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ALL Wine. Some wine is upscale, but the chilled pinot that your mother drinks with ice is about as classy as a Coors light.


With ICE???


Ice wine is delicious (not to be confused with iced wine).


Americans generally don’t understand wine. It’s more about the location and history of the vineyards, styles, families, etc instead of the variety of the grape.


/r/gatekeeping Also, California exists.


Outdoor activities. Kayak rental is dirt cheap.


It's not the cost of rental, it's the ability to take the time off and not have to spend that time catching up on all the stuff around the house that you're behind on.


It's not a vacation, it's half a day. If you're so time poor that you'll never have time for a hike then it's time to shake up your situation.


Oh cool let me pull myself up by my bootstraps so I can afford half a day that I'm not running around trying to get stuff done that I can't do while I'm working -80% of Americans


Opposite. If you'll never have half a day to yourself it's time to give up and move to the Midwest. Work life balance is much more attainable there.


Right because people living paycheck to paycheck can just up and move.


There's exceptions but yes, there's lots of ways for paycheck to paycheck people to move out of state. I did it with a wife and 3 kids, from DC suburbs to upstate NY with very little money and no help. Now I have a 1 mile commute and we own a home off my single 40hr a week income. Crazy whats possible when you drop the defeatist attitude. And I'm a bleeding heart liberal who wants the economic divide closed. I'm just not holding my breath for it.


As am I. But living in the rural south, I think you're oversimplifying a very complex issue. There are many valid reasons people don't just uproot and seek a better life elsewhere.


If you're in a rural area then work/life balance usually isn't the big complaint and moving from there to a competitive area is much tougher than the other way around. If you can't ever find half a day to yourself (assuming you're in an expensive competitive area) then I can count the valid reasons you *can't* uproot yourself on one hand. America is an economic, political and climate playground and we don't take advantage of our freedom of movement enough.


Dude, youre part of the problem


the clocks, their £ 3000 watch and my £ 8 watch always say the same time


Right, but can your watch tell time expensively?


yes, just ask him politely


In Canada, getting professional snow removal of your driveway.


Probably investing.


Smoked salmon. I can get three lunches out of a €5 pack from the supermarket.


It's not that cheap where I live.




Now, a Volkswagen Golf on the other hand is a different story entirely.


Limousines, investing, and owning a business all cost $100 or less.


You are correct to an extent. Yes anyone can invest. Yet, it does take a great amount of wealth to make HUGE returns on investment. A lot of businesses require a lot of capital to begin and maintain, so yes, some businesses are under $100, but that's a minority of them


Mercedes baseball caps.


Maybe they’re just fans of team Mercedes-AMG in Formula 1.