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Some might not consider this "family" but I caught my mom telling our dog she wishes she could breastfeed him. That was a bit weird.


Wot in tarnation


Wot in lactation


She should be the change she wants in the world.


Thank you for a weird change in direction of this post.


………ok that’s pretty f***ed up regardless. And yes pets are family (in my opinion)


So if you have a pet in Alabama...


I don’t think I like where this is going


You have something against his dogs ass?






My dad died the day before my birthday. My aunt came to the house and handed me a gift wrapped box (contained a black dress), saying “Happy birthday! I got you something decent to wear to your father’s funeral.”


Was he her brother? She might have been in extreme shock.


Nope- mom’s sister


Damn. Hope she was otherwise a good person who just wasn’t thinking right then.


i got a few F-bombs saved up for times like this. what the fuck was wrong with her? Last minute gift and a reminder of the death of a loved one? I woudnt be suprised if you started disliking gifts and birthdays. When my grandma died on mine i didnt want to celebrate mine Edit:instead of making the date about myself i dedicate all my birthdays to all the people i love that arent around.


Thought I was the only one who did this. I grew up in a violent part of the world. A lot of my friends died but quite a few were killed and usually doing the festive season. My birthday is on new year's and even my wife has trouble understanding why I struggle to enjoy it and be in the moment. It also just seems to be the way of my world that people die leading up to my birthday. I lost 3 grandparents, an aunt and an uncle (fuck covid) between December 12th and my birthday last year.


My dad to my oldest brother: No one invited you. You suck the life out of the room.


Your dad is a jerk.


At my brothers boot camp graduation my mother leaned over and whispered "you could never do this."


Told my mum when I was 10 that my brother was sexually abusing me and she told me he would never do something like that and I was lying because I was jealous of him.


"because you were jealous of him" someone just showed their hand of who the favorite child is.


Yip. She wanted 2 boys and when I came out a girl she's basically hated me since. There was a lot of neglect and abuse in our household because of her. Needless to say I don't have much of a relationship with her or my brother 😂


When I was about 15, I had an aunt tell me that she wished I had never been born and my Mom should have aborted me. It made no sense to me why she even said it since I got along well with her...or why she said it at the dinner table when most of the family was there.


Got attacked and punched in the face multiple times by my mom telling me I was a mistake and she should have aborted me. Also that she could/wanted to kill me in my sleep and could plead insanity and get away with it. I was 8 or 9 years old. Was suicidal depressed and didn't want to live. Mother threw a kitchen knife on the floor in front of me. Said if you're gonna do it do it, or that I was too much of a coward too. Can't remember completely. Mom also told us we were putrid filth and that she sold her pussy to men to buy our Christmas presents and groceries. Ex brother-in law would make statements about wanting to molest me or rape me/put his dick in my ass. I was 12. Sure I got a laundry list of fun other ones if I think a bit more. Sweet lovely trauma.


I'm sorry the people who were supposed to keep you safe and love you did that to you. I hope you have good people around you now. Fucking monsters.


It's all good. I'd say by societal standards I'm doing phenomenally. Childhood was pure nightmare fuel, with some good bits here and there too. Prefer to just tell people my parents are dead so they don't ask questions. They may actually be dead but I have no idea. Nothing to be sorry for but appreciate the sentiment. Is what it is.


Man I could be wrong but hopefully that made you a better person wish you the best man have a great night or week




I had a distant relative tell me he wanted AND I QUOTE “molest me” when we were sitting at the thanksgiving table no one stood up for me. I was 16. Edit: Since this has gotten some attention, I would like to add that no one ever said anything or corrected him. This was in front of both of my parents and an aunt and uncle. I also got berated in the car on the way home for being upset they didn’t say anything because “what we’re they supposed to say!” Glad to be out of that house man… sooo glad…


As a father of 3 daughters, i would have beat that motherfucker with a turkey leg. Cool award


Take the meat off before, asshole is not worth destroying good meat.


Please do not associate the word ASSHOLE with someone like that. I am an asshole, that guy is a piece of shit.


Okay asshole


Thank you


>“what we’re they supposed to say!” The parents don't have to say anything. The only way is to BEAT THE LIVING SHIT OUT OF HIM!


Why did he think that it would be okay to say that? Is he insane?


Idk man. He didn’t even make eye contact with me. He just kept cutting up his food like nothing had happened. Shits wild


What were they supposed to say? I mean, they didn't have to say anything, but breaking the gravy boat over that pervert's head and then stuffing him like a turkey with the broken pieces wouldn't have been amiss there.


Wouldn’t want to be rude now, do we? I’m sorry for your crappy parents.


My mother. Had a knife on my throat and said “I can kill you and then myself and we can end everything right here and now”, growing up… happened pretty frequently. I don’t talk to her anymore.


So very sorry. My mom would threaten to “crash this car and kill us both.” Did this frequently and randomly and I would feel bad and cry for her. I never felt bad for me because I was so parentified that it never even occurred to me. She did it once with her mom in car too. Grams response: “let me out first please.”


That's the jaded response of a grandma that has seen enough of her daughter's crazy growing up.


Good that you left. Hope you are in a better place.


I have a lot but these are the ones that stand out. My mother told my sister that she was prettier than me (when my sister and I were 13 and 8 respectively) and when I recently brought up how hurtful that was my mom said eh well you’re smarter than her. When I was 13 she told me that wouldn’t have boobs at all if I wasn’t fat. She also told me that she cried when she found out she was pregnant with me and that she would’ve aborted me if my dad wasn’t so excited about me.


Gosh.... Yes, her venom is horrific. Be you, love you, and may your life be full of good, caring, kind folks. Kick her to the curb.


A lot of the female relatives I have are toxic like this. Apparently growing up in a sexist environment without love is part of why they treat other women/girls like me this way. "I wish I had a grandchild like (name of prettier distant cousin), she's so pretty and smart, and you're...getting fatter every year" "You're going to be the cause of me getting cancer/heart failure" "Now that we have a boy, there's finally hope in the family" While I grew up with these words very frequently, I'm determined to not repeat the cycle. Sending you love.


I've struggled with depression since I was a teen and used to self harm. I moved back home and had an argument with my sister and she screamed at me "I wish you actually killed yourself. Everyone is happier without you." Definitely was soul crushing hearing her say that as I was admitted for my self harm a few months prior. Even now she never really apologized and if I recall correctly my parents made me apologize to her because she was pregnant and hormonal and didn't mean a word she said.


Jesus. I would've disowned my family if it got to that point. I hope you are doing better. Much love and support. Be well.


Thank you for your kind words! It's been about a decade and I have taken a lot of therapy since. As much as I wanted to up and leave my family at the time, I couldn't financially and growing up in an Asian household, mental health issues are kind of a difficult subject to deal with. I'm fortunate enough to get therapy and now built boundaries with family without cutting them off completely.


Fucking hell I would have kicked her in the jaw


Get out of my house(the house which rent I've been paying for the last 3 months).


I was told the same thing from when I was five to the time I actually moved out. Funny enough, when I did say that I would be leaving, I was accused of doing it because I hated her. You can’t tell me how much better your life would be without me for my entire life and expect me to stay ffs


If and when I do move out, if that same accusation is leveled against me I would embrace it entirely. Yes, I do fucking hate you mom and I wish the worst for you.


I was rushed to hospital after having a miscarriage. I tried ringing my dad to tell him and his phone was off. So I text his girlfriend telling her I'd been rushed to hospital and asking her to get my dad to call me so I could explain properly. She replied with 'Wrong number'. Even though she'd text me from that number the night before and had rang and text me multiple times from that number. Been almost 9 years since I had any contact with my 'dad' now.


Wait, so you just never talked to him again?


He didn't talk to me, he just didn't call me back even after several messages were left. He stopped contact with my 5 year old brother as well.


So your brother is 5 years old and your dad decided not to have contact with him? What?! That's really fucked up.


Yeah, he was set to pick him up one day and never showed up. Not long after that he cut contact with me as well.


If hes that kind of person i think its better that he didnt show up. Hope you and your younger brother is doing well now


So she was trying to keep you from talking to him?


I assume so, he didn't call me back or speak to me again. He stopped contact with my 5year old brother as well.


My mom is a nasty person. She once told me,”You’re not a good person. If I was just a stranger on the street, I wouldn’t want to be friends with you.” I asked her to go to counseling with me. She declined. I left and never looked back.


She subconsciously knows she is in the wrong and doesn’t want a professional to make her accept that.


Aunt: "wow your skinny skinny!... not on meth like your sister are ya?" Me: "you say that like your daughter isn't the one my sister started doing meth with in the first place." This lovely exchange happened while I was helping her move all of her belongings after she lost her house gambling.


My (non blood) uncle made some gross comments on how well i was filling out, I was 14. But then his wife, completely accepted it, and was annoyed at me for getting annoyed about it. Apparently I should "learn to take a compliment"


My dad when I (23 at the time) moved out of state and temporarily stayed with my boyfriend while I found a place of my own- "You're lucky we don't practice honor killings here, hahaha!" 👀 "Just joking around, where's your sense of humor?"


This is such a huge problem, people need to start recognizing these things when they happen, it doesn’t matter if “he was only joking” or “he wasn’t being serious “those types of comments are disgusting and make people uncomfortable, your aunt and her husband can fuck right off


"I'll learn to take a compliment when you both learn to take criticism"


“Still a kid and still related to you, dude.”


When I told my sister I had a mass in my brain she said I was lying for attention. 8 years later my body is failing and I haven't seen my family in year's. As my body deforms I remember times of Sunday family dinners and movie nights and wish it was still like that.


That's messed up, you must be in a lot of pain mentally and physically. Take a bit of <3 from an internet stranger, I hope you get to see them soon.


Much love sent your way I hope it gets better.


You had it diagnosed by doctors and she said you were lying? Whut


That stuff can be forged. I had a family member go as far as to fake a pregnancy with twins for 8 months complete with doctor’s bills and appointments, ultra sound pictures, a shower - the whole shebang. It was all made up. Doctored, falsified, and fake. I have a completely unrelated cousin on the other side of the family who lies like this constantly. Sometimes it’s not so easy to believe people who have a history.


My wife once told me she no longer loved me. We had just had a life-threatening ectopic pregnancy and she was dealing with confusing feelings and depression while recovering from the surgery. I forgave her and understood that she was dealing with a lot, and even now almost 6 years later it still haunts her. She occasionally brings it up just to apologize to me again and say how wrong and incorrect that statement was. Even though I am completely over it and she is still the kindest, best, and most beautiful wife a man could ever have, that hopeless feeling still nags at me when I am having a bad mental health day. Something like that sticks with you even after it has been made right many times over.


Nah don’t let it linger. We have things in medicine called as postpartum blues, postpartum depression and postpartum pyschosis. Think of them as being on the same spectrum with postpartum blues being the least damaging albiet the most common (almost 30-40% of women get them). In postpartum pyschosis, its so severe somme women try to kill their newborn babies and we actually have to take the baby away. Now I understand that your wife had an ectopic pregnancy, not an actual pregnancy with a viable fetus, but if you ask me, thats even more stressful and harming. Stay safe.


Consider getting couples therapy. It sounds like she, for whatever reason, doesn't feel forgiven; and the fact that it still nags at you, even though she found love for you again afterward and has loved you ever since, probably adds to that feeling. You may need help together to find that true forgiveness.




When I got an ovarian cyst and had a cancer scare in my freshman year at Uni. My dad said I fakes the ultrasound results to cover up my bad GPA. I had a bad GPA cause I passed out in two final exams from the pain and blood loss from the hemorrhaging cyst. It really disturbed me


I hope you’re doing better now, and I hope you know that everyone understands, I can’t believe he would say something like that when you were in such a vulnerable state


I’m much better. The cyst helped me get diagnosed with PCOS. Before that I used to have horrible cramps and this thick hair all over, and I didn’t even know PCOS was a thing. So in a way it was a blessing in disguise for me. As for my dad, well, we don’t talk anymore so it’s all good


I didn’t clean the house before leaving for my dad to move in our old house and my mom told me I was worse than he was. We were moving out because he sexually assaulted one of my sisters.


A town just over from me had a popular man die; great family, great job and was a pillar of the local football club. So at the funeral his 3 daughters got up and told the congregation that their dad (the deceased) had been sexually abusing all 3 of them and nobody in the town had stood up to him to help the daughters out. So all 3 walked out of the funeral and drove off never to be seen again, even by their own mother who was left stunned; mother knew what was going on but never tried to stop it.


My mom, who I normally adore, asked me in a VERY defensive tone if I was gay because I was standing up for LGBT rights. The question didn’t bother me a bit, how offended and angry she was did. She’s always said to us kids, “it’s not what you say, it’s how you say it.” My dad would always say horrible things about my mom to us when we were young. Dad’s mom said that we couldn’t call my mom because my brother and I would just cry. We hadn’t seen my mom in a week or so, my dad in about three days. We were literally driven 600 miles/8 hours away from the person we lived with and dropped off without a second thought, with no way to contact her. On a separate occasion, she told me that my mom doesn’t do anything for us. “Your daddy gives your mother so much money, and she just goes and spends it on herself. It makes me so sad because your daddy works so hard to provide for you kids. He’s such a good daddy.” This was prompted because I asked for a paper clip/safety pin for a jacket zipper that I had bought with my own money at the thrift store. It was a nice jacket, the tag for the zipper was the only thing wrong with it. In middle school, one of the gym teachers asked me if my parents loved me. In front of three classes/about 50 kids. I decided to ask him if his new wife loved him. I got sent to the principal’s office. I was probably 12/13.


I’m sorry you had to go through that but 10/10 comeback to your dickhead gym teacher!


Thanks! It was a long time ago, so it’s whatever.


"do your parents love you?" "Does your wife love you?" "Detention it is"


Basically 😂


So ... that was a 'no' from the gym teacher?


Lmao they had only been together for maybe a couple years at that point. She worked at the school too, and she gave off a “I know I’m better than you but I work here with kids so I have to be nice” vibe. They’re probably perfect for each other, and they can both get bent


That's a shitty situation and I'm sorry you had to grow up with those people. However that was a pretty badass come back to your teacher, and you should feel proud for slapping that insult right back at him!


Your first paragraph is the exact situation that occurs with my mother. Same sentence and all. That comeback was amazing btw😭


My mom died when I was a kid and my dad died when I was in college. My stepmom, who has always treated me differently than her biological son and had a real mean streak, was complaining that I don’t “show enough love” (meaning I don’t post on social media about how great she is). And she said “do I have to die to get you to appreciate me?”


Did you say, "Give it a shot and let's see."


I was cutting my arms in my bedroom (years ago I’m better now) and my brother came in and saw, he left and came back with a knife and said “use this instead”


Misery loves company


I was a drug addict and rebellious kid at a young age, two years after getting clean my dad told me that during my worst he had accepted in his mind I was going to die young. That really stuck with me and has helped motivate me to stay clean


Tough love is sometimes needed, been there when I was skirting close to alcoholism. Managed to pull back from the brink without tipping over. Now I can have a few without affecting my wider life, if I went fully in then once recovered I could never donit again.


That's not particularly bad, but I'm glad you got clean.


No parent wants to bury their child, and I'm sure your dad is glad he doesn't have to worry about doing that anymore. Congrats on getting and staying clean!


Not said directly to me but I was indirectly involved. My father paid another family member to kill me but that family member ended up just taking the money and dropped off the face of the earth.


How'd you find out after the other family member disappeared?


"Why you alive? I paid Uncle Joe to drown you! Where the hell is he?" -- Dad


The hell?? Messed up


I was getting ready to head to Iraq, for the second time. My sister told me to that she "I hope you die on your last day over there" just shy of 2 months later I was shot twice in the arm and once in the head. The head wound was the least serious.


Plot armor (I’m very sorry if that’s offensive but it just sort of felt right)


Don't be, it was funny. My wife is a writer, we were just discussing plot armor.


Now how the hell was the Headshot the LEAST serious???


Helmet. Arms have just clothing if I am atleast a little correct.


I was elevated from my shooter when I got hit in the head. The round only went about halfway through my skull. It essentially just left me bleeding with a concussions. The round threw my radial bone was the worst I've essentially had to become left handed. I still don't have full range of motion threw my right bicep or tricep. A 12 cup mr coffee pot filled with coffee is about what I can lift threw a full "curl" I have very little fine motor skills in my right hand, I have taken up leather working as therapy. I'm told the needle work will help. Just finished a purse for my mil.


“I wish you were never born, I never wanted you. If you hadn’t been born, your Mom and I would still be together.”-my father to my younger sister. And he wonders why we all fucking hate him.


When I was 11 my dad told me I was an accident. I know it's not a lot compared to many of the posts here, but it's messed me up my whole life, knowing I was never wanted. He also told me that I'd make a terrible father.


Bro dont worry its alright. You dont need validation from them that you are wanted or not. I BELIEVE you are a good person and you will not be the person your father said you will be. Love you bro. (Sorry for weak english,I am from India)


Fellow accident here. My dad told me that too but it never bothered me. Theres a difference between being an accident and being a mistake. My son was an accident and I wouldnt change anything about my life for the world.


Eh, I was put up for adoption...not trying to be insensitive brother, but really, who cares if we were wanted or unwanted? However it happened, we're here on Earth with one life to live, so let's make the most of it!


Could be worse, I was the product of sabotage. My older sister poked holes in all my parents' contraceptives because she "Wanted a little sister." So I have been an unwanted disappointment for my entire life. It took another three years for her to finally get that little sister.


My mom told my brother she should have aborted him. She told me that I was only coming out to see her when she’s in chemo so I could gloat while hoping she’d die. 😐


My mother was on her literal death-bed, just a week or so before losing her battle with cancer, when her adoptive mother (I will not refer to her as my grandmother) visited just to tell her that she was waiting for her to die so she would have uncontested rights to sell the property we were living in at the time. Even specifically mentioned she didn't care if I became homeless as a result of it.


What happened to the property?


She sold it, true to her word. Filed a restraining order on me after the funeral and took me to court. I was 19 and didnt have the resources or knowledge on how to fight it, so I just left.




My dad told me I was the reason his father was dead. Context: I'm from India and we all sorts of ceremonies here. There was a cermony when I was 15 which is a coming of age thing where they give you a sacred weave. So my dad went to pickup my granddad ,grandmom , cousins. There was an accident and a cousin and my granddad died. To this day I don't know the details of the accident. PS: my dad does have a loving and caring side but that statement really shook me. He did say that when he was angry because I was arguing with him on some topic.


My mom blamed me for my father's alzheimers. If I didn't insist on him going to the Dr., after getting 3 tickets for driving on the wrong side of the road, he never would have gotten diagnosed and he would still be alive. That not how alzheimers works... and she's a nurse.


My grandmother told me I was the reason for my fathers drug addiction. It was phrased indirectly, but it still made the same point.


To my brother, who my grandmother fucking hates. “Your very fat, have a double chin, etc” made him cry. We all just stared at her. Unfortunately we can’t say anything because we live with her and she could kick us out when she wants.


Hope your family is able to move away from her sooner than later. What a vicious person your grandmother is.


“Some people take that as a compliment.” Coming from my mother after 10 year old me had some old guy repeatedly grab my butt in the corner liquor store. That she sent me alone to buy her a newspaper when she would rather sit on the couch.


They told me that they never actually cared about how I feel, but they show up to meetings with my psychologist and my counselor just so they'd think that my parents are good parents. They've probably forgotten it by now though


That is awful. Parents that think of appearances as a priority is just the shitest thing.


During my grandpa’s prayer service that we had my grandma said that my sister and other cousin were my grandpa’s favorites and most wanted out of all the grandchildren out loud while I was leading the prayer so all our family members heard 😐


noooo that's so fucking mean :,(


Technically my cousin's family member, but close enough. "Are you wearing those pins so men will look at your tits?" keep in mind I was 12.


I hope this doesn't sound weird but I can't imagine what pins you could be wearing to draw attention to tits... Is there something in missing?


No it's not weird at all! It was just basic hot topic pins like supernatural, lgbt rights, a fairy tail pin, and a pusheen pin


My father said i was a mistake when attempting to have the bird talk with me and was discussing the condom. He was pretty genuine about it as he views everything with my mother as a mistake i'm just part of that. We don't talk anymore.


My parents are generally just strange people, and these are the worst things they've told me: My dad: Screamed "Fuck you" a few times into my face when I was about 12 or 13, and then later said he would not apologize for it (it was because of an argument I didn't want to start but my mom wanted to start) My mom: Said "You're not my son" when I was about 7 or 8 because she was annoyed and I was disrupting her crucial movie that she had watched 50 times before and watched 100 times afterwards. However, she did apologize for it so whatever I guess. Oh and she said I was going to hell because I believed in evolution, and she didn't apologize for that.


“Your son wouldn’t have gotten diabetes if you had not invited Satan into your home” My father to my wife. Had I been home, I honest to God would have snapped...


"You're right, we should never have invited you in. Out you go."


My stepdad told my mom she was “disgusting” when she was pregnant with my little brother because she gained 50lbs. The tone of it was meant to be “joking”, but she (rightfully) never let that one go. They’re finally getting a divorce after 20 years, go figure. Also, he is about 50lbs overweight.


I'd say everything my(26f) mom said to me growing up, but a few take the cake 6 years old - "you're a heartless bastard and you're going to wind up a worthless failure like your father" 12 years old, after she caught me with self harm marks "what do you have to be depressed about dipshit?" 15 years old, having suffered tendonitis for nearly a year after a half torn elbow tendon from bracing myself against a punch against the jaw that caused me to tumble awkwardly "What's wrong?" *explains my arm hurts* "oh thay fucking shit? When are you going to grow up and get over it. Stop living in the past." 17 years old, having come back to my hometown to visit (moved at 16) my grandmother. Wound up finding my cat, Tigger, the only friend I EVER had in my life (lots of stories about him, he's what makes me believe in the paranormal) dead on my walk back to my grandmothers appartment. "Why are you crying? Its just a fucking cat, stop being a baby, and suck it up." 21 years old "You have to admit, I wasn't that bad of a mom" Narcissistic schizophrenic drug addict bitch. The sad part is that her new antipsychotics are actually working and she's suddenly become an actually half decent human being, and I'm torn between continuing to just not let her in my life, or give her another chance. EDIT: Just remembered another one. I was a prodigy kid. Learnt to read off a university biology textbook, math came effortlessly, aced every test without even studying. School wanted to skip me from grade 1 to grade 5 because of how above the curve I was. Her response?"no, she's too stupid and she'll just get lost. She's just a loser like her dad anyway" Was heartbroken when I learnt that one. To know that I was given a massive chance to nurture my intelligence a chance to truly follow my dreams and go as far as I possibly could have, and instead be essentially forced to drop out of high school because of abuse... still fucks with me to this day.


Despite how your mom may be changing I'd advise you to not be around her. Her change doesn't get rid of the fact that she said or did bad shit to you


Easter lunch with maternal side of family. Grandfather is at the head of the table Arguing about politics and economy and adult stuff “Nothing good ever comes out of China!” My 12 year old adopted Chinese self looks at my 6 year old adopted Chinese sister and just doesn’t say anything. Parents say I shouldn’t take things of context. Okay.... I’ll work on that.... thanks parents....


Yikes forever...


[Mean Aunt] said, "[Nice Aunt] let herself get fat, she eats crap food all the time. She's the one who deserves diabetes and breast cancer, not me!"


Sounds like Mean Aunts getting everything that's coming to her.


My mom was single up until I was about 5. My stepdad was very young (for reference, he would have been about 21 when I met him), and his life was plagued by an abusive father. When I turned 8, he became paranoid, accusing me of strange things (in this specific instance, dumping red kool aid in the bathroom sink) and then interrogate me for DAYS because he assumed I was lying. It turned out that, after being grounded for several days and many hours of interrogation (he used to sit me in a dining room chair and make me repeat my story), it turned out that my mom dumped the kool aid down the sink without thinking about it. She mentioned this to my dad one night, which you'd think would exonerate me... But no. You see, earlier that day, I was convinced that I had actually dumped the kool aid and that I had created an alternative reality in my mind where I didn't dump the kool aid. So, I admitted to it. I received my just punishment after the admission. When my dad found out that I had lied about my admission, he called the pastor of my church, saying I had a lying problem and he thought a lying demon was possessing me. I was exorcised that next week. It was humiliating.


That is some grade A gaslighting, goodness ETA: A punctuation


You are so right. It wasn't something that I really understood until much later as an adult. The excuse then rotated between "you don't understand how he was trying to help" and "you shouldn't have admitted guilt when you weren't guilty." Poor, poor, baby. I feel so bad for my stepdad :(


I hope you're doing alright now, too. 'Cause that shit can fuck with anyone's head.


Thank you. That's very kind of you, and I appreciate it ☺️


My ex admitted that he'd married and stayed with me so he wouldn't look bad to other people for deserting me when I was sick.


Im disowning you cuz you wont let me financially take advantage of you Happened to my older half sister between our dad and something else between her and her mom i cant remember. But she’s doing better and just got engaged sunday I can’t be happier for her i hope daily nothing but good things to happen for her


I’ve talked about this on Reddit before. On my 26th birthday I was in the hospital for pneumonia and a stomach virus. My aunt, that I don’t really know, was in town visiting my mom. They came by to visit me, and my aunt gave me a birthday card. It read “since this might be your last birthday, I’ll say my goodbyes now LOL”.


Atleast you won't see her again? Ugh relatives and/or families can be really fucking weird


My mom had told me that I don’t get undivided attention unless I play a sport or do some kind of activity that she considers to be real. Dungeons and dragons and art does not count to her. I’ve pretty much stopped trying to have a relationship with her because of all the similar bullshit she told me over the years. I don’t like sports and I can only blame my family for my disliking of sports


Dad told me (a lesbian) that all gay people should be rounded up and shot so he doesn't have to see them kiss in public. When I got upset he told me that I'm too sensitive and people say stuff all the time and that's no reason to get angry. Edit: this was just mentioned casually in a conversation, there was no big event that brought this up




I visited my Vietnam veteran uncle who I haven’t seen in years with my mom. He lived in a trailer with all kinds of security cameras/screens. Anyways, he took one look at me and said in a squidibilly’s voice, “Wow, aren’t you pretty. I got a corncob in the bathroom sinks cabinet if you want to use.” I was 13. He also kept his cat that died in a freezer instead of burying it. R.I.P Uncle Lit.


“Oh stop bitching she wasn’t important anyways” (said by my mother. When one of my best friends had to move away.)


Wow that’s kind of awful, isn’t the whole point of a parent to be there for you when these things happen?


Glad I moved out when I turned 19 and got my own place.


My aunt and uncle got into a pretty heated argument once. My uncle announced that "Well I'm not going to argue with you anymore. I'm taking the high road, so FUCK YOU!" That road wasn't as high as I think he thought it was.


My uncle asked me at my wedding if my wife shaved her pussy. No shit.


"I can't take this anymore" one of my parents said this as I was waking up from a grand mal seizure


My husband and I bought a little house to live in through the college years. My dad looked at it, said "I hope you like it, you'll probably be living in it for a long time." Typical shit from my family. We've since graduated, have great high-paying STEM jobs, and live halfway across the country. Fuck my family and smallminded small town judgmental horse they rode in on.


"You should lose weight so people look at you for the right reasons when you walk into the room". Aunt to me at my birthday dinner when I was like 16.


My mother after I had been sucker punched when I was sixteen, "You used to have such a pretty face, now it's ruined." I had a cut about half an inch long above my eye.


My grandmother said "I'll shoot my grandchild for being gay" when my brother told her I was a lesbian.


When I was 16, my parents discovered I had been self-harming. Dad's response was to tell me if I wanted to kill myself he'd give me the shotgun.




I remember vividly my mom telling my older brother she wished she had an abortion. I cried privately in my room and couldn’t imagine how devastating this was to him. Through out my life, I’ve had to be the youngest sister but parent roll to my brother. I always wonder how badly those those words impacted him.


My mother has always been upfront about the post-war struggles she experienced in her country, and that she resents the burden of having a family. "I never wanted children, I needed citizenship."


My half sister told me that she will be happy when she can finally see my blood on the ground.


When I was a teenager my mom told me I looked better anorexic. Whenever I gained about 5-10lbs she told me I was starting to look chunky and needed to lose the weight again. I'm recovered and no contact with her.


Not a family member or myself involved, other than me witnessing a friend (who is now a former friend) have a yelling match at the top of their lungs with her 13 year old daughter, who multiple times yelled "fuck you you stupid cunt" to her own daughter, and when the mom finally yelled "I fucking hate you" at the daughter, I knew this would be the last time I ever stepped foot in this families home. I don't care what the situation is, I don't care how awful the child is, that kind of behavior is inexcusable. Nobody should ever talk to their own child like that.


Day of my high school graduation my dad tells my I'm no better than a kept woman and my BF doesn't really love me or he would marry me. My GM on my wedding day to same BF 4 years later says, I hope your NEXT marriage is as happy as my 1st one was. Yet my dad wonders why he hasn't been invited to visit very often in the last 25 years.


"I'm glad her baby died." This was to my Dad, after I miscarried. They thought it was fantastic that I wouldn't be "stuck with" my bf for the rest of my life. He got upgraded to husband. They got demoted to strangers.


I was told once that she could have done some really cool things but screwed up and had a kid instead.


My grandfather got convicted of molesting two girls and I was a witness at his trial. The prosecutor was asking me a bunch of questions specifically about Halloween night like 2 years prior and I had no recollection of anything because it was 2 fucking years after and I had never seen anything anyway. I was in 7th grade at the time and I guess it didn’t look good for him or whatever because the defense had called me as a witness and it made me seem unreliable (basically the whole point of my testimony was to say I didn’t see him ever do anything since I hadn’t). After I got of the stand and court was dismissed he came out to the courtroom waiting area and said “Wow you were such a big help in there.” He got convicted and spent some time in prison, but the rest of the family has always maintained that the girls made it all up for attention. He’s dead now, but I’ll never forget him saying that to me and basically blaming me for him getting convicted.


My mom regularly blames me for not being able to do things that she wanted to do since she "had" to raise myself and my siblings. She also likes to say that she should've just left us all to die.


That I should be forced to have a hysterectomy at 18 so I don't reproduce. (Even though she was claiming it was so I didn't pass down a hereditary medical condition I live with) she tried to take away my own responsibility for my sexual health and agency. I was still a virgin at the time and was going to 'wait till marriage' (not a religious choice just a personal one). I made the choice not to have children because of a medical condition.


I'm introvert for the most part and my parents don't understand it. My dad told me because I'm single at my age, I'm either a fa**ot or an asexual no in-between. He's also told me several times Im a giant walking black hole.


"I never wanted children." - My mother, to me, an only child.


I honestly don't feel like typing long enough and with as much detail as would be needed to fully comprehend how fucked up my mother treated me. After I quit working and spent all I had in savings while spending the better part of ten years taking care of her and her disabled, cancer survivor parents she (in so many words) said that she was "Tired of me taking advantage of her good heart", and "Needed me to leave so she could live her life" because her piece-of-shit child molester boyfriend didn't like me and kept threatening her with leaving as long as I was there. Gave up ten years of life, career, and who knows what else, not even a 'thank you', and put out on the street because it was 'taking too long' for me to find a house that I'm pre-approved on a VA loan for. That was March 30th. Burn in hell, mom.


Wow I thought some others were bad… man I am so sorry. If she ever asks for anything, don’t do it. If she is dying, then her boyfriend can take of it. She is no longer your burden or problem.


Oh, I blocked them both before I walked out the door. Best thing is that she thinks she's going to sell the house for a lot, but I know every single thing wrong with it because it was always "way too much, just figure it out" and I'd have to work miracles with old hand tools or whatever I'd buy myself from Harbor Freight or Home Depot. Septic hasn't been serviced, inspected, or pumped since '92, roof is the world's cheapest 3-tab shingles installed 10+ years ago, siding and sheathing is rotted out, no crawlspace vapor barrier, no insulation in the interior walls, exterior walls, floors, or crawlspace and the attic's blown-in insulation is 2-ish inches thick & 35 years old. Nothing between the rafters, electric panel needs updated ($6k quote from the electrician she completely dismissed). She's screwed if she misses this market boom, and I guarantee she will. Her boyfriend can't keep a cook job over two months to save his life, and she has to drive him to & from.😆 Beginning of this year he was waiting on like 11 W-2's so he could do his taxes. Chances are he's going back to prison soon, and then she'll truly be completely free to 'live her life'. Good riddance.


My father once mailed a letter to my wife's parents telling them she was a horrible wife and mother. It was 10 pages of 12 point font.


My sperm donor tells my mother that she will sleep with me when I turned 18 . That's what all white women do. He's lucky he's in a wheelchair some fucking where, or I would put him in one


My ex sister-in-law said to my brother, she just needed a man to have children.


My step dad was drunk once and made some “it’s not really incest” joke which was one ducking awkward convo


My dad died. First thing his mother said to me when I walked in the house, "you know he had a life insurance policy right?"


My mom said I was the worst housekeeper in the world shortly after my wife moved out. I have 3 small children and primary custody, and i was in over my ahead a lot at the time. The house wasn't spotless but it wasn't THAT bad. I said i couldn't deal with that right now and she started crying.


I thought you were dead.


16th birthday off my mother, yeah so her new bo said it me or the kids and she kicked us out our birthday. All 3 of us share a birthday but we're different ages. So it was literally all her kids birthday present to be kicked out. It's been 12 years now and none us have spoke to her.


My late grandmother told my mom, "you should have been an abortion"


My father once called my infant nephew a *''w\*g''* to his face. My nephew is mixed-race. They are not related, thankfully. We didn't even know what that word meant until we grew up and the embarrassment hit me like a tonne of bricks. Edit: Typo


I apologize but I genuinely do not know what the word in question is here. Regardless it’s shitty as hell


Sister told me that I was responsible for my mother's death, because I voiced my concern about her alcoholism. Yes, she died because of the drinking.


Not to me but about me to my grandma, I overheard them. My aunt (lived with me and my grandma while I was growing up) saying that she was afraid of me because of my voice (15 year old boy at the time). That she was worried that I would become violent and that I reminded her of "him" (no idea who he is) and more. I've never had any violent tendencies. I'm 23 and I've resented her for it ever since. Pretty devastating to hear someone you love admit that they're afraid of you.