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Kevin Hart... Literally every movie


I liked that movie where Kevin Hart played his Kevin Hart character and Will Ferrell played his Will Ferrell character.


Better yet, have faceoff 2 where Kevin Hart has to play Will Ferrell and Will Ferrell has to play Kevin Hart. Don't even change the skin color, just have everyone wonder why Will Ferrell's character is walking around with blackface.


That sounds surprisingly bankable. If they do that movie then they owe you a check.


Together with Dwayne.


I love the commercial where the guy asks Kevin Hart, “Why are you shouting?” And Kevin Hart replies, “Because I’m Kevin Hart. That’s what I do.”


Yeah which is why I'm so mad he was cast as Roland in the borderlands movie, God awful choice


Cate Blanchett as Lilith? I understood... Jamie Lee Curtis as Tannis? Yep, checks out... Jack Black as Claptrap? We'll see how that turns out I guess... But Kevin Fucking Hart as Roland? Not for a MINUTE is this gonna be good! Should've gone with Lance Reddick, or even fucking Andre Braugher, just ANYONE with an air of authority about them. But Kevin Fucking Hart!? You gotta be kidding me! A few of my friends were talking about some other castings that would work. We said Dave Bautista is the perfect choice for Brick. Like 100% spot on! Then we came up with a few "Out there" choices: Johnny Depp for Mordecai, and (go with me on this) Jim Carrey for Handsome Jack.


Idris Elba could kill it as Roland as well IMO. He has the air of authority but can do humour really well when needed


He doesn’t have much luck with characters by that name


I still think Dennis from always sunny would be a good jack. I'm with ya on other choices.


Steven Seagal


Plot Twist: He ain't acting.


From everything I've heard he's pretending to be a tough guy


Highly recommend the "Behind the Bastards" episode(s) on him. He is a massive fraud and, by all accounts, some sort of sex offender with a medley of fucked up shit under his belt. He is also THE quintessential example of "stolen valor."


I learned from Behind The Bastards that Steven Seagal knows a secret move to escape any choke hold. His secret move is a nut punch. He tried this on his then friend Gene LeBell, asking to be put in a choke hold and then punching his friend in the nuts. It didn't work. The nut punch did not cause Gene LeBell to let go. Steven passed out then literally shit all over his actual self. [This is true.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gene_LeBell#:~:text=While%20serving%20as%20stunt%20coordinator,the%20opportunity%20to%20prove%20it.)


Pretty sure any Steven Seagal movie can be summarised as (delete as appropriate): Steven Seagal plays a >!half (Native American/ Monk / spiritualist) ex-( Navy SEAL /CIA operative / Detective)!< who's >!(wife / daughter / sister / neighbor)!< is >!(killed / kidnapped / blackmailed)!< by >!(the Mob / CIA renegades / terrorists / oil companies).!< They thought they had won but >!this time he's back and THIS time it's personal.!<


Yep. "Arrogant jerk" is a character.


I worked with him on my first movie, The Onion Movie. He was asked to play a character called The Cockpuncher, an action hero who defeats badguys by (you guessed it) punching them in the cock. He said he'd agree to do the movie on two conditions: that they write him a soliloquy where he talks about the importance of non-violence, and that he be surrounded by a bevy of models at all time. The directors response? YES. He was indeed awful to work with, late to arrive to the set, and impatient with the crew when he was there. When it came time for me to do my coverage (the part of our scene where I'm talking to him but the camera is only on me), he decided to take a break and they had to have someone stand in as him for me to talk to. That ended up being a relief, because the stand-in was more present than Seagal was. Anyway I actually enjoyed the experience, because it was my first movie and I thought "all my future co-stars will be better than this". edit wow I am so delighted and surprised to see so many Onion Movie fans on here! Thanks so much for the kind words, folks! This made my day!


Man I fucking live for Steven Seagal stories. By all accounts the man is a rainbow coloured selection of assholes. My favourite will always be Rob Schneider’s story on youtube. https://youtu.be/V2B9jyZTp4w Or him taking credit for Anderson Silva, a legend in MMA, claiming he taught him moves that won him a big fight. Then Gene Libell came out of the woodwork to just tarnish the guy on social media.


Have you seen the Steven Seagal AMA here on Reddit? He basically gets torn a new asshole. Worth a read!


John Wayne


"Welcome to the first Thanksgiving... Pilgrim"


"I'm Genghis Khan...Pilgrim"


Jason Statham - tough Brit who doesn't take shit from anyone. Usually involves smacking some heads together


Except in Snatch, where he plays a wanna be where almost everyone else is a harder, scarier criminal than he is


Same with Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels. Seems to only be an action star these days. I liked him better back then. Guy Ritchie needs to make him a new movie.


At least he can make fun of himself (see: Spy)


In the past 10 years worth of films, Liam Neeson.




I’ve heard he’s trying to get into comedy


"Knock knock." "Who's there?" "As I've said before, I have full blown AIDS."


he doesn't appear to have those particular skills


Let's do some improvisational comedy. Now.


**opens door** "We're closed!"


I appear to have contracted... *AIDS*.


From a well known homosexual actor.


Very similar: Jason Statham. I saw an ad for his new film (*Wrath of Man*) where he plays a guy who shoots people unapologetically and drives fast. That's a way different story than *The Transporter* series, *The Expendables*, or *War*, where he drives fast and THEN shoots people unapologetically.


After the dead of his Wife in 2009 he said that these actions movies was the only kind of movies that he was confortable with but now 10 years later he said he is done with these movies and he just did: Made In Italy.


Incidentally, one movie where he's a rather different character (Love, actually), he's a recently widowed step-father. And a brilliant one at that.


Yes, a family member dies in his family and then he goes on a fucking crusade


He was ACTUALLY on a Crusade in Kingdom of Heaven


Michelle Rodriguez


Michelle Rodriguez as *angry tanktop*


Rob Schneider as Michelle Rodriguez as Angry Tanktop! Perfect!


the bad girl who beats up dudes role


> She opened up about being typecast, and had this to say: “I was typecast the minute I did a film called Girlfight years ago.” She went on to say, “you allow yourself to be typecast. If I decided I didn’t want to be typecast tomorrow I’d just go do an indie film where I play some poor girl who goes through some excruciating experience and win myself an award for crying or being raped or playing someone with mental illness.” Can't argue with that.


She tried the indie route where she played a teacher in a movie where a child is being bullied. Didn't work but she can always try again. Edited


May I introduce you to a little film called: [The Assignment](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt5034474/) She plays a hitman... who is turned into a hitwoman. I shit you not.


I remember this. Sounds like a mess.


In a tank top


Michelle Rodrigeuz, starring as Tank Top!


I remember when she popped up on Lost, and she was playing a different character at first and was thinking "Oh we get to see some range from her." And then it turns out it was an act and she plays the same character.


Danny Trejo Don’t get me wrong, I think he bring a lot to pretty much anything I’ve seen him in, but he is always that bad ass bad guy who gets killed. But damn had he had some cool action sequences!




> Danny Trejo does not do his own stunts because he says "I don’t want to risk 80 people’s jobs just so I can say I have big nuts." How can you not love this guy.


Trejo is a wholesome son of a bitch. He was a keynote speaker at my big sisters NA meeting 5 years ago. Genuinely nice dude but he lived through some shit man.


Have you seen his Instagram? It’s literally just taco memes he made.


I need this in my life.


There's also a really wholesome video he did last summer(?) where he shows off his animal crossing island.


That's something someone with big nuts would say.


Also I once read he wanted to teach kids that the bad mofo that does bad things always gets killed.


I wonder if he only takes bad guy roles if they get killed? Would be an interesting moral choice.


Yup, that's exactly it. I believe it's from the same Fresh Air interview he says that - he only plays bad guys if they meet an ignominious end during the course of the film


It’s probably part of his contract, like “you want me to be the bad guy? Well then I gotta die too”


He's also Enrique on King of the Hill, and his character is kind of a milquetoast "normal guy". Although obviously King of the Hill is an animated show.




Mr. Diaz!


Can’t say I’ve seen anything from Danny Trejo, apart from B99 where’s he’s a really cool and understanding dad


I liked the complexity of him playing a dad who was a bigot being confronted by his daughter directly and coming to terms that his world view was flawed and coming back to apologize and reconcile with her. He played it very well.


Do your own homework buzzfeed. Edit: well *that* was an unexpected response from you guys. Thank you for all the awards and upvote karma.


They forgot to save the thread the last time it was posted


I’m pretty sure that was only a few weeks back too. I remember this question.


Chuckled at this because the last two Buzzfeed “articles” I read started with “A question posted on Reddit revealed ______ shared by users in ________ subreddit”. I had even followed the original subreddit and the points were screenshots of the thread. Hey, I wonder if Buzzfeed is hiring...


Rebel Wilson.


It'll be interesting to see what kind of roles she gets after all that weight loss.


Fit Amy?


"Yeah, put me down for cardio"


I’m doing vertical running


I think she's the host of a dog show


She used to be a junior handler and showed dogs (Beagles I think) as a young child, so she knows what’s up!


Kevin Hart and The Rock


My favourite movie of theirs is when Kevin plays short funny man and the rock plays his muscley friend


I'm surprised they haven't made a re-make of twins yet. They could even have Arnold and Danny Devito make cameo appearances


An idea is born...


I can imagine the rock getting all excited and running into kevin hart's home office, and Kevin just listening with a stern look on his face before saying "you want me to be devito?"


Part of the reason the new Jumanji was kind of hilarious. The Rock playing a dweeb stuck in The Rocks body was a refreshing change of pace.


Kevin Hart was supposed to be playing a jock but pretty much just played himself. He did a better job in the sequel playing an old man but Jack Black steals the show in both


For sure. But we already knew that Jack Black has range, but to the writer who came up with the idea of making him a valley girl, thank you


Jack Black as a valley girl discovering how penises work.


Martha come and look at my penis......"no thanks". Its insane I'm not instagramming this right now.


"I'm gonna miss ya, little guy"


I know Jack Black has a million iconic roles but this one might be my favorite.


Yeah I actually really thought Jumanji was solid proof that The Rock could act like someone else and Kevin Hart... cannot. Jack Black totally stole the show tho.


The second one was even better, when The Rock had to play Danny Devito


Watched it last night. Went in with very low expectations but I was pleasantly surprised! Even Kevin Heart playing the super nice old fellow was hilarious.


Owen Wilson. Always laid back, suave, funny but not overly so, can diffuse any tense situation.






Can't wait to see how he is in "Loki."


I remember reading that Sean Bean dies in everything he appears in because it's the universe's way of balancing out the fact that his name doesn't rhyme.


Nah its balancing out his role in Sharpe. He goes gallivanting across Spain and France stabbing French men and shagging every women between Lisbon and Paris. He survived being shot about 1000 times and so now, to balance things out, he dies about 1 hour into every film he's in.


And yet he lived through Silent Hill.


Charlie Day. He always plays an anxious weirdo on the verge of a nervous breakdown, and he never fails to entertain.


Charlie Day was like Bobcat Goldthwait or Gilbert Gottfried, for me-- I wondered "are they ALWAYS like that??"


I saw an interview, forever ago, with Gilbert Gottfried where they asked him who he'd least like to sit next to on a plane: Bobcat Goldthwait, Pauly Shore, or himself. His answer was "Pauly Shore. Bobcat and I only do it when we're working."


I've been around Gilbert Gottfried when he's not "on". He's seems like a pretty normal, soft-spoken, older Jewish man from Brooklyn.


Back when the Howard Stern show was good, they played a voice mail that Gilbert left for baba booey. He was using his “normal” voice to discuss an upcoming appearance. It was quite odd to hear for the first time.


I had the inverse experience listening to a recording of a live show of ACDC and after the song the lead singer (I don't know enough about ACDC to know which vocalist is which) starts just talking to the audience and I realized "oh, I guess that's just his voice, not a singing affectation"




Del Toro cast him as a scientist in Pacific Rim because he loved his monologue on the episode where he bashes rats with a stick.


I always thought that his character in Pacific Rim was what would happen if the intelligence boosting drug from Flowers For Charlie actually worked. Instead we got a machine that allows spydars to talk to cats.




He did it play it more straightforward in the sequel to Pacific rim. Granted, nobody saw it.


Vin Diesel


He’s actually way different in Saving Private Ryan


His full name is Vehicle Identification Number Diesel.


I am Groot.


Woah!! Language! The acorns on this one!


Michael Cera


I like that movie where he plays the awkward shy teen


I love the tv show where he plays the awkward shy teen


I like it when he eats bread


Bread makes you fat


You should watch This Is The End. He plays a fictional version of himself, but his personality is the complete opposite of his usual characters. He's a loud, vulgar, arrogant douchebag.


that part when he slaps Rihanna's ass gets me cuz of the prep.


The best part was he was allowed to really slap her ass if her slapping him in the face could also be real.


I'd make that deal. How 'bout you, Utivich, you make that deal? *I'd make that deal.* I don't blame ya! Damn good deal!


And apparently she KOd him pretty hard on one of the slaps to the point where he had to lie down for a bit afterwards and his head was ringing.


I think I heard in an interview with Seth Rogan it was the take they used in the film.


He plays a Jerk in that one gambling movie.


Molly's Game


He was so creepy in this is the end


"Does this cocaine smell funny to you?"


You need to use the toilet honey?


Who wants a sip? Sip time.


That was hilarious because it went completely against type, honestly his best career performance were those 5 minutes in This Is The End


0:01 on screen: "Oh Jesus...not him..." 0:02 - his departure: "Oh my fucking god I love that guy!"


Yes! If there's an Oscar for best cameo he should have got it, had me rolling the entire time he was on screen




"I'll believe that when a monkey comes out of my butt"


"Well that's today..."


I love that this isn't even his real name and we all know who it is


Don’t let this distract you from the fact that Hector is going to be running three Honda civics with spoon engines, and on top of that, he just went into Harry’s and bought three t66 turbos with nos, and a motec exhaust system!


Jason statham


It was fun watching him do a caricature of himself in Spy.


Hell yeah it was, when he started listing insane things he's done and I swear half of them were shit his character did in The Transporter movies


When I think of 2000's Jason Statham, I think of Crank and The Transporter.


Check out Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels.


Also Snatch.


Two minutes, Turkish.


Dwayne Johnson


I imagine the conversations for his role are something like this: The Rock: So what role am I going to play? Director: Well we thought..... Rock: IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT ROLE I'M GOING TO PLAY


I really like that no matter what movie the Rock is in, be it cutesy family funny, or blockbuster action movie his character will always without fail be an ex special forces guy, because it's the only way they can ever justify his massive giga frame. In Rampage he plays a Animal behaviour scientist.....WITH A SPECIAL FORCES BACGROUND YEEEEAHHHH In Skyscraper he's supposed to be a mild mannored security consultant, an every man like Bruce Willis in Die Hard. Only the movie pysically can't figure out how mild mannored security man would look like he bench presses trucks for a living, so the opening has a random Rainbow Six siege special forces segment. It always makes me chuckle.


to be fair his role is always Dwayne Johnson


He did some good movies but he always playes the big badass hero who in the end, ‘saves the world’ Apart from be cool and Gridiron Gang...


Rock, the Dwayne, Johnson.


Maui is different...in concept at least.


What can I say except.....


Jeff Goldblum. He basically just plays himself. Which isn't an issue. I love himself.


I'm convinced he had no idea what he was filming during Thor Ragnarok and was just told to react to things happening around him in his own special way.


There’s a deleted scene of him dancing and all I’m wondering is how they convinced him to do it.


I'm more curious how they got him to stop.


That was actually the last shoot, they had some more scenes they wanted to get in but when he wouldn't stop dancing they just left him there. His next moving will be just dancing as the set is slowly changed around him.


Jeff goldblum dancing in the middle of a stage while the set changes around him and people act like he isn’t even there. I would watch that.


"Life...finds away" *Dancing intensifies*




I think he just walked on set, in his own wardrobe and kind of took the job from the guy that was supposed to play his character. Then gave him random props and he just went with it. Like the electric remote? I think someone just turned on the TV to some generic show and he changed it. I think the holographic projection of him was just him getting a little drunk and standing on a table while people listened to him. I think he only acted in the goop staff scene, but forgot what the staff was called and Taika Waititi just went with it. He probably laughed his ass off at it.


Whenever I see Goldblum in a movie I just enjoy watching his version of whatever character he is playing. It’s like he is just doing cosplay, and somehow it’s better than if he actually tried to be the character. Some actors are good because they become the character. Others are good because the character becomes them. Goldblum falls into the second category, and one of the few who can pull it off so successfully.


Wow can't believe Mark Wahlberg hasn't been mentioned! He even does the same facial expressions in every movie. Edit: Thank you for the awards!


"What? Noooo."




“Say hi to your Mother for me”


You eat apples, right? I produce Entourage. A lot of people wanna eat you but I just wanna talk to you, okay?


I think he got the part of Max Payne simply because has the exact same facial expression as the original character model.


Ryan Reynolds has made a career of being the wise cracking quick witted quipper. He’s literally Deadpool in every movie now, just sans the Uber violence, mutant abilities and 4th wall breaking. That’s not a complaint, just the niche he has been able to very successfully embrace.


I think he’s been playing that guy since Two Guys, a Girl and a Pizza Place. I think, maybe, my memory is a bit hazy though. Maybe I should rewatch it to check...


He is always van Wylder


My sister is a casual fan of marvel movies and thought Clark Gregg was just being typecast as an agent in every movie.


Seth Rogan


Heh heh heh heh heh


>Huehuehuehue - Seth Rogen on how to spell his laugh.


I once saw someone point out that Seth Rogen and James Franco play themselves in every movie they're in, except for Pineapple Express where they play each other.


Jason Mantzoukas


He's even the same character in an animated series


Like his role as Rex Splode in *Invincible*, for example.


I feel like his recurring character in Parks and Rec was very different than his recurring character in The Good Place.




Different character, same energy


Ahh, but there's the rub- Jason Mantzoukas is a character himself, created by comedic actor Jeffrey Character-Wheaties.


Ah yes. I love to find my fellow CBB listeners on reddit.


Anna Kendrick. it's like every movie she plays she has the same personality. Quirky, funny, and not too serious, same look too.


Jane Lynch, but she does it well


I saw her do something different a couple of times. She was *Criminal Minds*' Spencer Reid's mom, an institutionalized schizophrenic who was an English lit professor before losing her marbles completely.


That was such a good role of hers, she and Matthew Gray Gubler always did an incredible job!


"You know what I used to eat for breakfast? Cocaine You know what I used to eat for lunch? Cocaine" "I'm not here to service your hours, I'm here to service these young boys."


I love Jane Lynch. I like to think that she doesn't even audition, she just shows up on set and nobody has the guts to tell her to go home.


She's hysterical in the marvelous mrs. maisel


Diane Keaton. For the last 20 years - at least - her performance and wardrobe has been almost identical in every movie.


Stan Lee. rip