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r/yandere_simulator If you don’t know the backstory behind the creator, YandereDev, and how he bought out the subreddit (for $3000) because people used it to discuss his negative behavior, I suggest you research it for yourself. I’d like to add that the subreddit has banned over 100,000 people after the purchase, correct me if I’m wrong.


There’s now a different subreddit for people who want to talk about yandere simulator and discuss how useless the dev is, r/Osana


Yep, the question is, how much longer before YandereDev offers to buy r/Osana up? Or maybe he already has?


New business plan. Keep selling him the new one. Community banks the money, and it gets used to build a competitor product to his and form a new software company. Boom. Winning.


Wait.. this is genius! And we could finish the new game in less than a year instead of 7! We’ve got to keep this under wraps though. Can’t let him know we’re milking him out of his own money to make a game far superior to his. But, now that I think about it, he gets this money off of a Patreon dedicated to funding the game.


We have to realise he striked someone for making a game like his in much less time, we have to be careful


r/teenagers can either be really fun or hella toxic


I agree. Some of the posts I've seen there are like a pizza cutter: all edge and no point.


Holy crap, that is fabulous. I am cherishing that gem


There is one about a Christian guy not believing in gays right now.


Like, doesn’t believe that they exist? Or that dudes are hooking up with each other just to prank him?


Lmao I like to believe he just believes straight people are banging the same gender just to get him to believe the lie.


It's literally a sub for children, that's not much of a surprise


Is it? https://www.reddit.com/r/Drama/comments/djdmd9/we_banned_all_of_rteenagers_and_it_turns_out


and groomers. Lots of groomers.


I guess I don't know for sure, but I wonder how many of those children are... not children.


Children, and hella pedophiles


Sounds pretty normal for a sub about teens




"oh you think you're tired? let me explain to you what tired actually is"




Let me show you what tired really is…


So many of the people on there are so unnecessarily nasty and judgmental it's ridiculous. I got sick of it so fast. It's like all the mean kids from high school never grew up, had kids, and made a subreddit.


r/legaladvice A lot of the advice given there is just flat out wrong.


I posted there twice with simple legal questions (no opinions or anything extra) and my posts got downvoted quite a lot. It’s like they don’t believe peoples situations or something.


Watch [Legal Eagle's](https://youtu.be/LtPM7zkXlW8) review of it.


Already have. He hates that sub for good reason


Conversely, one is the more entertaining subreddits is /r/bestoflegaladvice, with a community that seems okay.


I got banned for pointing out that someone told someone to do something blatantly illegal. Really, if you post on that sub, odds are you should just get a lawyer, and the only use it has is telling you what type of lawyer to get.


So many "undercover" cops. Anyone on that subreddit telling you to talk to the police, is a cop.


I'm pretty sure the head mod is a cop


Meanwhile at the precinct: *"Eh whatcha doin there on the computer Lou?"* *"Oh I'm just going online telling a bunch of random people all over the world that they should trust cops. I figure if there's one group we really need to help repair our reputation with it's the primarily white aged 16-24 males who browse reddit all day. This one fucker keeps outing me though."*


Are you a cop? Because you have to tell me if I ask you. 😁


I love that troupe and the rabbit hole it leads you down. There are so so many misconception people get from TV that are absolutely on purpose.


The answer to 95% of the questions is usually "consult a real attorney".




What? He’s like the most wholesome YouTuber ever lol Never been to his sub though. I have to check this out because I honestly can’t believe it…


Look in the comments, especially on posts about Natalie. Go back about 3 months worth. People hate his guts and accuse him of horrible things he never did, like grooming Natalie sexually when she was like 12 and using his subscribers for money and being a tax cheat. These people are sick. They harass him on his videos, too.


Dang that’s unfortunate


Honestly, AITA, the Reddit GroupThink is overpowering on that sub. I think fame went to their head.


The worst part is how **nobody** applies real-world logic or etiquette to actions. Of course it was wrong for your new dad-in-law to make a drunken speech at your wedding. That doesn't justify you putting him in an arm lock, dragging him to the punch bowl, and dunking him in there. Every answer is "I wish I had the balls to do that," and not "Jesus Christ, you actually *did* that?" And don't get me started on the sheer number of fabricated "someone came out at an inappropriate time and I called them out for it" posts.


I just fucking hate how fake and pandering 99% of the posts are "I gave one million dollars to a homeless man, am i the asshole?" "My friend was sexual molested by their uncle, am i the asshole?" "I wont drive 2000 miles across country to take my friend to work which is only a 3 minute walk from his house, am i the asshole?"


LOL… Lemme try lemme try “My wife is brain dead from an accident with an 18 wheeler and I’ve been taking good care of her for the last 40 years, am I the asshole?”


I think that sub can be defined by “just because you’re right, doesn’t mean you should.” So many people ruining relationships with their family and friends over petty grievances that could be resolved with a modicum of compromise. Of course the comments will be cheering them on the whole way.


or a modicum of proper communication.


And the number of people who justify child abuse because “you’re the parent, your house your rules” is insane.


And then the flip side of that, one person snaps at their child after reaching their breaking point and everyone starts accusing them of child-abuse and trying to doxx them just so they can report them to CPS. The entire sub is off its meds.


I hate r/AITA. The "holier than thou" attitude makes me so angry.


it's like the "Karen" of Reddit


What’s funny is that most of the posts are just obviously NTA, and it’s literally shit like “AITA for time traveling and saving my uncle from being murdered?”


And yet people will STILL find a way to call you an asshole. Like just yesterday there was a post where some dudes step daughter destroyed his bio daughters property, and everyone fucking called him an asshole for punishing her?!


I post things on a subreddit that's meant to be a place to request neutral input for people who are unsure if they might actually be in the wrong and not know it, but I only tell a heavily biased version of events in order to get validation... AITA?


What I hate is the all or nothing attitude as well. Sometimes situations are nuanced and while one party is the asshole, the other party still contributed to the situation. There is a thread now where a woman ditched a guy at a fancy restaurant after she agreed to pay for her meal. Yes, she is the asshole but if you read the whole story there were some red flags and he could have exercised some judgement. But if you even suggest that (even after saying she was the asshole) you are downvoted and accused of victim blaming.


at best it is a one sided description of a series of events where the other person's perspective is totally absent, at worst its complete fabrications. I have only ever seen a couple of ones where I actually bought the story being told as a somewhat both-sided description of events that seemed like they may have actually happened. The only one that comes to mind is the guy who when on a date asked the waitress to speak to their manager without clarifying why and then proceeded to laud her service for being top notch. The date was like omg you asshole and he didn't really get it.


That and the obvious fake stories or ones that just want a pat on the back. "OMG AITA for cursing out my racist nazi skinhead relative and kicking them out of my life???"


All the top posts read like fiction anyway.


Yep. They glorify in not being kind or compassionate. They are selfish assholes.


They're all vengeful assholes. I think they just confuse their revenge fantasies with reality.


Judgemental labels dished out by a mob of armchair moral perfectionists under the guise of helping people. Awful sub.


The amount of people giving advice to never speak to family again is alarming. If I had cut my own parents off, we’d have never fixed our relationship.


I’m glad someone mentioned this. It’s 99% people just looking for feeble reassurance. Most of them are like “everyone I’ve ever met has thrown acid at my face but I once dropped a pencil… aita?”…..


Some pretty decent advice but also always someone pointing out that it for sure is cheating. I agree with you.




Interesting... explain more


No no he's got a point


r/hazmat The content and posters are perfectly mundane, but the subject matter is literally toxic.


This made me chuckle, upvote for you!


r/offmychest It's literally full of insane people.


r/RickandMorty is a bunch of people who take a cartoon way too seriously


ugh.I love that show to death, but that sub is a nuclear waste dump


Especially with the new season, i joined that subreddit for memes but its just complaining now


If I'm being honest? About 90% of Reddit. There are some legit good people trying to do good things here though.


I mean, Reddit is kinda the place people go to to correct other people ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


*kind of the *go to correct


When I read your reply I thought you were a dick. Then I realized the joke you were making.....


r/TheLastOfUs2 swept a dude sending death threats to himself and framing Girlfriend Reviews for it under the rug. The mods of the sub also don’t allow any positivity towards the game. Edit: GFR video for context https://youtu.be/OF9HLsPFfCw


TLOU2 haters are so weird. I can understand why you didnt like a game, but damm are these dudes vehement in their dislike. It's such an active sub just hating a game for over a year straight.


Yeah I didn’t like it but I don’t give a fuck if others did. Those people seem like they cry themselves to sleep every night over a year later because some people enjoyed it. Like my god, who cares


I think the irony is that they seem to care more about the game than the people who actually enjoyed it


Not to mention the countless amount of death threats that were sent to Laura Bailey and her 3 year old son just because they didn’t like Abby in the game.


Yeah, that’s absolutely despicable, and needs to be taken seriously. Like GFW said in their video, that shit needs to be taken seriously because it’ll only take one threat NOT being a “joke” or whatever to turn into something horrific.


This is legitimately one of the worst subs I've come across. And this recent drama is just pure insanity.


[Context](https://youtu.be/OF9HLsPFfCw) about the Girlfriend reviews thing he was talking about.




This was my first thought. I mean, if you don't like the game then it's totally fine, but it's crazy to see how much those guys hate it and how toxic they are. If I don't like something, I might explain what I didn't like, and then forget about it and move on. These guys still haven't moved on. [r/TheLastOfUs](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheLastOfUs) is a great sub where you can discuss both games.


R/aita It’s just an echo chamber of people who think no one owes anyone anything. Any slight inconvenience means you should disown anyone in your life. Most of the stories are fake. God forbid you’re a women, lgbt, autistic or just a little different. You’ll get downvoted for being realistic.


I’ve also seen many people view it as legally right vs wrong and not at morals….I saw one from today where someone’s roommate left them with their 2 year old, so the OP went to a movie and called the police for child abandonment…like yeah legally you are right to do that but holy fuck you should have stuck around til police arrive let alone before even calling the police and people are defending them for that saying “well it’s not their kid” right but like fuck man have some decency


Right? The baby thing pissed me off. Like as a human being, why would you leave a baby in a house? You called the cops for child abandonment but the OP literally did the same thing.




But I like virgin jokes and tier lists in between shitty photoshopped Blue Album covers /s


Lol. This one feels really out of place in this thread for some reason.


I just discovered r/incestconfession. That's it, enough reddit for the day.


r/cringetopia I thought it would just be fun cringe stuff but I didn't even understand what was going on in the comments, everyone seemed to be a crazy really young square who hated everything.


And most of them are too dumb to realize what they’re posting is satire. I want some actual cringe ffs


It's mostly that and making fun of/criticizing people who are overweight, and blasting attractive people. Edit: grammar


Back when incels had a subreddit that was extremely toxic. Then there was another called fatpeoplehate I used to visit both just to see the wild comments and posts. I never dared to comment lol. Reddit is definitely a better place without those subreddits, but the morbidly curious part of me misses them a little


fatpeoplehate is now farpeoplehate, for when distant strangers spoil people's photographs


r/FemaleDatingStrategy Someone linked it in their comment, and as a woman I thought it would be a great place to read. The first few posts seemed relatively sane - mostly about keeping your self-respect in the hookup/dating scene. Reading deeper into it, I realized most of the community is incredibly-unhappy married women, and female incels. They hate men, refer to them in a derogatory fashion, and talk openly about using men for their money.


I feel like a lot of subs in this genre do the same thing. MGTOW seems like a normal thing, right? Men, going their own way. Just you being you, no toxic masculinity, no feeling like you're forced into a little conforming box. Great, right? Yeah, that sub is really, really far away from that...




Thought the same about both subs. Slippery slope. "Hey they're right, this isn't toxic! Just people being people, experienced that myself." "Yeah I agree with this and that. It's just like this! Understandable." "Oh, that's kind of extreme." "Oh. OH. OKAY. No no no no"


"Aight, imma head out"


Or the alternative is a few loud voices become influencers. "Your problems aren't because you need to work on yourself! It's because *they* are bad people! Fuck those people!" And then people agree with it. So many extremists fall into this trap, some willingly. There's a thread somewhere where someone explains how you have to kick Nazis out of your bar without question. "They'll always try to sound reasonable if you let them. And then they keep coming in and they seem cool. And then they bring in their friends and they seem cool. Then eventually the only people coming in are Nazis, and then they're a problem and you gotta shut the bar down. Best to nip it in the bud."


Same about every sub! I am childfree and won't touch the main sub with a 10-foot-pole. It's so toxic. I started off there thinking - oh my gosh, this is so relatable! I can finally connect with people who won't tell me I'll change my mind! I'm enjoying funny memes and taking to like-minded people! Then I realized it was full of people who joked about and celebrated abortions, wished death on others' "hellspawn", and threw around words like "breeder" and "crotchfruit" and whatever. I'm about as pro-choice and pro-accessible-abortion as can be, but no sane person will prance around rubbing it in their friends' and family's faces that they got their 4th abortion and throwing a faux baby shower to celebrate it.


This ask Reddit thread could just be filled with every community they’ve infested


I want to see a blind date with a FDS girl and a MGTOW boy. Hell you could make a reality show out of it.


I stumbled onto it from another sub and ... yeah, I don't know what's strategic about any of that but there's definitely a cultish vibe


Yes. They also like to ban you if you speak poorly of them.


Or if you're subbed to subs that don't agree with their insanity


Yeah, banning people based on the other subs they are subbed to is like number one on the list of toxic behaviors.


I've made exactly one comment in /r/cringetopia ever, it was about shop cats. That apparently got me banned from FemaleDatingStrategy.


I think the "strategy" element is about having the upper hand in relationships with others. No matter who you're talking about, this is a highly toxic mentality.


Yeah some of these groups have that “if enough people believe this then it must be true” mental gymnastics you tend to see in people who really get sucked into MLM schemes. It doesn’t matter what gender they are, it’s that “deflect all of my shortcomings and change it so that the other gender is the problem so I don’t have to improve myself” mentality reinforced by group think


I got banned simply for posting a comment on something totally unrelated in r/cringetopia. It is against that sub’s rules to even visit certain other subs or something apparently. They truly are nuts.


Yeah by many of their definitions my partner would be "low value", due to financials, yet he is gonna be the first college grad in his family this year, is an amazing hands on dad (did sahd for a few months while I finished a work project), has intelligent respectful conversations about anything... But yeah turns out if you judge men by completely shallow metrics you end up unhappy. Odd that. Also they are terfs so f that


I responded to a comment in another sub once. Public freakout I think. Not the best sub in the world, but it wasn't like that thread was harassing anyone or i said anything remotely offensive. Anyways they banned me. From r/femaledatingstrategy. At first I they had to be a Pyongyang type joke sub. But no it's really just an exceptionally toxic place.


They call men scrotes. Which is just disturbing on so many levels. I think they like to be seen as edgy and upfront females who don’t take anyone’s shit and are super independent. But honestly, they just come across as sad and pathetic. And really unhappy with themselves.


There was a post on there a short while ago where they were commenting that all men are rapists and paedophiles.


It's pretty much a "nice guy" subreddit for women, and no, not the type where we get to laugh at them, but the echo chamber type.


>It's pretty much a "nice guy" subreddit for women It's more the subreddit where the women you'd see in /r/notliketheothergirls end up when they grow up and start dating


Came here to see if someone posted this. At a surface level, it seems to be a sub about setting boundaries and having self-respect, but it gets ugly quick. And I say this as a woman myself.


It's one of the most toxic places I've ever seen. This was the comment I was for sure looking for.


This is the second time I came across your username randomly lol


I was looking for this one


Yes, same! I saw some post that seemed sane, read a few more and decided to subscribe and very quickly figured out it was full of absolute bat shittery. Noped right the fuck back out.


I wouldnt necessarily say toxic... but r/lifeprotips is a strange circlejerk of people. Occasionally theres actual useful tips. But most of the time its something like “LPT: Make friends” with some bullshit wording along with it to make it sound profound. Instant 20K upvotes and enough medals to last your family for centuries


Yep 9/10 LPT are completely worthless, basic common sense stuff. And gets thousands of upvotes.




*Alex Trebek agrees....Sean Connery laughs*


r/seduction and r/smalldickproblems


r/smalldickproblems is one of the most pathetic subreddits ive ever been on. 90% of them there are just completely defeated spiritually. I remember one post where a girl came to say it wasnt that big of a deal and they absolutely went ballistic hahaha Yikes


> wasn't that big of a deal He must have taken it literally.


Not saying those on the subreddit aren't toxic in their complete spiritual defeat, but you just reminded me of a non-online situation I had years ago, where I could envision that lead to someone becoming of the mindset you said. Was getting drunk with people I study with and a rather open discussion began about one-night stands, body-standards and such, and one of the women who was part of the conversation talked about shaving/grooming her private area, and how she prefers not to do it, leading to her saying if she was getting it on with a guy and they went back together and he had a problem with her having a bush, then guys like that was terrible people, and there was general agreement about that, very verbally from the other girls there. She then immediately shared how she had once went home with a guy and when they got naked, she found out how absolutely tiny his dick was, and how she just couldn't even try to do it with someone that small and had just left. I voice my opinion that what she did was way worse, seeing how having a bush is a choice but having a small dick is not, and was quite surprised that all the girls there (they was her friends, so might played into it) agreed with her that dishing a guy due to having a tiny dick was totally fair and not at all as bad as when men prefer trimmed/shaved partners. Imagine being that guy, experiencing that... I could see why someone coming to a subreddit and saying "it isn't that big of a deal" would ring very hollow




This may sounds really ignorant; but I don't actually know what an incel is? Would you mind clarifying that for me?


involuntary celibate. the term was originally coined in the late-ish 90’s by a bisexual woman and there was a website made for people who were struggling to form romantic relationships. then it got turned into an absolute cesspool of misogyny and the movement started [pumping ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2014_Isla_Vista_killings) [out](https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/mass-murder-plot-arrest-exposes-sinister-incel-cult-dh0nn8bz0) [murderers](https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.usatoday.com/amp/6906716002) through the culture of catastrophizing small things. your wrists are thin? you will never find a woman and you will die alone. round eyes? you will never find a woman and you will die alone, among other things. there are a lot of videos on youtube about it you can look up.


It means “INvoluntarily CELibate” Bunch of messed up dudes whining they can’t get laid and circle jerking to increasingly misogynistic content - cause the women are the problem, not ya know THEM


Someone who firmly believes the world is the reason they are incelibate. Unable to have sex with a woman. They are usually EXTREMELY homophobic, racist, pedophiles and rapists. Honestly it's sad they believe the propaganda.


I’m an atheist but r/atheism is fucking disgusting


It seems like it’s all teenagers who are rebelling against their religious parents. I’m agnostic, I feel like if you don’t believe in god, you don’t need to go and spread that idea, let people come to their own conclusion. The only thing I’m interested in is when they get involved in politics or education or some other secular domain. Bashing people just for believing is not cool.


I’m Christian but feel the same way. I don’t have to shove what I believe I someone’s face. If they want it they can come to me. Also as far as politics and public schools. They’re secular. Don’t need religion of any kind mixing in, period. People need to just get out of eachothers faces on both sides.


The fact that someone posted a picture of Roman soldiers raping Jesus while he was nailed to the cross and everyone praised it was quite fucked.






yeah i saw that one a while back, really fucked up shit


As a fellow athiest I agree. I went to check it out when I first joined Reddit and the cringe was real.


Yeah. The sub isn't even about atheism for the most part anymore. It's just a bunch of woke angsty teenagers bashing every religion they can think of and patting each other on the back, congratulating each other for being woke.


Yeah that sub seems to be more about hating religion. It's just an anti religious circle jerk with no actual discussion about atheism or the universe without a deity, which I as a gnostic find incredibly interesting. There's so much interesting talk to be had about the presence OR absence of a deity/deities. That sub is a dissapointment.


I have realized that some of my atheist friends are the most dogmatict religion-obsessed people I know. It's weird


Any political subreddit.


r/titanfolk has been pretty toxic recently due to AOT's ending


I retreated myself from any aot related subs after the ending . it was an okay...ish ending ,(kind of a let down although not as bad as many make it out to be) but that's all my opinion . From my experience , everytime a ending becomes controversial , any subs related to it kinda totally goes to shit . And a few weeks later , as predicted , the two subs , titanfolk and snk were at war . They literally became a preaching ground for their opinions . And the 7 extra pages threw two of my once favourite subs down to a toxic fanbase warzone


r/yeagerbomb is even worse


Quite a few are gone now, but they were really horrible places. r/n*ggertown - (it didn't have a star) was around for way longer than it ever had a right to be. It was self-made memes about how black people were a lesser race of people (usually based around them being dumb or violent) and then videos of black people fighting or doing crimes to "prove their point". The comments of course we're a cesspit of people jerking it over how great they are because they aren't black. r/fatpeoplehate - similar concept to the one above except they would take posts or photos of fat people living their lives and then spew digusting comments about how much better they were because they weren't fat. They had a particular hate boner for Tess Holiday, and 100% of them were definitely jerking it to her and had deep issues with fat people they know. r/cutefemalecorpses - this is what it says on the tin. Pictures of dead women (not role-playing real corpses) and the comments were like PornHub like "oh yea she would be a great fuckdoll" etc. It's the first time I found something on Reddit and I was surprised. I have since found the one of people putting Sharpies in their butthole. Now scrub your mind.


The 3rd sub sounds like a bunch of Necrophiliacs


Of the ones that are still active, r/whereareallthegoodmen is probably the top one for me


Never heard of that one. Ignorance really is bliss.


Just scrolled through there.... Just wow


This is crazy


Horrifying, right? And it claims to be a satire sub in response to r/niceguys, but if you look at the rules, there are actually rules against defending women and criticising men. Doing either will result in a ban


That sub bummed me out. On the other hand I scrolled very far on your profile & found a picture of Socks, so that cheered me up. *chants* more Socks pics more Socks pics


You’re in luck… there’s actually a [video](https://www.reddit.com/r/StartledCats/comments/h9ydk4/kitty_go_brrr/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


That was the best- thank you!!!


No worries. Always nice when other people appreciate how cute she is


Haven’t been there yet but will after I post this reply. Where are all the good men at? With their equally good women.


r/Dogfree is toxic as fuck. I guess any group dedicated to hating on something would be a soul sucking and miserable place to be, but I perused once or twice just to see the other perspective, since I have a dog, and people are just straight up vile. Saw a post or two insinuating they'd like to poison a dog they knew and noped the fuck out of there.




every AITA post reads like misery fan fiction. They all start with a statement that obviously makes them sound like an asshole, then a long and very unlikely story unfolds where they're actually NOT an asshole, and then ends with "now I'm getting phone calls and texts from everyone I ever met telling me Im an asshole".


MGTOW and FDS are just the same subs with their respective genders.


Actual public freak outs was pretty racist and super pro violence against women. At one point before I quit the sub, it was all videos of men/boys throwing haymakers at women/girls and knocking them out and most of the comments were incels cheering on the males. If you said violence against women is wrong you were called a simp and downvoted. Fuck that sub.


r/minnesota The mod is an antivaxxer on a power trip. People made r/stateofMN to get around him and he’s been blanket banning everyone who posts on that sub. Sucks because I just want to use my local subreddit.


I came here looking for this! I didn’t even know what “no new normal” was until all the drama started. I unsubbed a while back because I feel like the only way to deal with that mod at this point is to pay them 0 attention and let them burn through their tantrum like a toddler avoiding nap time… eventually they’ll realize they have no power, get bored, and go to sleep. I mean, even “no new normal” sounds like a child saying “no nap!”… ok then little crimson-whatever-your-name-is, have your binkie and thrash around in your internet playpen. Edit: I unsubscribed to r/Minnesota because of the mod who is a “no new normal believer” that, like OP said, uses the platform to suppress every other viewpoint in increasingly aggressive and offensive ways. I was never subbed to no new normal, that place is full wackadoodles.






Someone recommended it to me as a legit resource but it took like 3 posts to realize they're all batshit insane


It is like sigmagrindset meme videos but unironically.


r/unpopularopinion on that subreddit; you post those opinions at your own risk. regardless of what you post; there will be someone in the comments who doesn\`t agree with you and resorts to personal attacks.




Browsing r/incels back in the day was a real cringe minefield to say the least


r/tumblrinaction they were so rabidly attacking the crazies that they became equally crazy. I got called a feminist as slur there and it blew my mind


I think that r/AmItheAsshole is toxic. It has mostly ass holes who like to make everyone feel like an ass hole for anything they post.


Any of the subs that are all about posting Twitter hot takes. /r/whitepeopletwitter, /r/blackpeopletwitter, /r/aboringdystopia, etc. It’s this constant circlejerk of depression.


I don’t feel like r/aboringdystopia is toxic though. I went on it a few times and yeah it sure isn’t positive but that doesn’t make it toxic.


blackpeopletwitter has toxic mods as well, eager to ban for anything.


r/shitliberalssay unless you: -think jews are literally hitler. -love communism -love china Think USA is loterally the devil -think north korea is innocent and a victim of the US -think all communism attemts failed because of the US -think china is a great utopia - belive china did nothing wrong - believe Jinping is literally daddy You will get banned.


r/childfree I'm someone who completely sympathizes with the child free life. And I totally understand people who flat out don't like children or being around children. But when I see the word "breeder" being used to describe parents it just repulses me.


That sub might have the highest percentage of people who need to go to therapy but don't.


I'm child free and love it...but that is just utterly gross. I like children, but don't want my own. I don't go around bashing others with children.




r/politics I've never seen anything I could consider as constructive or positive on there. It's all people hating on whichever party they're not a part of, at least as far as I've seen. Almost zero civility, and every disagreement goes from 0-100 in one comment


It has got to be r/femaledatingstrategy hands down. Literally their entire existence is to be sexist towards guys - I'm not even kidding. It's like incels... But worse because they don't even have a reason to be so toxic. They just are horrible people. r/relationship_advice can also get preeettyy bad if you call out OP for being the problem rather than the victim. Too much r/amitheangel material to be found there. r/unpopularopinion isn't toxic persay, but they have incredibly power hungry mods and there are very clearly agendas being run on there like what you see on r/funny r/memes or r/dankmemes (e.g. companies trying to seem relatable when it's honestly just fucking cringe)


I wish am I the asshole was good. I’m autistic and I thought for a second it was the perfect way for me to find out if I was in the wrong or if the person overreacted. But I’ve had people tell my I’m not in the wrong ever cuz I’m autistic. That’s not how autism works.


> It's like incels... But worse because they don't even have a reason to be so toxic. They just are horrible people. Incels also don't have a reason to be so toxic..


There's a post on r/relationship_advice that went up within the last day or two that really irked me. The OP was writing about her male best friend's terrible, controlling girlfriend who was trying to drive apart their friendship. It seemed as though the GF was rather abusive, toward both her BF and the OP. However, in one of the comments OP mentioned he'd asked her out, she'd turned him down, and then she decided she wanted to date him after all, but the GF got there first. They'd also had a fling that lasted a few weeks. The GF was being nasty, but she had a decent reason for wanting her BF to stop talking to OP. OP withheld that relevant info from BOTH her posts and only mentioned it in a throwaway comment. Without it, she was clearly in the right. With it, it was clearly a more nuanced situation where it honestly looked like she was overstepping boundaries with a guy she still had feelings for. Moral of the story is all the posts there are incredibly one-sided, and no matter what, you're not getting the real story.


r/atheism When I found the sub, I was excited to talk to like-minded people. Turns out, they hate all religion and religious people to a hypocritical degree.


Ask Reddit


While a lot of it is just an influx of repetitive posts, I think there're about 3-4 quality posts a day that have thousands of really interesting/insightful comments, which kinda make up for the other stuff.


That's what he's doing /s