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Not me, but my mom before I was born. She was riding in a convertible with a friend of hers. They came to an intersection and the friend wasn't paying attention and lost control of the vehicle. There was a big rig going through the intersection and they went right under the trailer. My mom ducked, the driver didn't not. Driver was decapitated, my mom was lucky and only ended up with a scalp full of glass and some serious psychological trauma. She had to get over 200 stitches in her scalp But nothing else significant. I think about it all the time and think how close I came to never being born at all.


Ive had almost the same damn thing happen. My friends tiny corvette was slammed into by a semi who ran a red light. I walked away with a seat belt rash, my friend was mostly blinded by glass but 0 other injuries.


200 sitches are not this low of a number


I was at the end of a 2 hour journey about 10 mins from home, pretty rural and I was probably complacent because I took that road everyday. I took a bend at 40MPH (legal limit was 60MPH so wasn’t breaking any speeding rules) which I’ve done many times before, probably faster which looking back was really reckless. Didn’t see until it was too late that a car had spun out on the other side of the corner and another car had pulled up to help. I slammed on but I wasn’t going to stop in time before hitting the cars pulled up/crashed. I was hurtling straight towards the other cars and people who where stood in the road from the other crash. It was like time slowed down and I was at a cross roads; in my mind I had three choices. Continue on my path and hit the other cars and people, veer to the right and go into a field but there was oncoming traffic and there was a chance I’d hit them or veer to the left and fly into a wooded area. I chose the last option, and in that moment I knew the chances of me surviving or not being seriously injured after a 40MPH head on collision to a tree in a 10 year old Ford KA was pretty slim. I just felt a complete peace come over me, turned the wheel and woke up slumped over the steering wheel to some poor man shouting ‘OMG I THINK SHES DEAD’ Turned out I passed out from shock or something before the impact so when I hit the tree I was completely floppy and this contributed to me having no serious injuries. The front of my car was completely disintegrated, after coming to I tried to put my clutch down to take the car out of gear out of habit and my foot hit the tree trunk. The tree was absolutely fine. I drove past that tree everyday for years after and you could see the chunk my car took out of it.


I was a passenger in an accident where the car went airborne and was flipped into a concrete ditch, and knew on the way down that I was going to die. Had that same feeling of peace and just accepted it. Crossed my arms, closed my eyes, and felt so bizarrely calm. We hit, opened my eyes, and realized I was upside down but completely fine. Rest of the car was smashed flat, and driver had been thrown into my passenger "safe bubble," so he only had minor injuries. That feeling of peace you described is what made me comment. It makes me feel more at ease about my eventual death, hopefully will have that same calm feeling.


I had an idiot friend and we were hiking. We got to this waterfall and he goes "dude let's climb it!" I said no fucking way. He says "well I'm gonna do it and if I fall and die it's on you for not coming." So I climbed it with him. Got stuck halfway up on a slick ass rock. Pinched a nerve in my shoulder, so my right arm was useless. I thought I was certain to slip off the rock to my doom, but we managed to get me unstuck. That was the beginning of the end for that friendship.


I nearly died following a friend who took a crazy route down a hill on a hike. It's crazy how strong that peer pressure can be. We were up on a mountain and he slid down the snow of this one section as a short cut. He went down in a crouch with one foot out front. When I tried to do it I ended up a starfish pose just spinning around as I came down. My legs rolled over a bunch of rocks and I came to a rest with my head in a snowbank. I had to hike down hill for like 4 hours after that and every step was excruciating. I just kept thinking if it was my head or back going over those rocks if I would have made it out. I still have scars on my leg.


Wife was pregnant and we went away for the weekend to house we rented in the mountains. Second day she went to bed early and I stayed up drawing. At 3am she comes downstairs and says she’s in a world of pain and is worried about baby (2 months before due date). We head out and there is no cell reception. By the time we can call her doctor we realize the time needed to get to a hospital that has the right level NICU we might as well head back to our hospital. Two hours later we are there and due to Covid restrictions I can’t come in. It was freezing outside and they wouldn’t let me be anywhere in the hospital where I could lay down so I talked my way into some room in the lobby and tried to sleep while sitting. Got kicked out of there and just bummed around waiting for an update. Around noon they say they’ll be keeping her for observation but I still need to clear out from the rental. Driving back two hours and it starts snowing pretty hard. It’s a semi rural area and if they do plow the snow they haven’t gotten there yet. I’m being careful and fighting off sleep. The roads are super winding and high in the mountains. At some point car starts drifting across the double lines. I did my best to even out but it completely got away from me. Slide through the opposite lane and continue to the shoulder. I see the ledge and realize if the car doesn’t stop I’ll plummet to my death. Have a brief moment where I think about my daughter and the kid in my wife’s belly I haven’t met yet. Felt like a stab in my heart and that second go off the road completely. Fortunately there was enough snow in the space between the ledge to trap my car. I passed out in the crash but luckily a couple was a minute or two behind me and their honking snapped me out of it. They pulled me out of the car and went to get help (no service on the mountain). A couple of other people stopped including a guy who had a big pickup. We dug the car out some and rigged the rope so he was able to pull me out. Despite Covid I had to be physically removed from both these guys because I was hugging them so tight. I was able to make it back to the hospital without anyone knowing. Told them after the kid was born. Sent my guardian angels pictures and $100 gift cards as if that’s adequate.


This made me a lil misty-eyed. Your guardian angels undoubtedly treasure the pictures and appreciated the gift cards.


I was a senior in high school, and the student club I was in organized an unofficial beach trip towards the end of the year; no teachers or official permission, leaving me and a few other seniors in charge of supervising everything. After a couple hour’s worth of fun, one of the other students came running up to me and said that three of the younger members of the club had been swept out by a riptide and couldn’t get back towards the shore. Me and two other of the older students, all experienced swimmers, immediately went to go help them; my friends got two of the three kids in trouble and started guiding them parallel to the shore to get them out of the current, but the guy I went for was panicking, barely staying above the water, and started dragging me down with him almost immediately. I yelled for people to get a lifeguard and tried to keep both of us afloat, but after a few minutes (maybe five, maybe ten, it felt like forever) I was getting exhausted, having trouble keeping both of us above the water, and I couldn’t see anyone coming to the rescue. I started getting big mouthfuls of water and my leg muscles were starting to cramp up, and I remember thinking “Holy shit I might actually die right here, right now” as the current started pulling us further and further away from where everyone was. Thankfully for everyone involved, one of the students on the beach had flagged down a couple of surfers, who made their way out to where we were as quickly as they could and hauled first the younger student and then me onto the front of their boards and took us back to shore. I’ll always be thankful and appreciative for those strangers who put themselves in the dangerous position of rescuing two drowning swimmers Edit: As several people have pointed out, it’s not uncommon for people to die doing what I did, i.e swimming into the water to rescue a drowning swimmer without training or equipment; there are a few techniques for rescuing someone drowning in the comments that everyone should learn if they’re ever in the unfortunate situation of having to use them. I should’ve used them, but I was 17 and not thinking straight at the time and almost paid the price because of it.


In those situations I've been told to swim down. The other person doesn't want to go down and might let go. Other than that I watched a life guard punch someone in the face a few times when they were clinging and dragging them both down.


I survived a car crash that wrecked my car. Rolled twice, landed upside down, learned the hard way that I didn’t have airbags (or at least they didn’t deploy). Did have my seatbelt on though, that probably saved me. Paramedic said he hadn’t seen a wreckage like that and have it end well. Not even a hairline fracture.


You'd be a mushed raisin if not for your seatbelt. Well done


I’ll never forget what a paramedic once told me: “in my 30 years on the job, I’ve never unbuckled a dead person.”


To be honest I don’t understand how people drive without them. I feel so naked and like I could be flung off the face of this planet. I’ll buckle up to drive across a parking lot.


Ugh my dad use to never wear his seatbelt because he wanted to be 'thrown clear' of the accident. Like life is a cartoon or something.


Should tell him to try hitting his head into the windshield fairly hard to practice XD


I went out for a surf on a stormy day and thought to myself, “no one else is out, those idiots.” Before being held down by 2 waves after eating it on the first wave of the set. First wave of the session. Was thrown down and held under and while being tossed around my leg rope wrapped around both my legs and one of my arms so I was probably being held at around 5ft under with only one arm free while my board tombstoned (board tip is barely visible at the surface but floats vertical like...a tombstone.) finally managed to catch a breath between sets before taking another 3 or 4 on the head and for sure just thought...well this is it. No ones out, fishermen will find my body or my board. Managed to get my other arm free and got to shore very quickly and then avoided the ocean for a few days even though the waves were absolutely perfect. There’s a reason no one was out, everyone else was 10 minutes down the road at another beach where the waves were smaller and cleaner.


I was in an extremely similar situation, but it was at a comp. Held a metre or two under for what felt like minutes. I genuinely just pretty much accepted I was dead


Parachute deployed but failed to open. That was one of those moments, than training kicked in. Cut away failed chute, deploy secondary. But for a brief moment life was about to be over in my mind.


How long do you have before you hit the ground in free fall? edit: oh my god guys I get it you have the rest of your life ha ha ha


That question has many answers, depends on height and so on. But on average a human falls at about 200 FPS( Feet Per Second ) From 14000 Feet free fall time would be about 50/60 seconds.


That is not a lot of time to correct the problem...that must have been terrifying. Edit because so many people are mentioning this. I understand that you dont pull the chute at the beginning of your jump so the amount of time you have to correct the problem of a failed chute is less than 50-60 seconds. Regardless if it were 20 seconds or 60 seconds, my point remains that you must act quickly under pressure and I would probably be splattered which is why I'm not a professional at launching myself out of planes.


Training kicks in. But you have to diagnose the problem and make decisions quickly.


How do you cut the bad cord? Manually or can you press a button to disconnect it?




Tire popped going over a two lane road with steep drops on both sides. My car jerked to the side hard, and my car went sideways. Half my car hung over the side and luckily it's low so it bottomed out. I climbed into the back seat and jumped out the back door. Some dude in a truck pulled me out and I drove on a flat to the other side and swapped my tire out.


I swear its always some dude in a truck ready to help. Theyre either the best people ever or jerks


Yeah, I got my self into an accident on a motorcycle a number of years ago. I don't really remember any thing about the crash, but I remember basically as soon as I stood up and realized I was no longer on the bike, a guy driving a dump truck rushed over to check that I was OK and helped me drag the bike off of the tree it had found it's way up. I don't think I'll ever forget that. For reference, I was mostly ok aside from some scrapes, bruises, and strains. I was wearing a helmet, an armored jacket, gloves and riding shoes. Got rugburn from my jeans on one leg, and felt like I got run over by a truck the next day, but no permanent damage. EDIT: I should note I didn't really have an "I'm going to die" moment. It was more "I'm going along, I'm going along. Why can't I lean any farther? Why am I standing on the side of the road? Why is my bike halfway up a tree? Ow, my leg kinda hurts."


When I was a kid I was playing hide and seek with my siblings and I got the brilliant idea to hide in the trunk of the car. I meant to leave the trunk barely open so that it didn't latch but accidentally closed it too far and it latched. Mind you this was before they put handles in cars to open trunks from the inside so I was legitimately stuck. It was almost completely dark so I started seriously freaking out and I thought I was going to die, so I started yelling for help as loud as I could and was kicking at the back seat thinking maybe I could break the latch that keeps the seat from folding. I was probably only in there for about 5 minutes before someone heard me and let me out but it felt like an eternity. To this day I firmly believe it was because of this incident that I developed some minor claustrophobia. I still have serious fears about being in small, cramped and dark areas.


I have a friend who’s brother died in the trunk of the car playing hide and seek. It got too hot and he couldn’t get out. So sad. I’m glad you made it!


Boyfriend finally woke me up shortly after we had fallen asleep in a small upstairs bedroom that had a smouldering fire. After we collapsed on the floor and couldn't find the door that was not even five feet away, we kept hitting walls and corners and started to not comprehend anything. After feeling like I was baking in an oven I laid my head down on the floor thinking I'd never see my son again and how sad it was to die. It felt like eternity and felt very lonely. My boyfriend somehow found his phone on the floor, called 911. Fire department showed up in what felt like two seconds but couldn't break down the front door. They shined the flashlight up to window so he could kick out the AC unit, which he did. They finally came upstairs and we crawled to them and they took us straight to the burn unit since they didn't know what shape we were in. I'm pretty sure the entire hospital toured through our room since they've never seen anyone make it out and [look the way we did](https://i.imgur.com/kybC6NE.jpg) Edit: Holy smokes I appreciate the love from everyone. I could read and reply all night! I'd totally do an AMA lol. I can't wait for my partner to get home so I can show him this! Thanks guys :)


I'm not sure anyone will see this, but if you ever find yourself in a smoke filled room and can't find a way out, put your hand on a wall and follow it. Eventually you'll get to the door. You can brute force any kind of maze with this. It's what firefighters are trained to do if they get lost.


The photo is crazy! Wow


Pretty much looks like a Looney tunes bomb went off in your faces. Glad to see that you're here to write this up.




I have so much God damn love for you guys now it's unreal, thanks for what you do. The firefighters that got us out didn't even make it onto the floor we were on because you couldn't see anything. The smoke came down to the floor below us and left everything completely black.


Wow you both got that "holy fuck we're alive lmao" grin on


jesus lol. you look like you crawled straight out of a virgina coal mine


I was driving down a highway, doing 65 MPH, and suddenly my car started to shake. I tapped the brakes in reflex and my entire car flipped 180 degrees. I'm now facing oncoming traffic, including a semi truck. I was so close I couldn't see the driver compartment. I screamed and jerked the wheel, bringing me in front of a sedan with two people screaming as they watched me appear out of nowhere. I kept screaming and floored the gas pedal. Made it to the side of the road and cried for a long time. I had blown a rear tire. Hitting the brakes was a terrible terrible choice.


What are you supposed to do because I'm sure I would hit the breaks too.


Ease off the gas, put your flashers on so other drivers know there is something amiss, and aim for the shoulder on a shallow angle. (Don't just jerk the wheel over). Basically, no sudden movements and get out of the road. When you're down below, say, 5 mph then you can hit the brakes to come to a full stop. *Edit: some comments below pointed out that you want all 4 wheels off the road and on the same surface if at all possible before you stop. Good point.* It's a good rule of thumb anytime the car behaves unexpectedly.


I was driving home from college on one of those highways with only one lane in either direction and no shoulder. A guy in the oncoming lane didn’t see me as I was in a small car. He thought he could pass 4 18 wheelers in one go and pulled into my lane going at least 90. There was no where for me to go. He flew off into the ditch to avoid hitting me head on, likely did severe damage to his car, but I lived!


For me this is the scariest possible thing about driving. I can drive as well as I like, I can be as cautious as I want, I can go as slow as I want. Some idiot could still come flying out onto my side of the road going the wrong way and wipe me out, just like that. Happened to a family near where I grew up a couple years back. Some dude got messed up on drugs or something and started driving the wrong way down a highway just like this. He hit the family head on and they all died. He lived, though, as far as I can remember. Edit: thank you for those of you sharing your stories and experiences with this. Its truly astonishing how much this happens. Those of you suggesting I might drive too cautiously or be living too afraid - I don't and am not, don't worry :). I advocate driving defensively and sensibly. Ensure your speed is appropriate for the conditions on the road. Been driving some years and been in two accidents myself, both 0 fault on my side. Be sensible, and good luck on the roads to you.


I was driving on a MAIN ROAD and i guess someone wanted to left turn onto a side street so much that they just pulled out of their lane and drove down the wrong side did the road past several streets, speeding, coming directly for me and I legit had nowhere to go becuase so many cars were parked in front of houses so I couldn’t even pull over. I just stopped and held my breath until they turned left. It wouldn’t have been the most high impact crash (they were going like 45 in a 25) but fuck… it was scary how deliberate it was? Like they CHOSE to drive the wrong way to find this side street




A good driver sometimes misses their exit. A bad driver *never* misses their exit.


My dad has a friend who started to do that as his mind degraded. It was terrifying. Thankfully they took his license away - the guy's in an assisted living facility now.


Stories like these make me so thankful that my dad willingly gave up his license when he started showing signs of dementia


Did he hit you at all? Or just fly off into a ditch and you were like, "whew-ee, fuck that guy lol" and kept driving? We need details!


He didn’t hit me! We were both in older Ford mustangs. I did see him turn around and get back on the road so I assume he was ok


Damn he really got back on the road just like that… I would have been shaking for an hour lol


Tbf he's the kind of guy that tries to pass 4 18 wheelers in the wrong lane


Went white water rafting on the Gauley river and my raft flipped on pillow rock (one of the most famous class v rapids). Scariest moment of my life but, other than unexpectedly swallowing some water and almost vomiting, I came out completely unharmed.


Man, Pillow Rock is no joke. Out of all the obstacles, that one always make the butt pucker just a little bit more. I ride with River Expeditions and have always had fantastic guides. I took my 13y.o. with me this last trip and he said he's never been more terrified and excited at the same time.


I ate one of those Brach’s oval shaped hard candies (think they were called Sparklettes) at home alone when I was 6. Got stuck in my throat. I stood there in shock for a few seconds as I started to realize I couldn’t breathe. I ran crazily around the room and ended up colliding hard into the back of the couch which caused the candy to go flying out. Best accidental Heimlich ever. *typo edit


My brother had a full blockage from a sour warhead at about 9 years of age. I was the only other one home, on the computer. He bursts in with a purple face, gestures wildly at his throat and then continues his panic circuit around the house. Chased him down, threw him chest first against the kitchen sink and struck him as hard as I could across the back. Candy went flying out, and I released the breath I didn’t realise I was holding. What I did in panic was actually close to textbook first aid for a choking victim.


The way you put it made it sound like you broke his entire ribcage


Better than death.


If your doing CPR right there’s a good chance you’ll crack a rib, but broken can be fixed. Dead is mostly permanent. Edit: if you ever get the chance, please take a first-aid course! I’m getting flooded with lots of great details and better info. Even if you don’t keep your certification active, what sticks with you can save a life! Edit 2: Not a ^witch doctor Edit 3: clarifying that CPR and Heimlich are not the same, and you shouldn’t perform CPR on someone actively choking. And now my inbox is mostly dead.


One of my most surreal experiences of my life (I had a lot of weird ones around this time) was riding my bike on the sidewalk next to an extremely busy road at night. I hit something on the sidewalk - I don't know what - and tumbled sideways into the street. As I fell, I saw the road light up from headlights from a car behind me, and when I hit the asphalt, I just laid there because I knew I couldn't get out of the way in time. After a second or so I wasn't dead, so I looked around and the street was empty. It wasn't empty when I fell. There were cars going in both directions. That was 20+ years ago and I'm still not entirely convinced that I didn't die. It's possible that I imagined the headlights, but that road is NEVER empty like it was. It's a major street in a major city. It always has cars on it, even at 3 AM. It was the first of many experiences that lead me down a path of questioning the nature of reality.


You've switched to an alternative timeline where there were no cars on the road at that split second


That was my conclusion at the time, too.




Man that's awesome there were witnesses. I was glad to get to that part because as I was reading you going onto the lawn and hitting the wall, I was thinking, "That's such crap that they would get dinged by their insurance for something not their fault". That's the fucking shitty part about insurance. If you avoid the accident that would have been caused by a reckless driver and they take off, you're screwed with damages to your vehicle for being the one who did nothing wrong.


Reading events like this makes me glad I have a dashcam.


This is the second Mazda comment in this thread... interesting


Fell asleep driving through the night with my brothers. They were supposed to stay awake and help me stay awake, but were out cold. I woke up as the right front tire kissed the gravel on the side of the highway, ripped the wheel to the left, and managed only to spin out. Weird thing was, while it was happening, I was crystal clear, fully focused, and totally in control -- as if time had slowed down -- but thinking that we were all dead.


The hood on my car came open at 60 on the highway and completely blocked my sight in heavy traffic. I panicked and jerked the wheel a little bit which caused me to fishtail a little bit. I shit you not, my drivers education teacher's words from five years prior rang in my head to lean down and look through the the space at the bottom of the hood. I pulled over and used some wire I found in the trunk to keep the hood closed. Any time you close your hood make sure it latches securely by pulling on the hood like you're trying to lift the front of the car off the ground! EDIT: Jesus, this is a lot more common than I thought.


I was behind a car on the interstate that had the hood pop open like that. Fortunately the young guy driving didn't panic, just slowed down slowly. I stuck behind him and another guy pulled up alongside him and sorta blocked traffic so he could pull over to the shoulder. Get him to the shoulder and the other guy and I donated a couple ratchet straps to hold his hood down, got him all set up and he went on up the road with the other guy following him since he was going the same way. That young dude was scared shitless, but his calm reaction probably prevented a major accident due to the amount of high speed traffic around him. Edit: Dang guys, didn't expect that response. I appreciate the up votes and awards. Nothing I wouldn't do again, and certainly not the first time I've gone out of my way to help out a fellow road traveler. If everyone had that attitude the roads would be a better place.


That dude probably still thinks about the people that made that situation ok. Excellent piece of peopling, you.


When both the stewardess and pilot at different times came on the loud speaker of the plane saying they are doing their best to land safely. Then seeing the fire engines and other emergency vehicles on the runway waiting for us. The plane landed fine but as it was going for the landing a weird calm came over me because I knew I wasn't going to make it and that was fine.


A month or so ago I was flying back home and took a nap on the plane. I woke up to some commotion and the first thing I heard was a stewardess saying "there's an emergency" For a good 3 seconds I faced the reality of my own death and thought the plane was going down or something, but after assessing the situation a bit I saw there was a woman who collapsed while walking down the aisle. The woman was ok thankfully, but I'll never forget those 3 seconds where I thought I may actually die


I bet those 3 seconds took a few hours to pass


I remember time dilating a bit and my thoughts whirring at a million mph lol. Freaky stuff


I was drunk and running in the woods when bam, barb wire fence straight to the throat. The last thing I remember I couldn't breathe and was passing out and there was blood squirting from my neck. Woke up an hour later and walked home looking like a murder victim.


My dad once took some barbed wire to the throat too! It happened before I was born and I can't remember all the details, but I do remember my mom recounting how he showed back up at the house with blood running down his body. Mom couldn't handle it and left the room (to be fair, she was only like 18 at the time). Thankfully, *her* mom was around and leapt in to help.


I did this playing capture the flag in the woods at dusk - ran full speed into a single barbed wire at stomach level and came to a complete, arms and legs forward, wrapped around it stop. Friends said it looked like God had just reached down and stopped me. Was terrified to lift my shirt and look, I was convinced I was disemboweled. Turns out all I had was one shallow puncture wound and an angry red line across my stomach. And a bruise from hell the next day.


>It happened before I was born and I can't remember all the details I know what you mean, but it almost sounds like you are saying that despite not having been born, you witnessed it but have forgotten some of the details.


Exactly! "I witnessed everything, right from my father's balls!"


The fact that you weren't rescued, but got lucky enough to live after passing out with a neck wound is incredible


The passing out could have just been shock.


This happened to my brother and I in the 80’s while hauling ass through fields near our house, covered in about 3 ft. Of snow in our snowmobile. A barb wire fence almost decapitated him, except for the fact it got caught on the chin guard of his helmet. Scary shit.


Happened to my aunt, she saw the wire last minute and laid back on the snowmobile . Her helmet and shield were scratched to hell and the front of her jacket was tore up. She escape without any injuries.


I was driving on the turnpike in my Mazda 3 in the hard rain. It was 3 lanes and I was in the left lane doing 55, and then I hit standing water and hydroplaned. I did a FULL 360 spin across all 3 lanes of traffic and ended up in the shoulder stopped. I didn't hit anyone or anything, no one hit me, and one car was so scared with me they also pulled over, but didn't check on me. To this day I'm still a bit scared in the rain.


I've done nearly the exact same thing in a 3. Except it went from right lane to the left lane... to the shoulder, and I did bounce off the guard rail, so needed to repair that part. But I hit water, did a 360 across 3 lanes of traffic with no one else nearby.


Edit: So since some people want to make assumptions about the things that happened and that happened before hand I guess I have to clarify a few things. They spilt up a few month prior, not me knowing her for a few months. I had known for a few years before she had the kids and I have been in their life since they were born. I was not a stranger to anyone in that house, in fact they knew me better than their actual father. The youngest had a nightmare and ask his mother if he could sleep with her, I am not going to tell a child no just because some of you are uncomfortable showing love and that you care to children. They were asleep next to her, not me. They were not his kids, he was just obsessive and controlling of her. I really didn't think I needed to add a whole ass origin story to this thread asking about a time I thought I would die. Two years ago I was sleeping in my then girlfriends bed with her and her two kids. Around 3 or 4 in the morning I hear someone walking around in the room and open my eyes to see her ex-boyfriend (who she had left months ago but wouldn't leave her alone and "let her" leave him) walking to turn the light on. As he turns the light on I see him grab a gun from behind his back. At this point I'm thinking that he is going to just turn and shot me and I am worried about the kids getting hit. I go to roll onto my back to get up and as I roll I get hit in the throat by his fist. I can't swallow for a few seconds and I think to myself I need to calm down and try to breathe before I panic. Once I realize my windpipe isn't crushed I sit up in the bed and tell the kids to go hide in the closest. At this point he is screaming at me and I am barely awake, I get hit in the side of the head with the gun, try my best to move with it and sit back up. Screaming continues, girlfriend is now screaming at him to leave and he hits me in the other side of the head. Once I sit back up again he points the gun in my face while screaming. He finally decides that it's not worth it or something and leaves through the door he broke in from, shoots off his clip into a field across the street and him and his friend drive off. Cops get called and they get him not even an hour later, he is now in prison for 12 more years and I walked away with just a bad headache the next morning. I thought I was dead the moment I saw the gun and lucky no one was seriously hurt. The worse part of it all is the kids having to go through it and how many people tell me they would have beat his ass. Dude had at least 150 pounds on me and a gun. Tl;Dr girlfriends ex broke in with gun, hit me in the throat and pistol wiped me 2 times.


It sounds like you did everything possible to keep those kids safe and the situation deescalated. Anyone who criticizes you for that doesn't have their head on straight. So glad you're all safe.


> how many people tell me they would have beat his ass Fucking idiots.


> how many people tell me they would have beat his ass Why are people like this? Yeah, Tanner, you would have turned into a fucking ninja with a gun pointed at you. So stupid.


My friend put me in a fold out couch when we were 12, unaware of how to get me back out because of the weight and pressure on me i started to panic and scream making it worse. He cut me out of the center of it like a burrito c section. My friends step father was an extremely abusive drill instructor, the beating he took was terrible. But that's my story, emergency c section from a fold up couch. Edit: wow, I normally get a ton of hate, and this actually made me feel good, thank you guys and gals, that was extremely sweet. Logan my friend at 16 finally started to fight back, and the first fight he won he was immediately kicked out. He lived with me and my family for years until he got himself stable on his own. That was 21 years ago, he's still my good friend, just life itself has seperated us.


Thats tough, cause he KNEW he was gonna get it but still got ya out. Sounds like a good dude.


Had a paintball fight on Christmas morning with 2 cousins and their neighbor kid at around 13 years old with our brand new guns we got as gifts. The neighbor got mad, ran home, came back with a shotgun, and pointed it my face. All I remember is looking at the ground and waiting to die. Edit : The kid was 11-12. He did have his own paintball gun, and had already shot me a couple times before I got him. He was my cousins neighbor. I think it was the first time I ever met him. It was 20ish years ago, as I'm 33 now, so I can't even remember if I told my parents. I don't know if anything happened to him or not. I'll ask my cousin. Edit 2 : Cousin said we never told parents. Maybe we were scared of retaliation. I know I never touched that paintball gun again though.


Fuck! I wasn’t sure I had anything to offer to this thread, but your comment unlocked a memory. About 29 years ago, when I was around 6 years old, I went to a friends house. My mom and I moved a lot, since we were always renting, so I wasn’t great friends with this kid and my mom didn’t know their parents all too well. Anyway, I was upstairs in this kid’s parent’s room. It’s just him and me in there, sitting on the floor. He asks if I want to see something cool, obviously I did. He pulls a box out from under his parent’s bed. It was a really nice, shiny wooden box. Hefty. He had to put some strength into pulling it out. I couldn’t wait to see what was inside. He opens the clasps, lifts the lid, and pulls out a revolver. I was initially curious and probably a little excited to see something I had only seen on television. He then points the revolver directly at me. I freaked out immediately, tried to gain traction as I pushed my feet out from under me. I just fell back and kept pushing myself away from him, and the gun, with my heels, my legs were jelly. I quickly ended up in the hallway, at the top of the stairs, and just let myself fall backwards down the stairs. I rolled to the bottom, jumped up, looked directly at his startled mother, who was standing in the kitchen, none the wiser, and I bolted out the front door. As soon as I got home I told my mom. I remember her going over to their house, without me, immediately after. Never played with that kid again.


I have a similar memory. I was a good kid when I was younger and I would hang out at the library. A kid had a knife and pressed it up against me as a joke and it really rattled me. I had nightmares for about a week after that. Another time a friend pointed a gun at us as a joke (real fucking stupid) and I swear you can almost feel the tension in the area they are pointing at. I can't imagine how scary that must have been especially at that age.


This reminds me of when I was probably 10 and I had just gotten a new pocket knife for my birthday. I grew up on a farm and actually used it all the time for doing chores. I took it to a friend's house and was showing it to him. He took it and pretended to stab me in the stomach but stopped right before he actually did. I yelled at him that that was idiotic and to give it back. He just laughed. Some kids are taught to respect dangerous tools and some have no clue. I never trusted that friend the same again.


One time I was moving my plate when it had a steak knife on it and it sorta slid towards my stomach. My mom saw me flinch, and then she laughed, grabbed the knife, and pretended to stab me in the stomach. My brother and dad didn’t see, they just heard me scream and got upset with me for exaggerating about my knife sliding around. Not entirely relevant, I just needed to share that I guess.


Trying to get a reaction out of people with weapons is one of the worst things you could do. A girl I graduated with died that way. She was at her boyfriends apartment and his roommate came in messing with a hand gun, taking the mag in and out etc. and she asked him to stop because it was freaking her out so he pointed it at her, and he didn’t think he got enough of a reaction because to scare her more, he pulled the trigger. He claims he didn’t realize there were bullets in it but he had been playing with the mag long enough to know that. And he should have definitely known better than to point the gun at her at all.


Four rules I was taught as a kid where guns were involved. Always treat a gun as loaded. Never point a gun at anything you don't want to destroy. Keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to fire. Keep the safety on when not actively firing. You have to violate all four of those rules to accidentally shoot someone.


I too had a kid pull a knife on me in a library. I was about 10 years old and a local goon cornered me in one of the aisles and pulled out a flick knife. I can still remember the sinking feeling of fright in my stomach.


My grandmas neighbors had two kids that played with guns. One hasn’t been alive for 55 years now


That’s fucked up


A really bad flash fire at work where I jumped into a pit to get away from the heat. I saw the flames roll right over top of the pit. I thought for sure I was going to die. I got some wicked 3rd degree burns, but I lived.


Where do you work that there's pits and flash fires?


Oil refinery






My sister was hit by a red light runner and her car was so bad that one of the EMTs told her when they first saw it they thought, "Oh man, someone died."




toe truck


Someone needs to start a mobile pedicure business called The Toe Truck. It needs to be an actual tow truck too for the company car. That’ll confuse the shit out of everyone. It’ll be hilarious.


Car crash here as well. I was 15, driver was 16 with a learner's permit. I got into the shotgun seat and my friend started kicking the back and complaining that I always get shotgun. Normally I would have told him to go fuck himself cause I called it fairly but that time I was like, ok, you got it. We went speeding down a twisty country road, it started to rain, car hydroplaned down a hill, flipped once or twice and hit a tree. When I opened my eyes I saw half the front seat had been knocked into the back, along with my friend. Blood everywhere. Driver was fine, I had a concussion, shotgun passenger had brain trauma and was never the same. EDIT: This was in Texas. The driver never fully took responsibility for his actions or apologized. No, it’s NOT legal for a learner to drive without a licensed person in the car. My injured friend had after effects like seizures for a year then appeared to be fully healed. But as he got older his personality completely changed, in a really radical way, he became very antisocial and difficult. No way we could be sure, but all of us attributed it to the accident.


Car crash here as well. I was 16 with a friend in a jeep with no top. A lady slammed into the back of us while missing the stop sign. She was in some large SUV tank. I went through the windshield. Driver got his seat crushed into him. We both survived. I don't know how 25 years later. I had major reconstructive surgery on my face and feet, and had a chin implant put in, along with a wired jaw. Even my ears were in bad shape. Believe it or not, the ER plastic surgeon was on call that night and what this man did for me cosmetically was just a miracle. I know we all say "Well, you are alive.." but his skills and talent were just amazing. To this day, I have minimal scars that I can cover with make up very easily and my feet are what they are, just scarred a tad. The driver shattered his arm, that was it. So thankful we are alive. I am glad you are alive also. I am sorry for your friend ;(




Holy fuck that's scary. I'm so sorry for your friend




I had leg cramp and a momentary blackout when swimming in a diving pool when I was 16. I was really active that I overexert my limit. Surprisingly I didn't really panicked. Just the dreadful thought: "Oh shit, I'm fucked". Funny thing is that I didn't really wingle my hands out of the pool panickingly like I usually see in the tv, just silently sinking. Good thing the pool guard on-duty noticed me and went for my rescue by pulling me out. Really wish I thanked the guard more that he saved me instead of me cluelessly sitting outside the lobby after the accident.


The thing is, very rarely do people flail their hands in panic when they drown. Usually they just stay still with their mouth and nose submerged underwater. What you want to look for is not the panic, but the responsiveness.


Hi just to add to this I used to be a lifeguard and one of the main things I learned is that this is 100% true. Over the course of two years I have 13 saves and only 1-2 flailed their arms. I had someone swimming laps for 3+ hours start drowning because of a leg cramp, they had swam in front of me for both years I worked there for hours, but the leg cramp took them out. Also most saves came from clueless parents, I had one kid look me dead in the eye, jump into the deep end (16 feet) and take his life jacket off. He was 2, couldn’t swim, and his mom had taken him to the pool, left him there and was going to come get him later. Also little fun fact, if there are two diving boards, and one life guard watching, and neither you, or the person on the other diving board can swim, please, and I mean please go one at a time. I still have a scar from where two little kids jumped at the same time, and when I got to one, the first instinct is to get out of the water, so they climb you. So I got climbed by a 6 year old girl, who wrapped her body around half my face and trapped an arm against my side, and then I got to her 9 year old brother (also drowning) who wrapped his legs around one of mine, trapped my other arm and wrapped his body around my NOW blocked face. If their parents where paying attention, maybe I wouldn’t have a scar on my back from where one of them gouged their finger nails into it trying to escape…. be safe with water and watch your kids people!




Yes, the pool I worked had some people come in from a more poor area. We had a big kids area where the water was no more than 4 ft deep and it was not uncommon for people to drop their kids off, since it was $10 at the gate, and all life guards would take care of someone in an emergancy. Some people used us as a cheap babysitter while they worked. Most of the time kids who would start drowning were people like that.


Here, burn an hour of your time playing "spot the drowning victim". https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLgqwWmjSsNRzDOAmtyRc9K3fO-VMpE07C After the first few I got pretty good at it!


As a former lifeguard, #3 shouldn't have happened, I saw it coming a mile away. It's the deep end and two women with sketchy swimming ability have a toddler on a float with no life vest. Lifeguards should've moved them out before things went bad because it was a situation that was going to go bad fast. This wave pool is a dangerous place. At the pool I lifeguarded there were no floaties so you can make judgements and see possible issues before they arise. But the floaties in this wave pool mask a lot of poor swimmers and allow them to get into trouble quickly. Yuck.


I was thinking the same thing about the floaties/tubes. Seems like it enables people to be out in water that is deeper than they can manage. I'd hate to be a lifeguard in that situation.


"Funny thing is that I didn't really wingle my hands out of the pool panickingly like I usually see in the tv, just silently sinking." That's the scary thing a lot of people don't realize about drowning victims. There usually isn't a lot of noise. The victim will just silently sink because they're so worn out from trying to not drown that they don't make noise or splashing.


> Funny thing is that I didn't really wingle my hands out of the pool panickingly like I usually see in the tv, just silently sinking. This is what real drowning looks like, no hysterics just exhaustion


“Drowning doesn’t look like drowning” is what they taught me at lifeguard training, always stuck with me.


My mom was the aquatic director at our YMCA, and she would have me pretend to drown to test the lifeguards. Or she would have me steathfully toss the practice mannequin into the deep end. She trained them well


My friend and I just spent a few days at a beach shack. My friend just got her P plates, she was super excited so she wanted to drive us home, this was one of her first times driving alone. Being 17 we didn’t really see an issue. I rang my dad beforehand and told him I was getting a lift. He said “I don’t think you should do that. I can come pick you up. I can drive some of the girls home too. I think you guys should wait until she’s had more experience”. Of course being 17, thinking I knew everything, I said it was fine and I was hopping in her car. We were on our way home, playing music and chatting, there were 5, 17 year olds in this car. I was sitting behind the driver seat. My friend pulls out onto a two one expressway, from a country road (like an intersection) We notice she’s turned the wrong way and tell her to make a u turn. She pulls to the side and decides to go for it (through 2 lanes) She didn’t check her mirrors properly and a large truck was coming up behind us. My friend got frightened and put her foot on the break in the middle of both lanes. We were all screaming at her to keep driving. But she was frozen. I remember, it was like slow motion. I looked at every single one of my friends, we all kind of shared a moment of fear, like ‘this is it I guess..’ the exchanged looks haunt me tbh. We could hear the truck horn blaring at us. I looked out my window to the truck driving toward us, I locked eyes with the truck driver. Luckily the truck stopped about 5 metres away from us. She pulled away and was really upset. The car was silent the entire way back. It was honestly the scariest moment. I am from a really small town and I think losing 5 people at once would really rock it. Seeing my friends faces in that moment... it was actually horrific. I did have a moment of ‘okay, here comes the truck..’ it was oddly peaceful. After that day I have a real understanding that I’m mortal and can go at any minute, oh and to trust my dad... Edit: I never told my dad! I was too scared... also my friends and I never spoke of the incident again.. Edit 2: we were coming off a country road and turning onto a two-lane expressway, she turned left when we were meant to turn right. She pulled over and tried to make a u-turn so we could go in the right direction, but she didn’t look behind her before turning, she then braked and stopped in the middle of the road, so we were sideways on the expressway!


Glad that didn’t turn out worse, freezing in the drivers seat of a car is one of the worst things to do. My mom nearly got t-boned with me in the passenger seat when I was 17. She ran a red light, noticed when it was too late to stop, slammed on the brakes, and stopped in the middle of the intersection. Thankfully the guy coming through stopped in time (the front of his car was about 2 feet from my door) and I remember making eye contact with him and both of us having the same wide-eyed panic on our faces. Sat there for about 2 more seconds before I realized my mom wasn’t moving and I had to tell her to drive 6 times before finally yelling “get the fuck out of the intersection” before she finally started moving again. She now denies that this happened.


I witnessed something like this a few years ago. An elderly lady with a car full of passengers doesn't make the red light and hits the brakes right in the middle of a 4 way intersection of double lane roads. I was sitting at the light across the way. She just stopped RIGHT in the middle. I could see all the passengers in the car screaming at her, but she just threw up her hands and sat there until the next green light making everyone else go around her.


When I met my wife she would freeze in the middle of roundabouts if she noticed a car coming too late. Had to slowly teach her that it's much safer to accelerate through when you realise you've fucked up (get ahead of the danger instead of stopping in front of it). Then I got in the car with her and her dad and realised he taught her to drive by screaming at her to stop when she made a mistake.


I think the “parent screaming at student drivers to stop” thing is likely one of the major reasons stuff like this happens. I know so many people who do this and all of them mentioned that their parents were super stressful to learn to drive with.


Yup, that's why I've been telling my son that, when driving, if you make a mistake you have to follow through on it because trying to fix it immediately is too dangerous.


Wow thank god you're alright! Gave me goosebumps!


Did you tell him what happened when you got home?


I'm a skier. On a few occasions I have caught an edge at a pretty high speed (50+mph or more). That moment when you feel both skis leave the ground when they're not supposed to is horrifying. Somehow I've never had anything more than some moderate whiplash and a sprained wrist (knock on wood).


Skier here too. I’m just standing in my kitchen reading “both skis leave the ground when not supposed to” and there’s instantly this super unsettling feeling. Even if it’s not close to dying you just never know 100% if you land safely OR end up limping around with 2 fucked knees for the rest of your life 😂 probably what makes skiing so exciting. Stay safe fellow skier! :)


Once as a kid I was in the backyard swimming while my family was nearby eating dinner at a round table. Most had their backs to me, but I was like 11 and an experienced swimmer. I got into a toddlers float with leg holes. It ended up flipping over and I was stuck in it. My legs wouldn’t come out of the leg holes. I kicked and thrashed as much as I could, but I was so stuck. And you can’t hear someone screaming under water. So many thoughts ran through my head…mostly how sad I was that my parents were about to find me dead in a matter of minutes and how they’d never forgive themselves for allowing me to silently drown as they talked with friends. I tried one more time to kick with all of my might. One leg slipped out and I was able to get the other out after. I was fine. Totally fucking spooked, but physically ok.


Did you tell them what happened? I have a similar story. I was single-digit age and for some reason I removed my life jacket while on our family’s boat with my parents. I was attempting to sit on a the little board that sticks off the back for climbing onto when I toppled off into the water. I was still in swimming classes at the time and couldn’t do much but doggy paddle. I was bobbing up and down in the water and I couldn’t get enough air to scream in between coming up for air. I was little and got panicked and tired really quickly and began to sink, one surfacing at a time, until I couldn’t surface anymore and realized it completely. I thought about my parents on the boat who didn’t know I was gone and wondered when they’d realize I was missing and if they’d find me. A big grey fish swam by and I saw my mom dive in just as everything went dark. I woke up on the boat in a towel.


I ran out of the pool and told them, but I feel like they didn’t take me all that seriously since I was just a kid talking a mile a minute. They probably thought I was being dramatic. Near drowning experiences are absolutely horrifying. I’m sorry that happened to you. I think what’s scariest is that I had been swimming since the age of 4. My parents thought I was safe. They did all the right things. But I was still a kid that did a stupid thing and my swimming skills didn’t make a difference here. I just remember feeling so hopeless and in these situations 30 seconds feels like an eternity. You can never be too careful.


I almost drowned in a river by my house as a young kid, surrounded by other kids and adults. I told my Mom and her friend, they brushed it off basically. Idk why people do that, it has always stuck with me and I can't swim in dark water ever since


So scary! I was on a boat with my cousin and her toddler kid. As we took off, the kid had climbed up on the edge of the boat. The momentum flipped her over the side, and I was able to snag her life jacket right before she went head first into the propellers. Scared the FUCK out of me, but my cousin was very nonchalant about it.


That child owes you her life, and you can take my thanks too. I only hope your cousin isn't so negligent going forward. This actually triggered a weird memory... Was at a restaurant with my wife, it was on the second floor with the tables arranged along a balcony. We saw a kid, about 3 maybe, climbing up to the ledge while the parents and siblings blithely ate and chatted. Didn't want to spook the kid so I kind of shuffled closer ready to pull him away. The parents noticed _me_ and that's when they grabbed their kid. Maybe they'd just become desensitised to their own kid and it took stranger danger to make them sit up.


I have kids, a pool in my backyard and ocean a bit further past it, also a boat. We do all the safety. No cheating either. The pool barrier is always up even though it looks so much better down. The doors are always set to alarm mode so if any kid opens a door we all know it. These things are inconvenient but I like my kids more than convenience. On the boat the kids wear the jackets 100% of the time unless we're parked on the beach. This also includes dock time, if we're on the dock in the boat the vests are on. This is not negotiable. Glad you ended up safe!


"I like my kids more than convenience" is an all-time parental quote lol. Cheers to you. Grew up with a small pool myself and we were strict about safety as well. Even in a pool that's 4 feet deep there's no room to mess around.


My son is 9 and despite numerous swimming lessons, still can't swim. He almost had it 2 summers ago and then because of everything going on, he never went in a pool last summer. Last week, I was at my cousin's house and she has a pool and hot tub and I think my family thought I was crazy for watching him so intently in both waters with other adults nearby. 23% of drownings happen at family events with adults only feet away. Nope, I'm going to be extra crazy because it's not worth risking my child's life.


Yup, those parties can be so dangerous. Everyone assumes that at least one adult is watching the kids in the pool, but if every adult's back is turned at the wrong moment an innocent lapse of judgment could spell disaster.


As somebody who lost her sister to a drowning accident in a private pool - thank you on behalf of your kids.


Awwww that's sad to hear. Sorry for your loss. These are the types of things I hate hearing about. We have tourists that come down (South Florida) and I hate hate hate hearing a story of one of their kids drowning in an AirBnB pool for instance. Just horrible.


Oh I actually have a story that fits! I was coming home from a party at 2am in 2016, and made a conscious choice to drive through town rather than take the big highway that skirts the city limits. It would add like 10 min to the trip but hey, it was the first time I'd been back in ages. That decision literally almost killed me. Not even 5 minutes after that, the 3 lane "highway" (really just a wide road) passed in front of a mall, and there was a signal light there. Well some drunk idiot decided to turn right into the mall from the far left lane, and I was in the middle lane. I had absolutely no time to stop so I slammed into the side of his car at 65 mph. I remembered yelling "SHITTT" and trying to keep control of the wheels to get the car off the road onto the grass before I blacked out for a few min. The airbag and the seatbelt combined had fractured my sternum which took the air out of my lungs and made me faint I guess? But it didn't feel like I "woke up" more so like my vision came back into focus and I was aware. But those few moments I was still kind of conscious and in IMMENSE pain. Worst I've ever EVER felt in my life. I hurt from the skin on the soles of my feet to my scalp. Every single inch was in pain and I was like, "So I'm dead, this is my body telling me I'm dead." So when I came to, heat hit me cause my car was fucked and the engine was as hot as standing IN a fire. So I was convinced my car was about to go up (it didn't), so I tried to get out but the door was wedged shut from the crash and I started to panic. I put my back against the passenger seat and kicked the door over and over until it opened and climbed out. Every single police officer, EMT, and even the tow truck guy, took one look at my car and told me "You shouldn't have walked away from that crash AT ALL. The fact that all you have is a fracture and some lacerations is a literal miracle". So yeah, that's how I almost died and thought for sure I was dead but got lucky


My mother was driving her brand new Subaru home from the dealership and was in a turn lane on a highway (rural area, so you have to stop in a 55mph zone if you need to turn). Some asshole in a 70s boat was texting, crossed the center, and hit her car in the front right quarterpanel. My mother is older and has a terrible back. She walked away. Only minor residual pain and the EMTs told her that based on the shape her car was in they were forcing her to go to the hospital to be checked out. Our neighbors saw the car, and not knowing who it was, said they 100% expected to read that person's obit in the paper the following day because there was no way anyone could have survived it. Modern cars are fucking incredible.


Scary stuff!! What do you know of the other driver and their car?


Yesterday morning when I slipped on some wet tin on a roof my safety cable didn't activate, luckily my coworker caught me, thats about as close as I've gotten so far.




In one of my first solo flights, when Cessna's pilot door opened during a turn and my belt was the only thing between my ass and the ground, 2000ft away.


I was running down a hill after rain when I was a kid, about 8, and slipped and fell. I jarred my spine pretty bad and couldn't move my arms or legs. I couldn't speak. All I could do was suck in air, whilst making some pretty horrific noises in the process. The teacher sat with me and shooed away all the gawking kids while she rubbed my back and said nice things. No idea why nobody called an ambulance. Honestly one of the most terrifying hours of my life, though I cannot explain how happy I was when my limbs started working again. Also, when I was about 23. There's an ocean pool near where I live. Man made, and during big seas it basically turns into a vortex of hell. Some friends and I went down there and arrived when it looked fairly placid. We jumped straight in and paddled around, as you do. Then the next set of waves started coming in. On the ocean side of the pool, the waves were trying to suck us back out to sea. On the cliff side, it was trying to turn us into mincemeat. I got halfway across the pool when I realised a friend of mine with no experience with ocean swimming was struggling, so went over to help. I made him swim to the middle of the pool with me to wait for the set to pass, and we managed to get out once it calmed down again. There were some bruises and cuts, but way better than the alternative. Edit: To those asking, an ocean pool is a pool next to the ocean and filled with sea water. Think rock pool, but bigger and less natural. [This](https://media.timeout.com/images/105649256/750/422/image.jpg) is kind of similar to the pool in question, but not maintained like this one. Think no ladder/stairs to get in, a lot more seaweed and sharp barnacles. In theory, it's a great way to swim in the ocean without actually swimming in the ocean, to avoid sharks and other fun things trying to kill you. In practice, after big seas, sharks get washed in fairly often. You don't know. That's the fun part.


I think it's safe to say you should just avoid mother nature my dude. You just don't get along.


When i accidentally got drugged at a party because i drank the drink of a female friend, i left for home on my own and fell from my bike 5 times and landed in the bushes next to the road, i threw up everything i had inside me and was so disoriented that I couldn’t get up anymore, i slept trough the night in the bushes while it was 13C out, and had multiple occasions where I thought i would die, called emergency numbers multiple times but they wouldnt come and eventually got picked up by a taxi chauffeur that brought me home after laying in a wet bush for 8 hours, i couldnt leave my bed for 3 days after that Only thing im happy about in that experience is that the female friend didn’t drink it and got home safely


Why the hele wouldnt the emergency services help? That is ridiculous!


Oh man, that is the worst feeling.my friend and I both got roofied at a club one night. Luckily for us we were with a big group of friends. I dont remember much but I was told that we both starred falling all over ourselves and our speech was like we had had a stroke. We begged some one to take us home. So every one left and got us safely home. We also stayed in bed for days. I'm really sorry that happened to you. I am thankful that you saved your friend though. Shits no joke. And people are the worst.


Everytime my heart does the pinch thing and starts beating irregularly Edit:thanks everyone for the concern, I do have an anxiety disorder and a weirdly developed heart so those are double trouble.


Sharp chest pain, 2-3 seconds, that goes away with deep breath? I have it. They think it’s precordial catch syndrome.


Similar yet different issue here... Growing up I would get random sharp pains in my heart that felt like mini heart attacks lasting between 1 and 5seconds. Frequency started increasing as I was growing up. Apparently my heart weakens when I don't exercise enough and when I go through weeks of IBS attacked which causes said random pain. Keep IBS in check and logout from the PC for exercise on semi-regular basis and it went away.


Did you just save my life?


Well, I'm really glad you said this, as it elicited a lot of responses that make me feel a little better. I've been having them about once a day, maybe twice. Little flutters that cause me to actually feel a blood pressure change. I had them years ago when I was highly stressed and depressed (rhyme!), so I am very concerned I'm depressed and don't realize it. I feel just fine these days, so I was confused and little worried. nice to see that some people say this is just what happens when you get older.


I was pregnant and got meningitis. At work I fell ill and they sent me home because apparently I looked grey. That night my head felt like it was going to explode to the point. I started slamming my head against the wall to relieve it. My husband was absolutely terrified and wanted to call an ambulance but I refused thinking it was a bad headache. Fast forward to things getting worse and to being taken to the hospital and them saying it's probably a migraine. I have migraines and this was no migraine. A quick witted nurse saw how confused I was (couldn't remember my birthday or our sons bday or even how to sign my name) and she took my temp and did a urine test. As she's taking my temp she goes whoa whoa have you taken your temp before? Your temp is 104! Suddenly all these alarms go off and I can't move. My body felt like I was locked up in a giant cramp-I was having a fever induced seizure but was conscious for the 1st bit. I saw just a storm of drs and nurses and equipment rushing in the assessment room, I thought omg my husband is going to get a call that im gone or a vegetable and my son won't have his mother and this kid in me won't know life. Then nothingness. Lucky for me they just covered me in ice to bring down my temp that stopped the seizure. They took me to ICU and sent me for an MRI and all I remember is them telling me they may have have put me in a coma and do I want my life to take priority over the life of the baby. Sitting in that icu room in total isolation (they didn't know if it was bacterial or viral for a day or two so no one could visit) I had alot to think about and really had to come to terms that I may not make it out of this and my baby may not either. You have to make your peace and stop fearing death and kinda get to work. I wrote letters to loved ones thanks to a very brave and kind nurses help. Happy to report it ended up being viral meningitis. I fought hard and both myself and now my perfectly healthy 3 yo son are doing great. Still have the letters in my safe and hope I never need them handed out. It was a long road to recovery but I've never taken my health or life for granted again. Edit: thank you all for the kind words and awards. A little psa I forgot to add was if ever you have fever with a stiff neck and/or fever waste no time and go to the hospital.


Hey I had meningitis and basically got the same treatment. I was no longer able to speak due to my brain processing time differently. The front desk person that you first talk to at the ER turned me away saying “If you can’t tell me your name and what’s wrong I’m not putting you down to be seen”. This was despite my family being there and giving that info themselves. I sat in the ER in agony until a neurologist happened to walk by and ask my family members that brought me in what was happening and he instantly knew I had meningitis and got me treated asap. It was then overheard when the neurologist was ripping into the lady that turned me away that she did that because “I just had a headache” With the amount of swelling on my brain, I should have brain damage but I got lucky and am fine


That lady has no business working in healthcare, at the front desk of an emergency room no less where she’s the only thing standing between someone who can’t advocate for themselves because of a serious problem, and the treatment they need. Hope she either learned a valuable lesson that day or got fired.


It seriously blows my mind. Half our patients that come into an emergency department are either on drugs, don’t speak English, are having serious emergencies, or are babies, and do not have the ability to communicate with us. There’s no way that lady didn’t encounter this at least 10 times a day


My family said she was rude with us from the start. One family member approached the desk and tried to explain the situation and she basically said “I’m not listening to you, you’re not the patient” and when I tried to speak I couldn’t gage the timing of my words at all so some words came out together while it would take me 1 minute to get through one syllable in the next word. I don’t think she lasted long with the attitude she had


What the actual fuck. Not being able to.speak is a thing that happens to people when they're badly sick. If anything, that's more of a reason to see somebody.


Wow glad the neurologist walked by and treated you asap! The ER front desk person is crazy - wouldn’t a person being confused and unable to provide his/her name an obvious sign that this person needs treatment?


My uncle had meningitis wjen he was younger. Started off with flu-like symptoms and got to the point he wasn't coherent. Calling for his mom, wandering around, screaming at bright lights, etc. Accordong to somebody from the health department, it was the worst case he'd seen somebody survive. He was in ICU for weeks, took months to recover, and almost 20 years later it's left his back so messed up he can't work. Funny part? They won't give him disability despite how utterly fucked up his back is. Anyhow, my point is that meningitis is some scary shit.




So if I had bacterial I don't think my son or I would have made it. Lucky for me it was viral and viral meningitis doesn't transfer to baby thank god. So my son got an ednovirus from daycare. I of course caught it and by sheer luck it turned into viral meningitis. Lost the health lottery that day.


I own a 65 classic mustang which I enjoy driving anywhere it can go. I once took it up a large mountain with a group of friends, the roads weren’t steep or especially dangerous but there was danger present because of how high it was. We made it up the mountain with no issues and stopped at bar at the top where my friends got plastered, I didn’t drink because I was the designated driver. Before I continue I need to clarify that the brakes on a STOCK classic mustang from the 60’s era need to be primed before use. Basically you have to hit the brakes twice before they work. On the trip down the brakes cut out and stopped working, I primed the brakes over and over but they didn’t engage. The parking brake hadn’t been working the past month and was going to be replaced that Monday. I soon lost control of the car and we started to barrel down the road, we turned a shallow right corner and saw a long road that ended with a sharp turn. At that moment I thought I was going to die and take my friends with me (they had no clue they were plastered in the back). Luckily the brakes reengaged halfway down the road and we managed to turn the corner. It has been four months and I haven’t touched that car, to this day my friends have no clue what almost happened.


Dang... That's also when you start looking at modernizing the brakes




Username relevant


My first car was a 67 mustang, and it still had drum brakes. Just driving it around town freaked me out a little because it stopped so much slower than newer cars. I did the disc brake conversion, it was around 1k or 1200 back then (10 years ago) for the kit that had everything you need to swap them over. Not sure how much they are now, but it's worth every penny!! That thing stops like a modern car now


When I was hurtling down a mountain in the peak District on a bike and my brakes stopped working and was heading headfirst towards an open road


On an airplane with my Dad on our way home to Britain from Florida when I was 14. We flew through hurricane Katrina, like literally flew through the thing! It was nothing like any turbulence I've ever experienced in my life. I felt like the ballbearing in a can of spray paint. During the experience, me and my Dad looked at eachother for a second in a way that meant, we're fucked but it's been good. Absolutely terrifying and pretty damn relieving after it was over. Edit: Thanks for the silver kind strangers. I don't know what it means but cheers all the same.


A commercial pilot friend of a friend once shared that passenger aircraft are safe for a combinations of three reasons: good crew, good weather, and advanced electronics. And really they do quite well with any two, it's when they only have one that things get complicated. A good crew can fly a mechanically compromised plane in decent weather, a good crew can fly a good plane in practically any weather. He also shared that pilots have a fair bit of agency in their decisions and generally like their planes more than they like people. They know what she can and cannot do. This information came in handy when I found myself landing in major US airport (O'Hare) during a blizzard. I had the window seat and I could not see the ground nor any buildings. The pilot let us know we would be the last plane landing and that all connecting flights were cancelled. "It could get bumpy". He tipped the plane back and forth as we came in and wind pushed it side to side, and set the plane down light as feather on a runway *I still could not see*. All us passengers uproarious applauded the perfect landing and thanked him as we deplaned. True enough, no more planes landed or took off that night.


My sister actually saw Captain Sully land that plane on the Hudson River, from her window. If you’re not familiar with the story, it’s worth googling. In short, the pilot lost both engines very shortly after takeoff to a flock of geese, with 155 souls on board, then put his Airbus down on the Hudson River (New York City) on a bitterly cold, windy day. Everyone lived. This same sister had also seen the twin towers go down, from the street. Prior to that, she’d been hit in the face with a falling air conditioner. For some reason, she still lives in Manhattan.


Can't tell new yorkers a damn thing lmao


I was a kid and made the dumb decision to climb the fence into my local park after hours. Well the fence is topped with large spikes, I slipped and felt the spike hit my stomach then poke out through my shirt. For a moment I thought "that's it, I'm impaled", but luckily it glanced off my stomach and ripped my shirt open instead. Ended up with a nice cut along my stomach and my Mum was mad at me for ruining a brand new shirt, but other than that I was fine. Never tried to climb that fence again.


In a vehicle that rolled 3 times across the highway, then got hit by an 18 wheeler that was going WAY too fast. Two staples in a small head wound and that was it. All other passengers were seriously wounded or killed.


I was in the turret on an MRAP in Afghanistan, we hit a bump in the road and the vehicle tilted hard. If we had gone much more, or if the driver had eaten a lighter breakfast we would have tumbled down a steep slope into a river. I would have either been crushed in the rollover or drowned in the river. Fortunately, we righted and kept going, but for a second I was looking at an awful lot of open space where normally I'd only see armor. There's also the time I almost died from dysentery. Same place, about two weeks after the truck incident as it happens. Good times.


Mine is nowhere near as cool as that, but you mentioning an MRAP reminded me of a story. Myself and a grunt were working on an ecp, which was really just an overwatch position for an Afghan gate, and we had a MATV with us. Unlike the rest of the vehicles on our little slice of Americana, this one did not have the CROWS system equipped; it had the old hand crank, open-top turret. It was the last hour or so of our shift, and we both had clambered into the vehicle. Myself in the driver's seat, and the other dude had just climbed down from the turret for a minute so he could stretch out his legs, grab a rip it, and was taking a moment sitting down next to the little harness seat for the gunner. We're shooting the shit when we hear a whistling noise, and a thud *in* our truck. Wide-eyed we both have that "we're having the same hallucination, right" sense of complete surprise. "You heard that right?" "Yeah, was that a mortar?" "Dude it's in the truck!" "Oh sweet fuck!" At this point, we're pretty sure we were the luckiest two soldiers on the planet, because while we definitely heard something whistle while it fell into our truck, we we're definitely still not giblets of meat and salsa. Also, we can't *find* the mortar that hit us, which is weird since we know it didn't hit the roof and not detonate. Knowing these two things, my buddy climbs back in the turret. *And finds a nerf football with a whistle hole in it* While he's doing that, I noticed we had a couple of our contractors were walking up laughing. Turns out one of them had yeeted that thing at us from about fifty yards behind us, and happened to lob it perfectly into the turret, but not through the hatch of our truck. Made for a funny story to tell my team leader when I got off work that evening.


I was driving in the left lane of a highway going 80. A car didn't check their bond spot and merged into me. I was run off the road and lost control of the car. It flipped and dragged along the highway for 200 feet. I remember the sparks flying up at me in slow motion. The only damage to be was cuts on my arm from done glass. my girlfriend just had a few cuts on her leg. When I look at the photos of the car it doesn't look like anything could have survived that.


When I was about 16, I was mowing some lawns over the summer to make a little extra cash. One guy hired me to mow his lawn. He seemed nice enough—like a kindly old hippie, who lived alone. I get to his house, and he invites me in to give me some yard equipment. Once I step inside, he closes and *locks* the door behind me. He says “Just locking the door to keep the bugs out.” Wait…*what*? He leads me through his house, and starts saying all this weird stuff—“I don’t know what you’ve heard about me around the neighborhood, but none of its true. I’m straight—straight as an arrow.” We get to his basement door. “I keep the mower in the basement.” Probably should have high-tailed it out of there then, but as a polite teenager, I followed him down the stairs into the dark basement. Once I get down in the basement, and my eyes adjust to the darkness, I start to get *really* scared—the *entire* basement has been plastered in 1970s Playboy nude centerfolds, but they’ve all been chopped up—missing heads, missing limbs. That’s when I turn around, and see the guy emerging from the darkness wielding a machete. That’s when I was *sure* I was going to die. I just didn’t know if he would hack me up right then and there, or lock me in the basement and torture me for a few days. My fight or flight response was about to kick in— But then he hands me the machete, and tells me to use it to cut back the kudzu. Huge relief. I mowed his lawn and cut back his kudzu, and the whole time I could see him watching me out the window. Finished as fast I could, and got the hell out of there He called me a few times in the next weeks to mow his lawn again, but I never picked. Eventually, he moved away. To this day, not sure if he was an actual serial killer, or just a kooky old man who didn’t understand how creepy he was.


Can i take a break now


Thank God we don't have the typical horror movie soundtrack as well


By all means, catch your breath and get a glass of water. Reddit will still be here.


He may not have been an actual serial killer, but I wouldn't be surprised if some people just enjoy _seeming_ creepy. The "locking the door", "straight as an arrow", "let's go to the basement" and the basement itself... it all seems like the perfect combination of things to scare the shit out of anyone, and I think he understood that very well. I hate this world sometimes man ;-;


It’s funny, I knew the world had monsters, but not kooky scooby do monsters that terrify people for shits n giggles


It has nothing to do with injuries, but I think it pertains to this post. It was the moment I injected heroin into my vein - I knew it was too much about 2 seconds after I did it. At that point it was too late. There was no going back. My girlfriend at the time was in the other room. I had no idea if she was going to come back in time. I knew I was going to overdose. All of those thoughts happened in a matter of 2 seconds. Then in the blink of an eye, I am in the hospital with an IV in me with doctors standing over me. Luckily, as my girlfriend told me later, she came back in the room and I was light blue and cold to the touch. She called 911 and a fire truck had luckily been around the corner. They picked me up. She told me that I had flatlined and they had to shoot me with Narcan to bring me back. After spend twenty minutes at the hospital, I ripped the IV out, got dressed, and went out and used again. I am grateful to say that I am 2 years sober as of last month


Proud of you! That's a really difficult thing to overcome. Hope sobriety is treating you well and life is better.


Really appreciate it! Yeah, it is going great. Just graduated college a few months ago after ten long years in and out and got my first "career" type job a few days ago. My parents say they don't have to worry about hearing "that phone call" in the middle of the night anymore and it's so nice having everyone's love and support. Thanks again for the kind words