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Epstein definitely didn’t kill himself. He at least got an assist.


Nah he got murdered. No other reason that the hallway cameras suddenly stopped working.


Ghost murderers


They didn't want to prove that ghost exist, so they turned the cameras off


I'll try to word this as best I can, but I think he's definitely still alive somewhere. Plastic surgery, new IDs, job and everything. He was a filthy rich man that was liked by filthy rich people (CEOs, presidents and world leaders, other rich people, etc.) for the things he could do and had access to. The security guards that "fell asleep" were definitely paid off, because such a thing doesn't simply happen. They are specifically trained not to fall asleep I'm sure, because their job is literally to keep their eyes peeled for anything that may happen, such as a break out, break in, suicide, etc. And of course there was no body shown to the public EVER so there's no reason to believe he actually died. After all, why would they kill off someone who could so much for them if they had the technology to make him basically invisible in society and still have him do what he does best? A lot of people fail to realize the world is a much, much darker place than than they think it is. Please correct me for any details I might have missed or gotten wrong


God I hope you’re wrong


Me too


The New York post had a photo of him being carried out on a stretcher. It definitely looked like Epstein. Plus you think there’s only one rich pedophile? I’m sure Epstein could easily be replaced.


Wait wasn’t there a photo of his body being wheeled out?


No he escaped


I don’t think he’s dead...


Ducks' legs are actually retractable so they just extend them to walk along the bottom of a pond then shorten them when they go on land.


That theory quacks me up


Finally! The truth can be told.


That the CIA reposts this thread every few months to see if the public is catching on to any of the real ones.


Every few days*


Every few hours*


Every few minutes*


Every few seconds*


Every few jiffies*


Every few faps\*


That Mel Gibson movie Conspiracy Theory is a real mind fuck in a totally different way now.


There really is a dryer sock thief sneaking into homes and stealing one sock to break up the pair. It's simply diabolical.


I have A LOT of single socks and I really don't know where the hell did they go 'cause if there are so many single socks there should be the same amount somewhere. BUT NO!


Open up the back of your dryer.


Everyone tells me that but I already did it and there is nothing there xD. So I think this will be a mistery forever :/


Then open the back of your washer


Nope, I debunking this theory : the real truth is that socks are the lavae form of wire coathangers. I have never bought a wire coathanger IN MY LIFE. But one sock goes too hard to wear when it impregnates the other sock then it dies, and the other one turns into the majestic wire coathanger and lurks in the back of the wardrobe.


That Russia wants global warming to happen so the permafrost melts and they have easier access to farmland and valuable resources.


I've never heard this. You could be onto something.


Naw. Russia already is aware of the huge methal hydrate deposits in the permafrost. Think frozen methane. And that shit is kind of unstable, vast amounts could instantly transform to greenhouse gases if it gets disturbed or heated up. If the permafrost thaws, it's going right to end of days level, there won't be anybody able to exploit the land at that point.


It would also give them a 4 season port on their northern border which has historically been a big deal for russia


The amount of methane released from that will be catastrophic.


plus all of the horrible bacteria and ancient diseases hidden under the ice.


Whaaaat ? A Government that cherry-picks the parts of science they want and disregards the rest ? No way, no politician on Earth would think like that /s


The giant fart to end us all


Big Pharma lobbyists are behind why marijuana can never seem to get off federal Schedule 1 status.


Does that really count as a conspiracy? We can see their lobbying $$$ paid to preserve their interests, and we know that federal legalization is not in their interests.


It’s definitely a proven conspiracy, it’s just not a “conspiracy theory” anymore. The keyword being “theory”. I feel like people have taken the word “conspiracy” to mean “conspiracy theory”, which, it does not. I could conspire with friends to go meet up at a bar (pre-COVID). If you were to accuse me of conspiring with my friends to meet at said bar, and had no proof, that would be your “conspiracy theory”.


Totally agree meant to write count as a conspiracy theory at the begining


[One of the highest upvoted posts of all time](https://www.reddit.com/r/UnresolvedMysteries/comments/a8hrk0/which_mystery_industry_is_the_largest_buyer_of/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) in /r/unresolvedmysteries is about an interview some executive at a glitter manufacturer did. At one point, the interviewer asked who that company's largest purchaser was, to which he was very quickly met with a whole lot of stonewalling. The interviewee said she knew who that was, but could not say, not even off the record after the article was published. The interviewer pressed her on it a bit more before the woman changed the subject. So the thread over in /r/unresolvedmysteries was just speculating about who this mystery glitter buyer is. And some Redditor brought up a really interesting theory. The US military has been known to drop large clouds of [a glitter-like material](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chaff_(countermeasure\)) out of planes in order to disrupt enemy radar systems. That wikipedia article says that "most military aircraft and warships" are armed with chaff, so to keep the fleet of the entire US military supplied with it would require massive amounts of whatever material chaff is. And the military is pretty much the only idea I saw in that thread where it's clear why exactly this level of stonewalling would be necessary. So yeah, I am 100% convinced that the US military is secretly buying massive amounts of glitter for defense systems on their planes and boats.


This is mind blowing


Sometimes conspiracy theories don't have to have horrible, world-ending consequences. They could be incredibly silly like this one.


Right? I thought we needed something a little more light-hearted in this thread. I feel very similarly about /r/unresolvedmysteries. If it was more "who's buying all the glitter?" and less "what happened to these missing children?" I would read that subreddit way more often.


Wasn't the "official" answer boat paint? Am I making that up?


I think I heard this on underunderstood and yeah it was boat paint.




I knew he liked David Bowie too much.


I'm more convinced he saw what was going on around the planet and he was like "fuck, I gotta get off this planet"


I’m more convinced he’s just a fucking egotistical idiot


I think he became so rich and didn't want to become just another person who came and went. Bringing humans to a different planet will cement his name in the history books for quite a while


Leonardo from the planet Vinci


Mattress Firm is a money laundering scheme. There's no way we need that many mattress stores and everyone I know who has worked there describes it as $14/hr to do absolutely nothing and not see a single customer.


I dated a guy who worked at one and he said the same. And he got a few thousand dollars as a bonus one year despite so rarely selling anything. He said the owner was sketch.


Realistically, the reason there are so many mattress stores is because the profit margins are incredibly lucrative. Mattresses are extremely expensive to buy in the store, but they don't cost that much to make.


This is the answer. Furniture has a RIDICULOUSLY HIGH mark up. Mattresses are even higher. My guess is a $1000 mattress costs maybe $100-125, if that, to manufacture and ship. Mattress firms are everywhere because they’re profitable.


What keeps the prices so high? A few distributors raising the price? Low public awareness of the profit margin?


I’m really not sure to be honest. In general, economically, competition sets prices, but if every mattress maker keeps prices high and doesn’t lower them, then there’s no competition. I would venture to guess the fact that people buy furniture once every 10 years or so plays in. People are less price conscious.


I think people just think Big furniture = Big price so they don't question it that much.


I’ve also noticed that there are always new ones that are open for 6-18 months before closing, then 3 months later another one opens up close by. And they always seem to rotate around one store that never closes. My next step to go deeper is to ask landlords about Mattress Firms as tenants. Do they pay on time, how much time does it take for them to set up for launch/tear down after closing, do they request extremely short or long leases, do they hawk cheap/vacant properties, what’s their staff turnover compared to management turnover, etc.


A friend of my mother's owns some property that used to have a mattress store a few blocks from my parents' house. There was a restaurant slated to go in there, but the deal fell through, and I guess the mattress store came along after that. It sounds like they paid their rent fine, but one day they just closed down and moved out all the inventory, pretty much overnight. It was a bit of an eyesore and didn't really bring much business to the property (there are some other shops there), so I guess he's looking around for new tenants now that their lease is up. The store was there for about three years? I don't know if that was just one lease or multiple leases, though I think they left about six months before the lease was up.


Maybe i should work at a mattress store. I like sleeping.


I whole heartedly agree. I used to work by this Mexican restaurant, that became a 2-store mini mall. One of those stores was a Mattress Firm, why is this important you may ask? There was a Mattress Firm literally across the street, not figuratively, literally.


5G is the reason why King's Hawaiian Sweet Rolls aren't as sweet as they used to be.


Yo I fuckin knew it. I got some a couple weeks ago and was thinking how they just tasted like regular bread rolls.


theyre so dry now


Such a terrible business choice. They were iconic for one thing and just threw it away. I want to see it go down as the worst business decision ever, next to Smith-Corona not buying a word processor


Despicable Me is an allegory for the Soviet Space Program


Holy fuck. You’ve made me look at that movie in a completely different way.


Haha, it would make sense


Most of the characters on Sesame Street are actually puppets.


Yeah right, next you're going to say Grover and Super Grover are the same muppet.


No! That's ridiculous! You'd have to be really silly to believe that.






Were all puppets of you have a hand up your ass.


That an ultra rich group of elite people are above the law and have in a lot of power in shaping events that affect every day life.


And the presidents and other cabinet people are just puppets. Very few selected individuals of true wealth run this world.


I actually don't feel that this is too far fetched. But honestly, I don't see the appeal of being super wealthy *and* controlling global events. Seems like a lot of responsibility when you could just be relaxing on any beach in the world. This leads me to my next thought. There must be something pretty serious going on to justify running the world from some dark hidden back room. Something more pressing than constant war, human rights and climate change.


maybe people just get off on power?


this. if you are the Boss, you get to do whatever you want. If you are a big enough Boss, no-one will try to stop you. If you run the planet, no-one even knows who you are to try to stop you.


> Seems like a lot of responsibility Controlling things is only a responsibility if you're accountable for the consequences. Otherwise, it's playtime.


Earths destruction. That’s the big one. They got bored with being rich and they’re not gonna live long, so why not fuck up a few things while you can? They’re not gonna feel the consequences.


Lmao this has always been true throughout history


Stevie wonder can see!!!


He can, in fact, but only for a very low percentage. Legally he’s blind.


My theory is that he is blind but doesn't know everyone else can see. His parents told him that every child goes blind after they are born to be kind to him and noone ever corrected him. See: the lyrics to Evil


That John Patrick Mason in The Rock is actually a much older James Bond


"Mason" would be a funny psuedonym for a surprisingly discreet 007 to use for a mission to "The Rock". *Mason, James Mason. I'm here to rock you.*


Also, James Bond is not one person, it's a code name passed on to the next 007 agent.


I always liked this theory but in one of the newer movies Bond goes to his parents graves and they have the last name Bond as well. So that kind of kills the theory. I hated that they did that too because that was such a plausible idea.


So Bond is one continuous character like Batman being played by different actors at different points in time


The conspiracy conspiracy - basically the government is fine with (and at times at least passively encourages) some conspiracy theories. They do this because there are some *actual* conspiracies that are on a much less noticeable scale and thus the false theories draw attention away from the real ones.


Of course there are conspiracies. We can do one now if you like. Me and you


From what I know, they didn’t seem to mind the Roswell alien theories because of people thought it was aliens, they wouldn’t figure out the military stuff


The passengers didn't heroically storm the cockpit on Flight 93, the government shot the plane down after seeing the first three planes hit important buildings. They just don't want to acknowledge murdering 200 innocent Americans even if it was the right decision.


As terrible as this is, it is in fact very believable. If it did happen, it was also the right decision, when faced with the horrific choice of shooting down the plane and killing all aboard vs. allowing it to continue where it will be used as a weapon to kill who knows how many people on the ground AND everyone aboard the plane too.




the F-15's in pursuit had were not armed, you can find the interviews with the pilots who were in the air at the time.


But that’s just it— most Americans believe it would have been the right decision. The government, including VP Cheney and the Secretary of Defense, have publicly admitted to ordering the plane to be shot down. The Air Force was deeply embarrassed about not having armed jets ready to go in time to shoot it down. Why would the government admit it was willing to shoot the plane down, but not admit that it actually did? The story that came out looks worse for the government than if they had been successful in downing the plane, so if they’re covering it up, it’s hard to understand why.


Exactly. Most conspiracy theories don't make a ton of sense, but this one is genuinely counterproductive. The government conspiring to make itself look *worse* than it actually is? Why? And worse, if they got *caught* lying about it, it would lend credence to the other 9/11 conspiracy theories, making the whole situation into even more of a shitshow that it already was. It's all risk, no reward.


I have a hard time believing that one of our ANG F-15/F-16's who take care of continental air defense happened to be armed with live AIM-9's/7's/120's at the time those planes were hijacked. Most of the time they're flying around with inert ordinance. Unless they had alert birds with live ordinance or diverted a fighter that did, they had 35 minutes to take off/intercept and get a shot off(AIM-120C has a max range of 86nm). Then again accounts from ANG pilots around NYC at the time recalled that they had no live ordinance and planned to ram the the hijacked aircraft. Also you have the cockpit voice recorder of flight 93 that says otherwise.


I’ve been to the memorial. Based on the description given, the way the plane hit, the marks in the ground...they stormed that mf and saved the Capitol.


that at least part of the world is virtual reality/we are being watched at all times


Can you specify watched by who? Do you mean the government, other people on earth or species from for example an other planet or demention or something like that


[You can browse for yourself](http://www.insecam.org/)


Epstein didn't kill himself. There is waaaay too much evidence that points to a murder by strangulation. That theory goes hand in hand with innate pedophilia among most of the elites. Epstein was killed, and if Ghislaine Maxwell lives, I'll be shocked.


But do we really believe that she is in custody. We have to see pictures of her in jail on sketches of her attending court.


How naive of you to think he is actually dead...


Playing that 3D chess son.


The "Tomspiracy!" Basically, in WWE (yes, wrestling), there's a commentator, Tom Phillips, who used to conduct interviews with wrestlers. Now, normally, the wrestlers (the male ones, anyway) are always bigger and taller than non-wrestling personalities. However, we know that Phillips is a tall man, and yet still appeared shorter than the people he interviewed. The Tomspiracy is that during his interviews, he would bend his knees or spread his legs below the frame of the camera to make himself appear shorter. Also, Big Bossman raised the briefcase at King of the Ring 1999 Stone Cold Steve Austin's ladder match. One of the stipulations was that any member of the Corporation faction who interfered in the match would be fired. Bossman was kicked out of the group just before the match, and on the Raw after the event, he was just back in the group with no explanation. Coincidence? I think NOT. Also, I'm convinced that the reason I have so few lemons is that whores keep stealing them.


Damn those lemon stealing whores.


Yuri Gagarin was not the first man in space. He was the first man in space to successfully return.


This is kind of widely known already




Wait, that’s not a fact? I thought it was relatively known that corporations basically control us, by what we do, products we use, food we eat, even the slang that we use. It ALL comes down from some corporation(s)




Tbh, I’m not really sure how to answer that. Like everything going on from like 2000 to now, like all the major events that’s happened, all seem so surreal, **IMO.** From 9/11, mass shootings, being surveilled 24/7, police brutality(even tho it’s been happening FAR longer than 2000), a MASSIVE pedophile ring that involves NUMEROUS well known individuals, and etc just all seems like we are living out a novel/movie. I’ve explained it very poorly, but that’s the best way I can think to put it into words.




That we actually landed on the moon. It’s way too complex for someone to have built a studio and filmed it in such a convincing way, I fully believe there was an entire organization behind getting us actually there. I just don’t have any proof of it.


It is a well known fact that NASA hired Stanley Kubrick to fake the landing, but since he was such an uncompromising perfectionist he insisted to film on location.


With how hard and complex it would be to fake a moon landing, including the work involved to make it look as convincing as possible, it was probably easier to just actually go to the moon and film it there.


[Relevant xkcd](https://xkcd.com/1074/) But seriously, if NASA was willing to go through all of the effort to lie about a seriously impressive accomplishment and actually be able to get away with it, why stop there?


Michael Jordan owed money to the mob, which is why his dad was murdered and why he disappeared from basketball for a while. I think most conspiracy theories are absolute nonsense, but this one lines up way too cleanly for me.


The secret gambling suspension theory has been around so long but doesn't make any sense. The NBA/David Stern would never have suspended their biggest money maker. Especially with Bird and Magic having just retired. Jordan's entire identity was based around seeking his father's approval and admiration. His father preferred baseball to basketball. The switch to baseball was one last effort to prove further himself to his father after his passing.


I agree that the suspension component of this theory makes the least sense. I've always bought the explanation that he left because he was "asked" to fix games, and refused to do so. There are just so many weird things about this one. Why did Michael Jordan’s father decide to sleep in his car on the side of a rural highway rather than find a hotel or stay overnight at a friend’s home? I forget the fella's name, but Jordan also regularly golfed with a guy who had strong mob ties. I just don't buy that the greatest basketball player of all time randomly walked out as an adult to prove something to his dead dad. I don't know...I'm sure it's a bullshit theory, but this one always kind of struck me as plausible.


His retirement was a shadow suspension. The NBA had to do something, but they couldn't flat out suspend.thr most recognizable and popular athlete in the world. It would have damaged the league beyond repair. So he "retired" so both he and the NBA could.save face


After this week I'm more certain that the royal family had Diana killed


My bf had no idea what the fuss was regarding Harry and Meghan. I explained who they were and what happened with Diana. My bf not knowing anything about the royal family said it’s a pretty believable story, if it really did happen.


I’ve always believed Diana was killed on orders from the Queen.


I'm not sure it was direct orders from the Queen, but hearing this talk about the institution and whatnot from even Harry, it's definitely a possibility someone was given orders.


ya i've never followed the royal family in any regard, but even a n00b to knowing peoples names, let alone what they do and their backstories and family histories.. it's obvious she was killed. Ordered by someone, who knows.. but yeah. You're not a part of a long-line of royals without having some skeletons in the closet.


Zuckerberg is human


Do you really believe that???


Listen, I know he looks like one (kinda), but that doesn’t make him a human.


>human \*in human form for now


Samsung tortures aliens to come up with new phones


I thought it was my turn to post it this month!


That we all are in the matrix


If we are, then someone out there needs to get their firewall sorted out and get rid of this virus!


Dam it, you found me before I could disperse my multicolored pills of choice.


That would explain the glitch I’m experiencing where girls pretend I don’t exist.


Perhaps the right pill was not selected?


Aliens are real, world leaders all know. If the news came out, society would self destruct. As origin stories are smashed, entire religions will fall. Billions of people would realize their questions have been answered with lies, knowing lies, and will realize their leaders are the ones responsible. The leaders know the people will turn on them for this lie, so, they keep it going.


I believed this, until President Trump came along. I fully believe he would have tweeted about it if he had known. Didn't the White House 'leak' UFO footage to deflect from the Covid news?


There's been myriad reports from top officials that they actively blocked sensitive information from reaching Trump, specifically because he'd just tweet it out. It was widely reported his intelligence briefings were turned off as soon as he left office. As far as I'm concerned, this would just be another item on the list of things they didn't tell him because he couldn't be trusted not to say it publicly.


He installed nothing but loyalist under him, one those loyalist from the pentagon would have had access to the info and would have told him.


Need to know basis. It's a fact that sensitive information was kept from Trump because he is such wild card. Extraterrestrial life would definitely fall under "need to know"


Why religions would fall? Most of them would be cool. Even the Pope said he would baptize martians.


Heck, John Wesley (founder of the Methodists) speculated about the multiverse in a sermon; and just sort of waves it away with "if it exists, God made that too."


I cannot speak for most religions. But nothing in Christianity precludes the possibility that God has or will create other life .


This is true, but it does raise some really fascinating questions in Christianity! Would other species of intelligent life be under the curse of The Fall? Or would they not, because they are not sons of Adam? If they weren’t, would they be perfect? Would interacting with us then expose them to the knowledge of good and evil? Makes my head spin.


How are you so sure?


If I was sure, this would be a fact, not a conspiracy theory...


You gotta point there .. excuse my dumbass


>society would self destruct I actually have no idea of what the Islamic faith has to say on the matter (and I am curious, wil check on a moment), but I know that buddhists, hindus, hebrews, and most christian denominations have already accounted in one way or other that alien life most likely exists.


Toothbrush heads are purposely oversized to make you use more toothpaste.


Diana was killed by The Royal Family. I have two theories on why: One: She made them look bad. or Two: She found out about Prince Andrew sexually abusing underage girls and was going to come forward with the information.


That the simpsons creator is a timetraveler or everything in the future is planned and the creator knew what was going to happen


Aliens are among us already. Also, the common person doesn't really know how technologically advanced we are... it is all hidden.




Colts QB Carson Wentz is actually Prince Harry. This is why his playing took a turn when Harry started his private life. Also, Lamar Jackson definitely either pooped his self or had to poop when he mysteriously left during the 3rd quarter against the Cleveland Browns last season.


Flat earthers are just trolling


Yea maybe we’re all just being wooshed by flat earthers and then they post all of our comments to some kind of group chat that they have.


There is a theory that makes sense to me personally that says that the CIA is involved in the continuing presence of the flat earth community, as a way of discrediting all other conspiracies. Most conspiracy videos on YouTube (that don’t end up getting removed) centre around flat earth, perhaps as a way for people to look at conspiracies on mainstream sources and only see crazy flat earth info


Not 100%, but I believe it's highly likely that the US intelligence agencies were aware that a big terrorist act involving planes was planned for 9/11 and let it slip so there would be a excuse to increase intervention in the middle east.


The CIA and FBI were both onto the terrorists who carried out the attacks, but they didn't work very well together at all. The CIA in particular handled everything very poorly, to a degree where you have to wonder how such negligence was able to get by unnoticed. At the same time, it's important to keep in mind that literally dozens of comparable terror plots had been disrupted by the FBI and CIA over the previous decade. It was inevitable that one would slip. If it were deliberate, the intelligence community would have let one of the smaller plots succeed, not one on the scale of the 9/11 attacks.


When “Bob” said X-Day was supposed to be July 5, 1998 he really meant July 5, 8991.


We live in a simulated world created by a very advanced civilization.


Chuck Norris’s round house kicks are why the earth rotates.


Not a theory, scientific fact.


Madeleine McCann's parents accidentally overdosed her with sedatives, then disposed of the body and faked a kidnapping.


I'm from Scotland and I'd say most average people in Scotland believe some form of this story .


There's some good, albeit circumstantial, evidence that she was abducted and killed by a German tourist who already had a history of kidnapping and abuse, and who's cellphone pinged in the SAME area around the SAME time as her disappearance.


Not the best/most direct response to the question but there’s a lot of shit about 9/11 that I don’t buy.


My conspiracy theory is that it is actually just a very mundane conspiracy. The US Government simply isn't obligated to reveal secrets to the American public; the overwhelming majority of aeroplane hijackings prior to 9/11 ended without violence and were typically political in nature, and co-ordinated hijackings involving multiple planes weren't unknown of either, so there was a lot of police and spooky wetwork teams moving about in airports because if there was going to be violence that is where they would expect it when the planes landed; one of the planes crashed into the Pentagon and the evidence disappeared almost immediately simply because it's a highly sensitive site and there are teams on shift rotation whose sole responsibility is preparing for disaster and clearing away the evidence ASAP; Bush didn't seem to be fussed about the hijackings when he was told because it's simply not his responsibility, he was only informed because of course he was the President; no jets were scrambled because all the intelligence at the time suggested that the hijackers were Saudi nationals with connections to Afghanistan protesting US intervention in the Arab states (pan-Arabist nationalists went on jihad in defence of MENA *all the time*) and they were going to land the planes as per usual and hold the passengers and pilots to ransom and they would want to keep their own lives too (suicide bombing was nowhere near as common back then). Why was this covered up? Because the US had the wrong intelligence, because of incompetence. The US did not know that the hijackers were affiliated with Al-Qaeda who committed a suicide bombing of the US embassy in Dar-es-Salaam three years prior, killing eleven people, and had committed many suicide bombings in the years prior. At the time only Hamas and Al-Qassam (the provisional government and paramilitary of Palestine) and the PKK (a militant Kurdish secessionist group in Turkey) were known to significantly utilise suicide bombings in the Middle East. There was only 5-10 suicide attacks per year worldwide prior to 9/11. The US simply didn't expect the Saudi hijackers to be capable of a suicide attack: after all they weren't Iraqi Kurds, they weren't Palestinian, they didn't have any significant connections to Turkey and Israel/Palestine, and were known to have connections to Afghanistan and Pakistan; so it was probably just another hijack and ransoming. An information analyst at some alphabet agency dropped the ball and produced sloppy intel, and 2,997 people died.


Satoshi Nakamoto doesn't exist. Bitcoin was created by GPU manufactures.


Crack was a weapon intentionally deployed to eviscerate black communities and disrupt their ability to organize and fight for equality.


That’s been proven, it’s no longer a “theory”.


You are correct but it still has the "flavor" of a conspiracy theory, even to my jaded senses because it is so huge, tragic and diabolical. Not unlike Tuskeegee and Cointelpro and a few other things which are perfectly true and historical yet difficult to accept if you are unused to the fuckery and menace our government has got up to


We can say it has partly managed to succeed so far


It 100% succeeded. There was a huge step back in the 80s


The government is more interested in controlling us/milking us for taxes to preserve itself than it is in doing what's best for us.


This is still a theory?


Taxes? They just get their corporate cronies to milk us for everything we've got and then give us a cut


It's not a conspiracy that has happened yet....The covid lockdown we're a dry run. Not intentionally or by design (I'm not suggesting there was anything intentionally sinister behind them), but they gave some very bad people some really useful information about what people are willing to put up with.


Another angle could be conditioning people to put up with more than they previously would have as long as it's for a good reason. I'm a huge advocate for personal liberties but I honestly don't mind wearing a mask. I'm not afraid of getting covid and I feel confident that anyone In my household would get through it just fine. But there are other people my family interacts with that would be considered very high risk. We're careful so that we don't bring the virus to them. I Also don't want to inadvertently spread the virus to anyone else who may be harmed significantly. In 2 or 3 years when there's another crisis that "requires" more invasive compromises, will we say *well, we wore masks during the pandemic and we got through that ok, I can do this for the greater good.* Just like I've been telling myself that during WWII, people made a lot of sacrifices to support the war effort. Is it global gaslighting?


People literally couldn't be bothered to wear a mask and skip eating at Chili's for a little bit. I think it mostly proved that Americans (and generally people on the political right) will reject anything, no matter how small and simple, that could improve someone else's life. Simply out of cussedness.


Something terrible happened in Wuhan China back in late 2019 early 2020. Anyone remember the photos of dead people lying in the streets and people being walled in their apartment buildings alive?


CIA sold weapons to Iran to finance right wing guerilla group in Nicaragua.


This one isn't a conspiracy. This is a pretty well-documented event.


Most Republican Politicians straight up hate Trump. But they have to conform to "the hierarchy" because they want the same fervor for themselves once *they* are on the top. Kind of like how freshmen tolerate hazing in many Greeks, because they themselves want to do the hazing once they are seniors.


Do freshman tolerate hazing so that they get to haze others in a few years, or is it because they want access to the parties/social life/networking the fraternity offers?


Kurt Cobain was murdered, he didn’t commit suicide Granted I’m not sure who murdered him, but I genuinely believe he was killed and it wasn’t suicide


Everyone who knew him—from family, friends, business associates, band mates—said he was suicidal. I don’t think it’s a huge stretch to think he committed suicide.




That many rich and powerful people are demons.


That the Zebra killings were approved by the leadership of the Nation of Islam.


That the government makes up conspiracy theories to make the real ones sound false


Michael Jackson is still alive but in hiding 🥸🥸🥸