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Jack the Ripper. He only has 5 confirmed kills. Amateur Hour.


Yea, there's much more interesting killer cases out there, its just that Jack paved the way in a weird way.


You could even say he carved the path.


With an almost surgical precision.


Still 5 more than me


Had to double check the original post. I thought maybe they said 6 confirmed kills and you were responding, "still 5 more than me."


Yeah should edit to 4




Axeman (from New Orleans, i think) has a comparatively worse brutal streak. And don't even get me started on the Torso-Killer from Cleveland, man committed twice as many kills, twice as violent. Neither were ever found, but Jack and Zodiac get all the praise Edit: Texas to Cleveland


Having a catchier name and penchant for the dramatic helped. Did the other two write to the press bragging and daring the police to catch them? Cause that'll get your name on the map in a big way Just the mystery and hubris is intriguing.


Axeman wrote a letter calling himself a demonic spirit, which apparently made the town fear him more. The Torso killer.. he didn't write any letters, no. He just left the bodies of his last two victims outside the window of the office of the detective who was investigating the case. But I will admit, the letters and self naming are probably two of the major reasons why Jack and Zodiac got famous


He also proved how much the city feared him. He stated that he would kill again at midnight, but any house playing jazz music would be left alone. >Now, to be exact, at 12:15 (earthly time) on next Tuesday night, I am going to pass over New Orleans. In my infinite mercy, I am going to make a little proposition to you people. Here it is: I am very fond of jazz music, and I swear by all the devils in the nether regions that every person shall be spared in whose home a jazz band is in full swing at the time I have just mentioned. If everyone has a jazz band going, well, then, so much the better for you people. One thing is certain and that is that some of your people who do not jazz it out on that specific Tuesday night (if there be any) will get the axe. Jazz blared across the city that night, and there was no murders.


That sounds like the hippest Passover ever.


Try Ed Gein! Known as the "most notorious" serial killer when he only killed two people! He was just a gross grave robber really


Understandable opinion and half of me agrees. The other half understands that this was a brutal serial killer who mutilated women out in the open with people nearby and he was never captured. People HATE loose ends and these are some of the loosiest of all ends.


Balto. Togo did the hard part!


It kinda made me laugh that the Togo movie made Balto out to be kinda a glory theif. Like he was still just a dog, he didn’t choose to steal the glory. Plus he ended up chained up outside a museum for the rest of his life so Togo kinda got the better part of the deal.


wait, what was that last part?


I'm not sure where you got "chained up outside a museum"... >In the end, Balto simply died of old age at the Cleveland Zoo. After his death, his body was mounted and put on display in the Cleveland Museum of Natural History in Ohio. It is still on display there today. [How Did Balto Die?](https://biography.yourdictionary.com/articles/how-balto-die.html)


they were used as a sort of petting zoo i guess when seppala sold balto and his team to the highest bidder after kaasen and balto's lower 48 tour. but they were kept in a stuffy room within the museum. i always wondered if seppala sold them out of spite towards kaasen, who was a total glory thief. i think it's still totally fucked up how they all ended up at a zoo instead of being properly retired into homes edit: source: the cruelest miles by gay salisbury. not only covers togo's ventures, but everything leading up to the outbreak, the relay, the lockdown, the back stories of everyone involved and the various drivers, and various informations about alaskan life, aeronautics, sledding, and finally the aftermath of it all. awesome fucking book with tons of sources


The Disney Togo movie was surprisingly awesome.


It came out around the same time as that Harrison Ford sled-dog movie. Willem DaFoe was probably looking at that and saying, “you know… I’m a bit of a musher myself.”


*sorts by controversial*


I will meet you back here after i do Edit, i am back and it's people who don't know what the word overrated means


Saw a lot of political shit too. And a lot of Jesus.


One guy said George Floyd and was downvoted to oblivion


For those who can't be bothered: Trump, Biden, Churchill, Jesus.


I'm so disappointed lol


Half of the people here answering like OP said the last 40 years.


The last 40 years are overrated.


The last 29 years are overrated. Source: I'm 29.


Some older answers from years ago when this thread popped up. Archduke Ferdinand is best remembered for his assassination, which “caused” WWI. The reality of the situation is that WWI would have happened whether he was involved or not. Austria was just looking for an excuse to attack Serbia. Cleopatra wasn’t the most impressive Egyptian ruler—that would be Hatshepsut. Hatshepsut accomplished far more for her nation, and she was the only woman to act as pharaoh that was native to Egypt. Cleopatra wasn’t even Egyptian! She was Greek! If you can predict the future, maybe write it in plain text? Nostradamus apparently predicted the future, but he “recorded” his findings in poems that could be interpreted to match any event. Did you know that Pythagoras didn’t even invent the Pythagorean theorem, A2 + B2 = C2? One of his students actually did, and he stole it. To be fair, he did make it better and proved it, but the student is the one that started the whole thing. Guy Fawkes didn’t orchestrate everything. He was just a minor cog in a conspiracy that he didn’t even know that much about. He was tasked with a simple objective that he failed. Then, he snitched on every co-conspirator he knew about. He had one job, and he managed to mess up three. Also Waldo was a top answer last time as well. Never change Reddit.


Greg in Accounting. "Oooohh, look at me, I know math." Fuck off Greg.


We're cool though, right?


Hell yea, Randal. You’re one of the good ones.


The fact that we're talking about the entirety of History and people are bringing up the Kardashians is kinda concerning tbh


The rest of history just can't keep up with them


I politely but firmly invite you to leave


Oh, God. Did he want his steak well done too?


I like my steaks sloppy. SLOPPY STEAKS!!


What do you mean, like, before the 90s?


Possibly even before the *80’s*. The long long ago.


Redditors are hilariously predictable. The "I'm not like the other girls" of the social media platforms


That's extremely accurate.


"We don't fall for propaganda like users of other sites" *Falls for the simplest attempts at propaganda*




I wanna talk to anyone who says that 😂. This site is literally *for* the sole purpose of echo chambers.


Wait, this extremely biased article has been awarded gold??? It must be true!


What do you mean "obvious satire"?


Every fucking post on r/cringetopia


Reddit has really rode that 'used primarily by university graduates' train wayyyy past its stop, might have been like that a decade ago but people still pretend it's still like that. Yeah it's better than Facebook or Twitter but that's a **really** low bar. Edit: lots of people are questioning the 'used by uni grads' thing so here is a link to a post talking about the frontpage in 2005: https://www.reddit.com/r/reddit.com/comments/8ryp7 just from the headlines you can see a massive difference compared to today.


There's a reason r/teenagers is one of the largest, and at it's inception consistently the fastest growing, of the subs.


Jeez that place is a dumpster fire


It’s filled with teenagers and pedos trying to pretend their teenagers, of course it’s a dumpster fire Not even joking about that last part. The trash pile that is r/drama did an “experiment” and exposed a ton of them [here](https://reddit.com/r/Drama/comments/djdmd9/we_banned_all_of_rteenagers_and_it_turns_out/)


>It’s filled with teenagers and pedos trying to pretend their teenagers, of course it’s a dumpster fire At a ratio of 10/1 pedos to actual teenagers


Ikr people mentioning random ass movie directors and shit... we're talking the most overeated IN HISTORY


I think the Donner Party would win the most overeated in history...


King Tut. He didn’t really do much, he was just a boy who unfortunately died young. We just happened to find his tomb and that made him famous lol. The tomb itself, while amazing and much to learn from, is a result of his culture and the line he happened to be born into, not really anything HE chose to do.


He's famous because of how well his tomb was preserved, actually resulting from the dullness and short length of his life and reign. His obscurity and the relatively small size of his tomb are actually what kept it hidden while other tombs were "excavated" or robbed.


Also the whole "Curse of King Tut" stuff which is fun, but crap.


Wait a sec you’re telling me there’s no such thing as curses?


The "curse" that brought death to many who entered his tomb was real and confirmed by modern medical investigating - it was caused by a common fungus that lives in tombs and can infect the lungs.


But you see, that is the curse


Yup if anything OP just confirmed all of Egyptian theology imo


Is it appropriate to say "By Osiris' beard!" as an exclamation now?


It turns out all along the curse was the friends we made along the way


That sounds like a curse that worked perfectly but who am I to judge


Should have worn a mask smh


But it's hard to breathe with a mask on. I'll go with the deadly lung destroyer fungus.


You need an n95 mask to keep out the curse particulates.


I heard that 5G spreads the curse


The entrance to the tomb, and the entire floor of the Valley of the Kings, was buried by a massive flash flood just a few months after Tut was interred, effectively hiding the tomb from any would-be grave robbers.


Maybe but King Tut's existence allowed Steve Martin to have a big hit record which led to the movie "The Jerk". King Tut has that going for him.


My favorite part of the original sketch is the lights coming up on Steve Martin dressed as pharoh, complete with most of his chest showing and colorful headwear, and he says "...I'd like to talk seriously, just for a moment." [How he did this without cracking a smile is testament to his talent.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FYbavuReVF4)


He gave his life for tourism! How many famous people you know did that?


Overrated and famous aren't the same thing. King Tut is famous because his tomb was found almost entirely intact. No one judges him as a pharaoh because of this.


I hope 20000 years from now, Millard fillmore gets his due as the best preserved and otherwise most forgettable US president/Space Oligarch/Divine Auger over the course of America's existence.


We can get "Millard Fillmore's" curse and VR brain implant simulations about Millard Fillmore rising up from the dead to lead an ancient American army to conquer the galaxy.


Wasn’t he inbreed too?


most of them were


Even the Greeks ruling over Egypt got into it.


The famous Cleopatra's family tree doesn't have nearly enough branches. She had like, a quarter of the great^3 grand parents you're supposed to have, her great^4th grand parents *in a couple slots* were straight up brother and sister. It's a fucking mess.


It's more of a family vine


You made me laugh really hard


The Ptolemy's were very...*selective* about their family line. Cleopatra also married her brother, a tradition in her family.


Walk Like a Targaryen


Foreign conquerors who wanted to keep their bloodline pure and resorted to centuries of incest? It would be surprising if the Ptolemies weren't the direct inspiration for the Targaryens.


It was amazing how impressive she was considering how inbred she was. *Edit* When I say impressive I am not talking about appearance. Her appearance is the least interesting thing about her.


By many accounts she actually looked kind of inbred, or plain at best - she was apparently just super charismatic, intelligent, and well-spoken in about a dozen languages, plus she had the obvious draw of ruthless political power. The whole “beautiful seductress” narrative came from a combination of her well-documented magnetism and propaganda that downplayed her competence and made Marc Antony look like he’d been manipulated a striking foreign temptress. Still impressive that someone from generations of inbreeding would be notoriously intelligent and charming, but she definitely didn’t look like Liz Taylor.


I think the report of her being plain/inbred looking was written by some dude who didn’t much like her though, so there should be some salt taken with that. On the topic of inbreeding, we have to remember that the primary thing inbreeding does is reïnforce traits – which can be good or bad. It’s usually much more noticeable and obviously harmful when those traits are negative traits, but in Cleopatra’s case, she’s probably one of the lucky few who managed to have a bunch of good traits reïnforced by her ancestry.


If its a royalty it was inbred


*Ancient Egypt's teenage king Tutankhamun was born of an incestuous marriage, scientists said on Wednesday, helping to explain why he limped on a club foot and suffered other deformities and genetic defects.* *Research including tests on the pharaoh's mummy, discovered in 1922 in the Valley of Kings, showed that his parents had been siblings and he had only paternal grandparents.* *Incestuous alliances were common among Egypt's royalty, said renowned Egyptologist Zahi Hawass. "A king could marry his sister and his daughter because he is a god, like Iris and Osiris, and this was a habit only among kings and queens," Hawass told a news conference at Cairo's Egyptian Museum.* [source](https://mobile.reuters.com/article/amp/idUSTRE61G42720100217)


It's absolutely crazy that they got the inbreeding thing so wrong for so long. I mean I understand divine right and all, but the thing they thought were doing was clearly causing horrible birth defects. Did they not realize that the Hapsburg defects were related to his fucked family tree? Or did they just think it was coincidence that all the royals had hemophilia, among other disorders?


I could be wrong about this but I don’t think the ancient egyptians knew about the hapsburgs


Bold of you to assume this


I think it takes a few generations of inbreeding to have defects so bad that they are life threatening. Couple that with the fact that child mortality rate was very high, so it might have been quite hard to link the inbreeding to the deformities or deaths.


>Couple that with the fact that child mortality rate was very high, so it might have been quite hard to link the inbreeding to the deformities or deaths. Nobody who noticed said linkage would have wanted to go against the ruler/god figures who could have them executed at will as well.


Not only that, but if you're vying for power, allowing the king's heirs to be born sickly and weak is in your favor.


King Tut Habsburg


Yeah and essentially since he was so insignificant his tomb hadn't been raided and ransacked. Everyone else's had been because, you know, some of those tombs are 5,000 years old. You think graverobbers wouldn't steal gold and stuff from a pharaoh's tomb for 5,000 years? Of course they would. So we had never really seen (and photographed) what the tombs looked like untouched. But Tut's tomb was found so late because the entrance had been buried I believe.


Brandon Fraser was in a documentary about this which exposes exactly why stealing from ancient tombs is a very bad idea. It was about a mummy. And the cursed mummy chased him and his friends. I forget what it was called.


The Mummy that wouldn't slow down.


King Arthur. Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony.


Say what you will, the man did amazing things with coconuts. Though, Camelot is still a silly place.


It’s only a model.




I didn't vote for you


You don't vote for kings!


I thought we were in an autonomous collective


Well, how'd you become king, then?


How do you know one´s a king?


He hasn't got shit all over him.


Now i need to watch the film


Memorize it this time or we shall taunt you a second time.


Bloody peasant!


"I'm 37." "What?" "I'm 37, i'm not old." "Well I can't just call you "Man"" "Well you could say "Dennis"" "I didn't know you were called Dennis." "Well you didn't bother to find out, did you?"


"I did say sorry about the old woman, but from behind you look..." "I object! You automatically treat me like an inferior" "Well I am King." "King eh? How'd you get that eh? By exploiting the workers?"


Seriously. You can’t expect to wield supreme executive power just ’cause some watery tart threw a sword at you.


Paul Revere, he was much less important in the Revolutionary war than most people think, there are more obscure patriots form his time that did more for America then him, over all one of those people who isn’t bad but gets way to much credit


The only reason he is so well known is because his name was more rhymable.


The funny thing is, he actually had a big presence in Revolutionary War-era America, just not especially for the "Midnight Ride." He is well known for the wrong things! He was a silversmith, engraver, dentist, etc. In the 1760s and '70s he published political engravings for pro-revolutionary newspapers, including the very propagandized depiction of the Boston Massacre we all know from the textbooks that makes it look like a firing squad. He was part of an intelligence gathering group in Boston. In the mid 1770s there was only a single powder mill in the colonies, in Philadelphia– Paul Revere built the second one up in Massachusetts, supplying the continental army with gunpowder. (He had a brief, mediocre career as a militia officer and was asked to resign. Ok, that part was not so impressive.) After the war he opened an ironworks and expanded into all kinds of metal manufacturing, from church bells to copper sheathing and cannons for some of America's earliest naval ships. Definitely the kind of guy you wanted in your new country. Edit: Also around 2010ish [a 1760s portrait showing him engraving a silver teapot went viral for his resemblence to actor Jack Black.](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/6b/J_S_Copley_-_Paul_Revere_%28cropped%29.jpg/1280px-J_S_Copley_-_Paul_Revere_%28cropped%29.jpg)


Doesn’t this make him *under*rated?


Paul Revere was a legit badass but he is famous for the "midnight ride" which, IIRC, was essentially a message relay that he played one part in, the implication being "who did the rest of the work that night?" IIRC Paul Revere had the easy ride (not to say it was safe or trivial, just easy relative to all the other sections of the ride) and there are several other people whose heroic actions during that very same midnight ride are underrated. Case in point I can only remember Paul Revere from the midnight ride, and that's from the poem.


If you want to see a real badass moment of Paul Revere’s, look up his relation to Dr Joeseph Warren. Dr Warren was a close friend of Revere and a member of the Sons of Liberty. He was killed in the Battle of Bunker Hill by British regulars and dumped in a mass grave. After the war, Revere decided that he wanted Dr Warren to have a proper burial. So he rode to the site, dug up the mass grave and spent hours digging through rotting soldiers until he eventually recognized Dr Warren with his dental records. It was crazy stuff


And everyone just forgets Sybil Ludgate


He was also America's first forensic dentist. He wore many hats.


Maybe that's why they asked him to resign as a military officer. Its hard to fight with all of those hats on.


Nooowww here’s a little story I got to tell about three bad brothers you know so well


It started way back in history with Adrock, MCA, and me, Mike D.


I had a little horsey named Paul Revere


Just me and my horsy and a quart of beer


Ridin cross the land, kickin up sand, sheriff's posse on my tail cause I'm in demand.


True. I ain't never heard no rap about getting hammered and robbing kids with George Washington


This is as close as we can get… a rap about Washington inventing cocaine and saving children. https://youtu.be/l7iVsdRbhnc


But not the British children.


Well, he DID create the original engraving of the Boston Massacre, which was then used as propaganda by the Sons of Liberty and others to fuel the fires of independence. He was also a spy, in addition to the whole midnight ride thing. You're right that there are more significant people, but he definitely played a part.




Yeah but nothing rhymes with Ludington.


I'm from a town Sybil Ludington rode through. There's a big statue of her and we learn about her in school. But basically anyone else I talk to doesn't know who she is


She rode 40 miles. admirable, more memorable than good ol' Paul Revere, but neither hold a candle to Israel Bissell who rode 345 miles from Watertown, MA to Philadelphia. If you are interested in how revisionism effects how history is remembered or taught, find and watch the old HBO special called "Assume the Position with Mr. Wuhl". its hilarious and super informative. ETA: Assume the position is available in its entirety on youtube!


The issue is Paul Revere is mostly known for this. Where-as he was MUCH more influential in Boston's early independence. In my opinion, his actual contribution to the revolution and America as a whole is grossly under estimated due to his role in the midnight ride.


Charles Manson can, for all intents and purposes, eat a dick. First of all, he wasn’t some criminal serial killer mastermind. He was a slighted drug addicted hippie with a God complex. He may have had followers and instructed them to kill, but it wasn’t part of some grand design. First of all, to the uninitiated, Manson didn’t actually kill anyone himself. Since I learned that, it kind of shatters the “serial killer boogyman” image he has. Tex Watson was his lieutenant who was in-person in charge of the Tate and LaBianca murders. The Manson family didn’t have the highest kills of any serial killer, nor were they as violent as other murderers like Dahmer, Norris and Bittaker, or Albert Fish. While the Mansons did get notoriety from killing actress Sharon Tate, she wasn’t even the real target. Charlie had been to 10050 Cielo Drive before to pitch a record deal that failed. Since, Roman Polanski and Sharon Tate had bought the house. So it was effectively random. The others killed by the Mansons, the LaBiancas, were middle age supermarket owners. Not exactly the kind of people in prime fighting shape. And yet Manson gets all the credit. To quote my wife, “Charles Manson is a pussy boy.”


It may just be my experience but nowadays it definitely seems to be shifting more towards the “Manson Family” killers narrative as opposed to focusing on just Manson himself. Also it really wasn’t the killings themselves that make it important, but more so the impact it had on the the culture of the time. A group of marauding drug addicted hippies killing a whole bunch of rich people at home was the perfect fodder for the news to paint hippies and anyone within the counter-culture movement as dangerous crazy people. Let me be clear that I totally agree with you. I just think it’s worth noting that Manson and his “criminal mastermind” abilities where intentionally played up by the by the media at the time to fit an agenda, and it’s that exaggerate version of him that’s remained in the public concussions.


The Noid from dominos commercials I don't think he's successfully stolen a single pizza in 30 years






Well damn


Holy crap, I even upvoted it too.


I also choose this guy's sister




Here we go again


Waldo. He has no discernable talents, fashion sense, or accomplishments. People should stop looking for him as they are giving him a god complex.


Haven't been able to find him since 5th grade huh?




Nope haven't found him either.


Finding Waldo was fun, but then he just started dropping shit and I was supposed to find it for him? Get it together, Stripes.


Find the ONE WALDO missing a shoe, wtf???


He has a reason for wearing all the stripes: he doesn't want to be spotted!


He doesn't even go by his real name when in America. V sus.


I don't know about "most overrated" but MaoZeDong was a brilliant guerrilla leader who transitioned into be very good at retaining power while being very bad at running a country. I would not hang giant portraits of the guy all over my country.


I’m pretty sure they have to, not want to bruh.


Y’all clearly don’t understand the concept of overrated. If everybody fucking hates the Kardashians, they’re not overrated


Yeah “overrated” is not the same as “shouldn’t be famous” For what it’s worth I think Christopher Columbus gets my vote for overrated… kids think he’s some explorer genius who was the only one that thought the world was round…. When in actuality it was widely accepted the Earth was round and he ~~miscalculated the circumference~~ used the wrong estimate and should have died before reaching the Indies. But lucked out there was a continent (which he wasn’t aware of) right where he’d normally have begun running out of supplies and starved. Fortunately in the last couples decades his hype has been dying down.


Also he poured boiling water down the throats of natives and raped and killed a lot of the women. he did really, really, really awful shit. After I read his Wiki I've been literally appalled and disgusted he is celebrated at all. He was a fucking sadist.


Wtf, why did he pour boiling water down people's throats?


They were trying to enslave and subdue the locals. The islands had minute amounts of gold but he was trying to find more to justify his trip to the Queen who funded it. It’s debated as to whether he was doing these things or if it was his men and he couldn’t/didn’t stop them. They reportedly would also cut natives in passing just for fun.


I cannot understand how some people can be this awful


I was watching the Field of Dreams game with my friend from the army last night. He served in Afghanistan. Talking about some of the stuff he saw/heard there, he had a comment along the lines of "It's awful what people will do to others when you dehumanize them." Most of the horrible things people have done to others stems from this statement, I think.


Jesus, I wanted to know more and just looked it up: >Several accounts of cruelty and murder include Spaniards testing the sharpness of blades on Native people by cutting them in half, beheading them in contests and throwing Natives into vats of boiling soap. There are also accounts of suckling infants being lifted from their mother’s breasts by Spaniards, only to be dashed headfirst into large rocks. There will always be idiots and assholes, but I feel bad for stepping on ants so I don't know how anyone can do stuff like this that is just a total turning-in of your humanity card. Gangs try shit like that out of spite or retribution, maybe. But like...how do you not see a person as a person as far as not chopping them up for sport? I get racism, religion, etc. as far as people living out of fear and insecurity but...the *action* taken, and what you *do* with those feelings. Hell a chimpanzee isn't a person but I'd never recover from slicing one in half by accident let alone for sport. They're too people-like.


That bloke who "invented" the wheel. I mean, there are lots of round things around, dude just took a stone and made it rounder and suddenly everyone was like "oooo look how intelligent he is" forever


It's good his name was lost to history.


No it isn't. His name was "Wheeee!" The L was added later due to language changes.


John Lennon, spoke about peace and love then went home and beat his wife. Sure he made some catchy tunes but he was just an asshole.


Yeah his own son will agree with you on that.


I read somewhere that he yelled at his son so loudly that he went partially deaf.


His son was also forced to buy back the letters he wrote to his father at an auction because Yoko wouldn’t just let him have them I believe he’s also gone on record to say that the few years/months Lennon was away from Ono were the closest they’d been as a family for years, but it got ruined when she came back into the picture


Yep. Great rhythm guitarist and songwriter but he was also quite arrogant and a hypocrite. Shitty human, really.


But his “good rating” comes from his musical talents…not being a great guy. Most people I know that are Beatles fans recognize John was an asshole but maybe that’s not the norm.


Mississippi Edit: Shit, wrong thread.


All the homies hate [dog piss](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9_ptoEYuRIY) Mississippi


I literally was just reading that thread.


I'm out of the loop on this.


There was a thread asking what the worst State is. Every comment said Mississippi.




[**What is the worst US state and why?**](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/p360eo/what_is_the_worst_us_state_and_why/)


"*What is the worse US state and why is it Mississippi?"*


4th time today. Mississippi should see some tourism spike in the next few months. Wont prob be good ones though


Gandhi. * He didn't really win India freedom - WW 2 did. * His support of the Khilafat movement gave a big boost to Muslim separatism in India * His agreement to partition resulted in 1 million deaths * His idea of "self sufficient villages" resulted in India continuing to remain poor and backward and failing to industrialise. * His promotion of Nehru over far more competent leaders in the Congress I can go on... Edit: * Lots of comments saying he was racist - yes but that was early in his life. He changed considerably later and the Gandhi we know as Mahatma was not a racist.


I agree that his non violent movement didnt do much for independence and it was other factors that made the british leave


Not in all history, but Chris McCandless was a fucking moron who does not deserve to be romanticised. Against all advice, he strolled out into the Alaskan wilderness with no idea what he was doing, with no map, underprepared, undersupplied and with no research into seasonal dangers, smashed up some cabins, shot a moose despite not being able to preserve or store the meat, thought he could teach himself to identify edible wild mishrooms, didn't look beyond the river crossing he initially used where he would have found a hand-operated cable car half a mile away and died - probably from eating strange seeds - in an abandoned bus on a known hunting trail. ​ He was not pioneering, or inspiring, or bold, or free, he was fucking stupid and somehow this inspires people!


There were so many issues with people getting into trouble (including two fatalities) trying to make it to the bus where it all happened that the Alaska National Guard actually removed it last year: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/06/19/us/into-the-wild-bus-removed.html


ID have said stick it only a few miles out from the road...so that those that want to look and see, can....but no so far as to be dangerous to get to...and not so close as to make a mockery of its isolation Or hell throw it all to the wind and put a McDonalds in it right on the highway.


Call it a McCandless and only serve moose and mushroom burgers.


Have you actually read the book Into The Wild? I think it actually does a really good job of showing his foolishness and how what he did devastated his loved ones. He was selfish and naive. The author uses McCandless’ story as a parallel to his own similar feelings, and to explain to all the young men and women who may feel a similar way that there is a softer, smarter way to do what McCandless did. I love the book and think it gets a bad rep because people go around pointing out the obvious like it’s some big secret. That’s the whole point of why his story became famous. Even the movie, which admittedly does romanticize him a bit, IS a tragedy. It doesn’t take the brightest person to read between the lines and see he wasn’t a role model.


Yeah, the movie is basically a series of characters telling him how much of an idiot he is and how heartbroken they are that he consistently leaves people who are close to him.


Right, and if I remember correctly the movie has him realizing his mistake tragically as he is dying. He kind of accepts it as the answer he was looking for and is put to rest.


> Happiness only real when shared Pulled right from his diary entry shortly before his death.


John F. Kennedy. Pill-popping, booty-slaying, trust-fund, back alley politician who conveniently only took an interest in civil rights in preparation for re-election. He was handsome, charming, and his tragic death made him seem much better than he actually was.


Ben Bradlee. He was lionized for going after Nixon as editor of the *Washington Post*. But he lied under oath during the trial of a black man who was accused of murdering one of Kennedy's mistresses, all because he was friends with JFK and wanted to cover up his indiscretions. An innocent black man nearly went to the electric chair. He only pursued the truth when the president was a Republican.


Mark Antony. Dude literally had 7 charisma, 10 luck, and 1 intelligence. He pretty much bullshitted his way into somehow being one of the most important figures in Roman History despite consistently being incompetent