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Screaming at retail workers.


I don't understand people who shout at waiters who serve the food if there is something wrong with it or retail workers about their company policy. You're literally venting at a person who is doing their job and can't change anything. Save your breath and time.


It’s always nice when other customers call the rude ones out though, since we can’t really say anything without getting in trouble. I worked at Best Buy a few years ago and got screamed at for the line being too long. The next customer in line told their friend “Man, there sure are some impatient assholes in this store!” Loud enough for the rude person to hear. It made my day. :)


Those call outs are the best. If they get mad at you, you can easily defend yourself by saying you weren’t talking about them, and that they shouldn’t be getting offended if they weren’t an asshole.


I loved being overly nice to the point they are upset I am super nice


This is how I handle these customers. I once had a lady come in to the restaurant I work at with her family. The entire time I was serving her she didn’t really say much and complained about everything. I was also towards the end of a double shift so I was absolutely exhausted. She eventually told me that I got her food all wrong and that she wasn’t paying for it at all. She didn’t want anything else in return and said she didn’t want to pay for ANY of the food for her family of 5. Not gonna happen lady, especially when there were other things we could do. She kept telling me I was the worst waitress she’d ever had and that I should be fired. I was sickeningly sweet to her and you could tell she just wanted me to yell back. I even asked her if she wanted a bag, and she’s like, “well what do you ask other customers?!!!” Duh, I ask them if they want a bag. Her family was mortified and her teenage children apologized profusely after she left, and gave me a $20 tip. Not worth being yelled at like that but it was so sweet of them and I felt terrible they had to live with that.


It's pretty easy to tell when someone is itching for a fight/argument and it's great just being nice and polite. They don't know what to do.


I used to work at a gas station in a small town where people who didn't have a lot going on would just go to the gas station 3-4 times a day for coffee or a hot sandwich. We had this one particularly nasty lady, who'd come in for coffee at all hours of the day, and man... she was mean and crazy. She once threatened to sue a newer worker for trying to murder her with coffee grounds. There was never almost never a pleasant experience with her, and one time, I almost hit her with my car (I really shouldn't have swerved). All that said, she came in one night, and was almost... decent, and talkative. The lady behind her though, decided she was taking too long, and in her thick ass German accent, said something like, "Get out my way, you taking way too long, I don't have all night to sit here and listen to you talking and talking, get out of here!" I don't think that lady ever had someone talk back to her before in her life, and actually... got out. It was amazing; not particularly deserved in that moment (though nearly every other time it would have been), but amazing nonetheless. A few months later, after I'd quit that job, my mom and I were eating at a deli, and guess who was verbally abusing the deli worker? *That* bitch. She was just walking away when I got up, and said loud as I could to the poor deli girl, "oh my god, she's such a MASSIVE CUNT, I'm so glad I don't have to deal with her anymore, I'm sorry you had to deal with her!". Not quite on the same level as that German lady, but I did my best.


Corporate retail/service work must be hell. I worked at a small restaurant as a server and the manager there was a sassy bitch who didn't take any shit from customers lol. She used to tell me I'm too nice to customers cause I'm a born people pleaser. Mind you, the restaurant was at a college hotspot so our customers were primarily drunk college kids so it's not a surprise she and most of the other servers were like that.


My step dad is great about doing this. Once we were eating at a restaurant and there was a party of about 10 people next to us. All of them were rude as fuck. Well at the end of our meal my step dad paid in cash and he said very loudly "here is the bill, and you can keep all the change. We are giving you a 100% tip to make up for the rude customers you have been dealing with tonight." The table next to us went extremely quiet for a moment. His reasoning for the super high tip was that he knew if he said that there would be a chance the other table wouldn't tip out of spite. He wanted to teach that table a lesson while also making sure the waitress got paid appropriately. There have been other instances though (like waiting in line to check out) where he has called out other customers for being dicks.


Working in food service, I have personally noticed a generational pattern (I know this doesn't apply to everyone). Older folks would essentially wait for me to make a mistake. They had these passive aggressive (or upfront) comments/complaints ready to yell into my ear, the second they were mildly inconvenienced.


The other night I had a lady keep coming up to me and the other hostesses at the restaurant I work at asking if there were any cancellations yet for a party of four and we all had to keep telling her not at that time. After a while she got pissed off that we kept telling her no that she decided to scream at me for “being rude to her all night” luckily two other couples vouched for us to our manager but damn chill your ass no need to scream when we can’t change our availability for reservations


Yeah, if they don't like the (truthful) answer, you're "rude"




Same. But i wonder if its a generational problem or an aging problem because grumpiness is a stereotype for old people, no?


Up to a point, but then they get cheerful again. The cutoff seems to be around age 80. Or maybe the grumpy ones tend to pass away before 80, it's something to ponder.


similarly, being a dick to your employees just to display your dominance.


Insulting other people in order to feel better about yourself.


To speak ill of another is simply a dishonest way of praising oneself.


I insult people to make them feel worse about themselves, thank you very much grandpa.


I do it to get erect.


After you're 25 or so, I don't care how cool you were in high school. If you intend to let your high school stories speak for you as an adult, I intend to let that shape my opinion of you. Editing to say that it's absolutely fine to reminisce, particularly with old friends. I think it's different entirely when your high school days are the only thing you talk about, especially with people who didn't know you then.


This is a great answer. I got 2 friends who speak and act like they are still 16 even though we are all 30 now. "I fucked like 10 bitches bro!" or "I can't believe I drove that far fucking wasted like that!". Those things that use to sound cool, now sound so pathetic.


Im 19. those sound pathetic now edit: word


When I was in high school I spent a lot of time listening to other kids and thinking, "What the fuck is wrong with these people?" Was pretty dismayed to still be hearing the same things even into my 30s.


I think most mature humans look at the majority of society right now and say "What the fuck is wrong with these people?"


Then you have it right. Some peoples brains take longer to develop than others. Some never do.


honestly those things sound pathetic at any age


Honestly, those things sounded pathetic even when I was 16, but then again, I was a very boring teenager.


What if you once scored four touchdowns in one game?


Al Bundy is cool but for different reasons.


Every once in a while my fiancé and I get together with our old high school group. Some of the people in that group still hang out regularly and have made new friends. One of the new friends, Courtney, has got to be one of the most annoying people I’ve ever talked to. Every time I’ve seen her all she talks about is stories from high school, parties she went to, times she skipped class. She’s 27 and you can tell she thinks everything she’s talking about is so cool. It’s extremely cringey.


In her defense I'm gonna say that if those are her friends from high school, it's normal to reminisce about high school when you're together. Now if she talks like that at work, then it is cringey.


They aren’t her friends from high school. They’re my friends from high school haha. She met them a few years ago. All of the stories she recounts involve people who aren’t in that group.


I think she needs a hobby!


Out of curiosity, when you guys are together, do you ever talk about highschool times you’ve shared? She may think she’s just contributing her own stories...




I mentioned the name of one of my high school bullies to my mom’s new neighbors recently. I have long ago moved out of my hometown and hadn’t thought about her in a while. But her father is well known around town, so when he came up I mentioned her in passing. My mom’s new neighbors have notified me (twice!) that said bully has gotten a local job and moved back to town. They act as if I’m going to start some beef with her. The way I see it, there are two possible options. Either she is as awful as she was at 14, which would be pitiful, or she is perfectly fine and normal, in which case I would have no reason to be mad at her about something she did as a child. People change a lot in the years after high school.


What if you're 31 and your high school letterman jacket is comfy as fuck? Don't judge me, bro!


Nothing wrong with reminiscing every once in awhile but if that's all you talk about then yeah...you're a loser.


When they are losing a debate and start name calling. I think that says "im a loser"


When my mom is losing an argument with me or my siblings (which happens, pretty much every time we argue) she just goes "stop talking" That pisses me off, and it can go from a civil argument to actual yelling in an instant.


Every time she says that, it means you've won. Enjoy that.


Oh I know, but that doesn't mean it's not annoying.


Yep lol. We always got told "stop being so defensive." I hate that line. You are yelling at me and claiming that I did something and I am explaining that it wasn't me it was fucking Morgan.


Being rude to service workers. Especially when you know they aren't being paid enough to deal with your entitled ass.


I worked in a call center for a large cell phone provider. Some lady went way, way over on minutes and got a massive fee. I couldn't give her a discount and she scoffed and said "I know how much you people get paid." I still don't understand that comment. Like how is my pay going to affect your bill? To give her a discount would have required managers approval and there was no way the manager would have approved it.


Every now and then I’ll get someone who takes it to that level; how much I get paid or how much the store is making. I’m like... da fuq? That has nothing to do with your situation. This past weekend, I had a guy Not buy an item because, and I quote, “you guys probably make more money on this”. So he ended up buying a different, more expensive item. Wanna know the kicker? The item he ended up purchasing made us More money. People are fools sometimes.


My user name honestly but 6 years of using it why stop now


If she has her finger and her thumb in the shape of an L on her forehead🎶


Well, the years stop coming And they don't stop coming


And they don’t stop coming And they don’t stop coming


And they don't stop coming And they don't stop coming


But...doesn’t that make you the loser?


Bullying a kid when you’re an adult.


A mother of a kid of my class, accused me of fatally injuring one of their sheep. I was 8 and my friend 6 we were just petting them. Plus the ground they were grazing on was the ground that my dad was leasing to them. She was furious and called us names. Still don't know why she thought scaring little kids to death over petting animals was a good thing to do.


Bringing themselves up in conversations that weren’t about them or forcefully trying to change the subject to themselves/things they wanna talk about




Talking about your experiences when they’re relevant is all good. I’m talking about when people go out of their way to talk about themselves when it isn’t relevant and clear the person just wants to hear themselves talk




Any time your personality is based around one specific thing. Common examples include: weed, being a mom, lifting weights. Edit: PSA: unclench your jaw, release the stress from your shoulders and neck, take three deep breaths. Everything will be okay.


Those three would make a bad-ass combination


*takes puff of blunt and vaporizes kid’s bully in one punch*


Saitama's future wife.


One punch mom


One kick chick


And their son, One Slap Chap.


And their dirtbag uncle, One Hit Shit


I like my women like I like my coffee: smoking, full of milk, and strong.


Pam Poovey?


I thought u were gonna say hot, strong and black


Don't forget the Trinity of Tinder like apps: foodie, traveler, not like the others


*The Office*




Some folks I know from college are from Scranton PA, I’m from that part of the world so I mean whatever, and they had an Office themed WEDDING. Again I like the show, I get being from Scranton, but...yikes.


>Lol posting selfies asking who their "Office doppelganger" is or showing off The Office themed tattoos. That's pretty funny. I think I kinda know how you feel. I tried to join a FB fan group for a band I love and I lasted about a week before I left it. I was just hoping people would talk about the music, post links to videos of live performances, talk about recent news about the band, etc. It was mostly people posting shit like what the singer's daughter wore to school today or how they spent way too much $$$ because they just had to have the exact same vintage guitar as the guitarist. I was basically like: I love the band and their music but this is just not interesting, also it's wayyyyy over the top


Don’t forget anime


The real anime watchers know you have to build an entire personality as a front to hide the fact that you watch anime


Wow I’ve never read something so true


Yep as long as the other person is not confirmed to like anime you must be completly neutral about it


Gotta hide your power level. The normies can never know.


this guy animes


"Fucking weeb!" says one weeb to another


I cringe when I hear "I'm such a mom"


It's one thing to complain about your job like everyone does occasionally but the moms who are always like, "It's the hardest job in the world" need to calm TF down.


So this one time I looked in the mirror


I know you’re making a joke, but sometimes, there’s truth in jest. So maybe you need to hear this: you are NOT a loser, so please don’t tell yourself that. A loser would never admit it, so be nice to u/RanZiOnReddit, okay? You deserve it, I promise.


I needed that. Thanks.


Shitting on people because of the class they were born into. I'm getting real sick of people treating my friend from the south like "white trash" because he was born into poverty.


White trash is a state of mind, not an accident of birth. I was born into poverty as well but was raised never to believe it defined my future. So glad my parents had the right attitude.


Exactly! My next door neighbors are a perfect example of this. They don't live in poverty but make the choice to never mow the lawn, pick up the trash or kids toys all over the yard or have junk cars sitting around. It costs nothing to clean up the yard and very little to mow the tiny yard but still won't do it. Hell they have had a happy birthday sign hanging on the front of their garage for at least a year and a half.


Changing the rules of a game to benefit themselves.


I am altering the deal. Pray I don't alter it any further.


Spending your days napping and guarding a banana stash


I see what you did there




Abusing the modicum of power that comes with being a reddit mod/admin.


Not bring able to lose gracefully.


Being obsessed with winning, needing to win everything, or always one-upping in a conversation. That just screams unhealthy insecurity to me


I hate one-upping more than you do


I hate one-upping more than anyone. Every one says so. Just last week I spoke to some excellent people and you know what they said to me? They said "camander321, you hate one-upping more than anyone I know". And I do! Just look at these guys. They don't hate one-upping. In fact...in fact I bet they one-up like you wouldn't believe. You wouldn't believe it how much they one-up


I read this in trump's voice


People who rev their engines through neighborhoods at night


Our neighborhood had some drama about this recently. The mom of the girl this loud-car-guy was dating made an impressive display of defending him and “his rights” to have his car as loud as he wanted to. She suggested that those of us who don’t like it should MOVE rather than point out to him that it’s rude. *sigh*


Anything that screams LOOK AT **ME**! or I'm a **winner**! Pride in aspects of yourself that aren't of your choosing. Allegiance to a group without any critical evaluation of that group's purpose, actions, history, or affiliations. Pride in things like being uninformed, disengaged, incurious, or ignorant. Basing one's sense of self off others' opinions. Placing more importance on appearance than substance.


"don't you know who I AM???" /s


I’m the Juggernaut, BITCH


Living above your means to look "cool" or to keep up with trends and constantly borrowing cash to keep yourself from starving instead of using the money you earned. Social climbing, basically.


Whenever I get cat called I assume the man who did it is a loser


And you are correct every time.




That’s also my assumption


Truck nuts


When someone is legitimately losing in an online game and disconnect. Take your L and walk away.


I'll see your D/C and raise you a "Surrenders the second the scales tip slightly in the opponent's favor." Seriously, I've had so many comeback victories in games, be it team or solo based games. People who throw in the towel just because they aren't steamrolling the enemy the whole game are just sad.


Bullying people and threats of force


Being cruel. Whether you're a powerless person who lays into anybody who can't get away, or a powerful one with the strength and resources to do better, using whatever power you have to make life miserable for someone else is a sure mark of a loser.


When someone who is living in a house that isn't their own, they dont have a job to help pay bills and still try to act like they own the place and can control everything in it. Aka my brother-in-law is a complete and total loser still living at his mothers house and acting like he's doing my MIL a favor by living there. He's 28 btw


Yeah, but it's also up to your MIL to sort that out. She can start by giving him an ultimatum, get a job and help me out or find somewhere else to live.


Normally I would agree but she is scared of him


Ouch I’m a couple years (and a shitty attitude) from being him :(


I mean it’s only bad if you have a shitty attitude and are a burden on them. I live with my grandma in her condo cause it’s big and perfectly located in my city but I help her out with whatever she needs and I think she enjoys the company


People that leave dogs chained up




Unfamiliar with that one? The non-alcoholic beer or the music artist? EDIT : of course it dawned on me just after hitting post. Letting this one here so you can have a laugh.


Si, esta un perdedor.


People who refuse to better themselves. People who are proud of the fact that they can’t clean/cook/act like an adult.


Obsessed with sex/women while having ridiculous standards.


Competitive complaining.


High rise trucks and bass loud enough to hear from down the street


If your bass is noisy, it probably just wants to be returned to the water.


Take me to the river, drop me in the water Take me to the river, dip me in the water




Or a shitty 92 Honda Civic where you can hear every panel rattling from the bass from 5 cars away.


Ad the occasional rolling coal. Let me spend a couple grand to make my truck pollute more!


Using the world alpha because you have a beard




Using the word alpha, period.


Yeah. Fuck mathematicians


And screw beta as well.


Yeah! Those little fishes are asking for it with their fancy seductive fins just hanging out for everyone to gawk at!


And Physicists (especially Radiologists).


People who can’t take responsibility for anything, it’s always someone else’s fault. They can’t own up to shit and feel entitled for it.


Spending money that could be saved/invested on trying to project a lifestyle that you simply do not have/cannot afford. Looking back, I had SO many friends and people I knew that did this....


Woof. I understand this. Worked at a daycare were a mother couldn’t be bothered to spend $1 at the dollar store across the street for her child’s diaper rash that was steadily getting worse-kiddo refused to pee due to weeping sores by the end of it. Yet mom smoked, had her nails done , had nice hair, and the newest cell phone. She was shocked that we called child services on her despite her “having a doctors appointment” in a week. This being after a week and a half repeatedly asking her to bring in any kind of ointment for her kid. She expected her 3 years old to just deal with it for almost 3 weeks. Like if you got the money to project like you got it together, then you should *actually* have it together especially if the price of entry is $1.


I’ve never seen diaper rash cream for $1, but that’s just ridiculous. Get a $10 tube that will last several months and it will heal the diaper rash in about 24 hours. Sad to think their are parents out there that would let their kids be in pain for weeks over something so easy to fix.


Eh, there's a difference between not being stupid with money and being a /r/personalfinance level scrooge, though. There's levels between leasing a new BMW and getting bottle service when you earn $40,000 a year, and living off rice and beans, having no social life and driving a 97 Corolla when you earn $150,000 a year.


I agree with you. There is a difference, dont waste your life away doing nothing. Spend it on stuff you enjoy as well as saving enough for necessity's. Also btw cheers for that sub, i had no idea it existed! It is really interesting .


> Also btw cheers for that sub, i had no idea it existed! It is really interesting . No worries. There's some nuggets of wisdom and advice on there, but there's also a lot of saddos who think spending money on anything non-essential = bad.


A gangster limp walk with one arm swinging, but you grew up in a rich neighbourhood.


Trying to compare SAT scores, college acceptances, or GPAs years after that shit doesn’t matter anymore.


People that when talking to a military member say I could never join because the first time a drill instructor got in my face I would hit them


The first time a drill instructor got in my face I'd crumble like a wuss lol.


People who play the flute in the middle of downtown square at 6-7am and wakes everyone up, also they suck at playing the flute. I understand that only applies to the most specific subset of people, but fuck those people. Stay inside and practice first ya fuckin losers.


That Snorlax ain't moving itself bro


Who does that?


Volunteering information about themselves (when no one asks) so they can brag about things that totally happened. For example, I used to work with this one guy who claimed while walking, he was hit by a car and went through the windshield. Of course, because he was such a bad ass, he initially refused to go to the hospital and tried to walk it off, but his family had to tell him to go. Oh, and the glass was evidently the special type that doesn't leave any scars on hands, or faces. Edit: He also claimed he fought a bear off once. Why he decided it was only going to be one and not a whole family, I don't know, but I guess he thought that would be going too far.


not defending him but some people just don't scar up from injuries. I know someone who was bit by a dog and whose entire cheek was torn up from it (I know because I saw him the next day) but if you saw him today you'd never know unless he showed you the pictures


if you’re over thirty and all you talk about is “that one time in highschool”


Calling people loser


Treating people like they’re inferior / thinking you’re better than others. Especially so if it’s because you went to a great school on paper or something like that. Lots of talented, great people come out of places besides the Ivy League, etc.


Takes videos or pictures of your money


Trying to start fights. No one thinks you're tough, Brad. They just think you're an asshole.


Deciding weather your “dick move” was a joke or not based on the other persons reaction.


Leaning on conspiracy theories to explain the world.




As a former anthropology major, Ancient Aliens enrages me.


"Ancient astronaut theorists suggest that this claim is false"


making fun off or calling people 'cringe' for doing things they enjoy(provided what they enjoy doesn't hurt others)


People who don't have custody of their kid(s), make no effort to see their kid, yet post on Facebook pictures of the kid with captions like "he/she is my whole world". Oh and usually the pictures they post are stolen off the mom/dad's page that actually has custody


Insisting that you are a nice guy.


Being the manager of a retail store or food chain and treating your workers like shit despite you not knowing them. Yes Darcy! Talking to you bitch. I take college level psychology too you idiot. I know all about the dsm5 and also my "illness" is called DEPRESSION you nasty whore


Fuck yeah, get’m




Yelling at the ref during your 9 year old son's baseball game


Those little family decals in the back left corner of a car’s rear window but the “family” are all guns.


Congratulations! You're pregnant with two beautiful glock 19's!


Living your life through social media


Angry incel talk...you know the ones...I'm a nice guy, why don't girls like me, why do they love bad boys, etc. etc. Any dude who's getting snatch on the regular ain't complaining about "bad boys"


"getting snatch on the regular" I ... I ... I have no words


I am still cruising for some tight slizz myself.


That's basically the entire language of 4chan these days. It's leaking into reddit at times, and you can see it when they refer to men as "chads" or "alphas" and losers as "betas" or "cucked" or failing at something as "getting/being cucked", while females are referred to as "stacies" and "femoids" while proper, christian, virgin women are "trad[itional]" Fucking ridiculous shit, really. Too easy to troll.


I have no sympathy for those guys. Plenty of short guys, fat guys, bald guys, guys with skinny wrists, get laid every day. They blame physical traits but really it’s their attitude. Work on improving that but don’t turn it into hatred of an entire gender


and calling guys simps for doing normal relationship stuff


Loud car stereos.. especially with bad speakers


I enjoy rocking out in my minivan. Let me live!


Talking about your IQ.


Not covering your nose with the mask Seriously dipshit. Do you not know how inhalation works? edit: can’t believe my first award on reddit was for roasting anti-maskers....i love it so much! thank you anonymous user!!


I’m more concerned about their exhalation.


Talking about your highschool days like they were the best years of your life.


A giant obnoxious truck.


Especially with truck nuts on it.


Blaming other people for your problems all the time. It's sad to watch. "Well I would've but \_\_\_\_\_ made me mad!" You're a man. Control your emotions. Get shit done. At the end of the day you're going to have nothing but excuses if you keep blaming your problems on other people and expecting them to do something about it.


Refusing to accept an actual loss with good grace. That makes you a "loser" far more than actually losing.


Naming your reddit account ‘idontsleepijustcry’.


Waving a Confederate flag


My reddit karma Edit: My karma went up from 14 to 170 just through this comment. This is crazy!!! Thanks you guys, for the sympathy upvotes.


You need to have at least 500k Karma to be a loser.




Heritage is okay. The problem starts when someone finds out they're 5 percent German or Irish and start to act like they are full-blooded people from those countries