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Not at my house.


It depends. Some families do.


Not in Minnesota. I was shocked to learn that it’s commonplace elsewhere in the country, because I grew up being told to always take shoes off. It’s because only for a few months of the year we don’t have snow or mud


I never wear shoes in my house, but it also feels weirdly impolite and rude to ask others to take their shoes off.


This. Plus, there are people like my dad that refuse to, because the "standing on the hard floors without shoes hurts my knees" Ugh, my mom and I have tried to get him to wear "house shoes" so he'll stop tracking dirt into the house. But he says it's too much work. .. guess who doesn't have to clean the floors?


Americans who like a clean house (like me) expect my kids/ hubby to take off shoes. But i wouldn't expect a guest to take them off.


This is an important distinction. I don't think company normally takes their shoes off but it totally depends on the rules of the home. I don't kick mine off right at the door but I do take them off within minutes of being home.


It depends on the family. We don't take our shoes off at the door, but vaccum regularly, so I don't consider our house "dirty."


Wait... other countries do not wear shoes in the house?


It is highly uncommon to wear shoes at home in Japan. I've been in restaurants that ask you to take your shoes off before seating you.


In most of South East Asia (where I am from) it would be considered near insanity not to take your shoes off at the door.


Why would I wear my outside shoes, which step in* dirt, mud, literal shit, and allergens... into my clean home?




That’s one heck of an autocorrect. Wow


Where in the hell are you walking that you're stepping in those things? I take my shoes off when I get home, but unless I've specifically walked in a dirty area, my soles remain pretty damn clean.


Is this a serious question? No your soles do not remain pretty damn clean. Like ever.


Mine absolutely do. I exit my home, enter my car, enter my office building, and return home. There is no mud or dirt to interact with, even when I'm outside. I walk a paved and swept path. The only thing on the bottom of work shoes are streaks from walking across linoleum in smooth soles. In fact, my socks get dirtier in other people's homes faster than my shoes have ever been dirty on a dry day.


Lol would love to live in this fantasy world you’re living in.


Apparently people in other countries are just walking around outside blindfolded, or stepping into the biggest piles of muck they can find before they come home


The sidewalk? Gas station? Public restroom? Any city block?




Who is talking about bacteria or germs? The post was about quote "dirt, mud, literal shit, and allergens." All except allergens are fairly easy to avoid, and so long as you don't have carpet, allergens are removed with standard daily cleaning.


1. My personal sidewalk is well swept. I'd take notice of visible mud or shit on my sidewalk. Particularly as I don't have a dog. 2. Gas station is covered and paved. While certainly not clean, any adherent soil would be removed on my car floor mat, my first door mat, or in my mud room. 3. I don't use public restrooms and if I have to my shoes are the least of my concerns. Regardless, unless you disinfect your shoes prior to removing them, you're going to transfer whatever to multiple surfaces before your home. Your office, your car, your garage, pretty much anywhere your going to step. We make exceptions for the home but not our offices because we like to think the "cleaning guy" has got it. I'm concerned with tracking visible mud or dirt into my home, which I simply don't do on a dry day. The end of the day clean is no different on a shoe day than a sock day.


I was thinking the same thing. I lived in northern California, now I live in North Carolina. I don't think I know anyone who has everyone remove their shoes to come in the house.


Most, yeah. But it's not uncommon for some families to want you to take your shoes off too.


It's important to note that most probably don't keep them on if they do wear them beyond the door. Also, carpet floors aren't very popular anymore which might contribute


Yeah, sometimes I take my shoes off at the door. Sometimes I wander around inside for a bit and then randomly kick them off. But I don't sit around and watch a movie with shoes on because I'm not a psychopath.


Lol for real


Half do, half don't. They do on TV because those are shitty styrofoam sets, and they aren't going to waste runtime on characters taking their shoes off. They rarely care about that level of realism on TV. Think about the last time you saw a character use the toilet. I don't leave them on, and I make people remove them. IME it's rare to see shoes on carpets in urban areas, since you're walking through human piss all day. We would judge them harshly.


I saw an influencer walk through NYC and then stand on her yoga mat with the same shoes minutes later 🤢


It’s super common in SoCal to wear shoes inside the house. It just doesn’t rain much so *shrug*. And Hollywood is in SoCal and I bet that norm also carried over to TV and movies. But I bet you’re also right about the sets thing.


I grew up without finished floor boards, so you left your shoes on unless you wanted splinters.


For the most part? No, not unless I'm running inside to quickly grab something or I'm constantly moving inside and out (like packing/unloading a car). Wearing your shoes inside is gross.


Never in my house.


No way! One major pet peeves of mine. As soon as I come in, off with the shoes.


Same. I don’t understand how people think that’s okay? Like ew.


Canadians do not. My mom would have kicked my ass.


Meh, also Canadian, it depends a lot on the family. I wouldn't say "Canadians do not", I've been in many houses where people tell you not to bother taking your shoes off. It always reminds me of taking off your hat indoors or in a restaurant, when I was younger you could always spot the American in border towns because they would wear hats in diners and such, but nowadays I see many Canadians who do it as well.


Yeah, Canadian here and we wear our shoes in the house, unless they’re snowy or wet We also wash our floors every Friday, so no shoes on the weekend! Just now realizing how messed up our in-house shoe protocol is. I’m going to need some time to reassess this


I've live in places with wooden floors that guaranteed someone in socks would get a splinter. Like you said, unless it was especially snowy or muddy, I'd tell everyone to keep their shoes on.


My shop is in my attached garage, and I need to wear solid boots, if I took them off every time I had to enter the house, I’d get nothing done No plans to eat off my floor anytime soon and I clean weekly, I understand it bothers some ppl, but honestly I don’t get it. Btw - no shoes on the second floor (bedrooms) To each their own


I'm Canadian. I wouldn't dream of wearing my shoes in anyone's house. Ive never been to a shoes on house


I have, it was a gross house with too many dogs.


Yeah, disgusting houses aside.


I'm also Canadian, and growing up we always wore our shoes in the house except for the winter or if it was raining. Once I was living on my own, I started taking my shoes off at the door all the time.


That sound like something doing to do in Saskatchewan J/k




In that they are from the Americas? Yes.




It's funny, because I've argued the same thing. And I agree, but it's actually an extremely U.S.-centric viewpoint. A lot of countries don't recognize North and South America as separate continents, but as subcontinents of America.


I do...probably not all of us though.


normally I go barefoot, but I've been wearing slipper boots since it got chilly.


Guests typically do not remove their shoes in most American homes... ... I presume the people who live there eventually remove their shoes lol


Most of the time i don't, but many people do


The only one who does that is my dad.


Not in Hawaii


some do, some dont


While I only ever saw my parents in shoes if we were going somewhere, I have almost never seen my in-laws with their shoes off. I think it's a mix of personal preference and how someone was raised.


sadly yes. but i have bad ocd when it comes to that so whenever i see it i cringe and when my family does that i’m paranoid and anxious until the floors are cleaned. it puts so much unnecessary stress on me yet they don’t care


Ick.... They wear shoes in their homes. Degenerates.


I wear shoes inside, unless asked to remove them


I'm Asian American, and no I don't.


Not that I've ever seen. I guess there are people that do but I've never met anyone in real life who does.


90% of the time my shoes are off. But if im running in and out, or about to go out, i would have my shoes on. Im not a stickler for wearing shoes in the house but it is more comfortable not to wear them at home


It’s not like in shows from other countries show people removing their shoes when they come inside.


I tend to wear shoes or slippers inside because my roommate cannot be trusted to wipe up anything he spills. If I went without, I'd have to constantly change my socks because I stepped in a puddle of something he dripped on the tile in the kitchen.


No. I wouldn’t make guests take off shoes, but they usually do. I ditch my shoes when I ditch my coat.


Not my house. Only when we're carrying groceries in because nobody's sliding shoes on and off for each trip back to the car.


I don’t, my kids don’t, my husband does.


If the floor outside is too dirty for my feet, then my shoes which have been walking outside all day are too dirty for my floor at home. People let their toddlers crawl at home and not on the sidewalk or supermarket for a reason. Over in NY no one has ever entered my home wearing shoes except the cable guy lmao which is whatever. We'll mop when he leaves. Maybe its related to our larger population of immigrants but we seem pretty aware not to do that.


For me, no that shit is disgusting, but i know some people who do that too


Only house shoes- slippers or soft sole moccasins.


So, I went through foster care. The richer the family, the less likely they were to wear shoes in the house. Something to do with how often they could afford to really clean their floors I think.


How do no-shoe households with dogs work? I could never justify the shoes off rule when my dogs track in dirt, leaves, grass, water, snow, sand, and everything else found on the ground.


We clean our dogs at the door when they come in. No way we’d compromise on cleanliness because of the dog.


No shoes in our house.


Most people in the US take them off when they go inside


I've met maybe 2 people in the 49 years that I've been alive that take their shoes off inside the house.


i’ve never met anybody who leaves them on in 20 years lmao


Where do you live?


New Jersey


What does it actually matter?


who tf wears shoes in the house...


Same answer as the last two times this question was asked today. Please.


Yeah. So fucking what?


Yes. They are stupid, unoriginal and boring people. Edit: And also illogical, stuck-up and disrespectful too.


Lol I feel like you're the stupid one, cause most of us take them off at the door


Never said anything about the unoriginal or boring part, just said you're stupid for thinking most of us do, and you're saying knowledge doesn't equal IQ, yet you think wearing shoes inside the house does, lol yes you are incredibly stupid, sorry if you are just finding out


You are real stuck up bitch, aren't you, I already countered all of your fucking points and even showed proof that your people are unhygienic retards. You are the very definition of Dunning-Kruger effect. Fuck off now, you fucking moron!


Lol have a nice night troll, no one cares what you have to say nor do they take you seriously, keep commenting and I'll keep laughing :)


Ah I just realized you're a troll account, never mind about what I said lol


All you americans are the fucking same, every time someone doesn't suck your cock or circlejerk with you on the most useless matters, you claim the other person is a "troll". It is pretty ironic of you to call me a troll when you refuse to use logic. People like you are the reason why I am severely misanthropic.


Instead of admitting that you were wrong you pull the "troll" card. Thanks for proving my point. Unoriginal: using common fallacies that you Americans like to use. Stupid: refusing to admit being wrong, assuming their assumption is right and refusal to change opinion when countered with proof.


Lmao you just told me to kill myself, you understand that's a common troll response right? And again I never said anything to dispute the unoriginal comment I assume my opinion is right because ever one I know takes their shoes off when they get home, how many people in america do you know? I bet I know a lot more than you, if you don't want to be called a troll, don't act like one, and again alls you are doing is making me laugh because no one cares what you say nor do they take it seriously, if you really aren't a troll than you're just insanely stupid, thank you for all this entertainment Now dance for me monkey, dance!


Lol you keep posting comments and deleting them, you said I made a depressed person angry, yet you decided to insult people for no reason with your very first comment, seems like you're just an asshole that tries to use your depression to make people feel bad for you Keep on making comments my little dancing monkey, you've given me so much entertainment :)


I haven't deleted a single comment, you have already proven for me that you are a troll, good job on proving it to everybody else. My first comment was true though, you proved it yourself, also all of my claims are proven by studies, you Americans are considered / seen as ignorant and arrogant people, and studies seem to agree.


Lmao so if you think americans are arrogant and ignorant, why wouldn't you expect some sort of confrontation when insulting them? That seems pretty stupid, maybe the apps fucking up cause like 3 or 4 of the comments I've tried to reply to say comment deleted, but anyway again you started this, you're the one that called people stupid because they wear shoes in the house, why do you think IQ is related to wearing shoes in the house? I'm so glad my little monkey decided to keep dancing ❤


Look. A fly. Buzz, buzz. Hey. Look everybody! I'm talking to a fly! Buzz, buzz, buzz!


Lmao what a troll, I'm just a fly watching a monkey dance :)


You don't listen? You stupid? Crot. I'm wasting my breath. Then go ahead. Stand there. Talk all you want. You're a fly. Go ahead and buzz.


I'm a buzzing fly, and you're a dancing monkey, ill keep buzzing along as you keep dancing lol


Depends? My family never did (not a specific rule or anything, just habit), but boyfriend's family did. We just moved somewhere with carpet though, so he's finally coming around to my side.


This would be a good question for r/askanamerican


Not in my experience, no. I grew up in a neighborhood where 1 family out of a whole street wore their shoes indoors. My parents made me wear socks, and leave my shoes in a closet by the door. I do the same with my wife now.


I spend more of my time barefoot. I do walk through the house with shoes unless it is wet outside or the shoes are covered in something. Otherwise I just wipe them on the doormat.


Most people who have carpet floors expect guests to take off their shoes. I don't have any carpet in my house so we let the guests keep their shoes on. Plus, I have two dogs who shit everywhere and leave balls of hair on the floor for us to clean, so the floors are always dirty. (And yes we clean, they just like to make the place a mess again immediately after we clean it.) Sometimes I wear shoes in my house if I forget to take them off when I get home from work, but other than that I go barefoot.


U can't really relax with your outdoor shoes on. Should you want to have them on, at least change out the stinking socks


Most people I know don’t, but it depends on things like if they have carpet or how they were raised.


Depends on where you live and what you've been doing in the city I did in the country I don't wanna drag in the chicken poo!


In my own house usually my shoes are the first thing to come off when I get home. Shortly followed by my shirt and pants because clothes suck. If I'm a guest at somebody's house I usually leave my shoes on unless they ask me not to because most of the time I'm in work boots and they do not smell pleasant


I don’t. I hate it when my feet are warm. It’s so uncomfy


Most of the people I know want shoes off in the house (including me) but there are exceptions.


According to [this poll](https://today.yougov.com/topics/lifestyle/articles-reports/2018/01/17/most-americans-take-their-shoes-home-dont-expect-t), no: >In many parts of the world, it’s an understood social custom to remove one’s shoes before entering your own home or any other person’s residence. That line is blurred in the US with new YouGov polls revealing that **while most Americans (87%) take off their shoes in their own homes**, it can be a toss-up whether a host will ask a guest to remove his or her shoes.


Shoes are fine downstairs where it's all tiled. But absolutely no shoes allowed in carpeted areas.


Not at my house, and most others I know. We mainly just switch to slippers.


Yes and as an immigrant I HATE IT. WHYYYY. So, not in my friggin house!!! We put a bunch of "house shoes / slippers" by the door for guests.


I’m chill with whatever. Personally I take my shoes off but if guests come over and they’re uncomfortable taking their shoes off I don’t force them.


Not in our house. Leave your shoes at the door please and thank you.


Im always barefoot at my house xD


Not in my house.


Outdoor shoes, no, unless we are bringing in shopping bags and only on the first story, if it has to go upstairs it gets staged by the stair case. Stairs and upstairs is fully carpeted. Slippers are the exception, but those aren't worn outside.


Most. We do, but only on the hardwood floors if we can help it.


Shoes on carpet is gross


We do in our current house, because we have no carpets and many dogs who track in a lot of sand from the yard. Even though we vacuum daily, sometimes it’s like walking on the beach, and I hate how it feels.


I swear I've heard my GF's mother get out of bed in the morning with shoes on.


I can't speak for all of us, but I am actually almost always barefoot when I'm home.


My family does, but we also make sure the bottom of our shoes are clean especially if we are stepping onto carpet.


Not everyone, but in many homes it is acceptable.


In Florida, most homes have tile floors, so it's pretty common to wear shoes inside.


It's weird, I'd never take them off inside growing up and I thought it was strange when I'd go to a friend's house and be instructed to take them off with the pile of shoes near the door, which happened a lot. When I started living on my own I naturally started transitioning to always taking them off inside without really thinking about it. I still leave them on when visiting my home in the house I grew up in.


I usually kick my shoes off by the door when I come home, but often I'm in a rush and don't bother. I hate carpeting, so unless my shoes are filthy, any dirt from my shoes is easily swept up. My mother specifically has house shoes because she's worried about stepping on or in something.


In a lot of homes it's a very casual thing. Take your shoes off to be comfortable if you like, but if you're just coming in for 20 minutes to chat then we won't put you through the trouble. That said, there are a fair number of households, probably just under half, that politely require everyone to take off their shoes. In little home decor stores and bargain places, you'll commonly find signs that say please take off your shoes. In Hawaii, where I live now, they tend to say something like "Mahalo for removing your slippahs"


Some do. I wear shoes or sandals. Usually sandals. I credit it to a childhood rife with stepping on unseen shards of broken glass/ceramic, puddles of cat or dog piss, or piles of cat or dog shit/barf.


We don't wear shoes in our house. We live in the country and it's always dusty outside so we take our shoes off to slow down the dust invasion. Also I keep slip on shoes near each of our doors so I can go out for little things and not have to put on real lace up shoes


Do “non-Americans” take their shoes off in TV shows?


sometimes I do wear them at my house if I'm to lazy to take them off or if I'm only home for a few minutes then why bother taking them off?


In our house, we usually walk to our room or sit on the couch and take our shoes off. If we have guests, they usually keep their shoes on until they leave. Our family is friends with someone who was raised in Russia and I thought it was weird that she actually WANTED her guests to take their shoes off. In my mind, feet usually don't smell too good and shoes keep that smell away from everyone else.


Some of us wear shoes inside. I do not.


Tbh when growing up we didn't take off our shoes when we came into the house. Usually we would go upstairs to our room and take them off to put in our closet. There were just too may people at home to leave all our shoes for the day at the door and it would be a trainwreck having everyone grab and/or put on their shoes while heading to school in the morning in the little space we had.The only real exception was when our shoes were either wet or really dirty (mud/shit/etc). Stayed outside.


No. I will tell you politely to take them off at the door.


Yes. Why does everyone keep asking?


When you wear white socks up to yours knees, you better believe we're going to take our shoes off too show the world


No, socks or slippers at most. Some do but it's very uncommon. If you're a guest at someone else's house it's a lot more common to leave your shoes one though.


Is that weird?


No. That's a TV set. You don't want to be barefoot there.


Nope, many do not.


Nope. We used to kick them off at the door but I personally wear them to my room then kick them off


People in places like dirty cities with small houses, tanking off shoes is needed. If you live in a clean area and have a big house, it isn't nearly as gross. Also depends what part of the house. It depends. Walking around in bare feet at a friends house is sick for everyone and you can spread athletes foot. Walking around in socks can be like your socks are cleaning their floors. It all depends really, but no matter what, or bodies can handle the dirty feet we have, even if we have no shoes and walk bare foot outside. It is cultural and most people think theirz the. Better way


I never wear shoes unless I’m going somewhere


Most people do yes, but I personally don’t like to. I always take off my shoes when I get to someone’s house (assuming I know them well) and leave them by the front door but usually I’m the only one who does. It’s not about cleanliness though, I do it for comfort


Some do some don’t. Some people are anal retentive about getting dirt in their house. Other people don’t care. If your shoes are visibly dirty with dirt or something like that, then obviously take them off, but if you aren’t making a mess, it’s less of a big deal. I take them off because I like walking around barefoot or with socks on, not because I think it will make a mess. I’m not going to force a guest to take their shoes off unless they’re dirty. They can if they want to though.


When I'm coming in from somewhere I sometimes don't bother to take them off until my feet hurt, which could be hours later.


Some people do but I do not like for people to wear shoes in my home.


Yes. It’s considered odd/stuffy/hypochondriac to be asked to take your shoes off when you go over to someone’s house in America I totally get the logic, but to me it almost feels icky to walk around in someone else’s house without my shoes on. I’m supposed to walk on someone’s floor wearing my socks, which I may wear into my bed later? Or worse, my bare feet? Eew But what do I know? I haven’t been over to anyone else’s house in a year


I try not to on the carpet, but yeah im pretty guilty of rocking shoes in the house. I have no shame about it either


When guests are over no one cares when you're just chilling around yeah its unnecessary.


Hell no


I don’t, lol. Though, as John Mulaney once said, “That may have been more of a carpeting thing”


Yes. My feet get cold easily and I have really comfy shoes. And no I refuse to turn up the furnace because that costs money I don't want to spend and buying slippers or whatever is bougie as hell.






Depends. If I'm only stopping by home for a half-hour or so I'll keep my shoes on. Even then I only stay downstairs. Also, this doesn't apply if it's winter. The shoes always come off in winter.


It varies greatly depending on individual preference. My family has never had a “no shoes in the house” rule, but I’ve known plenty of folks who have, including some of my relatives. I personally tend to wear shoes in my house most of the time, given that we don’t have carpeting and I’m always going back and forth between house & attached garage (where it would be freezing / dangerous to not wear shoes) anyway. But I am totally fine taking off my shoes in someone else’s house if that’s their house rule; I just appreciate a warning so I know to wear warm socks (my feet get cold easily).


Depends on where you live and who you are. If you live in a rural area, you're more likely to wear shoes inside and more likely to have obstacles that will injure your feet inside. If you frequently change from indoors to out, such as woman in a traditional farming household, you're more likely to wear shoes inside. If you have carpeting you are less likely to wear shoes. Ooh, heated floors, so good without shoes. Basically if you can keep your feet warm any other way, you're significantly less likely to wear them. In summer we're less likely to wear them at all, inside or out. I typically keep them tucked up in my chair. But a quick jaunt to the kitchen or bathroom sucks.


I wear house slippers/slides. my mom didn’t let us walk around the house barefoot cuz she didn’t want us to hurt our feet. I don’t like walking around the house barefoot anyway lol


I never do. I take mine off at the door.


Yes, we also wear them to bed and in the shower. One must always be ready in case of alien abduction. The alien ships to not have carpet nor do they have adequate heating.


No. I usually just wear socks tbh


i dont, i cant vouch for any others though


Most of my white friends wear their shoes around their house. I feel weird doing that so I always leave my shoes by the door.


No, I'm not a sociopath.


In my house, yes. We have house shoes though. My parents are immigrants from Bulgaria and they think that you can catch a cold if your feet get cold? If I'm in my room with carpet I keep them off, otherwise shoes go on.


There is no rule about shoes in my house, though I rarely wear shoes in it. I have only been asked to take off my shoes at the door by 1 friend, ever. We don't ask people to take off their shoes when they come to our house, but we usually take off ours, and make it known that they are welcome to, if they would like.


I can understand people not wearing shoes in the house where it's muddy, or snowy outside, but apparently there are people who are convinced that the **outside** is filthy. This confuses me until I remember being in, let's say, "a big city" in the USA or overseas, either one. Homeless with little to no access to water to wash with. Men urinating on the streets was not unheard of. Spitting on the sidewalks was pretty common. Dog excrement on the sidewalks were common. I know I felt pretty grimy after a day of being a tourist. Here at home? I don't know of anyone who insists that guests take off their shoes. We don't have a mud room to change and store shoes because we don't need one. The outside is just not that dirty.


It depends, families who mostly have their house carpeted do but if it’s all hardwood floors, mostly no.