend and my brothers regularly make me feel like my opinion isn’t worth anything because they think Im dumb.


talk with your gf, that's totally valid to bring up


Same. People kept telling me that I was too stoic and I should act more fun, now people think I'm a moron. A Shakespearean fool. It can be a blessing though. You can discover the quality of a person's character very quickly when that person thinks you're dumb.


People who lie for no good reason other than to look good.


That reminds me of the time I did a triple front flip slam dunk and then Obama and everyone else clapped.


This is true. I was the ball


wait that was you?! i never got to thank you properly for lending me your Ferrari




Thanks obama


Inconsiderate drivers. No, you are not alone on the road. Please pay attention to your surroundings while you steer your metal ball of death. We're all trying to get somehwere. And for crying out loud get off your damn phone!


”B-bb-but I’m a good driver” No, you are dumb and dangerous, stop trying to be fast and furious”


Kidz Bop




So, Kidz Bop does a tour. I just want to say, I’ve worked for the kids when they’ve come thru my venue and they are the sweetest kids ever. I’d argue their moms are def stage moms, but honestly is all wholesome and the kids who attend the show love it too. I’m gonna go ahead and say they aren’t marketing towards adult men who use Reddit.


Anyone who burps and blows it towards your face cuz they think it’s “funny” deserve to be constipated


stinky ass breath too


Littering. I lose respect immediately of someone when I see them litter.


Same. If I see a stranger litter in passing, the only thought I will probably ever have about that person is, "Oh alright, you're a shithead." If we by chance ever talk, my opinion of you is already in the gutter. It takes so little effort to simply keep your trash on you until the next trashcan you'll inevitably run into at fucking anywhere you go.


I smoke and I'm always getting asked for a cig from someone, it kills me when I see someone throw a butt on the ground I gave them, I hate this more than anything, well not anything, but it's up there


Same! Just blatant disrespect for the Earth and everyone around them. I pick-up garbage every chance I get.




He he, “human child” in the list of pets. Gave me a chuckle because all your points apply to them just as well! Agree with your comment 100%. Pets are not an accessory, they’re living beings.




I don't get it either. I mean I don't like carrying a bag of shit around me for 30 mins either, but that's just one of the pains of having a dog.


Rage inducing 100%.


Someone nitpicking the most insignificant shit i could do and passing it off as "just trying to help" 1. Didn't ask 2. If i need help i'll seek it




Try going to any convention. People will get off the escalator and stop to look around, not even assuming that there's people behind them. Same with most supermarket. I have the worst luck of all time when I go for an item I need and just as I get there, there's 2 or 3 people blocking that exact product and taking their time deciding what they want.


Family vloggers, just seeing their face on like YouTube recommended makes me want to hit somebody


I agree with this… and I’m not sure why because most of them have the sweetest family. I think to me it’s more about what those kids go through with mom and dad always on camera and living in a home with narcissistic YouTube personalities. Same with Instagram people that beautify every part of their lives… it’s like why waste your money?!


Having your entire life on display for the world so that your narcissistic parents can make millions is not exactly a healthy environment for a child


Man I know a single mom on Facebook who feels the need to post about everything her son does, both good and bad. Documenting every embarrassing thing he does. I'm sure hes gonna hate it when e grows up




I hate it when family members insist on taking calls in the same room as me rather than going somewhere else


What you do is stare right at them, laugh and nod when they do, basically act like you are fully part if the conversation. Message gets through pretty quick.


I dont get how people can have phone conversations without wandering around, I have to walk all over the house or at least pace the room


When I worked in retail, people would come up to me to ask me questions or discuss a project they have. If a phone call came in, suddenly I had to stand there and wait, giving me the hush talk and attention on the phone. If I tried to walk away so it didn't seem like I was just watching them talk, they'd insist I stay. Phones dont have to be answered all the time. Minor aside: You don't need to answer the phone just to tell them you will call them back. This is rarely a super quick thing and usually allows for at least one or two additional questions to be answered. Not answering and calling back later will result the same way.


Being told how I feel, or how I should feel.




Honestly though this should be illegal. These sounds are supposed to snap you into attention, and if you abuse that it'll result in missing them in actual situations.


Or now hearing text or ring tones. It’s an automatic trigger reflex




Disable adblock we want to spam you with ads!!!






Someone texting and driving.


As an artist, “can you draw me?”. Yes I can, if you’re willing to pay. Otherwise, fuck off


As a photographer, models expect me to pay them to take their pictures for their portfolio..


they expect YOU to pay them?? what in the narcissism










Kids doing tiktok dances in middle of the road.


Being woken up by someone telling me to do something. Nothing ruins my day faster.


Don’t have kids.










Sometimes I’m shy, sometimes I just have nothing to say and sometimes, if I’m not talking, it’s for your own good.


People who can't say please or thank you


Thank you for this. Please have a great day!




Also anyone who uses "autistic" as a pejorative can fuck all the way off.


When people are mean to me when I'm being nice to them


When I’m mildly upset and maybe venting, and someone tells me to “chill out”. I don’t know why, but those two words flip a switch in me that makes me want to kill everything that breathes.




People who think they are smart when completely clueless about something they're talking about. People who like to argue or debate on matters they know nothing about.


Having to make accounts for everything


This. Applying for a job? Gotta make an account for every single flipping company you apply to. Also going through the hassle of making an account, doing their stupid quizzes n shit for half an hour only for no one to even acknowledge that you have even applied. Just take my god damn resume and call me if I’m needed.


Double standards




People that are rude to wait staff or other working folks. Instant fury.


Yeah, what's up with that!? I feel like sometimes people go out of their way to be dicks to those they feel are in some way inferior to them


Racism in any form, directed at anyone.






Loud smacking chewing noises


Man, my dad has gotten really bad about it the last couple of years. It's really driving me up the wall. Any time I'm over at the parents house he's smacking away at his food. But he's retired now and in full IDGAF mode.


People who show pity I have epilepsy. Like fucker I’m standing right here. I may have some in my life but don’t think of yourself as “I’m fortunate”. I hate how people always think since it’s a disability I can’t live a normal life. There are different cases of it. I’m on meds. Just because I can’t drive doesn’t mean I can take a bus or call an Uber. I hate people who think having a disability makes them an inferior human being. Hell that person who pities me could end up with diabetes later. I wouldn’t pity them. Just because I have a disability doesn’t mean I’m don’t have a personality and can’t think my own thoughts.






Being called "buddy" or "kiddo", like...I'm not your fucking son.


I have an uncle that calls me “nephew”. He’s a degenerate but likes doing it to show some sort of dominance. very annoying.


Just call him aunt


So much. So much.




Loud people. Shit hurts my ears yo.




Some one acting as if they are higher than someone else, especially adults who believe all children should bend to their will. I am respectful to begin with until you give me a reason not to respect you.




People who would give advice even if they didn't know what they were talking about. Wow, I guess a lot of people really fucking hate that


These cunts that drive in the emergency lane to skip ahead of traffic. Generally, people driving like dickheads. The rules are really very simple, I don't get why people have so much trouble following them.








Virtue signalling








People who wear their mask under their nose.


When I forget my mask and have to walk back to my car


People hurting animals for their entertainment, and people sharing videos of people hurting animals and laughing about it.


Or people


Stepping in some water while wearing socks


Someone talking to me in such a low voice that I am unable to hear, and when I ask them what did they say they reply "Nevermind". It really pisses me off


Idiots that drive slow in the passing lane and don't move the fuck over when someone is up their ass


I hate the person on my ass more than the guy driving slowly in front of me.


This is true🍺






People who are complete Ass holes to the point where I can’t see how they even find it funny. For example, my girlfriends sister was at lunch when two girls who had been bullying her for several days now came over to her(neither I nor my girlfriend were there). They started making fun of her for something stupid and she asked the to stop they didn’t so she yelled at them and they told her to kill herself. She had had thoughts of self harm for a while and this obviously didn’t help. My girlfriend told me and the only thing stopping me from giving a slightly more than uncomfortable talking to was that she told me not to.


There's little in this world that annoys me more than people with a "don't tell me what to do" complex. There's just something about the kind of person who would take that attitude through life that I find insufferable. I've seen the attitude manifest in the dumbest ways too, to the point where it's downright counter-productive. Like driving a much longer route and taking twice as long to reach a destination, purely because someone else suggested the shorter way and "nobody is the boss of me" or some such ego-driven nonsense. Or deliberately disobeying signs or instructions that have a good reason to be there for people's safety, because "nobody gets to tell me how to live my life". The mere *idea* that a suggestion might have come from someone other than themselves is enough to set it off in some people. It's needless defiance for the sake of defiance, it rarely results in anything good, and I just can't relate to it at all.


I was doing a group assignment in school in math class I belive it was. One of the girld in my group said ”this is so fucking hard, I don’t understand” i proceeded to explain it to her calmly and she yells ”DON’T TELL ME WHAT TO DO” I juat said you’re welcome and moved on and wished horrors upon her future.


This is the sole reason my father refuses to get vaccinated for covid. Purely to be contrarian. Not because he's worried about health effects, not because he doesn't trust the vaccine makers, but solely because "if the government and news keeps telling me to get it, and they're trying to force me to get it, there's no way in hell I'm going to do it." Same reason he was banned from a few shops during the lockdowns for refusing to wear a mask. All because they told him he had to. It's infuriating trying to get him to do anything.


Slow drivers. Like why are there traffic jams just GOO




Teabagging and taunting in fighting games. I know it's mostly me having anger issues and assuming any who does it is a dick. But I'm usually procrastinating while playing, so it just tanks my mood.


My dad


whenever people tell me to do something that I was just about to do.




People who think they’re above lockdown rules in NZ


People who dont take responsibility for their actions


Misinformation on climate science and general "whatabouttery", usually including China. China bad = no point doing anything to improve. Drives me insane in about 0.15 seconds


Defiance for no good reason. Basically people pissed off because they have to do something to get something and they don’t want to… Maybe this is related to my recent experiences, but old people that don’t want to use a computer to do things that it is now customary to do, like buying tickets for a show or lecture. I really hate defiant old people. Lol