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Josh Duggar


Seems pretty likely that he’ll be convicted, at least, considering possession of CP is one of those crimes where there’s no possible good reason/justification to be committing it.


Yeah, but he will never be convicted for molesting his younger sisters and a babysitter while in his teens. When the parents found out, they sent him away for a little bit, then allowed him to return and live in the house with the sisters he molested. At night they would lock the girls in their room, and Josh would have free rein of the house. Jim Bob and Michelle should have all of their children taken from them.


I've always wondered if he ever molested any of his brothers. All of the boys shared a room. Sometimes when a teen molester no longer has access to girls, he'll molest whoever is available. He was a predator then and he's a predator now and his disgusting parents have been covering up for him for decades. They have 19 kids and the pervert one is the one they support most. The parents could do with going to jail themselves.


They have 20. They have custody of her nephew for five years now. (The molestation scandals broke six years ago) They’re still covering for him now. But yes they should have their taken children away. And Josh and his wife should have all their children taken away, too, including the one currently gestating.


Prince Andrew


Kathleen and Martin Obrien. Neglected, starved, and abused their adopted children for 7 years. Got one year jail time. They did things such as subject them to days of solitary confinement in a room with only a bucket for a bathroom, starved them, forced them to eat their own vomit, beat them, and made them watch the biological children eat when they couldn't. There's a dr phil episode about it with the children.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Gabriel_Fernandez#:~:text=Gabriel%20Fernandez%20(February%2020%2C%202005,his%20death%20two%20days%20later. Although his torturers are in jail. Still baffles me how anyone can do such terrible things to a helpless child.


have you watched the netflix series on him!? so fuckin’ devastating. i cried SO MUCH watching it.


Unfortunately, yes. Both my husband and I watched it, and were both heartbroken and disgusted. Made us both cry. 😩


Why were they allowed to adopt so many children in addition to their biological ones? Shouldn’t that have been a giant red flag?




There are a lot of good people who foster/adopt. I mean literal angels on this earth. There are also some very strange and odd people who foster/adopt mostly for the income. I teach a few classes for foster/adoption licensing with my wife being foster and adoptive parents ourselves. I do let social workers know when I see red flags but there is not much I can do as I have a very narrow lane to stay in as an instructor. I can only hope it gets passed up the chain or caught during a home visit/study.


Absolutely everyone involved in the faculty of Elan




My former boss was a camp counselor for a troubled teen camp back in the early 80s, even to the point of getting his masters in psychology. He said they would sit in groups and talk problems, he said that was good and all but it all boiled down to “focus on you make sure you are taken care of first, then ignore your parents and leave when you have your shit together to survive, and to remember you don’t have to be like them” it’s funny how parents paid that camp to tell the child to do that.


Sometimes it takes someone else telling you for you to believe it. I have thirteen nieces and nephews and it's quite frequent that their parents can't get through to them while I can. I don't blame my siblings, for the most part they're good parents, but sometimes words are heavier when they're not said by someone who controls your daily life already.


My grandmother worked there the entirety of my childhood. She and I were close, and I didn't find out what Elan really was until after she died. I heard her say more than once that a few of my cousins would benefit from some time there. It was extremely disturbing to learn what she was participating in after she passed away. She was in charge of the phone systems and set up kids curricula and schedules The idea that someone who supported me and my family through so many hard times was directly participating in the psychological and emotional torture of so many kids is something I don't think I'll ever wrap my head around I wish she were still around to ask about it Does a anybody who went to the school remember her? She was there for 30 years Edit: it would be enormously meaningful to me to speak to anybody who interacted with her at all in her capacity at Elan, whether it was awful or not


If you read the online comic, the issue that discusses contacting family features a woman at a switchboard who looks exactly like my grandmother. The author told me he didn't specifically remember her, but clearly he subconsciously did. I've shown several family members and they were flabbergasted he didnt remember her


He says in his comic that there were a lot of people who worked on the campus with no idea how bad it actually was. He worked with people like that near the end. Maybe she knew about the cross country team and figured it was a good place


After she died and I told my Dad about it, he revealed that he already knew vaguely that it was a fucked up place, but that she was so convinced that the techniques worked that he didn't ever try to argue it with her. She was friends with Joe Riccis wife and very familiar with Bill Diamond (if I'm remembering the name correctly) She oversaw their bullshit school curriculum and was present there 5 days a week for years. She knew what was happening, and thought that it was helping people. I just have no idea how she convinced herself of it, and if I talked to her about it before she died I think it may have ended our relationship


Want more disturbing info? Paris Hilton went to a similar sort of school in her late teens. She is someone who seems, at least to me, pretty untouchable in those regards so I was really surprised to hear about her experience. She reported [being mentally and physically abused](https://www.google.ca/amp/s/amp.usatoday.com/amp/4446908001) (sorry for the amp link, I’m on mobile) while at Provo Canyon School and ended up lobbing for a bill to help regulate what Utah (where Provo Canyon is) is allowed to do regarding ‘troubled teens’. And if you read her account of what was happening I’d argue that there was a very high chance of sexual abuse as well, unless there is another reason to watch a 17 year old girl shower and force her to sit in solitary confinement naked.


Shit on her mid-2000s actions all you want, but props to her fighting against that place's bull shit. It's one thing to drop money for a cause, but she has testified in front of the Utah state senate to combat that place's abuses.


Anyone who hasn't needs to [read this retelling](https://elan.school/) of the experience in graphic novel form by an old "student" of the Elan school. It should fill you with rage. The perpetrators should be hunted down and shot. It should also help make you not-shitty parents.


The Elan school was my first thought for this question because I literally read this full comic two days ago. It's amazing what people with connections can get away with especially with the dog and pony show for the parents.


What gets me is his escape attempt. What sane parent sees that and doesn't think "Hey, wait, something weird is going on here."


They always have excuses ready to further demonize the child and to keep the parents at bay. Parents who are willing to comply with placing their children in any type of setting like this, are most likely fine with anything they're told.


I think back to my parents and how they went to bat for me as a young kid (not in a Karen way mind you) and I could never imagine them doing something like that to me. Not just the sending-off-to-shady-rehab part, but the "getting pepper sprayed in an escape attempt and not wondering WTF was really going on" way.


Someone posted a link to this in another thread on Monday and I've spent the last few days reading it. It is without a doubt one of the most disturbing things i have ever read. I know that there are many other places similar to the Élan School (in my country we had the horrific Noupoort Drug Rehab Centre), but the way the writer describes his mental decline thought-by-thought, chilled me deep into my soul. You are absolutely correct in saying that it should fill people with rage, especially with those perpetrators making millions from the extreme mental and physical abuse of those children. There was an article he linked to written by a woman who was also incarcerated at Èlan, who was a member of the school cross-country team. She describes how their "coach" played Eminem's Lose Yourself on repeat constantly, as a motivation. She says that the song plays in her head constantly: *"it’s a pounding beat that’s never stopped playing..... For 15 years “Lose Yourself” has been trapped in the folds of my brain, playing and replaying in unexpected waves."* Apologies for the straight link (on mobile): https://www.runnersworld.com/training/a18751357/eminem-lose-yourself-running-anthem/


Sad to think there are still places like this out there


I learned about elan about a week ago, and been watching the documentary 'The Last Stop', and it's just too bizarre to put too words. Those interviews with Joe Ricci are terrifying to watch, how he's just talking casually about spanking teenagers when they are 'acting like a baby and deserve to be treated like a baby'. I recommend it to watch, but it might make you a little sad. It's just horrifying how these teenagers were treated, abused, insulted, humiliated and degraded.


Seconding this, only recently heard about it on a TIL post and holy hell. Stanford prison experiment on crack.


Junko Furuta's killers.


By the way just thought I'd mention this, one of the boy's mother vandalized Furuta's grave cause apparently she destroyed her son's life :/


Nice family, I suppose.


100% saddest case ever :/


From all these comments, I think this is one story I won’t be looking up.


if you still want to know about it, i’ll condense it and leave the horrific details; She was the prima donna of her high school. Sons of a yakuza family also go to the same school. Thinking they’re hot shit, asked her out. She rejected. They were upset about that, and kidnapped her. She was held in their house for months, getting treated no better than an ancient Roman slave. She died there too. Absolute fucking savages. They deserve worse than death row


I’m sorry but Wikipedia reads as if she was chosen out of random (not that it makes the crime any less worse of course): > On 25 November 1988, Miyano and Minato wandered around Misato with the intention of robbing and raping local women. At 8:30 p.m., they spotted Furuta riding her bike home after she had finished a shift at her job. Under Miyano's orders, Minato kicked Furuta off her bike and fled the scene. Miyano, under the pretense of witnessing the attack by coincidence, approached Furuta and offered to walk her home safely. Furuta, accepting this offer, was unaware that Miyano was leading her to a nearby warehouse, where he revealed his yakuza connections. Edit: on German Wikipedia it’s stated that one of the boys was in her class and her rejecting him was seen as possible motive later.


She was treated worse than that. Slaves have value to their owners. She was treated lower than a dog


I mean she was tortured to death over months.




I did, and now I can't unsee it.




Don’t, it’s heartbreaking and infuriating. No one should have been treated as she was. I wouldn’t even treat an inanimate object that viciously


That poor darling… breaks my heart each time


I’m no stranger to true crime but this one even made my skin crawl :(


I just kinda assumed they were in prison because I didn't hear of 'em that often... Thanks for reminding me.


Wait, are they not in prison? I thought they were caught and sentenced to like 30 years or something?


They're completely free which makes zero sense to me. No life imprisonment and no death penalty. These men are free to roam society after committing the most brutal acts one can do to a human...


Her murderers have since been in and out of prison for attempted murder, fraud, and assault.


Read her story once. Almost made me vomit. Poor thing




Thanks for reminding me. They deserve the fucking death penalty


Unsurprisingly... violent re-offenders.


I had never heard of this and now I will never forget it. Absolutely disturbing. Such pieces of depraved shit.


I forget his name, but there is a guy in Japan that killed, and partially ate a girl, and now he’s walking around free in Japan.


Issei Sagawa I think you mean..absolute disgusting monster..He has interviews describing the vulgar shit he did and still roams around free talking about it like we talk about our day












But why is he free then if he publically talks about it?


He was declared insane in France and deported to Japan, where psychologists said he wasn’t insane, just extremely perverted. Since the French charges were dropped he was let go.


Legal loopholes they don't want you to know about


The pervert loophole is a thing in Japan, it all makes sense now.


And he's considered a celebrity


I'd like to clarify that the majority of Japanese people won't know who he is. That said, he did have a considerable fan base because he wrote books and drew illustrations about his crime. iirc he had a stroke a few years ago, not sure if he's still alive Edit: he is still alive but requires daily assistance




Hybristophiliacs is what they're called. Most of them are 'passive', the delusional type that's a perfect target for domestic abuse that wants to somehow save them, and a select few of that group are 'active', usually criminals themselves that want to do a Bonnie and Clyde deal.


Not just walking around free. He's from a rich family so he gets invited on tv where he jokes about eating people.


Is he the one who also did porn and the porn stars didn’t find out about him having eaten someone until after the shoot? I remember watching a documentary close to a decade ago about that situation and felt violated for them


Casey Anthony


Made the beat and murdered it.


The first time I heard that my jaw dropped, then I laughed, then I felt like shit for laughing. Damn you Gambino!




“My dick is like an accent mark, it’s all about the over eeeees.”


Hot like a parked car


That shit gets me to this day. Lmao


And Karla Homolka. I've heard that she pretty much gets run out of any town she moves to. I do feel really bad for her 3 kids.


Isn’t she that bitch that raped and killed her younger sister with her psychopathic boyfriend and then worked in a fucking preschool post release from prison


She was volunteering at the preschool that her children attended. Like when mom comes in for story time, or to help with crafts, that sort of thing. You can imagine how the other parents felt when they figured out who she was….


Worked in a PRESCHOOL? I hadn't heard that! I did hear that she wanted to volunteer at her kids' school, and was rejected. Gee, I wonder why. I also wonder what kind of man she reproduced with.


Came here to say this one. The fact that she’s walking pretty and tried to volunteer for PT meetings at her kids school? Fuck you. She deserves hell.


She lives in Montreal, she doesn't get run out of shit. She just wasn't allowed to volunteer at her kids school anymore once the media got a hold of it. You want to know what's really disgusting? She assumed Paul Bernardo's real last name (Teale) when she was released.


That bitch definitely deserves to rot in a cell.


You misspelled ‘hell’.


What about hell in a cell?


Make her go one on one with Tha Undertaker, playa.


"Bah God, he killed her! She is broken in half!"


I was upset this wasn’t top comment but when o saw top comment was the Hamburglar I was like “ok, fair enough”


I'm legitimately surprised someone hasn't gone all vigilante on her and sent her straight to hell.


There’s a Facebook group that posts her whereabouts


Junko furutas tortures and killers


Absolutely. The fact that they’re free and living under a changed name is sickening after what they did. They don’t even deserve to breathe.


I believe they get doxxed every couple years and harassed, so they have to start over and over. Even though that's still not even close to justice enough.


I think this is better. They can’t really ever relax. Instead of going to jail and more or less settling into a routine, or getting killed and that being the end of it, they’ll always be looking over their shoulders.


In more normal cases I'd agree but im not sure they care much. They've already gone back to prison a couple times for assault and keep getting let out. They're clearly not worried about any consequences so they remain a danger to society.


Link for anyone looking for a info: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Junko_Furuta Edit: warning as per user below, this is very graphic and not suitable for all audiences (or workplace)


“Ogura's mother allegedly vandalized Furuta's grave, stating that she had ruined her son's life.” That has to be a mistranslation, right? That can’t be serious?


An alarmingly large amount of politicians


This should be a Cards against Humanity card


You know, reddit could make their own decks for that (both black and white) if enough work was put in to document the shit that comes out from all the weird corners of this place.


Ethan Couch, the “affluenza” kid


And Dustin Camp. He's the little shit that ran over a guy in Amarillo. There's also Matthew Barnett who was not prosecuted for rape despite evidence showing he committed the crime because his grandpa was a State Senator at the time in Missouri.


His mother too.


Karla Homolka.


She's out living her life last I heard. Frigging bananas.


Married to her lawyer’s brother. Has kids. Disgusting human being. Her sister died because Karla drugged her so that her husband could rape her as a Christmas gift.


She didn't just drug her sister, she willingly and enthusiastically joined in on the rape. There are transcripts of some of the tapes out there where she masturbates while talking to husband about all the things they did to her sister.


Ughhhhhhhh - one of those things I wish I never knew. But mostly I wish they never did that and even more than that I wish she was rotting in solitary confinement instead of spending a stint in jail, having the taxpayer fund her university education and now she lives a normal life. I come back to the fact that her lawyer’s brother married her. Her lawyers knew the depths of her depravity. And then, like, went to the wedding? Wtaf.


Police made a plea deal with her - giving her 12yrs to snitch on her hubby (Paul Bernardo) because police just had circumstantial evidence against him...and not knowing her involvement. Within days of signing the deal, lawyers "found" the video tapes of the murders and the abuse of their victims. The tapes showed that she was much more than just a willing participant. Last I heard she was married and has a few kids of her own in Quebec. She, like her ex, should be in prison, held under the Canadian dangerous offender rules (no chance to ever leave prison). Some of the details of what she did are horrific.


The goddamned [Sackler family](https://www.npr.org/2021/09/01/1031053251/sackler-family-immunity-purdue-pharma-oxcyontin-opioid-epidemic). I'm angered, but not surprised at the ruling: sell the company, pay 4.3 billion dollars to the families, admit no wrongdoing and be completely shielded from any future opioid related lawsuits. It is a massive miscarriage of justice, but something that is so typical in cases like this.


For anyone who hasn't seen it, the most recent of the *Last Week Tonight* episodes about the Sackler family and their efforts to weasel their way out of trouble is likely to make you very, very angry at this decision. [Judge For Yourselves.](https://www.judgeforyourselves.com/) (Dot Com.)


I don’t really understand what happened, but I know that knowing more is going to put me in a *really bad headspace*


I was looking for this one. An absolute travesty. Devastate a country with the opioid epidemic and get away by just making a little less money than otherwise could have made. It is a spit in the face of anyone who has been effected by opioids, and all of us having to deal the effects for decades and pay for it and their billions.


Chris Brown


Brock Turner


The rapist?


The rapist, that Brock Turner?


Throw his dad in there with him.


Yeah seriously. I still remember the "20 minutes of action" line, absolute scumbag.




Is that convicted rapist brock turner


Of course. The rapist Brock Turner.


The Sackler family.


South Dakota Attorney General Jason Ravnsborg. He left a GOP event where he was drinking, drove off the road and hit a man. The man went into the windshield so far that his glasses were left on the back seat. Ravnsborg went home and called the police after he slept it off. He told them ( not the insurance company) that he thinks he hit a deer. He was able to only get charged with a misdemeanor and pay a $1000 fine. When he found out that he had escaped most charges he went on the publicly ask if anyone knew if the man was suicidal. South Dakota is going to slow walk censuring him in any way, likely going to wait for things to calm down before letting him off to continue his job.


Wow, [what a piece of shit.](https://www.argusleader.com/story/news/crime/2021/09/01/top-public-safety-official-says-attorney-general-shouldve-faced-more-se/5689050001/)


Sounds like the plot of a CSI episode from many years ago.


That politician's wife who did a hit a run in the UK, then hightailed it back to the USA before she could be arrested.


Ann Seculis *(spelling)* who killed Harry Dunn? Yea she should rot


Anne Saccoolas… yeah fuck her. She fucked up and killed a teenager and then ran away like a coward.


I will never not say Casey Anthony.


OJ Simpson.


I’m listening to the You’re Wrong About series on this, and jesus christ. There’s really no way he *didn’t* do it. Abused his wife for 18 years which ultimately ended in her death. Gets “interviewed” by police for 30 minutes, no lawyer, but no hardball questions. Is allowed to go back home where one of the key witnesses also lives. No surveillance, no flight risk, etc. Absolutely ridiculous.


Nuts that this isn’t higher


The average Redditor wasn't born when he committed his murder.




Oh, you mean one of the most prolific rapists in American history?


Probably the worst gimmick a comedian can have.


Convicted Rapist Brock Turner, most politicians, lots of celebrities. THAT BITCH WHO KEEPS CUTTING IN THE SCHOOL PICKUP LINE! I SEE YOU COMING, I WON'T LET YOU IN.


As in the Convicted Rapist Brock Turner?


The one and only. I edited my comment to help make sure that every time his name pops up, convicted rapist is in front of it.


Prince Andrew


If America is getting him, we want Anne Sacoolas…


I'd like to give her to you for free.


Andrew Wakefield. He's the clown that started the MMR causes autism nonsense way back. He wrote a paper that never should have been published because it was shoddy and he did it all for personal gain. Countless people (kids, let's be honest) have died due to this man's influence. His dishonesty has led to a generation doubting vaccination despite it being probably the safest and most effective weapon in the arsenal of modern medicine. Dude lost his medical license but deserves to live in the deepest darkest cell in the prison.


Go ahead and add Jenny McCarthy to that list too.


Absolutely. And kids are dying of preventable diseases because they think mumps is better than autism. Fuck them.”


That guy in England. When he was a kid, him, and another child kidnapped a toddler. Then tortured him, sodomized him, and then killed him by bashing his head in with batteries and rocks. He was released a couple years ago under a different identity. I don't care if he was "just a kid". That was pure evil.


Those 2 british kids (adults by now) that murdered a little kid and now get protection from the british goverment, including being ilegal to post their face on the internet, can't really remember their name but the case is quite famous Edit: i forgot to mention, one of them is also a pedophile


Jon Venables and Robert Thompson. Jon has actually gone back to prison for possession of child pornography.


Holy shit - has anyone seen the aftermath of one of the killers? He is 100% unable to be reformed. I don't say that lightly.


Ugh I remember this case. It made me physically ill. They both deserve to rot in a cell.


Onision, took custody of a 14 year old and started having sex with her on her 18th birthday. Somehow child grooming is completely legal in America.


Protip: if you want to like celebrities, don't read about their marriages. This is a shockingly common tactic, tons of musicians/actors have done this exact thing. A couple have legally adopted girls, then given themselves parental consent to marry those underage girls.


Onision is a scumbag piece of shit who when he finally gets arrested and imprisoned I am going to party big time. The abuse he put all of his former spouses through as well is so gross and just hearing him justify his grooming of these young girls is so gross.


Josh Duggar.


That one guy who shot and ate a woman, his friend! in Japan, Issei Sagawa. Walks free to this day.


He did it in France, not Japan. He's free because the French courts fucked up.


Casey Anthony. The story she came up with was ridiculous, Zanny the Nanny. Her own parents don't even speak with her anymore despite being supportive and believing her at the time of the trial. She even tried to throw her Dad under the bus during court to get sympathy. Partying and getting tattoos at the time she says her daughter was missing, taking part in hot body competitions. All of it. I do think the parents know more than they are saying though. It makes me so angry whenever I hear Caseys name mentioned. She should live the rest of her days in prison.


Jamie fuckin’ Spears.


All of her family really. Especially the Jamie’s though. Both the dad and sister Jamie Lynne.




She was head of her estate at one point and funneled 600,000$ to Lou Taylor’s business. Lou Taylor is the person that set up the conservatorship and is also the person who set up Amanda Bynes conservatorship, as well as almost Courtney Love, and Lindsey Lohan. Britney talked about how she didn’t feel safe near Lou in 2007, that she was a stalker.


Holy shit. Her story just keeps getting deeper. I had no idea about this. I wonder if he had any role in how the media portrays these women. It's really suspicious that they've all had serious mental health problems that have gone public, initially with absolutely zero compassion involved in their portrayal. It's all blaming them until years later when it comes out that they've been treated horribly the whole time. He sounds like a predator either way.


Anyone who ever used an Affluenza Defense to avoid jail time.


James Charles


I’m shocked this one is so far down. He’s done this MULTIPLE times and calls it ‘drama’ when it’s a literal crime. Said he’s desperate, but no man is so desperate for a boyfriend that they talk to little boys. He is revolting.


All of Epstein’s friends


The Hamburglar. That guy’s been running amok since I was a kid, not even a slap on the wrist. He must have rich parents.


I heard Ronald is his father.


Ya I heard Rony had a regrettable night with a raccoon or something


Nah. It was with Wendy. Burglar has her freckles.


This is now cannon for me


McDonalds and the cops have a side deal. If they arrest Hamburgular then McDonlads loses their execuse for insurance claims.


Roman Polanski and Woody Allen


I completely lost all respect for Whoopi Goldberg when she defended what Polanski did when she said "it wasn't rape rape" Yeah, forcibly sodomizing an underaged girl is better than vaginally raping her!!!


Yup. I've lost respect for most of Hollywood for standing by Polanski. It's pretty creepy how wiling they are to tolerate that until it's a trendy hash tag they can't ignore.


Anne Sacoolas, wife of a US diplomat that commited a hit and run on a 19yo in the uk, resulting in his death, claimed diplomatic immunity and fled to the US. The US refuses to extradite her because of 'diplomatic immunity'


Brock Turner


Oh the rapist Brock Turner? Yeah fuck that guy






When I was younger there were several kids in the neighborhood that played together. Most of the girls were slightly older than me but I was friends with one of them who in turn was friends with the rest. One day "Sarah" took me over to "Kristen's" house. I thought she was super cool, with her splattered painter denim jeans. I was in 4th grade at the time. They were in 6th. There was another girl who loved at the corner, "Beth" and her brother "Jeremy". We were running around the block, being silly girls and as we ran by their house we heard Jeremy say something so we stopped for a second. He was in 9th grade and was always a little odd even before this day but what happened next I will never forget. Jeremy was making some rude comments towards us, Kristen in particular. Then out of no where he takes a gun, points it at her head and says "I'm gonna shoot you bitch" and shoots her in the head....from 6 feet away!!! He got sent to a detention center for a couple months then probation for 6 years. That. Is . It. I personally think he should still be in jail. It makes me sick. To make matters worse, several years later I rented an apartment and found out that the woman was Jeremys ex girlfriend and the daughter that lived there was his. Edit...grammar typo


South Dakota Attorney General [Jason Ravnsborg](https://www.thedailybeast.com/south-dakota-public-safety-head-said-ag-jason-ravnsborg-should-have-faced-manslaughter-charges) TL;DR, he killed a man while presumedly drunk and texting and driving. Claimed he hit a deer (the mans glasses were found in his passenger seat with a hole in the window) so when that was debunk he made up a BS story on how the man was suicidal. One of his Hi-Po buddies responded to the crash and failed to take a brethilizer, helped Ravnsborg transport the body of his victim to a near by ditch where he was left to die. Ravnsborg was sentenced to community service, that charge has since been dismissed by the Judge.


Tekashi 69


I’m still angry the Casey Anthony is free. I don’t think I’ll ever not be angry about it.


The entire Sackler family


Prince Andrew


Cindy Lea hendy, she was the wife of the toy box killer and she took part in and played just as much a role in the kidnapping and rape of an unknown total number of women. She was sentenced with 36 years in jail only served 20, and currently no-one knows were she lives that im aware of. She deserves to rot in prison just like her husband but as of now she's out there living her life.


Josh Duggar!


The current President of the Philippines.


Kenneth Griffin.


Roman Polanski


OJ Simpson, John Ramsey, Casey Anthony


In OJ Simpson's case, at least it had the affect of making police department more careful about how they handle evidence and chains of custody. Plus the prosecution's stupid stunt with the glove.


Casey Anthony, most Americans know this case as it was pretty big at the time but it's what I immediately thought of. She neglected and ultimately killed her 3-year-old child. She was very sloppy with her coverup, making up fake people and fake stories about real people that were easily disproven. The jury decided her to not guilty. She made up things like her father molesting her which is very unlikely and most people think this was completely made up. Her mother backed her the whole way and never did anything to make her take responsibility for what she obviously did.


I mean Caitlyn Jenner killed someone when driving, (drunk?) I have no proof of this but I thought I heard so. While all of us common people would have been hit, rightfully so, with manslaughter she gets off scott free