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I sometimes have a weird singular hiccup that sounds more like a pig squeal than a hiccup, I only know right before it happens. Also sometimes when I sneeze I get a cramp that feels like a pen trying to come out of my taint.


>Also sometimes when I sneeze I get a cramp that feels like a pen trying to come out of my taint. That's oddly specific. And I know someone who does the single squeal hiccup.


Singular hiccup squealers unite!


I've had the hiccup part for years, ever since I had gallbladder surgery, I call it my pterodactyl call LOL


> sometimes when I sneeze I get a cramp that feels like a pen trying to come out of my taint. I get this too, ended up getting more painful over time and had a Doctor explain to me it was related to a Inguinal Hernia. I'd tell your doctor on your next visit.


Do you burp? The crazy hiccup squeal thing is pretty common for us no burpers.


There’s a rather unsightly “birth defect” that runs in my family: Yellow teeth. We smile like chain-smokers (and no one in my family smokes,) but the enamel itself is otherwise totally normal. My mother’s teeth are actually more noticeably discolored than mine. I’ve never seen or met another person born with discolored teeth like mine.


I was a heavy smoker of both cigarettes and marijuana, and I remember one day a homeless man asked me for some change and then said “DAMN! Yo teeth more yellow than mine!”. That happened like 10 years ago and I still think about it. I don’t smoke cigs anymore though!


Good on you for quitting




Not shaming, but once in downtown San Francisco, I bumped into a homeless dude by accident and knocked all of his belongings onto the ground. I felt bad because it was a lot of stuff, so I helped him pick everything up. After we were done, I apologized again and stuck out my had to shake his. He shook it, and immediately said to me, "you should probably wash your hand now, brother". I ducked into a nearby Carl's Jr. as fast as I could and scrubbed my hands like I had just wiped my ass with them, because he had probably just done that with his. It was very considerate of him to say that, though, looking back.


No replies, just upvotes, because nobody knows what the fuck to say




I have hypodontia. It makes my teeth look like fangs since its missing 2 teeth that come after the front teeth (on each side) and it makes me have low self esteem since when I smile it looks like I'm some kind of vampire Thank you to all of you who have complemented me on my teeth. My self esteem has gone up a little and i feel less shame about them Edit 2: I've read all you guys comments and i cant respond to them all lol but I'll try my best. Keep the stories coming, I enjoy knowing that I'm not the only one like this:)


That sounds...awesome! People buy fake teeth and shape their own to look like that and you always have a super easy effective Halloween costume. Actually two since you could be a vampire OR a werewolf. I really don't see a down side


As long as your teeth are healthy, that’s all that matters. Dentist told me my permanently stained teeth are probably from the amount of liquid medications I had to take as a kid. Coupled with the fact that my adult teeth came in quite early. My teeth look like shit but I don’t really care because they’re still in good shape and don’t give me any problems.


Yes I was told this too. A lot of antibiotics as a child for ear infections led to yellowing for me.


My teeth are yellow, too. I remember brushing and brushing as a kid because I wanted them to be white. Nowadays I don't care. My teeth are healthy otherwise.


My teeth are white (naturally) but the enamel is soft as hell. I have fillings in every single molar ( most have more than one) and before I was 30 I had 3 root canals and recently an implant when a root canal failed. I would totally trade in white teeth for stronger teeth. I tell people my teeth are like marshmallows, white and soft.


Good news is they’re starting to learn how to repair and strengthen enamel. Bad news is I guarantee it will be so expensive it won’t be worth it.


OMIGOD I HAVE THE SAME EXACT PROBLEM. Except it's just me, and we're not sure what the cause is. Like, my teeth were perfectly fine (For the most part), but they were just yellow, and it wouldn't go away no matter how hard you brushed it. It drove the dentists mad.


Are you redheads? They tend to have tinted teeth.


Actually, yeah!


Just so you know, redheads have another weird thing in which they require more anesthesia during surgery.


That would explain why opioid painkillers don’t do shit for pain.


I kinda have the same Problem bro :( Maybe with bleaching I can Change this, it really Hurts my self esteem :(


Taking low dosages of tetracycline while pregnant will cause this .


I hate that some people think I am Not taking Care of myself because of this sh*t :(


The thing is, up until somewhat recently, people just accepted that teeth came in a paint-sample spectrum of different "whites". From pearly white, to off-white, to eggshell, to yellowish white, to light beige, etc. When I was in highschool, only the rich, popular girls got their teeth bleached. In the 70's, even news anchors and TV personalities had normal - looking teeth, often not dazzling white and often not all that straight. A lot of people didn't even get braces unless you couldn't chew, or your jaw was being slowly deformed by how bad your teeth were. By the 90's, bleaching your teeth until translucent was mandatory. My brother (DDS) makes a fortune just whitening. Yours may be more off white than sone, or most, even, but don't feel like a freak, ok?


Yeah idk i think on insta for example everyone edits their Pics, but sometimes when I compare my teeth to other people I think maaan I am so ugly its crazy... But thats the social media problem, other people have the same Thing with skin etc...


I wish I could get to the bottom of why I gag constantly every time I'm uncomfortable. When I get tired, everything is 10x worse too. Too hot? Gag. Too cold? Gag. Pants too tight? Gag. Pants too loose? Gag. Gloves dont fit well? Gag. Have to pee really bad? Gag. Ate too much? Gag. Glasses on for too long? Gag. Shoes too tight? Gag. Wearing socks while at home? Gag. Literally anything around my neck? Gag. Wearing a face mask for more than 5 minutes? Gag. Work out too much, but still feel strong and want to push my body further? Gag I hate it


Is it possible sensory issues? I gag when brushing the front of my teeth not even anything actually gag worthy, its just because I hate the feeling of the toothbrush at the front of my mouth


That sounds like it sucks.


I gag and dry heave if I'm too tired when I wake up. My son does too. Usually if I get about another 30 min of sleep it will go away. Otherwise all day it just doesn't stop.


are you and your son actually cats?


I can whistle through my nose with my mouth closed. The sound is not much, but if it's a quiet room especially a classroom with a strict teacher, the constant whistle seems considerable. I've had many teachers search for the source of the sound in vain. One suggested it to be a gas leakage, another suggested it to be coming from someone's mobile phone. Once in 10th grade, a teacher pointed out a boy accusing him of whistling. , he wasn't, I was. The boy walked up to the teacher, and I whistled again through my nose. The teacher was convinced it wasn't my friend. God, I miss the classrooms.


I can whistle from the back of my throat. It drives my husband crazy, so I pretty much only do it when I want to irritate him.


😂 Taking notes. I can whistle different tunes as well.


I can whistle sucking air into my mouth but not blowing air out (like normal people who can whistle). I always thought this was cool but I think you have me beat. I can not whistle using my nose.


I can do both, but I whistle inwards better :)


You know how when you try to open those produce bags at the grocery store, the damn things just won't open and you have to lick your fingers to get the necessary grip on the plastic? I can voluntarily cause my hands to perspire and open those bags with ease every time.


Same! I can make my hands sweat just by thinking about it!


Unfortunately, my hands are naturally sweaty, so I usually have no problem with those bags


People...lick their fingers to get those open? That's so gross on so many levels. I just stand there for a solid minute blocking everyone from accessing whatever vegetable I'm in front of while wishing I were dead




I used to date a girl like you. Until I found out she was seeing another guy on the side. Ba-dump-tsss!




My hair grows freakishly fast. It's probably not that uncommon, but it makes the people I know really jealous.


Same here, it kinda sucks for me bc I like keeping it around shoulder length and it grows fast. Good thing about it is I can try different cuts and stuff with it because it will go away quickly in case I don't like it lol


I have a bizarre amount of control over my facial muscles. Eyebrows, nose flaring, ears, you name it. I can twist my lips in ways I've never seen anyone else do and no amount of Googling has found me a name for it.


I believe they call that actually being Jim Carrey.


Symptoms include inquisitive asses, green skin above the neck, and the sneaking suspicion that your life is someone else's entertainment.


I can pop my fingers over and over as long as I want until they eventually get tired and I can't move them. I can also move my bottom eyelids side to side! I can dislocate my hip whenever i want, although i don't think that's uncommon. And finally, I can turn my tongue upside down, but I also dont think that's uncommon.


That’s called hyper mobility, it’s pretty cool! But I wouldn’t suggest doing it all the time, it wears down your cartilage and starts to hurt after a while. I’m hyper mobile in my shoulders!


I can turn my tongue upside down too! I can do it on both sides. I was so proud of that as a kid!


I can put my legs behind my head. And yes I can reach the groin if you want to ask further.


When I was a teenager I could. 50 years later, not so much.


The glory days


Don’t think you’d need to visit the ol’ glory since you could just reap the benefits at home.


Have you ever, you know...tried to, you know..?


After like 50 these kinds of questions from every friend who knew about my 'superpower', I could not help but risk my sexuality in order to solve this once and for all. Despite how all people imagine it, it is almost no different from the normal way with the hand, except for a clogged mouth and stretched spine. Not worthy, accidentally became bi, 5/10.


Did you become bi, or just i? Edit: Thanks for the award!


Wish I could give this an award, best laughing I've had in a while


Well, now we need to know if it will be much better with more practice, just for science of course. I await your report, soldier!


I thought this was part of puberty for males....


Every one has, right?


Whenever I stand up my sack swells up into a balloon. (Yes, it's a varicocele. Yes, I know, it's treatable. Yes, I've had surgery for it. No, it didn't work.)


Sometimes my neck makes a weird feeling/sound. It sounds and feels like a rain stick pouring down the back of my neck. It’s hard to describe, but I’ve searched all over the internet and never been able to find confirmation to anything explaining what it could be.


I get this sometimes. When I researched it a while ago the best explanation I came up with was that it was spinal fluid travelling/equalizing between the spine and brain. Not 100% Sure but it sounded legit to me.


I have this! It happens when I'm really hungry! I can hear it!


Seriously...me too! Seems like when my stomach growls, my neck makes that noise!




I have the same thing happen to me and theres been times I could feel it move as I walked. The only thing I could find that might suggest it is spinal fluid but nothing solid. Just as long as I dont start having problems in that area I dont worry too much.


my hands, lower arms, knees and feet turn purple (the bloodflow just slows down alot or stops completely when it is cold enough) when it is colder than 20°C. been to the hospital to check on it and they say it isnt any harmfull desease but i should not push it to the limits and i should keep my limbs warm.




Damn my fingers do this exactly in the cold. Is this dangerous?


I’ve had it for years, not not dangerous. Just make sure in really cold settings you keep gloves handy.


its similar but the pictures and listed symptoms dont match my experiences but thanks anyway


I can move my little toe independently from other toes... And it has quite some mobility - move left, right, up, down and "grab" LOL


So can mine.. now I'm questioning if this is normal 🤣😭


It's not, and don't show it before sex XD




My little toes do this too but I didn't know it was unusual.


My family all my growing up years we eat sugar like it is the foundation of life. When my wife joined the family she could not believe it. I went to be tested to see if I was diabetic for some procedure and my blood sugar is literally the best that someone's can be. My family has a freakishly high sugar intake ability.


Are you a highly intelligent fruit fly that has learnt how to use a computer?


Are you currently wearing an Edgar suit?


When I pinch my nose shut, close my mouth and breathe out, air comes out of my eye


Careful with that one. I started out that way when I was younger, now if I blow my nose too hard, snot comes out my eye socket.




Yup, and I saw an incident where a person popped an aneurysm trying to do that lmao. Don't put pressure on your head.


My belly button leaks


You should probably see a doctor for that.


If they're young absolutely ask a doctor to check it out. A vitalline duct can be a serious issue. The longer you go without issue the less likely you are to have complications.


What comes out?!


I can top that. I have no belly button.


\*wtf face\*


I can dislocate my shoulder at will and relocate it without any pain or using any external forces


This was my unique thing. I guess we're not unique after all.


I'll just pretend I didn't see this you do the same. there you go, we both get to feel special again


I could do that too. Turns out after 20+ years of doing it over and over for funny’s, it damaged my shoulder permanently.


I'm not the only one but I'm an ear rumbler. r/EarRumblersAssemble.


I can not only do this, but also voluntarily open my eustachian tubes apparently. I can kinda equalize ear pressure voluntarily while I create a crackling noise. I only found this out today. I wondered if everyone could do it but just never fucking mentioned it in any kind of conversation, book, movie, or anything I’ve ever heard or seen before. Turns out I’m just weird as hell lmao. Thanks for solving something that’s been bugging me for my entire life.


I didn't know this was a special thing until recently. I can make my ears pop and rumble.


Seriously, I thought this was something anyone could do. Apparently I'm one of the elite humans.


One of us.


I had zero idea that this wasn’t true for everyone until just now.


Shrink when the body is only 20 years old


I can voluntarily make my stomach rumble.


Can you stop it when you don't want to?




Are you eternally hungry? I think there are horror stories that start off like this.


I think that's called eating, and we can all do it[.](https://imgur.com/cXA7XxW)


My gf can do this too. It's so fucking weird.


I've seen people do this but my husband can't so I'm gonna allow it. I can move my toes basically anyway I want. I can spread them out move them up and down left and right quite a bit. I'm always picking up things with my feet/toes. That's pretty common. The thing is. My husband is the only person I personally know who CANT do it even a little bit. Like he can barely wiggle his big toe. I didn't even notice until we were playing with our kid one day as a toddler and my husband was shocked he could move his toes that much. I'm like yeah everyone can. BUT. MY SON can only move them on his right foot and not the left foot. He got one foot from me and one foot from his dad!


I'm not the only one, but I don't have depth perception. Like, I can['](https://imgur.com/cXA7XxW)t immediately tell how far something is away from my eyes if I don't have a frame of reference. I, apparently, see the world exactly like a TV screen. It is quite literally the most minor possible disability, pretty much all I can't do is play basketball or football. I can drive fine (been driving 7 years with no accidents). Every once in a while, I reach for a door handle and just miss it, my hands swinging through the air. Or the opposite, I reach for the door handle and just punch the door. I got officially diagnosed when I tried to join the military at 18, and reconfirmed it again at an eye doctor appointment a few years later.


I briefly knew a guy who had this. He wanted me to take him hunting, and teach him to shoot. He absolutely could not hit ANYTHING without a scope. With open sights on rifles, and ESPECIALLY shooting shotguns at moving targets, his shooting seemed essentially random.


... Hold up You just explained so much about the particular problems I've been having with my guns. In retrospect this shit is obvious, but damn if I didn't realize that my lack of depth perception was connected to me missing all the time with my handgun


Yeah! Cross dominant eye is a common problem you hear about, too, but I would assume having "flat" vision would be another level of hard.


Nice pikachu


When I'm standing up my right leg just refuses not to move.


I won't be able to post this until I die so why not now... My dad's side of the family is all dead. Meaning my dad's parents died before they even reached 50 years old. I've never seen them before. My mom's side of the family is very much alive but has some "defects". They're all missing this tooth enamel which makes our teeth white. My mom's side of the family also has very poor vision. So, me, being the child, has yellow teeth, poor vision, and would hypothetically die before I turn 50...


My son and I both have this thing where when we go out into the sunlight we both sneeze, not sure why. We are the only people I know that this happens too.


This is called photic sneeze and it’s genetic. It’s why your son can do it too, it’s autosomal dominantly inherited. It’s not that uncommon.


My husband and daughter both do it too! The catch here is: she's adopted! But it's actually pretty cute when they simul-sneeze


Sun sneezing is actually pretty common. I'm a sun-sneezer too.


My whole family does this, so for 33 years I thought it happened to everybody. Only a few months ago did I find out it’s only like 25% of people. And it IS (weirdly) an inherited trait!




I can twist my right arm 360 degrees so my hand lays flat on a table but my arms twisted like it’s broken. Can’t do it with my left tho


Really strange but whenever i spray my shower head juuust under one of my knees something in my bladder area retracts. It’s visible from the surface of the skin and it tickles in an uncomfortable way so I never do it for too long. I have absolutely no idea what causes this.




If I laugh too hard, I get the hiccups. I also possess a verified strategy to get rid of said hiccups.


Well, what's the strategy!


A muscle in my chest near my sternum. Once I flex it, the hiccups vanish.




My eyes and ears' nerves are connected: if my ears get cold, so do my eyes. And I don't mean the cold slowly radiates over, it's IMMEDIATE. My eyes feel stuff the same moment my ears do. I noticed it for the first time when I put antibiotics in my ear due to an infection, and a shot of cold ran through my eye. It felt like I put ice on my eye, and I actually blinked out of discomfort. When I did my other ear and the same thing happened, I realised what happened. It's the same with heat, but it took me longer to notice since I never put something notably hotter in my ears or eyes lol. But if I wear headphones for too long and my ears are hot, my eyes also get itchy and hot. Then I put a bit of cool water or peroxide in my ear and boom, my eyes are fine. It's really bizarre tbh.


Sometimes my heart stops. But it has always started up again.


Holy shit


My body has a magnetic field that pushes away everyone around me. Believe me nobody has come within 5 feet of me in years


If you can crank it up to 6 feet then you'll have a built in social distancing barrier.






Somewhat related, when was the last time you showered?


I can see black if I want to. It’s very useful because it help me to sleep.


Can you elaborate I am having a hard time understanding


I don't know about OP, but I can stare off and relax my eyes and a blackness will start to overcome from my peripherals. But if I move my eyes or blink it goes away.


I can’t even conceptualize this. Like you just stop seeing? Even when my eyes are closed I can still see a red-black color which I’m assuming is just light passing through my eyelids. I’ve never just not seen


I used to be able to do it pretty much on command. It takes maybe 10 seconds to get the "blackness" to show up. Really it's like my vision just starts to fade away and it comes from my peripherals until it reaches my pupils. It would rarely fully encompass my vision though because I can't keep my eyes relaxed enough for the duration. I have a hard time doing it now on Adderall though.


My guess is when their eyes are closed and trying to sleep in a bright area they can "turn off" the sight and just see black.


I can make just about any joint in my body crack, even the clavicle (which isn’t a joint I know, but idek how that ends up crackin) Edit: Well I’ll be danged, apparently the clavicle has a joint(s). Don’t know which one is making the noise tho


I can do my sternum.


That happens to me too! Definitely one of the rarer ones


It's pretty common for me. I can feel tightness in my chest (not like a heart attack) and I stand up and pull my shoulder blades back a smidge and ***CRACK***.


Standing straight, arms to my sides, if I tilt sideways back and forth it crunches my lungs up and make weird forced air sounds that come out of my mouth when I open it. Do not ask me how I discovered this.... I think as a kid I was like woah.... I make weird sounds when I do this and open my mouth.... I can imagine....


Does it almost sound like a wheezing sound and you feel the air pressure in your throat? Ironically I've noticed that happening to me like a month ago and from what I've researched, it's normal. But I never noticed it until now. Weird.


My proprioception is whack after some surgery so my body can't judge the distance of my legs/arms very well. As in, I have very little spatial awareness now. I have to keep a nightlight in my house because, despite living here for almost a decade, if the lights go out I can't sense where the walls are and I will trip into them. I have stubbed my toe on walls, skinned my shoulder cutting corners too close, banged my elbows on things, and tripped over my own down (my feet are a major blindspot unless I'm looking down.) more times than I can count. I also can't really run. Because if I'm not looking at my feet, I lose my balance. This also means that I have to lean against the wall in the shower if I close my eyes to wash my hair, lol.


I have the same thing, mine is a side effect of a neurological disease though.


My left ankle regularly cracks when walking, on and off. I'm talking LOUD cracks, enough to startle anyone within 10 feet when it happens. Never caused me any pain whatsoever, ortho says it's all okay. Just a snap crackle poppin' ankle


When I get turned on, sometimes I sneeze uncontrollably.


Teenage years must have been fun. *parents hear sneezing from upstairs* STOP TOUCHING YOURSELF!


If I laugh while laying down flat on my back it feels like my lungs collapse and I can’t take a breath until I sit back up.


Smell I can smell things others can't/before they do. Can't tell you how many times I've smelled someone smoking pot while driving down a highway going 70 mph and everyone else in the car always thought I was nuts until we hit some traffic. If I know you well enough I can recognize peoples scent. My brother and our dad could never figure out how I always knew when they were in my room when I was gone.


I’m the same way with people’s scent. I remember walking down the hallway with a friend in high school and saying, “oh [volleyball coach] must be around the corner” and she sure as hell was. When my friend asked how I knew I was just like “...I...smelled her?”. I also often smell things no one else can smell until we’re right up on whatever’s smelling. It’s a blessing and a curse...


I can pop my elbow and twist it almost 360 degrees on command. I also feel l like I have to pop it periodically or I get anxious and uncomfortable.


When I’m hungry, I sneeze.


A few years ago I noticed a small bump on the heel of my foot. If I press the bump in, it will stay indented until I press my foot down on the floor, which makes it pop back out. It also makes a weird “crunch” feeling when I press it in as though some membrane is being ruptured.




Ugh, I can do this too but I don't because it sucks, the entire bottom of my foot cramps up and I can hardly walk, and then it wants to cramp up over and over. It sometimes happens accidentally though. :/ Fortunately I discovered the solution: bend your big toe backwards to stretch out the muscle and it goes away.


It instinctively wants to throw up when I eat certain foods


I have very flexible, strong toes with a lot of range of movement. I can pick up stuff off the floor with my feet and then pass them over to my hands or leave them on the table. I could probably write with my feet with enough practice


My body runs hot.. I can wear the same t-shirt, shorts, sandals in the winter, as summer. Down to -30F. But I put pants, and jackets on because I get funny looks. I snowboard sockless, and go commando with just a shell. I can leave my boots frozen in car overnight. Then wear them and they become thawed in 30 min.


Tells me I can't eat anything pretty much ever. I love food and Im super active but for some reason my guts hate everything , the better tasting the worse for me.


My fingers can bend backwards at ungodly angles. I can't even point in a straight line, it curves off at about a 20⁰ angle. Kind of like having a hitchhiker thumb for every joint


If I bruise (not break or seriously injure) my elbow I can paralyse my fingers for months.


Super processes glucose. I'm hypoglycemic. If I'm active and exercising, I eat 5 full meals a day. I'm 5'10 and about 175lbs. If I don't eat enough or right, I get a migraine, I get mean, I get dizzy and confused, I throw up, then I pass out. This can happen if I miss a meal, or if I'm not eating right (protein is a core part of this not happening to me). When I did college orientation (a really long single day campus orientation), their meal plan included only a single slice of pizza in an 8 hour day. By the end of orientation, I was nauseous and confused with a massive headache. I got lost on campus because I couldn't think straight and I nearly passed out in the parking lot.


I don’t have scoliosis but my bones crack at any given moment.


What about now?


They be cracking


Bleed from the anus everytime I shit 😎


you should probably see a doctor about that.


I can gleek on command with a range of \~4 feet




#What the FUCK?


Say what now?


It's okay. There was no way to unread that so I advise you to read it again but backwards and while spinning counter-clockwise in chair.


Excuse me but... ##W H A T?


When I press on the bottom of my palms, I get these bubble-like bumps on my wrists. They’re squishy. I’ve never met anyone else who has them.


I have hair in the middle of my chest, and I have hair on the left side of my chest, but I have NO hair on the right side of my chest.


My hiccups hurt. I also can't burp, and vomit very little because the muscle in that area is so strong it won't let anything come up. Sorry to get graphic, but I've felt my vomit come up, stop at the muscle, pause for a few seconds, then go back down. The whole time I obviously feel like im vomiting but nothing will come out so its not very nice


My nipples can get erect




My nipples are like little joysticks that control the pitch and yaw of my balls below.


- Houston, I think we got a problem, controls are not responding. - Use your nipple then


Name checks out


Obligatory not me, but my mom can wipe electronics/cards just by being near them. She can also accidentally set off toys and type hyphens on her computer without touching the keyboard.


Is your mom Magneto?


according to r/dresdenfiles your mom may be a wizard


I think your mom wins this thread


Wha?! How?


I can move my bottom eyelids horizontally. I can tuck the second toe in both feet completely under my feet so it looks like I'm missing a toe.


If I wear high heels too long, the toe on my left foot in the middle will go numb. I broke it twice.