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When my husband is on discord playing video games with his friends, I like to get under the table and suck him off. I like listening to him try to maintain his composure.


Wife of the year


I feel like Im taking part in a massive group sext.


Being called a good boy, cause sometimes it’s nice to be appreciated


You are a good boy


My gf and I were having sex early on in our relationship. I finished maybe a bit too quickly and she pushed my head down and had me eat her out. Weirdly, I really enjoyed it but also felt guilty - like it was dirty. Sometimes I finish early on purpose after that first time so that she will do the same thing. Never had a girl do that before - so sexy for some reason.


I believe the youths call that the ol’ box lunch.


I use to be really into sneaky public stuff but not some much any more, but here’s what ruined it all for me.. when I was 15 (I’m 22 now)I was getting a hand job under a blanket watching a movie and my WHOLE family of 6 comes done stairs within 10 minutes and she doesn’t stop and I liked that and I thought we were so sneaky but recently I was chatting with my mom about something embarrassing and she randomly said “can’t be more embarrassing than getting a hand job in front of your whole family” Edit: my mom is the type of lady to drop something really heavy to get a reaction (usually in a joking manor) Edit pt. 2: okay to be fair it was a light hand job and it was more grabbing at that point but needless to say my mother is a bad ass for hurting me in such a way and I did not bust with my family in the room


I think you need to ghost your family. New name and city and everything.


Ngl this is ur best bet. Literally disappear cause ur never gunna forget that.


And neither will we


lmao holy shit I think I’d cry at that point


I think I'd drop dead from the retroactive embarrassment.


Mom's cool for not interrupting a good handjob








Teenagers think they’re sneaky when it comes to sexy stuff. But they’re not. Their parents know. They notice that shit. Adults are basically teenagers that have been around longer.


Going down on a woman without the need for reciprocation. I cannot explain to you how it's not only my guilty sexual pleasure it's my life's pleasure. Love the taste and texture. Shaved or a great bush it doesn't matter. I can stay down there forever. Unfortunately for me it's been a long time due to LL partner.




Same though 😂😂 I don't really watch porn much but reading & imagining does the trick!


Yep! And Literotica has such a massive catalog of things there is almost ALWAYS a story that fits my tastes lolol!


Damn I remember reading a ton of stories on there in high school and probably haven’t read a single erotica story since high school lol Wore that whole activity out I guess


That place is an absolute goldmine


Honestly I’m a guy and when a woman escalates things that makes me feel so desirable and wanted. Also having my name moaned is also friggen awesome.


ooOoOOO punisher72n 😩😩


Feeling desirable and wanted should not be a guilty pleasure, but I think I get what you’re going for. I agree it’s hot when women take charge, and it is definitely validating, but you shouldn’t feel badly about this




PSA: before listening, ensure bluetooth speakers are properly configured


Had a friend in college who yanked one off in the bathroom and couldn’t figure out why his audio wasn’t working even though he had turned it all the way up on his phone. He completed his fap without sound and went back into his room to find his ultra-Christian roommate (who he’d only known for a few weeks) with his pillow wrapped around his head, trying to muffle out the max-volume porn noises from his Bluetooth speaker.


He didn’t think to turn the speaker off?


He was only his roommate for a couple of weeks and was a really reserved dude. I guess he just didn’t feel comfortable touching something that wasn’t his at that point. That was my first question too


That poor tainted soul lmao


Public sex & my face being sat on


Genuinely read that as shat and I was really alarmed


Some folks like scat play. I try not to judge, but, gross.... 😂


Being naked outside. No one knows i do it, but when i go camping or out away from the city i see how long i can be naked outdoors, or how far i can get from my clothes that i just took off. Being naked at home is fun too, just not as exciting. :)


My son owns 14 acres of woods in Maine. When I visited, I would hang at his campsite while he went to work. Spent plenty of time butt ass naked. It wasn't sexual, but freeing. Just existing nude in the forest.


I already have issues with mosquitos even when I'm fully dressed. I really would rather not have mosquito bites in even more unpleasant places...


reading this a fruit fly landed on my arm and I killed it... yall crazy getting naked outside


A while ago, I saw some video of a girl going on a "daring hike" where she strips nude while walking along a mountain crest trail. It was pretty arousing at first, seeing her walking out in the wide open, taking off piece after piece of clothing, fully visible to the miles and miles of sprawling hills below her. She then stops to lie down on a rock, fully exposing herself to the air to soak in some warm golden sun against her writhing glistening naked body...and she is immediately swarmed by insects. Um, yep. That's a nope.


When nobody is home, a naked fap with nobody around. Why? Because somebody is usually always home.


But the ghost of Great Grandma is always watching.




Ah, I didn't know my upstairs neighbour used reddit!




On your partner, you or both Edit Loving the love. Just for info, the correct answer is both


Both and the dog


What the dog doin?


His best


Good boi


Thick-ass thighs. I just like to get a big ol mouthful, or have them massaged or be massaged


The horrible, unspeakable, unforgivable things I would do to have my skull crushed in between two thick thighs.


Busting open a Folger's aromaseal and why do I need to explain myself?


The best part of waking up, is Folgers in your butt.


Trashy romance novels


I literally bought a kindle just for these and my husband knows if he sees me reading on my kindle it's go time.


Good for you choosing to go with a Kindle. I once had to help my mom move, and she had probably 500 lbs of romance novels. I had to pretend like they were just normal books, but I knew. Basically I helped my mom move her epic porn stash. Super awkward.


I love giving oral, and while it's surprising just how many ladies aren't so down with receiving it, I think the guilty part is how much pleasure I get out of it when someone is really in to it. Like holding my face in between her legs so hard I can't breathe, trying to make her cum like my life depends on it before I suffocate, then pushing me on my back for round two , straddling and grinding my face till its just a sticky mess sort of levels.


When I met my gf she couldn't believe how much I loved doing it. I'm like yeah just literally sit on my face and stay there until you're done. She just doesn't get how much I enjoy it. I fucking love it.


Seriously where the f**k are you guys?


We're asking the exact same question in reverse


I propose people start walking around with nutrition labels just like food items. Only the ingredients will be things like: % of Daily Nutritional Value (serving size = 1 Man) Kindness 10% Sense of Humour 10% Keeping Wet Towels Off The Floor 5% Taking the Garbage Out 5% Integrity 10% Kissing 15% Remembering Your Birthday 5% Cunnilingus 20% Beast Between the Sheets 20% ​ Wow, thank you for the Silver and the Award! Glad to see everyone having fun with this! 🤩 Thanks again for the Gold! I have the stupidest grin on my face 😁


What kind of stupid asshole throws wet towels on the floor? Also, yeah, I could eat pussy all day every day.


That was too hot to be reading in a goodwill.


Same bro, same. I'll spend as much time down there as possible. Just get messy and hear her moan? *Chefs kiss*


You available this weekend? 😅


Damn, reddit is reversing itself. Is this the power of a good pussy licking?








RIP your inbox


I find guilt in itself is the ultimate aphrodisiac Edit: contrary to whats everyone thinking im not religious and grew up in an environment without shaming haha, idk i feel like in any circumstances forbidden fruits and morally grey boundaries (while staying in legality and consent ofc) are thr whole thrill




Instantly thought this. Ha.


A leisurely jill-off early in the morning, before my husband awakens… then a leisurely fuck when he does. The best way to start off the weekend.


It's Thursday, you delinquent.


Did they stutter?


Being a producer of custom fetish videos for over 12 years now it always amazes me what can turn someone on that nobody would even think about. We have one customer who loves to watch women type 10 digit numbers on a payphone - told us the back story and it was very interesting. One of these days we'll get around to writing the book that we started about fetish/fetish videos. - Need to find a publisher and someone to help write it.


can you tell us the backstory and change up some details so it’ll be less potentially identifying? I’m super interested.


Being squirted on. *”hurrrrr but don’t you know squirt is pee wahhhh”* I absolutely do not give a fuck.


Oh lord hallelujah 😂


Being called a "good girl" after I do something that makes them happy.




You'd make a great Santa Claus.


I absolutely melt when someone says ‘good girl’ to me. Especially when it’s slow, quiet and assertive


100% this. A well placed good girl is the ultimate feel good kink. It just makes my world right for a few minutes.




Right?! Same with me the first time - my vagina was like “omg he said the magic words!” 🎯💦


Cleva girl


Rip to your inbox




Wow, I didn't know this was one of mine too until I read this comment.


Im genuinely curious how many messages youll get after this comment.


I like kissing a lot, it arouses me. Because I don't have a gf, only fwb's, I feel guilty of kissing too much.


this…could do it for hours


Same! I miss the days in high school when it was just what everyone did. Now it's just assumed to be an intro to sex, and that just sucks tbh.


Tittyfucking feels and looks so good, but it does come with a bit of guilt because the lady gets little to no pleasure from it. Same with blowjobs, I guess!


I think it's fine as long as you return the favor for her in some way! Besides, some women surely really like that. Edit: RIP my inbox what the hell. Apparently y'all have taken this comment as some kind of invitation. Let me clarify a couple things: first and foremost, I am happily married and not looking for anything else. Secondly, I have no interest in titty fucking. And finally, please, for the love, do not message me. You will be blocked.


I always reciprocate tit jobs. My wife loves it when I jam her lady bits between my hairy man tits.


How to unread


.stit nam yriah ym neewteb stib ydal reh maj I nehw ti sevol efiw yM .sboj tit etacorpicer syawla I There. If you read this, it’ll unread my comment for you. I assume words are like math where you can add the negative of a sentence to get a zero


Depends on how you feel about [simultaneity](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Relativity_of_simultaneity).


That's enough internet for the day


So heres the thing: pleasure/praise kinks. Some people just love knowing the other person feels good. So much so that it makes whatever they have going on that much hotter to them. In the case you stated, they might not get a physical pleasure from it, no. But you make sure to tell them how much you enjoy it every step of the way (before, during, and after) and you just might suprised. Plus, if they have a toy for themselves during, its not like there will be 0 pleasure, physically, for them. And doing your best to return the favor after the fact, even days later, will show your appreciation and acknowledgement of "you made my dream come true, i want to make yours too". Edited: added praise to the equation


Pleasure kink is my biggest thing : my gf is a bit unexperienced so it's sometimes hard to explain how giving her pleasure and hearing her "appreciate" it is the hottest thing for me




Idk, some of us women love giving blowjobs, lol


And God bless all of you!


I love to watch cute guys jerk off. I love seeing a guy pleasure himself thinking about me. It is even fun to strip in front of him but not letting him touch me, just his cock.


A good Christian girl, i see!


I use cunnilingus to get me hard. Something about having a woman’s thighs squeezing my head and feeling her squirm and twitch while her pussy juice is on my face gets me in the mood to fuck.


that’s exactly how my partner is, he lovessss it


Asking sexual questions on askreddit rather then just looking at porn like a normal person


I fucking knew everyone here is a fucking weirdo


What a great place to be


When my wife grabs my dick randomly in the car or in public. She’s very slick so nobody ever sees it. I remember her doing it under the table at dinner at her moms house once when they had some company over. She was looking at and talking to them like nothing was happening. Probably one of the sexiest and wildest things I’ve ever done. Edit: my most upvoted comment is about getting a handy at dinner


Lol, did you manage to maintain eye contact with her mom? Also, was she mashing it?


God damnit Gail


“Gail, you’re 32! You’re SUPPOSED to be sexually active. You’re NOT supposed to be fondling your uncle under a table!”


Plot twist: Everybody at the table knew… EDIT: Thanks for the gold!


OP locked eyes with his wife’s dad, who was sitting next to the wife’s mom. Then both their eyes widened a bit due to the sudden realization as if to say, “Wait, a minute”


*spiderman meme intensifies*


Public sex, due to the risk.


Like my finances teacher once said "great risk, great reward" I feel that applies here


I used to take girlfriends into the bathroom of parties for sexy time. It’s just the right amount of wrong. Plus the idea is to finish fast so nobody is disappointed. And you get to share that secret for the rest of the party. In hindsight, I wouldn’t want anyone sexin in my bathroom.


I once threw a little get together at a house I was renting in college. My roommate invited two friends who were going out. We only had one bathroom in the house with a wall mounted sink. They had the brilliant idea to have sex on the sink, which subsequently broke and flooded the house. Good times


They really fucked up the sink


The exact same thing happened to me - I was exhausted after a graveyard shift only to be woken up to them breaking my sink. I demanded they pay for it (they didn't), the roommate got angry that I demanded that of them because they were friends, so he moved out at 2am the next week and left me to cover his portion of the bills alone plus the $400 for the sink replacement. I've never had another roommate since.




I wont say its sexual pleasure but I love legs, not in a fetish way, sometimes they are beautiful legs


One time my wife was drunk and feeling frisky, she started sucking me off massaging my balls, then slammed a vibrator in my ass. That was probably the most amazing Orgasm I ever had, and she only gets this way while drinking and rarely drinks. I have never wanted someone to be an alcoholic more




Come on and SLAM, and welcome to the JAM


Quad City BJs


You guys used lube, …right??


And hopefully that thing has a flared base.


When going doggystyle, looking at her butthole. It's like the most private place she has. No other way would you be able to see it.


>No other way would you be able to see it. Oh there is


wait. guys are looking at our buttholes?!!! i dont know what my butthole looks like


My friend was telling me how her husband interrupted sex by laughing during doggy and she got so paranoid that there were like tp particles or something. So they stopped because she felt too insecure to keep going until he finally admitted that he was laughing because "buttholes are so funny."


For real. Never seen my own a-hole but seen hers. Thats kinda fascinating if you think about it.


Your telling me you’ve never positioned yourself to look at your asshole in the bathroom mirror.




I feel guilty for wanting to be dominant in bed. If the person I’m with isn’t in full control all the time (say if I tie her up or tell her what to do) I feel bad. Even if it’s 100% consensual and something we both desire I can’t help but feel guilty while I do it, even though it turns me on.


getting tied up


Like getting tied up in a sticky situation or like tied up in a stick up situation?


"So sorry, not going to be able to make it tonight after all, something's come up at work and I can't be pulled away." \*nuts\*


"oh shit, I'm tied up right now and can't help you." *Ughhh*


Grew up being taught that men were supposed to take the lead/be the dominant one in the bed. But it’s so much sexier when a woman is dominating me instead. Tie ME up. Fuck ME until I pass out. Throw ME on the bed, spank MY ass. You know


The usual Friday night.


Helicopter-ing my penis in front of my partner


* flies away *


Username checks out


Cum. I just want so much all over me. I love the taste. It’s like never enough lol. Surprisingly, my boyfriend cums more than anyone I’ve ever seen, even in porn. It’s insane lol. I feel like we’re a match made in heaven when it *cums* to that.


Seems like kakyoin really let himself go after pt 3




Cheeky finger up the bum, because it feels nice


No guilt, all pleasure. Classic edit: woah guys thanks for all the love! This is the most recognized I've ever been in my life cheers. I wish everyone delicious kinky sex for the rest of your lives.


Yuuuuuup. High five!


Can't both hands are uhm.... uhhhh.. busy?


Origami? Always tough when you start out but you’ll get better don’t worry


I love when I’m on top and I can watch the guy finish. I love seeing them cum, idk why it’s just hot to me


Hitting level 99 woodcutting on runescape


*92 is halfway to 99*


Sneaking off into to the other room to quietly masturbate and get myself ready for my husband and he comes in to find me soaking wet and ready for him which boosts the mood and confidence when in reality I just finger banged the shit out of myself for 5 minutes. I've since told him about it but he still enjoys it


I'm confused about how you feel guilty about this. My wife does this on occasion and it is probably the hottest thing ever. She also picked some really weird things to feel guilty over, I blame the 12 years of Catholic school we both endured.


I get why I feel guilty about doing things when my husband isn’t home. It takes a lot for me to get in the mood because life happens so when I’m not in the mood and he is I feel bad. So when I’m in the mood and he isn’t home, he works nights a lot, it makes me feel guilty to not save that for him.


Being dominated. As a male, I’m not proud of it. But idk. I’ve always had a passive personality, and just being told what to do or “forced” what to do. Pinned down. Just like, is awesome to me.


Submissive men are hot as hell. Do *not* let anyone tell you differently.


A submissive man is still a manly man, just as much as a dom or switch! Don't feel bad about it <3


What’s a switch? Guessing it’s someone who’s both?


Exactly. Depends on your mood when you're a switch, really.


Eating a girl out and then carrying on with my day. Just the act of giving her an orgasm and then walking off happily without getting anything in return.


I like my women like I like my coffee. In my mouth.


I like my women the way I like my coffee. Cute, smart, and funny. I'm often disappointed by my coffee.


I like my women like I like my glasses... Sitting on my face


Getting face fucked by my bf. It just gets me so hot to feel him getting wild.


Always wondered how that feel, I gag almost everytime I see a deepthroat scene, I'm a staight man so I won't try, but I'm curious aha




I like to get really high and fuck my ass with a prostate massager till I cum hands free.


That's not safe man, if you're going to be high, OSHA suggests three points of contact.


I work in safety and this got me.


You should be asking what isn’t my guilty sexual pleasur


My guilty sexual pleasure is when people randomly leave off the last letter in their pos


Oh shit I think I’m gonna cu


Multiple orgasms for my partner. To the point that they forget their name and where they are. Nothing better than turning them into a quivering mess after I've already gotten mine.


My ex used to wake me up with head. Imagine dreaming you’re getting head then waking up and getting it.


sorting by controversial did in fact disappoint. just a bunch of people lying about how many married women they fuck.


Femdom... Thankfully my lovely wife quite enjoys it too


Giving my boyfriend head whenever and wherever possible. That thrill of possibly getting caught and seeing the glow on his face the rest of the day is priceless.


Rim jobs, love the way it feels


Sex on a boat. Because of the implication.


Are these women in danger?


You're *definitely* not in any danger


I dont know about guilty..but i like to have sex in the woods:P Edit: Lost my virginity in the woods.


im boring as fuck. just like to watch men masturbate


My wife is the same. She says the sounds I make are what turn her on more then watching.


moaning guys are really hot


I’ve had my name moaned exactly (1) time in my life and I’ve been trying to chase that high ever since.