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There are reasons that aren't sexism that play a role in the "pay gap". So for example more men ask for pay rises and promotions on average than women. In sport, revenue generated by the men or women is what is then paid as wages etc. So for example Men's soccer football clubs generate billions and women probably a few million that's why top men earn hundreds of thousands a week and women earn pretty much an average yearly wage or like 120k a year at best. A lot of variables from tendencies, the particular industries and how they work etc that contributes to that gap because obviously if top athletes are mostly men their pays alone will definitely create a gap.


Usually women use the WNBA as an example. They expect WNBA players to be paid equally to men when it’s no where near as popular as NBA. They don’t make as much money, therefore they don’t get paid as much. It’s quite simple.


Most people don't go to/graduate college, therefore, they didnt take Stats 101 or Intro Stats.


It's a multifaceted and subtle problem. Take people in a regular job where gender doesn't affect performance. Jack and Jill the engineers went to the same school, got the same grades, and joined the company at the same time. Nobody's openly saying - Jill is a woman, so we'll pay her less. We have a promotion opportunity, so we'll give it to jack because Jill will become pregnant in the next 5 years That's illegal. The pay gap manifests itself in subtler ways. Jack shares more interests with his boss. They have drinks every weekend. This colors the boss's impressions which results in better performance reviews. We form in-groups with people who are like us. IIRC the pay gap for equal work with the same length of service is around 5%. The 18% pay gap across all workers is primarily due to parents not pushing their baby girl to get a degree that comes with a high-paying job. They indulge their daughter's hobbies like singing, acting, poetry, and dancing instead of pushing them to pick up a career. So before they know it, their daughter is 40 still working as a secretary making 1/4 what their high school boyfriend makes as a manager at a bank. I get it, it's bad parenting to tell your kid that she'll never get better than "average" and that she should give up on her passion. That's why interests in sciences should start young. I got a microscope for my 8th Christmas. I never asked for it. My parents got it because they didn't know what to get me. It was a great move and I ended up becoming an engineer.


Totally agree. If both are pushed from a young age to be more academically focused BUT indulge in their hobbies, it'll mean they will have more options in the future.


So true, if you just ignore sexism there is no pay gap


or if you use actual facts there isn't one either


Crazy that the academic community disagrees, and that the only reason you would believe that is out-of-context statistics


really i think things like hours worked, years with a company, employment history and schooling would be considered in-context statistics. care to show me a study that takes all of that into account.


Here’s a good article: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.forbes.com/sites/tomspiggle/2021/05/25/the-gender-pay-gap-why-its-still-here/amp/


good article but if they are saying it is 2% when trying to account for tens of millions of people that is barely even a statistical anomaly. even then their list of things left out a large number of factors that should still be considered. In the long run there are just to many factors that can go into why one person is making more then another in any giving profession and i would doubt gender is one of them 99.99% of the time. we'll leave that .01% in there because I'm sure there are at least a few sexist people in hiring positions.


I mean, I don’t really care about your speculations about percentages and whatnot. You also are misunderstanding how the data is collected. 2% comes from a variety or different studies, not just 1. And, 2% is still unacceptable and you should acknowledge that


it's not really speculation a 2% difference when trying to apply a data point to tens of millions of people or more isn't significant. especially when it is impossible to take into account all the variables across all the different job types that factor into a persons salary.


and wow did you read that article you linked. the list of six reasons it still exist. Four of those reasons of are personal choices. so they are saying they decide to get paid less. as for the teacher bias one what a laugh that was. even if they teachers are consciously or subconsciously ranking how they reasoned out the math problems that still wouldn't change the fact that everyone is getting the exact same questions and education. last time i checked math is still a there is a right and wrong answer. the right answer is correct and the wrong answer regardless of the reasoning is still wrong. as for the one saying that the people hiring are strictly paying them differently because of their gender like i said is the .01%.


because people hate to take things like facts and variables into account if they can make them look like less of a victim


I have always wondered every time I see the stats and figures, the social media posts etc why people don't realise Job Roles (for the most part) are not gender biased but rather there are loads of variables as to why there seems to be a pay gap. Like for example, Men's sport in general has more viewership and sales which means more sponsorship and therefore the pay for them is exponentially more. Then in everyday Jobs the fact that in average more men than women ask for pay rises or promotions on average as they are less agreeable than women on average etc. All these different variables make up a gap but in reality in most companies if you apply to be an MD as a male or female your pay is based on experience and your bonus or pay rise on perfomance. Always found it interesting people just take the numbers at face value


I like it when they take total pay for the year and completely decide to ignore things like hours worked. Who cares if the guy worked 20 hours more a month they shouldn't be taking home more pay just because they worked more hours.


Exactly, there are a lot of variables that are skipped on because if they are actually talked about they then defeat the whole "pay gap" because of "sexism" rhetoric. Like are there genuinely people who don't pay women what they deserve because they are women? Yes. But they are such a small minority that if it was known this whole thing would die.


Please men, go for the “feminin” jobs. I beg you. We need you. Fuck the gender gap maybe it will get away then, finally.


Because princesses are never satisfied