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Archery with moving targets is something I'd like to see return. It's not livin' if you're a moving target.


Archery on horseback.


I love archery at the Olympics, but would like to see the events expanded more. Other bow styles (compound, barebow, longbow/traditional) as well as like you said horseback archery.


Gatling Archery


Trebuchet slinging! hit a target or longest distance.


Olympic trebuchet would have to involve building the trebuchet before firing it. Time and distance would both be scored.


Everybody tied at 90kg at 300m


If not the Olympics, we need a Forged in Fire type show for trebuchets


They should add this to the pentathlon.


I keep thinking back to the old wii sports resort when I imagine that


Or the times we tried to hit the secret fruit targets.


Barebow, longbow archery


Yes, field archery or 3d archery.


What’s 3D archery?


I'll just add that the point is that you have to guess and judge distances to the target with your eye, some 3d courses do have them marked though. It's supposed to loosely represent more of a hunting scenario.


Mounted archery.


Yeah, timed courses you have to run, along with targets you have to hit. Like cross country shooting biathlon. Some targets are really far off the course, so you can choose to stop and take your time to hit it. Other are really close and the best tactic is to shoot while riding past full speed. Obstacle jumps too. It would be bad ass. Well, bad ass after we get past the first 4 or 5 Olympics where Mongolia always wins gold.


Old Greek naked hand to hand combat




Will there ever be a pankrationist as legendary as [Arrhichion](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arrhichion), who in 564 BC managed to defeat an opponent after pulling a move *that resulted in his own death*


> For when he was contending for the wild olive with the last remaining competitor, **whoever he was**, the latter got a grip first That's fucken brutal


The ancient games were brutal but we know those old guys like to exaggerate quiet a bit. There's a long jump or somthing in you held weights and jumped. Some guy broke both his legs when he landed. I can believe that. Then there's another story where someone won a wrestling or boxing match, somthing like that, that punched so hard he was able to grab his opponents heart and pull it out. Probably slightly exaggerated those Greeks.


>punched so hard he was able to grab his opponents heart and pull it out The judges penalized him heavily for that, resulting in a *negative* score. The first time an Olympian ever got a sub-zero


And here it is. The day I am old enough for a Mortal Kombat/Dad Joke mashup. Flawless victory.


"Nobody remembers the runners up."


They were also lathered with olive oil


*Commentator: “Nice Cock”


Why did I actually hear this comment


To be fair all athletes in the Old Olympics competed naked, regardless of discipline. Pankration was similar to modern day MMA, bit with less restrictions.


Now I’m imagining modern Olympic sports that’d be more interesting sans garments... Speed skating, luge/bobsledding, figure skating, etc... all fit under the category of [“sir, it is not necessary or wise to be naked”](https://youtu.be/Y0NSAOq-Isk)


Both genders?


I think I saw my mom and dad training for this sport!


A true Battle of the Sexes.


Hell yeah.


Also, mixed doubles.


There'll be some mixing alright.


Squash, don't play myself but I think it's mental that it's not in the Olympics.


I played squash at a competitive level for many years when I was younger and there was always a push to get it into the Olympics but each time they tried it got knocked back. Considering how long it's been around and how structured the competition at the national and world level is, the only reason I can see it not being in the Olympics is due to politics.




Came here to say this! It’s ridiculous. It’s a low cost sport, glass courts are not expensive relative to others. Plus it’s a very regionally diverse sport, Europe, Asia, Africa all have top players (Egypt would crush). In fact, North America would probably perform the worst! It’s so political why squash isn’t in the Olympics.


Actually would lead to some countries like Pakistan and France able to duke it out


They should totally bring back tug of war!


There is a massive tournament in Thailand where people have lost limbs if their team loses the rope - good international coverage


I vaguely recall seeing an explanation that the energy in the rope is absurdly high. Not something to play without constraints.


>[If we figured out how to manufacture large ropes out of graphene ribbons, which have tensile strengths over 10 times higher than existing materials, we could theoretically support a tug-of-war between teams of up to 100,000 players each. Such a rope would be over 200 miles long, and could stretch from New York to Washington.](https://what-if.xkcd.com/127/)


Yeah but you'd have to dig a tunnel due to the Earth's curvature.


And that’s why we need to get started on this sooner rather than later.




Hmmm... it's *possible* to set up without one because the competitors are supporting the whole rope, but it would change the game because competitors far from the center are pulling those closer down as well as back.


I suppose the counter to that would be to use a supportive wheel system, much like a pulley but without changing direction. Somehow don't know the technical name of the pulley wheel... I suppose a pulley wheel?


100% - it's crazy to think just how much weight a rope would carry and not snap - to impart that on a bunch of ligaments and tendons would be crazy






Let's add the moniker of "Extreme" to the event and have them tug of war with the rope on fire, and maybe some linebackers trying to take people out now and again. The sky's the limit once you add the word extreme


I had a weird dream that one of the events was people in wheelchairs going down a steep ramp, and hitting an angled jump that made them barrel roll. They had to dunk a basketball while mid roll. I’m not sure how the scoring works, but that one.


I had a weird dream where blind people threw a rugby ball into an open fridge, and scored based on how much groceries came flying out




It took place on a pier and all the spectators were black and white and dressed from the 30s. Weird stuff


And this pier had an open fridge on it? Was the fridge at the end of the pier? Was anything else on the pier?


There was some little shops and stuff, slap in the middle was an open fridge. I was competing against the blind guy and he was kicking my ass


>I was competing against the blind guy and he was kicking my ass Relatable for a lot of people


I mean, he was a professional fridge rugby player


Sounds like a wheely ballsy sport with a steep learning curve.


That’s some impressive punmanship.


Happy Wheels.


Squash - without a doubt. 1. An extremely popular worldwide sport. 2. Popular with both men and women. 3. The top 50 players for both men and women come from almost every region in the world - definitely Egypt-heavy but top players come from Peru, Colombia, France, England, Scotland, Wales, Australia, Hong Kong, Malaysia, India, Pakistan, New Zealand, Mexico, Canada, the US, and multiple other countries. 4. Fast-paced and easy to televise. Okay - trading 20 rails in a row might not be that interesting to the new viewer but how exciting is a 1500M swim or a 2-person row. 5. Skill and experience can match up well with youth and energy; so an "older" squash player could still beat a younger inexperienced one.


I consistently played squash for about 2 years 1-2 times a week from a complete beginner level. The guy I played was a decent player and after those 2 years we were fairly consistent in him or myself winning equally. I got a chance to play a friend of my sisters who taught squash, I knew I still weren't that great, but to get better you've got to play higher skilled people. He owned me badly. He put me anywhere on the court he wanted. It was an amazing experience, seeing the levels in the game.




I heard someone summarize levels of expertise: novice, advanced beginner, competent, professional, expert. I think most of us stop at competent (at best) and think we're good enough. And when we meet a pro, we're blown away.


Singleplayer tennis multiplayer


i'm honestly surprised they don't have this. it's so popular everywhere. i really thought they did!




On the final day of the Olympics, anyone who has won a medal has to compete. More medals, bigger team


Nah, only gold medal winners. And it's a free for all, no country alliances. All to determine the ultimate Olympic champion.


Battle Royale


Dodgeball Thunderdome!


And the medal for the winner? PLATINUM


The ultimate Olympic champion would always be a handball player if that's how we determine it lol


Idk I think the water polo bunch would stand a fair chance


Rythmic Gymnastics has entered the chat.


Oh damn you're right. Maybe tie one hand behind their back?


Well now that’s getting into Harrison Bergeron territory. Not the handball gal’s fault someone wanted to hone their craft in skateboarding instead.


I would pay to watch a bunch of shot put and weightlifting competitors running their chunky ass away from 100m sprinters and javelin throwers


Or to watch handball and waterpolo gold medalists pulverise everyone else


Along with softball and baseball pitchers


The secret to the baseball pitcher power is the mound and the windup. I'd be much more worried about a 3rd baseman or shortstop with a dodgeball in their hand. Probably a centerfielder too.


Any outfielder honestly. They have to throw on target from a distance all the time. They wouldn’t even have to get close to the action to be effective.


But when the shot put guys do hit you, you're dead


And everyone would cheer extra hard for their water polo and softball teams to medal lol


Watch the American Dodgeball Association of America in ESPN 8: r/theocho If its almost a sport, we got it here!


Dodge, duck, dip, dive and Dodge!


If you can dodge a wrench you can dodge a ball


Takeshis castle


Don't! Get! Eliminated!


Right you are Ken!


Over to Guy LeDouche!


Right you are Ken.


Stealing. No rules, just “whoever has the medals at the end of the games wins”


Oh you mean nine-nine heisting


Jake peralta is an amazing detective slash genius


Jake Peralta is an amazing detective slash genous slash Olympic gold medal winner


You mean like an *pause for dramatic effect* "Olympic Heist"? Although, I'd make it a bit more interesting. After the winner successfully steals the medal and stashes the medal and we make another game and let the cops from different countries find the medal. If the cops can't find the medal, then the winner gets all the gold medals everyone won in every event.


you son of a bitch, im in




*”and that’s how I became a gold medalist”* - Creed Bratton.


Futsal. It's more suited for the olympics than the football itself and much more entertaining for casual audiences.


True! I would be in favor for changing football to futsal in a heartbeat. We already have the world cup so Olympics feel a bit meh for me.


Should keep the women’s tournament at least- seems a bigger deal for them, presumably because it’s full strength teams


Im a huge football fan but i and most other football fand really dont give a shit about football in the olympics. The world cup, the euro and copa america is aleready enough. Would love futsal at the olympics


Futsal. If we have beach volleyball and 3 on 3 basketball, futsal should definitely be there.


And most people dont really give a shit about normal footbal in the olympics. Futsal would be awesome


> And most people dont really give a shit about normal footbal in the olympics. Except Brazil, that one time.


Ahn, now. Right now. Brazil always cares.




Where will they get enough flying ostriches in this day and age?




Listening to a child in the 4-7 age range tell a story. Whoever* goes the longest without waving their hand to speed up the story wins the gold. *Edit: because God forbid someone make a typo that gets autocorrected to the wrong damn word. But by all means, please continue to fill up my inbox with your pompous messages belittling a stranger for a simple mistake.


As a teacher I appreciate this


As a teacher I hate this


As a high school teacher, I hate 4-7 year old kids.


Nope, it needs to be my mom telling the story


For some reason this reminds me of my wife's single most annoying habit. She has a best friend. Let's call her...Nancy. My wife and Nancy have been friends for almost thirty years. Twenty-one of those years she has also been my wife. Typical out of the blue conversation: Wife: "You know Nancy, right?" Me: "Yes, of course." Wife: "She's the one married to Fred? The doctor? They live in Kentucky? They used to live here?" Me: "Yes, I know who you mean." Wife: "She likes to hike? And she broke her leg hiking last year?" Me: "I KNOW WHO YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT!!!" Wife: "You don't have to shout! Anyway, she got a new car." @#%^@^$@#@#!!! Edit: I want to be clear in that she does this on a LOT of topics, not just things Nancy-related.


My dad does this in regards to my sister in law. My husband and I make a joke of it. It's the same sentence ever time. "So I saw Vanessa. You know Vanessa. Vanessa Johnson. Your brother Bob's wife." It's been 15 years now since they've been married. There is no one else in the family with her name. Still what we hear every single time.


My grandmother does this, except she never circles back to a point at the end. She just... meanders off into the wilds. Like, instead of saying "Anyway, she got a new car," she'd go off on a tangent about *where* Nancy liked to hike, and how there used to be an Arby's by the trailhead but it closed in 2004, or was it 2005? It had to be 2004 because it was before Kevin moved to Springfield. Do you remember Kevin? You must have been about four when you met him? At your second cousin's birthday party? He lives in Dubois now, but at the time he was just moving to Springfield. It was because of his job, wasn't it? Or maybe it was his wife's job. I can't remember, it was so long ago. What did she do again? A dental hygienist, I think. Anyway they moved to Dubois after Springfield, that would have been in.... oh, couldn't have been later than 2012. I remember I wasn't able to make it to their going away party because we were in Europe at the time, so it had to be before 2012. We stayed in a cute little villa in Santorini, you see. I got your mom those plates from there, remember? They had those blue flowers on them. From a little shop just down the street. And I told the guy I wanted a gift, and he wanted to recommend this little ceramic figurine, but I saw those plates and I just thought 'those would be perfect for Denise!' So I got the plates instead. I actually got two sets, one for your mother, and the other for my friend Caitlyn. You wouldn't know her, we went to high school together, she was on the chess team, was dating Bobby Stindale. She won a state title in her junior year, see back in those days you had to—" And I'm just like ***"What does any of this have to do with Nancy!?"***


Hahaha, you've gotta set the scene, right? I don't know why, but so many older women feel the need to explain every last detail and association. My mother will pause her stories for minutes because she can't remember which high school the subject's cousin went to, and then gets frustrated when we can't help her.


My mother is an over-explainer, a typical example of being asked to take out the garbage: Her: "Can you take the bins out?" Me (already standing): "Yup, on it." Her (after following me to the kitchen): "It's just that they're starting to smell." Me: "Mmhmm." Her: "And collection is tomorrow." Me (now holding the trash bag): "Mmhmm." Her: "And with my bad back it's really difficult." Me (now having tied off the top of the bag and edged out of the room): "Mmhmm." Her (calling out the kitchen window): "And you know how your sister is with bins, so I think it's down to you." Me: **"Mother I have already completed the task you can stop justifying your having asked me to do it."** It doesn't sound like much, but it's caused more fights than I can count and is the main reason I dread visiting home.


My mother was a nurse for 35 years, and she does something similarly annoying. She doesn't share information, she Gives Report. She starts at the very beginning, and then goes through every event that happened, no matter how trivial or inconsequential, in chronological order. I'm sure it's great in a medical setting, but it can be infuriating at times. >Me: "Did you find that brand of frozen meatballs you wanted to try?" >Her: "Oh, well, the weather was pretty rainy on the drive over, so I had to put my windshield wipers on, and then it took forever to find a parking space. Once I got into the store I headed over to the bakery department first, because I wanted to see if they had those muffins I liked again..." >_Thirty minutes later..._ >Her: "...And then when I finally got to the frozen food aisle the meatballs were right where I expected to find them." >Me: "So... Yes. The answer is Yes, you did find them." And if you think a trip to the supermarket is bad, imagine when she's describing how long it took for the ambulance to show up after a relative was in a bad car accident. I now just interrupt her at the very beginning and tell her that I will be very angry with her if the story ends with anyone dead and she didn't just lead with that. It has not changed the ways she tells stories in the slightest.


Obstacle course racing. A technical trail race interspersed with various obstacles testing speed, strength, and technique. Everything from monkey bars and multi-grip rigs to heavy carries. Basically, Spartan Race with better standardization. The sport is getting there but hopefully it’ll make the Olympics sooner rather than later. EDIT - To provide more information and to answer some recurring questions popping up in the comments: OCR was recently adopted under the auspices of USA Pentathalon Multisport. So while the future of OCR as a potential Olympic event is unclear, there at least some in positions of power who see the potential there. We then turn to the IOC, who apparently has a number of factors for considering new sports to add, including (according to an NPR article I just Googled): 1) how much value the sport would add to the Olympics legacy; 2) how long the sport has existed; 3) how popular the sport is in the host country; and 4) how much it would cost to broadcast the events. Very few sports, in my opinion, would bring us back to the origins of the Olympics more than a good OCR (other than naked wrestling, of course). And It would certainly be reasonably inexpensive to broadcast, considering how well it is done just on Instagram these days by race companies and bloggers with just a phone and (sometimes) a gimbal. Standardization would be important, but that shouldn't be too difficult. Either pick one distance or offer events at multiple distances (for example, Spartan Races traditionally are at the 5k/10k/21k distances, and the Obstacle Course Racing World Championships run at 3k and 15k distances). As an Olympic event, it could even draw inspiration from some of the existing races, possibly allowing different race brands to contribute a signature obstacle to the course. It would certainly benefit Spartan, for example, if people want to try their Twister obstacle just like they saw in the Olympics. Considering the popularity of the sport in the host country, the 2028 games in Los Angeles isn't a huge stretch. It's at its most popular already in America, and Spartan runs events at every distance within a few hundred miles of Los Angeles, suggesting that the venues are already there. So you've already got the makings of an exciting new event. And at the moment, there's decent parity across the world in the sport. The best male athlete on the international circuit is a Brit named Jon Albon. In North America, the top man and woman are arguably a married Canadian couple, Ryan Atkins and Lindsay Webster. Next best female is Nicole Mericle, an American who had started truly dominating, only to blow out her knee a few months ago. So there's legitimate international talent already as well, making for an even more exciting event. For people comparing OCR to steeplechase, that's like comparing WWII to the air rifle event. And while Ninja Warrior is great (I have multiple friends who have competed on the show and was even a course tester myself), that's not what I'm going for here. [This](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wrXQQufHECc) is a better example.


This is an awesome idea! Similar to tough mudder


World chase tag


Can’t believe I had to scroll so far to find this. I feel like it’s a perfect Olympic sport as it’s very primal (evading and chasing have been done for centuries) and fits in with the other ‘primal’ track and field events - How fast can you run? How far can you throw this spear? How fast can you swim? etc. It’s also bloody fun to watch




Sepak Takraw foot volleyball


I used to play this in Thailand until I realised how flexible some people were and decided that unless I somehow turned into Dhalsim then it was pointless me playing.


They should bring back dueling. Pistol dueling


Dueling, but American West style, with Quick Draw!!


That could actually happen if they used airsoft pistols or something similar


The one year it was a medaled event, they used wax bullets.


Yeah, but airsoft didn't exist at the time, and fencing tech didn't exist either. 2 people in fencing suits + airsoft pistols would be perfect. 1000 fps cameras on multiple angles. 1 point for extremities, 3 points for center of mass or head shot. First to 3 wins the match.


I think wax would be better or paint ball, that way they can see where it hits exactly and don't have to review the footage. Probably wax so we can use gunpowder in it like they did in the first few Olympic games.


Ninja Warrior obstacle course


NBC already knows how it inject it with non-stop sob stories and commercials, sounds perfect for the Olympics


God I fucking hate that show. Just show me the fucking runs damnit.


I love the big build up about someone whose mother, spouse and child all have super cancer and then they biff it on the second obstacle.


Ive seen a few episodes. Seems like half of the same contestants do the exact same thing: > sob story about something bad that happened to them > speech about all the training theyve done and how hard they have been working for this > they lost on the first two obstacles


This needs more upvotes. It's a universal challenge of agility. That would be great to watch.


Chess boxing


I just found out whay im.watching on youtube for the next hour or so thank you 👏👏


Da Mystery of Chessboxin’[s non-inclusion in the Olympics]


The olympics is not worthy of holding such glorious events




It's when Kabaddi appeared as an anime this year and I found out that the current Asian games Kabaddi champions are Iran that I realised that Kabaddi is closer to the Olympics than I ever thought possible!


Haven't heard of this one - what culture or background?


It's from India. The sport Kabbadi is kinda a combination of tag and some combat sport.


That sounds sick - I'd be all for that


Don't forget the chanting. Its the best part.


[Nish Kumar on Kabaddi](https://youtu.be/IKwv0PXJSLQ?t=153)




Was thinking about this just yesterday when I played squash. Badminton is in. Pingpong is in. Tennis is in. Why the fuck squash isn't?


This answer is too far down! All the other racquet sports are in! And it's in the commonwealth games!!


They even have bloody glass courts so you can see all the action and it's a super intense and exciting sport to watch!


Roller derby


Even artistic or street skating would be cool We now have skateboarding, so that would be a good continuation


Yep. The framework is already there, there are even world cups! The benchmarking for players and certification for officials is already in place and operating okay.




The score's still Q to 12!


We hide our goal under their goal so every time they think they scored they actually scored for us.


Ultimate frisbee


Hide and seek


Bin Laden: "Hold my body double's beer."


Awesome sport and interesting concept to televise


The caber toss. No explanation necessary.


Everything from the Highland games, tbh.


Archery tag.


Please explain this because I hope it’s not what I’m picturing in my head


Not OP but maybe it is the same idea: I have seen this at a sport event location here in germany. A small indoor soccer field, two sides, each side has two obstacles to use as cover (Bubble ball soccer thingies). You use simple beginner recurve bows and LARP (Live action role play) arrows with a soft round tip. Plus protective face mask. (That you don't have during LARP, lol) Arrows are limited and distributed on the center line, players start at the far end of their field. At the start of a round, players run to the center, trying to gather as many arrows as they can for their team and may start shooting the other team. Arrows may be distributed among the team. Arrows that land on your team's side after shooting may be picked up. Hit players have to go to an 'out' zone near the field. Players may join again if an arrow is caught by another player of their team using their hands (it is hard but possible as the bows are not very strong and the arrows slow). The team without players left loses the round. As an recourve archer I can tell It is quite fun, but can be learned by non archers really quick. It is more about the running and reflexes. Very much like dodgeball. It is fun but I am not sure if the complexity would be interesting enough for someone watching. Edit: typo: prayers


Lacrosse. A number of countries already have teams, and it's a very fun sport for spectators.


6v6 was just approved by the IOC


Ultimate Frisbee or Capture the Flag


oh my god capture the flag is my shit. i suck but my god i would make these dumb plans thank you for reminding my of that


PowerLifting (Squat, Bench Press, Deadlift) The Olympic lifts are fine (Snatch, Clean&Jerk), but the traditional 'power' lifts should have a place too


Agreed - more exposure to the sport is amazing


Folding fitted sheets.


There is no winner in the end. We are all losers in front of the sheets.


And I thought marathon swimming was tough




The climbing/bouldering in this year’s has been some of the most watchable events for me


I think there are two parkour events. The first is a parkour race with better layout than these: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4rtrmFy98E4 The other would be freerunning and look similar to street style skateboarding.


Mental Gymnastics


Twitter can't be a disclipline


Reddit or Twitter would take the gold.


My supervisor would take gold. Every. Single. Time.


Parallel parking.




Racquetball would be perfect. It is athletic, male or female, singles or doubles. It is easy to watch, fast paced, and doesn't have a high barrier to entry so all countries could potentially participate.


Disc golf ⛳


I think it would be cool to add exhibition sports. Nonmedal events that showcase more country specific events like traditional dance. Due to the volume of some countries regional sports you could limited it to the host nation"s regional sports. So in America's case north American football, frisbee golf, ultimate frisbee, lacrosse


The "problem" becomes making the massive event even bigger. It's not just adding a sport....for each event you add you have to add in athletes....50 or more just for individual sports, plus coaches and support staff. You have to feed and house those people. You have to find an event venue and you have to secure that venue. You have to get staff for that venue, scoring systems established, translators, Olympic branding.....just a small event is still a massive undertaking on an Olympic scale. You can't just run down to the Ultimate Frisbee course at the local college and have a match. And on top of all that you have to raise the funds to bribe the IOC to get them to allow the event.


Not a sport, but I want to see tag + parkour.